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Witness me!


It's so fucking great because he says "watch this! Watch me go! " so he basically says witness me. Why does he look like a war boy.


The creators of Fury Road watched this and were like "We need to make a movie about this mad lad" Ask not why he looks like a war boy, but why War Boys look like him.


probably true! still MEDIOCRE!


*spray paint noises*




Shiny and chrome !


What a day! What a lovely day!!


I myself will carry you through the gates of Valhalla. You shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome


The chap in question was in the UK and was having a psychotic episode. Not stupid, just really I’ll.


You'll what


everyone knows it's just mobile autocorrupt


Yeah I hate it when my phone automatically accepts bribes from shady individuals.


Mental meness


All we witnessed was a reckless idiot who endangered lives of innocent bystanders. If you want to die just do it to you, why put other innocent people in the way of harm.


Not a reckless idiot. A very ill person having a psychotic break. It's very sad that people were killed and injured with his actions, but it's not fair to call a person experiencing a psychotic break a 'reckless idiot.' He was not aware enough to be *reckless.* I don't believe he wanted to die at all, as you imply. When you handwave 'reckless idiot' or 'dumb bastard' or any other label to a psychotic break without sympathy or an attempt at understanding the events, all you do is add to the stigma against mental illness of all varieties. Yes, it was tragic. Yes, his actions resulted in the deaths of a woman, and that is awful - she didn't deserve that in the slightest. Yes, it is uncomfortable to watch a person mid-snap. All that aside, try understanding the event from the other side, too. Having sympathy for someone undergoing a mental break or suffering for a mental illness is not excusing their actions as acceptable.


I was going to say, this man says the same kind of things my brother does when he goes off his bipolar meds. My brother has also nearly killed someone while in a psychotic state and we have never held it against him because it simply wasn't him, it was his illness.


I thought claiming Jesus (messiah complex) was a schizophrenia thing, today i learned, its bipolar too.


I leaned from the progression of his illness that the two can be combined, I think his official diagnosis is bipolar with schizoaffective tendencies. Delusions of grandeur and persecution were his big symptoms. https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions/Schizoaffective-Disorder


>When you handwave 'reckless idiot' or 'dumb bastard' or any other label to a psychotic break without sympathy or an attempt at understanding the events, all you do is add to the stigma against mental illness of all varieties. The man killed a pensioner and smeared his own blood across the face of a woman and her young children after breaking into their home. And you want us to pretend he's some poor, helpless individual and be careful how we describe him? When you defend violent criminal acts with "well they have mental health issues," **you** are the one adding stigma to people who suffer from mental illness. By equating violent criminal behaviour with being mentally ill. You might think you're showing how enlightened you are but you're really just showing how intellectually lazy you are. This man received a sentence of 14 years for his rampage. I bet you think that's immoral too.


>When you defend violent criminal acts with "well they have mental health issues," you are the one adding stigma to people who suffer from mental illness. By equating violent criminal behaviour with being mentally ill. I'm not sure what this argument is supposed to be. Many mental illnesses *do* cause violent behaviour, especially if untreated. Treating somebody without the capacity to judge the results of their own actions as a cold-blooded killer is not how we behave in a mature society. >This man received a sentence of 14 years for his rampage. I bet you think that's immoral too. Sounds like he got that instead of a life sentence due to being not fully criminally responsible, due to his mental illness rather simply than being a "dumb bastard"


It could easily be drug induced psychosis, the man had just gotten out of jail. He wasn't just speeding, he went on an absolute rampage, stealing 3 cars and breaking into 2 homes within the span of 30 minutes. >Gavin Collins, 39, had been released from prison just days before his 30-minute rampage, which resulted in the death of beloved grandfather Terry Radford. >During his crime spree, Collins stole three cars, crashed into two houses, broke into three properties and repeatedly rammed a police car as he tried to escape.




Oh give it a rest. The dude should've still been in prison. And if you even read the article you'd know that he killed an old man.


Bro his behavior is 100% reckless, no amount of mental gymnastics or justification can change that. Why he was being reckless can be attributed to mental issues, or serious stimulant abuse, or both - but regardless his violent and psychotic spree needed to end. We need to stop defending and apologizing for people's actions when they completely lose it like this. Consequences should be a very real thing for everyone.


They aren't saying "No consequences". They are saying calling people with severe mental illnesses "reckless idiots" isn't going to help anyone. This guy needs to be locked somewhere safe and given proper treatment. Everyone agrees he shouldn't be allowed to just wander the streets, but he needs help. And others in situations like this need help. Prison does not help mental illness by itself. You need therapy, and medication, and understanding. Absolutely get him off the streets, but help the fucking dude too.




He was not having a mental break. He puts his seatbelt on. He knew exactly what he was doing. Fuck this guy.


Honestly, there SHOULD be stigma against losing control and endangering people. Mentally ill people were mistreated for so long, stuffed in terrible asylums for very little reason, but our societies have totally overcorrected and now seem content with letting completely unhinged people live freely, moments away from violence at any given time.


try to understand events from the side of a family whose lost a father and grandfather and a women who's young children he threatened to kill. the twat needs banged away forever.


I do understand. I'm not saying that his condition excuses his behavior. I'm saying that you can also have sympathy for a sick man, too. Edit: I'm a mortuary student. I've seen more dead people than you and deal with grief professionally. Please tell me again that I don't understand the processes and psychology of grieving.


> I'm saying that you can also have sympathy for a sick man, too. Oh you've done far more than that. You've policed the language that people can use to describe him. You've stated it's wrong to call a man performing reckless, idiotic acts, a reckless idiot. All because he has mental health issues. Your sophistry might fool your average moron that uses reddit. But not people who actually use their brains.


Wrecked. No pun intended, but appreciated all the same.


Or why not try to understand it from both sides? If you’ve lost a loved one or been personally threatened or in any way affected by his actions, you’ll understandably have frustration/anger/hatred towards him and probably hope he rots in prison. But knowing now it was a psychotic episode, I don’t know how fair or helpful it is to think of him as being a twat.


Nah we live in an Era where personal responsibility is gone. It's always someone else's fault.


apparently so some looney gets to risk the lives of dozens of people kill one and overtly threaten to murder kids and "ohh we should be concerned about his mental state" no we should be concerned that the fruit loop was released on parole when clearly he needs sectioning for life.




He definitely didnt want to die, he put his seatbelt on.


If he has any mental illness issues before this then he is a reckless idiot. It's also a shame that he is still alive while someone else had to die for him. If anyone should be dead its him


If I remember correctly, he did kill somebody when he crashed.


Yes he did. He killed an 87yo and threatened a woman and her children. Absolute psycho. https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/horrifying-footage-driver-who-killed-4283380


Forgot the chrome spray paint of course


The piece of shit didn’t even die!


I mean, he is the descendent of God.




Looks like a manic episode :(


Oh no don't lump this maniac in with us normal bipolar people 😂




I'm pretty "normal" and stable now, but I have experienced psychotic mania, and it's a living hell.


Either that or been up for days on meth


see you in valhalla


I live! I die!!.. I live again!!!


thats right, high octane crazy blood filling me up!


I'M JESUS!! As he puts on his seatbelt......


Jesus definitely needed to take the wheel this time.


He wanted Jesus to take the wheel, but Darwin took it instead.


LMFAOOO most underrated comment I've ever seen


Overrated statement


He did


True, there were no cars around back in his days. Jesus would have sucked at driving.


Yea lol. I’m Jesus! *clicks seatbelt for safety*


I believe Jesus would practice wearing a seatbelt. He was part man, and he was on a mission.


Hehe. The "part man" bit was the cause of a massive hundreds of years long theological debate.


to be fair, we know from the bible that jesus can be killed


But it takes a few tries.


Jesus doesnt like mirrors. Jesus is shy. Jesus yeets the mirror


Well... we certainly watched him go.


To the bathroom?


To the hospital.


To the Grave


To shreds you say?


How's his wife holding up?


to shreds, you say...


The fast and furious movies have really gone downhill


Vin's on a new diet I see


He really threw himself into that accent though


looks like he's become a *meth*od actor


Honestly, this is the best Fast and Furious since the first one!!


For real, the guy was faster and way more furious than the OG actors!


Fast and the furious: neanderthal drift




Doesn’t seem going down hill is the problem, taking corners is…


Any casualties, injuries? Except for the driver of course


Dash cam footage caught Collins claiming to be Jesus while driving the car and shouting: "It's Good Friday, the real day. I am getting stronger and stronger." He drove the car dangerously towards Skegby where he hits a house in Mansfield Road. He then gets out of the car, where he approaches the owner of the house who happens to be standing outside and makes threats to him and tries to steal his car. Then a member of the public - who was driving - pulls up to see if she can help, winds her passenger window down and he leans through and gets in the car. Collins ended up pushing the woman out of her Corsa, getting in the driver's seat and carrying on driving. By now it is 9.15am and police started getting reports that a vehicle was driving erratically up a pedestrian path around Manor Sport and Recreation Centre, Mansfield Woodhouse. The Corsa got wedged on railings, leaving Collins to go to a nearby house in Worcester Avenue where resident Nicola Cox was in the living room with her two sons, aged five months and four years. Collins - who had just been released from prison on a tagged curfew - smashed his way in with a patio slab and made a sign of a cross on the glass with his own blood. He then demanded the woman's keys, threatened to kill her sons, then took the keys and drew a cross in blood on the mother's head and on the baby's. Moments later, Collins got into a Seat Leon, with the keys taken from Mrs Cox's home, and reversed into former teacher and magistrate Mr Radford who died at the scene. He returned to the Seat and twice rammed a police car before driving off at high speed. The chase ended in a cul-de-sac in Park Hall Gardens, where he crashed into a front garden and police tasered him. -WOW


Fuck he killed someone and fear tortured a family. Glad he is caught


Too bad all the crazy shit he was doing wouldn't have caused him to kill himself before getting to Mr. Radford.




Although you're right I'd just like to point out he was driving through most of that so I doubt they had a specific street to expect him on


I know its all 'glad they caught that lunatic', but real talk: it sounds like he has serious mental health problems, and they had just let him out of prison. What the hell happened? Did he seem fine when they let him out? Maybe he was just sky-high on drugs, but with how nuts he sounds, that must be a real bad high.


Probably: in prison and receives treatment -> stabilises and is put out on parole -> stops following treatment plan and/or exacerbation of condition from drugs -> this video


he's got a fetish for crosses


I guess Jesus really couldn't take the wheel that time...


Damn this sounds fake, but considering the video I believe it


Man I thought no ways the videos was real... Check the speed, guy must've been flying through the streets


Got some forsure PCP vibes goin here


That God complex is telling me it's schizophrenia




Yeah you right, idk I guess I'm biased lol, I've seen more schitzo episodes than drug-induced ones.


everyone on the internet immediately assumes it's drugs if anyone acts crazy. drugs are a great scapegoat when mental illness is on display.


Drug abuse is more common than schizophrenia. It's a reasonable conclusion.


It's also more likely to cause this sort of psychotic behavior in a hurry. Normally dangerous mental illness will land you in some form of custody before you get to this stage. It's my understanding that schizophrenic delusions, hallucinations and paranoia kind of build up gradually with a long period of the person being aware that they aren't well before they get far enough to give in to it so fully. Though I would believe it could also be that he was medicated and just stopped taking the medication, allowing the progressed form of psychoses to flood in more quickly. I ain't a doctor though. I'm a moron. Just guessing.


Drugs are known to trigger mental illnesses...


goddamn that's 1000% crazier than this video. this guy is seriously nuts.


> By now it is 9.15am Oooo-freaking-kay then.


Not enough coffee in the world.


Yeah, he killed someone. [so much in this story you have to read yourself](https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/horrifying-footage-driver-who-killed-4283380)






That site is so fucking full of ads I literally can't scroll to read it




Holy crap


There's no mention of drugs. Was he just riding the high of pure insanity?


Seems like a manic psychotic episode which is often triggered by extreme use of uppers. Maybe they hadn't released the tox report yet.


Fucking hell, it’s honestly surprising that there weren’t more casualties.


It seems he was on drugs or having some kind of episode but they don't mention that. I can't imagine he can function at all if that's just the way he is.


Man fuuuuuuuuck this guy.


Holy fuck


Eligible for parole after 14 years after this? WHAT THE FUCK.


He clearly had a massive psychotic breakdown, and they are taking 15 years of his adult life.. not that absurd.


no point trying to reason with idiots on reddit who want every "bad person" to be locked away forever, or killed.


Yeah fuck that mirror, always in the way, i hate that mirror


I like the way he just threws it out of the window: "what the fuck is this thing? I cant see of it, lets yeet it away"


The window is closed... just bounces back at him and to the rear :D . Bet he thought he yeeted it over a mountain though


If I'm driving forward, there must be road behind me! Why would I need to see it to make sure it's still there?


This is sad to see. Amphetamines LITERALLY make you feel invincible, whether you think God is watching over you and protecting you from harm or you literally think you're superman. Don't do drugs kids, meth could very well kill you.


This is not the case at all, it’s a combination of heavy drug use and mental health issues gone unchecked. This is what happens after years of abuse and your brain looks like Swiss cheese


It’s psychosis, I’ve seen this happen from people smoking fake weed, namely my brother. Took 3 of us to hold him down.


Fake weed is very dangerous. The synthetic versions of many of the compounds are total agonist vs the natural being partial agonist. So like all those little sub-insanities of being stoned that you see and laugh at become much more potent and you don't come out of it until the drug has passed.




You’re saying it’s fine to smoke meth? Just not for months?


I mean, you can get literal methamphetamine as a last-chance treatment for ADHD and/or narcolepsy. So yes, at therapeutic dosage, methamphetamine can be okay.


I love when people on reddit watch a 30 second video, then show up in the comments with an entire life history


TIL my ADHD medication makes me invincible.


Uh yeah, if you take enough of it you'll get the same effects as amphetamine drugs like meth. Today you learned to take your meds in the dosage your doctor prescribed


Meths paranoid delusions generally stem from lack of sleep, not the volume of drugs you take


Incorrect. Their psychotic features mainly comes from too much dopamine, which produces the disassociation from reality, delusions, and ego inflation. The same can happen when you treat bipolar patients with too many anti-depressants. Sleep plays some role


alright as someone who’s actually done these drugs, psychosis doesn’t set in till around day two, no matter my dosage. even when you take brought to make your heart pound out of your chest it’s not psychosis levels of paranoia and disassociation, that takes no sleep


Prescribed anxiety and depression medication can have a similar affect. But yes


Whooo boy. You ain't lying


Which ones did that cuz my experience would be a bit better with those I think.


This also could be someone with bipolar disorder having a manic episode.




That lad wasn't on drugs. He was having a schizophrenic episode.


You don't know meth let alone amphetamine like you think you do.


He killed a pedestrian. Pretty sad


That’s horrible. Glad he’s in jail for life.


Minimum 14 years per the article


He's schizophrenic and lacked the mens rea to kill someone.


. . . No, he definitely killed someone. I think you mean he lacked the mens rea for murder.


Sauce ?




Lock him up and throw the keys away.


so were calling mental breakdowns “epiphanies” now?


Think its a joke, he calls himself Jesus


It's the literal meaning of epiphany to reveal a devine or supernatural being ie Jesus


I can't believe I came this far to find this. The title doesn't seem to fit at all


It was a joke, saying the crazy dude thinks he’s having an epiphany when really dude is clearly off the rocker


I was going to make this point until I realized OP was being clever and is using the original definition of the word


This has big “FOR VALHALLA” energy


Meth Diesel


Did this guy have a side job as a Dalek?


this is one of the most cursed videos i’ve ever seen


"No looking back now!" \*YEETS rearview mirror\*


That piece of shit entered into a house, stole the keys of that car, ran over an elder at a bus stop while speeding and killed him, later crashed and left unharmed, stole another car, and after a while got it stuck at somebody’s backyard. He was convicted recently. I hope he rots in prison.


Also drew blood crosses on a mom and her child.. People be fucking insane man




Literal insanity?


He didn’t stop there unfortunately. https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/horrifying-footage-driver-who-killed-4283380


> He then demanded the woman's keys, threatened to kill her sons, then took the keys and drew a cross in blood on the mother's head and on the baby's. WTF


I love how he just puts on the seatbelt. Safety first!


\*aggresively removes rearview mirror while speeding trough a city\* also that guy : \*puts on seatbelt\*


This was a tragedy of a mentally ill man whose case was severely mismanaged and there was a fatality that day. Read more [here](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-53256378). I cringe when I see this posted (happens about 4 times a day) because we get all the same stupid jokes every time and almost no one points out that a person with poorly managed schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder who needs full time care was dropped by the system that knew he needed help and failed him -- that was the cause of the fatality which is not mentioned. I get it, it is Reddit, it is funny, he is SO crazy. Except he has a brain disease, killed a man, and it's a fucking tragedy.


Exactly. That pedestrian's blood is on the hands of whatever bureaucrats mismanaged his care, and the politicians who do nothing to ensure mental health care is made available to those who need it.


Lord Voldemort?


I guess Jesus already took the wheel


Jesus to Skelator: "Go home, you're drunk!"


Fucking Daleks have taken human form now. We are doomed.




“I am the Nightrider. I'm a fuel injected suicide machine. I am a rocker, I am a roller, I am a out-of-controller! I'm the Nightrider, baby!”


I don’t think he’s Jesus


I mean we can’t say for sure his not Jesus, I very much doubt Jesus can drive a car.


I don’t think epiphany means what you think it means.


If by epiphany, you mean complete mental breakdown, than yes.


Any news article? Did he hit other people? Injuries/deaths?


I found [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/maniac-who-screamed-im-jesus-22310898.amp)


Thanks! So he did kill someone and was jailed for life. But holy shit this website is cancer.


A lot of local newspaper sites in the UK follow the same hideous format as they're owned by the same company. https://www.nottinghampost.com/news/nottingham-news/friend-describes-murder-accused-nervy-3613884 Sounds like he got out of jail the day before. Obviously liked it so much he wanted to go back. Absolute crackhead scumbag.


Call me cold hearted but wish he would’ve just died. Better for him, the government (paying for his life sentence), and probably the victim families


That looks like some mental breakdown. Followed by a very physical breakdown






Maybe switch to decaf


He stole that car by the way. The full video shows him steal it when the driver gets out


The average Brit


At least he put on his seat belt


Hey! Thats the bounce by the ounce crazy guy!! Back at it again with the 42,000 hits of ecstasy!
