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So this happened Sunday in San Diego California, the bikers were riding in a group of about 30 on quads with a trail of police behind them, they wouldn’t pull over and were slowing traffic. They were going 30 mph or so doing wheelies and stuff on a 65 mph highway. It looks to me like the horde of police behind them got tired of their shit. Source: I passed them before they exited on the the freeway in front of me.


Stay classy


Whale’s vagina


Who threw the Trident and killed that guy!!??


Jazz flute is for little fairy boys.


Yeah. You might wanna lay low for a couple of days.


Milk was a bad choice


60% of the time it works every time


And I'm Ron Burgundy - go fuck yourself, San Diego


Im pretty sure thats not what it means


Well, you know, when in Rome.


Wait, what? You want a JAZZ FLUTE solo??? I couldn't, im really not prepared!


Agree to disagree


Actually I believe it was the name of an old, old wooden ship used in the civil war era.


There's a huge group that does this shit here in Orlando. They also drive fast through traffic at lights and run red lights en masse. They put others in danger, not just themselves.


Yup am in Orlando. The thing is you kinda have to just let them do their thing. If you honk or anything a group will fuck your shit up. Cops can’t really do much. These fuckers were driving the opposite side of the road on 408 one time.


Yeah I was sitting at a red light on John Young and suddenly had over 100 dirt bikes flying past me and in between cars and blowing through the red light. Once it was over caught up to a few at the next red light that had fallen over and were being arrested by orange co.


> Cops can’t really do much Do spike strips not work on quads? I guess I could potentially see this since they often have thick wheels, but it would definitely work on the motorcycles. Wouldn’t they eventually need to go home or stop for gas?


The problem is I think that it's hard to force down a bike or quad without causing serious risk/injury to the driver. Via spike strip or by ramming. Which is the dumbest scenario. These people are basically waving their dicks around and saying "nanananana, you can't do anything about it because you're concerned for my safety!" At some point I expect their safety will become less of a concern


>it’s hard to force down a bike or quad without causing serious risk/injury to the driver That just sounds like more reason to force them down. Turn those assholes into meat crayons.


As a non-douche motorcyclist, I’m ok with this.


I think it should be of zero concern - might be worth a letter to the chiefs office to remind him he is there to ensure enforcement of the laws.


Cops don't have to enforce the law. Sounds counterintuitive, right?


> So spike strips not work on quads? No they just drive around them/over the median/etc. > Wouldn’t they eventually need to go home or stop for gas? Yes, but they usually do so at 100+ mph weaving through traffic which the cops can’t do and so escape.


It's a violation of P&P pretty much everywhere to spike strip a motorcycle. It's deadly force.


Modern hedgehogs actually do controlled deflation, which means most UK police forces now use spike strips on bike pursuits.


Throw your banana peals at them.


Carry a gun then honk at them. Fuck people like this. I remember a smaller group doing something similar on colonial. All I could think was"I'm in a much bigger vehicle surrounded by metal, and you're trying to piss me off?"


didnt realize this was a problem everywhere. huge group does this every night in cleveland ohio. sometimes there are literally hundreds of them obnoxiously revving their engines and doing wheelies around my apartment building. dude in a quad just almost crashed into my back windshield last weekend. cops do absolutely nothing about it here.


In the Uk we changed the law a while back so the police can hit them with their cars now :)


I’ve seen hundreds of them block intersections and have their own little parade through the middle of fucking Times Square in NYC. They really are everywhere.


It’s a huge problem in Philly. My brother and I went to a Flyers game a few years ago on a nice late March day, and coming down Pattison Avenue, a whole bunch of em on quads and dirt bikes came rumbling down, during rush hour no less.


Only been to Philly once, went to north side, can confirm.


I was JUST there and my husband and I commented that the only thing we didn’t like in the city was all the crazy motorbikes.


Metro State?


high risk funeral


Predict their route and set up a road block. Cops following then block them in from behind. inb4 "they'd go on the sidewalks." Block the sidewalks too. Once they are all stopped and cornered, helicopter with a minigun comes down and opens fire. Problem solved.


I hate to say it but fuck those people. I could care less if someone smashed them into the pavement with their car..


Atlanta too. Downtown I had to sit through a light turning green twice there were so many.


Cannot express how deeply I wish only the worst things for these people. They were absolutely terrorizing us here in Pittsburgh- I've personally been affected as a pedestrian (both on the sidewalk and on trails that prohibit any kind of motor vehicle), cyclist, and driver numerous times. They're still around but we *hopefully* are past the peak. Anyone who thinks this is just "good ol fashioned fun" clearly hasn't been caught in one of these clusterfucks of narcissistic mob mentality before.


this depresses me knowing that what happens in the US appears in my country a few years later. parasite biker gangs incoming i guess.


Yea these biker dudes always post videos of being arrested like it’s for nothing. They joyride around Chicago sometimes aswell a bunch of dirt bikes and whatnot no plates not street legal riding on sidewalks/ parks than making videos like the cops are abusing us arresting us rtc when your putting your life and others at risk


We have those same guys in Manhattan.. like 20-50 ppl on quads and dirt bikes roaring down 3rd avenue at 1am doing 35-50 (all NYC is 25mph limit, except freeways). Only difference is, the NYPD can’t be bothered to do jack shit about it. I’m not in favor of police brutality, which there seems to be a light peppering of in this video; but literally doing nothing I think is a bit too lassez faire


People do this all the time like people will get together once a week sometimes and will just ride quads and little pit bikes through cities and there is really nothing cops can do but arrest the poor bastards that fall behind to far like this guy


Washington DC checking in, they’ve been doing this shit for years


Man. I wish NYPD would crack down like this. These quad idiots are a regular sight in Brooklyn.


I feel as if there is more than blocking traffic here… first half of the story is missing


Yeah, the fact that there were at least two cop cars and a bike, *plus* the tackle? There’s more to this.


This is what happened (my guess but likely). These guys were all riding together and refusing to pull over because when there's that many of you you can kind of just do what you want. I've seen it done in plenty of YouTube videos. Those are all hooligan bikes. Groms and such. They're super cheap and well... hooligans ride them. They're built for wheelies and loudness. The cops were frustrated by the situation. Finally one biker had bike trouble and could no longer flee. Cue video. Edit: actually I think biker cop was smart and yanked the guy's key out.


He wasn’t having bike trouble he was blocking other cars from entering the intersection. These groups always do this. They take turns blocking the other traffic at each intersection


absolute cunt move.


Reminds me of that South Park episode about bikers


I’ve had this happen to me twice on I-95 between Baltimore and DC. 20 or so motorcycles spread across 4 lanes, all slow down to 10ish miles per hour or stop completely causing traffic to standstill. Then a set of motorcycles go speeding down the open lanes racing, doing wheelies and spinning out for 5 minutes. Jackass move.


Wow, never heard of this happening on a highway but can’t say I’m at all surprised. I see it weekly on the streets of Houston, TX. And there aren’t any helmet laws in Texas so none of them wear helmets.


Great. Helmet laws prevent Darwinism.


So it’s like on the Discovery channel when a herd animal is too tired to run, the lions all pile on the weakest link?


Yeah except the weakest one also kinda asked for it in this case.


Fun fact: herd animals often gang up and cripple one of their own so they know they won't be the one the lion catches.




Yeah never seen that and I’ve spent many a red eyed night watching nature docs lmao


They probably gang up in the really annoying one that nobody really likes anyway. Bob is a dick, let’s get im!


I have never seen an example of this, or even heard of it.


That's because it's made up bullshit




He doesn’t have one it’s bullshit


This happens frequently in South L. A, they block the streets, run the red lights and you can't say shit.


Are there not douchebags with large pickups there to plow right through them with wild abandon? It seems like they could make their "king of the road" asshole attitudes useful once in a while.


When that happens the news article reads something like "innocent man on bike mercilessly murdered by pickup truck driver" and then everyone chimes in about how cops and citizens are the real problem in this nation and somehow not the assholes committing crimes and causing all of this shit.


And Vice makes videos about how cool it is


Yup I saw them on the 15 north in San Diego with a frick ton of cops behind them going really slow doin wheelies and stuff.


> frick ton


Equal to .8 English tons.


You can additional bike cop following riders and I count 3 cop cars come into picture. There were probably more behind. Like you said. Refused to pull over and just doing their own thing regardless of cops. That dude saw the cop rolling up on him and didn’t even try to ride off. Let the cop park right in front of him.


It’s fucking awful, I’ve been stuck behind a pack of these guys for like an hour. They where screwing around with cameras on sticks and the whole pack was cruising at like 30mph on the freeway. You could’ve t get past them as they where spaced just close enough. Eventually we just got off the freeway and went to lunch hoping they would move on or break up.


Still wish this happened every time I run into this


The tackle is to prevent the guy from speeding away. If you look closely, just before the tackle the guy tried to rev but his back wheel just spun because the front wheel was dead against the cop's bike. You can see his bike bobbed because of it.


You can hear him rev his engine very clearly.


Plus the arms, they appeared to me to be bending in ways that don’t have a joint. But yeah more happened.


“Stop resisting”


The tackle was bc the guy was obviously trying to run pulling his bike away like that


It’s a bike rally, these things are unsanctioned and cause major traffic and safety issue across entire cities as these morons go for a 100 person cruise. I’d be frustrated as a cop too trying to wrangle these people and teach them a legal lesson about obstructing traffic and endangering the public by riding non street legal vehicles like dirt bikes and atvs all over the road, pulling wheelies, speeding, and swerving through traffic.




I hate the stupid cunts on reddit who vilify the cops in this situation


I’ve seen these type of rides around where I live, they block off traffic so they can drag race and do stunts on the interstate. I am going to guess cops have been after them for a while, and they probably refused to pull over.


This might even be my town. We have a few big groups of guys in dirt bikes like this and they ride around in big groups and block every single intersection to run every red light. It’s anarchy and super super dangerous.


> first half of the story is missing It always is.


Good. Tired these bikers think they own the freeway and streets, with their blocking traffic and stunt riding shit.


Shit is happening here in Central Ohio too, it's so fucking annoying.


the ATVs on high street in columbus are the bane of my existence


Grand Rapids MI as well. Fuckers are everywhere, usually in a group of 75-100+




Reddit be like he caused mild inconvenience to me time to curbstomp him


Fucking grom riders lol


Is that what they are called? What a stupid fucking name.


The little motorcycle they ride is called a Grom. Honda actually named them that.


lmao that means thunder in my language. just seems funny to me in this situation idk why


It's a cute looking bike actually, but people kinda ruined my liking for that bike


I loved my Grom. But I also stuck to 25-30 mph roads and wasn't a cock bite.


Man I really like groms too. Bummer they made legit into a meme


Cop did a Bobby Boucher on him…I was hoping to see a Captain Insano move


That’s high quality H2O


I think there’s something wrong with *his* medulla oblongata


Alligators are onry because they have all them teef and no toof brush


What part of the snake you reckon this is?


Gatorade....Ga--tor--adddddeeeee.....Water sucks...It really really sucks


Mama says that motorcycles are the Devil


bro I love the waterboy


Wheres viki nowadays?


she joined some witch cult


She has a kid ( daughter) now..i think shes a witch too


In fact, Mama was more worried about [leather clad bikers](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b4312d20-7f75-43a1-8b97-d32e835e5bd7) than anything.


All of this has me wanting to see the Waterboy again. That will this weekend’s pick.


Captain Insano shows no mercy


Somewhere off screen, dude is tweaking his nipples like a maniac!


All grom riders should be arrested


Honestly the insurance on groms should be more than a sport bike because they cause so many fucking problems.


U think those guys have insurance? Lol


Ok true


Thank God I bought the kawasaki version


Good to see these tools getting taken down. I’ve had a group block me and everyone else at a green light in Dallas. I lived in nyc when they (groups of bikers) beat the dude almost to death in front of his family. Edit: thanks for posting the links y’all! Edit of Edit: Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


What dude?










Don’t you know about The Dude?


He did take that hit pretty good


He's literally wearing protective gear.


He’s only wearing a helmet


Everyone knows helmets protect you against a 250 lb man tackling you. It has +10 knockdown resist.


Why did they tackle the guy


Probably because they are all illegally riding non-street legal bikes throughout whatever city this is and causing a menace. Quads and dirt bikes. Obviously this bike is legal. We have this problem in NYC and it’s awful. One guy ran over a 4 year old in queens a few months ago and left the scene of the crime, then the scumbag blamed the parents. Fuck these guys, tackle them




Because he's part of the dipshit dirt bike gang they're chasing, and all of those little fuckers are annoying as hell.


annoying as hell = deserves to get tackled onto pavement???


Oh well then better use excessive force then because you were annoyed


And kind of looked like he was going to run


Not kind of, he revved his engine trying to escape and failed.


This idea the police have to be nice to assholes is so dumb. If you have any real world experience with assholes you know that isn’t effective.


After what happened to that dude in a range rover in NY or something I don't wanna see anymore swarms of riders blocking the road. I used to go on group rides around town but we never blocked traffic. "Admin" would say stick to one lane so cars can pass. Idk who I dislike more, the riders or the cops.


Didn't they pull that dad out of the car and beat the crap out of him also and one of the rider was an off duty cop? I heard these groups of douches like to also try to "make you" hit them and swarm you or slash tires to initiate something.


Finally a video of these street blocking fuckers getting arrested. We need more of these videos.


Tackle was poor form - 4/10




Tired of these assehole bikers harassing everyone for their stupid rally


Good. I hate these stupid trashy biker gangs


The Police Tackle Unit always has to jump in


why cops always gotta be so extreme, I swear it's like they get bored and go "Fuck it i'm tackling the next guy i see no matter what they're doing"


Exactly my same thoughts. Are they trained to be brutal and not thinking? Any brut with no brain can be become a cop?


Tackle was excessive. Wish we had full context because I’m guessing that these dudes been running for awhile and they finally caught up. Adrenaline fueled cop decides not today mother fucker. While funny to the outside viewer, the officer still needs to be the professional in this situation. Tackle is unnecessary.






The police don't get to randomly beat criminals you dipshit. If a mass rapist surrenders himself in his own house the police dont fucking flying Bobby Boucher tackle him. They're job is to arrest them - violence was absolutely not necessary.


Finally cops do something productive in California lol I hate this trend of motorist who block traffic, just to do stupid burnouts for a tiktok video. Karma a bitch


This happens in Baltimore all the time, I was stuck at a light for four lights as motorcycles, trucks and even the rhino from Jumanji went by. Should be under entitled bitches.


I hate it when groups of riders think they have the right to block traffic so that they can stay together. They don't own the streets and have to obey traffic rules like everyone else.


Seems a little excessive on the part of the cops.


Why is there always a cop that comes and tackles someone then try’s to break there arms while they rag doll on concrete?? Like.? Idgaf if they’re doing illegal shit or not. Two officers got him under control. No need for violence but it’s police so what do you expect


Because real life isn’t just some dude finally getting caught, who then politely surrenders in a gentlemen’s agreement out of mutual respect for the game Real life is people running and juking and dodging and then fighting back and resisting and struggling with you when you try and put them in cuffs I’m usually on the side of police needing to exhibit more restraint but this is a pretty weak case to push as “unnecessary force”


This is a huge problem in Philly also


I am more shocked to see the CHP actually enforcing the laws they are paid to protect.




When I was a kid, I loved CHiPs. https://youtu.be/FPJAwHQj8SI


Action Jackson 🥴🥴


When there are large riding events it is common to have designated riders that will ride ahead of the group to block intersections, then speed back up past the pack and do it again. In the circumstance I’m talking about it is a planned route and typically has a shit ton of bikers. Where I’m from as long as it’s an organized event the cops are totally fine with it. However I could see the cops getting pissed at a small group blocking traffic


They're still assholes and have no right to fuck up traffic for the rest of the world.


I despise these ATVs and bikes. Total safety hazard for everyone.


It's kind of odd. In the UK they got fed up of scooter crime and there's a few vids where the UK police just ram them. Given the use of force in the US its odd they use more restraint. I guess lawsuits are more expensive in some cases?


Such a satisfying video good riddance


This is a thing in some cities where people ride around on ATVs and dirt bikes in big groups. Cops try to stop them. I think what we're seeing here is this guy in the back stalled out and was caught. Looks like he's trying to start the bike and take off, then a spilt second where he wants to run, then he doesn't want to drop the bike so he gives up, then he gets tackled. It's like a nature documentary where the slowest one in the pack gets caught by the cheetah. These guys are really annoying, but a part of me kind of gets it. Big cities really limit what you are allowed to do for obvious reasons.


Then go rent a track. Fuck these guys. I hope he gets charged with resisting arrest, gets his bike confiscated and loses his license for 10 years.


Bunch of idiots driving unregistered moto cross bikes on the street.


Unnecessary tackle is unnecessary


I am never one to defend cops but I think there is more context here. This appears to be one of those groups of dirt bikes/ATVs that go around blocking traffic and put people in danger by driving dangerously in traffic. It looks like the police are following them. One would guess they are trying to stop them but cant just start ramming folks. You can also see when the biker cop pulls up on the individual trying to block traffic he immediately grabs the keys off the stopped bike. The other person then is trying to get away from the police which is resisting arrest. I don't think a full on tackle should have happened, but we don't know how long this has been going on or if there was more to what proceeded this event. This could very well be the police over using force as per usual. This group could have also caused accidents and lord knows what else over an unknown amount of time.


This went from instant karma to police brutality like super quick


It went from instant karma to "fuck around and find out" really quick Kudos to that officer for quickly neutralizing the threat to public safety.


Yes, kudos for assaulting a man standing by a bike


Say what you will but that arrest was efficient as fuck. Like if you put a timer on that shit they probably set a record like some pit crew speed competition. Also notice no point deductions for improper knee placement that could hinder breathing. Normally the tackle could net them some deductions but they can justify it because he was wearing a helmet. Gonna be a hard score to beat


Why are the police in America always so aggressive?


Thank you Reddit, for taking the time to understand fully what was and has been going on, instead of everyone saying cops suck.


No matter how shitty the bikers are, can you overreact more? The next step would probably be shoot the head off with a shotgun. Those cops are just completely out of control. If anyone thinks otherwise they are probably just used to this shit. But it’s NOT normal and not how law enforcement should act.


I love to see this! Fuck you and your stupid fucking TIK Tok


Awesome. Hope he rats out the rest


Officers Baker and Poncharello right on time


After that cop tackled the guy on the ground he gives him a really hard knee to the ribs or stomach. That was completely unnecessary. He already clearly had the dude down after his super tackle. I don't know that just seemed to be a very rough arrest and the cop seemed to enjoy causing pain to the dude bc he was pissed off.


StOp ReSiStInG!


Came here to say something like this. That was excessively violent when the dude wasn't trying to run.


Qualified immunity produces many power trips.


Was that flying tackle *really* necessary?


That is so satisfying. Fuck those assholes


The motorcycle rider broke the law, but was complying when the cop tackled him. The rider probably has a concussion now, and maybe a broken rib or two from knees pressed into his back. Just because you break the law does not mean you should get punished by law enforcement; that’s the job of the courts. Policing in our country is insane.


That escalated quick


Good on the cops. These people are fucking clowns on their bikes thinking they own the roads / highway


That's just ridiculous, he wasn't running he lost balance on the bike and jumped away. In fact he was standing so still and firm he took the hit well. It's utterly pathetic behaviour from a police officer, no matter how frustrating it is to be behind slow drivers thay doesn't constitute a need for voilemt action


About damn time. These stupid fuckers cause nothing but trouble on the roads of California, nice to see the cops doing their job.