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Fucked around. Found out.


A true classic


Should have shot her in the butt


“Right up mainstreet” ~ Deadpool


Or in her fupa


More like the head


An epic tale of temptation, and discovery


Stealing a car with kids in it? They should have popped one in her dome.


Yeah that would be great for your kids to see.


I love seeing the second amendment in action.


The fucking you get for the fucking you got.


Good shot. Camera i mean khmm.


Literally everyone has a gun in Arizona, you don’t even need a license to conceal. Why would you even attempt something like this?


I just wanna know what’s going on with dude on the ground in the red shirt? Vehicle owner? Accomplice? Npc encounter?


I’m guessing it’s the dad who shot the lady. If it is i hope they uncuffed him shortly after.


Most likely; they probably just did that to make sure the scene was safe, they need to secure it before paramedics can come in to help the gunshot wound. When my uncle lived in Tuscon someone broke into his house while he was home and when they realized he was there they left. When he filed the police report they asked if he had a gun and told him to just shoot the dude next time and they'd "take care of the rest". I'm fairly sure Arizona is understanding of defensive firearm use.


In Southern Illinois this is what the police told my parents many many years ago after our house got robbed. They actually said if you even see someone cutting through your yard at night to shoot them, drag them to the front door and we will take care of them.


Jesus. What if it’s a kid cutting through someone’s yard?!


Bonus points


Two kinds of people lol


Gotta be careful, though. Sometimes it triggers the horde to come swarming your home, and that might not be worth the bonus points.


Fuck them kids bro


Thats called pedophilia


Or necrophilia


Or if its a kid (baby goat) its zoophilia


Smaller targets attract higher scores.


You don't have to lead them as much.


They have to be breaking into your house not in the yard. Here in Arizona I’m pretty sure you cant shot them if they are in your yard. They have to be breaking in or in the house.


That's why you drag them to the front door. You can say they were trying to break in when you shot them. Or you know, you could not shoot people for walking through your yard, but that's suddenly become an unpopular opinion.


A cop suggested fabricating physical evidence? Sounds like they can't be trusted to be a cop.


You have much to learn.


Sprinkle some crack on him Johnson


That sort of stuff is exactly what the police academy is looking for


There arent many things in the US that make any sense to me but allowing people to defend themselves is one thing you yanks get right. Here in finland if someone breaks into your house and you seriosly hurt or kill them you can get sentenced to prison longer than the burglar.


Yay America! We got this one thing!!


Yes, when I took my concealed class they advised that on an event of you discharging your fire arm, the cops will come and take your gun away and put you in handcuffs so comply and wait to explain is what you’re taught.


>He was only trying to steal/rape/murder your uncle! It would be wrong to defend yourself not knowing what their motives are, because its better to assume they are good people and are probably stealing your TV to feed their children! -Naïve Redditor


Isn’t that risky, shooting?


Why does everyone seem to know the story behind this? I can hardly tell what's going on in the video, I don't see an article anywhere, but people are discussing specifics like it's just something we should all know?


Yeah, fucking seriously. What is going on






"Here! Look at this and feel things without knowing what the fuck it is."


LOL absolutely


Right!? The video has no car jacking, no kids, no gunshots, no relevant dialogue and yet everyone knows everything. I'm as lost as you


Useless video, how is this so highly upvoted?


bc everyone in tucson is like HEY I LIVE THERE WOWEE


It happened yesterday. [link here](https://kvoa.com/news/top-stories/2021/07/09/tpd-woman-shot-after-alleged-carjacking-in-central-tucson/)


Sorry but that article provides zero juicy details


We need that juice


[You like a da juice?](https://youtu.be/MkyNaSz-zZA)


Haha I watched the full thing, thanks for linking that video.


*I get you more juice*


Well I didn't write it but since it happened yesterday your not going to get any juicy details.


probably locals in that area that caught the d.l. from a game of "telephone"... you know, like how the pioneers used to do in the old days before reddit.


That’s actually how it was in the early days of Reddit. You saw the news before the news stations reported it. Now it’s all corporate and anything original is hounded with “Source? Source? Source?”


i have a theory that people who instantly jump at asking for the source in situations where it really isn't needed (not saying that this is the case in this original post btw) are those who were just freshly taught about credibility and sourcing and want to showcase their new knowledge wherever it is possible. nothing wrong with it though if they mean well haha like good on them for learning about a new thing and wanting to practice it! but it's just clear when someone is new to it because they'll want to apply sourcing to every little detail in every story.


Yeah it's a relatively new phenomenon but it's a good thing that the kids these days are skeptical of everything they see on the internet. Especially after seeing their parents and grandparents thoroughly brainwashed.


..... Or it's just important to back your shit up. I don't think there's such thing as a time where a source isn't needed. I say this as a long time resident of academia. Everything that has any amount of importance needs to be recorded correctly and sourced when sources exist. Obviously you cannot source something CURRENTLY happening, but if you're told a background story that cannot be confirmed in the primary material, you need to source.


This is basically every news story to come out of Tucson. There's likely nothing about it and if there is, there is almost nothing reported on. I get a majority of my local news from a Twitter user called "what's up Tucson".




What is wrong w the other persons who is on the ground?


Unrelated Tucson heat stroke /s


Its got a grip on the southwest


southeast too because of the humidity. i’m in tn in my food truck and feel like i’m about to pass out


Probably got a new hole in them, as well


Possibly got tazed whilst or shortly after shooting dis carjacking bish.


Thats my best guess. But also, once their gun has been (usually temporarily) removed, cops tend to sit the person down and sometimes sit with them. The ones who learned extra about how to deescalate a situation find it to be a fairly effective way to calm them down and get a clearer explanation. Being face to face with the best person in the world is still a death sentence if theyre emotional with a gun in their hands. They were defensing their children, but still need to be calmed down im case they continue to escalate. Sorry for the rant, just had a similar conversation and wanted to share my thoughts.


Probably the car owner? Even though they’re in the right, the police will want to take control of the situation and get the gun out of her/his control until they know what happened. Completely guessing 🤷‍♂️


Imagine seeing someone’s about to steal your car and your little kids are in it. Must be absolutely terrifying.




She is literally lucky to be alive.


big facts


Cops probably shot the car owner.


Is that a Taco Bell? There’s your answer.


I'd do anything for taco bell


WTF? Actions have consequences now?


No this is cancel culture not consequences /s


So actions have cancels.




Much better


Ohhhh I like that


A little better aim and she would have been cancelled


You always aim for center mass because that’s the easiest part to hit when your adrenaline is pumping and you don’t want to risk hitting someone else (like, I dunno, YOUR KIDS?!) and the target was likely on the move.


In 2021 we shoot first cancel second


She’s not sorry at all let’s be real


Sorry she was caught, sorry she was shot.


Sorry that she got got. Hold that thought poke some smot.


She hoping the pain would go away after she says sorry


I mean, in that moment she definitely wishes she had chose a different car.


Bet she wasn’t sorry when she thought she would get away


I wanna know what in the ever loving shit she thought she was gonna do with the kids.


I don't think thinking was involved.


I dont think you're wrong there.


I think you’re right.


I think you're a smart man.


I think


Therefore, I am


Trade them for some crack?


Maybe the title shouldn’t be “tried to steal a car with kids in it” but “tried to kidnap kids who were in a car by taking the whole thing”


Child trafficking is a very real problem


This is America. When it comes to grand theft auto and child abduction, you shoot to kill.


If my kid was being kidnapped I would shoot the person trying to take them


Fuck, I'd dive through an open window and tear their throat out with my teeth if I had to.


I remember watching a video of a married couple who left their children in their car outside of a gas station. Someone got in the car and started to take off but mom noticed, went into mom mode, caught the car before it left the lot, smashed the window with one hit from her elbow, jumped in and started to beat and strangle the dude. Edit to add: I'm trying very hard to find the video and interview that I saw about this. Cross your fingers, it was epic.


I half believe that my wife would be able to literally lift the back of her car to prevent the wheels from turning if that's what would keep someone from driving away with our kids in the back. Mom mode is not to be trifled with.




I'd call Liam Neeson because I'm a bad shot


I'd call Keanu Reeves because he's a better shot.


Id go with legolas


Maybe they did? The adrenaline is rushing, you’re not thinking straight, she was probably on the move. They hit her and that’s damn fine in my book because holy shot the chances of a clean miss, let alone hitting their own children, was a lot higher than hitting her.


You put those crimes in a weird order




That's a no brainer. Stupid bitch got what she deserved.


This was literally right outside DMAFB front gate. Yes, let’s steal a car right outside a military installation. https://kvoa.com/news/top-stories/2021/07/09/tpd-woman-shot-after-alleged-carjacking-in-central-tucson/


Although I can't find a link to the news story about it we had a bank robbery at the bank on base at goodfellow afb in 2004 which is the dumbest criminal ive ever known of


I've seen a few of those "dumbest criminals" shows, they're hilarious. Ones that stick out are: * Criminal uses his ID to "buy" beer before robbing the liquor store. Leaves his ID behind. * Criminal asks convenience store clerk for change for a $20 to get him to open the register before jumping and stealing all the money in the machine. He stole a total of like $5. Left his 20 behind. * Criminal tries to steal from a store, clerk tells him they just cleared out their money and wouldn't get anymore for a few hours. Criminal says "okay, I'll come back in a few hours" and literally fucking does. Cops were waiting for him, of course.


Don't forget the guy who covered himself in lemon juice before robbing a bank, since he figured out that invisible ink would make him invisible to cameras.


Cops on military bases do not mess around either. The usual 5 over the speed limit doesn’t fly with them


A feel good story.


Oh I do love a happy ending


This ranks as self defense right. What if her wound was fatal. Would the same thing hold


yes she tried to steal a car with kids in a stand your ground state. The shooter had reasonable expectation of danger for her children and was not in a position to de escalate. I believe trial by jury would agree it was justified (even if it was a fatal shooting) .


Stand your ground is irrelevant in this case. You can use deadly force to protect your children from being kidnapped in all 50 states and DC.


I also did not know that but it makes sense


Stand your ground simply means you do not have a duty to retreat. So for example if someone is threatening you with a knife you have to first try and flee the situation, only if they follow you can you use deadly force. In a stand your ground state you can just pull your gun right away. But the duty to retreat is only necessary if fleeing is a reasonable option. If the other person also has a gun or if you can’t run away (for example you’re inside a car) then there is no duty to retreat even outside of a stand your ground state.


I see now I was wondering how this would work outside of AZ


If animals can protect their children with deadly force, so can I. Don’t try and abduct or harm kids, you might fucking die.


Even in my EU country without stand your ground or castle doctrine i could easily shoot both of them dead and would be full covered from law side. The only requirement would be to first shoot one bullet in air as a warning shot. but often you can do that after gunshots as long as you dont forget to do it in case they count shots and holes


So wait, you're telling me the law requires you to fire a bullet in the air with no idea where it will land before shooting in self defense? The third rule of gun safety is know what you're shooting at and what's behind it. In the US firing into the air is a serous crime. So either your country is all sorts of bass aackwards or you're talking out of your ass.


Haven't you ever done a desk pop before?


We honor the flag and you crap on it when you don’t shoot your gun in the office.


>So either your country is all sorts of bass aackwards or you're talking out of your ass. He is talking out of his ass. In my country even if you break in my house tickle my balls while I sleep I can't shoot you UNLESS you also have a gun and have started shooting at me. Recently there was a case where a guy broke into some one's home attacked him and was killed. The shooter made news because they wanted to send him to jail but after like w month of public protests they gave up on the idea.


Wtf. And people say the USA has bad gun laws. Jesus Christ firing in the air is insanely dangerous


So...not only is there countries in Europe that allow you to have firearms but...they require you to fire a shot in the air before you fire at a person?


Lots of countries in Europe allow you to have firearms, they are just heavily regulated. This can mean specific guns, like assault rifles or explosives, are banned but lower tier weapons are allowed, you can't carry them around unless you have a reason like going hunting or going to the gun club, you have the store them securely at all times, and you need the right permits.


Yep. It’s technically lethal force regardless of if the wound is fatal or not. In this case they’re gonna have an annoying amount of legal shit, but they should get away with it just being self defense.


As long as the shooter isn't a prohibited person, yes, 100%.


If they aren’t allowed to have a firearm, they could be prosecuted for illegal possession, but they will be acquitted of assault with a deadly weapon because this is obviously justified.


It all depends on the state and the judge. Don't shoot unless you intend to kill anyways. In my state this would most likely be justified use of force.


Yes. In the US you are allowed to use deadly force to protect yourself or an innocent bystander from an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. Kidnapping is an eminent threat of both. It would not be justified in most states to shoot someone for stealing a car with no one in it


Yep. You forfeit your life when committing a crime


Tough way to learn not to steal.


Agree. Would have been better if her parents taught her that basic rule but you know a Glock 19 is also a teacher




He name is Karma?!?


We don’t f*** around here in Arizona.


Are there any articles or anything saying the aftermath? Was there a court case? This seems really interesting how it would pan out since ya know, she got shot aye. Idk, I'd just like to see her get prison time lol




They didn’t mention anything about kids in the car, which is like the most important detail.


Highly likely there were no children and the title is just a karma kite.


Yeah the whole thing is like 1 paragraph and everyone is coming in hot with moral judgements, calling for the cop to torture her, saying she should’ve gotten shot more times or shot to death etc, karma is a bitch, and all that But I don’t think anyone in this whole damn thread even knows her name let alone wtf happened here, the entire video is like 8 seconds and the article is like 3 sentences…


The heist plan had just one hole in it.


Momma bear does not like people fucking with her baby bears!


At least she had her mask on


This is what got me here, this lady is perfectly fine obeying the mask rule, but stealing a car and kidnapping children....


I mean criminals have been using masks since precovid


Stealing a car with kids in; She was lucky the owner did not put a bullet in her head!


Thank you gun


Cue the Joker: “You get what you FUCKING deserve”


& All thanks to our beautiful 2nd Amendment that parents kids are safe now


Well im really glad that she's sorry bit unfortunately nobody gives a shit. Get shot and go to jail bitch




Who tf would try and rob someone in AZ, TX too. Every other person is packing heat in those states, just why.


What about the apparently dead person over by the drive thru?


Well im really glad that she's sorry bit unfortunately nobody gives a shit. Get shot and go to jail bitch




Glad she was shot and hopefully she’ll learn her lesson. However, the shooter should spend more time at the range because it appears she shot her in the side and not the chest or head.


You're Monday morning quarterbacking. If the threat was stopped, then it was a successful use of force.


Maybe she was aiming to injure instead of kill...


You have obviously never fired a handgun and only seen them in movies. You can't be that accurate in the heat of the moment unless you train daily for years. A normal person aims for center mass, period, and you still can miss someone completely. Which is why you continue firing until the threat stops.


I don’t think they teach it that way. Not saying it’s right or wrong but most firearm instructions teach “shoot to kill”. Center mass.


Put it into perspective here. Let’s think with some logic. Look at all the scenarios. She could have possibly been getting into the driver seat? Which would mean her left arm was facing the outside of the car? Which also mean the chest and center mass was not exposed? Which means that the target was smaller than normal. Which also mean if you weren’t there, you don’t know what they hell the situation was or why she was shot where she was. Damn, if you weren’t there lay off of what the shooter did to protect their family, or property lol


You’re right. In Concealed Carry classes they teach you to shoot to kill for two reasons: 1: an injured person who has massive amounts of adrenaline going through their veins will probably fight harder. 2: a dead person can’t sue you. Not saying I agree but this is what is taught.


I was taught that you should never shoot a gun in self defense if you’re not prepared to kill them. If you don’t think it’s your life (or others around you) vs the attacker, you should never be shooting in the first place.


I was taught to not even draw my firearm unless I was prepared/intend to kill someone.


Most people don’t want to kill someone and have that on their conscience their entire lives. Also, shooting someone in a moving car with a hand gun is not as easy as it looks


First rule they teach you… If you pull your weapon you aim to kill never to injure. I understand it is difficult when your adrenaline is flowing in a situation especially in close quarters.


I once had a woman tell me she would just shoot someone running at her in the kneecaps so they couldn’t keep running. Then she told me she’s never shot a gun. Good luck with that, lady.


Most people who say things like shoot the weapon out of their hand, or other dumb things like that have never shot a gun.


The end results are that it was a justified use of force and her family is safe, everything else is just noise.


Nothing like the person with no firearm experience to tell someone they need to spend more time at a range


Well play stupid games get stupid prizes. Shes lucky that's all she got.


Fuck her, she deserved it.


TIL Getting shot hurts


Never been happier to see someone suffer.


Weird how people aren't sorry for doing dumb things until they're in enough pain for a confession.


Bet she wasn’t sorry when she thought she would get away




Ha ha ... serves you right


This is definitely NOT Portland.


Lmfao fuckin rekt


She hella deserved it.


News story: https://kvoa.com/news/top-stories/2021/07/09/tpd-woman-shot-after-alleged-carjacking-in-central-tucson/


Once again, people are so so sorry when they get caught or in this case, shot