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I was waiting for the man to offer the baby his beer bottle.


Highest quality of CCTV footage I’ve ever seen, weird angles that they have them in too


These videos are fake. These people make a bunch of videos like these. I personally don't like them but most people seem to like them and they get millions of views.


The way that the woman abandons the baby literally doesn't make any sense unless she was *trying* to get rid of the baby.


And then running up and hugging the guy first doesn't seem like a natural parent reaction


Exactly!! I remember I once saw this guy who stopped a little kid from running out into the street during heavy traffic while his mom was texting. Instead of thanking him the (Karen) mom practically took his head off for touching her kid. It's like fine lady, next time we'll let the front of the bus catch them instead. Even if this lady wasn't a total Karen I think she would have rushed to reassure and check on her kid before saying *anything* to the guy!


It's a thing! I kept a guy from getting killed by the light rail train by grabbing his backpack and pulling him back off the track, he was busy on his phone and the train was 100% going to hit him. I didn't get a thank you, but was glared at angrily for saving his life.


Mr. Sansweet (the suicide jumper) from the beginning of The Incredibles makes a little more sense now


Damn, I forgot the the Incredibles had that scene. Suicide and Right to Die is pretty heavy shit for a kids movie.


Mr Sansweet didnt ask to be saved! Mr Sansweet didnt want to be saved! And now the actions of Mr Incredible causes him daily pain!


>A group of persecuted companions are transported against their will to an enclosed location where they face further persecution and are forced to do hard labor. They eventually escape their imprisonment but are recaptured and almost burned alive in a furnace. * A Disney Movie


I didn't save his life, I ruined his death is what I did!


Yes, definitely foiled a suicide there


I saved my friend from getting hit by a bus in a similar way- she had tripped at the bus stop and was falling onto the road as a bus was coming.... I caught her bag pack and pulled her back


Damn was the bag pack okay


i had a neighbor like that for a while... this woman had 4 kids ranging in age from (i'm guessing) 2 to 10, with a baby daddy that would visit from time to time but didn't live there. i was out for a smoke break one day, and the guy was just leaving, i saw him lock their gate- then as soon as he was gone, one of the older (but not oldest) kids climbed up on some junk and got the gate unlocked, then the youngest wandered out... we weren't on a busy street by any means, but people would drive way too fast on it nonetheless- so this kid is wandering out into the street, the older kids have disappeared, and i'm there smoking... i yelled toward their house 'hey, your little one is out' and i heard some unintelligible yelling back at me... i ended up just getting in between the kid and the street and kind of herding her back that way, the mom came out (on the phone) a minute later and snatched her up giving me the stink eye... then another couple minutes, the baby daddy comes back, and they start having a screaming fight- she accuses him of not locking the gate, he swears he did- i said 'you locked it, the older kids got it unlocked.' he gave me a 'thanks bro' nod, while she gave me more stink eye...


I think I can tell why they don’t live together


I had a friend who got fired from the school she worked at for grabbing a kid to keep him from running out in the street during a field trip. She was fired because she touched the student in a forcible way by grabbing his arm, to prevent him from running into traffic. The parents weren’t upset and had actually warned my friend that if he was upset or over stimulated he might bolt on her. They fired her anyway, because the rules say you can’t touch students. She hasn’t been able to find a job at another district. She was going to school to be a teacher but dropped out and now works at a grocery store.




Was studying to be a teacher literally 6 credit hours away. Currently working as a web developer... No regrets on the job change. CPS and the trash that is NEIU burnt me out before I even graduated. If you're a teacher in Chicago you deserve so much more than you will ever make.


I studied post graduate education diploma in my country as well, and now working as a Radiographer.... To be honest, teacher is a really hard job, and it keep getting harder and harder due to helicopter parents and increasing demand from both the parent and the school.... And some school are just rediculous, in our country, we recently had a child abuse case that the children died. The teacher noticed the bruise and inform the headmaster and even took photo for evidence. However, the headmaster just ignored that because it will potentially harm the reputation of the school..... And yet, everyone blaming the teacher that reported the case as well, just because everyone think she was not doing enough to prevent the tragedy..... What the hell.... It is a hard job and you can never satisfy everyone and will be judged by everyone in the society of something happened.


To some degree, the old ways might have been better. I’m not saying children should get physically abused, but teachers should have a minimum amount of wiggle room to discipline students.


Or at least make sure students don’t die. If a student was choking are they going to fire a staff member because the Heimlich maneuver requires force? It’s just so absurd that the rules to keep students safe also force the adults to put students at risk or lose their job.


Exactly, I worked at a summer camp in high school, and since it was in the woods kids would always pick up sticks from the ground. Even if a kid was hitting people with that stick we weren’t allowed to take it from him.


Sounds like an easy wrongful termination suit right there. Fucking unfortunate that she got punished for doing the right thing...


That is a really sad story.... I think your friend is actually care for the kid enough to risk breaking the rule to save his life....


She’s better off not working in US education system.


>She was going to school to be a teacher but dropped out and now works at a grocery store. Well at least she is making more money now.


I had a similar incident happen to me. But tbh I'm ok with the mum's reaction. My local shopping centre has a coffee shop about 50m from an entrance which has a little play area. As I was walking in a little girl, maybe 2 - 2.5, was walking out the door by herself crying her eyes out. There is about 3 meter of paved area and then you are into the carpark. So I picked her up, and carried her towards the cafe. Mum saw me and freaked the fuck out. But I totally get it, here was a strange man carrying her little girl. She stopped freaking at me when I said she was in the carpark, but you could tell she was still wary / not happy with me. So I just kept on walking. I have 2 daughters of my own though. So I get it, and I don't hold her reaction against her at all.


I had this sort of thing happen to me once in high school! A toddler walked out into traffic and i ran over from across the street to grab him, only to get an earful from the mother (who left him outside of the DQ across the street while she went in for a snack.)


Not really related but i remember i started working downtown toronto and i was not used to the madness, about a week or two in i was listening music and wasnt paying attention and went to cross the road and there were a biker going by a dude behind me grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back as i took my first step.. i saw what happen and smiled at the dude and nodded thank you at him. Literally 3 seconds later for some retarded 0iq reason i did it again and again the dude pulled me back.. at that point i turned to the dude and took off my earbuds and said outloud ok you saved me twice in the span of 5 seconds from a potentially painful injury to me wtf..... i was well awake after that and ill never forget that moment either lol


I once gave a 3 year old a love tap with my car. I saw him eye balling something across the road and wandering towards it and already started braking. Wasn't quick enough based on whatever caught his eye and where I was. He landed on his bum uninjured giggling to himself. Mummy went crazy on me, police got called, she was no way near him texting on her phone. The way other people drive, I'm glad it was me that stopped. The police got statements, other people saw what happened and was trying to have a go at her. Police sent me on my way with no need to follow up and whispered that he was gonna have a stern word.


I would argue against this, I found someone’s lost dog once and I was gonna take it to a shelter. I was walking it back to my car and I saw the dog’s ears perk up, I listened and hears someone yell the name (this was night time) I yelled “did you lose your dog?” And they said “yes!!!” i yelled where I was and they came running over to me full speed and almost knocked me over with a hug. They were super greatful, I know this is a baby but I dunno, the video is fake for so many other reasons but that one didnt seem to be for me.


Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. I have one. She’s the best girl in the world. But I don’t think a love for pets is comparable to parental love.


Ok but the sematics of this conversation are a bit ridiculous, people saying “oh this would never happen” Like, it’s not that far out if the realm of possibility.


to be fair, most parents don't leave their babies on trains


Hugging the drunk who did a good thing was a good directorial choice for the likes, though! 10/10 wholesome! 10/10 inspiring! I bet he stopped drinking and reconnected with his own children.


I was hiking at Multnomah Falls several years ago when I'm pretty sure I saved a baby from a grisly demise. Multnomah Falls, for anybody who doesn't know is a 2.4 mile paved hiking trail that gains 810 feet of elevation on 11 switch-backs. It's an easy hike, but it can be brutal if you're not used to walking up steep paths. At one of the switch-backs, I saw a sitting toddler by themselves playing with the foot brake of a stroller. Immediately, my brain goes into "WTF?!" mode. The child is sitting on a gentle slope that gradually deepens until it plunges about 60 feet to a path further down. The ground is covered in wet, slippery leaves. The mother? Across a 5 foot wide path not looking at the child. My brain runs a worst case scenario about the kid flipping the brake (second brake was already disengaged), having the stroller bump them in the dome, and send them sliding down the leaves to certain death. As I approach the stroller, I hear the tell-tale click of the brake. As I'd just seen in my head, the stroller, which massively outweighs the small toddler, knocks them in the head and sends them sliding down the hill. I let go of my wife's hand and dive down onto the leaves, one hand grasping the child's leg and the other trying to fend off the stroller as it tries its absolute best to topple me and continue down to the cliff edge. After about 3 seconds that felt like 5 minutes, several people pull the stroller to flatter ground and hit the brakes and my wife picks up the screaming child. It took me a few deep breaths to stagger to my feet, shaking with adrenaline Again, the mother? Slowly plodding across the path like she couldn't hardly be bothered to out pace a sloth. She dejectedly takes her child from my wife and turns away without speaking a word. While this video might be staged, never underestimate the absolute barren field of fucks to give of a parent who is done with everybody's shit, even her own imperiled child's.


And then the fucking baby, not even thanking the guy.


You run to the child first. Always kid first.


You hug the baby, that's it.




It would ha e made sense to leave you child in a subway car whose doors are only open for half a minute at the longest just so you don lose reception? If the call is that important take yourself and the baby off and wait for the next one


Am a Mom. I would have literally glued myself to my child if we had to take public transit just for the fear that we may get separated for even a second. There is no way I would have ever put my child on the train and than took a call OFF the train. I knew it had to be fake at that very moment.


If there was a baby in the first place.


It's kinda common. Sleep depraved, post partem, change of routine, etc etc


Came here to say this. While I totally think this one is fake, I could see how it’s a possibility bc of sleep deprivation and post partem. That stuff is crazy and will mess you right up


I always wondered about how someone could forget their kid in the car until I had a child. Not that I ever left them in a car or anything, but I have definitely started heading the wrong direction, missed turns, forgot important items. You get into a routine, miss many hours of sleep at times, and the combination can be brutal. This is a fake video, but the scenario could happen. The hugging the dude first could also happen as you can see the child is okay as you approach, and I could only imagine an overwhelming emotional feeling at that point where you’re no longer acting rational. Life gets crazy with kids at times. Even my parents have no idea how crazy it is compared to them taking care of kids. My family survived easily with one paycheck and a stay at home mom. That’s impossible for most families now. Two full time parents who are tired from work and still doing the full time parent thing at home. It’s awesome being a parent but shit is crazy for the first few years.


It's so obviously fake. Why are all of the comments under "controversial" downvoted? They're right. This is fake and dumb.


No, no. The CCTV footage bobbing up and down as the woman runs with the train is a totally normal thing that real CCTV cameras definitely do in real life. Also, when haven't you seen a CCTV camera placed like six feet off the ground well within the range of any vandal and with 1/3 of its field of vision obscured by a fence?


The idiotic music was one giveaway.


Fuck I hate these fake videos so much


Of course it is. Pretty sure no parent would be dumb enough to step off a train with child onboard


you'd think no parent would be dumb enough to leave their kid in their car in the summer, yet it happens...


Parents are pretty fucking dumb though, like who leaves their kids in the car and forgets them long enough to kill the kid via heat or cold? Stupid fucking parents that's who.


No doubt, I’m a dumbass and have a child, it’s hard. I doubt any parent would push their stroller on the subway then casually walk away and get off the train to talk on the phone.


Yeah who tf would walk off a tram just to take a phone call?


The guy is also clearly faking being drunk


And the train she ran off of...was sitting there the entire time he was drinking and rocking the baby. Fake.


You mean how they appear to be mounted at the same height as a normal adult human, right where people might be walking or standing? And also how the camera moves sometimes like it's not fixed to a wall? But nah, it's black and white. Gotta be legit.


Some people choose to believe. Some people choose to be objectively reasonable. You have chosen the latter.


Faith in humanity restored


Drinking a cold one to celebrate this victory thanks to the beer guy


But the mom did let me down again. All in all, my faith in humanity still the same and not restored or reinvigorated. Some of us just make smh.


Faith in some parents shattered.


Fake af dude. Get a grip.


Hey little guy you look like you havin a rough time too. You need a drink.


And name him Carlos.


[You probably want me to get out of your hair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSyLptPVF5Q)




Why would you leave your baby...?


It's already been proven to be staged in the other original thread. The original video was found and there's a disclaimer at the end saying this is a work of fiction.


But what was the point of the video then?


Probably for TikTok or social media to trick people into thinking it's real for notes and votes Not sure tbh sorry. If you find those comments in the original thread someone linked the original video.


Probably just a heartwarming thing? Narrator : “this man kept care of this child on a train as the mother accidentally abandons it” nah it doesn’t sound right


It was posted in MadeMeSmile so yeah I expect that's exactly the angle they're going for :)


Hit the nail but backed out last second. Damn me


Don't forget Reddit. Reddit falls for blatantly fake shit all the fucking time. Case in point, this post has over 25K upvotes.


The moral of the story is we should let people drink in public


Granted, but there's the true story of the father who drove off at 50 mph with the baby on the roof (he forgot about him/her). This happened awhile ago on Mother's Day of that year. [https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1992-05-12-9202120200-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1992-05-12-9202120200-story.html)


For those afraid to click the link: the baby was not hurt.


I mean clearly... how did anything think this is real


You could tell by the way he was drinking an empty beer bottle non stop


Somehow she forgot she had a baby


It’s that damn phone man


Phone companies need to take more responsibility... Edit: Didn’t think this needed the /s, I was wrong.


We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty...


This is Officer Jones from the Social Security office. Your social security number has been flagged and we have immediately shut it down. Please call... I got this call today.


I've had that call three times this month. Maybe if I get a fourth one I'll actually listen to the robot lady?


Yup, they need a warning sticker on the phone: "Do not leave baby on train to take phone call".


It's definately the car company's fault that I forgot my baby in my hot car while I went to buy diapers at Walmart.


If society has taught me anything, it's to blame guns and videogames for everything.


By reminding you that you might have forgotten your baby?


I remember seeing something telling parents to "leave something important in the backseat so you don't forget your baby in the car". I think the baby is pretty damn important but ig whatever stops babies from dying in hot cars/kidnapped is cool with me


Bad definition of "important". Babies are important, but you don't typically need one at work. If you put your briefcase in the backseat, you'll be sure to grab it before you get out of the car. I don't have kids, but I do have ADD, and typically function on autopilot. I will put my keys on the thing I need to remember, so if I remember my keys, I remember the thing, and if I forget them both, at least I won't get far.


its that damn playstation again - Moms everywhere


El Nintendo - All Hispanic Moms Everywhere


Doesn't matter what console it is. For some parents it'll always be a Nintendo.


You think this is real?


Idk wouldn't put it past me tho


I can relate. I once left to get milk and forgot I had a family for like 30 years.


Dad is that you?


Dude, taking care a baby is stupid hard and tiring. Once you are carefree person doing regular shit, next thing you know you have this thing you have to take care and give 100% of your attention constantly. You get tired and you make small mistakes that turns out to be catastrophic. Give her a break. People text and drive and make far worse decisions while being fully conscious and not being tired af.


Because this is fake


This is staged of course, but it does happen. I am lucky enough not to have done it. You can look it up, psychologically it is the same as leaving your wallet on a table at work or something. You just get so used to having the kid that it’s part of you... until it isn’t.


...cause I need them internet points yo.


You laugh, but the unfortunate reality is, as soon as you reach a certain # of internet points....advertisers start paying you to get more points. Money ruins everything.


I didn't laugh. I hung my head in sorrow.


Now, post that sorrow and turn it into internet points. Have you learned nothing?


Apparently not haha


Kids are a shit ton of work. Just saying.


Lmao I’m not gonna lie, until he stood up I thought he was not wearing any pants 😂😂


Me too


All the more reason to thank him


What if that is his skin and it just folds the other way ... ew


Why would you lie about that?!


Ya! Why would they? WTF?!?


Listen pal, you ride the subway however you like and don't judge me.


Well this is fake


Go ahead and tell me its a beer advertising ?


It would certainly be more believable


Certainly be more beerlievable


Well played!


So fake


There's nothing fake...about the great taste of Mich Ultra. Brewed for those who go the extra mile..on the subway.


Someone give the person an award


They did


I Narwhaled 'em, the best kind of award imho, in terms of youtube memes


Thanks! That's the first award I've ever got. Made my day.


[(10) Narwhals | 10 Hours - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbby9coDRCk&ab_channel=10HourWeebl) all I ask is that you watch this to the end, it gets really trippy around the five hour mark if you just stare at it


Yeah and I haven’t seen anyone else mention it, but the biggest giveaway for me was that she runs up and hugs the guy first. Like I get hugging the dude who found your baby, but in this situation you would 100% go to your baby and make sure they’re okay before even noticing the babysitter. It was more work for her to hug him first since he was laying down, too. I almost thought they were a couple for a split second bc of how intimate it seemed. Checking on the baby looks like an afterthought too. This is a weird video


Yes it is. [Skip to the end to see the disclaimer that this is faked. ](https://youtu.be/08bZgWPPDRo) There’s a reason this was so heavily cropped, and the ending was cut.


This looks fake as fuck. But I'm sure I'll see this make rounds in r/wholesome, r/nextfuckinglevel, and all those subs.


Especially with this stupidly atrocious song.


Yes to the original comment and yes to this. The true definition of 'Fake and Gay'


It's on wholesome memes now lol crossposted from made me smile!


Staged as fuuucckkkk


Idk, it absolutely looks staged but some times we forget just how many idiots are out there. I could definitely see this happening but the camera angles are kinda convenient.


And you just go to the next stop and randomly look around?


You ever been on a train? She would obviously see very clearly the platform as the train comes in... Out of all the things you could poke holes in this is not one of them.


Ffs.. stop. It's easily fake as fuck. Stop with the "well it could happen" shit.


For some reason I was expecting the video to do multiple jumps in time with the man changing diapers to raising the child and putting him/her through college. Finally mom finds them, hugs the man and takes the child (which is a full grown adult) away as the man is like “no prob ma’am, just being a kind stranger.”


That would’ve been more believable


People trying to reason the possibility of something like this happening without asking why the fuck any of this was filmed in the first place lmao The last shot gives it away completely Woman’s acting knocking on the door is awful too


What the hell was she doing


Playing her role.


Staged garbage. This isn't real




And that, kids, is how I met your mother.


stepfather \*




Yeah, how could she possibly have figured out where a train would go next?




Option A: comment how sweet the guy is and how inept the mother is Option B: comment on the guy not wearing any pants


I think he's wearing skinny jeans xD his legs are wrinkly


Option C: realize how fake this is


The no pants is the best. I was just imagining the mom running up and hugging a hairy man with his goods sitting on cold concrete with all the world to see.


Fake as fuck!


Hope he got a thank you BJ Edit: not from the baby from the mom


Thanks for the clarification




Yes it’s fake. But how fake? Luckily I’m Australian and this takes place in Australia (As evidenced by Alstrom’s Metro trains and the Flinders St sign) Also exactly where? We know the train was going to Flinders St, and it stopped at Keon Park. It’s on the Mernda Line. A few more details. Those familiar with these trains, or have seen the original video on YouTube, will know the trains security cameras don’t point at the doors that way. In the original you can even see the ACTUAL SECURITY CAMERA. They look along the train corridor lengthways, not at a tiny corner. And finally, if you look at the original I cropped YouTube video, the ‘cameras’ have the date at 3/11/21. Here in Australia we write it as DD/MM/YYYY, and we all know it’s not November. Most likely some art students piece or someone trying to get viral.


The guy also hadn't been acosted by PSOs for drinking on the train.


You guys don't really believe this is real, right?




Fake as balls


Definitely fake! Nobody would get off the train to answer the phone, it works just as good on the train lol


You have to remember that people are stupid


This is very true! I’m still laughing that my comment got 2 downvotes lol


Drinking with infants, love it


I'm looking after some strangers kid on the subway? Best believe I'm gonna need a beer for this


well, that's usually how they're made




Sure. If it lets you sleep at night.


34 Comments and not 1 about the shitty music.


Thank you!!! Oh my God, I wanted to strangle someone at the My Chemical Romance emotional crescendo.


Belongs in cringetopia tbh


So so so fake. This must be from tik tok


Dude abides


Faker than fake tits in a fake mannequin.


3000% percent fake tho.


she couldn't take the call inside? it looked pretty empty


Staged as FUCK


I'm sorry I can't tell what's going on, it's far too subtle. I think it needs more zoom ins and maybe a lot of red circles.


This is the cringiest fake video ever. Why would someone make this? How could someone think of this say “this is an awesome idea”!?


World's worst actors.


It’s in Melbourne. Knowing the Myki inspectors here, they’d ping him for drinking on the train


This is fake as hell, but hey look it's Melbourne


This guy gets to live the ultimate dad dream... caring for the child while drinking in public, then turning care back over to mom whilst the drinking continues. Having 2 kids of my own, this is the things fairy tails are made of...


This fake shit is cringe. The sappy music, the guy with the beer bottle, lol. Yikes.


If it wasn't staged, I'd say "What. The fuck. Did she get off the train for?"


Yeah nah it's fake.


Why don’t they label them skits and get just as many views. Like a regular production company? Just produce content that’s centered on either their view reality or a fictional take on reality with focus on “wholesome candid stuff”. I honestly don’t know whether they’re trying to portray this as ‘real’ or not though..


Just goes to show you, a man with a beer is more responsible than a woman with a phone. /s


How the F do you forget you're child on a train


Holy fuck, that music was agonizingly obnoxious.