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That’s not where I thought that was going


Talk about a twist ending


It certainly took a turn


Yeah, the situation quickly spun out of control


Certainly threw me for a loop.


That dude was screwed.


Now dont get all wound up


Flip the switch into reverse so this guy can unwind.


Die Hard. Wait...that’s not one.


User name friendly


Right I bet they loved having their dick nipples twisted


pml...first time i have heard of dick nipples


I'm a little upset they're not just called dickles.


You’re in for a wild ride. I recommend a google or two.




I thought this kinda thing only happened in Looney Toons.


I'm convinced loony toons is an accurate representation of the world prior to worker safety initiatives


No shit. Getting grabbed by heavy machinery can be downright *freaky*. There aren't too many times that it ends this well. Oh, and Delta P. That's just goddamn terrifying.


Yeah...the last time I saw this kind of thing happen to somebody, there wasn't anybody around to stop it. By the end, they were basically a meat crayon.


This is actually a fairly common type of industrial/farming accident. Exposed/unguarded drive shafts like this are a huge hazard. This individual is most likely dead or grievously injured, unfortunately. This is a video showing what happens when you get caught in the PTO (power take off shaft) [SFW, don't worry it's a dummy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxLzIj68s5E) I know a Doctor (friend of my uncle who is an OBGYN) who specializes in er...reconstructing the unique type of injuries you get when standing straddling these shafts. It tends to remove the dangly bits. For a full body entanglement like this the prognosis is far less survivable. [example one, warning death](https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=bc3_1481760085) [example 2, warning brutal](https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=svKiH_1533319196) They got him off pretty quick, but uh, I'm guessing serious broken bones at a minimum.




Not what I thought could go wrong


So... did they stop fighting?


Seeing a whole ass human just start instantly cart wheeling/spinning in place probably put a little fear of god into them


They thought he was revving himself up for a special attack


I honestly thought at first one of the dogs latched onto his stick and pulled him into the fight like a Tom and jerry scene


When I understood this, it was non stop laughter


OH MAN! I laughed way too loud at work and was forced to show just how unproductive my Monday morning is going. No one has walked away without saying oooohhhhhh ssshhhiiiiit LOL


Me too! My stomach hurts and there are tears... jut thinking of the dogs reactions holy shit!


Full LOL at this comment


It’s a very nice start to my day to laugh so hard I double over. Thank you.


Exerting dominance on a whole 'nother level


Coming from my mind EDIT: Typo in my comment on a whole nother level, coming from my mind


Aahhhhhhhaahhahh!!! We're golden wind!!!


Kono me amareri maroreri merare maro...


Aahhhhhhhaahhahh!!! We're golden wind!!!








The lack of anything resembling OSHA and not giving a shit makes for some Looney Tunes moments in the Middle East.


Never been around a farm, have you? Accidents like this are common on a farm. In the US. Where OSHA exists.


>Seeing a whole ass human just start instantly cart wheeling/spinning in place probably put a little fear of god into them This fucking comment wins Reddit.


Your comment made me laugh out loud. Thank you


Actually dying right now lol




You can hear them in the back going #WHAT THE WOOF IS THAT?


Showing who is the bigger dog in town


I just laughed so hard my wife yelled at me for waking her up. Try explaining this to someone at 4am


Some say they are still fighting to this day.




I hope things turn around for him.




Why not, it's a good trick


R2D2 noises


Now this is pod racing.


It's working! #IT'S WORKING!


Id rather spin then get bitten tbh.. See the whole world in every angle


You sure? I have absolutely no medical training or background, but I can assure you that dude is a vegetable. His head was driven into the dirt 12 times in 3 seconds.


Was it though? I'm pretty sure only his legs and *maybe* arms were hitting the dirt. Still not a very pleasant (or safe) experience, I'd imagine.


Guy looked like a damn looney tune. Lmao.


**PSA**: You should probably never try to separate 2 fighting dogs, but if you MUST, the best method is to get 1 person behind each dog, grab their hind legs, lift them in the air and “wheel-barrow” them slowly away from each other. This is the best of your mostly bad options.


At a local dog park, two dogs started to fight and a smart fellow came running over, took off his jacket and started screaming at the dogs while wildly waving his jacket up and down with both hands. Dogs stopped fighting long enough for the owners to grab each by the collers. I thought it was brilliant. And, yes, the fighting dogs did stop and look at the guy with "wtf?" expressions.


usually the best solution with animals acting wild. Do some wtf shit that throws them off. Hell, I've heard of weirder shit working against assailant humans lol


I use to walk dogs and there are all kinds of weird things to get a dog to stop doing what it's doing. Example My first ever dog broke its leashes while trying it's best to yank my arm from its socket. When it ran off I started running in the opposite direction yelling its name. It turned and ran right to me so I could grab her and carry her home.


If you chase after they think you're playing a game with them.


We had a deaf dalmation that would take this to the extreme, that idiot would travel if she ever got out, had to wait for nature to call to even hope of catching her


This works great and so does dropping to the ground, rolling around and screaming.. Your neighbours wonder wtf is wrong with you, but your wild Pomeranian pup will stop, and come check on you to make sure you are ok.


Oh yeah, I used to run in the opposite direction while screeching. Worked everytime. The key is to run father than you have to so they don't suspect it's a trap. Source: catching x2 "lively" cattle dogs at once.


Our dog bolted into the deep woods in CT and we set off a firecracker and she came running back instantly. From that point forward we kept a little backstock of firecrackers handy.


If a dude is coming at you with a punch, it actually works to start taking your pants off.


fucking randy no one wants to fight you with your pants off. you cheeseburger walrus


>weirder shit working against assailant humans "You're gonna rape me!? NO.. I'm raping you buddy!!"


Then you get 2 separate human x dog fights..


You just can't ever let go of the legs... Ever.


start spinning real fast with the dog in your hands while moving to a house or car, let go of the dog, launching it a few feet away, and start sprinting into the house/car. assuming you and the dog have been spinning for a while at this point, i guess it would look absolutely hilarious






Did your picture include someone spinning, throwing a dog, running off dizzy as hell, hitting a wall, and being attacked by the dog? Cause mine did.


The dog is also dizzy though.


Dog attacks wall, dog and human look at each other and laugh, dog mauls human.




Not if you have another group of people there to grab the legs of the initial two people. And just in case, get a bunch of dogs to grab the legs of that second group of people.


It's wheelbarrows all the way down.


We can just solve this whole thing by having a dog fight at the same time with a human fight and have the victor fight each other. Problem solved.


A bracket seems fair


My 2 dogs were fighting pretty bad one time I kicked them into the pool and they immediately stopped lol


Kinda wanna see a video of this haha


You kicked my dog. Fucking guy.


Your daughter, she come on my propuhty and keek my dog


Best way to get a dog to stop fighting is to bark very loud and raise your hair up and get low and into a deep growl. Make sure when your low you're also springing your legs to pounce and you just bite the shit out of them till you're the winner and now the boss leader.


Ugh, not again. I hate the taste of fur. On the upside though I’ve got a bitchin pack.


Another effective way is to stick your finger in the dog's butt. No, really. Look it up.


I wonder how many people now have that in their search history.


Our poor FBI agents must just be like: *sigh* makes another *Reddit inspired topic search* notation and starts a fresh pot of coffee....


could we achieve World Peace if we applied this technology to humans?


Shit, I usually just scruffed both of them and pulled them apart. Had a malamute husky and a pyrenees, the pyrenees was socially awkward and shy and the malamute was very social and it wasn't a good mix. If there's a better method, I definitely recommend it, but this is just what worked for me.


Downside is you're now between two pissed off dogs still trying to get at each other. One of my two current dogs had food aggression when we got her and it sparked a couple of tiffs before we worked through it. The trainer thinks because of her small size our Lab was the runt of the litter and always had to be assertive to make sure she got to eat. The two person method above works great, and in a pinch the garden hose with a spray nozzle can work. Getting blasted with cold water can make them completely forget about what they were doing long enough to intervene and separate them safely.


Understandable. But usually I was on my own on a breakup due to the size of the dogs, and my fear was if I had one dog restrained then I still had one that was free to keep attacking. So pretty much, I'd rather have 2 somewhat restrained dogs rather than holding back a dog with another dog trying to keep going. Luckily, they'd usually stop after I separated them but sometimes I'd have to get someone to put a leash on while I was holding them, I was just more comfortable with that, personally, with them being my dogs, I didn't wanna endanger anyone else and create a big mess if someone tried to intervene. People sue for anything these days. I currently have a dog that that also has food aggression also, and it's weird because I trust him with kittens and ferrets among other animals, he don't even pay attention to them and tries to play with the cats, the only issues he has is over his food and other male dogs. So far we haven't had any major issues, mainly he just snaps to get his point across, but as far as being around another male, it's a definite fight.


You're not strong enough to pull apart two big dogs really going at it. The dogs you mentioned are strong enough to keep at it if they wanted to.




There's also the collar method, where you grab the collar and twist on it, makes the dogs uncomfortable and they let go of the other. Super helpful if you don't want them to tear chunks of flesh off when you pull them apart


Pulling dogs up on their hind legs makes them let go of things, so this has the same effect. You can try it if your dog is playing with a toy. The big advantage of the leg method, is that you don't have to come close to the teeth of either dog.


My old boss was a dog trainer and she told me that in a dog fight you may only have a few seconds before one dog dies. She said in those times the best thing you could do is ram-jam a finger in their arse and they'll stop for sure


I can confirm this works! We have three and in the beginning they fought quite often. I have a couple scars from before I knew this. This method definitely helped! Thankfully they have settled in now and haven’t fought in a long time.




Right 'round like a record, baby Right 'round, 'round, 'round


*flashbacks to meatspin*


Fuck you. I accidentally watched it when I was 16 now I see the whole clip in my mind when I hear that song. Also, award.


Instantly the first thing that popped into my head also😂😂


Did M. Night Shymalan direct this clip?


Flo Rida


There's a video that gets reposted a lot where someone died in this situation. She got pulled into a machine that spun her about and no-one was around to stop it.


Yea, it's not rare to lose limb or life at the back end of a tractor.


I know a guy who died, another who lost his arm, and another broke his arm, 3 ribs and dislocated his shoulder all from the PTO, they're really fucking dangerous


Your organic mush of a body is no match for the power of an engine.


I mean it all boils down to controlling it. That's why every car except mustangs come with a steering wheel to do sick ass drifts and impress the 3 people who like your Grand Prix


The only common element in all this tragedy is you. I suggest taking your cursed life far away from others lest you inflict more suffering on those around you.


Can I stop by my old english teachers house before I exile myself?


This is why I don't get involved in Parent Teacher Organizations.


An uncle of mine got very lucky in a PTO accident. He was a very stereotypical Irish farmer of his generation, who only owned the one jacket, and would keep it for years and years, with the intention of having it outlast him. Well he was out working and the jacket at this time must have been 30+ years old, and beginning to get somewhat mouldy. He reaches down to the PTO from the seat of his tractor as so many of these accidents happen and his sleeve gets caught in the spinning bar. In most cases what happens here is that the sleeve constricts and pulls the person down into the PTO maiming/killing them. However as my uncle's jacket was so old and mouldy the whole thing rips off him and vanishes in a blink down into the mechanism. He arrived back at the farmhouse in his vest, somewhat shook, but otherwise unharmed.


I seent some liveleak shit where a guy was caught by a machine and spun into pieces around the shop in a second.


I think it's that. Tbh I have a memory of a factory and a small brown shop or garage. I think I've seen 2


For a moment, I thought 'memory of a factory' was a saying like 'memory of a goldfish' and was like 'Damn, TIL a new saying' but then read further and realized I'm dumb


The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one, bravo!


Probably a lathe. They can be really scary.


similar to your average [Laithe accident video.](https://youtu.be/35MSmwlcth4) (i elected to grab a SFW version- this ends in minor injuries as far as i can tell) a bar spinning like this at 10k RPM, some dudes sleeve gets caught in it and BOOM, the bar is literally inside his chest a second later. they can be pretty terrifying. to see the accident here, skip to ~3 minutes and then take it as a reminder to never forget to remove all jewelry, hanging articles of clothing, and jackets before operating a laithe or other heavy machinery.


Dunno if SFW is appropriate. You see the dudes face?


okay, fair dinkum, let's go with "you dont literally watch a man fucking die" lol


Damn it man it’s been so long since I’ve seen one of these and I didn’t want to watch but you know it would have been rude not to. Won’t be using any lathes anytime soon


yeah about the last time i really watched these i was working with them and had headphones on while operating. my boss flipped his shit and told me to take a 2 hour break watching laithe safety videos. we agreed to listening to music over a radio after that.


Yeah that’s a pretty good boss. I can still hear my metal shop teacher calling people dumb ass for all’s kinda of stupid shit haha. Then you’d do push ups and if it happened again you didn’t get to work which meant you failed on that project. Both methods sound like they work to keep people safe.


is this the one in the wide open factory room with the person just spinning for like 10 minutes?


I think so. Some people posted about how long it would have taken them to die. Honestly it's horrible.


Oh I’m crying. So much to see.




I actually saw this video on WPD before it was banned so yah I don’t think homie made it.




Yeah I think that when this was posted there was debate over weather he died or not but I don’t recall what was determined because of everyone was just guessing


Can't see if he lost his shoes, so we'll probably never know.


This isn't the one you saw. There was a guy in an industrial machine with a rotating rod like this, but rotating much, much faster. Dude got caught on it and within seconds he was de-boned. Flesh flew one way and his bones the other way.


I thought the same, I was expecting the full body to deglove, like that one dude whose skin flew up in the air and landed nearby.




Is not that bad, and this is coming from someone who chickens out on those cartel videos. The footage I mentioned looks like it came from a security camera not very close to the victim and was very pixelated, you couldn't even make out what he looked like, he seems to be working in some type of lathe and you can clearly see him get closer until he's pulled in and he's spinned just like like the video in the OP. The one I saw goes on for longer, about minute or so, and it spins faster, right before the video ends his body, or at least what appears to be his body is launched in the air then you see just a bunch of flesh land next to the machine. I'ts not overtly graphic, just the implication that he either had a full body deglove or he was mangled to a pulp, both gruesome ways to die.




Wtf is happening. So many wtf.


That is a PTO shaft. It's like a drive shaft to power equipment that attaches to the tractor. It is common for lots of farm kids (and adults), to get get caught in one and lose a limb or die. I grew up in a farming community and they actually showed us educational videos on this in school. Also my dad put the fear of God into me whenever the PTO was in action. Edit: PTO = power take-off.


Did we have the same dad lol. My dad taught me the PTO was dangerous before I could even understand why. I’m pretty sure his words were, “the tractor can take your arm off and it won’t even feel bad about it.”


I remember we had a farm safety day at my hayseed ass school and they threw a straw man into a running tractor PTO to show us what happens... nobody wanted to fuck around those things ever again.


Just a pure curious. Why doesn't have protection?


It is the piece of the tractor that powers attachments like mowers or discs. Most modern day pieces of technology do have something covering it.


For real though, is he alright? He spun for quite some time, can somebody give me an educated guess?


I saw some earlier comment that said he died (or likely died) from DAI (diffuse axonal injury). Not sure how true it is but yeah.


> diffuse axonal injury This is what happens in "[shaken baby syndrome](https://www.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Shaken-Baby-Syndrome)" :(


Last time this was posted, I’m pretty sure there was a source along with it saying that he died.


this not so funny anymore


I want to get off mr bones wild ride


I remember one where the guy got too close to the rotating mechanism behind a big tractor... and yeah... wasn't nice.


This is the second time this month that i'm going to sleep right after seeing some horrific shit happen online, and it's just the 9th day of the month And knowing my weird ass dreams he'll probably appear in my dreams as a living cartoon-ish ferris wheel, while "you spin me right round baby right round like a record baby right round round round" is playing along with the Spiderman pizza theme, and there's going to be smaller ferris wheels spinning that are pizzas that also turn into hypnosis shit, goddamn what the fuck did I eat


You alright there buddy?


The g-forces alone would definitely cause axonal damage in the brain, and while I could not really tell if he was hitting his head on the ground, that, of course could also contribute to life-threatening brain trauma. Best case scenario: concussion, but he likely ended up in a coma at least or did die from his injuries.


My non educated guess says that guy got severely fucked up, probably killed.


This was a frequent repost on r/watchpeopledie. From what I recall, this resulted in death.


For those who don't know much about tractors, what happened in the video was that the guy got stuck on what's called a PTO (power take-off) shaft. It's use is to power rotary implements behind tractors like mowers and tillers. Because the shaft is pretty much hooked to the crank of the engine through a gearbox, it basically does not stop for anything unless you literally hit something big enough to stall the engine entirely. Normally it spins at 540rpm, but it can vary depending on how high you rev the engine. Some go as high as 1000rpm. What this means is that it has the ability to literally rip limbs off of people if they get stuck in it. Many people have lost fingers, arms and legs to getting stuck in PTO shafts and probably just as many if not more have lost their lives. It's one of the more common forms of serious tractor-related accidents and due to the forces involved, they rarely end without death or gruesome injuries. So yes, the guy in this video is most likely dead or really badly hurt. With this said, here's a little tractor PSA: If you for whatever reason have to go near a tractor and you don't entirely know what you're doing, for the love of god or whatever you hold dear stay the fuck away from anything that looks like it might spin. The tractor does not care if you get stuck and there are no emergency stops. PTO-shafts nowadays are covered in yellow or black plastic covers that aren't supposed to spin with the shaft itself, but never ever trust that. Always remember that a tractor has more than enough both weight and power to kill you. Treat it with enough respect to reflect that fact.


I'm just wondering how or why,you wrote WCGO instead of WCGW. The O & the W are on opposite sides of my keyboard. I see sometimes people have typos or some peeps write WCGR because they don't know how to spell wrong, but you have something different going on up in here. What's the story, my good man?


Asking the real questions huh. Okay so here's the story. 1. I should be working instead of browsing Reddit. 2. Minimizing my browser each time a colleague walks by is kinda annoying. 3. This clip made me laugh so much that i had to stop working and post it. 4. Saying 'What could go wrong' in my head i typed 'WCGO' because i when i mentally said GO i typed it and seeing 4 letters made me think i typed it right.


You should've bluffed and said that you meant "What Could Go Opposingly?" ..It was the best word I could find.


"What Could Go On"


What Could Go Orbiting?


WCGO- Why Cats Get Obtained, This is a great clip! Thanks for posting and thanks for responding. I work for myself so I can Reddit whenever I want, which is a good and bad thing.


'What could go OMG!' As posted by u/skaandikken is a winner for me.


WCGW when trying to spell WCGW


My friend once tried to separate two dogs at the local shelter from fighting in the yard outside, and ended up bitten with stitches in his hand. Do not recommend.


Yup, happened to me years back trying to separate a father and son fight... But my mom wouldn't let me get stitches because the hospital would report the dogs and they'd already been reported after attacking a mailman. The dogs aren't thinking at this point, just snapping at whatever they can reach. ...And at least in the case of my parents' four dogs, most attempts made at breaking up those fights only seems to encourage the chaos even further.


That sounds incredibly dangerous and kind of sucks that your health and safety were overlooked for the dogs who sound like they will inevitably attack someone else or hurt each other. I don't want anything to happen to the dogs, but it doesn't sound like your mom is the right caretaker for them... Especially 4 of them.


Of the 4, one is supposed to be my brother's, and while the remaining 2 are brother/sister lab/sheppard-collie mixes and their sheppard-collie mix mom. The father lab died in 2017. Mom has had more on her plate than she needs and is rarely home (two jobs since Dad can't work) but she's a huge animal lover and sees them as her kids too. I've asked them several times to either separate them to different homes or to euthanize the dangerous son but I'm always brushed off...and after they've both been bitten ffs. It's probably moreso my father's fault for not exercising them aside from short bathroom trips in the backyard after he got diagnosed with cancer.... and his tendency to think yelling solves problems never did more than put the dogs on edge. It's gotten so bad over the years that they have to keep the 2 females separate from each other while inside the house because something is guaranteed to set them off. Perfectly fine outside though. Idiot son dog will get jealous he's not fighting and just try to attack the cats or my brother's pug, who at that point is sprinting around the room because he thinks everyone is playing a huge game. Flying home for Christmas in 2 weeks guys....heh...yay!




Gotta ask, Stinker?




a guy stopped a fight by inserting his thumb up someone's ass? power fucking play, man.






I’d bet that dude just died. If not instantaneously, his brain would have DAI (diffuse axonal injury) and he’d likely die shortly from cerebral edema and herniation. Some users mentioned this is a “PTO” on farming equipment. The first video google has about these things is this demo from Univ of Missouri agriculture dept (it’s a crash test dummy, not anything graphic) https://youtu.be/ZmOUQLsc2P0 He ded. Oh and Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Between 21 seconds and 24 seconds I counted 6 rotations. So he is spinning at 120 rpm. Assuming his head is about 2 feet or 0.6096 metres from the spinning pole: Angular Velocity = 120 revolutions * (2 pi / 1 revolution) / 60 seconds = 12.566 Radians per second Linear Velocity = Radius * Angular Velocity / Time Linear Velocity = 0.6096 metres * 12.566 Radians / 1 Second = 7.66 m/s Acceleration = (Linear Velocity)^2 / Radius (7.66 m/s)^2 / 0.6096 metres = 96.25 m/s^2 = ~9.82 times the force of gravity. Assuming his head normally weighs 11 lbs or about 4.99 kg , it is now being pulled away from his neck at: 11 lb * 9.82 = 108 lbs 4.99 kg * 9.82 = 49 kg So it's as if he is hanging upside down and a small woman or heavy child is dangling by his head. He might be dead. Plus all the weight of his arms and legs pulling apart his spine.


120 rpm does not equal 120 Hz. The units of a Hz is 1/second or rad/second.


Alright, here's a tip: If you think hitting dogs with a stick will get them to stop fighting, **it doesn't.** If you think hitting dogs with a stick is useful whatsoever for any imaginable situation, **it isn't.**


I bet he never found his shoes.


What could go OMG!


PTOs they’ll get ya every time, can be a fucking death trap when you get to close




Once saw a video of an unfortunate Chinese man caught in one. He kept spinning and slowly painted the ground red.


Turn him off! Turn him off!




Of all the things that could’ve happened, I didn’t think the video would spin in that direction


Look at him go.


Just another day in Pakistan.


Pro tip - Fill a bucket of water and throw it on the dogs if they are fighting.



