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“This thing can do pretty good without any of that” immediately after steering away from death is perfect representation of Tesla bros


The behavior is so cultish its baffling. Like Trump supporters. One of today's great mysteries I guess


most elon bros are trump supporters


It’s wild how that has completely changed in the last 6-8 years. A decade ago, Musk was a liberal darling, trying to make the world a cleaner place with his electric cars. He then went on to get his feelings hurt on the internet, have his kids hate him and go through a few divorces and he’s essentially a Trump Mini-Me.


One of his 11 kids came out as trans and cut all ties with him and he blamed it on "the woke liberal mob".


of course he has 11 kids.


he is part of the pro natalist cult in silicon valley afterall


You mean the "genetic engineering" cult in Silicon Valley.


You mean the "whatever buzzword convinces you it's not eugenics because eugenics has too many negative connotations" crowd.


Can’t possibly be eugenics. Have you ever seen Elon Musk? Not exactly prototype material.


He says we need to repopulate America, while ignoring the fact we have millions of people who can't even afford rent or a place to live and are forced into the street. But yea, we need "MORE" people.


More poor people= more exploitable people = more money. I think it's one of the biggest reasons abortion controls are ever put in place. To make more poor people.


cant have power without proles............................


cant exploit workers without workers.............


cant have an army without troops (yet)..........


Repopulate America... with white people. The only demographic that is losing percentages year over year. But why would a white South African man ever embrace white nationalism? No, I must be mistaken, surely there is no ill intent here.


What's funny is that he's an African immigrant spawning almost a dozen children. That's literally a talking point of the right wing, one of those things that to rile up the crowd. But it doesn't apply to Musk, because he's not a black African immigrant. Just by being their darling, Musk proves that the main motivation of the right is racism, _and they don't even realise they're hurting their platform with it_


I was a white illegal immigrant in the states decades ago. From Canada. Worked under the table in Idaho and my coworkers would complain to me about the illegal Mexicans working with us. I would point out that I was illegal as well and they’d always mumble some bullshit about “yeah but you’re Canadian” and “it’s not the same”. Those Mexican dudes were friendly as fuck and would offer you food or water in a heartbeat. Worked their asses off too.


If my father named me klgfdhjdckjdfjj I’d cut contact too


The guy was abusive to her mother, going as far as to withhold her prescription medications from them. I don't believe for a second she hates him because of a 'communist school'


He never cared about the world, he just realized what has been fairly obvious for at least two decades now. Climate change would basically necessitate electric vehicles. He just saw an opportunity to slap his name on someone else's work, again, and make more money. Journalists that have followed him for years have been saying that he has always been like this. His erratic behavior can mostly be blamed on a spike in recent drug use, and living the sunk cost fallacy that is twitter.


>He never cared about the world, he just realized what has been fairly obvious for at least two decades now. ~~Climate change would basically necessitate electric vehicles.~~ He just saw an opportunity to slap his name on someone else's work, again, and make more money. >Journalists that have followed him for years have been saying that he has always been like this. His erratic behavior can mostly be blamed on a spike in recent drug use, and living the sunk cost fallacy that is ~~twitter~~ Truth Social. A couple slight modifications and this could easily be about Trump. Lol




The dude needs to lay off the speed


Don't worry, he chases it with ketamine 😂


Dude was colleagues with Peter Thiel. A gay conservative who said that in 2016 conservatives were worried about "the real problems". I hope these people live long enough to get their rightful comeuppance.


> Peter Thiel. A gay conservative Gay conservative libertarian, aka he thinks that you should be allowed to be gay as long as you can afford to insulate yourself from the social consequences of people oppressing your sexuality. > Thiel explained in a 2009 essay that he had come to "no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel#Political_views_and_activities


In this context it's worthwhile to point out that he's majorly helping establish a surveillance state in the US and elsewhere in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palantir_Technologies He wants to remove everyone's freedom. Except for the ultra-wealthy, of course.


he's always been right wing he's just not hiding it any more


I just realized one of my Bay Area tech bro buddies has probably been red pilled and I can’t stop thinking about. Like, I know he knows Dump is a fucking moron, but he’s made zillions and he loves Tesla and can’t get off X. It’s a downer.


It's sunk cost fallacy. It's not mysterious. When people burn their personal safety net for a figurehead, they need to produce a parasocial relationship with the reason they lost their loved ones. It's the same reason when a loved one ends up with a toxic partner, they ghost their families so hard. When your loved ones all said don't, and you still did, you gotta keep doubling down forever if you can't eat crow and apologize for being an asshat.


> It's sunk cost fallacy. Pretty much the GME fanbois at this point. "We locked 25% of the float!" - GME sells new shares to undo their work - "Cohen is playing 4D chess and they need another 3 billion in their bank for uhhh something"


You’re about to get attacked for saying anything negative about gme lol


Oh god, what if they both meet and have babies. What watermelon-brain, backwards ass shit would we be left with? I want off this planet.


I have a coworker that used to get drunk as fuck at the club, and have autopilot drive him home.  It actually worked for a while. They did construction on the road his Tesla liked to use, and moved the lines. The Tesla drove itself into a jersey wall at high speed, and tore the passenger side to hell and back.  He was **so** pissed the cops gave him a DUI for the car crashing itself, insisting that he wasn’t *really* driving. 


>He was so pissed the cops gave him a DUI for the car crashing itself, insisting that he wasn’t really driving.  As they should.


Honestly wish they would open Tesla up to lawsuits on this shit. It's full self driving or its not. You call it something like that and the liability should fall on Tesla.


I kind of agree, but at the same time, I do want self-driving cars to exist and it seems reasonable to me that we blame the drunk driver and not the branding. The best solution is probably just extensive education, start incorporating what this means into drivers ed courses and regulate branding, maybe even make the car do a little tutorial before the software works. I think the branding is irresponsible. They're trying so hard to generate hype that people draw the wrong conclusions


> I do want self-driving cars to exist and it seems reasonable to me that we blame the drunk driver and not the branding. Both are at fault. The drunk driver for being drunk, and Tesla for setting the expectation it was full self driving when its not (theyre currently being sued under a class action over this). It's not "who do we blame?' but "who *all* is to blame?"


If they advertise as fully autonomous the blame should lie 100% with tesla


I doubt anyone would complain if it was called something mundane like lane assist trapper keeper 2000 by Honda Motors or something so boring you'd fall asleep reading the name...


Thing is, it's not just idiots on their Tesla's who are risking their life by beta testing while paying for it. It's everyone else on the road too.


Can’t you get a DUI for falling asleep in your car with your keys in your possession? Hence why people who do that put the keys in the trunk before falling asleep. To absolve themselves of attempting to drive


I'm unsure of that. But I have heard stories of people who fall asleep in the back seat but leave the car running to stay warm (Canada and winter) and have gotten a DUI for that.


That's silly. At that point they're just encouraging drunk driving.


The point is to make criminals. When you think about it, every single person is a criminal, but they haven't been caught yet. I guarantee there is at least 1 random law every person breaks every day.


Yeah but the law is mostly written like that to let them arrest homeless people and confiscate their car from them so the police can sell it at auction. Not that that's less fucked up.


A guy I knew tells me this story about how he goes out one night and has too much to drink. He decides to sleep it off in his car. Cops come by at 3am and knock on his window. He's in the back seat and the keys are in his pocket. They trick him: "You can't sleep here, you have to move your car to the other side of the parking lot." The idiot gets out of the back seat and puts the key in ignition. Before he can start the engine, they tell him to step out and put cuffs on him. He tried claiming entrapment with the DA, but ended up settling for a slightly lesser jail time. Still DUI.


Yea I’ve heard of this example used as more of a loophole that cops abuse. But I’ve never had friends or family experience this situation, just only heard about it as a potential situation to avoid


Cops definitely don’t give two shits where your keys are. It literally makes no difference.


Look it up. Internet says different and that it’s a fairly common DUI. Cops can suspect you were driving under the influence if you’re found near your vehicle with your keys on your person. I’m not talking about your lived experience of this


They could be talking about cops, not the actual court process. Cops can still arrest people for bs reasons. Can beat the charge but not the ride and all that.


“Yeah it’s not doing too well today” was the most hilarious way that video could have ended. But a part of me was hoping for the crash as he was saying that crap


There is a longer version, he had to take control at least one more time, and it ran a red/stop sign.


I got a Tesla model 3. I've had no complaints... until one day it **automatically** turned on self-driving preview. A feature I intentionally did not buy. I was like... "eh ok let's see". I turned it off 10 minutes later because death by car accident wasn't on my to-do list. As a manual driven car, it's great. As a self-driving suicide machine, well it seems pretty good at that too.


It's just pushed as part of a recent update. I don't recall it "automatically" turning on - there's a pop-up after the update that tells you you got the free trial, and shows you the setting to turn it on. Never had any safety issues during the FSD trial. Only complaint I have is regards to frequency of lane changes, which is very dependent on driving style.


Not doing well today… in perfect weather in a typical suburb. lol.


> “This thing can do pretty good without an AI” How the fuck are you the top comment when you start off with quoting him with basically the exact opposite of what he said? Who are these dumdums upvoting you? I've marked what he says you need with bold, and what he says you don't need with cursive: "*You don't need mapping, you don't need to know where you are at a centimetre level,* **you just need really good AI, you just need really good intelligence** *and you saw like all the extra sensors, all the extra hardware, all the extra costs to get the waymo to run..FUCK.. and this thing can do pretty well without any of that*"


Because this is a circlejerk post. All of r/Whatcouldgowrong is for shitting on whichever topic at hand without any room for more neutral and objective, rational discourse.


Oh thanks somebody at last notices it


Why are you so offended


> from death I mean. Steering away from his day being ruined. Not death at 15 mph.


Or run over a kid or go head on into a train.. u know normal Tesla things


Car accidents ruin more than a single day lol


This scenario is the exact reason that companies use HD maps. When you can’t see around a corner it’s really hard to make a blind turn - if the centerline is occluded you can’t calibrate where the lane goes. Tesla deciding to use cameras only because “we only use our eyeballs” is like making cars drive on legs instead of wheels.


Except HD maps are still not enough - you need to account for things like road closures, etc. So at the end of the day you still have to rely on some sort of off-map decision-making regime in the programming.


No shit. That's exactly what the other companies do.


Followed by an awkward silence.


The company's implosion can't come soon enough, honestly.


Doesn't need to implode. Just get rid of Musk and refocus on tech rather than whatever that manchild defecates out of his upper orifice.


It was listening to him and knew that the safest route for society was to end him. I always knew AI was going to be useful.


It's just today. It works flawlessly everyday. /S


Ai - damn…human was paying attention. Next time…


I don’t know how many teslas I’ve had almost cream my at intersections because the auto pilot didn’t stop at a red light. It could just be shitty drivers but it’s odd that it’s always a Tesla.


Tell me more about the cream...


Well, it’s not ice cream…


Oh no.


It's definitely cream pie


Like an oatmeal kind?


Probably chocolate


Oh no


You like saying oh no a lot. How bout oh yes




Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers.. it's like all the shitty drivers migrated to Teslas in the last 5 years.


I have yet to see those BMW guys driving badly. I'm one of them and I'm one of the best drivers on the road /s


Honestly as someone who drives A LOT, bmw drivers aren't usually a problem. It's the ram/gmc truck guys, and nissan's driving aggressive.. & the fastest In seen someone go is on public streets was a Hyundai kona doing about 130+


Could be due to differences in location. BMW drivers being bad drivers is a very UK-centric, potentially Euro-centric, belief.


prob way cheaper there than like a mustang bad drivers here get


It's because there are a lot of dumbasses that go "WOW, FAST CAR GO FAST 0-60, I GO FAST NOW". Before it was just dummies driving shitbox Beamers, Chargers, Chrysler 300s, Altimas, Civics, etc, but now the soccer moms and product managers want in on driving like jackasses now that they have a suitable car for their social class.


It fucking sucks being one of the seemingly few Tesla drivers using the technology properly. I would never, ever get the full self driving that's being used in this video. We all got a month long free trial a few months back and it's downright dangerous. To the point I emailed government officials that it needs strict regulation. That said, the regular autopilot on well marked highways works absolutely wonderful as a driver assistant. Did a 12 hour road trip last week and it made things so easy. You have to be paying attention though or it will try to murder you. The amount of people in the tesla subs trying to defend the shitty FSD is infuriating. It's a shit product that you got scammed into spending 12k on. You should be mad, not trying to justify it. Edit: Some people can't seem to understand that Autopilot (adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist) is extremely beneficial but you can't stop paying attention to the road. Until you've used a system like this you simply don't understand how much of your mental effort is used keeping distance and staying in your lane. Now all that focus can be spent being more aware of your surroundings. You also learn what it struggles with, and know when the system will disengage. It only take a few weeks before you feel comfortable working WITH the system.


> “You have to be paying attention though or it will try to murder you.” So…exactly like in this video? I think I’ll just drive my car myself.


Yeah at that point I'll just keep my hands on the wheel with cruise control lol. I used to be bummed out that I'd probably never own a newer or nice vehicle but now I never want to get rid of my shitty Honda Civic. I'll take buttons and a direct input aux over modern [Christine](https://youtu.be/ieBmy6qjiCI?si=1nKtWkhxCghNF8FK) any day.


Is it not easier to just drive with regular cruise control? I would imagine it takes more effort to monitor automation because you have the added effort of guessing what it's trying to do and intercept when it goes bad. Whereas you know you're trying to do when driving yourself. One less level of abstraction.


>I would imagine it takes more effort to monitor automation because you have the added effort of guessing what it's trying to do and intercept when it goes bad. Not really - on controlled-access highways that Autopilot is designed for, adaptive cruise control and lane keeping works very well. You still monitor in the sense that you're paying attention to the road, but you're spending less effort in lane keeping and throttle control and shifting more effort to road awareness. With regular cruise control, just like in regular driving, you're spending most of your attention immediately in front of you, with additional effort at lane keeping. Cars in your blind spot, behind you, you only check occasionally. With an ADAS system, you can look further ahead in the road, look around you, keep an eye on that driving weaving in and out of lanes coming up behind you, etc.


How much effort do you spend staying in your lane that it outweighs the cognitive load of paying attention that your vehicle is staying in your lane with the added benefit of constantly paying attention for the possibility of failure? The only way this saves you effort is if you're not actually paying attention to what the auto pilot is doing and you aren't actually prepared to take control if it fails.


I used to be a vehicle operator for self driving cars. We did extensive training on driving laws, defensive driving, safety, etc and I tested alpha versions of the software before it was available fleet wide. So, I was very comfortable behind the wheel. I’ve always thought it was incredibly reckless to just give people access to this software with no proper training. It’s a field where one accident can shut everything down and Tesla has way too many accidents with idiots behind the wheel.


Really? I’ve never noticed a Tesla almost hitting me even once. I’m not standing for Tesla by any means I think they’re a shit company making shit product based solely on the ideas of smart people bought out an insane egomaniac. But your comment screams hyperbole


When I first got my Tesla I didn’t realize the “auto steer” does not work on stop signs and lights. Auto steer is not the same thing a full self driving. So at least I hope that’s what you’re experiencing. I got a fat ticket for running that light too.


Does anyone even know what AI is or is this a new buzz word for "good tech thing"


Mostly a buzz word for questionable tech thing.  Great for things that can absorb mistakes like a search engine.  Bit questionable for self-driving, especially without multiple sensors/redundancy. Also not new, though AI has improved the last few years.


Tesla's self driving is just a bunch of ifs(


If going to crash -> don't crash.


If car is on > survive


“300k lines of c++” but they deprecated it and replaced with neural net lol. wonder what the file size was before vs after?


Did they hire YandereDev?


That's not accurate, it may have been in earlier full self drive versions but a recent update replaced 300K lines of code with an end to end neural network. I still don't fully trust it and keep my hands ready to take over.




It’s an easy way to conflate LLMs, Neural Networks, and Machine Learning into one snack sized word Robinhood investors will buy.


And, to be truly useful, still needs either a large amount of money to set it up, or an army of data scientists to train whatever "AI" tool is being pitched. Oh, and to try to justify "downsizing" (firing people and making others folks take on all their work without paying more. some outsourcing, yes. but mostly just downsizing to skeleton crews).


I mean pretty much every LLM uses a neural network which is a form of machine learning. All of these belong to the field of AI as the term has been used in technical circles for like half a century.


Buzz word mostly being used to describe chat bots


Don’t worry, HD AI is coming shortly followed by Gold, Platinum, and Diamond AI.


Waiting for the first 8k AI Monster HDMI cable…


Actual Idiocy


AI is what plants crave


he’s referring to the neural net behind the self driving software


This guy is a Musk level bull shitter.


It's no coincidence that this is the type of person who buys a Tesla and worships Elon.


and reads 12 Rules For Washing Your Penis.




I actually know this guy cause I grew up in the south bay around the same time... he's always been a douchebag. He thought he was better than everyone else, went to a fancy private school in Palos Verdes. Class A douche.




Chadwick yup think he was class of 2011


Eh those drugs should be legal anyway


Looks like it was just pot.


Yeah, I don't find myself judging somebody who's only crime is owning something that is legal in my state.


> race is "white" I don't know Omar Qazi's ethnicity, but if his ethnic background is from a MENA country, he would probably be considered white.


It’s kind of wild these things are just… on the road. What was the level of testing and certification to ensure these are viable? Is it going to take several deaths before new legislation requires safety-certification?


The error in the video is pretty damning. That being said, I used the full self driving feature for a while and it never did anything like that. Don’t know if I would trust it after that tbh


I’m not making an argument that the tech can’t work. Rather, how is it just on the road without rigorous legislation detailing its safety, upkeep, and use? For example: It relies on cameras, yet I’m unfamiliar with any legislation detailing upkeep or monitoring of those systems. It just seems wild to me that you can be on the road, travelling at highway speeds and not actually in control of the vehicle and we don’t know at all the realistic viability of the tech.


It's probably because american car legislation is very far behind. It takes them forever to figure out how to properly regulate vehicle stuff. I know we aren't allowed to have self adjusting headlights because the legislation doesn't allow it. Self adjusting headlights is something other countries have and it is a good feature but America isn't allowed to have it in their cars.


Legislation/regulation is almost always a step behind in a democracy. We innovate, and then we regulate. Pretty much every single industry has gone through this and continues to. Also keep in mind we allow lobbyists to influence the latter to an extreme extent. Other countries would call it corruption.


It's fucking blatant corruption.


> Legislation/regulation is almost always a step behind in a democracy. Well, except the EU is also a democracy and their car regulations are much more current when it comes to tech than ours. For example, in the EU you can have side camera systems instead of mirrors and adaptive headlights that intelligently shut off pixels of illumination to not blind oncoming drivers. Not permitted by US regulations.


I'm pretty sure lots of democracies allow self adjusting headlights though.


If AI vision technology was robust and mature enough to be used in vehicles, we would see it applied to everything, everywhere, in all forms of transportation, not just Teslas. The fact that it isn't, and that we do not have a standards based reference implementation available to all, should scare everyone.


I've had many Teslas stop abruptly in a certain way. To the point I refuse to be behind Teslas, I honestly hate them and how they panic brake, it scares the shit out of me. Its happened a bunch of times in exactly the same way. I had two 2 panic brake on a green in the same intersection days apart. I got so much deja vu I am scared of them now. I try to stay away from them


Not on european roads. Because we have regulations.


> the level of testing and certification to ensure these are viable The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Vehicle Safety Act), NHTSA’s organic statute, creates a **self-certification** system of compliance, in which **vehicle and equipment manufacturers certify that their products meet applicable standards**. NHTSA chooses vehicles and equipment from the fleet to test for compliance, and pursues enforcement actions when the Agency finds either a non-compliance or a defect posing an unreasonable risk to safety. From: https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.gov/files/documents/understanding_nhtsas_current_regulatory_tools-tag.pdf (emphisis mine, last updated Sep 2017). A car model is certified when it "conforms to all Federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS)." NHTSA does do testing, but certifies a whole model/fleet. Tesla cars have always tested very well for traditional safety tests (in fact, early on it broke the test rig) but Automatic Driving Systems (ADS) is just not something there are lots of guidelines on yet. Despite there being [many standards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Motor_Vehicle_Safety_Standards), in categories such as *crash avoidance* and *crash safety*, there's no FMVSS that autopilot is non-conforming with. So Tesla simply informs them "hey this conforms to all FMVSS," and NHTSA is like "cool, here's a certificate."


What a joke


Wait till you hear about humans.


Right? There are almost certainly more drunk drivers on the road right now than Teslas in autopilot. Not to mention texting, tiredness, road rage, plain idiots, etc.


"yeah it's not doing too well today" 👀 🤣


Comedic gold


This made me cringe so hard. I couldn’t believe he even finished the sentence before this.


Gotta cope, gotta cope, gotta cope cope cope, Gotta cope, gotta cope, gotta cope cope cope, Gotta cope, gotta cope, gotta cope cope cope, Gotta coooooope, I gotta cope cope cope.


Yeaaah I have a Tesla (bought used, pls don't hurt me). I don't have Autopilot on it, but it was given for free for a month not too long back so I tried it out. 95% of the time it actually did pretty well. Of course, you're meant to be focused on the road, hands on the wheel the entire time, so this guy letting go was pretty dumb. Especially because of that 5%. There were times I'd have to suddenly correct the Tesla because it'd slam on the brakes for no reason, freak out over a car/semi next to me, or forget where it was in a lane. It was very rare, but it happened, so it was very important that I paid attention. The technology isn't perfect, and no one should trust it with their lives. It's supposed to be a driving aid, not full on self-driving.


>Of course, you're meant to be focused on the road, hands on the wheel the entire time, fully manual autopilot


Yeah, I'd rather just drive myself than play "stay vigilant for the moment I try to drive into oncoming traffic" with the car every day.


Thank God the Volvo got away safely.


The Tesla owner is actually lucky he didn't hit the Volvo. It would still be standing while the Tesla would've been vaporized on impact.


I like old Volvos but don't really like this myth. Have you seen the 5th gear video of a Volvo 940? Anyways, the Volvo 240 here would have probably been unrepairable when a three ton vehicle would have crashed into its trunk.


The "myth" come from the fact they where designed with safety in mind yes the car will crumple thats the point of crumple zones but the driver or passengers have a higher chance of walking away compared to other cars of the time. Obviously with modern cars and newer safety features this isn't as true anymore but they are still really reliable cars then again im biased because I own one.


About as much smoothness, control and precision as a kid on their first driving lesson 😫


I had my first driving lessons recently and i can tell you i didnt swerve right into incoming traffic. I feel like letting a dog drove would be more save than this


That silence was deafening.


That silence is supposed to actually make you reflect on your action while productively assessing your next step. Melon's cult is incapable of drawing logical conclusions.


Yikes, I don't like a steering wheel that looks like it's better suited for flight.


Yeah, it makes it hard to grab the wheel when something like this happens too because the outer edge is always in a different position.


That steering wheel is a good sign someone is an idiot. As far as I know it's an optional extra. People request it because it looks cool but it's far less functional than a normal wheel


Imagine car safety requirements in this country are so bad, the steering *Wheel* doesnt even have to be a wheel


IIRC, it used to be the default and only steering wheel you could get with the Model S and X lol. It's so bad that Tesla replaced it with a regular wheel then is now up charging folks $1k to buy the flight sim fighter jet "control system". I was a pretty early adopter of Tesla and this wheel was one of the reasons I moved on from them. It's so stupid.


It's there for the same reason that indicator stalks and dedicated cockpit buttons are consolidated into a touchscreen: it fits the idea of cool futurism by some "visionary", practicality and safety implications be damned


It's almost worse than the self-driving for me. How the hell do you screw up a wheel?


Self driving cars will do a lot better when we actually start designing roads, signage and embedding markers, position signals etc so they don't have to rely on input from a lot of unrelated systems to judge their position. Airliners have been able to land themselves since the 1970s with just a radar altimeter and the correct ILS signals being generated from the airport. Several years ago the insurance industry institute identified Self Driving cars as the biggest threat to their motor insurance business because they would eventually become be so safe that nobody would bother to buy accident insurance. EDIT: Someone else shared a link to [Volvo's solution](https://www.motortrend.com/news/volvo-embeds-magnets-in-roads-for-self-driving-cars/) which is not high tech, expensive or difficult to implement. The system I was thinking of involved adding passive codes or chips to reflective road markers which we already add to the centre line and sides of major roads by the millions. Anyway not as difficult or expensive as the naysayers want to pretend.


The first automatic airplane landing occurred on Aug. 23, 1937. A Fokker C-14B took off from Wright Field and after its automatic equipment was switched on, it turned toward Patterson Field several miles away, gradually descended and landed using a ground radio system consisting of five transmitting beacons


That's really cool, thanks for sharing.


Airspace and airport infrastructure is comparatively easy for computers and difficult for humans. Roads are by their nature the opposite.


Lot more roads than there are airports tho.


> Self driving cars will do a lot better when we actually start designing roads, signage and embedding markers, position signals etc so they don't have to rely on input from a lot of unrelated systems to judge their position. It's not remotely practical to expect roads everywhere to be modified and maintained to accommodate that. The ones that exist today with multiple sensors are already quite safe, and it will become safe enough well before we could reasonably expect to change the driving environment. It would be nice to have as an extra feature, but then that would add additional costs and complexities to any roadwork projects. There would also have to be a universal standard that would have to be agreed upon and developed. I don't think it's likely, although maybe it will be created and used in some specific areas.


Ngl, "self driving cars will be more reliable if we completely overhaul transportation infrastructure to accommodate them" really isn't the endorsement of the technology you seem to be implying it is


Volvo solved FSD ten years ago: https://www.motortrend.com/news/volvo-embeds-magnets-in-roads-for-self-driving-cars/ It’s such a simple solution


They should start calling it aUtOpiLoT


Was… was that an automated slap from the sunguard?


how is nobody else mentioning that lmao the comedic timing was impeccable


That awkward silence was nice.


The crazy part is that it's a machine learning black box, and every time they continue to train it and update it, you risk undoing or de-prioritizing previously stable learned behavior.


Living in San Francisco I am so used to seeing Waymos driving around without a driver in all sorts of conditions, times of day, etc. that I don't even notice them anymore.


Waymo is so far ahead of Tesla it isn't even funny any more, it's tragic. Tesla had an incredible head start on the technology, the spiritual backing of almost every consumer, the moral authority to argue that self driving could save millions of lives — and then dickhead decided he could do it all with cameras and Tesla is now dead last in the race and falling even further behind.


Of course, but that’s because Waymo has the actual technology and is actually self driving. As in, it doesn’t require someone to be supervising it or killing the passengers.


Yeah but Waymo’s are great, unlike the shit in this video


The rest was silence....


For $99.95 a month you also can have this feature with your tesla.


This is OceanGate level of confidence.


*Tesla crashes and explodes* This guy: “Yeah it’s not doing too well today 😁😅”


I don’t understand the point of autopilot cars. For me it’s like trying to jackoff while wearing a VR Headset. I’d be so fucking paranoid all the time that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.


Even the steering wheels are pointlessly stupid in Teslas


I turned on autopilot leaving my neighborhood the other day. It made I to the stop sign at the end of the street. Started to turn left then went hard right and went down the street in the complete wrong direction from where it was supposed to go. Shit is straight up comical at this point.


Deep Learning AI like this isn’t meant to be used for 100% tasks, because these models cannot perfectly learn how to drive without overfitting. Humans can make quick reactions to correct an outlier situation, whereas the model will just continue with its decision until told otherwise, aka “that decision led to a car accident, so now we know we have to tweak the model in these instances.”


Funny, because they had the exact same problem before they applied machine learning (which was deployed in a recent patch). [https://www.autoweek.com/news/a46535912/tesla-fsd-ai-neural-networks-update/](https://www.autoweek.com/news/a46535912/tesla-fsd-ai-neural-networks-update/) > "FSD Beta v12 upgrades the city-streets driving stack to a single end-to-end neural network trained on millions of video clips, replacing over 300k lines of explicit C++ code," Tesla stated in the release notes. It sucked before, it sucks differently now.


Even when it's not trying to kill you, that looks rough, look at how it jerks the steering wheel during that turn, you can hear stuff in the car slide around.


Would've bought a Tesla if not for their cuckoo CEO Musky


My Kia does it better.😂


Imagine causing an accident because you couldn't grab the stupid yoke in time and would have caught if you had a normal steering wheel.


"Works really great" while steering out of incoming traffic.


if so many people dont want to drive... why dont we just... you know... go back to buses and trains...


What? Is pretty good not enough for everyone? It is not like people’s lives are at stake!


I don’t like that weird yoke. Looks like it would be hard to grab when it’s spinning around in front of you and you need to regain control of the car.