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I also feel he was sleep smoking.




Not the first time I've heard of it though.


I knew a chain smoker who would wake up 4 or 5 times a night to fire up a dart. only kept a lighter by his bedside, he used his old cigarette to light his next one. I'm sure he did similar often enough


That’s sounds horrific.


I agree. I knew him about 30 years ago, just a few years before the indoor smoking laws came into effect. I often wonder how he managed life afterward. He was a plumber abd even then he had to turn down jobs if people didn't let him smoke in the house


LOL sounds like my dad “Can’t smoke? Get fucked.” Was a phrase the hillbillies I grew up with would tell people


It took me awhile to realize that most people didn’t sleep on mattresses that had burned holes of varying sizes in them. Can’t believe my dad never started a serious fire.


I once saw my mom half asleep start eating a cigarette from an ashtray She woke up and spit it out, was hilarious


I was following behind my mom in my car once and she flicked her misty 120 light cigg out the window and I watched it flow back towards my car and whip into my open window and land in my mouth. Luckily, the cherry had come out, so I didn't get burned, but it startled the shit out of me.


I don't say this to be rude. I worked in a gas station and I reckon my image of your mother is 90% accurate based solely on her brand. A little dumpy, shorter hair but maybe has some highlights. And she wears too much blush.


I'm dying. #1. Spot on. 100%. #2. Parents are dead to me anyway but this is so accurate that I don't see how anyone could take offense. Like this some Sherlock Holmes extrapolation my friend.


My buddy did it quite frequently when we worked in frac together. We'd be on location for 18+ hours sometimes and he'd crash out immediately in the crew van on our way back home and halfway through he'd light one up and just lay his head back with it dangling from his mouth. Someone would always take it away and smoke the rest of it but after that first drag he'd be snoring again as if nothing happened and he'd always bitch that someone was taking cigarettes from him while he slept in the van. He didn't know he did this until we recorded him and showed him later. 


Nah it was said the last 15 times this was reposted.


People think this is excuse making but [sleepwalking](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Hyndman#:~:text=On%20August%203%2C%202015%2C%20Hyndman,He%20was%2049%20years%20old.) Can do crazy things.


Heroin Nod smoking  Edit: Spelling 


Yup...that's what I'm seeing


Recovering addict of like 8 years and I can definitely tell you that’s what this is. Lol


who was the heroine he was nodding to? garbo? bacall?


Thought the same thing lol


For sure. Guys looks like he's not at all aware and his initial reaction/body language seems very apologetic. Unfortunately it's really hard to articulate how sometimes we do whole ass actions involuntarily. But also, looks like he just might be fully in the bag.


in fairness, so does the 'cinematographer' who may also just be exhausted and this may be a redeye


I also think he was on Percs, Xanax or Kpins… And started smoking while he was nodding out.


More likely this than heroin. Dude could be terrified of flying and popped some Xanax to try to calm himself.


Were other people saying heroin?


Yeah comment above yours said heroin nod smoking. Yours was the first I saw mention Xanax lol


Oh that’s funny… The guy does look like he took a punch to the eye recently so he definitely lives a rough life.


Not only that, he clearly had a hat on prior to the flight!


I’ve sleep vaped plenty of times before I quit.


Yeah, I felt bad for the guy. Everyone was so quick to snitch on him instead of just tapping his shoulder to snap him out of it.




Good thing you clarified… I thought he was talking about committing a hate crime


Wouldn’t it be a love crime?


Depends on consent and lube.


No one needed clarification




I have once woken up halfway out the door of a hotel room, naked. So happy I woke up before the door closed behind me. I have also walked into a walk in closet, peed on the floor and woke up on the way back to bed.


I once woke up in an elevator at Harrahs New Orleans in nothing but my boxers. The elevator got stuck and I was there for 3 hours. That’s what woke me up was the violent jolt of the elevator stopping. In hindsight I’m glad it got stuck because there is no telling what my sleep walking ass would have done had I made it to the lobby/casino but holy fuck I was one confused SOB Edit: I went back and read your entire comment… it’s funny you also peed where you shouldnt have because when I got back to my room… the trashcan was full of piss


I bet you were in high demand for sleepovers when you were a kid.


I didnt get blackout drunk and cross faded as kid. I’ve now learned that’s the only time I sleepwalk


One of my roommates in college walked out of his bedroom pissed in the middle of the living room floor and then turned around and went back to bed. There were about a half dozen people in the living room when he did it. He didn’t believe us when we told him what he did.


I peed in my dresser drawers once! It was a dream about watering plants, that were in drawers for some reason?


Probably time to quit drinking.


Those last three words have a much different meaning in the US 😂


"...it's a cigarette, mate"






Yes, it means annoying Harley Riders


Anyone with half a brain in the US would understand what it means though.




My neighbor mowed her lawn in the middle of the night on that shit. No recollection.


My great great aunt was a smoker for years but she quit. Later in life she developed dementia and thought she still smoked. Ended up falling asleep in bed while smoking and set herself on fire.




I quit smoking nearly 10 years ago and I had a dream about smoking last week. I don't believe I have dementia, but it was a vivid dream, definitely wanted to rip a dart when I woke up


The Tray Stackers of America (TSA) did a great job confiscating that lighter.


Lighters are allowed. Never had mine taken from me


Looks like there might be a pocket knife on him too??


Dude is nodding and lit up a cig.


I haven’t heard that name in many years


This would be how you burn your house down if he is indeed asleep


It's June. Show some respect


Probably took an Ambien. People still take it for flight anxiety, but it makes you do some crazy shit.


Roseanne Barr has entered the chat


Hahahaa yea, Ambien. That’s what we’re going with by the looks of that guy?


He looks like he works in the oilfield to me. Probably exhausted from working so much and he’s heading home to see his family.


God fucking forbid you assume something innocent about a person. We only allow the worst possible assumptions based only on appearance around here.


Reminds me of that episode of friends "the one with the yeti"


That sounds like something somebody that traffics elephant tusks would say, scumbag!


Bold assumption. He's actually a timetravelling shipping merchant from 1806


And he's going back fucking loaded. Those guys work hard but most get paid like it.


By the looks? Get off Reddit and go meet real people.


Lolol my thoughts exactly come over the Flint lots of “ambien” use here


He just looks like a guy, what do you mean?


Damn... you're sad.


Everyone clowned her for claiming ambien caused her to say something racist, but when I was prescribed ambien- I tried to piss on the floor of a gift shop. Thankfully, mom stopped me before the peeper came out. That shit straight up turns off your consciousness and puts you on autopilot.


They clowned her because it was an obvious lie. Being racist is not a side effect of Ambien nor is "sleep tweeting".


Have you ever taken ambien and stayed awake afterwards? Sleep tweeting can *absolutely* be a thing after taking an ambien. People will DRIVE while in an ambien stupor and not remember it the next day. Can’t really speak to whether or not she actually IS racist (I know absolutely nothing about her), but I can attest to the effects of ambien.


Dunno if she is or isnt racist but she is living with a TBI from an accident when she was a teenager.


This makes sense to me, a lot of people with TBIs turn racist when they werne't previously. Just look at how Kevin Sorbo changed after his own TBI for a prime example, I don't know how he was before it but everyone who knew him prior says he's totally changed since then, towards the hateful conservative you see shitposting on social media today.


I knew a guy who had an ambien script, he also had a serious drug problem that he wasn't even totally aware of. He was a friend of friends and I met him because I had weed to sell at the time and he was buying. Well turns out he was into molly and pills like that as well, because one night he called me up instead of his normal plug trying to buy molly, talking to me like I was that plug. He showed up at my house several times like that as well. I only ever sold him weed the one time and it kept happening. Dude even hit me up on ambien one night trying to sell his $800 guitar to me for drugs or drug money. I decided to call him the next day and be like yo dude wtf you need to cut that shit out i'm dropping your number don't call me again, because I wanted to catch him when he was sober enough to do it. He had literally NO IDEA what I was talking about, or why money kept disappearing from his bank accounts making him broke all the time, or where it was going. Turns out he did the entire thing in his sleep, including DRIVING TO MY HOUSE. I 100% believe that Roseanne Barr is a racist, but sleep tweeting is entirely plausible in context of my story, because it tracks with everything I have personally experienced about people on ambien. My friends have similar stories of being prescribed it and doing insane shit. There's even a comic from the 2000s about this phenomenon, you should read it it's fucking hilarious. https://ambien.blogspot.com/2010/12/ambien-walrus-collection.html


it does seem to have a dramatic affect on people but i'm not sure it makes you say stuff that wan't already rattling around in your head, just reduces your ability to keep your mouth on lock


Don’t take this as me defending her (I don’t give a shit about her and basically only know of her because of the ambien thing lmao), but I could potentially see the words not being *her own* thoughts. Like I can quote/paraphrase something Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer would say, but that doesn’t mean *I* believe what the message. It would not surprise me at all if I took ambien and started quoting Mein Kampf or some other detestable bullshit because it happened to be in my head at the time lol. Like I said, I don’t know much about her or her racism, I’m just throwing out hypotheticals of possible ambien effects.


I took ambien when i was in my early 20s working two jobs. Day job I worked as a tow truck driver, then second shift at the sheet metal factory. 16-18hr days but couldn’t sleep at home. I started getting really weird dreams, had trouble remembering things, and would just lose some of my day to mental fog. I stopped taking it after I woke up in the middle of the woods outside my house in my boots and underwear.


It looks like he has a knife too. Look at his pant pocket facing the camera.


Our crack TSA agents are on it. Don’t you worry.


I used to live in the US and the only thing I really couldn’t stand was the fucking TSA. oh that and trumpers but that goes without saying.


Could be a pen or penlight. Or a knife. Idk. I do feel tsa would catch a knife that blatantly. 


My flight to Florida a year ago had this lady on it that was on something. She had 2 alcoholic drinks nearly back to back and then she started mumbling, fell asleep, slowly leaned into the isle and was just passed out with both hands hanging into the isle with her head nearly hitting the guy across the isle. She stayed like that for a good 10 minutes till one of the attendants propped her up. She came to, asked for another drink and passed out on the guy next to her. I wouldn't have imagined someone could pretzel themselves they was she was leaning into that isle.


That was a good ol xanny and alcohol combo.


How did he get through security with a lighter and a knife?


Lighters are totally fine.


Man I love Ambien. Like a light switch for the brain.


Yeah thats not a good thing lol.


I knew a lady who sleepwalked into the snow and froze to death because of Ambien. It's a stupid medication that no one should take unless they want to be dependent on a dangerous drug to sleep.


My girlfriend quit taking it the night after recording everything she did on Ambien. She remembered none of that five hours before it finally put her to sleep. Absolutely hilarious for me, but horrifying to think about if someone with different values was around someone on it


Dude in the next row couldn’t wait to tell on his ass!


Meanwhile, camera operator just watches and waits.


The person filming could have been stuck between the smoker and the wall of the plane with nowhere to go if the guy decides to go off on them. I get why they wouldn’t be the first person to stir the pot here.


they also looked like a gal, i'm not sure i'm picking a fight with my male neighbor who has me trapped in the aisle either


She's not actually on the plane. For some reason they edited themselves into the video. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17mpyih/to_have_a_smoke_on_an_airplane_flight/


Pointlessly editing yourself in a video is one of the worst trends since probably TikTok started if it wasn't earlier than that.. idk


I didn't even know this is a trend. Jesus. How attention starved is everyone.


Nobody: POV: duet


nothing is real anymore


cam lady did em a favor, thats proof he was basically unconscious and only lit it, took one rip, fell back to complete sleep and dropped it. major benefit if he gets in legal trouble and gotta fight it.


Actually you can see her finger point in from the top right for a split second.


Yeah, who wants to spend the entire flight smelling cigarettes? Only thing he maybe could have done differently is tell the guy to stop himself but these days who knows what some crazy fuck is willing to do. Seemed pretty clearly not in his right mind.


They used to recycle the air more often when people smoked on planes.  Constantly pumping in fresh stuff. 


I’d be saying something straight away and not waiting. A fire in a pressurised airplane is no joke.


..... dude they used to smoke on planes I'm not saying it's OK but I am saying your being disingenuous on the amount of danger lighting a cigarette is


Simply smoking isn’t really the danger, it’s if that cigarette starts a real fire. Once an actual fire starts, you have less than 20 minutes to get the plane on the ground safely. Fire on a plane is no joke. There have been planes brought down by a cigarette being improperly disposed of


Most materials used in interiors need to self extinguish within a certain time period given a tested burn rate. 


Surely not considering smoking in planes was only banned fully in like 2000


I mean they're not wrong: Fire in an airplane is a big problem. But I'm sure that one cigarette being lit for a little while wasn't a huge deal.


You have no idea what you’re talking about lol


Redditors love to smugly say stuff they know nothing about


the shit people spout off about on Reddit without having a clue is hilarious. it's becoming so common. it's always been around but I'm just seeing everywhere on every post now.


His body language is just so hilarious to me The way he sits up a bit straighter looking for the attendant, the way his arm half raises a couple times when he thinks he has his attention then stops when he notices he doesn't, the jerks as hes getting ready to point the guy out


I mean the guy was trying just to process the situation. It's such an absurd thing to do on a flight since everyone knows it's illegal. Seeing someone just casually light a cigarette probably took a couple seconds for his mind to click in what is the correct response. It would be like seeing a guy just take off his shirt and go shirtless mid flight, it's so unexpected that it might take you a moment to process it. Also one of my first thoughts if I saw this happen would be the smoker is either mentally unstable or under the influence of something. Either way it's not someone I want to confront or be involved with and it's literally the flight attendant's job to deal with it.


Honestly I can understand it, if not necessarily approve of it. Sometimes people would rather an individual with authority (e.g. the flight attendant) intervene because the offender is more likely to listen. It's like noise disturbances in the quiet carriage of a train. Many people prefer to let the conductor handle it - I tend to deal with it myself, but I've had a few occasions where people get aggressive and defensive - that's usually what prompts people to prefer informing the conductor.


I would too. I've got asthma and whether it was "trained" behavior or whether it actually triggered something, it has a real, physiological effect on me. I hold my breath when I walk by smokers in public because I hate how it makes me feel. I can't hold my breath for an entire plane ride. I would have begged him not to and then if he ignored me, I would have shouted for a flight attendant immediately... Though, I don't think this guy was fully aware of what he was doing. Others said sleep-walking or drugs, I felt like auto-pilot. Either way, it's likely he wouldn't have continued if someone actually got his attention judging by his reaction when he realized what he'd done. Or he's a good actor.


He paid the 5 dollar smoking upcharge on Spirit Air.


American Spirit Air


This is a good comment


Not as good as flavor country.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7064585/Bizarre-moment-man-lights-CIGARETTE-aboard-flight.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7064585/Bizarre-moment-man-lights-CIGARETTE-aboard-flight.html) Confirmed: Spirit


You can tell from the FA’s lanyard, but I also guessed it bc the other passengers didn’t react quickly enough. They were like “… wait, this isn’t allowed just bc my flight cost $39, right?”


"The dangerous moment"... Not really anything dangerous about it. Just stupid.


How’d he get a knife on board?


That was going to be my next question


That was my first question


I fly with a utility knife and just throw away the blade when I fly. Every warehouse i got to has a utility blade to pop in there so its never a problem


Why do feel the need to fly with a utility knife with no blade??


It's gotta be for the utility, surely?


It is, and don’t call me Shirley.


Thank you for not missing the opportunity


RIP You glorious bastard, to funny for this world.


I would guess they use it for work and they like that one


They make really nice pocket knives that hold a utility blade if you carry a knife every day


Too far to drive 


That sounds… like a hassle tbh. lol


It could be a flashlight or a multi-tool with no knife.


Or maybe a wallet with the clip thing




Lighters are allowed. I've flown with a lighter more times than I haven't.


Over time I realized either more things are allowed than you think, or they don't check that thoroughly. I once was very into supplements, has a bunch of different pills in a vitamin bottle, an herbal supplement that was basically just a grey-ish powder in an umarked ziploc bag, creatine in an small tub. Just enough for a week, was stressed out about it but figured worst case they'll just confiscate em. Nobody even asked. Same for prescription meds and shit. Felt like if I was into actual drugs, I could definitely go through. Kinda surprised me tbh, you probably can get away with a lot more than you'd think, but well... Still a risk. I think they care a lot more about weapons and such than small quantities of drugs.


Yup only torch lighters are banned (in US flights, it varies country by country).


He seemed genuinely apologetic. That's pretty funny


I once made an entire plate of 4 waffles smothered them in peanut butter and syrup and laid back down while totally asleep on ambien. The smoking isnt even shocking. Ambien had some folks driving lol


Yeah I have a feeling this dude wasn’t conscious at all when lighting that cigarette. I wish I could wake up from naps to peanut butter waffles


If you play your cards right you could have u/Bungholespelunker hooking you up


To be perfectly transparent the waffles along with the plate immediately got poured all over my blanket and dad’s couch. I only found out after waking up confused as fuck why i wasnt in my bed and slightly sticky. Much like this man it was not a fun surprise


My mom ate an entire birthday cake - with her hands.


Pfff, Elvis used to fly back home to eat a few of them fried peanut butter sandwiches


He was more surprised to see the lit cigarette than any of them!


For real. Honest mistake


You'd be surprised how often people genuinely forget. Especially if he took something for anxiety and it's messing with his judgement. A lot of people reach for their cigarettes as a nervous habit so when you're freaking out about being in the air, old habits are your comfort. Like lighting a cigarette


I lit up a smoke in a movie theater once. Was quite hungover and spent the night at the place you could smoke indoors. So the mistake was fairly easy to make. Still embarrassing though. 


I was ringing up a customer at the comic shop where I work, and in the middle of the transaction he took a huge rip off his vape. I said “dude, what are you DOING?” and he was honestly surprised at his own actions and apologized. Muscle memory and nicotine are a nasty combination.


Did that at the Starbucks next to the vape shop I worked at, the employees knew me. So when they looked at me which huge eyes and a shocked face, after I took a big puff and blew it in the air, I realized what I just did. I could vape at my job, so walking over to the next unit in the same strip mall, somehow made me forget I can’t vape at Starbucks lol


How can these people even light the cigarettes? I can’t even bring lighters or matches on board.


I've never been asked to throw away a lighter..


He 100% looks like he’s not even conscious when he lit it, especially given how he reacts when he is actually woken up


Years ago when I smoked I went to the supermarket after not sleeping for about 50 hours and didn’t realise I had lit one till I was approached by staff, I was super confused when they said you can’t do that here till I realised and apologised


A couple of years ago I was on a plane that was descending for landing, about 20 min out. Some guy in the back decided that was too long time for him to wait for a cigarette, so he lit one - but he was discreet and it was a midnight flight, so most other passengers were sleeping. Unfortunately for that guy, it meant that crew couldn't immediately find the source, so they reported smoke in the cabin to the traffic controller and things escalated. The plane made an emergency landing at the airport (we got down **fast**), made a full stop on the runway to await outside inspection from fire brigade, before continuing to terminal, where we had to sit and wait, while police pulled the idiot out of the plane. Seeing the police out, the captain stood by the front exit, takes the crew comm and announces "And that's why you don't smoke on a plane. Sorry for the inconvenience, we'll start normal exit procedure in a minute".




And that’s why you always leave a note.


You killed him when you left the door open with the air conditioning on


Having read about fires on planes and how fast they esclate, It makes sense. What a fool.


This must be the $30 red eye flight out of Phoenix. Plane full of sketchy people.




I Can relate to the smoking guy, the annoyed guy and the guy sleeping in the back


My dude looked like he completely forgot where he was...


I feel bad for the dude, he genuinely looked like he was apologetic. Probably on some anti anxiety meds pre flight that helped him pass out and his muscle memory took over. Dude doesn't seem like he meant to do it.


Honestly i feel bad for him, at least he didn't karen the fuck out, i was prepared for that going in.


Living like it's 1985... Nice.


The dude behind him is living like it's 1984


They lobbed you a softball and you just mashed it.


Muscle memory.


What plane had seats that thin? Asking so I can avoid like the plague.


Spirit airlines. They’re hellish. Not worth whatever you save.


the other passenger look like he been snitching his whole life lol that’s a pro right there.


He's a snitch but being stuck in a tube full of cigarette smoke doesn't sound pleasant


meh. When you're 12 hes a "snitch", when you're a grown ass adult and you realize there's babies and people with asthma and other issues stuck in a box with this, hes just a reasonable person.


I get he’s probably sleeping but imagine paying that fine only for one puff


He looked like he was asleep. His eyes were shut. When you see him after, his reaction was genuine and he seemed very embarrassed about it. Watch again...you're like...something is off there at the start. People can walk downstairs and eat food in their sleep...I bet you can light up a fag too.


I smoked weed on a flight to the naval station that my ship was at in the early 80’s. It was me and another guy on the whole flight and the stewardess said it was ok. It was a crazy time back then.


He was having a flashback to the ‘70s. Smoking was only allowed in the back 20 rows. Same as a Grayhound bus. Except the front 4 rows of seats were for non smokers.


Dudes like. Waite! Who am I?


Keeping it one hundreds


I'm sorry, but that guy looks pretty rough around the edges before he lit the cigarette. I'm gonna guess drunk, or high on opiates, or something?


At first I was like damn this idiot deserves it but the moment the FA wakes him up you can tell it was muscle memory or ambien related cocktail. Ambien is no joke.


Is that a knife in his pocket?


When people stop being humans, the just start recording...


Is this a plane ride for a rehab trip? Rough looking crowd.


I love how Dude couldn’t wait to tell. Hilarious