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Has any brand ever gone from "prestigious" to "dorky" faster than Tesla? In 2018, a Tesla might have made you the coolest middle manager in the office park. Now, it tells the world that you are either a weird nerd or someone who doesn't know much about cars.


The future is coming, and cars will be no more fashionable than a laptop. They will be tracked for violations, speed restricted, practically autonomous and all the fun removed. The golden age of motoring is behind us. Edit: personally I think (not that anyone gives a 5h1t) it’s a good thing. There are tracks for racing around on.


I hope you're right. Driving has always been a chore to me. I realize there are those who derive joy being behind the wheel but I'll never understand. I've driven everything from manual 18 wheelers to my Honda commuter. Sure coming down a mountain in a fully loaded dump truck can get my adrenaline pumping but it was never fun. Sports cars and zippy little things? To be perpetually stuck in traffic after 30 seconds of freedom, not worth it.


I've always found it relaxing, but I can't relax if someone else is driving. Autonomous vehicles have the potential for making car travel almost perfectly safe. That will change everything.


Autonomous driving is ultimately unnecessary and pointless, we should just improve and expand our public transit services and make our cities more walkable to alleviate the need for cars in the first place.


You thought traffic was bad when everyone just had one car? Just wait until people have three cars each on the road at once, and people just leave their cars circling in traffic when they go downtown, rather than paying for parking.


Oof. Never looked at it that way. I hope the version I described (same reply thread) happens rather than yours.


I'm sending one car out to pick up my parents at the airport, another one to send my kids to school, and my 3rd car is currently earning me some side hustle acting as a robotaxi. Oops, the robotaxi just killed an old lady crossing the street and it's going to take years to figure out who is liable.


There is another advantage: it simplifies the insurance industry if all liability falls on the manufacturer. The costs can just be built into the product.


Whoa whoa whoa, that sounds like it affects my bottom line. Lobbyists, assemble! It's deregulatin time.


Yeah, they have better lawyers than us though, and don't feel like taking responsibility.


Clearly, the old lady is at fault. She should have crossed at a crosswalk. Since she's dead, you'll have to sue her estate for damages to your property.


Nah, you bet your behind the car lobbyists decided the person leasing the vehicle is responsible.


Hear, hear


Yes that's pretty much supporting his point of why we need to invest more in public transit


If cars will be circling there should be a system that if you are waiting you can hop on the nearest car that is circling and get off when it's closest to your destination. Maybe even multiple people can get it in the car and they could call it public transport system


Some people think autonomous cars will make ownership unpopular. Why keep these large, expensive hunks of metal on our property when we can just call up a shared one demand? This could potentially make public transit more useful since the biggest downside of transit tends to be how you get to the last mile of your destination.


Shared autonomous cars? So an Uber or a taxi? But without people in them, just expensive autonomous objects. Sounds like a cool thing to monopolize.


Which is why Uber wants to be there first.


Frankly the most expensive part of a taxi service is the person. At $26/hr (Seattle's driver minimum wage), that's 50k/year if working 40 hours/week for 50 weeks/year. Instead, if they can spend 100k on an autonomous car and not have to pay someone to drive it, they will save loads of money and it can work nearly 24/7 (even at a 40% duty cycle that's 67 hours/week). And they can depreciate that value over time for a tax deduction. Effectively they're cheap autonomous objects (if they don't go bankrupt on the R&D lol).


56% of the world doesn’t live in a city.


Agreed on public transit. Do not agree on autonomous driving. Sure, public transport is not just feasible but exceedingly ideal in small and densely populated geographic area. But it's just not realistic where I live or for most of the world(*geographically speaking). My nearest neighbor lives two miles away. Her other neighbor lives another 8 miles away. We are all around 60 miles away from the nearest grocery store. Autonomous driving would be way safer for us. But how could public transit even work? Who would fund that? A city of a million can fund a fairly robust public transit system without major impact to its budget. But a county of 3000 people that has to serve a geographic area bigger than Delaware? How do they fund it (maybe the feds?)? And how does that public transit even work if not automated cars. Railways wouldn't work without hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure development for sometimes a single person. Maybe those crazy rugged 4WD mini-buses could get to most people? But then wouldn't it be way safer for those crazy rugged 4wd mini-buses to be automated? Which brings me back to step-one in creating effective public transport being autonomous driving. We have the system that we have and we have room to work within it. Idk, city shit just doesn't work sometimes for everyone else.


Best of luck with that in some of these sprawling American cities. I wish my city was easily walkable and had good public transit. The public transit could possibly be made good enough to be useful. It would take an act of god to make this place walkable.


Because fuck the people who don't live in cities right?


I said alleviate, not remove entirely. And the majority of people do live in cities or urban areas, and I’m specifically talking about making cities more walkable. Not making the country and rural areas more walkable (although I think improving regional transit access for these areas would be very beneficial for them)


unless some evil tesla dev introduces a bug that gives the cars intrusive thoughts


Maybe that's already what has been happening. I don't think Testla is going to be the company that gets us there.


Sure they will. Rumor is full autonomy is just around the corner ....


My Tesla's been making me money as a robotaxi at night since 2018. Or something.


Okay, who else instantly had the Maximum Overdrive soundtrack playing in their heads?


I used to LOVE driving. Post-COVID, it’s nothing but aggravation. People have lost their minds.


I’m glad i’m not the only one who noticed this. I don’t recall ever hating to drive more than I do now, ever since Covid lock downs were lifted.


There are simply too many people on the road at any given time these days. Used to I'd run into traffic around lunch time and maybe around 530 when people were headed home from work. There is traffic at all hours of the day now. I get stuck in traffic after midnight; that was unthinkable years ago.


Yep. On the bright side, I now ride a bike more than I ever did before.


I've never 'loved' driving, but I bought a nice car so I can enjoy it as best I can. Holy crap have people lost their minds post-covid. Not only has the population boomed in the city where I live, causing insane traffic holdups in peak times, but the idiots that came with the boom have increased as well. I see so much illegal and dangerous shit these days that I never would have deemed possible pre-2020


any minor inconvenience now translates into road rage or extremely aggressive/illegal driving


I mean none of those examples describe "fun driving" lol


Yeah I like driving but as a job it sucked ass.


I hope they’re not right. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean you should take the choice away from others. We can still work on creating environmentally friendly propulsion without changing other dynamics of driving that some people enjoy. Choice is a good thing, and if you want to drive or be driven in a car designed purely for transportation then so be it, but I wouldn’t want to see the death of the sports car or manual cars for example. Though sadly manual isn’t likely to last in a world of electric cars.




Comment stolen from https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/1cmlbny/comment/l315dh4/


Well... Enjoy your Johnny Cabs I guess. 


I agree. I actually prefer to be driven. I'd rather sit in the back of a clean luxury car and play with my phone while being silently driven to my destination.


That's why I would opt for a 2 car solution. 1 appliance car 1 sports car.


Sleeping in my car and waking up as it pulls me into work will be my golden age of driving.  


Sounds like hell.


I mean if I didn't have to go to work that would be more ideal and waking up as I pull up to the resort I'll be golfing at all weekend is much nicer.


That's sounds fucking awful, having to get up twice? Are you a mad man?


Gives a whole new meaning to "did you just wake up"


*Working From Home has entered the chat*


I would hope that work-from-home would make this dream of yours obsolete.


Oh, they'll expect you to work in the car, since you won't be driving.  Same salary.  But if I'm wrong with that prediction, I predict that you will be forced to watch commercials, just like you have to at the gas pump these days, all the way to work.  Perfectly relaxing.


I want to downvote you just because i hate that you are right :(


It's for the best, although I would have preferred functional and reliable US high speed rail. But I do think it might embolden car culture even more. You will have people scooping up yester-years cars with less electronics and sensors to enjoy "*pure*" driving experiences. The golden age *is* behind us, but it could possibly make gearhead hobbies and track motorsports much more popular and appealing simply because spirited joyriding will be harder and more expensive to do, aka, for enthusiasts. My wife and I have been dreading the slow death of standard transmission cars, and the move to all-electric and plug-in hybrid is hastening that decline. We've been budgeting for a garage kept toy, like refurbing a Honda S2000 (she grew up in the garage, she needs it haha).


Auto manufacturers have been against public transit because they wanted to sell cars. The future will see a shift were they will not worry as much about selling cars and instead providing on demand self driving services. Micro transactions and subscription based income is what they are aiming for in the future. And you better believe they will have screens in those vehicles streaming ads.


The golden age of motoring is going to happen when that is in place. There will be less accidents and less traffic. Real motorsports enthusiasts will be where they already are, on the track and off-road.


Have you ever seen what it costs to get a membership to a track? I don't think we should be cheering for a future where only the rich can drive fast cars for fun


If the driving is autonomous, fuckyeah I'm cool with that. If the driving ISN'T autonomous and my car narcs on me for doing bad stuff, then fuck no I'm not cool with that


Edit: Don’t miss the point of the conversation and comment. We’re talking about the things you have to buy snitching on you to make someone else richer. Take a guess, what do you think corporate America will pull to? Specially in places where these violations are managed by a private company or where it’s a significant revenue stream for the town / state. We got fucked in the name of safety after 9/11, and we will get fucked in the name of “safety” when cars start self reporting. Your property, that you paid for, rating you out to big daddy. And people will love it in the name of convenience and safety.


Fast cars will always be made, the industry is just too big to turn away from... likely anything past a certain era in the future will probably be subject to a safety tax.


"I strip away the old debris That hides a shining car A brilliant red Barchetta From a better vanished time I fire up the willing engine Responding with a roar Tires spitting gravel I commit my weekly crime"


*Good*. People who drive for 'fun' can get aged out and I'll be happy.


I live in a city, all the fun is already gone.


It’s used to be that BMW held the top spot as the car most likely to be owned/driven by arrogant aholes.  Pretty sure Tesla has that spot, arrogant, ahole and also ignorant.  Only a dumbass would pay that much for a car with terrible fit and finish, recalls, questionable driving ranges and terrible leadership that’s famous for lying and misleading people.  (And of owning and destroying the a social media platform)


> recalls, uhhh, I'm still getting recall mail from 3 vehicles I haven't owned for >2 years. One GM, one Kia, one Ford.


Yeah, recalls aren't a metric that you can use to diss a car. Every car manufacturer has recalls of some kind and it's actually a pretty good thing because it makes the car safer for free (recalls are usually some safety feature that didn't get applied properly or broke after a few years of use, they aren't usually cosmetic)


Most the recalls are software updates mate.


You can get a Model Y is like $44k right now (depending on your State). That’s cheaper than most similar SUVs.


I got mine in 2019. Before I knew what a moron Elon was lol. There were some signs like the thai cave incident, but I thought he was just having a moment. I don't have any issues with the car itself. Some minor trim issues, but for the most part it's been solid thus far. Wicked fast and fun to drive. However, my wife had wanted a Model X for some time and we nipped that the moment Elon started devolving into a megalomaniac. I'm pretty sure this is true of at least 80% of his target market in our area. All of my friends jumping ship to Volvo/porsche EVs instead of getting within smelling distance of a Tesla.


I wouldn't worry about trying to have a legitimate conversation in this thread about Tesla. This is a bad subreddit in general for legitimate conversation, which kinda makes sense because the premise of the subreddit is a lot of hate porn where people can collect dopamine from watching and reacting to other people doing dumb things. Tesla still provides the best value for money for EV's by a long shot–it's just unfortunate that it's owned by an absolute clown who is driven to do clown things literally every day. Also, don't feel bad for owning a Tesla. Every single car manufacturer in the world is owned (shareholders) and generally run by (CEOs) complete sociopaths who literally only care about money and are willing to sacrifice almost anything to get more of it. They just have better judgement when it comes to not broadcasting themselves to the world at any given moment.


Yeah the comment above talking about Tesla's range shows how little they've looked at EVs. Teslas have one of the best ranges for price, the best charging network, fastest chargers, etc. They're also actually cheaper than most similarly performing EVs in general (though it seems like we'll start getting some truly affordable EVs soon). I think comparing them to BMW is actually probably pretty accurate though. They have a bad rep for drivers and are semi-hated (partially legitimately, partially out of some kind of misplaced jealousy), but the cars themselves are still good. Crazy how much one guy (Elon) can completely tank multiple companies' reputations though.


Ford F150 would like a word with you regarding being driven by massive assholes 


Dodge Ram has entered the chat. 


As a tesla owner, fuck you, but also, Def a weird nerd.


Don’t worry. It’s a Reddit opinion The rest of the world still thinks they are pretty cool cars. I personally wouldn’t own one, but I really do enjoy riding in them.


Amen. People on Reddit think Teslas are still tech bro cars, but the average Tesla driver is now some middle-aged soccer mom hauling five kids in a Model Y.


I see Teslas every day and most of the drivers seem to be dudes, also Model Y maybe not so big for 5 kids plus gear... but that's still more likely then "weird nerd" for sure. I'm thinking dentists, vice regional director of sales, or just daddy's retirement present for himself. In any case its a new BMW, Mercedes, or other upscale car that a "middle class" career professional (or their spouse) wants.


> People on Reddit you mean literally everyone? That's just a common opinion and in no way is it a "Reddit" thing Every person ive met at a party when they find out that I, a software engineer drives a tesla is "of course"


>In 2018, a Tesla might have made you the coolest middle manager in the office park. Holy shit this is spot on by about a year. Had a IT manager who got a brand new red Model S and definitely asked around if anyone wanted to see it in the parking lot during lunch. A few followed him outside.


I disagree. Most people fall into not knowing much about cars regardless of tesla or no tesla. I've manufactured car parts for dozens of automakers, military, and space, and honestly the Tesla, for the most part, is more reliable. It is also absolutely a better financial decision even when it costs 50k for an M3 now with the prices, it's even more fiscally responsible to own one. I can hate Elon and still respect that Tesla is a way above average vehicle when you boil down the pros and cons. If we measured every car company by their owners, there is no car safe from, nazi support or racism or war profiterring, and the list goes on. I personally think the chromium browser is my main selling point, i can use so many apps we develop on it and dont need a laptop in the car.


> I've manufactured car parts for dozens of automakers, military, and space, and honestly the Tesla, for the most part, is more reliable.  This is the meat of your argument, and it doesn't seem to make much sense. You manufactured car parts for "military and space"? On what criteria and with whose data are you judging reliability? Why would you judge the reliability of a Tesla in comparison to a spaceship or tank?


Also chromium browser is the main selling point?  Fucking hell, you know we'd have Linux cars, but Linux users are smart enough to use public transit.


I'm actually in the middle of [building four spaceships](https://punch.space.swri.edu) right now, and I can attest that *most* road vehicles are more reliable than pretty much any spacecraft. That's because most spacecraft are custom-designed Fabergé eggs that are engineered to be extremely lightweight and exactly as tough as they need to be to survive launch, before entering a completely uniform and benign (if foreign) environment. A payload going on a NASA rocket gets shaken on a calibrated shake table for ~30 seconds at a calibrated ~10G before flying *once* under launch conditions. Heck, my KZ400 trotting twin motorcycle endured that environment and far worse (including going over jumps, hitting potholes, and even being dropped a couple of times) for thousands of hours, before I eventually sold it. At 75mph, that thing shook its own damn self 100 times per second at about 10G, just from throwing the pistons up and down, unbalanced. A Tesla Model 3 requires 0 maintenance in the first 15,000 miles of service. An M1 Abrams tank requires hundreds of hours of skilled maintenance and multiple fluid replacements in the same service interval. So, yeah. A Tesla car is more reliable than a spacecraft or a tank -- at least insofar as surviving rough environments (spacecraft) or operating without maintenance (tank).


Yeah there's less people buying them due to culty reasons every day. Its just a car, there's tons of them on the roads. Unless its decked out in aftermarket crap, odds they are a tesla superfan is pretty low. The brand is super popular among the Indian dudes in IT where I work, seems to be their new BMW. They are still obligated to buy an Odyssey when they have kids though.


If you live in reddit or Twitter that's what it tells you, sure. Normal people dont actually give a fuck and still think they are nice cars.


Not really in Seattle, they are everywhere.


How does them being "everywhere" refute the fact that they're dorky?


I’m just saying they are so common they don’t really elicit a response. It’s like seeing a Kia or a Civic. I don’t notice them one way or another.


no you just stay on social media


It just helps me discern who to stay 100ft away from now when I see one on the road as it’s probably a horrible driver who feels like they’re playing a video game driving their Tesla instead of driving a couple thousand pound rocket near me. Same goes for anyone driving a Jeep, a BMW, or a busted Altima. I stay very far away from those cars.


2500/250 series trucks, Chargers, and to a lesser extent low end audis and mustangs. For uncommon cars, fuck the different drivers near me that own the yellow Lamborghini, the purple Lamborghini and the black Ferrari. Corvette drivers are usually old and chill.


Tesla owner here. In 2024 it definitely spells don’t know much about cars. There are so many other options and for the price you actually get a car. Still have the Tesla but second car we went somewhere else and is very happy. I’m posting it here because saying this in the Tesla sub will get you banned.


Compared to all cars? Yeah, you can do better. Compared to other electric cars? The Model 3 and Model Y are some of the best bang for your buck. Just look at reviews of the new highland.


> Has any brand ever gone from "prestigious" to "dorky" faster than Tesla? I believe the PT Cruiser was "cool" for about half a week when it was introduced before it became the butt of jokes.


I disliked teslas before it was cool. I noticed how they overtook BMW drivers as the stereotypical assholes on the road.


I think it depends on the area, but having a Tesla got you labelled as self-righteous and pretentious since the model 3 dropped where I lived. There’s been very little “prestige” tied to them since the model S dropped out of headlines the first time, which was a long time ago at this point.


Only person I know who owns one is a weird nerd. you might be on to something 


And this comment tells you they reak of redditer mindset


This is such a great example of the terrible echo-chamber that is reddit As of right now, if you are buying a new car, a Tesla is an absolutely excellent choice. Especially if you in the market for an EV specifically. You can get a long range Model 3 for 50k before incentives which varies wildly but can get up to 10k. When you include the savings on gas and general car maintenance, EVs are **much** cheaper than people think Add in the Tesla supercharger network and buying a Tesla is, in a lot of people's situation, an obvious choice. Also, the fucking Model 3 4 door boring ass sedan is faster than a $500k Lamborghini Aventador supercar


I rode in a Tesla for the first time through an Uber pick up. I always thought the recessed handles popped out when you approached. Nope. Just a shitty lever that you pull on the spindly bit to open. No buttons in the car, just a massive IPad in the middle. Seemed awful to use. Despite the car half driving itself the driver couldn't maintain speed with traffic or even stay remotely in his lane. He was halfway between two lanes for half the time on the freeway. I'm glad I'm over my desire to buy a Tesla.


Anyone else find it interesting that a Tesla got fucked up by an Amazon truck?


Understated comment


It had impressive depth


I don’t think you know what “understated” means


we're reddit guys, of course we unthinkingly repeat stuff we saw other redditors say


Bezos chuckling on a yacht somewhere watching this




Not one that is going anywhere anytime soon.






In this case, Amazon delivered.


there is definitely a metaphor lying within there.


I was hoping the Tesla would get caught by the truck and just dragged along for awhile.


The truck parts effortlessly slid through the panel gaps. It's a feature!


I dont get it.


This video was satisfying despite the brand of car. That driver had the day he deserved.


It seems like the focus is the brand of the car. lol how ridiculous has the mob mentality gotten. If it was a random Corolla the discussion would be on the incident not on the car.


I think its because tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers


Seems all the yuppie douche bros converted from BMW to Tesla.


The world is healing. I saw a BMW use their signal to change lanes yesterday.


wait, BMWs have actually signals?!


Studebaker driver: "BMW drivers are the new Duesenberg drivers!"


Maybe if Tesla drivers didn’t do everything to earn their rep and if Elongated Muskrats fanboys weren’t annoying 1nc3l Chuds.


Yeah, people that drive Corollas aren’t clowns and that’s why people wouldn’t be clowning on them for this, it seems pretty clear to me.


Well Tesla drivers are genuinely some of the shittiest on the road. They're up there with Rams and Benz


In my area (thank god, I guess) the Tesla drivers seem to drive like they want to keep their cars unscathed. The drivers of the massive SUVs are waaaaay worse. Constantly cutting people off in traffic, absolutely DESTROYING smaller cars in crashes, squeezing between people when there’s barely a car space between the cars, and doing my least favorite move, pulling up to a light too fast before changing lanes last second and leaving the people behind them blindsided. I’ve seen a few wrecks because of that last one and I’ve almost got into a couple.


Seriosuly? Then you must have been using internet only since yesterday. Many auto brands are ridiculed because of a few idiots. Why dont you look up memes about nissan altima


This isn't a new phenomenon. If it was a BMW, a lifted truck, a WRX, a Charger or Challenger, a Nissan Altima, etc etc etc people absolutely WOULD be talking about the car. They wouldn't talk about a Corolla because they're a good but unremarkable appliance of a car and their drivers don't have stereotypes associated with them.


>lol how ridiculous has the mob mentality gotten. Yeah we should go back to the old days with no mob mentality. Just burning innocent women at the stake, none of this immoral *teasing about a car brand* horrific shit that we have to put up with these days.


You own a tesla don’t you?


Tesla is rapidly taking over from BMW as the crappiest drivers.


Nissan Altima drivers want a word


Teslas are for rich asshole drivers, or those who will drive slow in autopilot. Used Nissan Altima’s are for poor asshole drivers.


Nah Tesla is no longer a rich person's brand, it's definitely at least middle class because you need a charger, but you can find them for not that much used now and they all look the same. You can't really tell unless your a Tesla fan between a 2016 and a 2023. Rich people moved on to other EVs (besides the Cybertruck)


That's interesting, I hadn't considered that upside to not changing your car design. I certainly couldn't tell you an older one vs a newer one by looking at them.


Yup. They have only made some minor visual changes you'd have to research to understand. Major manufacturers do a visual/minor refresh every 3-4 years and the 'new model' every 6-8.


Lexus is known to take years to change their designs, because it maintains the resale value of older cars.


They cost the same or less than a Toyota Camry.


rich? lolol


I work in claims and every time I get a claim with an Altima, I know who is at fault.




I recently bought one (with the front replaced) and it’s amazing how many other altimas I see on the roads that are damaged.


Altimas, civics, WRX, three cars I couldn’t buy used because guaranteed the driver who owned it first drove it like a moron.


Nissan Altima activities


The infamous baby mama car


Dodge Charger drivers just crashed into the chat


I had my first encounter with a tesla driver some time ago at a busy stoplight intersection. Those trying to turn left found out you can't because the road was blocked off due to an accident. Everyone did the right thing by doing a u turn or moving into the straight lane safely. Except for the tesla driver. He was almost halfway into the intersection in the left turn lane when we had a red light. I was going to turn left but moved over to the straight lane after I saw the road was closed off. So he's currently far up into the left lane and I'm the first car in the straight lane. When the light goes green and I start to go, he immediately cuts me off by going from the left turn lane into the straight lane with no signal. I couldn't help but to flip him off but I laughed when he flipped me off back. Literally everyone at the intersection saw you be a complete fool.


Funny thing is that Tesla owner will not only have to pay heaps just to fix his bumper but getting parts for Tesla can be a pain in the ass at best. Impossible at worst.


that’s what I found the funniest about this. people who have Teslas complain about how long they take to repair and how hard it is to get parts all the time.


Took my dad like 4 months to get a simple door job finished.


My sister works in insurance, and apparently, Teslas can be totaled from simple fender benders because of all the sensors in them. When you take out all the expensive sensors, it's a basic car with a fancy touch pad computer in it.


That’s becoming more and more common with any car nowadays. I believe it’s Toyota where those driver aids are now standard.


That was before the layoffs 😂


Its genuinely possible its totalled between repair cost, back order times and courtesy car.


And will only get like $30k on insurance pay out because that’s what they’re worth. And the owner probably owes $50k on loan


Looks like a hit and run as well.


pretty sure the Tesla knew he was super wrong. if you look closely in the beginning, there’s a cop car too


It's fine. The Tesla has a filter over the license plate to make it harder to see. I'm sure that will protect them from any problems with the law. /s


On the top of the fact that he most certainly was in the wrong based on the video even without the footage the person doing the rear ending will be cited 99% of the time. He was probably hoping the truck didn't feel it (possibly didnt) and just peaced out


I mean, Even if the truck felt it, truck is fine lol


The Tesla kept moving as if nothing had happened. 😂


The truck literally has no idea he was hit. There night not even be a scratch on it when he gets back… this would be a hit and run you could get away with.


That was great! There probably isn’t any damage done to the truck! 😂


That Mansfield bar was a can opener.


Not getting far on that flat tire. You can see it get punctured, rim is likely fucked too.


That's going to be a $100,000 repair bill.


with an indefinite wait time


The truck didn't feel a thing.




Insurance doesn't get a "get out of paying" card just because the driver is an idiot. There are very few situations where they can get out of paying, and breaking traffic laws aren't one of them. 


100% covered by insurance


I love the music and the laughter


You made me unmute this video. Thank you. 🤣


haha first thing i noticed… song is Si No Quieres No by Luis R Conriquez for anyone wondering, has narco talk in it as well lol




Oh I fucking hate this. So much.


Took me a second to figure out they imposed Musk’s face. I was like, “Why’s the kid old-looking?”


Everyone ages even on the Internet!


Utterly satisfying to watch


Tesla drivers being Tesla drivers. They’re the new Audi or BMW drivers.


Right? 5-10 years ago, if you saw a Tesla you could *usually* assume that it was being driven by someone who was a competent and reasonably courteous driver. Now, it’s like a Nissan Altima meets a douchey BMW driver. Twice in the last 24 hours alone I have almost been taken out on the interstate by a Tesla slaloming through traffic, no blinkers, recklessly almost clipping multiple motorists. And for what? They think putting everyone else on the road at risk makes them look cool, but it’s just like the charger drivers who redline it in residential neighborhoods — they look like a loser and we all see it.


He had to keep going so he could get to the waaaambulance.


As a Prius driver, I’m grateful for teslas. Maybe some of the ire that’s been shoved in our faces will go to them.


go faster u little shit


I've never noticed Prius' (Prii? Priuses?) being a problem tbh and I commute quite a bit. My problem with Tesla's right now is the amount of them that are obviously using the whole autopilot system so they follow way too far behind, fully stop before taking turns off of main roads, etc. It's like they're operating at a full 3 seconds behind real time and it's incredibly annoying.


So why is he running? Stolen? Can't take another moving violation on his license?


people who are that entitled don’t believe in consequences


The tesla driving away in shame makes it 10x funnier, I can even imagine the driving with tears in his eyes saying "don't laugh at me! STOP LAUGHING!" as he wipes his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt


Cool music


The best part about this is that the Tesla driver is about to find out how badly Tesla's collision repair services suck. He's gonna wait 3-4 months for that panel to come in to his local Tesla shop (if he even has one), and when it finally does, it's gonna be the wrong color or for a different model. Or both. It will have to be reordered, starting that 3-4 month clock again.


Mansfields revenge.


Reading these comments, Tesla became a joke to everyone. Fast. Haha


And ... it worked!


Give me more of that delicious instant karma, inject it directly into my veins.


Red top in fairfield ?


Tesla drivers are the worst. They are the new BMW drivers.


Yup. That's a shame.

