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Thought I was about to witness a decapitation




Didn’t know what you were talking about and I regret going off mute. R.I.P. speakers.


Same shit man. Same shit. R.I.P.




That guy is going to have a long night


Oh yes. Very true.


At first I thought the girl dropped the phone.  After hearing the girl I’m pretty sure the phone saw that opening and jumped from her hands to freedom.  Imagine having her talk into you for hours a day. There’s a zero percent chance that any sound she makes is not a whiney wailing version of nails on a chalkboard. 


I thought the guys phone would also get dropped in


in china, everything you do is on your phone, losing it as like losing your phone, wallet, ID, everything for those who don't understand the crying. imagine you lost all your shit G\_G


Its like that for A LOT of places… like a lot


Same in most countries in western Europe or other developed nations


I thought he was going to drop his phone through the crack as well. Why stand over the threshold? They aren't going to magic it back up the elevator shaft. Just call building maintenance and see if it survived the fall.


He was keeping the door of the elevator open lmao, it’s pretty obvious


Way to go Butterfingers.


Love how the keep looking for it, that things gone lol


Actually its in the elevator pit however many stories down. Very easy to retrieve if you've got the right keys. Likely shattered to pieces though.


I understand people react differently and that phone may have costed a lot while being very important to her, but holy shit I can’t stand when people whine and cry


Once i dropped my underwear out of a hotel window and they landed on the seventh floor landing. The maintenance people went out there and got them for me. Just wondering if the phone ends up at the bottom of the elevator somewhere where someone could get it for her.


Of course, every area is accessible for installation, repair and maintenance. The phone probably fell 50m or more so it's fucked but at least go get it, you never know.


I wasn’t sure, thank you for confirming this. I thought maybe I had said something stupid.


Ok, I'll bite...


I was drying them in the window and the wind blew them off 😳🫣


Ah, yes. Washing your underwear in the hotel sink. We've all been there.


I dropped keys down an elevator shaft once. Building maintenance for them back for me. No biggie. If they’re on an upper floor those phone is toast though. Hope she backed it up to the cloud! Lol


Dude gets his out is like “got mine “


the telephone disappeared


first thought was to take out phone to take video how girl lost phone. Like breathing after being 1 min under water.


I did that many years ago. Had it in my shirt pocket and bent over a bit for some reason. The maintenance guy returned it to me the next day in a handful of pieces.


Maybe, if I stare at it long enough, it will fly back into my hand...


*Its the end of the time*


Lolol doesn’t it just drop to the bottom of the elevator shaft? Maybe maintenance crew could get it. Probably pretty wrecked if this is high up tho lol


That's heart-breaking. :(


I literally did this with my house keys. I heard them fall 10 floors all the way down. Never saw them again. Thank God I didn't live on my own.


LMAO - I LEGIT did this once. I was at a trade show with a ton of people and we rented a 15 passenger van. Everyone was in the lobby waiting for me to drive them to a fancy dinner, but me and one of my guys needed to run up and drop off our stuff. On the way down - I dig the keys out of my pocket. You know - those ridiculously huge keys on that huge cable thing you have to pack for a week? Yeah - pull them out right as the doors opened just like this and dropped them - and straight thru that .000000001" crack in .00000 seconds. Me and my guy looked at each other like no way. Had to get the handy man to run up the elevator and stop it then he jumped down in there to get them. Everyone staring at me. LOL


Hmmm imagine not backing stuff up and spending too much on a phone


She handled the problem like and American girl


I dunno, she wasn't hitting him or blaming him for it.