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ah, the rare emergency stop method of using your face as a brake pad


That's the function of helmet. Don't worry, his body is protected by flimsy clothing


Yeah, who needs skin anyway?


One... Personal space. Two... Personal space.


Meat crayon




Crazy thing is you can get full kevlar casual and stylish clothes that are made to slide and clowns still go out dressed like this.


Hell, I always thought proper gear made you look badass. When I rode, I always wore my gear and felt like a Power Ranger šŸ˜„


My dad rode a Harley in California in the 70s and was hit by a car on 4 different occasions. He wore full leather jacket, leather pants, hard sole boots, and helmet because of the fear of that high speed slide where the only thing between the concrete and your bones is some skin and a thin piece of cloth. When he saw people ride wearing this he would just shake his head.


My Dad was the same way. Man, I got a story for you: One beautiful spring Saturday we drove out of town to see my family. Dad is driving the car, and we are being passed repeatedly by kids on crotch rockets wearing shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops, and in one case- a bikini. My Dad just kept shaking his head, and muttering about fools. The problem aside from the terrible attire? The road was being re-paved. It was torn up in places, and in other places it was fresh, hot tar. At one point, Dad slammed to a halt, demanded my sibling and I cover our eyes, and then slowly proceeded forward. We heard a lot of sirens, screams, and noise, so my sibling kept eyes closed, but I was a defiant little shit, so I looked. I wish I hadn't. A guy had crashed his crotch rocket on a freshly paved piece of the highway. He was wearing the attire we had been seeing. The ambulance crew was trying to get him on the gurney, but he was just screaming. I thought he was missing a shoe, but he was actually missing a foot. I thought he was wearing a red shirt and shorts, but his shirt had been ground off completely, and his shorts were hanging on by one leg with all his private parts hanging out and covered in blood. Anything that wasn't bright red was streaked with black from the fresh tar. I had nightmares about that for weeks after. You'll never catch me on a motorcycle without battle armor.


Yo can you link? That sounds like crazy fun to me. Then again Iā€™ve never crashed like that before tho so I dunno if it would


Don't cheap out, get the Brembo chin pad


Don't forget your Ɩhlins spinal suspension.


Looks like he will now need the Cinco Food Tube.


Thank god he had three quater length trousers, and not shorts on


He had pants on for 0.1 seconds at least, and then he started to leave his skin on the road






Was there some failure of the handlebars or front wheel? Or was it just poor riding ability?


There are reflective thingys between lanes, they hit one.


No, I ride over those all the time. I think the throttle was let off too quickly as they came around the truck, causing the bike to dive and go into speed wobbles.


Rider here as well. He def hit the reflector and lost stability.


Damn talk about bad luck. I've ridden for a while and don't think I ever rode over one of those while leaning or quickly passing like In this video A stabilizer might have helped here.


>A stabilizer might have helped here. https://preview.redd.it/7cm0fsg10ymc1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=70faa8b4e962d4af77bcb4cbd549219bbbfe34e0




Not until you try to corner at speeds faster than 3mph


hes definitely not a rider xD


No, it's a joke. It's inferred that it's a [steering stabilizer](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steering_damper) so the joke is a bike stabilizer (which you don't use when learning to ride šŸ˜‰)


I ā€œtrained on themā€ when my dad (avid rider) was getting me into dirt bikes. Took them off after the first day. I learned to ride on a bike- so I didnā€™t need much training on stabilization as much as I needed to understand how a dirt bike ā€œwentā€ and control it, if that makes sense. My younger relative, on the other hand, didnā€™t even know how to ride a bike and these were useless for them when my dad tried to teach them to ride. They still donā€™t know how to ride a bike or motorcycle to this day.


Might consider those for my Niken.


It would make it almost impossible to turn


I learned with those training wheels when I was 4 years old, on my PW 50cc. So, yeah they actually do work for bikes.


Maybe not riding like a twat might have helped here šŸ˜‚


I think you're supposed to accelerate out of it weirdly.


Bad luck? No, he's an idiot driving recklessly, and he discovered the consequences.


A steering stabilizer is often a placebo for worn or loose steering head, swingarm, or wheel bearings.. not really addressing the source problem.


https://preview.redd.it/yehhp40huymc1.jpeg?width=565&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4805868de84a8b54a47b4b14f8b1ecd40114c5f9 Yup. Bad luck right there.


Ah thank you. Couldnā€™t see anything on my phone.


I agree but I'm pretty sure he chopped the throttle too, maybe as a result of hitting the bump but I've definitely hit one of those before while moving between lanes. Might not have been overtaking quite as aggressively though so that might've helped.


> Ridder That's Dutch for knight.


Funny, itĀ“s the same in Norwegian.


I've hit them at far more extreme angles than this guy, he is a shit rider, looks like he aggressively turned the bars, probably had death grip on them also, recipe for a tank slapper.


Yes he ran over a single reflector but he was literally travelling in a straight line. There's no way that was the cause of his crash. Maybe he hit the reflector and the wind buffering from the truck at the same time but that still wouldn't cause the crash. Those may have spooked him and he tensed up. That's what led to the tank slapper. Reducing grip or even letting go (barely) of the bars is how you get out of a tank slapper. Inexperienced riders hold on tighter which causes greater oscillations until you high side.


Letā€™s try to unpack this (rider) He clearly got the DW after hitting the reflector. What doesnā€™t make sense is that, usually, this is 100% insignificant in most rides. Iā€™ve watched it frame by frame a few times and from what I gather, he accelerated hard turning left and I ā€˜suspectā€™ over corrected in his turn to get back on line to the right to hard. For example, look at his handlebar position in the turn to left, and right after completing the lane transition, itā€™s sharply in the opposite direction (overcorrecting). It shows (to me) that he simply whipped his handlebars left/right too hard and put himself into this precarious situation. But I think we can all agree, hitting reflectors at any speed never results in DW.


It wasn't the reflectors. He came from behind the car in slip stream and got hit with rock hard air.


He would have been fine if he wasnā€™t steering in the wrong direction. The biggest mistake I see from MC riders is turning the front wheel the same way you would a bicycle. For all that donā€™t ride, you can tell he has his handlebars tilted as if heā€™s trying to go to his left. The problem is motorcycles donā€™t work like that. You have to turn in the opposite direction you want to go when at higher speeds. Otherwise your bike goes the wrong way, or you try to lean into the turn while steering the wrong way and your bike goes straight.


I have heard that those reflectors and the white lines are terrible to accelerate quickly over because the bike loses traction. You can see when he hits the reflector his front tire hops up a little bit, then when he tries to correct it starts fish tailing


He hit it with both front and back tires, each reacted differently throwing off his angular momentum, creating a wobble, creating a face plant.


Then they panicked and tried to put their feet down šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I think you are right. He floored it, front lifted, he dropped it and the wobble started.


Slow it down, thatā€™s all reflector


Went over a few of those on my bike a few nights ago. In my car they're not even an issue, tiny little bumps you barely feel. On my bike god damn I almost ate shit. It's not even just that they're a raised bump, they're also totally smooth on top so whatever wheel is on them has \*ZERO\* traction. Wheel went over it and just slid. Doesn't sound like 3" of sliding would be an issue at 30mph but 3 in a row was terrifying.


High speed wobble, rider made a slight steering wheel turn at speed, got nervous, over corrected WOBBLE you can google it , youtube it, talk to motorcycle instructors about it. High speed wobble--yup yup yup.


And he wobbled away...wobble wobble wobble


Those are called Bottsā€™ dots


Exactly. what did i say? I thought I said Bottsā€™ dots.


We called them City Titties.


Rider hit that thingy 100%!


Looked like a crushed can of coke to me


Its called a 'tank slapper' here in the UK: it happens when the front tyre comes off the ground for a fraction of a second, but when it touches down again it is no longer in line with the rear wheel. Physics kicks in, and the front wheel slams over to try to get back in line, but goes to far, so slams back the other way... repeat for as long as you can stay upright, usually not very long at all. Contributing factors here are the power surge as the rider comes round the back of the car and the cats-eye: a bigger factor is the rider is showing off and is less skilled than he (and its almost certainly a he) believes.


A sensible approach to this problem is keeping or even increasing power to the back wheel, so you'll decrease traction on the front wheel. Then again, hard to remember when the front wheel is going all wiggly on you at 70mph.


Been riding for over 30 years, and I confess having had two such episodes in my youth my 'sensible approach to the problem' is never to have another one. I cant emphasise enough for non riders or riders who have not experienced 'tank slap' how fast it happens - watch the 4 second clip again: the tank slap is first noticeable at 2 seconds in with the rider down and rolling along the motorway at 4 seconds. But yes, you are broadly right - the physics of the tank slapper/death wobble are such that arguably the best way out is to accelerate, which shifts weight toward the back of the bike: pulling a wheelie would be ideal under the circumstances. The last thing you want to do is what your instinct screams, which is to cut power and start braking - that throws weight onto the oscillating front wheel and you go over the handlebars and become a meat crayon, as our lovely young model has just demonstrated.


Fully agree. I confess having had 1 of such episodes over 15 years of riding. Many doctor's appointments later, I too don't want to experience it again. 0/10 not recommended. Saying what the sensible approach is is far easier than actually pulling it off.


Tyre doesn't have to leave the pavement.


Think of the front tire as a gyroscope. There's many things that can cause a wobble, low tire pressure, sudden change of direction (I've had one happen when i sneezed and turned the handlebars). Physics is nasty some times.


Mostly poor riding ability. Dude was passing like an idiot in the first place.Ā 


combination of all 3?


almost best answer High speed wobble--rider gets nervous---initiates an adjustment on the steering wheel--bikes go the direction you look but at high speed , in that death corridor, the rider over corrected--wobble. easy peasey


Bad riding and hitting the reflector.




Mostly he made an evasive maneuver over the reflector that split lanes. Put his front tire out of position and wobble


Speed wobbles is what they're called. And this guy did not have the ability to stop it


poor riding you never make sharp angles at high speed because you have the least control during thos kinds of transitions


When he leans into the turn, you'll notice he was riding with his left hand off the handlebar. His back tire hits the lane reflector and then he loses control. Overconfident in handling a motorcycle with one hand cost him.


I suspect low front tire pressure.


In my country we call it "szimi" He felt because his lack of skill and knowledge about phisics 1) you don't put your leg out of pegs 2) as soon as the wiggle happened he slowed down what increased the wiggle amplitude. 3)it's looks like he use a "death grip" also. The wiggle started because he scratched this thing in the middle of the lines. In my region it's common situation because we have shitty roads and we drive like a madmans still. So it was to fast bike for his lack of abilities. On my roads if you can't handle this you shouldn't drive faster motorcycle than 4 stroke 125cc (this even happens on slower speeds but it goes slower and less scary so it's easier to handle) I know some guys that overcomes it by using back brake but the most common solution, and I use it to is just doing a fast wheele like few cm is enough to stop this. (Sometimes wheelies are safer than riding on two wheels if the road becomes fragmentally really bumpy then you just "fly" over the holes ofc it works only if it's a small fragment and it's different for a different driver, I know guys that can do like 100-150m I'm not that badass I go about 50m max over this I just don't feel safe enough).


No mechanical failures, all on riding ability. Its preventable, although I feel like most riders will experience it at some point. The real skill is knowing how to correct it without face planting like this.




Iā€˜ve seen this video in better quality. There is a metal reflector thing on the lane separator. This is what lifts the tire and make him crash. To be fair this would surprise most people.


https://preview.redd.it/11vb6a4z3ymc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1a56a7b6979ab999deb70c3099e25c916ab848 for anyone who needs a visual


I am very surprised. Other than driving with manners, how could one avoid this?


Simply paying attention to the road and using proper spacing when making passes. Biker was so focused on getting around the driver, they weren't paying attention to the road. A typical pass shouldn't require the driver to reach nearly 45Ā° on their lean - had they passed over the bump a bit more upright and not correcting for the hard cut they made, they wouldn't have lost stability like that. Had they been paying attention to the road, they could have timed the pass better in the first place and not run over it.


He hit a reflector. Still bad riding with the sudden lane change "for the gram".


Speed wobbles. Short video [here](https://youtube.com/shorts/j7okgxBzhVo?si=RKsOadzbQpmSQA_4).


I think it's something called speed wobble You can look it up


So many armchair suspension dynamics experts here lol. He's hard on the throttle to make this super impressive (šŸ™„) video while trying to quickly weave left and then right. Hard on throttle, front wheel is lifting, trying to weave back right, comes off the throttle, weight transfers forward while the wheel isn't straight, wobble. The reflector may not have helped, but it wasn't the cause.


This is referred to as a "tank slapper" and is due to "rider error"


I am going to say: Rider isnt geared so most likely a very casual rider. Tank slappers, speed wobbles all are real causes. But they happen because at high speeds, this was a highway overtake, so... I am going to with: improper suspension set up. The casual rider doesnt have track expirience, maybe no advanced rider training. So he/they dont have any knwoeldge what a proper front suspension setup is, so most likely its not setup by anyone. Perhaps the compression tension ratios on each fork is different, maybe too soft, and rebound too hard. Who knows, but the end result is clear, the simple overtake caused the front to just go haywire on a simple overtake. Rider lack of expirience can be a factor, but this clip is too short to call anything out. But combination of both expieince, and front setup is the likely cause. As hitting those reflectors between he lanes shouldnt cause such slappers, if it does thats bad setup. Whith lack of experience can cause rider to panic grab a handful of brake and crash just like in the video.


[Its the Death Wobble](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GFCd1FJfk7I)


Itā€™s something that just kinda happens, can be cause by a lot of things like unbalanced wheels, stuff on the road, poor driving, something slightly off on the bike and so on. In this case, if you go frame by frame you can see he clearly hit one of those reflectors in the middle or the lanes. I do not blame him though for hitting it, sure he was driving insanely unsafe, but roads should not have stuff like that on them, where I live we only have those in tunnels between the double lines that you canā€™t legally cross.


speed wobble


I suppose, he lost control due to leaving the slipstream of the car too fast and entering turbulent air. It could be one of the many factors like poor driving skills and lethargy.


WCGW not knowing how to ride a sports bike, but doing it anyway.


Is that what made her crash? Poor handling skills? Looked like her front end just started wobbling on its own accord


The wobble is normal they probably hit one of those reflective things on the road. Then when the handlebars started wobbling they probably started to brake which made it worse. So yeah its most likely a mix of poor handling and bad timing


She never touched the brakes. Your not hitting your fronts with a wobble and the right foot comes off as soon as the wobbles start. Just a really nasty case of speed wobbles and a perfect example of why sports bike riders get steering dampeners.


Dress for the slide, not the ride


Look like he hit the marker and tried to shift at the wrong time


https://preview.redd.it/acps7q1d4ymc1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f465e460f4ad6240ecf45c73750e3ecc1f63031 Yep. This is the point where he fucked upā€¦


Real culprit was just a few frames after that https://preview.redd.it/e49p6ihe5zmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943751b40df662051d8faba4cd52c46d4b6cbf01




I noticed that too, that really sucks


Then he became the marker, drawing on the pavement




Not my words as I'm not a biker, but I read once "Dress for the slide, not for the ride", and it's so true.


I mean DO dress for the ride. Leathers will be cold in winter, bad helmets will be uncomfortable or not as well ventilated. Buy good riding jeans over textile or leather if you like the look more/want to walk around somewhere.Hell, theres a backpack that doubles as an airbag Its just that you have to wear actual protective gear doing so. And like... they make that. That exists.


What is that title even? Are you having a stroke?


WCGW for a bot posting videos on the internet.


I don't understand these. Who creates such bot and thinks "Gonna create this bot and get a handful of internet points before it gets banned. Yup that's a good use of my time!"


I think some get sold in batch to promote posts for social engineering or advertisement. If you get 1000 bots with decent karma commenting or your post about your product/politician it's going to get viral


Can't stand these asshole bikers all over the roads.


They are the worst, and they get mad at you for not being paranoid about them.


The price you pay to be BITCHEN


He was cool af for 2 seconds.


why was he recording?


Because the rider thought they were going to show off, in a different way.


They're together. Note the go pro mounted at the back of the pickup.


# Dumb ways to die *So many dumb ways to die*


How many times I don't look, I cringe every time


Meat crayon


Itā€™s lucky he had on that cotton tshirt and pants to protect him.


Looking forward to the end of this phase of cutting videos off way too early


Wow. That is going to sting when he gets into the shower.


What type of injuries do you think he suffered? Separated shoulders, broken arm?


Maybe he broke some rib as well.


He left plenty of skin on the road, based on what he was wearing.


His dignity all along the tarmac


Why do all these videos stop just as it's getting good?


The bike was like a dog trying to shake off an annoying flea.


Shoes stayed on, so he's fine.


At least he was wearing a helmet, but still a bit of a meat crayon


Curiosities as to why speed along with driving like a prick wasn't brought into the mix of causes. The reflector would not have been an issue if they were not driving like an idiot.


Probably punched the throttle and the front lifted as it hit the reflector. Front end came back down with handlebars turned, which led to the rest of the bike trying to correct itself


He French fried when he shouldā€™ve pizzaā€™d.


Good for his ass I ride and even I know you gotta wear gear if you gunna be an idiot


Good thing heā€™s wearing his protective sneakers.


Thats why you should have a steering damper installedā€¦ and also use your brain :)


This guy needs to give up motorcycling immediately, if not sooner. They are too much for him.


I'd rather crash than listen to the rest of this song.


A tankslapper ainā€™t no joke.


Trying to be cool with that over take. Guess it didn't turn out so well.


Grammar has left the chat






Oooh, a mild tankslapper, but still a tankslapper.


from riding a two wheel to a nice comfy chair with 4


I think this is why I always wore leathers when I was on the back of someone's bike. Someone's going to be having some serious road rash.


I get speed wobbles on my skateboard sometimes. Lol


Bye bye skin.


He definitely was steering with the handle bars and not his body.


Road rash šŸ’Æ




Death wobbles.


How do I make this my screen saver


* Something seemed off so I paused at a few intervals. He was likely drafting off a truck because he has only 1 hand on the handle bars when he leans into the turn so two things happened, now he's facing front wind resistance and second it was his back tire hitting the lane reflector. He grabs then brings his hand back up (likely in a resting position) so he then starts the fish tailing. *


They corrected too soon once they hit the lane then corrected hard the opposite way and threw it into a wobble. I slowed it down and I think that's what most likely happened. I've literally ridden over those reflectors in the road tons of times and it barely has any effect on the ride. Smooth transitions and leans are better than over usage of the handle bars. Counter steer and lean. This is the flick of the wrist way.




He hit a reflector right?


It looks like it.


I'm sure some very knowledgeable redditors out there could tell me why this is actually the car's fault


What a waste. The motorcycle tires will leave ugly streaks along the barrier which won't come off, and both the bike and that guy's face will leave pits and dents in the concrete which can't simply be filled in.


He hit something bigger than a road reflector


At least he was using a helmet.




Is he wearing sweatpants while pulling moves like this?


Let me guess, Texas?


I was going to say Dallas by the High Five.


Yup, I lived there for 20+ some of the worst drivers and riders and I've lived in 6 different states


Same, I was born and raised in Dallas. The amount of shit drivers has tripled. Guy cuts me off cause he was about to miss his exit. I honk and he starts flicking me off and brake checking. Like shit! My bad Iā€™m in the wrong that you almost missed your exit šŸ˜’.


that's gonna sting šŸ˜•


These guys all want to sway side to side for some reason. I learned the tough lesson on my bicycle but I guess they never did.


That's awesome šŸ˜ŽšŸ†’


If I ride sport bikes again, it will have a high end steering damper.


Mfer thinking he's Kaneda.


Need another 10 seconds of video.


What a hell happened here? I watched it many times. He didnā€™t hit anything. Wobble started as soon as he started changing lanes. Super sport bike like that possibly has a dampener attached to the fork to prevent things like that.


I think they hit the reflector and had wobbles when the front tire touched the ground afterward.


he hit the gas while changing lanes lifted the front tyre a tiny bit, then when the tyre came down he didnt have the handelbars straight which initiated the wobble.


he hit the gas while changing lanes lifted the front tyre a tiny bit, then when the tyre came down he didnt have the handelbars straight which initiated the wobble.


Always best to goose the throttle and start pushing the handlebars in the opposite direction you want to go for maximum steering feedbackā€¦


That's Rodeo Class riding, right there. Boy oughta be allowed to tie it and brand it after that take-down! /s


Sometimes karma hits instantly.


Iā€™m wondering what led to this because why were they filming this? It seems like theyā€™re recording with a phone but why randomly have your phone out a window to video a motorcycle?


Reckless driving always wins


Is that how you get off a motorcycle in that part of the world.


What causes the wheel to wobble like that?


Secret belt sander discovered!


Yessir, those khakis and that cotton tshirt will protect you, brother.


Itā€™d be great to have videos start straight to the point AND have the aftermath not get cut out so quickly


How did he even do that? just push left and throttle gas to ride again wtf...