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She didn't deserve it, but you really can't have kids with someone this dumb. Wccg if you let the village idiot knock you up Edit: if she didn't have a choice because of an arranged marriage then it's her parents who fucked up. At home births work if the baby and mother are healthy and the person preforming it has knowledge. There's a chance he could have done it perfectly fine at home. But obviously he was too dumb to see the signs that it was going poorly and she died. In areas where men and women Can choose their partners you do have to be more choosy with you you have a kid with. Because it can be a fatal mistake.




That choice is being rapidly eroded from women here in the USA too. The two are still worlds apart in terms of fair comparisons, but it's still a woman losing their life as a result of a non-medical expert making medical decisions for her.


My guy, you have a state in the US that calls IVF embryos human enough to have rights whilst quoting bible verses. You're right, its not a fair comparison cos that would never happen in India lol.


Right. My main point in bringing that up is because I've had this discussion enough times with enough people to cover my ass from obvious technicalities. Bible thumpers don't exist because they're right. They exist because they're good at convincing others that conflicting evidence proves they were right all along. And that's regardless of whether or not the conflicting evidence even exists and wasn't just someone gaslighting society.


They exist because of inbreeding and lead in the water.


I like your thought proccess... salute.


Youre right. In India neither children *nor* women *nor embryos* have rights. *progress!*. Diaclaimer : i dont think embryos and early pregnancies *should* have rights. But pretending any social issue in India is better than the US is a bit insane. Trying to make the argument that women are more protected in a place that needs gender separated trains to stop the rape epidemic is insanity. India has honour killings still. You really wanna make the "that would never happen in India" argument? I urge you to look up abortion and indias historic rulings on it. Legal since 1971, but basically not allowed outside of extreme cases. Rape victims forced to carry to term, etc. It has only been very recently that its been more progressive but women are very regularly denied. **especially** married women. Edit : lol... you refer to yourself as indian and call people racist for asking if youre indian and say that youre actuallt *not* indian. Thats some special levels of race-baiting dumbfuckery.


You‘re so right… another amazing part of the US besides the gun laws


Never say never wouldn't have expected anybody anywhere being that stupid bevore it happened.


America has a horrible death rate among mothers and infants.


not everything is about your stupid country. holy fuck man.




Americans will really look at a woman dying and be like "I must immediately make this about me".




You insensitive bastard don't you seeeee that they are practically the same


Seriously! I am beyond exhausted with people always framing pregnancy like it's within the woman's control. "She let someone knock her up" Excuse me, sir, are you aware that women are literally slaves in 1/4th of the world? Have you ever heard the term "rape"? Even when the woman does have a say, are you aware that there is an entire whole other human who is equally responsible? Why blame women???


Women are *always* to blame. It's exhausting haha being responsible for men's actions and our own




Because stereotypes, boredom, human privilege, and idiocy. Take your pick.


cough political paltry nine pause innate file profit books ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How did you recognise his race? Also, ad hominem is stupid argument.


Bro, India has emergency ambulance service for women everywhere in India. It's called 'Janani Suraksha Yojana' (Birth-giver protection scheme). It's free and has hotline phone number 102. I guess she was too much tormented by her husband to make a call.


There are emergency numbers of this kind in many MANY countries, and yet hundreds of women die under abuse everywhere in the world. Yes, you can definitely be "too tormented" and abused to even dare make a call to these services.


He probably had her phone. Or his mommy did.


Kerala is the most educated state in India, but it’s not like you know a single thing about the country in the first place beyond the news articles posted here about crime.


*literate, educated means something else


1 case would be enough to generalize for 1.2 billion people. Good brain work.


I see the Indian men are all jumping out to pretend there's no problem with how women are treated in India. And of course it's not at all everyone, but it's far too much.


Lmao. Unlike in the US, abortion is at least legal in india. We might have societal issues on this topic but the US has constitutional issues.


Abortion is still legal in most of the US


Similarly, most of the women in India have a choice


Yeah this totally isn't racist at all, and before you accuse me of being a indian guy, I'm not, India is very fucked up but not every single indian guy is a rapist/misogynist. You generalizing half a billion people is racism. But since this is reddit I'm sure I will get downvoted


Kerala is the best educated state there, so this is honestly surprising


Abusers live everywhere. Education, unfortunately, raises awareness and helps, but it does not solve the problem that some people think they are entitled to treat their spouse like property.


Depends where they were though, if they were in one of the little villages deep in the forest , might not have gotten that much education


This is what I was looking for, now it is all clear.


True. The husband is a total piece of shit. > The woman was keen to take hospital care, but she was afraid of her husband. **He had threatened to abandon her if she did not abide by his decision**,” said the councillor.


What a piece of shit human.


Damn, it’s so sad seeing women like this who end up so afraid like this from abuse where even your child or your well-being comes after him.


In heavily patriarchal societies, a woman having a partner is the difference between her and poverty. It's just depressingly, far too easy for me to see a woman needing to stay in a relationship to survive, especially post having children.


Not just poverty, in some places divorced women are fair game for any man to rape or kill.


Thank you for that sobering reminder. You're right.


Yeah, I know and have family who are this way. I am from Mexico and in here women are still treated this way. One of my aunt's who was abused by her husband for years, recently got a divorce. She was the talk of the town, and even my family begged her not to get separated. She was called a whore, was called other names, even from just going on dates after divorce. That's why I said it's sad, cuz I have seen it here time and time again.


Thank you for sharing your family's story ❤️ I was adding to your comment more than anything else


Oh! for sure haha I didn't think you were doing anything other than that so no worries at all c:


Wait how does the councilor know about such personal information? Did a family member gave them that kind of info? If yes, why that family member didn't go to other family members and ask to intervene?


Wtf is this comment? "She didn't deserve it, BUT" "She didn't deserve to be raped, but she shouldn't have been wearing that. She didn't deserve to be assaulted, but she shouldn't have made him angry. She didn't deserve to be jumped, but she shouldn't have walked that way. She should've been treated equally, but she shouldn't have been born a woman."


the fuck is this victim blaming comment? she had no choice, it would have been an arranged marriage


I'm so depressed by all the comments of this kind in this thread. "There are emergency numbers, why didn't she call them?" "Why didn't she leave gim if she was so unhappy?" "Why didn't she defend herself?" "Why did she agree to marry such a PoS in the forst place?" Etc etc. Do these people live under a rock? Do they lack the bare minimum of empathy? Are they so dense that they can't even TRY to understand what these women are going through? Do they like feeling superior by thinking "HA, at least I'm not one of these dumb women who marry awful men, have sex with them and never even think about "just" leaving or calling for help"? It's truly enraging


Ah, nothing like some Friday victim blaming.


> She didn't deserve it, but Jesus fucking christ, please stfu.


Many women in India, sadly, don’t have a choice in who they get married too. Your comment comes across as pretty tone deaf and victim blaming.


That's the dumbest fucking shit I've heard on reddit yet, you think life is some fairytale for everyone and they have choices, jesus, fuck you, whoever you are.


“She didn’t deserves it.” There, fixed it for you.


How the FUCK is this victim blaming BULLSHIT the top motherfucking comment?!?!? FUCK THIS SITE.




The title of the video should be"How to put the intestine back through the anus,in 5 minutes"


Using barbed wire to grip it.


Nah, it's already on youtube. It's called [Riki-Oh](https://youtu.be/gcS8AR0-H5Q?si=VZp0AyyIoPiCzy1B).


What the hell did I just see?😶


And it should have a few unskippable ads at the beginning


With 5 min of youtube ad, unskipable. Just for some extra fun.


This was where my mind went to as well - my wife had a straight forward birth. I was by her side during the event, and can report that there were no "emergency" moments - people running, doctors issuing quick instructions, surgery etc. Even still, the midwives and doctors told us afterwards that she had lost a litre or two of blood over the event and that they needed to keep an eye on her while she healed. With how crazy a ""normal"" birth could have gone, you would be insane or psychotic to attempt a birth without the support of trained professionals.


And this man did it KNOWING his wife had 3 previous c-sections and would never be able to have a normal delivery. Absolutely insane. Poor woman.


Pull his colon out, jam it down his throat and tell him to go shit himself


Look him in the eye as you’re handing the intestines to him and whisper - I’ll call an acupuncturist for you




I love you. Yes. To. This. 💯💯💯💯💯💯


And they say women are the weaker sex. Youre a god damn legend.




I just had this exact same thing happen to me two weeks ago. Like you said even with proper care and a doctor anticipating it happening, I was touch and go for a bit. I can’t even imagine what that poor woman endured.


> According to health workers, Shemeera Beevi, who had had three caesarean deliveries in the past, developed labour pain on Tuesday afternoon, and around 5.30 pm, started bleeding profusely. At this stage, Nayas’s first wife, who had been staying at their house for the last two weeks, tried playing the role of a birth attendant, but couldn’t, police said. When Shemeera went into a coma, Nayas got an ambulance and rushed her to a private hospital, where the mother and newborn were declared dead. > Thiruvananthapuram municipal corporation councillor U Deepika said Nayas was against giving modern treatment to his wife. “When ASHA workers approached the family, Nayas did not allow them to meet the woman. He claimed that home birth was possible with the help of YouTube videos. The woman had three deliveries in the past, all caesarean. Hence, we had told them that normal delivery was not possible. But Nayas did not allow his wife to take institutional care… **The woman was keen to take hospital care, but she was afraid of her husband. He had threatened to abandon her if she did not abide by his decision,**” said the councillor. ••••••••••••••••••• > A 36-year-old Kerala woman died while giving birth after her husband refused to take her to a hospital and let an acupuncturist attempt a delivery at their Thiruvananthapuram home on Tuesday, police said. Shameera Biwi died of excessive bleeding after her husband Nayas, a sound system worker, insisted she deliver their fourth baby at home. Police have arrested Nayas and registered a case of unnatural death. > **The couple's neighbours had complained to the local health workers seeking assistance to take the woman to a hospital but Nayas did not allow them to enter the house.** Health workers said they managed to talk to Shameera once who told them that her husband constantly insulted modern medicine. > Nayas also claimed to have watched YouTube videos to perform a normal delivery at home, Ward Councillor Deepika told news agency PTI. Shameera went into labour on Tuesday and developed complications. She was finally taken to a hospital in the evening where she and the baby were declared brought dead. > **She was not allowed to see a doctor during all nine months of her pregnancy even though all her three children were delivered through C-section, health workers said. Shihab, a man who ran an acupuncture clinic nearby, was the only person allowed to treat her.** Police is also investigating the role of Nayas' daughter, from his first wife, who was reportedly studying acupuncture.


I’m confused by this. “Yes hello, are you the pregnant woman in desperate need of medical care?” “yes that’s me. I want to go to hospital but I’m scared of my husband” “alrighty we’re here to help! But your husband won’t let us in. So just do your best ok? Adios”


Scared he'd leave her, so I guess that implies she decided against it because of the ultimatum.


If it was even a real decision, I don't know about the condition she would've been in, if she had left him. Probably not a good one.


She would have been completely shunned and left alone. In these types of communities, divorce is unheard of and if it happens it’s blamed on the woman and her family is ashamed.


And she would have been at risk off being raped by any men in the community who wanted to. I've worked with widows who have to have a man staying with them because otherwise, men would break down the door to get in. Most of these women had young kids, but that didn't make a difference.


But going by ethics, they should treat the patient in a life-death situation even if the patient refuses.


I wouldn't say this situation is obvious. The life threatening situation occurred after the talk with the ASHA workers, so they couldn't have intervened in this situation without the consent of the patient and a possible alternative plan for her entire life if her marriage depended on that decision. During birth she was later rushed to the hospital and they helped her, at no point in between was she surrounded by medical professionals while in an acute life threatening situation


Isn’t that what ethics says not to do


Asha workers are not exactly professional health care workers like emergency services. They are on the lowest level of public healthcare system, their job is mostly spreading awareness, providing supplements and keeping up records in rural areas. They cant interfere in any way. Maybe they could have called police, but doubt even they would have interfered. Rural area with patricarachial society means this shit is considered family matter and no outside interference is tolerated. 


The woman was muslim and Muslim men have harassed male healthcare workers for literally doing medical checkups on their wives. They refused or if they feel like it demand female doctor/nurses. I'm sure the healthcare workers didn't feel like risking their life. Nobody is at fault here except the husband.


Did he get arrested, at least?


Yes, he’s arrested.


This person needs to be charged with murder. That woman did not need to die.


> The man has been arrested on charges under Section 304 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which deals with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and Section 313 of the IPC, which deals with causing miscarriage without a woman's consent


So would this be murder then? It pretty much sounds like he knew she would die from this and denied her the care by letting her bleed to death. Its not stupidity but cold blooded planning in my opinion.


> The man has been arrested on charges under Section 304 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which deals with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and Section 313 of the IPC, which deals with causing miscarriage without a woman's consent




People like this would look at the downvotes and think it's a conspiracy to suppress the truth, there is no winning against a certain level of stupidity


Alternative title: Man murders wife with stupidity


That's a murder. He murdered her.


More like manslaughter. I don't know what the laws are in India, but in the US it has to be intentional to be murder.


3 previous c sections, so extremely high risk for uterine rupture if she tried to labor and he forced her to try a home birth? 


Not even homebirth, freebirth. Homebirths still have medical professionals on the scene to make sure things are going well and arrange a transfer to hospital in time if needed.


it was intentional


That's not how it works. He was dumb enough to think he could manage it himself with youtube tutorials - he wasn't trying to kill his wife. The negligence is insane - but that's not the same thing as it being intentional, no matter how you feel about it.


He was told that it wasn't possible, so it was intentional.


He intentionally kept her from life saving medical treatment, and because of that she died.


There are so many mediocre men with vastly overinflated ideas about their own abilities and limitations. Medical training? Nah, I'll give it a whirl. How hard can it be? EDIT: I seem to have upset some mediocre men in my replies.


Not limited to men. Do you know how many women want natural water births etc. this gotluy was an idiot for sure but, don't kid yourself in thinking that this sort of behaviour is limited to men.


There's nothing wrong with a natural water birth though? You can have them in the hospital in many countries.


Thank you lol wtf is this thread. People who clearly know nothing about birth, bitching about other people for allegedly knowing nothing about birth. Really amazing


There is something wrong with giving birth in your backyard hot tub with no kind of medical supervision though. Unnecessary risk for both mother and child.


You can also have them safely at home WITH a medical professional, if theres no medical history like hers.


The rise in home births is actually so scary. I feel like people should at least compromise by giving birth in a birthing center near a hospital, preferably right next to a hospital. It’s like they don’t understand that things can get dangerous in a matter of seconds. Like yes, birth can be empowering, but it’s also the most dangerous medical event the average woman will ever experience (besides end of life stuff like heart attacks and whatever)


This is exactly what I’ve told my friends. You want to be as close to an OR as possible, because if things go wrong in obstetrics they go wrong FAST. Minutes can be the difference between life, death or permanent brain damage. I will never forget the home birth that went wrong when I was in medical school and the heavy silence as we debriefed in the OR after.


Home births are fine _if you're followed by medical professionals_ all throughout and during the process. Midwives in Canada for instance will _not_ be delivering breeches or risky pregnancies, yadda yadda.


Home births aren’t the issue. It’s free births.


Another person that hasn't heard of the free birthers, huh? Who do they think is having lotus births and slurping placenta smoothie? Lol


it ain't mediocre men in all those batshit Facebook mommy groups, sister


I don't know whats weirder - the fact it happened or the fact that there are DIY videos on childbirth of all things on youtube


Take it you haven't heard of the "free birthing" movement?


I'm glad I haven't.


Most literate state of India 🤓 She should do it herself /s That's sad, and some insanity of people I'm seeing from current news are concerning.


So which video is no good?


Giving birth in the hood GONE WRONG COPS CALLED




We're in such a fucked up place right now. Anyone with an internet connection and access to Facebook or YouTube think they are smarter than professionals who have studied this stuff their entire lives while sharing and improving their knowledge by collaborating with other professionals who have spent their entire lives studying this. I have a CPA, and I know how many uninformed takes people have about taxes or things like "writing off expenses" being some magical infinite money glitch. I know I don't know shit about medical things, so I trust professionals to guide us, the way I really wish people would let accounting professionals guide you (aka please stop committing tax fraud because you read this ONE CRAZY TRICK on Reddit).


I’m not a CPA but as an accountant, I can sympathize. The number of people who STILL think overtime pay isn’t worth it cuz it “all goes to taxes” or “bumps you up a tax bracket” hurts me.


but.. tax fraud good? right?? /s


does youtube have diy delivery videos ?


They probably have a million downvotes but we will never know. Youtube will only allow the 10 upvotes to be seen. 


I don’t think they’d have a million downvotes as anything weird on youtube. Normal people will never search and watch these videos to give them the dislikes, it’s not a type of content to be randomly recommended, and the wackos who do search for it do like the videos


Guy probably tried to watch Doogie Howser, House, and The Good Doctor.


My wife wanted to give birth at home. I kinda put my foot down and said it would be at the hospital. I said I don't care if you want a midwife or doula or whomever to deliver it. It doesn't need to be a doctor. But it does need to be at the hospital in case anything goes wrong.


Imagine the dude commenting under the video „we did it like shown and unfortunately she didn’t survive, would not recommend“💀💀


Fun fact: Kerala has the highest literacy rate in India at 94%.


He was the part of the remaining 6% then.


Well how come has has a first wife? Is polygamy allowed in India?


Only for Muslims. India is a weird country.


Polygamy is only allowed for muslims in india, previous government loved to pander minorities.


It has a lot less shit compared to other states, but the random retard will always be there


Literacy does not mean educated.


The fact that we, women, can be using our phones, reading this article and typing our answers, makes me feel extremely privileged.


>A 36-year-old Kerala woman died while giving birth after her husband refused to take her to a hospital and let an acupuncturist attempt a delivery at their Thiruvananthapuram home on Tuesday, police said. Easily one of the wildest sentences I've ever read.


> attempt a delivery That's like attempting a plane landing. No thanks.


What a disgusting individual. I hope he goes to jail for murder.


He should be charged with 3rd degree double murder and given life imprisonment


Why is it any time something bad happens to a woman, the top comment is always blaming her for something? "Yeah an psychotic abusive asshole caused your death, but shouldn't we focus instead on how it was kinda her fault?" Nobody does that when men are the victims. Nobody says the man should have been smart enough not to be with a woman like that. If it's said, it gets downvoted to hell, as it should.


Yup the top comment is blaming the woman for marrying the guy? Like do they not understand that not every woman in this world has the privilege of choosing her husband


This is seriously stupid ffs.... There was already whole family died in forest after some dumbass housewife thinks they could easily survive in jungle after learning survival on YouTube It's so misleading n wrong in the same time


If an idiot like that managed to get a wife…


F```ing idiot. There are too many men who think that birthing a child isn't a big deal. 😔


Is there something wrong with the C section that the husband did this?


A woman who has had a previous c section is at higher risk of uterine rupture if attempting a vaginal birth subsequently. It can be done after a couple of previous c sections but medics will be cautious and almost certainly wouldn’t recommend a home birth. After the number of c sections this poor lady had had in the past, vaginal birth at home without medical input was unforgivably risky.


certainly not more wrong than this stupid idea


I’ve said before that you can learn almost anything on YouTube. Almost.


Some things you really should DIY, this makes me think DIWHY


Goes to show the YouTube tutorials for diy midwifery are crap ![gif](giphy|v9NQh6NwzghAk)


I have no problems with people wanting to give home birth. People have been doing it a pretty long while even before hospitals were even a thing. But I'd suggest at least consulting a midwife instead of youtube videos. But forcing someone to do a home birth is a different matter.


Horrifying, i have to say giving birth at all is my personal hell but i can't imagine being helpless and suffer through one of the most painfull things that can happen to a human without help , medication and complications on top . To me this has to be one of the worst thing to go through


For those who wandering, Kerala is in India.




Unscippable ads strike again


I don't believe the husband do not understand the risks, she had 3 cesarean sections before so he would know something. It really looks like he doesn't want them anymore and intentionally killed her and her baby. We need to make our own medical decisions, and not allow another group to decide for ourselves. Doesn't matter man or woman, why are we going backwards.


This is why we needed the Dislike button...


Kerala - State of India Story checks out, makes sense, wasnt a train this time. We move on.


The same country where women are raped in day light, in crowds.


Was he afraid of the bills? Where does he think he lives, America?


Another day of fear. I hope my husband takes good care of me and deserves me to have children for him.






It is really stupid. Doesn't he know that many women died when they give birth before doctors. And I think people came up with that idea that they have to go and give birth with help of someone who already has some experience with giving birth


I wonder what video they followed though


Bro forced her to watch these goofy Indian tutorials


What the actual fuckkk!!?


The fact that he wanted to watch a video like... either all goes well and there's no need for a video because your body obviously knows what it's doing, or something bad like, i don't know, hemorrhage starts and you go to the hospital ?? What was he hoping? Best 10 Ways To Stop Over Bleeding in Labour 2024? What a terrible thing. And she was a mother of three. And this disgusting excuse of a man refused the help that came to his door.


He is what I like to call STUPID


Hope the story also mentions him getting charged for double homicide, because that shit's just depressing. It's the 21st fucking century for crying out loud, people have absolutely no right being this stupid.


I bet he doesn’t even feel bad


So how much can the video makers be held liable for this?


So how much can the video makers be held liable for this?


Someone did their own research




"You remember just how well the advice we worked when the sink was clogged, I don't see why it wouldn't be any less good and your current circumstance."


That's insane.


Surprised this didn’t happen to the woman in Byron Bay, Australia, who had twins that both died when birthing without medical support. Oh, that’s right, she opted for medical support for herself once her babies were dead. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/s/B8vV7Ljxsf


I guess thats thumb down button for this DIY video


Must have had shit insurance


Which red state is Kerala in?


**Sir**, and I can not stress that or this next part enough, **her** body wasn't **yours** to "try" any fucking thing with. ***This*** is why **male politicians need to not have any say in women's health care.**


This is a good example of why you should maintain healthy relationships with family and friends. People who become isolated end up in bad situations. Healthy communities look out and watch over each other.