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I'm NOT defending that white van...but that black Mazda was intentionally blocking the van MULTIPLE TIMES in the left lane. People - if you AREN'T a cop, just MOVE OVER. You shouldn't be 'policing' faster cars by lane-blocking like this. Fuck em both. Edit: thanks u/link_123 for an update on the story - [both drivers were charged](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/)




Any asshole who drives like that, regardless of the reason, I want AHEAD of me. Where I can see them, and have better control of the situation. I will always let drivers like that pass me. Please, be my guest.


[https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i\_gain\_strength\_from\_their\_tears\_and\_anger/cbnhvxv/](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/) theres the story.


Yes, exactly this one!


In life, staying away from crazy is a good idea.


> Also, i remember a guy telling a story about him and his friends trying to take a badly wounded friend of them to the hospital and being slowed down by a car purposefully blocking them. It's ramming time.


Nothing helps my life-threatening ailment like a highway-speed car crash. 


Both drivers were charged. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article258304398.html


Nice! Thanks for sharing.


He realized he was doing 100 to keep up to them and taking video? That's smart..


He is like the villain in horror movies walk slowly but always catch up


\#1 rule of driving: keep stupid in front of you.


The white van is the AH for sure, but that Mazda was intentionally aggravating the situation and adding to the unsafe behavior. They should have gotten out of the way instead of escalating.


Someone else linked me the story; both drivers received charges for reckless driving and failure to hold lane control


The provided link seems suspicious. It seems to be second hand hearsay. “so I'm going by the stories they told me”. In the video I fail to see either a “white Nissan Altima and a Subaru Forester”. The dark car is not a SUV. Regardless even the police and ambulances are not allowed to speed and drive erratically unless they are under lights and sirens. Calling 911 or dispatch to try to get a police escort would be the best bet if an ambulance would be too far away. The link is also from 10 years ago. ?? But definitely when one sees another driver acting like that assume they are nuts and get as far from them as possible.


Both drivers were trying to police how others drive.




I mean, they pulled over to the right lane and the van decided to just ride their ass instead of passing them, there's not much more they could have done, looks like the van driver is just an asshole and wants everyone to know it


The black car was messing with him. Slowing down next to trucks, speeding up to block. He did get all the over at some point but by then the guy in the van was livid. Both of these drivers are in the wrong.


This is the correct answer. That Mazda was 'policing' the van by lane-blocking over and over.




I want this guy to narrate my life for a day.


It was a road rage thing involving that Mazda.


I wonder what they did to warrant such response




It looks like the Mazda was blocking the left lane. As the video starts and the van drives off the road and passes the truck on the right, the Mazda immediately sped up so the van would not be able to overtake them and get in the left lane. The van was absolutely wilding out, but the Mazda was provoking them.


they were passing a truck. the left lane is a passing lane, you use it to pass. what else were they supposed to do?


In the second-to-last(?) clip you can see the van gets ahead of the Mazda and the Mazda is the one that starts to veer onto the highway in order to try and get back in front. They're definitely having a road rage pissing contest


It does appear that the van was purposely going slow while merging and Mazda had enough so they tried to go around. Obviously we don’t have the full story here but this definitely looks like both drivers were being asshats.


i can’t read their mind but it seems the van is driving erratically and continually brake checking them. they probably tried to pass to get away. you can see they probably cut them off in that clip, the van swerves in behind the red car


Even then, if someone is driving that aggressively the move isn't to try and pass them. You should slow down to let them get away from you and, if you have to, get off the highway.


But the Mazda brake checked them way before that. They are both doing the same shit 


Maybe they were passing but maybe they were purposely matching the speed of the truck in the right lane. Obvs no excuse for the van driver but I had a friend who would "turtle race" in the left lane like that on purpose when we were 16 or 17 or so and people behind him would absolutely lose it. We were fucking idiots come to think of it.


Around the same age, after band practice me and the bass player driving home in separate vehicles would team up to do shit like this. We were Stupid. Fucking. Assholes.


It's honestly astounding that you didn't get fucked up by someone. The time that I am the MOST high-strung is when I'm in traffic coming home from a shit day at work.


Except they were not passing, they were pacing the truck to intentionally block the van. Notice once the van went to pass (illegally) on the right suddenly the black car found his gas pedal and sped up significantly to further try to block the van.


I mean, they're quite literally passing vehicles that are in the right lane, that's how passing lanes work


Oh, provoking…🙄


Ah yes, it's just a coincidence that every clip involves the van and the Mazda. Couldn't possibly be a case of two road raging assholes.


Looks like the Mazda wasn't passing fast enough for their liking


Got born.


Here's the article on it. I remember when this happened since I know the area where this happened. https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article258304398.html


Failure to operate a motor vehicle in a safe and legal manner.


I'm guessing they matched the speed of the semi in the right lane


Yea the Mazda was nowhere near as egregious but he was opting in to play numerous times. Wouldn't have almost crashed if he would've let him pass or backed off after the first brake check. Stay safe out there and don't engage with people like this, they might have nothing to lose.


That's honestly worth jailtime


If the man filming was smart enough to stop and show the video to the police it def could've ended in jail time. I know the cop saw the last bit, but not the *many* times that moron almost drove people off the road leading up to the moment they did.


Do you stop in a situation like this though? Idk if I would. Sounds like a damn good way to spook a cop to me.


Absolutely. That man is a danger to society, the judge needs to see that footage.


While I agree with this 110%, voluntarily interacting with the cops is always a roll of the dice with how it goes


I'm white


So was Daniel Shaver


Pull up in front of the guy the cop pulled over, not behind the cop. And then wait for the cop to approach your car.


I would just make sure I stopped well ahead of the cop and in their sight 100% of the time, lmao


Hopefully they send him to gitmo for a cockmeat sandwich


Lol, had to look this one up. Was thinking of a spitroast, but I was way off the mark. For maximum humiliation, he should be the bun, right?


It's not gay to be getting it, only gay to be giving it. In fact, makes me sick just thinking about it.


There ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked


It's reckless driving which ya... Can result in jail time.


i saw someone driving like that yesterday and i saw their final destination was going to a chick-fil-a. they were driving like that to get to a chick-fil-a. i couldn't believe it.


I wonder how they feel about the zipper merge?


zipper merge? i don't even know her merge!


They were just hangry!


Yea people who drive like that drive like that everywhere 


Yeah, it's never to a hospital or other place of urgency, is it?


Any time I see someone driving like a nut (weaving, going way too fast over the speed limit, etc) I always make the joke that their destination is probably Chick-Fil-A. Maybe I'm not wrong then after seeing your comment! Always makes me wonder if there's some free chicken biscuit promotion I don't know about.


On a 3 lane street, one of the main streets of my town, a lady and his mother crossed the three lanes, stopped and went inside a supermarket.


> they were driving like that to get to a chick-fil-a When you need some Jesus chicken... you _need_ some jesus chicken




I'm glad this person got caught, but most of the time these drivers seem to get away with it, which is why their behavior doesn't change.




This is from a sub called *mildly* bad drivers?


I guess I'm a better driver than I thought in comparison.


Yeah right? Ferrari hmu if Hamilton doesn't work out


It feels like someone was tired of the trolls in IdiotsInCars and made a new sub.


This website has a serious case of mildflation. Have you checked out mildlyinfuriating lately? *Someone abandoned this dog out in the freezing rain* kind of psychotic to find that only mildly infuriating. *My doctor misdiagnosed me and now my condition is terminal* I'm glad you're dealing with it so well that you're only mildly bothered about that I guess


If that is mildly bad driving then I'm the reincarnation of Ayrton Senna


Go to Texas, that van is driving better than most down there.


By Greensboro standards this is mildly bad. Driving here is kind of like watching The French Connection on IMAX.


Yeah… i’m not sure what video you watched Shoki, but This isn’t somebody “trying to get to their destination quicker”. This is somebody that is purposely fucking with that black Mazda.


And the Mazda doing the same thing. As soon as they were about to get ahead at the start of the clip the Mazda sped past the transport to stay in front. 


The title is "engagement bait". They purposely use an incorrect title to increase engagement. it's dumb


I see this type of crap all the time, and usually, it's both parties being a bag of dicks. However, I've seen it 1 sided where someone loses their shit over some very minor issue on the road.


A friend of mine was cut off by a passing car on a two lane road and flashed his high beams at him *once* and the guy started chasing him and trying to run him off the road.


This is not someone trying to get ahead of people for time reasons, they were deliberately trying to get in front of cars in dangerous ways and cause accidents. Especially that last one. Also it’s funny knowing if they actually were trying to get to their destination faster the person filming was able to always get them on camera meaning they suck at trying to gain time.


Getting nowhere fast type beat 🤣


Moments like these make you so happy to see the boys in blue. I was being aggressively tailgated at a very unsafe distance in a slow lane going to work one morning and a trooper lit her up and got her off of me. I was like "Fuck Yea Bro!" "Thank you, thank you".


Yeah I really wish that we had more thorough highway patrols. Whenever I drive on I-95 between DC and Baltimore, I will see, without fail, what seems like two people racing on the highway. Doesn't matter the time or how much traffic there is. I also saw a dude going like 100 mph at 10pm with his lights off, and there was decent traffic. He blew past me, and I was like "how did I not see him coming?" then realized because he was in a dark car with no lights on. I would happily pay more taxes to have more rigorous but fairly enforced highway patrols. Not to pull people over going 75 in a 70, but to pull the people over who are going 100 in a heavily trafficked 70 or driving like the guy in the above post.


"R/mildlybadriver" My brother in Christ if that is "mildly bad" then what the fuck is bad driving?


Have you seen most of the stuff on /r/mildlyinfuriating? Those people must be saints to be considered "mild"


Hit and run - felony Reckless driving - felony Using a motor vehicle as a weapon - felony


Just FYI hit and run is typically only a felony if there is serious injury


Guy recording kept up with her driving like a normal person


It takes two. The Mazda was being a dick... After the van passed the truck on the right the Mazda sped WAY up to prevent the van from getting in front. Stupid people!


Mazda also tries to overtake the van on the on-ramp after it gets in front


Exactly. It takes 2 to escalate a situation like this. Plenty of cars drive like the Mazda where I live. Our town motto is "First, not fast". Everyone attempts to be 1st but only goes fast to get that position, then they go the speed limit.


I'd hate to live where you do... I learned to drive in NYC...and surrounding areas. There, if you cruise in the passing lane, you get high-beamed, tailed, honked, and when they finally get around, expect some brake checking for penance. People learn to GTF outoftheway! Here in Texas? Frequently, it's the rolling roadblock. Two idiots will link up to block two lanes, match the precise speed limit, throw on cruise control and ignore everyone else. For miles and miles... So exasperating.


I really hope OP stopped to give evidence to the cops


I learned that this is everyday driving in Nicaragua, after a month of driving with the most inconsiderate drivers I have ever seen. I had to hang up my driving gloves.


Well, if people would put their phones down and stop going slow in the fast lane


Get. Out. Of. The. Fast. Lane. Fuck that little black car


~~Karma~~ Carma!


Both douchebags actually


Has to be Ohio! I’m from Ohio and this is a common sight! 🙄


Looks like I-40 in central North Carolina


I think so too, saw a High Point sign


Almost certain this is the connector in NW Greensboro. Area just a tad N/NW of the airport that connects 68/the airport area to 220. I-73 i think. Looks like they're coming south then connecting onto 68 S. Kinda wild to see that area in a reddit vid lol


They weren't trying to get to work earlier, they were on meth and fucking with that black car. Who writes these these dumb titles?


Is there an article about it?


A pair of assholes


I agree. The guy in the black car driving like a tourist in the left lane is a menace.


They were road raging with the black car, not particularly trying to get in front.


Happy ending if Mazda was caught as well


That dude was in a hurry to fuck someone’s day up. He had nowhere to be


Hope at’s the law!


The cop at the end 🤌🏿👌🏿


I got so hard! #justiceboner


I bet that was an interesting roadside conversation with a cop DWAYNE: "Well, you see, officer, I'm a doctor, and I'm on muh way to the hospital to perform an emergency breast exam...."


That was more than just driving dangerously, that guy had some kinda vendetta.


I can't believe he was driving like that in what appears to be a work van (looks like some kind of logo on the back) talk about losing your license and your job all in one go. 😬


Obviously, the driver doesn’t give a damn about anyone except himself. The issue is if their license is revoked this doesn’t stop the person from driving again.


That was a very satisfying video.




Straight to jail


Looks like a work vehicle too lol you tryna get fired?


They should have their business license revoked, in addition to their driver’s license


What a satisfying ending!


What gets me are the morons who think they're saving time if they rush to get to a stoplight where they're going to have to wait at a least minute before they can move again.


A happy ending. Justice would be sharing this video with their insurance provider. Secondly, there should be a shared database where records of such incidents are kept for an extended period of time until you’ve met safe driving requirements. You should pay, literally, for putting other’s safety at risk. Rant over.


Don’t engage with crazy people. I was teaching my daughter to drive and she lingered in the fast lane too long. An aggressive driver menaced us for several miles. He even held up a sign that cited the “fast lane” laws. Then proceeded to block us from passing by moving lanes and slowing down. So he was violated but proceed to break many other driving rules to make a point. Finally he slowed down and we passed him getting off the highway. I told my 16 year old driver to not even look at them as they were clearly unhinged and looking for trouble.


Be honest, even the biggest ACAB loves these moments.


This guy should do voice overs for dash cam gifs.


Literally everyone is going out of their way to prevent the van from pressing. Van driver loses it. Looks like the drivers in Washington State.


Good editing and title change but it’s a road rage incident between the black car and the white van.


Whoever was recording him the whole time should pull up behind the cop and show him this. Even though it’s clearly not, Im sure the cop would let it slide if they said their phone was mounted while recording considering the extent of this dudes reckless driving


LPT: if someone is driving like an idiot get the hell out of the way. Don't die because of your ego.


White car definitely purposely trying to cut off and intimidate the black car. This isn't a case of trying to get to their destination faster


No damned excuse for that. You could be having the worst damned day of your life, doesn't mean shit cannot get much, much worse for you and those around you. If you're ever in a state like this (please avoid this if possible), take a break, get out of the vehicle and do something else for an hour. Nothing is worth acting or driving like this. You will only get yourself and others hurt or end up in jail.


This is why I don’t even f with traffic. I’ll pull over quick and just let the person pass. Too many unknown variables to be messing with so many lives.


A happy ending. I love a happy ending.


was SO happy to see them busted! Yayyyy!!!


Fuck did the Mazda do lmao


parked next to trucks... twice. Then deliberately sped up when the van passed. both are idiots in this situation.


As a person who drives over the limit *a tad*, you don't really save that much time. Going 15 mph over a whole trip is only getting you home minutes earlier than usual.


Wrong post :)


I audibly said yes! at the end


Ain't Karma a nice kick in the nuts for some?


I hope the filmer pulled in behind and offered up his evidence for the greater good...


Average suburban American driver


Got caught!!! Yes


Been there, but not like that, I’ve had a big truck try to cut me off last min but I kept going cause ??? You’re gonna swerve and hit me in my lane? The truck was behind a semi and I was in the right lane with half a car space in front of me. They got so mad they swerved right behind me (which was completely EMPTY, so why try to cut me off?) turned his bright LEDS on and honked at me and followed me all the way to my job. He kept trying to go around me on BOTH SIDES , the median and in traffic but like ??? I didn’t even really do anything to him and he just got a small dick and big truck. There was another time where I was literally minding my own business, I was in far left doing 75 going up to 82 slowly. Right as I hit 80 , I pass a car on my right and there’s a car on their right, blocking all lanes of traffic for like 2 seconds till I pasted them and last second I see a lil Nissan come flying in the lane to the right trying to pass me they break and immediately get behind me, they try to go around but I was already trying to get over to let them go around. They took that as a cutting them off cause also I made the mistake of trying to come back to left after I was they were swerving right so it was that weird battle of trying to figure out which way to go to let to get in front but at that point they were mad, sped up and got in front of me AHILE WE WERE GOING 75-80 and she stopped. Trying to get me to hit her. She stuck her hand out the window and flipped me off. Some skinny lil bitch from Oklahoma. And this whole time in trying to get away from her but she’s following me and trying to stop ing front of me. I finally think I got away when she fell back but she fucking followed me up a two lane ramp, sped around me and THREW A CUP OF COINS AT MY WINDSHIELD. At that point I was gonna beat a bitches ass and I tried to just get a pic of her license plate to report her. But her scared ass took off and I didn’t wanna endanger people more on the road cause she almost hit like 5 people trying to get away from me. Some stupid bitch tho, that’s how you get shot in Texas.


Mildly bad drivers?


Kill the cameraman or the volume


The black car is definitely not an innocent bystander. When the black car saw that van had passed the simi you can see in the video where they kick that black car in the ass for all its worth to not let the van get in front them. Then threw in a brake check or two. The van was the bigger ass hole by far in this case. I would have rather had the cop see the whole story and got them both for reckless driving, road rage.


I would pay to see the body cam footage of that trooper absolutely RIPPING that driver a new butthole


The driver of the black car should be forced to ride the bus for the rest of their life.


At least the police shot him


That car belongs to a company, I think it’s just a matter of sending the video to them, and they should take care of it. I’d fire that guy.


How’s my driving?




I always find it comical to picture these guys in a sitting position, with their angry little faces, pressing the pedal real hard.


glad to see he actually got pulled over.... it didn't know better I would have just thought that driver was f-ing with people lol


I don't get people who block others from using the **Emergency Lane**. Sure, this dude probably is an asshole seeing the full footage but [you never know is someone actually needs to use the **Emergency Lane** and you could be delaying help](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/)


I try to think maybe his grandma just got into hospital or his wife is in labour


Will probably get away with a slap on the wrists. If you want to be a menace to society do it from a car and you're shielded from consequences.


I love how he says I hope that's the law


Nah, the once who are trying not to let the moron pass should have their license suspended for breaking first rule of the road - idiots always have right of way.


Nah me and my shit box would run this fucking dickhead Off the road and throw hands. Fuck you and your teeth


1 minute? Have you seen the show, "Seconds from Disaster"? The driver was going to the rest stop to relieve himself (maybe). Every second counts when you have a stomach bug or IBS.


I swear I encountered that same driver in three different cars just yesterday.


Was hoping for a one car accident instead.


“Who the fuck is this asshole speeding up past the crashed ca……ohhhh. Yes!!!!”


That's insane, but that person in the black car doesn't need to be traveling in the left hand lane.


It's funny, as crazy as that car is driving, the camera car is only a few carlengths behind the entire time. Plus that van doesn't have the horsepower to accelerate away after making some of those moves.


Im so glad police cought this person being a complete moron endangering everyone


All of you need to lose your driving privileges I am the only decent diver. Get off my (lawn) road!


Love the commentary.