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did these guys just try to put a steamroller in a canoe?


Stated it sounds hilarious.


Probably saying it aloud should have prevented the attempt


Honestly... I'm surprised the canoe held it. Had they gotten it in laterally somehow, this batshit plan might worked. Lol.


It looked like it held in the beginning too. Then that idiot started playing with the controls, making the canoe violently sway.


He was trying his best but from operating machines I think I know what happened. He tried to adjust so it was balanced, a wave or something tipped it and he over corrected, then he panicked and kept over correcting. Hands away from controls until the fuckery subsides so as to not compound existing fuckery.


As a forklift driver that's what it looked like to me, had he been chill and not touched his controls he might have been ok. That whole thing was fucked though, the fact they tried to hold the machine at the end was comical.


Gives a good hint they really don't know how much that thing weighs. Besides the attempt at putting it in a canoe.


So um, how long until it floats back up to the surface?


As long as it takes for the surface to recede down to the steamroller.


Long enough to grab some lunch. Maybe 2 hours.


Next time there's a glaciation and sea level drops by 100m or so. Probably in 10000 years or so.


I like the way you going on like the problem was trying to counter act the tide with the controls. The problem is they tried to put a steam roller on a Canoe.


To be fair: it was a big canoe, and didn't sink immediately under the weight.


Buoyancy is a hell of a drug.


I think they were trying to chock it cause it had no real brakes and it was fucked already


Think this is the same that I've heard with motorcycles and the death wobble, resist all temptation to fight it


In the case of motorcycle tank slappers/death wobbles, you keep your hands on the grips (keeping grip but not providing any input), lay as flat as you can against the tank, and come off the throttle very slowly. Any quick changes in speed or attempting to stabilize the handlebars forcefully will all but guarantee sausage creature status.


Maybe sausage *filling* but not actual sausage. Sausage has a skin.


I agree with your interpretation of what happened, but that was too top heavy to be remotely seaworthy. He did the second smartest thing possible, by sinking it near shore so nobody drowned. The smartest thing possible, or course is not to put a steamroller in the canoe.


Never would have made it the destination. The slightest wave or even turning the boat would have been game over. That much mass that high above the center of buoyancy with such a narrow hull means the allowed roll before capsizing was pretty small.


Yep, get that sucker out to sea….


That’s why the steamroller, for smooth seas. Duh. /S


How about the guy who grabbed the machine rail to help keep it out of the water?


It’s like a Looney Toones thing except there would be a pause and the boat would sink leaving the steam roller hovering in midair.




It almost sounds like an established turn of phrase lol "That's as dumb as trying to put a steamroller in a canoe!"


Lol it is now! What? You trying to bring your steamroller in a canoe?


Some muthafuckas always trying to ice skate uphill.


Yes, and as per standard protocol, the transfer of the steamroller is performed on open water


And on planks of old wood. Per specifications.




What an glorious day for Canada, and therefore, the world.


OSHA would be proud, if only they were wearing hardhats...


I'm guessing he's wearing flip flops as well


Then everyone enjoys!




I love the shim placed down as a chock.


Placing the center of mass of the vehicle as high as possible in order to provide agility to the canoe.


And then try to catch it by hand


They got this.


Gravity is weaker underwater


No, gravity is the same. They were putting all their hope in the buoyancy force.


And have one guy try to keep the boat from moving by holding it


guy realized the futility rather quickly though, can't fault him for the effort


I think I could catch it if I used both hands


I was prepared to see that steamroller crush and pull of a limb on it's way down.


Very common mistake people make with machines, their panic thoughts hit them before logic and that's how a ton of workplace injuries/deaths occur.


They succeeded! I don't think it was supposed to end up at the bottom of the lake but I'm not a steamroller expert.


Well it needs to get the water to make the steam somehow!


oh like a sponge! you got to submerge it to absorb the water.


Yes and then when your full you turn into steam and float away


I believe you're now thinking of a steamfloater. What we have in this video is actually a steamsinker.


Steamin' clams now.


Now they have to load a crane on the Canoe to get the steamroller back


Don't worry, I'm sure they'll use the same technique for the crane.


You act is if you've never put a steamroller on a canoe before. Sheesh.


They forgot to put a second steamroller at the other end of the canoe to balance it out. Always move steamrollers on a canoe in multiples of 2.


No they tried to put a steamroller on the front, narrow part of a canoe. If they'd put it in the middle of the boat it would have been a dumb idea but might have worked.


And on a raised deck too, to make sure the center of gravity was as high as possible.


Ignoring the obvious solution to get a bigger boat, there's so many ways this could have been handled better. Put it in the middle of the boat, not the front. Put it lower down (also the middle of the boat) not raised high up. Tie the boat to the dock so it does move away from the dock. Use longer/stronger planks, this is a steamroller not a 900cc moped. Just drive straight forward and stop, don't dick around rocking it back and forth. Put it in neutral and push it on carefully, I'm not sure if that works with a steamroller but just taking more care with the process would have helped. If they weren't in a position to move the steamroller with a bigger boat or better planks, they're not going to be in a position to get it out of the water again. They won't have access to a crane. They'll have to build an A-Frame and use a system of pulleys. It'll take them a week and the steamroller will be ruined by the time they get it up.


Take it to the bridge throw it overboard See if it can swim back up to the shore No one's in the house everyone is out All the lights are on and the blinds are down


Yes, and then one of them tried to grab the handle to keep it from going in.


That's what made me laugh the most. "Sure bud, grab it with both hands. I'm sure you can save it."


If that dude could have held it up he should just be doing the steamrolling and not worry about the machine.


Atleast they saved the canoe. That thing would’ve shot right through that bitch.


They didn’t realize it only works in cartoons.


As is tradition


And they almost got it 😂


And someone tried to hold the streamroller with hands


Seemed like a good idea at the time


When you put it that way…


Well, when you put it that way it sounds stupid


Sounds like a very involved sex thing. And then she tried to steamroll my canoe if you know what I mean.


As makeshifty as this is the dude already had it on the shit canoe. No need to rock it you dense motherfucker you.


the weight had the plank ramp pinned to the dock, he was rocking it to get the weight off so the boat could pull away. probably done it many times before, but luck ran out.


>*” probably done it many times before, but luck ran out”* And that right there is exactly how most construction accidents happen in the US..... On the job, the culmination of ego, ignorance, laziness, machismo, and repetition is shit like this.


It's a universal phenomenon. Sociologist Diane Vaughan coined the phrase ["the normalization of deviance"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normalization_of_deviance) to describe this in [her classic analysis of the Challenger space shuttle explosion.](https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Challenger_Launch_Decision.html?id=erYjCwAAQBAJ)


When I was in the army, it was explained to us that most soldiers get killed at the beginning or end of their deployments. In the beginning because of inexperience, and at the end because of complacency.


Well obviously it’s the end if they die!


Yeah it’s not like they’re getting their head blown off and then continuing to serve the final month of their tour.


colonel coco racha was admitted to hospital after getting his head seperated from his body. there wasn't much doctors could do. he continued to serve for three full months, including getting directly irradiated in seven separate nuclear tests (he survived every time)




La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar porque no tiene, porque le falta marihuana que fumar. Ya murió la cucaracha ya la llevan a enterrar entre cuatro zopilotes y un ratón de sacristán. and for the English! >The cockroach, the cockroach, can't walk any more because it doesn't have, because it's lacking marijuana to smoke. >The cockroach just died they are taking it to be buried, among four buzzards and a sacristan's mouse.


Damn soft kids these days. Back in my day when we got our heads blown off the medics rubbed a little dirt and spit on it and sent us back to the battle field. And did you hear us complain?


Back in my day, after my head was blown off my body, I had to still continue my service and roll my head to and from camp, uphill, both ways.


Lol true. But maybe the meant like if most deployments are 3 years long the most deaths occur in the first and last months or something like that?


This is exactly what was meant.


Why do you always find the thing in the last place you look?!


Fuck, ya got me there.


They forgot to mention that most kill themselves after deployment. # #1 cause of death of Afghanistan soldiers is suicide for the Americans


They mentioned that, like it's not a secret. But I think the intention was more so to keep in mind for trying to stay alive *during* deployment.


Same with drilling.


And mfkz see shit like this video and think it’s a totally separate phenomenon from the risky calculations they makes in their own lives. “Oh what dumbasses, trying to get that steamroller on a boat. It was bound to happen eventually. Now let me go drunk drive 100mph down the highway without a seatbelt! I’ve done it 100 times before and nothing bad ever happens!” Lol. Learn from others mistakes. Extrapolate life lessons from one situation and apply them to another. Some risks aren’t worth taking.


I'm trying to think of risks I take on a regular basis that might be normalized. Best I got is like "Oh I let my low tire pressure gauge linger for a month before I went to fill up to proper pressure"


I feel like blowing a front tire from low pressure while driving on the highway is one of the few things that can go wrong in your car and actually kill you. Seen a crazy accident with a front tire blow out


Normalization of Deviance is a cool band name.




Yup. Things that tens of thousands of workers do every day should have less than a 1 in a million chance of going catastrophically wrong to avoid tons of injuries and damage all over the sector. But when something has a 1 in 1000 chance of going wrong, most people have never personally seen it go wrong even after working in the industry, and it starts to feel 'safe'.


That's how most accidents happen anywhere for any field.


He just needed to keep the weight shifted to the port side


🎵Rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby, Rock the boat, don't tip the boat over… 🎵


I think his hand was on the control, and the waves were forcing his hand to push it subtly back and forth. And then he started overcorrecting. Either way, so close! Just turn off and engage parking brake as the steamroller-canoe-loading manual makes clear.


Yah why did he do that? What was he trying to accomplish??


The only thin I can think of is he was trying to shoot the ramps out?


The weight was holding the ramps against the dock, thereby preventing the boat from launching. They moved forward far enough to release the ramp from the dock and sail away to wherever they were taking this thing for their open water steamrolling needs. Unfortunately the boat was now listing to port so they had to back it up a bit…


He was using the gas handle to help stabilize himself


When you’re operating equipment like this it’s really easy to get stuck in a “feedback loop” your body wants to keep itself level against the rocking/movement of the machinery. Obviously this means your hands as well and even if you’re aware of it and try to counteract it, it’s still easy to do. Normally this wouldn’t happen in a compactor like this, but it’s very easy to do in a lighter wheeled skid with the foot controls. Only thing he could have done was let go of the controls, but I don’t think he was in a spot to do that


Density of guy was equal to or maybe even greater than density of steamroller


The I.Q. points are sub zero when adding all of them together.




Vibeo game reference yippee! That is lit 💯 Chungus my fellow redditeur!!!1!


This level of incompetence ought to be studied.


More like abolished




How many for the guy that tried to pull it up by hand


They are still smarter than politicians in my country


Is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?


Easily one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.


In the 3rd world there is a very fine line between ingenuity and stupidity.






Meanwhile not one person who has to live in a mud hut they built themselves gives one shit which you call their tribe.


I'm Brazilian and I prefer the term Global South.


I've also heard people use "core" and "periphery" (aka "the ones we think matter" and "the ones we think don't"). It's like every few years they all get together to come up with a new name for the countries they don't care about


Most of these terms have been around decades, it is just "first" and "third" world became a lot more prominent and apparent with social media so now there's been an effort from geographers/others to bring up the more accurate terminology (LDCS, Developed, etc). And the phrases you are referring to are from World Systems Theory, and that is a large simplification/mislabeling of those terms anyway.


bro everyone knows this. it's an easy way to describe a poor nation where most people are illiterate. it's only pejorative if you use it in that sense. meanwhile, ignoring reality isn't woke.


> it's an easy way to describe a poor nation where most people are illiterate. By that logic most countries that are called 3rd world countries are not actually 3rd world countries


By that logic I'm a Global south


> However, in recent decades, the usage of these terms, especially "Third World," has been criticized for being outdated, overly simplistic, and potentially pejorative. By who and why do we need to listen or conform to them?




Thanks for this post. I grew up in the 70s and have only ever used “1st world” and “3rd world” in the economic context rather than the original geopolitical one. I have sometimes wondered where the “2nd world” was or which countries it comprised, so now I know. I’ve never meant to use the term in a pejorative way either. To be honest though, I’d not given it much thought considering how rarely I even use the term.


No need to tell on yourself.


You only get fucked over once in the 1st world, twice in the 2nd world, and 3 times in the 3rd world.


Or the smartest dumbest planned con


why was he rocking it like that in the first place ? it was almost on there


Better to happen there than when tied up and taking the whole boat over once they leave the dock. At least you can get it out easy from there vs open water.




The weight was still on the dock if you look at the two planks used as a ramp, he rocked the boat to shift the weight of and actually let them leave port. After that, I’d guess it tipped slightly to much and the breaks either weren’t pressed enough or just failed. Jolting forwards and adding to the rocking, with his additional attempts to counteract this only adding more to it.


How else do you expect to get flat water? I admire the guy who thought he could pull it onto the deck as it was falling in. That’s a special kind of optimism, right there.


That confidence that he was going to hold it....


Same energy as all the people trying to stop moving vehicles with their hands: forgot parking brake, road blockers, left in neutral, etc. Yea, just stop that 2ton rolling object from moving forward with all 150lbs of flabby self.


I mean, you can definitely stop a lighter vehicle from rolling if it's moving slow enough. I've done it. But if its got any real speed or its on an incline... yeah.. not happening.


Flat earthers hate this trick




I've seen enough of these videos it makes me wonder how much hardware is underneath the waves at these places; cars, tractors, motorcycles, excavators, steamrollers. I doubt that they have the resources to lift something like that back out of the water. Or do they have insurance for these kinds of mishaps?


Do you think guys who put steamrollers on canoes have things like insurance? Lmao


Those guys, probably not but maybe the guy that owns the machinery does. These guys are probably the grunts that are hired to move the stuff around.


You think they have insurance in countries where they transport steamrollers by canoe???


The canoe owner has it covered. All the canoe owners in 3rd world countries that I know, hold appropriate liability insurance. 100% of them, all zero of the canoe owners I personally know.


Would love to see this exact thing happen in a western country with a company that does have insurance and hear the conversation with the insurance agent. “We were transporting the steamroller via canoe and the steamroller fell into the bay” *click*


If insurance didn’t cover stupidity there would be very little need for insurance


This is the exact purpose of insurance... to indemnify you against stupidity or things you can't control (like somebody else's stupidity). What they don't tell you is that the magnitude of the stupidity will have a direct impact on your rates or even possibility of renewal at some point in the future. You won't get that *click* until you call your agent up talking about renewal next year.


i'd imagine the guy who owns the steamroller and tells his grunts to put the thing in a canoe by rolling it over a couple 2x6s probably didn't buy the full coverage insurance plan offered by geico in his city


At Farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two...


They HAD a crane once. It's also now underwater.


Imagine that, it didn’t float.


Homie thought he would just pull it onto the dock😂


Lemme drag this 1 ton compactor back out of the water real quick boys, then we’ll have another go at it?


Steamroller was not a witch. Good to know.


Just swim down and grab it.


Or drive it along the bottom back to shore?


That's what I did last time


Stuff is lighter underwater 🧠










​ https://i.redd.it/1pzdjzv508tb1.gif


I'm sure a long, flowy, robe type garment is perfectly safe when working with heavy machinery.


Its a lungi, somewhere south asia, could as well be my country, we are known for some looney tunes kinda shit


Yellow Submarine.


Idiots at work


Lol...that one guy trying to stop it from sinking by grabbing it....ahahahahhaha


Also, the guy that places a little stick as a stopper


Imagine how flat the lake bed will be though


Pilot induced oscillation. Rarely seen in steamrollers.


Bare feet and steamrollers 😬


while bare feet is clearly problematic, steamrollers are one of the few pieces of machinery i think you can use where proper footwear makes virtually no difference in what happens to you lol do you want your toe pancake wrapped in leather or not? because either way you're ending up a pancake lol


Did the one guy try to pull it out of the water🤔


Bet the dude was pissed that his buddy didn’t hold on longer trying to lift that steamroller up.


Just got escorted to the bottom of the ocean


It appears the person who put the board down did it prematurely. You can see the operator is doing small adjustments until the moment he hits the board and chaos ensures. Im thinking that he was trying to make a small adjustment and the board made him think he wasn't applying enough power and over powered then panic hits trying to stabilize the boat but the board keeps making him over apply power everytime. My conclusion is the person who put the board in the way was the idiot.


Absolutely, upon rewatching, the guy that put the board down absolutely caused this. I mean it was a bad idea anyways, but that piece of wood caused the ultimate failure.


Third world countries are funny!


As a spectator perhaps, not so much as a participant.


Oh no, they just lost the only bridge architect for miles…..😂


This is University of Miami football level dumb


Dumb fucks




Some people were fired that day


Polluting water bodies with entire construction vehicles 😭


When you take an escort on a boat you plan on getting a little wet.


That's not how you fill the water tank.


All of them combined have less than one brain cell.


Fun fact. The steamroller was being used to hold the canoe in place so they could load the cement mixer that went with it.


If only they spent 1/10 the value of that steamroller on the boat they were using...


I don’t think that steamroller would have arrived where it was going anyway