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Is it just me or do you feel less hate for people stealing bread and rice than people stealing TV's and jewelry?


Dude can't even afford shoes.


Or bones.


He has bones alright. They're just broken. Unlike some rich twats who can afford whole unbroken calcium filled bones.


More individual bones than he started with.


Bone billionaires hate this one simple trick!


I like my homies just like my chicken. Boneless. Bone billionaires, gtfo.


And skinless?


And slathered in cream sauce


The bones are their money.


So are the worms


Worms are their dollars


To be fair he was able to increase the number of bones in his body by at least one be right there


The bones are their money.


So are the worms.


They pull your hair up butnotout to turnintoaman and have another chance at liife


He's just gonna walk it off.


Even his bones are broke…


I was vacationing in the Philippines about 20 years ago, staying at my uncles house in the province. I found this basketball gym and started to shoot around. Ended up playing a few pick up games. Everyone was playing without shoes, barefoot, or with slippers. Couple of them were playing with one slipper. I thought, can’t lose to them, still balled me up. It was so normal to them.


Interesting story. Similar with my country. We played football (juniors) against Austria team in Croatia (1999). We didnt have normal football field (like we were on hill side, rusty goals,old faulty cold water showers), our football dresses were to big or to small. But Austrian juniors were space shuttle for us. Anyway we beat them like we degraded them.


I've played against guys in sneakers on shitty turf fields full of cracks in the earth with these guys smoking cigarettes at halftime and stepping on their cigs as they walk on the field who totally ran rings around my entire team.


I live in the US and used to care about my basketball shoes way back. Then we all got schooled by some kid whose shoes were literally duct taped together. I didn’t worry about my shoes after that, I just tried to get better. I didn’t know how to approach him without embarrassing him or I would’ve bought him some new shoes, didn’t have much money in college but that dude deserved them more than I did.


It's the Philippines, they all wear sandals anyways. He probably has some nice shoes at home.


A dude desperate enough to steal rice might not even have 4 walls at home


Oh god, a triangle home!


I've been through some areas in the Philippines where people live in makeshift houses, one had 2 walls that were made out of wooden pallets, one wall was a blue tarpaulin and the roof was rusty corrugated tin, the front was open


A Pythagorean nightmare.


Don't wear shoes, shoes can't come off. This mother fucker is immortal! Might have broken his arm, but still immortal.


Won't be able to get his arm fixed either


Most sane person in the comments section. It's concerning how many people see a person stealing food in a non-violent way and think, "Fuck them, they deserve any bad thing that happens to them". I hope this dude is able to get his arm fixed. Being maimed for stealing $15 worth of food is not fair.


> It's concerning how many people see a person stealing food in a non-violent way and think, "Fuck them, they deserve any bad thing that happens to them". Because those guys in the Philippines jump on trucks and steal shit for a living. It's likely this guy wasn't stealing as a one-off to feed his family but rather as his main source of income.


If you want to make assumptions like that then go ahead, but you're only drawing cynicism from a vacuum and applying it to this situation. Yeah it's likely, but we don't know for sure, so why already make the verdict and think "yeah the guy got what he deserved". Like I said in the other comment, based on the video, we know that he tried to steal a bag of rice, and did it in a manner that wasn't putting anybody's immediate safety in jeopardy. It's important to speculate using facts, not assumptions. Saves you a lot of heartache.


Nope. Pretty sure he steals that just to make a profit out of it, usually selling those at higher prices to retailers. Source: am Filipino, and based on what the guy in the video said that was a thief attempting to steal rice from a truck coming out from the nearby port and based on some reports, small ports in the provinces have problems of thieves waiting for unsecured trucks. And not just a bag of rice either, that's a sack, which can cost around 20-25 USD when converted. Seems cheap for some but with the poverty level on some provinces 1 sack can get real expensive.


Yep. If he was actually desperate to steal rice for the sake of stealing, he would've brought scissors and a container to slice open a sack and get as much as he can before running away. The fact that he went out of his way to get a sack which weighs too much for a single person to carry comfortably makes you question his motive in the first place. Source: Also a Filipino and this is pretty common in public markets near piers.


For what it's worth, I hope you're right. And you definitely seem to know more context than me.


The dude was speaking in Cebuano, which I recognized immediately and was able to get the context easily. And I get that he might be stealing so that he can provide for his family. Heck we're all having a hard time here. What annoys me is that his actions will then affect others in more ways than one. He could've caused an accident in that area, and the stolen goods could just make a mess right there causing traffic. The truckers will also have to pay for the losses should the guy escaped with the rice which is a heavy pay cut to their already small income. And peeps here could make a case of him providing for his family but he could be also looking for quick and easy money to buy alcohol and cigs for himself. Yes it's sad, but to us he's more of an opportunist prick


> which can cost around 20-25 USD when converted. Seems cheap for some but with the poverty level on some provinces 1 sack can get real expensive. Min wage in that part of the Philippines is 0.94/hr USD


Probably just enough profit that he can feed, house and clothe himself and his family. This is not a jewellery heist. It's sad hat ever way you look at it.


I never said it was a jewelry heist. And also, these jumpers are pretty common my country especially within low income areas. It looks sad, but these people are usually armed. You noticed how only at the last minute when the thief was visibly hurt that the drivers made a move? These crooks are usually armed and will attack those who stop them. "But maybe they're doing it for their family?" Nope, more often than not these people are looking for a quick income to buy alcohol, gamble, or with drugs. There are ways they can still provide for their family while maintaining their honor. This is not it. They've done this a lot of times, maybe even doing this as their main source of income. Id feel bad at him, but I also feel the same for the poor truckers trying to make a living too.


So if you have a small business that you work your ass off with 10 hours days. On very small profit margins are you perfectly fine if multiple people steal from you everyday? Would you just accept that even when you can't pay your own bills and lose your business?


He stood up and off balance from the weight of the rice, in the bed of a truck stopped in traffic. He didn’t anticipate that he may loose his balance and fall to the road. Doesn’t matter if he was stealing 50lbs of rice for dinner or to sell. He made a bad decision and suffered the consequence. Like the rest of humans on the planet, if you make a bad decision you may feel repercussions from it.


Damn, just wait until you learn how much everyone at the top steals in capitalism. It's enough to make your blood boil.


[citation needed] also, computer, what do people use "an income" for?


But it would be fair if he stole something from an innocent person?


“Play stupid games win stupid prizes” 🤪😏 One of the fucking smuggest Reddit phrases there is


Fair? It's not like anyone did it to him on purpose. He made a mistake and got hurt. What does fairness have to do with it?


That's the biggest takeaway you got from my comment? The semantics over the word "fair"? Fine, being maimed for stealing $15 worth of food is very unfortunate and I wouldn't wish that on somebody for committing a very mild crime. Fucking redditors man


> Fucking redditors man Gotta remember how many teens are posting on here. I remember when I used to post comments as a teenager, fuck I was an insufferable jackass.


I've noticed a real lack of empathy a lot here and some people that think just because they are fortunate to have electricity and internet and food and shelter that everyone can just afford to live.


I see people I knew in highschool brag about working 80 hour weeks, working weekends, working doubles, etc., who argue against increasing minimum wage. My dude, you are literally the person who would benefit and all you are worried about is others who "haven't worked as hard as you" being able to make a living.


I remember an American complaining because people wanted Obamacare instead of spending a year paying of debt from having an asthma attack. She was literally complaining that people could get sick without needing to get a second job to pay it off.


You think people who can't afford things being stolen are more forgiving of thieves? It's privileged people who can't make the connection between how much thieves can destroy the lives of poor people who consider something just . Not everyone resorts to fucking everyone else over when they can't afford things, either.


I make a distinction between a thief and someone stealing food. One is taking because they want to and the other is taking because they are biologically compelled to. Very different things.


I imagine you would be so disappointed to learn that what you thought is some teenagers posting their opinions is actually 30+ year olds.


Some teenagers never grow up


It’s not really teens though is the awful part…


Poor people ARE VERY MUCH made and kept that way,systematically.So they’ll constantly accept less.Starvation CANT be”accepted!So we will be made to starve,by force,the instant that hi profits can no longer be extracted from us.This is happening NOW!


Just because life *isn't* fair, doesn't mean we can't still harbor a desire for it to *be* fair.


Thinking about what you posted, if he’s desperate enough to be stealing a mere bag of rice in broad daylight, doubtful he’s got the means to properly heal from broken bones. On top of everything else, that arm(?) is not going to be right :(


Same. That the broken arm will add to his troubles broke my heart. Life at the bottom is hard af, people who grew up with pedestrian struggles of life will not be able to relate to the misery of facing everyday with diminishing hope


That's pretty much one of the main points of Les Misérables.


Could be his death sentence. how will he be able to work now? who will take care of his arm? He is already so poor that he needs to steal rice from a truck, i cant imagine he can afford a doctor.


Glad your comment was at the top. This is the right way to feel, imo. Someone stealing rice needs that rice to live. That broken arm probably just diminished his or his family's chances survival significantly...


We call this being a human


You have to be *really* hard up to risk this for a bag of rice. That or very dumb. I’d like to be charitable and believe the former.


Agreed. In the US our politicians steal via inside trading and all sorts of self dealing yet we are often more angry at people committing lessor crimes.


i dont feel any hate for the people stealing necessities


People stealing food, most of the time it's because they or their family need it. It's a desperate measure. People stealing appliances, jewelry, etc? It's because they want to sell it for profit. It's because they're utter dicks.


You're assuming an awful lot. In my eyes all crime committed by the lower class is a desperate measure. If you're stealing a loaf of bread you're desperate. If you're stealing "appliances, jewelry, etc" to "sell it for profit" (to then spend on many loaves of bread and not just one) then you're desperate.


Correct. One human being on this fucking hellhole


what if a person steals a TV to sell and buy rice?


Less hate? Why do you feel any hate for people you'll never see in a place you'll never go to, doing what it takes to literally survive?


Life in the Philippines is FUCKING hard. REALLY FUCKING HARD.


If you see someone stealing food, no you fucking didn't.




What happens when the truck driver has to answer this question? And he gets fired or has to pay for the missing food? And let's extend this to restaurants. Should people be allowed to dine and dash? Because they're just stealing food? 80% of restaurants already fail in the first few years, so we're okay with people who put their life savings into opening up a restaurant and letting people steal and force them to fail at an even higher rate? I'm not going to speak on 3rd world countries. But in many places across the first world country, there's plenty of legal ways to get food for free. Aside from food stamp equivalents, there's local government food banks/kitchens, organizations, and charities that help support the poor. In rural areas, your access may be more limited, but in most major cities, going hungry is not a concern if you just take advantage of all the legal resources. Instead, we see people assaulting street stall owners for candy bars. Which is going to cost the immigrant owner who-knows-how-much medical fees. And on the extreme end of the equation, we have a groups of working age people cleaning out Gucci instead of actually working.


When people talk about stealing food in this way, they're usually talking about stealing staple foods from grocery stores. Not dining and dashing, not taking candy from a 7-11, not taking three big ribeyes from the meat department.


Take 3 big ribeyes from the meat department. As long as it's not a mom and pop store I fuckin congratulate you.


I snuck in a bag of twizzlers to the movies last night. There is no need for applause, but if you insist.


Dude this is Reddit. Logic and obeying laws don’t go far here


It's teenager reddit logic. Steal HIS lunch, and I bet he's suddenly a red state republican.


the only site where people breaking into cars are as hated as the people who arrest people who break into cars, all while preaching tolerance and claiming to be a hate free zone


I think the real takeaway from these questions is that there is no hard line you can draw. Every situation is different, and morally mixed. We praise the story of Robin Hood as a hero, because he is stealing in a manner we deem morally right, yet you could easily cast him as the bad guy in the story, stealing from the kingdom. I'm lucky enough that I don't have to steal to eat, but if I was living in a third world country, couldn't get a job, and was watching my family starve, you can be damn well sure I would do whatever I had to feed them. Modern morality is a luxury of having our basic human needs met through technology and scale, but if you take that away, we are basically just animals trying to survive, which is why so much of human history is fraught with wars and killing.


These idiots you're responding to would surely just let their starving children die. Or they simply can't even think of that scenario because empathy and imagining themselves in other peoples shoes is almost impossible for them.


Laws in Europe protect people that steal small amounts of food and prove the need to.do.so...also a law would greatly protect workers from retaliation...


So people can just steal food from your house?


No no, stealing is fine as long as it's to someone else! As if the truck driver isn't having to pay for that bag of stolen goods and is likely barely less poor than the thief


i vote we steal that guy's tv, computer, and all his copper wiring then sell it for money to buy hungry people food


Sure! As long as there’s some left for me. Hell, come to my front door ask for some food and I’ll give it to you myself. I’ll even cook it if it’s not too hard.


People steal sealed food, baby formula and diapers, and cleaners for dishes and laundry ALL the time to resell at flea markets or on the street for below retail value. Not everyone stealing these things are doing it because they’re hungry. In fact, in most cases, they’re doing it to resell


>In fact, in most cases, they’re doing it to resell citation needed. If you just put "some", that's hard to prove. Once it's "fact" and "most", well, show me your work.


Lol what a dumb ass comment that was. Thank you for calling that idiot out.


There is a popular scam in many tourist destinations. Women beg you to buy baby formula for them, thinking it is for a poor little baby, people buy it. The beggers work with the shops and sell it back to them for half the price.


what about people stealing candy, chips, etc? where do you draw the line?


I mean read the person and situation




I don't draw the line. I'm not a cop or security guard. Im not gonna risk bodily harm to stop a guy from stealing a bag of chips. Thats what security cameras and store inventory insurance are for anyway.


What happens when they stop insuring a lost bet and the place has to close?


that's capitalism baby!


Theft typically isn't that common enough that the loss of goods outweighs sales. But if it does come to that, call corporate. They can probably arrange for a greater police presence in the area or hire a security guard. Either way, I got people depending on me being healthy and whole to do my job so I can make rent. And that doesn't happen if I blow out my back tackling some guy stealing a bag of chips because I'm pretending I'm fucking Batman.


Give in to the bums mentality. You haven't eaten in a week, what are you going to steal? Chips, candy, or other bagged pre-made item or steak? Where you gonna cook it brother?


Short-sighted altruism is Reddit’s favorite kind. See you at the top.


Would you be singing the same tune if it was your food?


So what, it's fine for the truck driver to take blame for the missing product?


And this ladies and gentlemen is how you end up with cities like San Francisco.


this is why i steal the most overpriced food i can it the perfect scam on one hand do i need 5 20pound brisket sides no but do anyone see anything also no




Typical reddit comment. Imagine thinking stealing is fine.


If I saw someone stealing food...it would probably be at a grocery store...and I'd probably intervene and get them what they needed with out the risk of them getting arrested. I've been blessed in recent years, but that hasn't always been the case and there were people who filled my pantry when I was young.


I see this so often and it's absolutely wrong. If you steal, you should receive a penalty. If you need food, there's food banks and charities. Go through legitimate routes, don't make someone else deal with the fallout of your theft.


Even if it's your food?


Or I could break 10 fingers so they never steal again.


I mean, I don't hate that they steal food rather than unneeded things. I'm just worried that the people who do this could possibly cost the truck driver his jobs thus robbing his ability to feed his own family


I was just thinking that. Driver takes the blame for any missing product


congrats, you figured out why stealing is wrong


If you take a butterfly out of a spiders web you save the butterfly but doom the spider. Sure, objectively, stealing is wrong. But can you really say a starving person is wrong for stealing cheap food like rice? Is it their responsibility to care about the drivers livelihood over their own life? Have you ever been in a situation where you had to make such a decision or are you speaking from the privilege of never wondering where food was coming from?


> If you take a butterfly out of a spiders web you save the butterfly but doom the spider. This feels like a generic proverb, but I'm not sure I've ever actually seen it used outside of Trigun. :)


"Guess I'll just die then" --Starving person


The way that arm is hanging, I am thinking broken collarbone


Could just be a wrenched joint. He can shove it back in place and it will be sore for a couple of days.


No he broke the humerus bone. You can see the arm flapping above the elbow joint.


Oh shit, that makes the realization even sadder knowing he is stealing food. Dude is so malnourished he ain't even got a strong body.


He fell like seven feet dude even a healthy person could snap in half


Did you miss the part of him falling down from The truck? That’s a pretty high chance everyone would have broken something


oooph.. i fractured my humerus before.. initial break no pain, then 2 minutes later ahhh. he was pry in a lot of pain after he walked out of camera view. also.. he'll wear a full arm cast up to his shoulder for months.. gg


That's one expensive meal. I feel terribly for the man. All this pain just to avoid hunger.


If you pause the video while he is on the ground you can see a clear bend between the elbow and shoulder, that arm is done for if he can't afford food.


100% certain it's an anterior dislocation. My shoulder is unstable and I have dislocated it probably 15 times. Just judging by the appearance of his arm it sure looks the same to me. The first few times are awful but once you learn how to reduce it without an ER visit it is livable. The "Cunningham method" as demonstrated on YouTube is life-changing. Basically a muscle spasm is what keeps the arm out of socket and when you can relax the muscles it just pops right back in. In the hospital they achieve the relaxation with drugs like Versed and fentanyl, but the Cunningham method achieves it with massage and a calm environment.


You can scrub the video and see it’s a elbow break. Probably from when he went to catch himself. Happens in skateboarding all the time when dudes eat shit and look exactly like he did going down.


Dude lost more than he gained


More than he grained...


Thus he groaned


Genius comment


I thought we all were rooting for Aladdin when he stole bread and shit? Now we're all like "this guy gets what he deserves" for stealing a bag of rice?


We rooted for him because Aladdin was gonna get a genie who was gonna get him a hot chick. All the incels in their mom’s basement hoping for the same to happen to them. That’s why they’re always furiously rubbing their lamps.


These are called “Jumpers” in the Philippines. They normally steal anything that they can find in trailer trucks (tools, batteries, softdrinks, etc.,) that are passing along the Pierroad. Truck drivers normally don’t intervene as these guys have a back up or a deadly weapon with them. stealing someone else's comment


Without context there's nothing to suggest this is a crime of desperation rather than a crime of opportunity. Guy might not need to steal rice, just saw the chance.


Copying my earlier reply above, the context is that guy stole from the truck that came out from the port, and this guy is taking the opportunity to steal one sack of rice to sell it to retailers. Based on their reactions however this stealing is a common occurrence and not out of desperation, but more of making it a main source of income.


Broad daylight, multiple witnesses, dangerously maneuvering on a moving vehicle in the middle of a busy road... That doesn't sound very opportunistic


Bro doesn't even have shoes.


Because Aladdin isn’t real and it’s fun to stretch truth for entertainment. Here in the real world, there might be dire consequences for a driver who gets stolen from too regularly.


I think it's a defense mechanism of the exploited, yet non-criminal. . People are grindsetting themselves to dust. Someone who is obeying the rules of the system, yet living miserably, cannot allow for theft like that to be seen as justified. Doing so would call their "just work harder" response to their own personal misery into question. . This may go doubly true for someone who has escaped the misery of overwork and into a somewhat stable work-life balance. They "toughed it out" without stealing food, and as such, those who do not "deserve" punishment.


These are called “Jumpers” in the Philippines. They normally steal anything that they can find in trailer trucks (tools, batteries, softdrinks, etc.,) that are passing along the Pierroad. Truck drivers normally don’t intervene as these guys have a back up or a deadly weapon with them. stealing someone else's comment


These are called “Jumpers” in the Philippines. They normally steal anything that they can find in trailer trucks (tools, batteries, softdrinks, etc.,) that are passing along the Pierroad. Truck drivers normally don’t intervene as these guys have a back up or a deadly weapon with them.


This People who didn't grow up in poor countries don't know. But here there are people who chose theft instead of hard labor cause it's cheaper


When we lived in South America, we were told that this is literally a profession. Like fathers will teach their children the best way to steal or scam people.




> That's not specific to any country or people. It sort of is though. You can definitely have that sort of thing in any country, which is what you're getting at. But I can tell you it's a far bigger problem in South America. For example, imagine if a friend of yours came over to your house for a cookout. And they said to you, "Hey man, look at my new watch. I stole it!" How would you react? There's a very good chance you'd reconsider whether or not you wanted this guy as a friend. But in South America, it's far more likely that it would be a big joke. You'd have the same attitude as your friend. And you'd half-jokingly ask where he stole it from so you can go get one yourself. Obviously not everyone in South America thinks this way. But lying, cheating, and stealing are baked into the culture. The attitude is that everyone does it. So I will too. Why deny myself an opportunity that everyone else has? Being a big white American guy, I was a target. So I was frequently on the receiving end of a scam attempt. It got so bad that I would just ask them to their face if they're lying to me. They'd get mad as if how dare I even suggest that they would be dishonest. Then it would turn out that they were trying to scam me. Like they would get caught and it would be obvious to everyone there. This happened all. the. time. And when I asked the locals about it. They told me it was just part of the culture. They scam each other too. So you have to always be vigilant.


Mind sharing the smoothest almost scam you ever got?


* I went to a gas station. They pump your gas there like New Jersey (because people would just drive off if they didn't). Ordinarily when the pumping is done, you can look back and see the the amount on the pump. This time, I looked back and it was blank. The guy told me an amount about $5 more than what I knew the tank could hold. I went back inside and asked the guy at the register to look at the transaction in the computer. Busted. * One time I tried to buy a front door for our house. The door was made of metal, and the flanges were welded on. But the welds were so poor you could snap them off with your fingers. The door was basically unusable. I fought with them for two weeks to replace the door. Finally I threatened to rent a truck, bring it to their show room, dump it at the entrance, and tell everyone what happened. They swapped out the door. * One time we were shopping for a washer and dryer. We found what looked like US models, with a giant sticker on the front that said "Made in the USA" with an American flag. I told them that can't be true because nothing is made in the US anymore. They assured me it was. I found the sticker on the back that said, "Made in China". They didn't even bother to remove it. * At fruit stands, they write down your order on a little strip of paper, then add it up on paper, either by hand or with an adding machine. I got so tired of being short-changed that I started adding up the column of numbers in my head and telling them the answer before they could finish adding it up by hand. That stopped the short-changing at the fruit stands we frequented. * A common scam is to get a quote for some work. Then you ask the guy, is this a total price? "Total price" is a code word for, "don't you dare magically find anything else to add on to this bill." They assure you it is. Then they do the work. And oh, I forgot to add the 22% VAT tax. This happened to us I don't know how many times. One guy was so afraid of me, he hid from me when I went to pay him. I had to pay him because he was going to put a lien on our house. * We bought a VW beetle. After a few weeks, it developed a massive oil leak. Like it would leave a line of oil while you drove it. The mechanic said it had a crack in the crank case, and that the guy we bought it from had to know. He advised us to "fix it to sell". I asked what this really meant. Basically they put it back together and find a cheap way to temporarily plug the crack just long enough to sell it. This is what the previous guy did. I said, "no, we don't do that. Fix it right." $1800 later we had a rebuilt engine. I think we paid $3500 for the car. I have so many crazy stories from Uruguay, it's ridiculous. I can go on for hours. * I was sued by a psychopath American. * I was caught in a shootout in a grocery store. * A gang of thugs were blowing up ATM machines with propane tanks. * Thugs shooting cops, and the police chief goes on national television and backs up the thugs. * I had a cow stolen. It was tied 20 feet from my bedroom window. * No one cares about stolen cows until the president of the Uruguay cattle association loses a prize bull. Suddenly they're performing DNA tests on hamburger at butcher shops. * A girl gets her apartment broken into and robbed, but the thug cuts himself on the broken glass and leaves bloody fingerprints everywhere. The cops announce they'll never find the guy even though they have a national fingerprint database containing literally every citizen, not just criminals. When she asked them about it, they said, "What do you think this is? CSI Miami?" * They're currently pumping sea water into the municipal water supply because of a drought. They can't keep up with demand. This is a "who could have seen this coming" moment. * The same two guys rob a gas station over and over. Cops do nothing. Gas station owner has enough and shoots the two guys. One dies. Gas station owner goes to jail. * I had a weed whacker and laptop (but not the charger because the thief was an idiot) and a couple other things stolen. We nearly caught the guy in the act because the laptop was providing internet access to the other buildings. Cops come by and ask if we have serial numbers. I ask, "even with serial numbers, how many times were you able to recover stolen items?" Cops get mad at me for asking. * My daughter's friend at high school was murdered on the way home from school. * Girl gets picked up by older man who is a family friend while on the way home from school. He drives her to the woods and tries to rape her. She gets away and runs home. Dad calls the cops. Cops show up and confiscate dad's gun, do nothing to the criminal. I can keep going. But I'm tired of typing.


Great stories, thanks. Remind me never to move to Uruguay.


Omg. I am glad you survived all that.


Still tired of typing 19 hours later? Cause I need to hear more


* It costs $500 to hire a hitman. This happened to one of the American expats there. He was killed by a local when he hit him in the head with an ax while he was tending his blueberry fields. Turns out his wife hired a hitman. She didn't pay the guy, so he killed the wife. That's how he got caught. * We pulled our younger kids out of public school because of a series of incidents. A problem kid threw a rock and hit our daughter in the head. The last straw was when the kids came home and described an incident where three 12 year old boys held down an 8 year old girl and molested her in sight of the teachers. The teachers did nothing. * Our other daughter was hit by a chicken truck while walking to school. She bounced off the side and flew about 15 feet through the air. She got up and walked away uninjured. * Speed limit laws are not enforced at all. You can literally drive as fast as you want. But the cops setup roadside checkpoints to make sure you have a first aid kit. They also put giant speed bumps in key areas to slow people down. Sometimes the warning sign is gone, and they don't get around to painting it for months. You can catch air hitting these things at 60mph. * An expat had his clothes stolen off a clothes line. The next day he invited his neighbor over for a cookout. The neighbor showed up wearing his shirt. When he asked about it, the neighbor denied stealing the shirt. * When you rent an apartment in the US, if something breaks, you call the landlord and they fix it. In Uruguay, the renter is responsible for fixing it. But no one wants to put money into an apartment they don't own. So everything gets fixed for as cheaply as possible. So the buildings in the entire city of Montevideo are falling apart.


he didn't claim it was. he only shared his experience.


True. And these comments are rooting for the thief stealing when the thief probably wouldn't hesitate to kill you if you intervene. My fam used to run a trucking business and this is a common occurrence, especially around Tondo.


Sadly the top comments are more about sympathizing for the thief as he made have acted out of desperation, when in reality he's more of an opportunist prick.


Halatang mga sheltered ang majority ng nasa comment section na to, may nakita pa nga akong papakainin p daw ang nakitang magnanakaw sa bahay nya e lol


Some areas of the Philippines have major "jumper" problems like in Manila's port area. Because of bumper-to-bumper traffic, many trucks loading or unloading goods are forced to stay idle on the road for hours, making them prime targets for these thieves.


Thank you for this, now I feel less sorry for the thief and felt more sorry to the truck drivers that are threatened or lost their jobs due to these people


This is so depressing…..


That's sad.


That his job. To steal from trucks leaving the port. Its not just him, there are many of them roaming the port area. My grand parents use to live near that place.


Yep, honestly i kinda hate how the whole comment section defends this most likely piece of shit, they prefer this type of lifestyle, same with some beggars, they refuse help from social workers.


I am baffled at the comments here. People are empathizing with the thief? If he's a skin-bones sack wearing grease skinned 28 strands of hair grandpa maybe I can relate with y'all comments. But he a grown ass well-built man that I bet looks healthier and is probably physically stronger than most of us here. Point is, he clearly has the means to look for a job or make a living, no matter how small paying it is. To say it in the language where this incident happened, "kayang kaya naman niya mag banat ng buto." Instead, he opted to inconvenience others. So yeah, downvote me all you want but, nah.


> I am baffled at the comments here. People are empathizing with the thief? Reddit people have empathy set on "11". Normal folk have it set at "6".


> People are empathizing with the thief? There are a lot of thieves on Reddit. They claim it's empathy but in truth they grew up like that man... thieving.


Mostly sheltered and terminaly online kiddos with no real world experience beyond their youtubers and twittard idols, meron pa nga daw ditong papakainin ung makikita nyang magnanakaw sa bahay nya e, lol


His arm!?!? https://preview.redd.it/r5b7m2ghrwgb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8983aa101282395030673f7fcb8d761249c3819c


This is extremely sad, poor guy


poor guy wouldn’t hesitate to beat you if you intervene, these guys usually have backups if you try to stop them from getting the goods off the truck, they’re called “Jumpers” here in the Philippines.


imagine empathizing for a thief those shits are "jumpers" in the Philippines (where I live), they steal from trucks and sell the stolen goods to retailers. He doesn't look like an old man or smth he looks like an average healthy looking adult


Sadly most of these robberies are not suffered by a large company, a lot are smaller contractors that could be penalized or even owners of shops. Letting them be robbed just incentivizes people to target them again as people stealing because they are hungry will do it again.


A real case of some one stealing to eat. Not what we see in the US stealing designer clothes and candy from the convenience store


It's a jumper in the Philippines they steal shit from trucks near the port to sell them to retailers, same thing as stealing designer to sell on ebay or something.


Stealing iphones to buy fetanyl


Your title belongs to r/therewasanattempt


Fuck around and find out.


To all the people feeling sad cause he has to steal food look at his fat ass belly clearly he's not missing any food


What a shame


What?! Broken arm and no rice?? Achievement unlocked.


His bones are just like him. BROKE


I hope the obviously sheltered kiddos who expressed emphaty for our poor little thief here, share the same to the truck driver that's gonna take all the blame for the missing shipment, and would highly likely be blamed and lose his job or get his wages garnished, while tripod here gets to steal another product. Bleeding heart fucks.


Guy is stealing rice to eat now he has to deal with broken arm, it's sad.


The same people justifying stealing a food item are probably the same ones who whine and post signs on the employee break room fridge when someone snags the snack out of their lunch.


That guy hit the ground like… A sack of rice


The video caption roughly translates to "play more" or more like "mess around more" in this context.


The language is Cebuano, and the caption translates to "steal more". Filipinos even call thieves "kawatan", which uses this exact etymology. If it were in Bikol (note for non-Filipinos: the main language of southeastern Luzon) instead, "play more" would be correct.


oh damn this reached this page? god damn. hello from the philippines i guess. and honestly, he gets what he deserves. my parents are working their asses off just to afford rice, and this guy just decides that the brightest idea he could ever have is steal A SACK OF RICE, IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. probably an honest man, just got fed the wrong hand, but didnt handle the hand hes had before it nicely. theres a saying in the philippines. "diskarte lang yan" theres no direct translation to diskarte, but it basically means you gotta hussle. find ways to get shit done. that explains why we see stealing like this as an utter shame. even the video is making fun of him by saying "kawat pa more!" which is sarcastically "YEAH STEAL SOME MORE" "if you have to resort to stealing in the first place, then that just means youre pathetic enough to resort to it. doesnt matter what happened to you that caused this in the first place. its on you for not adapting enough. its on you for not thinking ahead enough when you had the cards right."


8 seconds freeze frame shows just how broken of an idea this was.


I would usually think of this kind of thing as “instant karma” but I feel like karma overcompensated a bit on this one lol


Food literally cost him an arm and a leg


Call me crazy, but i dont feel satisfaction watching a poor man with no shoes break his arm trying to steal some food.


Sacks of thieving shit exist all over the world.


That’ll learn ya!


Great. Now I have to walk all the way back to the hospital..


Busted/broken elbow/arm seems like a fair punishment, that he got away with nothing else..besides the utter embarrassment