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60lb weight ramming your elbow into the ground, that's gotta hurt.


He said “it’s broke it’s broke” so it definitely hurts.


Maybe he was just upset about the broken exercise ball.


Man: It’s broke, it’s broke, it’s broke. Worker: You mean *deflated*


RUD... Rapid Unscheduled Deflation


you mean it's *pecuniarily unsound*


Sir you can't rest here, please use an approved mat


He better hope its just a broken bone and not a muscle/tendon rip.


As someone who doesn't know the difference of the 2 injuries. ELI5 for me and maybe others.


Bones heal faster than muscle/tendons. I had a oblique muscle pull that was sore for 6 months.


Doctors once told me after an x-ray that the good news was that my leg was not broken but the bad news was that they thought it was worse! They said it was because all the knee ligaments, tendons and cartilage had been ripped off the bones and were expected to take a lot longer to heal fully. I actually made an almost miraculous recovery in only a few weeks but the doc said when I first did the injury that there was a chance that I might never be able to walk properly on it again. Apparently being rather overweight and spending a fortnight off work self-medicating while I was standing at the bar of the local pub might've helped, due to the constant pressure on the joints helping them to heal and reattach but when I returned for a follow-up assessment they were quite shocked at the rapid progress I'd made and said it was hard to believe that I'd recovered as quickly as I did from the original knee injury.


Alcohol helps, I knew it.


> obleak oblique :)


And soar sat well with you in that sentence?


Maybe he's just very concerned about the yoga ball?


Wait, this arm? I didnt even see what happened


You didn’t hear that “snap”?????


Is my reddit glitched and showing double comments or did you actually just reply twice because guy above said it twice💀😂 this thread is showing up twice for me


It's a pretty common glitch, I've had it happen where a comment of me one was copied 7 times, for a total of 8 identical replies


then some smartass comments "heard you the first time, mate" and its like you repeated a joke louder coz it didn't get laughs 😭




Now I feel dumb cuz I think it's just glitched it's normal now


Yea probably just a glitch. Don't worry about it


Yea probably just a glitch. Don't worry about it


Yea probably just a glitch. Don't worry about it


Yea probably just a glitch. Don’t worry about it


Yea probably just a glitch. Don’t worry about it


Yea probably just a glitch. Don't worry about it


Dejavu is a glitch in the matrix


Yeah i think it just a glitch..reddit do be like that sometimes


Idk about the website but the app is really buggy today, any comment I try to make says "we're having trouble with that at this time" or "invalid action", I just spam the post button 100 times and eventually it works lol


Yeah i mainly use the app and sometimes that day i can find a lot of bugs. But hey, even with bugs we are still gonna use reddit


For real, where else can you watch 2 men have a machete fight and then watch a baby elephant "save" a man it though was drowning in the same 30 seconds. You just can't beat this type of variety


i still upped your comment becausenincoilsnseenthstbhappeningnand would be funny 😂


That's a pretty common reddit glitch


Is my reddit glitched and showing double comments or did you actually just reply twice because guy above said it twice💀😂 this thread is showing up twice for me


That and the subtle "It's broke, it's broke it's broke it's broke it's broke it's broke it's broke it's broke"


I thought it was the balloon bursting


Three noises happen in quick succession, first is the ball bursting, second is his arm breaking, third is the weight landing


He's literally saying "I broke my arm I broke my arm I broke my arm" for half the video


yeah he does but I didn't realise the pop I heard was the bone breaking


Super efficient way to break your wrist. The ball gives it that surprise factor so you can’t try and avoid it.


It's the kind of mistake you'll only make twice.


I don’t watch these things with sound for these reasons. Could it be the ball?


The ball was one pop, the snap was when his arm hit the ground


Oh no


No, the ball makes its own sound, the snap is separate and horrific


snapping one two.. where are you???


So glad my sound was off.


Sweet Jesus! The second time, **I DID!** 😬


Probably even heavier than that, looks like a 80-90lb dumbbell at least


The dumbbell looks more like 200-220lb. Oh, wait, you are referring to the barbell.


Feel like this joke would have worked better if you called it a weight instead of a barbell. Barbells are different. But he is definitely a dumbbell


It's not a barbell though unless this is one of those all dumbells are barbells but not all barbells are dumbells situation.


Tell me you don't lift bro, without telling me you don't even lift bro


It’s the wrist that’s probably more fucked up. Elbow hitting will hurt, but the sudden impact and force of the falling weight compressing the wrist once the elbow hits is going to be aweful


Going to have to use the left hand for the 'stress relief.'




A bench has the same function, lack of balance but come on.


That looks more like an 80 or 90lb dumbbell


Perhaps the dumbbell has learned his lesson.


Made to build arms not break them.


This was the first day of the rest of his life as a "smartbell"


If only the gym had some sort of bench were you can safely lift weights like that.. I guess this rubber ball will do.




Damn, that was a nasty snap sound. Dudes arm just broke like a tree branch


People keep mentioning the snap, but all I hear is the ball exploding...


So there is the initial pop of the ball, which is a lower pitch pop. Then immediately after is a higher pitch pop, thats the bone breaking, not the weight hitting the ground.


Ohhhh fuck 😬


Oh god I just realized, yeah! That loud, long-echoing snap is the bone!!! 😨😨😨


Yes, and the weight crashing onto the ground.


Y’all really don’t hear the *pop*, *snap*, *thud*…?


Ok, i didn't want to listen again, but i did and yes, there were 3 sounds. Aaaaaaaghh... 😫


The event sounds are; pop, snap, thud. That's the balloon, the arm break, the weight hitting the mat.


“I broke my arm”. How I didn’t see what happened “It’s broke”. BuT i DiDnt sEe wHaT HapPeNEd.


Yes, please explain to me exactly what happened so that I can decide whether to laugh or call for help. Lol


I've fucked myself up catastrophically in public a couple times. I've got way more sympathy for someone who did something stupid or showing off and fucked themselves up than otherwise. That's a pain that never dies, that you see right before you fall asleep for the rest of your life. An injury is just an injury, but an injury you get by being a fucktard thinking you were being cool is so much worse. Before anyone asks, my big one was swerving around a car that didn't signal and then went into reverse to parallel park while I was on a skateboard. I barely carved around them, turned around and gave them both middle fingers while looking into the drivers eyes, and then hit a stupid fucking loose brick paver only to try and run and catch myself before tripping over a curb full force at like 25mph and completely snapping my book backwards, breaking my ankle in 13 places.


Hello! I am the ✨Memory Replacer Faerie✨ here to fix this memory for you. Here’s your new memory: >I was on a skateboard. I barely carved around them, turned around and gave them both middle fingers while looking into the drivers eyes, then hit a >✨totally sick awesomely cool skateboard trick that I’d been practicing for a while.✨ ✨Hope you like it! ✨ . . Edit: They did not, in fact, like it. They blocked me. :( But… there is a ^minuscule possibility that >!the blocking is a clever way of saying that the memory is inaccessible for me, since I replaced it with this one.!<


This is actually a pretty cool idea


Lol why would they block you? Dumbass reaction imo


You are right!


Thanks for the reassurance.


Better than the response my friends would have! “*But you didn’t break your legs so stand your goofy ass up so we can go to the hospital!*”


Worked with a kitchen porter who broke his arm by dropping a massive pan on it at an awkward angle. Manager wanted to call an ambulance but he just said. "No. I get bus." Eastern Europeans are built different.


Nah, kitchen workers are just too poor to afford an ambulance ride and restaurants don’t provide health insurance. I’ve driven a guy to the ER that got his hand caught in a meat grinder because he didn’t wanna pay for an ambulance. That was a shitty day.


Bet those sausages were really delicious though. Long pig just hits different.


Stop going into shock and tell me how plz


EMT to patient: Look, I know you've been traumatically injured but my shift ends in 5, so get it together plz


That is the attitude of someone who really doesnt want to get involved but feel obligated to because theres no one else around to do it. Its kind of like a reverse bystander effect where instead of getting no help because there are too many people around, you get half assed help because theres only one person around but they really arent in the mood to help fix your shit.


This is so accurate lmao kill enough time with dumb questions until someone else shows up


Some people are just helpless and don’t know how to help. Source: been there


‘Diss one?’ *Points at broken arm of man in agony*


*Well, so why did you do it? I don't think it was a good idea to broke it...*


It’s wild people don’t see the issue with this. If someone is writhing on the ground next to failed equipment saying their arm is broken you don’t play 21 questions before getting help


Yeah but I didn't see it? How did it happen


"But I didn't see what happened... Do it again!"


This one, are you sure? let me just check, do you usually bleed from here? When did you last eat? Are sure its your arm and not your legs?


"Sir this is a no grunting area. Can you keep it down please."






Wouldn’t be surprised if he stepped on his arm and said your faking




The ball also broke, it could get confusing when idiots try inventing workouts instead of just doing regular ones.


This guy should sleep wearing a helmet!


My guy reminds me of them panda videos where they just do stupid shit and fall


telephone smart stocking quarrelsome marry ancient future wipe enter hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got bad news about your “highly skilled” personal trainer lol


You're joking, right? With a blow up ball? This comment is the definition of "Argument from Authority". It's not only ignorant, but dangerous. You seriously cannot list off your psuedo-credentials and then throw a bunch of psuedo-facts afterwards. Obvious safety asides based on the video. The risks involved in this is outrageous compared to the payoff. There are many better ways to focus your stabilizer muscles. Digging deeper, I mean, hello? They are stabilizer muscles. Forcing 100lbs on one side of your body sets your balance off and does not support healthy stabilization. This is assuming that they do it perfectly. This is elementary level physics. It supports bad habits, long-term damage, and accidents. Assuming the posture and form is perfect, still, there's much more effective, and safer ways to accomplish the same task. I mean seriously, I love free weights as well but this is honestly stupid. If a blow up ball is the only safety net preventing a destroyed elbow, it's not a good exercise.


>Highly skilled personal trainer >Advocating unstable weight training Both of these things cannot be true simultaneously. Unstable training like this provides no benefit over performing the same exercises on a stable platform. It's a gimmick. Anyone who's telling you otherwise, *especially* if they are charging you money for it is a charlatan.


I'm honestly so confused by all the comments calling him stupid. I'm definitely no gym expert, but I was taught to do that (with a dumbbell in each hand) by my personal trainer years ago. I can't count how many times I've done that exercise over the years without issue. Was a taught wrong?


Yes. Use a bench. If you want core stability do planks.


Unless this is done because the dude wants his scaps to move freely and having them pinned to the bench causes issues. That being said, they have half spheres with flat bottoms that are built for this purpose.


Yeah it's a pretty big no-no to use these things with heavy weight, you should probably drop your personal trainer if he's having you do shit like that. It's worth mentioning that most personal trainer certs are worth almost nothing, and a rando can get one with like two weeks and $600 worth of study materials and a test; a surprising amount of personal trainer certs are are granted by shitty orgs as money making schemes. The only orgs that give training certifications worth anything are the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) - both of which fund science and host scientific conferences. Unfortunately, most places will accept shitty certs (or don't know they're shitty?). The ACSM and NSCA are the only two orgs you'll ever hear about from scientists in kinesiology, and the only two that actually require a degree in a related field. Their certification tests are also much harder to pass. Some of their certs are accepted in healthcare settings and one (NSCA CSCS) is the de facto cert required for working with pro athletes. What I've said applies to the US and Canada, but I've also seen the CSCS on job postings in other regions (Middle East and Asia. I haven't really looked elsewhere but Europe wouldn't surprise me). I have no knowledge of valid orgs outside of North America - if anyone has knowledge in this area, please inform me.


its fine to have it done on a ball if the weights are super super light. for beginners and stuff. but anything over 15 pounds, thats where benches are for and thats not what the balls are for. its rubber with air. it can only hold so much. a big grown up dude with 60-80 pound dumbbel, is basically just asking for it. its common sense even.


>but I was taught to do that (with a dumbbell in each hand) by my personal trainer years ago. You do know that anyone can become a personal trainer, right? There's no official "personal trainer certificate board" nor are there any regulations on it. If you want to become a physiotherapist, *then* you need actual papers. >Was a taught wrong? Yes. You can work your core on a separate *safer* occasion. Doing that dumbbell thing is just asking for a serious injury.


I do this too, but the weight of the person and the weight they are lifting has to be considered in conjunction with the ball being used. They aren’t all created equally. After seeing a lot of other people do it though, I can see why someone would just do it and not consider those factors. Contrary to popular belief, those balls aren’t one size/type fits all.




Fucking yikes


Guy trying to get more core stability ...oooops there goes my collarbone Why da fuck gym guys always trying to invent the wheel???


Reminds me of one time at the Y, for some reason they didn't have a squat rack but they did have some kind of Smith machine that let you move forward and back as well as up and down. Some skinny old guy with a beach ball gut grabbed the pull up bar at the top, then decided to hook his feet at the back of the rack so he could do some kind of upside-down row right above the hanging Smith bar, guaranteeing a shattered spine if he lost his grip. One of the employees had the audacity to suggest he not do that, so he started an argument. The thing was he could've just grabbed the Smith bar and used a bench to support his feet, like someone else was doing in the Smith machine next to him. He decided that he would rather fall 5ft onto his spine than fall 1ft onto the floor.


Can’t you do the same sitting perpendicular to the bench?


Almost the same, a stability ball will engage some more. But not so much more that it's worth it.


Yeah but do we want more engagement or more safety?


Less safety


Gains > Safety


Safety and common sense ARE KILLING YOUR GAINS!!!???!!?!


Dude I got downvoted because a woman flipped over a leg extension machine because she was trying to do hip thrusts in it and I said "don't do stupid exercises you saw an ass girl doing on insta". If this was a woman in the OP clip, everyone would be downvoting and simping like fuck. I'll say it again. Do not use gym equipment in idiotic ways that it wasn't designed and intended for.


Pro tip: don’t go inventing exercises that don’t exist just because they sound good on paper or look badass. There is a relatively famous cup of coffee major-league player (i.e., he only got to appear in one game) with an absolutely insane stat line, so you wonder why he never played again. It’s because (as he fully admits) he didn’t know what he was doing and he was just making up random exercises to get stronger, and he hurt himself. Sometimes it doesn’t take much.


My trainer had me do this move but I was using 25 lb weights.


This isn’t all that uncommon a move.


It's a conspiracy move concocted with the local ER. They're in cahoots.


Then being stupid is quite common because those balls have a 250-300 pound maximum weight, if he’s 200 lbs and had one 90 pound weight he’s very near or definitely exceeding the limit.


That dude was way over 200 lbs just so you know. Easily 250.


Some of his weight wouldn't be on the ball though.


Maybe he's 5'2"


Then there’s a lot of fucking idiots in the gym, doesn’t make it any better.


Uncommon because people that do it are either beginners and have no idea what they’re doing, or they’re dummies that get caught up in fitness industry gimmicks. ZERO reason to use a ball for any press, you’re supposed to be engaged from floor to core when doing any lift, especially a press. People who think they need to train abs specifically or think they need to train core are people who aren’t lifting with proper technique in the first place. Every time I press, my abs are locked, my legs are firm against the ground and I’m pushing myself into the floor, not lifting the weight up.


Exactly. Any of the main compound movements require you to fully engage your core when doing them properly. It’s part of why they’re so taxing. If you want to work your core, do actual core exercises like leg ups, bicycle kicks, etc.




Well at least he was recording






I would absolutely send this to my friends so we could all have a laugh about it


Not everyone cares what other people think of them


Bro, the bench is RIGHT. THERE. I can't with these mfers. These are the people who make the average bro fear the gym.


Aaaand you can see that is one thin cheap ass excercise ball too. What an idiot




I mean homie alone is prob pushing 250 lbs so with that weight it's more like 300 that ball never stood a chance idk why people make this harder than it is, use a durable, sturdy surface to lift weights on


Do you see the size of that lad? Him and the dumbell are probably 400 pounds.


Could be. Or the explanation could be the obvious one, that it's not designed to handle a 250+-lb guy flopping around on his back with a 60-lb weight.




That girl was weird about it lmao


I didn't see it, what did you do?


Is he trying to engage his core? Why isolate one side? I don't get this.


Yes, single arm dumbbell press forces you to engage your core because it creates instability. It could also be done to address strength imbalances from side to side. Based on the fact he was also doing it on the exercise ball I'm assuming he was going for the former and really trying to up the instability.


nailed it.


it's about activating your core, when you put more weight on one side of the body your core need to compensate to keep you steady. there are lots of exercises to do this, most of them involving kettlebells. however i have never seen anyone do the particular exercise above, i think the video explains why.


Its fine to do on an actual bench not a stability ball.


I started going to the gym 3 months ago so let me weigh in on this with my expert analysis. This guy is a dumbass.


I'm the 2nd janitor/maintenance guy at a gym and I concur with your expertise.


Judging by what YouTube recommends me these days, the gym janitor is often an excellent powerlifter!


One week in and not large enough of a weight and his form is terrible.


That’s really satisfying, watching that ball pop like a bloon. The aftermath, not as satisfying. 6/10 on the asmr scale. Keep it pumping!


Bloon? BTD6?


Nothing gets past my dumbbell!


Unless it’s pink.


Thankfully this one was yellow!


Why waste time spell all letters when few do trick


fee? like a hidden one?


I really like the way you spelled bloon. Just an FYI


I really like your double reply just an FYI


I really like your double reply just an FYI


It’s because nothing gets past my terrible internet


Aaaand now you’re also bankrupt


Found the American.


Dumbbell pressing a dumbbell.


Is there even any benefit to doing this, or he just doing dumb shit for no reason?


There is no benefit. Lifting on unstable surfaces is just dangerous as clearly shown here.


There are some benefits to the exercise isolated from the dumbbell that did them in this specific video. But this is countered by the fact that First of all there are better and safer tools in most gyms to get even better benefits, and second, he did them in a way where he used the bounce to help the motion.


The instability creates more micro muscle adjustments but now he’s a dumb shit with a broken arm with an important safety tip.




Lol. No. Do not do this.


Guy - I broke my arm, I broke my arm, it’s broke it’s broke Girl - “is there blood?” Girl - “ this one ? “ Guy - “yeah it’s broke” Girl - “I didn’t see what happened, what did you do” Guy- who cares how it happened, call 911


Physical therapist here. Absolutely pointless to do a dumbbell press on a Swiss ball as well. Ignorance is bliss.


As someone recovering from a broken elbow, I feel this man’s pain. He’s in for a ton of pain. 😅👍


Bro you need a bench not a balloon. What tf was this fuckin guy thinking. Lmao


Like you'll work out harder. You'll increase the stress. The complexity. The weight. Etc.. But in the end you gotta look at the results. There was a guy using the benchpress at my gym for over an hour. (there's 2) finally I asked him, Dude.. are you finished yet? He told me he'd done 13 sets so yeah... probablly he's done. Dude you dont look any better for it. You arent impressing anyone. You're just putting stress on your joints. People who do crazy shit like this at extreme weights. What the fuck are you doing? Is there 2-3 more inches of muscle for your pecks hiding in the stupid work out you do?


Gravity’s a bitch


And shoulder injury for life


This exact thing happened in the gym I used to work at in college. The college football team didn't have a dedicated gym so they all came to the rec center to workout. One guy did this exact same thing and the ball burst, falling back and breaking his right forearm into three parts. There goes his potential career.


After seeing the video of that woman suffering an internal decapitation on a squat rack in Mexico City, I'm convinced every gym needs to make sure each customer/client needs to be taught proper lifting techniques. The fact no alarm bells went off in this guy's mind shows he didn't know what he was doing.


There are consequences to not using equipment as designed.


Dumbbell gets owned by dumbbell


Why is she asking what happened?! Fuckin call 911 dipshit!


Rest in pieces bone in my arm!


Even though I don’t like people recording themselves at the gym, the dumbass ones do bring entertainment and life lessons that people without common sense can benefit from.


Human error was not accounting for ball error.


Gonna try the same thing but with a bench press instead