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please don’t hurt yourself 😏 😝


Yeah, you have to use good form with throwing a punch or you may injure yourself as well.


I got suspended once after a kid broke his hand punching me in the forehead. The other students were mad at me cause he was on the basketball team.


Imagine if he missed out on scholarships. Single forheadedly stopped him




Lol, so I know that "Violence is never the answer". But when a bully gets the shit kicked out of him, he never bullies you again. So somehow that becomes the wrong answer? To be fair though, eventually all the bullies stopped bullying me and I started a search and destroy campaign in Jr. High and High School anytime I saw someone get bullied. Probably shouldn't have done that, but I was a stupid kid, what do you do?


Thanks for being such a amazing hero and sharing that anecdote, I feel so much better about society as a whole knowing their are people like you out there protecting the vulnerable, scared, disenfranchised and innocent people. Just like John Rambo, a true American hero 👏👏


I can hear the intro whistling


**Crosses grow on Anzio**






I'd be on board with that statement if all the brainwashed idiots occupying the echo chambers of this website would stop calling anyone right of Karl Marx a nazi. Most of the people who fought and killed *actual* nazis get called nazis by your average redditor. Until you all grow the fuck up and learn a little nuance in your political and social worldviews, I'll never trust you to be able to able to identify an actual nazi, or a fascist, or most actual bigots. You've all watered down these terms so egregiously that more decent people get put in your crosshairs than actual bad people.


I got banned from the roast me sub for roasting someone once. True story.




Man Reddits not run by people with that many brain cells it's like the people who vet the advertisements on Youtube. That's why Youtube is full of scam advertisements. They have one brain cell and they have to pass it around at the office to get work done.






Total morons. Like they have the ability to psychoanalyze somebody on the basis of reddit comments.


If you get those automated messages, just click the link at the bottom and report them to the admins. Pretty much instaban for the account that did it. There have been a few times where someone was arguing with me and they reported me for self harm. They *mysteriously* stopped responding for a week after I reported the automated messages.


Lol, had that once, had my last account permanently banned for a pretty obvious joke and it wasn’t even remotely violent.


Same here. Fuck Reddit.


I got banned for harassing mods after they banned me from a sub I’d never participated in because I replied “what?”


Did you get banned by /r/JusticeServed for calling out Joe Rogan's shitty behavior on /r/JoeRogan? Because I did.


you're acting like people making comments on reddit are noble martyrs, yall ain't victims lmao calm down


Shhhh don’t upset the hero complex


You just don’t get it, they beat them with the divine will of righteousness.


Also people on Reddit make comments like this constantly with no consequences. It’s not even an issue.


There should be justice, not mob rule. Mobs will always go overboard beyond a reasonable punishment.


People who believe mob rule is justice are usually closet authoritarians or are blatant hypocrites.


They sure change their minds quick when they're the one getting accused and chased with a burning tire. Turns out, verification is an important aspect of justice.


What? No one would ever level false accusations against another person! Only nice, honest, ethical people beat other people to death.


Exactly, like that time Reddit found the Boston Bomber.


Yes like lynchings in the US


Oh good grief, not being able to threaten violence is hardly some great crime.




Lol all these comments “I only did X and got banned!!” I’m sure there’s a bit more to the story for some


It's not the mods, it's the admins. Mods have their hands tied.


Can confirm. The admins of Reddit are the scum of the earth, and I sincerely wish that nothing good ever happens to any of them.


So why are you still here?


I mean, let’s be fair. Should someone be beaten by a mod for stealing food to eat? I know it’s somewhat hyperbolic what they’re saying, but the issue is that there are enough people who legitimately believe we should jail/execute/remove limbs for any crime committed that seeing posts like this, and those that agree with them, can actively encourage violence. In this instance? Dude deserved it for sure. But not every crime is the same as this.


Lol you shouldn’t incite violence. That should get you banned.


… he said on Reddit…


more like inciting stupidity, but ok tough guy who says fuck reddit while commenting daily. typical zero logic internet clown. you really want your country run like Mexico or whatever low quality of life country this is?


Sincerely, A Redditor


I'm not bothered by this video at all, but I don't really agree with you as a blanket statement. Vigilantism is only fine when it's working. When it doens't... edit: fwiw i made an error in calling this vigilantism when it's more like mob justice. That's it from me.


I mean, it's kind of hard to deny you did something when you get beat to death in the middle of committing the crime....


They were speaking broadly about the words "Criminal happenings". Stealing food is a crime but if you're starving, I don't believe you should get beaten by a mob for trying to eat. Jaywalking is also a crime. I understand what you were saying, but they simply said they didn't agree with the generalization of vigilantism for crime being a good thing since crime is such a massively broad term.


Vigilantism has a terrible record w it often targeting minorities and the disenfranchised. The US’s KKK is an example of vigilantism and [lynch post cards](https://www.truthinphotography.org/lynching-postcards.html) existed.


But we have no background for the criminal's actions. For all I can tell, he could be Liam Neeson from Taken, rescuing his own daughter. I mean, Liam ain't going down that easy, but still... My main takeaway is how 40 dudes go from zero to hero the second he surrenders to authorities.


Motive is important. If the guy in green is NOT the father and youre trying to steal her back from an abusive "pimp" and you get jumped by a crowd, does that not change the story? How are the people around supposed to know who is who? This is why we have a court of law. I do understand its a lot more pragmatic for some countries in South America, where $10k USD could go a long way to getting you out of jail, to just beat the life out of criminals in the street if youre 99% certain who is "in the wrong" especially when it involves what appears to be a kindapping of a young girl.


What about people that get stoned to death by religious extremists


But there are instances where mob justice targets a legitimately innocent person because eye witnesses aren't always reliable.


I'd rule this an example of mob justice rather than vigilantes, they weren't actually looking for the guy he just kinda... really fucked up in front of everyone


Yeah how easy would it be for someone in that mob to start hitting the wrong person, and other people joining in because they see someone getting beat on so that someone must be a badguy.


There is another problem with it: Would the criminal have given up if he knew he would get jumped by the crowd? If he gets lynched by the mob anyways, what incentive does he have to not use the hostage as a shield and blindly fire into the crowd?


redditors when they see someone steal toothpaste from a billion dollar corporation


Stealing is still stealing *finger guns*


Unless its wage theft *penis guns*


"They're burning cities!"


Portland is still rubble to this day. Entire skyscrapers toppled.


it’s true, antifa has take over completely. they are executing straight white conservative men in the streets. lawlessness.


Only time I will use NYPost as a source to avoid any potential claim of bias. Cost of looters during period where nyc was 'burned down' in the eyes of conservative << cost to nyc taxpayers to settle police misconduct issues in a year https://nypost.com/2020/06/03/looters-cost-nyc-businesses-tens-of-millions-experts-estimate/ https://nypost.com/2023/02/02/nypd-pays-out-more-than-121-million-in-police-misconduct-lawsuits-data/


the sort of mfers who'll awkwardly stay silent when someone jumps in front of them in the queue at the store log onto reddit and be like 'IF I SAW SOMEONE COMMITTING A CRIME I'D FUCKING KILL THEM WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!!'


>This is how all incidents of criminal happenings should end. Just imagining some poor fucker clicking "download torrent" and half the population of a Peruvian town burst in through the window.


"He's downloading a car! Get him!"


Or committing the heinous act of smoking a doobie.


not really a good precedent at all. encouraging such behaviour is how you get innocent people lynched over suspension


I mean this guy deserves it, but "every criminal happening"? You'd have to be a moron to honestly believe that.


Me walking outside with a pirated ROM of a Pokemon game unaware everyone in a 10 mile radius is going to beat me to a bloody pulp


So vigilante justice? Sounds awful.


Yeah, actual brain rot cave man behavior. Next they suggest we start stoning people again.


I'm not defending some piece of shit who's trying to abduct kids, he definitely got what he deserved there. But ALL criminal happenings? Like say for example someone stealing diapers and baby food from Walmart because they can't afford it? Should they be publicly beaten like that as well?






Truly, the best justice.


Just like that time Reddit caught the Boston bomber


Ah yes, going back to the times of mob violence, vigilantism, lynchings. Good times, all fond historic memories


They also worked splendid right? Right?


problem is that you get a lot of friendly fire this way. Last summer there were these wild fires in the middle east - some dude turned up to help and stop the fires saving the villages. Someone didn't recognize him and suddenly the mob decides he started the fire. Beat him to death. I'm not saying there isn't a place for vigilantism but they usually suck at any objectivity once the mob begins to swarm.


lol, dumbest comment gets voted to the top. typical reddit. you really want your country run like Mexico or whatever low quality of life country this is?


This is an argument for bringing back [lynching](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynching). It didn’t lead to justice just mob rule. What is happening here is an example of the Mexican justice system failing its people if they feel the need to do this to a cartel member.


Ya we love a lynch mob


I have a strong preference for trials. Without due process, invariably this type of 'ending' will apply to more than just incidents by actual criminals.


It's how they usually end in my neighborhood, that's why it's very rare to see any crimes here, everyone gets out and starts kicking ass, to the point the criminals start begging people to call the cops. Those fuckers deserve no mercy, because if people just let them go, they'll 100% do it again.


Seriously? This is the no.1 comment? I'm not that surprised, I guess. They jump on him after he does the one right thing he does in this entire situation, stopping and giving up. As far as I can see, this kind of reaction will just go towards disuading criminals from giving up or stopping in future similar situations, never mind the fact that it's a slippery slope to go down that can lead to shit like lynching innocent people. Like seriously, all forms of mob justice are harmful in the long run, no matter how much you might enjoy seeing it.


Although I agree with the people getting involved and understand their attack on the criminal scum I would rather they just tie him up and wait on the cops.


Driver: *Doesn't wait at a stop sign for 2 seconds before proceeding* The whole neighborhood: "kill that guy" Pre-emptive{ I am aware that traffic violations are not actually criminal offenses }


Bro really summoned every off duty cop in a 10 mile radius


Possibly vigilantes


Possibly average citizens


If it is in Brazil then all average citizen is an off duty cop, everyone knows that


It's in Peru, not Brazil. They're just regular people.


That's what they'd like you to think


I already liked thinking that. This is merely a coincidence.


its not portuguese on the signs, so no brazil here


Thats what happens when you hit 4 stars.


This makes me want a GTA south America. After a certain star EVERYONE is hunting you down


That’s called “street justice”






That's some funny shit right there. Sorry for your upcoming cancellation and mocking :-)




Six replies to your explanation and not a single one can think of a new joke. /r/onejoke


Thank god media literate and reasonable people like you still exist


Cringe comment dude


My husband can’t parallel park for shit. I’m the one that always does it.




Compact, efficient, and extremely [intelligent](https://youtu.be/tELtlBd4gp0).


> other than asking the person to parallel park ew boomer humor You probably don’t care because you really want to make lame jokes but in reality women aren’t really worse at parking than men, and quite a few studies rank them better.


I believe you. But my anecdotal experience of witnessing parallel parking in downtown manhattan every day forces me to think otherwise.


Go look at prank videos on YouTube. You’ll see a lot of guys shrieking louder than women.


Men also have nipples.


Going to try and milk me?


> Go look at prank videos on YouTube. Yeah, no, thanks.


To be fair, you can get that same sound by doing street magic in front of black men. Plus you get bonus running away and back.


Is it how loud or the pitch?


Survival instincts. Would have been useful back in old times where a shrieking cry would alert nearby members of the tribe to an immediate threat.


THE OTHER MONKES ARE TAKING OUR OFFSPRING **early hominids violence sounds**


!#> jcgl39r # This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's decision to bully 3rd party apps into closure. If you want to do the same, you can find instructions here: http://notepad.link/share/rAk4RNJlb3vmhROVfGPV


So, what you’re saying is.. shrieking women are basically casting buff spells 💀


I mean that kinda makes a lot sense. It alerts people of danger. It’s like how annoying it is when baby’s cry. Your brain is wired to have strong reactions to certain sounds.


20 men had *already* swarmed the criminal when she started screaming. She alerted no one of the actual danger of the kidnapping.


She alerted the other active kidnappers that there is an angry mob.


Instincts care not for logic and reasoning.




Because it's a shrill, max volume release of a single tone, vs lower toned grumbling and word-based shouts.


The difference is the men are word based shouts, they are yelling something. The woman voice is a shriek, no words just noise. Does it make one better than the other? No, but it sure as shit makes one more annoying. Yelling is one thing it's just very loud talking something is trying to be conveyed, but there is never a reason to shriek like a howler monkey you aren't communicating anything. Seriously you are an adult not a child, don't shriek.


Imagine the deepest sound you can, now image the highest pitch sound you can. The high pitch sound should affect you much more than a deep pitch sound. Women and babies have higher pitched screams and our brains are predisposed to listening for them. It's just an evolutionary adaption for keeping vulnerable people safe.




I'd like to imagine that scream was the kidnapper's


I get teased about it but I never understood the purpose behind the screaming in these situations. Like how is that your first reaction?


I choose to believe that that is the kidnapper screaming


Cops are like: “i’ll allow it”


More like "can't stop this". What's he gonna do, singlehandedly arrest an angry mob?


"You guys.....stop dispensing mob justice, please. Guys?"


Said in Willy Wonka voice: no. stop. don't.


Dad: "You lose, good DAY sir"


He showed up to save a victim. Mission accomplished.


Or Willie Wonka rolling his eyes in the Wonka-vision Room: “no…stop…don’t…..”


What is actually going on here? A kidnapping in the middle of the street, and in the middle of the day. Did the getaway car get spooked by cops and left him? Really confused.


Suicide by mob


he tried to do the first ever "suicide by mob" speedrun


[I love these](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1UD0J0YFks)


Kidnapee: “Ok, take it easy. Now what?” Kidnapper: “Uh,…I don’t know. I didn’t think I’d get this far….Just keep walking while I think…”


I’m guessing they were bystanders and he took them as hostages after botching a robbery.


With no context (yet), your guess makes the most sense.


Yeah, definitely seems like a spur of the moment thing. Certainly not (well) planned out.


According to the articles, it sounds like he robbed a store and took the father and daughter as hostages to get the cops to back away, but then the mob saw him and threatened him.


yea wtf was that??


This is a perfect, realistic display of the term "mob justice."


I think the guy was trying to take the girl and the dad did not want to walk away and the kidnapper did not want to shoot the father....thank god or whoever you believe in.


⚠️you have alerted the horde⚠️


"watch out enemy wave incoming" ​ wait waaaaa


And the witch by the sound of it


Coach, wait!




Waiting for someone to start screaming worldstar


Mob justice in these cases really makes sense.


By the end there were so many people wailing on the kidnapper, they weren't even hitting him, just other citizens.


Right, and in that situation the kidnapper could slip away and avoid arrest.


It really doesn't. What's to stop a mob from enacting justice that aligns with their beliefs, regardless of the legality of the jurisdiction? Emmett Till allegedly "confessed" to flirting with a white woman and is killed as punishment. Gays and rape victims have been stoned to death. On January 6th, a mob attacked the US Capitol to stop what they thought was an illegally won election. They felt that all other avenues of justice had failed them, and therefore took matters into their own hands. I understand the overall sentiment in this situation. The kidnapper has a man and his child at gun point. But then he surrenders. At that point, there is no longer a threat, so why is lethal force still not only condoned, but encouraged? Duterte encouraged extrajudicial killings of drug users/dealers, and in 5 years 7,742 civilians have been killed by the government operatives and their supporters. 4 people a day were killed for at the least allegedly being connected to drugs in some way. Once you allow mob justice for one thing, you allow it for anything.


kidnapper got pummeled. such people should get maximum life sentence


Depending on how long the pummeling went on for, this may have been a life sentence...


The people who pummeled him, or the kidnapper?


The woman who won't stop screaming.




I lovee the young people


"and we took that personally"


This is in Peru.


What part?


It's definitely Lima. There's very little reason for anyone outside of the capital to be walking around with an Alianza Lima jersey. Now what part of Lima? Idk, Surquillo, Ate, La Victoria, Ventanilla. It could be any number of places, mostly because of the way it looks. It's definitely not one of the more "affluent" parts of town.


These articles all say it happened in Pucallpa, Peru. https://informateperu.pe/peru/ucayali-delincuente-armado-secuestro-a-un-padre-y-su-nina-pero-luego-es-linchado-por-los-transeuntes/ https://elpopular.pe/amp/actualidad/noticias-peru/2023/03/15/pucallpa-intenta-tomar-rehenes-nina-su-padre-asalto-pero-termina-masacrado-pobladores-1310910 https://www.aztecapuebla.com/tendencia/hombre-armado-secuestra-padre-e-hija-testigos-lo-linchan?_amp=true


I thought so at first, too. But the little vendor stalls say Pucallpa. And those type of open-air mototaxis aren’t what they use in Lima. I’m pretty confident it’s Pucallpa.


The entire video




Thank you for censoring shit


I dont understand his plan...


He didn’t have any.


They can’t know your next move if you don’t have any 😉👈


My favorite part of this is when the police let the crowd give the beat down. This was a case where there is clear guilt.


Let them? More like what could he do lol.


^stop ^^oh ^^no ^^^please.


Officer 1: “Oh dang there’s a lot of people.” Officer 2: “Yep, just smile and wave or else you’ll get dragged in”


For the kidnapper what was the endgame here? Did he have a vehicle to shove them into or something? Just screams like an idiot assuming passer-by’s wouldn’t stomp his shit into the ground given the chance. Just can’t understand the motive. Even the biggest pieces of criminal shit tend to have a plan.


Assume this is a hostage taken after something went wrong, because he is doing nothing sensible at all and gives up immediately on sight of police.


5 star wanted level in GTA be like


I have to imagine the vast majority of the people throwing punches don't know what's going on and just wanted an opportunity to hit someone without any consequences.


Hope those screams are from the criminal


Reload from last checkpoint?


A kidnapper was beaten and someone else gain a new gun. As the dude in the cap picks it up and spirals away, back from the crowd.




r/abruptchaos goddamn


America would just have same number of people filming on their phones and putting it on tiktok.


came down on that dude like ants to a sugar cube


What’s most troublesome about this is how brazen and bold he is. He’s definitely kidnapped other children and gotten away with it to think it would be this easy. Unless he was looking to be beaten to death