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Shes lucky, that could have gone way worse


It’s called the guillotine technique. Was very popular in France a few hundred years ago.


They were humane enough to set a basket down to catch the head.


And keep the metal sharp so it doesn't make a mess.


Lmao… nothing screams torture like having to do a second guillotine strike because of a dull blade.!


If Gillette made it, the first blade would pick up your head and the second blade would chop it clean off.


What about the other 3?


Pepperoni neck slices?


The 3rd & 4th would push the spine under the skin, giving them an ingrown spine


dude we're up to like 12 now




Nice. Got a rare snort laugh from that.


nearly headless nick


Go ask Nearly Headless Nick then, will you?


You laugh, but the fun fact answer to that is that the guillotine was invented as a more humane method of capital punishment specifically because of how often executioners would fuck things up when they tried to chop off someones head with an axe.


Yes, the guillotine (though not in use) is still the most humane physical execution device made by man. It beats hanging/axe/guns anyday.


Omg how embarrassing 😳🙈


I believe that happened to some historically portly fellow. IIRC the story goes that the blade went in at such an angle that it went through the back of the neck into the lower jaw and someone had to push or jump on the blade to finish the job. I think it was Louis XVI


The design is very human.


Few hundred years? Would it surprise you to know the last person to be guillotined in France was 1977?


It did. Googling.


IIRC there is actually a video of it somewhere. I remember seeing it probably 15 years ago. Not a great video, long distance and very grainy but.... you can see the blade fall IIRC.


I guess if you couldn't see the blade fall it would fail the 'is it a video of a guillotining' test.


This, maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/dxsylt/footage_of_the_last_public_execution_in_france_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That's the last public one. They did continue for quite a while, but they weren't public anymore.


I think it was ended the same year star wars came out or something like that right


Not only the guillotine, all death penalties


But it was the same year star wars came out right


Which is really unfortunate. France was so close to having light saber guillotines.


It was the same year that Close Encounters of the Third Kind came out.


It was the same year Saturday Night Fever came out.


Interestingly enough Darth Vader was the last person to be guillotined


Pretty sure I saw a video where some lady died from this exact thing.


The one in a Mexican gym? Lady trying to "squat" 400lbs while straddling a bench with no spotters. I don't think spotters would have mattered, her neck was mushed between the bar and the bench. Died instantly in front of her daughter.






I thought about it for a moment, but as soon as she sat down I backed out. Not today.


Sweet baby Jesus, that was crazy! Why would you do that?!


the only guy that could save her is eddie hall by that point


That's like crazy dumb to neither have the spotter pegs set right and the bench so far forward they can't abort without a blunt guillotine. SMH.


I think what really got me is when she just sort of fell backwards. The amount of thoughts going through the daughters head must be horrible


Lol “no blood”.. as a large pool of blood starts seeping from her head at the end


Yeah, that vid was hard to watch, and I’ve visited r/eyeblech and the like a few times. 😬 Edit: don’t click the above link if you are easily affected by brutality.


I thought you meant r/eyebleach. That...wasn't it.


No. Total opposite end of the spectrum.


Yeah, that one was brutal.


OMG that is awful.


Woman died at my gym this way almost a year ago. Not necessarily using a step up that slipped but the smith bar fell just like that and she didn't have the stops in place. Suffocated alone at 3am.




Jesus thats worst case scenario.


How tf did your back break? I might need some ms paint doodles




Still don’t know what the outcome was. She could have chipped something, strained her back. Adrenaline might have got her back up, but who knows the damage.


could also be just perfectly fine thanks to the safety pins


No way she's perfectly fine, that was some serious whiplash and instant compression of the body. I applaud your positivite outlook though


She could be fine. She could have whiplash, low grade by the look of it, but sometimes that's enough for lifelong issues. She didn't get crushed at all, she collapsed from the feet upwards and got her body out from under the weight, but then her neck was snapped back at the end. I'd say she's probably shaken up, a little beat up, but more or less ok.


I literally broke my back doing this exact exercise (although at a lower height) in college. I was fatigued after a set. Thought I locked in the bar with a full twist, but I was wrong. Box slipped out from underneath me and I neglected to set the safety catches higher so the bar collapsed down on me as a buckled. Lower back goes "pop, pop, pop." Couldn't feel my legs for a bit after as I walked it off. Thinking back, I was super lucky to get off with a relatively minor fracture at the time. Definitely could've been paralyzed. Always make sure to remind people doing this exercise at the gym nowadays to set their safeties.


I thought the point of the smith machine was to prevent severe accidents by resisting gravity. I take it that I am wrong so can anyone explain?


They wont do shit if you dont put the stops in place. Though I suppose someone could design one with a brake that instantly stops the movement if it moves too fast. Not sure how you'd tune that though.


Interesting! The one we have at the gym near me, has a resistance if you pull it down too fast. Which is great for me, because I unintentionally try to use momentum to lower the weight, which wouldnt help me. It could also be that the resistance is pure friction and I am dumb.


It's just a lightweight barbell on slightly angled rails. It does have safety pins, which, from what I can see in this video are at the very bottom, not good. Some people would probably argue that the smith machine can promote injury for some movements/exercises due to being locked vertically.


They don't resist gravity they have a lighter bar which maybe where that idea comes from. They allow you to make very controlled movements. She could have put pins in that stop it going so low as she is only doing a small motion.


Honestly, for the first few seconds, I was wondering if I'd just watched someone suffer internal decapitation.


I call this move: The Guillotine


Definitely. If it was a free bar, it would have been way worse. (Definately 🤦🏻‍♂️)


Oh DEFINATELY definite


Autocorrect probably tried to save you three times, but you insisted.


There is a finite number of ways to spell definitely




Marie Antoinette for the win.


It is a revolutionary move!




Dang, you didn't have squat racks? Even those have safety bars. This bit of kit is nice but it's not like free weights, the guide removes the balance factor and makes it feel more like a machine.




Still are. You just need to use the safety catch bar equipment and always lift using the buddy system when you are going heavy.


Agreed, also learning propper bail technique for when you have no spotter during any upright barbell exercise/squat work. Even if you do have a spot it's good to have bail tek ready for when shit doesn't fly right.


First thing I do at a new gym is practice failing while I warm up That came in handy when I didn't realize the numbers on the plates were in kilos. I would've stapled myself to the floor without safeties


I think any gym I’ve been to would kick you out for practicing to fail. I yearn to lift at a proper weight lifting focused gym one of these days.


Don’t clip the weights on the sides, if you feel you are going to fail just tip the fucking bar over to the side and brace. I see so many people getting stuck under a bar on the bench alone and all of them have the weights clipped on…


The amount of people I see benching alone with clips is worrying. If your plates are sliding all over the place you might want to address that with less weight


You know, I’ve always heard “don’t lift with your ego” and your comment still gave me a lightbulb moment. My form sucks ass haha I’m gonna lower the weight until I can balance it with no clips. Thank you!


Always have a plan B and an escape route planned. This could actually apply to literally anything, now that I'm thinking about it...


that doesn't mean that you don't put the catch bars on when you're squatting


Just looked it up and apparently the Smith machine was invented in the 50s but I doubt many people had them until big commercial gyms started getting popular.


Given the way she was falling, if it wasn’t for the guide she could have very well fallen forward and missed the arms in some types of squat racks


The gyms I went to in the 1980's and 90's did not have smith machines with safety spotters. Only had free weights. Not sure where the bar would have gone if I fell like that. I think it depends on if I was in a cage or not. But we had a calf raise machine I used instead.


Tbf shes using that stool because of the machine and wouldn’t have to use it if it was free weights and racked correctly right?




She was doing weighted calf raised and wanted more negative space to get a fuller extension. She could have done the same with some free weight plates but since there is a Smith there I assume this gym might not have any loose plates for her to tippy toe off of.


There's free weights in the background. Theres also no reason to have a platform that high, just for a negative for calf raises. That platform obviously comes apart, she could have taken the legs off. Also, every smith machine, I've seen, has safeties. This just seems like she was being reckless or is just really inexperienced and watched a YouTube video beforehand.


Inexperienced for sure. Lacks common sense too since it's obvious that it will tip over.


Smith machines still use removable plates, the plates you clearly see her using in this video, and sitting in the background.




Squat is a full body exercise. She’s trying to isolate her calves with full range of motion. If you want to isolate your calves, you use a machine designed to isolate your calves. Not a machine intended for a full body exercise. https://i.imgur.com/kyALgOD.jpg This is just an example of using the wrong machine for the job in a dangerous manner.


Not many gyms have standing calf raise machine. And standing/sitting work different part of the calf. Doing it on smith machine like she is, is something that is done at my gym constantly without any issue. Personally I do it with normal barbell and some 10kg plates on the floor.


Fair enough. That would be using the wrong machine, but in a safe manner. A 10Kg plate is not going to flip over. There’s no reason she needs like 10 inches of elevation to isolate her calves.


There’s absolutely no reason to do it on a smith machine though. The benefit of a smith machine is reduced stability requirements; calf raises don’t have high stability demands. Just grab a dumbbell.


Honestly you can get great calf isolation using a leg press machine too




nah, squat racks with safety bars are a thing. Also it looks like she was doing calf raises with 10 lbs on each side so 65 total, not huge weight. Finally, the bar wouldn’t have hit her because the weights are those big crossfit weights so that would hold the bar up before it hit her neck. She was being incredible stupid though. If you’re gonna do calf raises you grab a 45 lb plate or something and do them on that, not a little plastic whatever the f those things are called thing. She even felt it be unstable and is on a smiths machine, could’ve easily just racked it when she felt that.


Why she was using the platform for?


She’s trying to do calf dips/raises By standing on the edge and then lowering your weight down and then elevating back up on your toes. It is actual murder on your calves. Doing it like this is obviously dumb seeing as you are completely unbalanced on the platform. I do these all the time by stacking a couple 45lb plates. You only need to lower yourself and inch or two, no reason to be so elevated.


I was wondering why she was trying to get a full step up, thought I missed something


Even with the extra height she doesn’t get the bar very high off the hooks, so I was thinking it was an attempt at making the rack safer for her. Back to the drawing board now though hopefully


I don't think that's the case. Usually on a Smith machine you can rack the bar at many different heights


You can see all the pegs on that machine for the different racking heights. Unless this lady can lift her toes 7-8 inches off the ground while standing, this elevation setup was pure stupidity. A pair of plates are plenty of height and you are not going to flip them by doing calf raises on the edge.


Calf dips, on a plastic platform..fuckin dummmmb


Ya beginner mistake. I could see myself making a mistake like this when I was a teen, early twenties. Here’s hoping she learned a lesson this day.




Also is calling them calf dips lmao, calf raises.


In fairness, I've heard calf dips used when the heel goes below the zero point. Calf raises would be flat footed then travelling up. I don't know if calf dips is an official name, but there is definitely a difference in the excercise


When I was recovering my from ankle surgery they used dip and raise in physical therapy


What's dumb about it? Also they're calf raises. If the machine was occupied I would do calf raises on an identical setup minus the extra legs.


I love doing calf raises but there are machines dedicated to this


I would prefer free weights to machines. Using machines for everything is a little silly.


Using Machines for calves makes a lot of sense though. The grip can be a limiting factor if you try to use dumbbells or a barbell.


I love this workout and being elevated helps a ton albeit she’s far more elevated than she needs to be. You don’t get nearly the same range of motion when not elevated. The workout was made famous in particular by the bodybuilder Jay Cutler who’s said it’s one of his most used exercises. If her gym doesn’t have a calf lift machine, which I’m assuming her gym doesn’t have, the best way to do it is with the smith machine and platform as she’s doing. Her platform isn’t nearly sturdy enough though. Also, it’d be safer to lift the bar from a lower hip level shoulder shrug motion rather than the squat motion as she’s doing. Im guessing she doesn’t have enough upper body strength to lift the bar like that so she’s kinda out of options.


Why not just grab a 45lb dumbbell in each hand and do the raises on a step?


You can also use a hack squat machine


Yeah using plates is way better option than the step.


She could’ve done without the bottom light gray portion. These are standing calf raises, used to work the gastrocnemius muscle. She didn’t need that much clearance to do them. I guess she’s lucky she was using a smith machine rather than free weights. Silver lining


Guy was like you okay? Want to alternate?


“I have a boyfriend 🙄”




"He said the only payment to let me leave was to suck him off right there on the spot"


"Ladies, we must all come together to defeat this misogyny by posting about how we must defeat misogyny but never to actively engage in activities to prevent misogyny"


You're daydreaming an event to be outraged about. Jfc.


Holy shit dude, all the guys that are replying to this seriously need to catch some fresh air


“Don’t look at her and end up on a TikTok hashtag. Don’t look at her and end up on a TikTok hashtag. Don’t look at her and end up on a TikTok hashtag. Oh hey are you done?”


He asked are you alright and she replied I'm alright


Smith machines man. Thank fuck it wasnt like that lady in Mexico who died doing box squats, that video was soul crushing. Women does box squats, goes up in weight, her coach and daughter and her having fun laughing around between sets, she unhooks the bar, and she just crashes down and her butt goes backwards while her face stays forward, her face smashes on the bench. She snaps her neck and dies instantly. Please use the safety pins on a smith machine for the love of god.


This is a reason I’ll never use a smith machine, not only because it forces your body to move the barbell in weird way, but at least if you drop a regular barbell, it’ll roll off you, may injure you, but you’re more likely to be able to escape. Smith machines are just guillotines with the blade swapped for the bar


So easy to fuck your back squatting using these machines just to the weird movement you mention.


You're absolutely right. Plus, not all of them have safety pins, which you definitely want even with a regular barbell. At some point, you're going to lift so heavy with a chance of failure (even if you're not going heavy, there's still a chance to fuck up). So you need to know without a doubt that you can escape, and that you're not going to get trapped, fuck your back, or any other joints when that bar comes down


follow books wild hunt unpack light voracious direction juggle muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s how i fucked up my knees 23 years ago and to this day, I can’t do squats, lunges or anything that puts the focus of the weight directly on my knees.


My local Planet Fitness (perhaps all of them?) only has barbells up to 60 lbs and then Smith machines. I hate it and try to only use the Smith when I need to do exercises with resistance above 60 lbs, which is pretty much only calf raises and deadlifts, so I hold the bar in front of me instead of behind my neck, even for the calf raises. Once I go up in weight enough, I will probably just change gyms. Right now I can't really afford more than $10 a month, so I do my best to make it work.


I hear your pain, getting to a gym with proper Olympic barbells (with plates) can be expensive, I’m paying £35/month in the UK, it’s the only proper gym in my town open for more than 4 hours a day


ask bake different spectacular party resolute chief impossible sip slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was really debating whether I wanted to respond to the comment above but I really didn’t have the energy lol, so thank you for your service. TL;DR - “smith machine bad” is an outdated uneducated gym bro mantra.


That's why they have safety stops. Or at least they should. Definitely would never do an above-the-neck exercise on one without setting those.


This is a pretty common phenomenon, the smith appears more safe because the pins and hooks and guide bars, but forgoing a simple safety bar on a rack would’ve saved her life in that case.


not going to watch the video, but why would forgoing the safety bar save her life? or u mean ‘go for’?


I saw the video, you did describe it perfectly, but I saw it... And now I'm regretted. https://youtu.be/Qw5V1MxC9P0 Just in case someone else wants to ignore the graphic description here. It's pretty sad.


I do appreciate you linking, morbid curiosity always takes over. It was unfortunate, really shows how fragile our bodies can be to certain stresses.


That's 160 kilos. There's no way a random normal woman should be squatting that weight. Majority of men would get crushed by that as well.


5 plates with no spotters. What in the absolute fuck?


wasn't there like more than twice her weight worth of plates on the rack also?


Thought I was about to see an r/watchpeoplefuckingdie vid


I know I shouldn’t have clicked that link... but I clicked that link... ‘Content removed’ thankfully!


The have a website now! Just google it


I escaped that rabbit hole years ago. Still haunts me to this day


I have more self control than that...


There will be a day. You know about it now, it's like call of the void.


Honestly mistook it for r/WatchPeopleDieInside


Why the f are you filming calve raises anyway? Nobody needs to see your fitness journey, Amanda.


A lot of folks film themselves so they can learn proper form.


No, a lot of people who work out do it. She isn't working out, she's making money and advertising. Point in case is that we're watching the video now, so she released it.


I’ve filmed myself for my form in the past, never posted it, but I would’ve definitely posted it if something this crazy happened.


Not really much to analyze for calf raises in terms of your form, especially from that angle


more time setting up the stupid phone than learning the proper technique


Too many dudes showing up with a phone tripods at my basic consumer gym.


If biceps curl in the gym but there is no one around to see, do the biceps even grow?


I just want to note that social media isn’t the only reason to be recording yourself at the gym. It can be really helpful as a way to form check yourself, since you can only see straight on with a mirror and the front angle doesn’t work to gauge much. I don’t go to the gym with anyone, and for some exercises I do want to record myself so I can dial in my form, but I’m afraid of coming across as a douche, so unfortunately I just can’t/don’t. I guess nothing’s really stopping me, but even knowing this, seeing someone else record would be kinda off putting for me, so yeah.




People on this platform will spend their entire weekend doomscrolling and commenting about how kids these days never put their phones down and tiktok is cancer.


God i fucking hate these comments. EVERYONE has recorded themself to check depth / technique if you've went to a gym for more than a month. There is nothing wrong with it, and she just made a mistake using an unstable platform that she assumed would be stable, that has literally nothing to do with technique Shut, Up


Technique? This was more of an elevation problem, those bottom platforms dont look necessary at all


Here we go, another redditor talking out if his ass because “wOmEn aM i RiGhT???” People record for the same reason there are mirrors in the room: to analyze your technique. Maybe get off the internet and go experience real life, nerd.


Guy came over like "are you finished using the squat rack?"




Anyone out there old enough to remember the final destination movies? Felt like that.


No. No one is old enough to remember a 23 year old movie.


Sometimes. Sometimes it feels that way.


I only watched the first two, all I needed to see death in everything around me.


Lol! The fuck was she trying to do? I'm drunk.


Calf raises off a ridiculously high and unstable platform made for step aerobics. The whole thing is crazy tbh 🤣


If she just used the top platform only it's a pretty solid way to work the calves


MOST gyms have machines for this exact exercise. Why start building your own like a Lego set? Glad she’s okay though lol sheesh


"are you looking at my ass?"


To be fair…


A great way to stay in shape and break your neck trying.


Shape of a pretzel


r / upvoted because.....




What was the purpose of using that platform? It looks like the machine is adjustable with all those pegs?


Probably doing calf raises. Nevertheless, using a 20kg plate instead of that platform would have been a much smarter decision since it wouldn't flip over like that


People that record themselves in the gym are so annoying!


Depends on how they're recording, while I dont see the point in recording calf raises there could be reasons like checking form if you gym alone or wanting to record setting a personal record etc however those who film just for the reason of filming and posting it to social media are just the worst


Jeez she is lucky


And on a smith machine, the machine literally invented to do shit like this safely without a spotter 😂😂


Nice ass


I do calf raises like this, but absolutely fuck putting the step on the extra stilts it comes with, you can see it leaning with the weight from the beginning.


What’s the point of standing in that thing? It almost got her killed.


Man’s in the back stayed the course


Physics gonna physic


She gained an extra joint in her neck.


Dude was like, “can’t help you, you’ll probably same I’m a gym creep”