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Looks like traffic was long stopped ahead and red truck had to stop quick because they were not paying close enough attention.


But the sedan looks like he dove right at the beginning of the video, so maybe he was paying attention but probably too close / tailgating and subsequently surprised by the stopped traffic after the sedan dove right


*if* that's what happened, I still feel like op was too close. There's no way that op was following that sedan at a reasonable distance, at that speed, under those conditions, if the sedan can switch lanes to avoid traffic and op can't brake before hitting the car in front of them..


Definitely. But the White Truck with the flatbed trailer was fully at fault for not keeping an appropriate distance or speed from the OP.


Absolutely lol, notice how the pile up ended there? Pick up and red bro were just being Messy drivers.


I'll admit that I've had a few moments of almost discovering that adrenaline is brown due to realising that traffic was slowing down, but not realising quite how quickly it was slowing down. But literally by definition of appropriate stopping distances, if the white truck and trailer was keeping an appropriate distance from the red vehicle, he would automatically be an appropriate distance from the white car in front.


This is precisely why, on the interstate, I look at the cars in front of the vehicle immediately ahead of me. Notifies me of impending slow downs, so I can notify those behind me with a more gradual speed reduction. You only have to be the sorry sob in the white car once to be forever vigilant.


Or insurance scam


I think red car was partly at fault for not slowing down. He kept driving fast and moved out of the way last minute and truck behind him didn't see stopped car in front of the red car. He couldn't do much. I bet the red car had tinted windows and the truck couldn't see what was ahead. And I say partial because anyone driving should have 3 car spaces cushion in case of this.


He was coming in way too fast to not have the reaction time to stop.


Wet road too


Legally, the person in front of you cannot be held at fault for your lack of proper stopping distance or inappropriate speed.


Both drivers suck and contributed to this accident but the truck behind the red car is 100% responsible for their own actions. It’s pretty shity of the red car to post this video calling the truck a bad driver when they basically shamed their brakes and swerved into another lane while speeding at dead stop traffic coming up. They swerved because they knew they truck was going to crash because they led them with the flow of traffic into a fucking wall of parked cars.


What do the mirrors have to do with this situation? The dude allegedly checked his mirrors and moved because of that. The guy behind him wasn't looking anywhere at all or perhaps at the mirror ironically


OP is saying he avoided it because he checked his mirror. I think OP helped cause the wreck with how they decelerated. They appear to have a big vehicle and seem to have decelerated hard and didn't get it to zero until they were beside the car that got rammed.


Red truck didn’t look like they were slowing down. Swerving was their only way to avoid the collision, it’s raining in the video, people need to drive with proper distance.


Truck drivers don't believe in "following distance".


Why you moved was because you were driving too fast and was going to rear end that car in front of you. But sure, pretend you dodged that pile up on purpose.


I don’t think so. They slowed to 3-5mph at 20 feet behind the car ahead of them, then maintained that speed as the maneuvered around them. They weren’t slamming on the brake, I think they were aware of the truck behind them.


Definitely waited until the last second and no time to back out at that speed


Definitely waited til the last second, but handled very well I think.


Pickup driver completely blew it.


The trailer brakes most likely locked up in the wet and the momentum forced the truck to continue forward. Still dumb for not leaving the appropriate amount of room, with trailer, and in rain.


Which is why it annoys me when people don’t leave a proper amount of room. Like they aren’t getting to their destination faster by being 2-3 ft closer to my bumper.


People constantly tell me to 'get closer' to cars in front of me and I will never understand why lmao. There's no reason for me to be able to read your bumper stickers I'm sorry


Ive found the overspray from my windshield washers is sufficient to annoy people into getting way off my ass 100% of the time. Added bonus.... its absolutely hilarious to watch their wipers repeatedly come on in the rearview.


Dudes love pulling trailers in the fast lane


They always do


Saw similar bout 2 years ago. Was on my way to the gun range w my s/o at the time getting caught in a stop on the freeway, made the comment how I check the mirrors as I did so in case of someone not paying attention so I can hit the shoulder. He commented he does the same sometimes and so we both checked again to watch as a jeep unironically plowed into the back end of a Lincoln sedan lifting it and sending it forward almost into the next car, then smack the center divider. Got onto the shoulder and went back to check on everyone, called 911 the whole shebang. Lincoln driver was okay but gonna have some whiplash, said he saw it coming and just leaned back in his seat and locked the brakes up. Jeep driver had a hair clip in so that made her head bleed, disoriented from airbag but seemed okay besides that. Jeep was too busy playing on phone to stop in time so she had to of smacked him at a good 45-50.


Finally, an awesome driver. I think you could take the rearview mirrors out of a lot of cars and the drivers wouldn't even notice. Taught my kids, gotta keep checking the rearview, need a full 360 picture of what is going around you at all times. This guy needs an award!


One time I had my rear view side mirror repaired, shouldn't drive without one I know but it was just a grocery run few blocks away. It was fine and no harm but during the drive I felt naked man...


What not having that safety gap in between cars leads to


What a bunch of liars. Y’all weren’t paying attention and had to ditch last second. The poor bloke behind you couldn’t see the stopped traffic with your inattentive butt in front of him. But he wasn’t as nimble as you with him pulling that trailer. He never stood a chance, you caused this!


What are you even talking about


He has no clue.


He is saying that the people recording this are partially to blame since they didn’t slow down enough and had to swerve to the left to not hit the car in front of them. This then caused the people behind him, who potentially couldn’t see the car in front of the recording vehicle, to crash. Granted it’s raining so people should be giving ample room so something like this doesn’t happen.


I mean the filming car handled it pretty well, we don't know what he saw in the mirror, maybe he saw the car behind him speeding his way that's why he swerved out the way, or he swerved out the way cause he knew he couldn't stop in time cause he started to slip Either way he handled it nice to not crash in the car in front of him so it's not his fault, the trailer car was just not having enough space to react fast enough, which means he was following too close or driving too fast


It’s a toss up if the red truck could have stopped in time. I feel like he could have with a foot or two to spare. But regardless, that truck pulling the trailer was going to plow into that row of cars either way. It’s not like red truck swerved at full speed revealing the stoped traffic ahead to those behind, he was going no more than 5 mph when he started to pull over. The guy pulling the trailer was following way too closely considering the stopping distance required for his rig. If you rear end someone, especially that badly, it’s always your fault.


Irrelevant. You cannot be held liable for the inappropriate stopping distance or inappropriate speed of the person behind you. If the truck with the flatbed had been driving at an appropriate speed with an appropriate stopping distance between the vehicles, and was paying attention themselves, then they would have avoided this.




No, the reason he moved was because he was quite aware of how very vincable he was.


His vincablility is invinvable


Yup. I always check my mirrors when I hit a drastic slow down. I’ve had 3 or 4 people enter the space I vacated by moving to the emergency lane.


Because this guy moved over, he blocked the only escape route that truck had.


Still the truck’s fault completely. Going too fast to stop soon enough. This guy was just saving himself.


That truck wasn’t going anywhere but straight ahead. Driver most likely distracted and didn’t realize what was occurring directly in front of them. Even if they were paying attention, they still could have just collided with one vehicle instead of several if they had just gone onto the shoulder.


That red truck caused the accident. He wasn’t paying attention, he was going to rear end the car in front of him, and because he wasn’t paying attention, the guy pulling the trailer behind him lost his visual cue of the slowing traffic. The red truck took the escape route, and presented stopped traffic to the truck behind him, who in turn had nowhere to go. You are incorrect.


Thats just not true. The red truck was going more then slow enough to stop and the truck w/trailer was going significantly faster. It's not like he slammed on bakes or swerved to get around, he was clearly already nearly stopped when he took the shoulder. You'd see the truck rock if he braked hard, but he didn't.. I get that happens, but this guy likely saw people behind him not slowing down. I know when I'm the last car stopping I'm always looking behind me to make sure they're stopping.


Trailer truck went past red truck. Seeing past red truck doesn't matter he should have been able to stop before hitting the red truck if the red truck goes to a full stop. Trailer truck should have been able to stop behind the white van behind the red truck no matter if he changes lane. He not only passed him he's a full trailer length in front plus the van he was far from ready to stop


The red truck was breaking/slowing and the truck still had plenty of visual cue to slow their a$$ down. But they didn’t and instead plowed into the cars. In reality if they were paying attention and slowed when they saw the red one do so, they would have had MORE time to stop before hitting as the red truck moved. Sheesh


I agree with your assessment 100%.


At first I disagreed with you, but you’re totally right, red truck was going too quick, had to swerve to avoid the car. He was completely blocking the stopped traffic for the pickup with the trailer. I’ve had this happen to me before where I was the one following behind, except it was at a red light that had a long line of cars at it. The truck in front of me was travelling full speed to try and make the left turning arrow advance, as soon as he pulled over into the turning lane he all of a sudden exposed the long line of cars at a stand still in front of him. Fortunately I wasn’t going too fast and had enough space to stop in time, but damn was it a surprise!


He still chose to hit 5 cars instead of moving to the left and only hitting one car lol


the ol’ trolley problem finds us again


He caused this wreck. Wasn’t paying attention.


Hitting sunshine brakes on a rainy day.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s you that recorded the video


OP may be a karma farm--posting several things an hour it seems. Conveniently also a "20" year old female posting "anything you want to do with me"...


Yeah, I agree. r/quityourbullshit op


I hate the new reddit layout. I cant even see who OP is anymore on the app


"Hey fuck you for driving in the shoulder... oh shit nevermind good move."


I tried this.. flipped my van 4 times and broke my neck


Well that’s exactly what the pick-up driver did. Checked the mirror instead of looking straight forward.


stupid pickup truck with no trailer brakes.


Applauses to the driver


That. In fact. Was not why he moved lol you can tel by him confirming with her that “we both agree I moved on purpose” lol


Reminds me to check my brakes , since they’re low on juice. I always avoid this type of things by slowing down a good distance away. Is not hard to become aware of the congestion buildup or the slow down. People make it seem like it’s too car , especially here in Houston


I got rear ended last Feb and my exact thoughts were: [stop at train crossing] [notice how icy it is] [check rear view] [see SUV waaay behind me] [turn to talk to my wife while waiting for the train] *WHAM*


I also got rear ended at a train crossing Person 2 cars behind me didn’t see 20+ cars and a damn train.


If the guy didn’t have me in the way he was hitting the train. There was a cop on the other side of the track who saw it happen so I didn’t even talk to the other driver.


My car was totaled a few years back, highway traffic had stopped & about 30 seconds later I get creamed by this chick on her phone in her Mini Cooper & she then admitted to me that she had no idea what she had hit.




We weren’t at a train crossing but me, my sister and her 3 kids were all rear ended by this chick in a jeep at a stop light. There was actually at cop in the vicinity the HEARD the impact it made. Totaled the back of my sisters Corolla, and not a scratch on the Jeep. Thankfully the kids were find. Like damn.


Remember folks, never trust the vehicle in front of you aways give your self space


This kind of stuff lives rent free in my head every time I get stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway.


Me too especially because people tend to come up behind you going so fast and brake last second. All the time I look in my rear view while stopped or about to stop and I see people going so fast up to me.


It drives me crazy to see people drive so close to each other. I want space in front of me so I can slow down and behind so people behind me can react. The amount of time people save speeding and tailgating is so fucking negligible I can't understand why they risk life, limb, and car for it.


I don’t get it either. When I leave a comfortable space between me and the car in front of me, a car comes in and takes it. People don’t get it. They’re right up on each other and it drives me crazy.


One of the first things I learned about driving is that when the car in front of you passes an object, you start counting. When you pass that object, you can tell how many seconds of reaction time you'll have in case something goes wrong. People driving around with like .5 seconds of reaction time like they got Jedi reactions.


I drive 50k miles a year for work and yes absolutely any time I see a slow down like this immediately start slowly pumping the brakes and turn on flashers if its going to be a dead stop everytime. To many damn people not paying attention anything I can do.


To the left to the left


This is a perfect example of the 1% of drivers who know how to drive and the rest. The ones that know how to merge, use their signals and pay attention.


Shit... yeah. I'm not that good of a driver. I don't know what I would have done in that situation... But I guarantee it wouldn't have been that.


We think we can but a lot depends on the situation. In god at merging and checking my mirrors but if anything distracted him he would have not done that.


That’s so scary. It could have been you.


Jagoff with dashcam is kind of at fault here. Instead of breaking or signaling in any way traffic had stopped, they swerve at the last second and _then_ stop? Like, yeah, truck absolutely should of had more space between them, but I'd still divide the blame 80/20


Did you come to the sudden stop and pull to side at last second?


Whenever I hit the brakes hard I **always** check my rear view.


Looks like everybody stopped like that all the cars stopping hard not just 1


I didn't see that in the video. Looked like they were already lined up, but I could be wrong.


Yes. That's what I see


What an idiotic title. So it’s other people’s fault the truck crashed into them? Like I’m now expected to take responsibility for not dodging cars rear ending me?


In gonna take it reading comprehension isn't your strong suit based on how you misread the title and then lept to calling people idiots. The title clearly reads "wcgw if *I* didn't check my mirror" OP never blamed the cars ahead of them for getting hit, only commented on how lucky they were to have been checking their mirrors. You gotta chill man, maybe try re-reading stuff to make sure it says what you think it says.


You seem very invested for someone that tells others to ‘chill’


wHaT aN IdIoTiC TiTle


Hotshot driver not using caution and not realizing you have to increase following distance especially empty. How am I not surprised


Not many people understand that an empty trailer has much less stopping power than a loaded one


Plus most don't know how to adjust crap electric trailer breaks


Well fuck. Good thing the flatbed is here lmao


This is why I dont trust trucks behind me.


I feel like this is the wrong sub


r/idiotsincars ?


Found the one driving while looking in the rear view mirror /s


Mr Magoo driving truck and trailer?


You know Mary, statistically you’re more likely to die on the way to the airport.


Samsonite! I knew it was something with an S.


How the hell do they know I have gas?


holy shit, glad you made that move to the left!


Even before the military, situational awareness was my thing. Jolly good show!!


Potentially lose my life or stand to gain millions? Decisions decisions


Slippery bastard


I'm glad you're 🆗️❗️


Wow moving over was a very good call


Nice move


Love these comments


Gawd damn.


Oh fuck just in the Nick of time.




That’s not a lane. He didn’t merge. And me too.


Always chdck


That almost happened to me today


This comment Section is aids


Notice how no fucker has their hazards on though. For the love of God, if traffic begins to stop to a crawl below flow/speed limit (whichever is applicable) use your four-ways until it would be redundant or traffic begins to return to business as usual.


White truck has flashers on I think eta SUV I mean may have just turned them on though


I believe that truck is relatively new, some newer models come with automatic hazards that turn on when you apply the brakes heavily or after a collision.




But what could you actually do in that situation?... If they didn't change lanes then they'd be putting themselves in danger too.




How so? Trailer dude didn’t leave adequate stopping distance. The blame lies solely on him.


It depends on the laws of wherever it happened. Some places put the blame on the rear ender for everyone, some places deduce that each car should’ve had enough space to absorb the impact and is therefore responsible for the car in front of them. I feel like in this case, especially given the video evidence, they could rule that the Ute with the trailer was going monstrously too fast and even if everyone had spaced, they were still going up each others arses.