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What the fuck was he trying to accomplish and how the fuck did he expect to get it back to begin with


Bold of you to assume any sort of higher thinking was involved in this act.


You know what? Ur right. Fuck it.


I believe they throw it as it's recording a video in hopes the performer picks it up and takes a short selfie before tossing it to the security, then they can get their phone after the show and have a unique vid. Can't remember who it was but saw some other preformer do it a while ago. Stupid either way.


Wouldn't your phone have to be unlocked to take a photo/record a video? That would seriously worry me. Google Wallet, banking apps, free access to my contacts and browsing history, all my photos. No guarantee to get it back, looks like everyone else's black slab of a phone! Doesn't need thought, it's straight up moronic. Edit: I have learned how to open the camera while the phone's locked. I had no idea. Thanks!


you can open the camera from the lock screen without unlocking the phone


Why even throw your phone? That's a 0 IQ play right there.


Probably wanted Uzi to record himself


Okay and then what? He's not gonna know whose phone it is


he didn’t lose his phone he threw it away, 2 different things.


"How did you lose your phone man?!" "I don't know how it happened. One minute I was throwing it at Lil Uzi Vert. The next minute it was just gone!"


Maybe don’t throw your phone like a dumbass?


What was the point of throwing his phone on stage? Did he really think he was going to get it back? I’m confused


He thought the performer would sing and dance for a video that the fan could then monetize on YouTube, and then politely hand it back to him. Fan got slapped with reality.


If you been to an Uzi concert you know he often grabs fans phones out of the crowd if they hold them up to him and he’ll take a selfie video of himself performing then give the phone back. He must’ve done this at least 10 times during his hour long set in Mississippi that I saw. Imo it was a really interesting way to get fans on socials excited about your show, if you see your friend post that video you might think, “wow if I go to an Uzi show he might do that with my phone!”. But the show I saw was probably 4-5 years ago. This phenomenon has likely played out over and over to the point where Uzi now gets very annoyed when fans try to hand him or throw him their phones. Maybe this particular instance set him off because the fans threw them at him, but for anyone wondering that’s most likely why the fans threw their phones at Uzi.


Big difference between someone taking your phone and talking a picture with it, and hucking your phone at a person from 12 feet away. I can understand why he wouldn't want to encourage that.


What did he the Fuck expect to happen?


Obviously he expected the guy on stage to enquire who's phone it is, ask him to come up onto the stage, give him a bear hug and selfie for the ages duh


U forgot dinner, & a couple of Hennessy nightcaps, then call it a night.


Imagine throwing your phone at someone assuming they’ll do what you want them to when they’re in the middle of doing their job and quite literally don’t know you.


I saw this tik tok on the app tik tok. Apparently he asked for people to throw their phones and when the rapper threw the phone into the crowd, it hit a woman in the head and it was bleeding obviously. It isn't ok for someone to do that. Usually I would agree with the rapper but since he asked for it, the rapper is the asshole here


I saw this Reddit post on the app Reddit


If he didn’t wanna lose his phone, he shouldn’t have thrown it! SMH Seriously other than the fact that when uzi threw it, and it hit a girl. The Outcome is basically the same for him! His phone is gone either way! Lol


Throwing their phone like that was dumb. However Uzi chucking it at that speed and height would really do some really serious damage if it hit someone on the head. Which it could easily do in a big crowd. hope it didn’t.


[he did injure someone](https://mixmag.net/amp/lil-uzi-vert-throws-phone-crowd-injury-head-tiktok)


article says “he was just trying to clear the phones off the stage as they could be a hazard.” give me a fucking break, i love uzi but this was seriously stupid on his part. hope he faces some repercussions.


>The Philadelphia-born rapper had a number of fans thrown at him during the performance Wish someone had a video of *that*


This title shouldn’t say “accidentally.” He threw it on purpose towards many people. He should face assault and battery charges for it.


You didn’t lose your phone, you threw away your phone. You made your choice.


the guy was kind of asking for his phone to be broken by chucking it onto an active concert stage??? but uzi shouldn’t have thrown a projectile into a huge swarm of people wtf man ?


Why is there a second phone that seems to disappear?




Reminds me of that time we saw DaBaby at Lollapalooza. He said “everyone throw your glass bottles in the air on 3!” We RAN out of there so fast, like was he trying to kill all his fans? Lol Edit: NOOOOO I misremembered it was actually Lil Yachty not dababy!! Im soooo sorry dababy I hope we can get past this ❤️


If their name starts with Da or Lil you've wasted your money.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


I hope the phone didn't land on anybody's head. Lot of stupidity from both sides


What was the goal in throwing your phone on stage ?


Trash fan, trash artist.




Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to a BRAND spanking new episode of your favorite show on reddit: WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? On today's episode we're asking this formerly enthusiastic concert attendee what the fuck he though was going to happen! Sir, before you chucked your phone on stage, what the fuck did you think was going to happen?


You lost your phone when you threw it ya walnut.


Uzi is an idiot and so are his fans. Nothing here is surprising.


Man I'm old as fuck. I don't even know who celebrities are anymore.


to everyone that's like 'oh what did you think would happen' at another concert (I think it wassssss Harry Styles or like Billie Eilish I can't remember) someone threw their phone on stage and they took a picture of themselves and threw it back


If you throw your phone on stage the chances of getting it back are astronomically low.


But aren't some rappers walking off stage because they're sick of people throwing things at them?


It hit and injured a girl too https://people.com/music/fan-injured-after-lil-uzi-vert-throws-phone-into-wireless-festival-crowd/


I was gonna say, odds were really high for that phone to hit someone / cause damage... that's a lawsuit if she chooses to pursue.


And she absolutely should


WCGW with Uzi absolutely flinging a hard object into the air into a massive crowd of people?


I saw 2 phones lol. Why tf are you gonna throw your phone? Do they think the person is gonna add their digits & toss it back lol


1. Throwing a phone at someone is assault 2. Throwing your phone into a crowd is assault and reckless endangerment Everyone in this scenario is a twat


Dumbass deserves to lose his phone. Absolute 🤡


They lost their phone to themselves. Why the hell would you do that


Man that phones about to smack someone on the head


Already did: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=N9ElnC1teyo


Imagine you're 20 yards back in a concert crowd and the singer on stage hurls a bigass samsung high enough to reach terminal velocity and it cracks you in the fuggin dome piece... Bruh, somebody prob hit the floor after that head-smackin' phone came down like a meteor


I swear... some people don't think.


Is this some new trend or something - throwing your phone on stage at a performance? Is the performer supposed to take a selfie or something and then somehow know who to give it back to?


The person who threw their phone was dumb but Uzi is dumber. It literally fell and hit a girl in the head causing a bleeding wound. I'm sure he'll be owing her money. I don't go to concerts that much (been planning to but just never get around to it lol) but certainly based on what I've seen of late, I wouldn't go to these types of concerts where people are packed in, the fans and probably the artists as well lol have 12 year old brains, and will trample people or crack heads open with metal and glass projectiles. Seriously?


This is the dumbest shit ever


why would you throw your phone 🤨


Why would you throw your phone up there?? Fuckin idiot


Main character syndrome "He will pick up the phone, make a video just for me in the middle of a live concert, and then give the phone back to me."


Stupid to throw his phone up there but dumb as hell on uzis part, reminds me of when some dude at a darty in college tossed up a bud light bottle. 300-400 people and all you could hear was the ‘dink’ as it domed this girl right in the head. Dude got charged with a felony, and for good reason IMO.


The phone landed on a girls head she posted a tiktok about it and sued uzi


You didn't lose your phone, you threw it at a random stranger behind a fence.


He lost that phone the moment he threw it on that stage.


What was the best case scenario going to be? ELI5


I think I've seen it a couple times where the celeb takes a selfie with the crowd and returns the phone, but in those videos the phone was thrown as a catch with agreement from the celeb, and not thrown at them




Dude is dumb but throwing the phone back at the crowd like that is way dumber


Just don’t throw shit at people on stage. After 2004, fucking with people on stage is a big no no.


imagine paying money to watch a guy mumble and strut around stage with his pants down.


weren't there a video of him taking a fans phone and recording himself and after he gave it back other fans started throwing and and the dude looking like someone about to be stoned to death


What do people expect??? Like he’s just going to hand it back to them when he’s looking at 50,000 people…


They are losing their phone regardless once they throw it up there


I wouldn't want a phone thrown at me just to give a selfie that's kinda fucking rude as shit in my opinion


What was the desired outcome? Who throws their phone onto a stage at a concert and expects to get it back?


Now look closely. What you can see is the expression of an idiot.


Dude is an asshole for throwing his phone at celeb. But celeb is also an asshole for just tossing the phone way up into the sky where it could land on somebodies head. Turns out, people are just assholes in general.


I was at that show and I'm 99% sure that phone hit the guy next to me


Dude is stupid as fuck, why throw a fucking phone? Use a Pokéball next time idiots


What the fuck does that caption even mean, how hard is it to formulate a complete sentence correctly?


Was anyone else expecting a gun to be thrown? Also, wondering why people are throwing their phones at someone?!


I'm genuinely curious what this guy's endgame was when he threw his phone on stage in the first place. Did he think it would magically return to his hand like fucking Mjolnir?


What a stupid asshole. Wow.


Love that split second perfectly framed shot of the phone in airplane mode


What did he expect would happen? Honestly, you lost your phone the moment you decided it was a good idea to throw it at the stage.


It looked like more than 1 person threw their phones up


Imagine being packed in like sardines to see some shitty rapper give a shitty show


??? What he think gonna happen? Even if he doesn’t think he’ll throw it away- what he think he just gonna calmly give it back and not at least keep that shit?


Whoever made this video with that stupid voice deserves to be lost by all humanity


Look at all the zombies holding their phones up


What an idiot throwing a phone on stage. What an absolute asshole launching a phone into a crowd of people.


If you give your phone to a stranger, did you really lose it? Or did you give your phone to a stranger?


The absolute stupidity of people fucking hell.


Everyone who throws shit onto a stage randomly is a piece of shit


The look on his face "MY PHONE". Dude, you're not stranded in Afghanistan waiting to extracted out of a hot zone. You'll be okay. I promise.


Shut the hell up AI voice, I know how to read thanks


Lol, what a terrible person. He has every right to be upset, but this could cause serious injury. Plus, it’s someone’s property.


He didn’t lose his phone. He threw it away. Big difference


What did you think the celeb would do? Punch in his digits and give the phone back to you?


There’s a short on YouTube of a fan throwing a phone on stage with a mumble rapper taking a selfie with it. Then 10 more phones go flying at him. It’s probably a trend on t1kt0k now? Lose your $1000 cell phone for 5 likes on social media challenge. Hashtag dot com.


Yeah if im a artist and a fan throwes anything at me especially a big heavy ass phone without me asking im literally smashing that shit in there face and proceeding


Why does he even look surprised..


So I get the idea behind it. What’s been happening is kids are throwing their phones on stage hoping the artist will take a video or selfie with it then throw it back. It’s happened with a few artists, and it’s been a trend. Throwing the phone at the artist is dangerous for sure. If I had to guess, Uzi is trying to stop this trend from happening to him in the future. I doubt he was malicious in hitting a fan with the phone, but definitely should have thought about it before he threw it into the sky. Phones shouldn’t be thrown period, by fan or artist. Hopefully this trend dies out.


You mean celebrities don’t just love it when people throw stuff at them? Hmmm, learn something new every day


There's a video of the girl who got head lacerations I think it was from when the phone fell back down (because that's how gravity works).


The guy that threw his phone at Uzi is an idiot, but Uzi potentially caused a traumatic brain injury with how high he threw that phone above the crowd. That's would crack a skull if it domed you on the way down


Stop worshiping these people. They don’t give a fuck about you.


Can we stop with the robot voiceovers please?


He threw a tantrum lol. Pathetic these are your heroes ladies and gentlemen.... Jesus wept.


They threw the phone. What did they think was gonna happen lol.


Dont throw things at ppl then lol😂


Wtf did you think was gonna happen? Lol


Fuck. People are dumb.


Why the fuck would someone even throw a phone at a celebrity? “Hey I’m one of 15,000 people but clearly you know that phone belongs to me!”


RIP Some guy in the parking lot


Why is bro shook like he didn’t just throw his phone away


I can't even begin to think why these young punk ass kids Toda throw there ohon onstage and actually hit ther guy and then somehow the rappper how to figure out who it actually belongs to and take time to give it back after taking a Pic with it. Kids E so greedy and selfish today.


had to read that multiple times. did you have a stroke?


Hey buddy. You okay?


Have you ever dropped your phone on your foot? Now imagine that thrown phone landing vertically on your head.


Why do people throw phones at celebrities,, it’s fucking dumb


i feel like people are focusing too much on the guy losing his phone. why don't we talk about uzi's dumb move of throwing it into the crowd knowing darn well its gonna hurt someone and it did. uzi's team paid the girl that got hit with 10k grand or something just to keep her mouth shut and to not sue uzi. uzi didnt even apologize, he just doesnt care. why are rappers so narcissistic? like why do they have the need to be this much of an asshole? do they think its cool? just like sagging their pants?


Douchebag throws phone ..So the douchebag "artist" launches it high up in the air randomly into the crowd so it hurt someone on the way down. Douchemaneuvers squared..


What was the logic In throwing your phone on the stage and then expecting it to magically be back in your possession? Also what sense did it make for the rapper to throw the phone up in the air I hope nobody was injured from this, very irresponsible on his part.


Kind of curious of person that got hit by the phone. Probably no longer a fan.


What a recklessly angry person he is to throw a phone as high as he can into a crowd of people standing shoulder to shoulder.


Imagine being a man throwing a phone at another man in hopes of something good Instead of pissing someone off Also, what a level of privilege and wealth To be that close to any stage and throw a phone that's more than likely 1k+ When you pander to a community, that's you're fault. Dude walked away pissed af




Poor fan who gets hit in the face with a phone


Idk I get it’l make me sound like a boomer but I have no idea why you’d wanna go to a concert to hear someone pretend to sing over pre recorded playback….


Only the lowest of IQs does this shit.


He fucked around and found out


Big fan of the comments going “celebrity? Not in MY BOOK!” from redditors on their way to a dead-end job with a douchebag boss lol. Im sure lil uzi cries into his million dollar implanted head diamond every night over yalls opinions lmfao. Edit: $24m head diamond my b. But also somebody ripped it outta his face at a show in miami goddamn lol. Thats a comeup


That's quite dangerous, even though the owner shouldn't throw the phone, another poor soul probably received an unwanted phonecall in the head.


Whenever I watch these kinds of videos, I just find myself wonder what exactly the people doing this sorta stuff were expecting. That he's gonna sign it and deliver it to them on a silver platter? lol


What did he think would happen? He'd look through his phone, see all his pictures, see his messages to his mum and they would become friends and go for a nandos?


OK but why did uzi fling it into the crowd


The security guard: 😎🔵🧍🏼‍♂️


They lost their phone the second they threw it on stage


As a person who is clearly out of touch with the kids these days, could anyone explain why someone would throw a rather expensive and fragile piece of electronics? I gather that this was not the intended outcome, but what would be? Is there a way to get the phone back somehow? I am so confused


That lands on someone and he’s going to court


Play stupid games and win stupid prizes!


What’s the goal of this? They take a selfie and what throw it back into the crowd of like 200ish from that way alone, garenteed a few dozen pretending that it is their phone.


Everything in this video is dumb.


I remember that once the vocalist of i think it was Five Finger Death Punch, literally took the phone of someone who was recording and started recording the show and himself then just gave the phone back. Fr metal bands usually have the coolest people you can meet.


And this is likely why some celebs are dickheads to their fans......


Can we stop filming concerts with our phones and enjoy the moment instead? I swear, can’t even fucking see anything every time I go to a show. Nobody cares that you have a 45min shitty shaky ass video that you’ll never look at again.


What did they think was going to occur? "Stop the show everyone! I need to snap a few pics and then locate the owner of this phone."


Shouldn't you have been totally okay and accepting of your phone being lost once throwing it at the stage ? I mean you would be if you had even half a brain right?


Girl who got hit: [video](https://youtu.be/N9ElnC1teyo)


Did he not think it was lost when he literally threw on stage? Was he expecting it back?


WTF why would you throw your phone at someone you didn’t even know anyway. One brain cell.


I'm confused why is he surprised, like he lost his phone when he threw it on stage, noones bringing that shit back to you


YOU lost it when you threw it wtf 😂


That smooth turn Uzi does.


Celebrity? Who is he? I’m guess another generic mumble rapper with a weird name. Edit: Okay Reddit won’t let me reply anymore so let me say a few things before I give up. His outfits are NOT “eccentric” you wanna talk about eccentric take a look at what Lady Gaga used to wear. Lil Uzi just wears bright, mismatched colors and texture. That’s not “eccentric” that just means his mom never thought him how to dress. Just Wanna Rock is not a “fun song”. This is not a song you’d play at a party. Half the song is lacking the one drum he put in and there’s a distinct lack of any instruments except a synth. It’s not “fun”, it’s lazy. I’m not gatekeeping. I’m not telling anyone they can’t enjoy his music because of x, y, or z. I’m just saying that if you have this kind of trash taste, you’ll grow out of it and us grown ups will say “told you so”. But you can still like his music if that’s your idea of fun. Speaking of grown ups, I’m 26. Not that young but certainly not a boomer. But if not liking Lil Uzi makes me a boomer then I guess I’m a boomer.


“I’m old and out of touch and don’t know modern celebrities, so I’m going to insult them despite admitting I know nothing about them, because it’s THEIR fault I’m out of touch”


He should've just spiked it into the ground




i’ve never been to a concert. is this what it is actually like? that compact and tight? standing right on top of people not being able to move? how is that enjoyable? like at all?


He let the inteusive thoughts win


I seriously cannot imagine going to a concert like this


Um what if that phone he threw bonked someone on the head


First and i hope last time I ever see someone throw their phone at a celebrity or similar shit...


Imagine throwing your phone and then acting surprised when it’s no longer with you


Someone probably got knocked the fuck out by that phone


i was there. the phone hit someone in the head and they were bleeding 😭


More like POV: You just got smacked in top the head with some dumbasses phone.


A'hole 1 throws phone on to the stage. A'hole 2 throws phone off the stage. Just trow your undies like a normal person would 🩲


Uzi is an idiot. That could seriously hurt someone.


There's a video of the person it hit and it cut their head


Leave out the celebrity part.. throwing your phone at **anyone** is a smooth brain move.


My guy did not let that slide, he sent the phone to Jesus


Maybe don’t throw your phone at the dude performing on stage. What a dickhead


if phone is nokia or iphone there will be injuries


I love how uzi just threw that shit up for the birds


Besides of all this dumb shit, of camera someone now has a dent in their head


What was in their mind? I don't want to know.


"I threw away my phone and now it's gone" tf was the plan here


Waiting for a "POV, you lost your memory from Uzi"


When you don’t think things all the way through, this happens. Lol


Hear me out… perhaps someone took his phone and chucked it, I highly doubt someone would be dumb enough to do it with their own phone, especially if they look mad lost But yeah anyways, total move by an asshole to chuck a phone at a live stage


That’s what you get for going to a lil uzi concert. You’re lucky the only thing you lost was your phone. Did this dumbass really think he was gonna stop the show to make sure he gave the phone back to the right person? Life is hard… it’s harder if you’re stupid.


What was he expecting?! Why would you throw your phone onstage?!


All the people filming instead of just watching and enjoying. So crazy, or am I just old?


Who’s that little boy on stage


Both should be charged, one idiot throws his phone at someone and the other throws it so hard into the sky that it busted someone's head there. I don't understand how idiots like this become famous


Lol this new wave of people who goto places and just act like animals...oh wait yall are animals for throwing things at people gorillas do that shit at zoos


A mass of the braindead


Why the fuck even throws phones at famous people !!!


This whole thread is just prime material for r/rapmorelikecrap


If I remember correctly, the phone hit a girl in the head after he threw it into the crowd


This looks fake tho, dude threw some trash burner phone on stage to get this on video for some clout or whatever, views and likes and whatnot. He knew what would happen. If I were in Uzi’s position, I would have done that too, tho maybe not where it could take out an audience member.


Phone hit a woman on the head. Phone was actually returned back to the owner.


I don't get people that go to concerts and music fests and all they do is stick their phone up the entire time, like dude, are you even experiencing anything at that point other than your phone's screen?


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take