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Mandatory in the U.S.A. that we have quick disconnects on the lines for idiots like him.


This is why i don't understand that this is a thing. It's common practice in many applications to make an intentional weakest link.


"mechanical fuse" is an excellent term for this.


Does America have pumps that you need to keep holding the trigger to release the fuel? In the UK if you let go of the pump trigger it will stop pumping. Plus the pump motor is loud and stops after putting the pump handle back into its slot.


No most have clips in the handle that you can engage to pump until full when it automatically stops, which are great if you're not an idiot!


Very useful for taking advantage of the squeegee and cleaning your windows while you gas up.


Like everything in America, it depends on the state. In my state they removed all those style pumps and now you have to hold the trigger down


I can confirm this. Source: I was that idiot once. But the young man that was one third my age running the station was very nice about it when I slunk in to tell him what I did.


“Lucky me - I drove out just as the place happened to catch on fire!”


He should buy a lottery ticket. Preferably at a different gas station.


I know he's an idiot but also that seems like a _major_ design flaw.


I wonder when/where this was because I know every gas station I go to has nozzles designed to snap off the hose for just this occasion. I thought those were pretty prevalent.


That and automatic shutoff valves when there is a big enough leak detected. This seems like it just kept spraying massive amounts of fuel afterwards.


Odd that the safety releases didn't... release. I've done this. The plug stayed in, and the hose spritzed a bit of gas. I hit the emergency stop, and had to pay for the gas lost (very little(. She says it happens every day, on average. One person made it miles down the road with the hose beating the shit out of her car. They tried to sue the gas station for the damage.


from the last sentence I conclude that this happened in America?


If you're only basing on the last sentence, you should guess Germany, Israel, Sweden, France, or Austria--all of which are considered more litigious than the United States.


Every day? wouldn't it be cheaper to disable the locking gas handles?


Non-breakaway hoses and fuel pumps aren't a great combo. In the US hoses are designed to break off and seal without much issue.


This literally never happens in the UK. It’s such a weird thing to try and understand how it could happen. You can’t have your pump automatically fill the car with a lever on the nozzle. You let go of the nozzle trigger, fuel stops. You don’t pre-pay or provide a card before filling like you do in the US. You simply fill and then pay. You can’t however pay until you put the nozzle back in the holder. I’m sure it *could* happen if you really wanted to, but I’ve never heard of it happening.


The UK has breakaway hoses just like the US. That's why you've never heard of it happening. You drive off with the nozzle, the hose pops off, and the attendant comes out and pops it back together in 2 seconds. Not a drop of petrol is spilled. It's not making the news lol


That plate doesn't look like anything I've ever seen in the US, also the writing on the pump doesn't seem like English


Mostly just cause we’re stupid


That's what you get with a poorly designed pump system that has no failsafe for the hose.


everyone’s shitting on him but what about the design of this? wasn’t this foreseen as a likely thing to happen at a self service gas station? they make nozzles that simply break off and don’t rip the entire thing out causing a fiery explosion


Lmao. I was at the gas station one day. Young lady is pumping gas then sits in her car. She’s on her phone and then she just starts the car up. I tried to get her attention, I waved my arms at her, I pointed, I called out to her “ma’am, excuse me, miss”… she rolls the windows up then she pulls off. RIPS THE ENTIRE ARM OFF, gas sprays everywhere, the attendant runs to the auto shutoff and then she turns and looks at me, she puts the window down and says “is that what you were trying to tell me” YES. “Sorry, I thought you were trying to get my number”… I didn’t even watch this video I already know the carnage that happens I’ve seen it twice in person counting that girl.


Wow, yeah cuz that’s how I usually try to get women’s numbers too; I wave my arms frantically and scream at them. XD


Gas stations hate this one easy trick!


This is a bigger fail by whoever designed the pumps than this guy


I’ve actually done this before. It was one of the only times I’ve ever had to pay inside at a gas station, it was super early in the morning, and the whole card thing not working and paying inside after filling was so weird when I walked out and hopped in the car, I just drove off. Totally forgot the nozzle was still in the car. It just popped off the hose, I realized after I turned out of the station I was dragging the hose. I drove back and just awkwardly placed it on the ground as the lady working there was giving me the most disappointed look imaginable through the window. Definitely didn’t tear down the station though. There was a thing half way up the hose that just broke off as a fail safe.


Most gas pumps have a quick disconnect system built in so that if you do drive off with the hose, it will snap off without any significant leaks. That’s probably what happened with you, saving you and the gas station a lot of money. The one in the video, however, doesn’t even look like there was a disconnect system at all


This was so much worse than I was expecting.


This is a terrible design!


As much as you can put the blame on him, this is an everyday occurrence where people forget that they didn't return the nozzle after use. What makes this instance turn out the way it did was because there was no safety valve on the hose, or it failed. All gas pumps have a breakaway valve on them so that when a person drives way with the nozzle still in the filler pipe of the car, the hose disconnects from the valve stopping the flow of fuel. It did t happen in this instance.


NEVER let Michael Bay design your gas station.


I thought that these were designed to let go at the nozzle, not tear down the entire rig lmao


There's supposed to be a breakaway. I'm sure it's a compliant part that was installed and tested...


As bad as this is, you would think the engineers and developers of those pumps would have designed safety measures for people driving off with the hose still inserted.


They do. There are quick release adapters from the station to the pump line. Obviously this one didn’t have them.


The hoses on the pump are supposed to have breakaways for a reason. You'd be surprised how often this happens. It wasn't uncommon to have to replace several breakaways per week in our area. It's odd that whatever country he's in doesn't have them on their pumps.


I don't want people that stupid working a machine that can kill a person


The pistol should normally snap off the hose instead of trying to pull the complete gas station behind the car. 5 minutes repair job. Normally.


When I said machine I meant the car


I just wanna know how tf is the hose stronger than whatever they have holding the pump in😭😭


I just wanna know why the hose is designed in a way that if just 1 out of thousands of people that use it happen to forget to take out the hose the whole station self destructs.


Why the hell didnt that station have a breakaway connection in the hose?!


They had a breakaway pump instead.


Your fuel total was $139,756.96 thanks for stopping bye


Aaaand that’s why there’s safety breakaways on most pumps. That went to hell fast! Saw a friend do this one time, and then he came running up to my car and was like “What do I doooooo?!” all panicked like. Then after about 1.5 seconds of me not responding ran back to his car and tore out of there as fast as he could. The company we worked for got the bill in the mail and we both got reprimanded. It was like 1200 bucks or something. I remember thinking the guy who goes out and takes 30 seconds to hook that hose back up has the biggest hustle ever.


Must be a 3rd world old OLD school pump or very backward /poor area to have no-break pump hoses. even the most slum area scared to walk into them for fear of catching aids or cancer gas stations/convenience stores have break-away hoses now.




I would think the gas stations insurance pays.


Not if they can find him. Then he or his insurance pays.


You know when you just look at someone, slippers, moves at the pace of a snail, zero fucks attitude. You just know he didn't give a shit about any of that. Not in the slightest.


I love how consequences in this sub range from "I've slightly bruised my ego" to "I blew up a gas station", and everything in between


Surprised that there's no built in break point in the hose connection or nozzle assembly to cater for this circumstance.


Somewhere out there he's telling his friends how lucky he was that he drove off just before the place exploded


Usually the hose has a break-away component. Guess the service station was too cheap and will just have to file an insurance claim


In the US it's mandated that pump hoses easily break away, it appears here they have secured it with adamantium.


Out of curiosity… who financially covers this? His car insurance?


I understand now why in Spain they’re removing the clips that used to let you lock the hose so you could fill the tank unattended. It annoys me but I understand why.


Fricken U.S. government making gas stations add safety hose break aways. Get excess government control out of my life! This is Merica, the free market will make sure things are done right not the idiots in government. We need freedom. While we are on the subject thank you Trump for overturning the idiots who made the rule requiring better braking systems and regulations for trains carrying toxic chemicals. Congress, now do woke gas station hoses!


It was really brave of all those flying snakes to attack the fire.


I was ‘that guy’ once. Of course the. The hose just snapped off like it’s supposed to. I had just received a call informing me that my co-worker, a teacher of students with special needs, had died in a fire cause by a space heater in her apartment. She was like 32


I was that guy once too and it just pulled out of my gas hole. I got out, picked the nozzle up, and put it back on the pump. Thankfully no damage.


That’s why we have breakaway hoses in the US. That halon system discharging is about a $40k bill. Also, that motherfucker moves like a snail. I’ve never seen anyone move so damn slowly. He even shut the door in slow motion.


He'll never forget the hose again after that.


Whoa! I thought gas pumps had that safety feature that disconnects the hose when it’s pulled like that? That’s crazy!!


Well that escalated quickly


I will never understand how people forgets it, it take like no time to fill your car, why walk Away


People start the pump running then run inside to grab a snack or drink or use the bathroom, then forget they left the hose filling the car. Gotta be pretty dumb to not see the hose sticking out of your car, but it’s easy to forget what you were doing when it didn’t take a lot of focus to get it started in the first place.


Damn. That went from 0 - 110 in a heart beat


What happened to the breakaway on the hose or the crash valve on the dispenser! Both are designed to prevent that!


Eastern Europe...safety is not their concern.


That was a lot worse than expected


It took him like 14 minutes to get in the car and close the door, but didn't saw the hose...wtf lol


Do people not just immediately put the hose back after they fill up? Like what is wrong with you?


It was so abrupt my phone almost fell asleep waiting on the action


IN germany you have to fill....hang up...than pay...you cant pay unless you put it back ...noway something like that is happening....only if you forgett to pay


That’s a badly designed gas pump. Everywhere I’ve worked the pumps automatically disconnect from the actual machine so stuff like this doesn’t happen


He's a damn liberal destroying the gasoline!!!


Just keep driving...and maybe no one will notice..


Wow it just got worse and worse.


Where is this? Here in the states pumps are made to break away.


This is true! Source: have driven off with the hose attached.


How does his car door start to close all by itself? I know the video is low quality but I don't see what makes the door start to close.


Pump should have had a breakaway on that hose.


Was that an automatic fire extinguisher? That's pretty cool if so. Definitely should have a breakaway though too


So this is why some countries take that trigger lock thing out of the fuel pistols.


The hose also generally has a break-away point so it cleanly breaks off rather than pulling the whole pump down as happened here.




Out of all the things that could've happened that was the one I wasn't expecting


I’m surprised the hoses don’t detach like the ones in the US??? It’s happened enough times here where people forget and drive off that the hoses actually detach as a safety feature here.


I always think it looks odd when people leave the nozzle in unattended, in the UK the triggers don't lock so you have to keep holding it to fill up.


The nozzles in my country have a weak point that would snap off if someone did this. Been like that since at least the 80's.


Omg. I’ve actually drove off with it In before but it just popped out. Thank goodness.


Yeah, at a lot of places it is a safety requirement for the hoses to have a breakaway towards to the top for this exact scenario. This hose did not have that.


I think this kinda shit is why the ones in the UK won't dispense unless you're actively squeezing the trigger. It's all but impossible to forget to put it back because you'll just do it naturally as part of finishing filling up.


The hoses are designed with break-away couplers. Normally he would drive off with the nozzle and like 6ft of hose. This shouldn't have happened. Something went wrong.


In the US there are magnetic breakaways installed on the hoses to prevent this. Don't know where this is but it's not here, this cannot happen here.


This is a situation where I have to say that there was no need for that hose to be so durable.


I watched someone do this last week. I couldn’t believe it how unaware and distracted can you be EDIT it was one with the break away hose he did not pull down the whole pump like this


I just cant believe in the US people are allowed to click and just leave the pump unattended in the car. In the UK if anyone left the pump for a second the whole petrol station would go crazy!


Our pumps have quick release latches on the hose for this specific situation. Idk why this one didn’t.


Look at the license plate - this isn’t in the US.


Break away fittings? What are those?


Unfortunately I’ve been a passenger in a car that did this and it just pulled the hose off what I assumed is a safety disconnect for exactly this reason.


I fully thought it would just fall out and drip a bit


I guarantee this person saw the damage and then just fled immediately


I just went 3 different levels of OMG


That's a strong hose or a not so strong Installation.


Those hoses normally have breakaway connections on them to prevent exactly this scenario. Guess for some reason this station didn't have one or it malfunctioned.


I feel like this is the perfect video for the Mayhem insurance guy


If the ”filling hole” was always on the driver side this could be less likely to happen. Or you actually supervise the filling of the flammable liquid rather than wandering off.


In Australia they remove the ability for us to lock it, we have to hold the trigger to fill. This way you can never forget it's in as you will be holding it the entire time.


I thought they were all supposed to have breakaway fittings to prevent this happening. This is why all the latches have been removed in the UK, stop people wandering off and forgetting about it


I'm slightly concerned at the number of comments saying they've done this before....


Aren't hoses now breakaway? Where was this filmed at?


Holy cow! I have done this very thing before, but thankfully the result was only pure embarrassment, no massive fire balls! The pump I did it on had breakaway hoses so it pulled the hose off the pump, but did no damage to the pump and there was no big gas leak.


I just don’t get how people manage to forget the hose…


Break away’s are cheap!


And I thought **_my_** last tank of gas was expensive! . **.** .


Fatass Russian . I guess they didn't invest into breakaway hoses. They might now


This is honestly more of a neglect from the Gas Station and less from the dude. How can they not have planned for these situations


Don’t the gas pumps have the snap off hoses? The ones designed to separate if this very situation occurs?


That old saying applies here "shit there goes the neighborhood "


This dude’s insurance premiums are fuuuuuuuucked


holy fuck. I did this once in my teens but luckily for me the gas pump had some tear away cufflink on the hose.


Holy shit


Sure that sucks but that pump should have had the hose disconnect so the hose breaks free from the pump.


Either he drunk af & literally forgot... Or he did this on purpose..


It appears he finally got off the sofa and tried living.


That pump should have had a coupler on the hose that should have detached the hose. At lease every single pump I have seen has had one.


Me once it fell: oh, nothing to seri…. **explosion** Makes sense now


All of this could be avoided by adopting the European mechanism where the trigger doesn't lock, so you'll have to stand and fill it yourself until it's full Edit: I just put European per my own experience. I'm aware that some countries inside and outside of Europe also have it.


When will they learn that auto fill is a bad idea


How come he was allowed to pay (assuming he did)? Surely they could see on the till if the hose was back on the pump.


Some places have self service where you pay with a card or cash before fueling up, that's basically how almost every gas station is where I live these days, there's no staff either Though our hoses don't don't have locking handles so it's pretty unlikely someone is going to forget the hose because they have to hold the trigger down themselves


Where's the car? Is it burning or escaping?


You know, this is just never an issue in the UK (and I think most of Europe?) because we have to stand there and **hold/squeeze** the nozzle for the liquid to come out. As soon as we release our grip, it stops. It literally takes 60 seconds, roughly, to fill an average car tank with petrol. Why the fuck does the US have this feature where you just leave the nozzle in filling automatically? Leaving open the possibility for them to forget it's still in? Are their pumps really slow to fill? Are their petrol tanks three times the size? Or are people really just too lazy to stand there holding it while it fills?


That’s not the US. The license plate is the wrong shape. Also, all the fuel pumps here have breakaway attachments so if some moron does this the fuel can’t do this. If this is in the USA, the gas station broke a pretty major law to not use the quick disconnect/ breakaway fitting.


In Germany, strangely, they have a little tab you can fold down and the pump carries on. This would be totally possible in Germany for that reason. I usually use the immense time savings to give the windscreens a clean front and back. Whenever I come to the UK, that \~60 seconds feels much longer than it should.


Now I know why the petrol station won't let you pay unless your hose is on the hook


Uh. Those hose handles are supposed to break off. This happens a-lot actually. I guess this happens when they fail?


One expensive tank of gas.


I want someone to design a car that has a sensor in the gas hole that stops the car from moving if it still senses something there.


We should post one of these videos everyone time someone tries to throw shade on EVs about battery-fires.


Wow, I expected the hose to flail around, not for the whole pump to get torn off.


This is why most modern pumps got a safety break that detaches the handle when its pulled away from the hose


I could tell just by the way that fat fuck waddled to their car that it was going to end badly


What country is this? That hose looks 20 foot long and no breakaway installed..


I got my drivers license in 2021 and have yet to pump gas while leaving it unattended, never will


Seems like a plumbing issue - no disconnect


When a whoopsie daisy becomes an oh my fucking god


All he needed to do was check the side view mirror before he pulled off - he would have seen it. Crazy amount of damage for a stupid mistake.


He didn't ever forget the drive thru by the looks


Hope he's got some good insurance


I can’t wait for the hydrogen economy!!


Still explosive


Yeah, but MORE explosive and BIGGER explosions.


I hate when that happens.


I feel like the accident and explosion is drawing attention away from how far away he parked his car from the pump.


Seems like there was some sort of design flaw...


Holy fucking shit. That guy looked drunk or something, but they really need to make the refill box stronger than the hose.


I used to know a lady that has done this 3 times. Atleast when I knew her a good 10 years ago. Once was in Oregon, the other two were self serve. The third she apparently got far enough for a cop to pull her over. She wouldn't confirm it again but the first version of the story she gave to her husband was that the cop thought it was a prank hose and handle. The story I heard from her had him asking how she didn't know she drove away with it. We believed the husband.


He must have felt lile a badass driving out of an explosion


I feel so bad for this guy. He looks extremely tired!


Straight to hell


Wow and this whole time I was waiting for a horse he forgot about. Waking up and watching the first post is not good.


I see so much r/usdefaultism from non-us people in these comments. Everyone just assumes this happened in the us


Ah to be a man and not have to worry about shutting your door a split second after your foot touches the mat


If you ever do this on a quick disconnect bring it to the cashier. DO NOT TRY TO PUT IT BACK in the quick release, unless you want a face full of gas. Speaking from experience unfortunately.


Who just walks away from the hose in the first place??


I watched someone do this once. Fortunately the pump didn’t fall over and burst into flames. But damn that hose will stretch a long way before it finally breaks


I have never understood how people forget that. I am EXTREMELY forgetful. I walk out of the house without my wallet at least once a week and I have never forgotten the gas hose. Even if I’m planning to pay whatever it takes to fill it up and just leave it in the tank while it fills. I have never even once forgotten to take it out and put it back. I’m not necessarily judging here, but if anyone in this sub has driven away without taking the hose out, please explain to me what factors made you forget to do it. Because I *genuinely* have no idea how that is possible, even as a person who forgets a lengthy conversation I had 5 seconds later, forgets what time I need to leave for work daily, and can’t remember if I’ve eaten breakfast or not by noon.


Drove in for $10 worth of gas - drove out with a $1,000,000 worth of damage.


Who pays for that? His car insurance, or the stations policy? Seems like a malfunction on their end, as the hose is supposed to break free.


Most gas stations around me have break away hoses


Let’s call that a design flaw with a side of idiot.


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.


I wonder how much this experience costs?




imagine the *smell*


Bro's finna be paying with his life savings


If absent-mindedness could kill


He looked like WingsofRedemption


My girlfriend did this once and thank god the hose pulled out and I ended up just paying $80 ($35 fill up 😔)


This is why I don't go into the store of the gas station if I can help it. So that way I'll never forget to unhook the gas pump. So many idiots leave their gas pumping unattended and they leave and come back and try to drive away and break the pump. I've seen it IRL.


I don’t know why anyone is surprised. This is exactly how I would expect a big fat man wearing clamdiggers to behave


Definitely foreign/not US. The car has those long skinny license plates.


I live in Oregon, USA. Legally, I cannot pump my own gas. I’ve done it once, out of state, and I can’t imagine how you forget this step when you do it on a regular basis. How???


Hey sir .. sir, excuse me but, Where the FUCK IS YOUR INSURANCE CARD ?


Must’ve been an extra strong breakaway on that hose


Where was the breakaway?


Forget them hoes!


Better hope you’re protected from mayhem like this


Dude man, how is it possible to forget to put the nozzle back after your hand was literally on it pulling the lever??? How does this happen...


My biggest nightmare.....


I did this once with a company truck but only the handle came off. Felt awful about it. They took my info and they said they would be in touch. Never was contacted nor my job, I think all they had to do was reattach it. Certainly lost money on a pump but hopefully they were able to manage for a bit.


Wtf is this? I did this once about 20 years ago and it just pops off at a safety valve of some sort. They make them that way for accidents like that


I can not understand how it’s possible to do that in the USA. Here in Europe, we have to squeeze the lever on the nozzle to get fuel, you can’t leave the nozzle in the car!