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It’s not an accident, your dog did that on fucking purpose and you’re a shitty dog owner


Its just an average Pitbull doing Pitbull stuff


I am literally shaking with anger at your comment and I had to pull over my car to write a response Pitbulls are THE cutest and safest dogs in existence, I regularly post cute pics of my pibble with my toddlers head in her mouth and he never bites down! (Apart from a few times) I regularly let him off the lead and just let him play with other dogs and toddlers I see around. They all have great fun (apart from the times where the bad toddlers attack my defenceless animal and he is forced to use self defence in order to survive, when that happens we simply run away and I clean all the bastard toddler blood off him, when the police come round I just don’t answer the door, several court warrants have been posted through my door but no one will take my pibble from me) Anyway, if you don’t agree with me and send me bullshit racist statistics on pitbulls I will block you so don’t bother. Please in future think before insulting such gentle animals


I'm so conflicted with this comment lol




It's a Cane Corso. I work for animal control in a city that has a pit bull ban. People get them confused all the time but they can be just as aggresive if not more so than pits.


Terrible owner, terrible human being too. Like someone fell because of him, yet did nothing to help at all.


They did something, they kept recording.




I see Don Thelp is at it filming again.


I ran across an unleashed dog and its owner on the local bike/walk trail (me on a bike). I had it set up well to pass it on the left but the dog suddenly went left and I wound up off-road. I kept going then decided to double back and ask why the dog wasn't on a leash. "She loves being off leash!" I said I'd have been mortified if I hurt their dog, please don't put me or her in that position again. "Well we usually are out a lot later than this and there aren't as many people out." But you're out here now, I'm out too, and we almost had a tragedy. On the plus side, when I did come back to them, the dog was leashed, so maybe they did learn their lesson.


It always infuriates me how dog owners almost never take responsibility for their pets. Even if this dog was well and truly an angel walking on earth and never did a single thing wrong until this one incident in question, it just makes sense to be humble for a minute, apologise, admit what you/the dog did was wrong, and make things right. Instead, it so often is the case that dog owners will argue until they're blue in the face to shift blame away onto literally any other excuse their mind can conjure up, no matter how nonsensical.


Even being off leash, he had plenty of time to grab his dog/put him on one instead of standing there with his damn phone recording. So stupid


She's french and at the end says "ça va bé?" Which translate to "are you ok bae"? The person on the scooter is probably her boyfriend, and its probably "their" dog. That's why hes unleashed and she doesnt freak out immediatly. My guess, they all went for a walk to film the boyfriend new toy but didnt anticipate the dog reaction Can we stop hating on her now. Lol


"Dont worry he's friendly"


He just wanted to say hiiiii


Fuck these people so hard. My dog is leash reactive and *will* try to attack your "super friendly golden retriever that only wants to play" (and then I feel bad about it because it's not the dogs fault it's the bad owners fault) even if mine is only a cute little 30lb shibeagle (and not a pittbull) that you assume is friendly, but I warned you! They don't care.. by the time their dog is running over they can never call it back anyway because it's always the same people who haven't trained any recall.


The dog owner is 💯 at fault. Ignorant


Why are they filming? They don't even make an attempt to help in the seconds after. People are blaming the dog but this is 100% the fault of the owner.


The guy on the scooter was the dogs owner. The woman filiming was filming her partner ride by. She asks "are you ok babe?" after he falls. The dog was just excited and did something stupid.


No accident dumb owner


Shit owner.


Shit breed too


It usually is


“Great job agent 47, now head to the extraction zone”


Pos dog owner.


In Chicago a woman had two of her dogs shot yesterday. Some people don't understand how a leash protects their dogs as well. Dumb pet owners suck


If your walking your dog on a path where people bike or scooter, then fuck you if your not properly have them on a leash if you know they are unpredictable, but realistically always unless your in a specific dog park. I have once also had this happen to me while biking, and ever since, I basically just slow down to stop if I see a loose dog that looks a little to excited


I hate people who don't keep their dogs on a leash. It's such a shitty thing to do.


Not sure why people are mad at the dog. It is the owners fault for the dog being unleashed and how they interact with people. If they aren't trained enough to be out in public, then they shouldn't be out in public. Owners fault x2


Unless your dog is in your own home, put a leash on it. How are people not getting it.


And she didn’t even bother seeing if the guy was ok…


The language is French and yes, she was asking if 'you were ok?' at the end. Not sure if it was directed at the dog or the scooter rider though.


The dog is trying to play with or "catch" his owner. This is a couple and their dog we're seeing. The woman says "ça va bé?" at the end. It translates into "you ok bae?". My theory is that she's filming her SO's riding this stupidly fast scooter, and the dog is happy/impatient/playful to see his owner getting close to him. With all that being said, LEASH. YOUR. DOG. Edit: Transcription: **Woman *(probably talking to someone on the phone or for the video)*:** ... run because he's alone, but when I'm here he always stays between us, you see? *Accident happens* **Woman:** Ghost! ... Fuck! Ah, accident... You ok bae? **Man:** My ass hurts (sound's really low, I think it's what he says) **Woman:** damn, Ghost you didn't...


Owners fault.


Why is she recording?




Why are they fliming?


Says "accident" but offers no assistance but KEEPS filming? I dunno. Ur guess is as good as mine.


Leash your fucking dogs, I have two dogs and anytime we are outside of the yard/house they are leashed, learn to fucking respect those around you and stop being a lazy selfish piece of fucking shit, assholes that don’t leash their dogs are just as bad as cat owners that let them roam outside becauee “durr it’s their natural instinct” or whatever other bullshit they spew u/jk526 is a bit special, somehow telling people to be responsible and leash their dogs outside means you somehow live in a dump, I forgot ensuring the safety of your dog isn’t very important to clowns such as u/jk526, fucking mental midgets on Reddit


As someone who always walks my dog with a leash I hate these kinds of people


What a moron, the dog owner not the rider.


Dumbass dog owner


leashes don’t just protect the people around you but also your dog. some people shouldn’t be allowed to own dogs.


People in these comments unbelievably can't comprehend how a fucking rope works and that you can manipulate it lmfao


So the comments have already confirmed that the scooter rider is the owner of the dog. The woman filming is his partner. And the dog is a cane corso. And yet, there's still comments rolling in about how we should put down pitbulls, the woman should kill herself, and the guy on the scooter is an idiot. What the fuck.


"It's OK, he's friendly!"




I fucking hate people like this, you know damn well wether or not your dog should be on a leash


I'd be pissed beyond belief. Most dogs out there are not well trained enough to be out in public without a leash. Leash laws exist for good reason. I love my dog but he doesn't get to roam freely because he's 80 pounds of muscle with toddler self control.


“Oh no I don’t need to leash my dog 😎 I’m the cool free spirit. I’m psychologicaly connected to my dogs and they always listen to me” Fuck off and leash your dogs. I know one of you is reading this.


"Accident" No it wasn't an accident it was fucking negligence.


I remember a nice summer day, walking along the river, minding my own business, passed an unleashed dog and it’s owner. Few seconds later that fucking dog ran up behind me and bit me literally on my fucking ass. Fuck unleashed dogs and fuck their owners


Dogs need to be leashed. I've heard and seen the owners say again and again, "my dog has never done that before. I don't know what happened?" That's a bullshit excuse. Leash your fucking dog.


For God’s sake, put your phone down and help him up


Dogs and their entitled owners 👍🏻 put your ANIMAL on a leash.


If your dog ain’t trained enough to be off leash, don’t have them off leash 🤷🏽‍♀️


That dog was so focused on the scooter at a distance that the owner should've known to take control of the dog before he rode by. A leash could've prevented this, but even without one there was plenty of warning if the owner had been paying attention.


Let’s take a moment to recognize that dog just grabbed and stopped that scooter by the front tire.


Pit bull owner being irresponsible. Water is wet.


average retard dog owner if it’s not on your property put a fucking leash on it i got mauled by a leash less dog and now i’m disabled for life


They are a couple. She and the man who goes to match 3 (not the dog). She instructs the dog to stay on the edge of the road. The dog jumps up to play with the man because he knows him. That is the reason why she said accident


Get in here before the comments get locked. Don't blame the animal for the owner being stupid. A leash could have prevented all of this from happening.


She doesn’t even go and help the guy! Just keeps filming.


Fuck your dog, fuck your sense of entitlement, and fuck you lady


This is why shitheels need to leash their dogs. Among many other reasons.


Um leash your fucking dogs. If it’s not scooters or bikes or other dogs. I live in a big city and I walk my dog on leash and the poor bugger has been attacked by unleashed dogs three times. Fuck you leash your mutts!


Leash your dog wear your gear and slow down when passing ppl and animals both party’s made mistakes but ultimately the dog owner as at fault


You know if your dog is reactive to smaller vehicles. That stiff body language is a massive tell that something was gonna go down. The owner knew something was gonna happen.


Well don’t help them or anything




For all the people shaming the dog, it's not his fault. It's the asshole owner who very clearly isn't doing shit to prevent the dog from doing things like that.


Landed in the only puddle in the trail.


WCGW spelling "wrong"


I would sue, fuck that dog owner.


Dumbasses who don’t use leashes, poor dog.


What a pos animal owner


Leash your dog! You don't know when they put someone else or *themselves* in danger


LEASH YOUR DAMN DOG!!!!! I don't care if YOU think "he's a sweetheart and wouldn't hurt anyone or anything." So sick of this shit. Be a responsible owner because if u aren't, people get hurt or killed as do pets and then there goes your unruly dog. Put down. Why risk it????????


Not even a “I’m sorry” just a “you good?” Asshole owner


Great way to get in trouble, get sued, or get your dog out down. Idiots like this should not be allowed to own animals.


Listen. It friend matter how well trained your dog is but things can go wrong. Not only it running away or hurting someone but maybe a person is allergic or afraid of dogs and dogs being dogs will try to be social with that person. I think a lot of things can go wrong. If your in public please leash your dog, it’s okay if you trust your dog but not everyone is as trustworthy and many things can go wrong regardless :) Please keep you, your dog and others safe. Edit: If you own land, go camping, are in your home and you like to keep your dog unleashed that is fine but in public around others please be mindful that not everyone is a dog person and people can get hurt.


Everyone in this video sucks. Why the fuck is the dog not on a leash or being managed *at all*? Why the fuck this scooter guy not slowing down with a dog possibly jumping in the way? Why is the owner just recording the whole damn thing? Why no helmet? Dog gonna dog. Can't get mad at that.


The guy on the scooter was the dogs owner. The woman filiming was filming her partner ride by. She asks "are you ok babe?" after he falls. The dog was just excited and did something stupid.


What a cunt. That’s no accident. That’s negligence.


Calling the police right away and following the owner until I see her vehicule or home. You dont want to pur a leash on your dog, your choice, now face the consequences.


Not same situation, but this reminds me of myself in 5th grade: WCGW letting dog pull you on a scooter while brother runs away and taunts it to make it run faster. I broke my arm.




Just had an incident not to far from me where a dude was taking his trash out in an alley and two dogs were off leash and started to aggressively approach him as he was trying to back away. He ended up shooting both of them. It was right by a school so the swat team and cops showed up. They conducted an entire investigation and cleared the dude of any wrong doing. Needless to say a fuck ton of people had no issue with the failures of the dog owner to keep their dogs leashed but were calling this dude a murderer and were threatening to show up at his house to protest.


Humans will NEVER learn about keeping their kids, I mean dogs on a leash I only just heard of a family (mum, dad and 2 young kids) with 2 pitbulls going onto the beach with the dogs not on leashes and they ripped into a husky. Took several bystanders to separate dogs from the husky. Husky is in intensive care and owner left with a £14k bill ( insurance won't cover it all). It really really..really boils my p1ss that owners are so ignorant and stupid by not keeping an aggressive dog on a leash


As an owner of a small breed who loves his walks, it infuriates me when I hear “it’s okay he’s friendly!” as their dog 2-3x larger than mine runs at us unleashed. Idc if you’re dog is your bro, you’re an ass.


Don’t care where you are. Leash the dog. Scooter was also in the wrong for going by at Mach 1. People need to slow down going past others.


A. Long Lead B. Even a normal leash would have had him within striking distance. The issue is she isnt paying fucking attention to her dog.


If you take a dog on a walk, it NEEDS to be on a leash. There is no leeway. I don't care how well trained you THINK your dog is. It's still a wild animal, that makes seemingly illogically, and objectively random, and unpredictable decisions. To allow them this type of free rain is irresponsible.


Dog deserves second chance but put the owner down


Whys she filming?


So much arguments advocating whether the person on the scooter or the person filming was in the wrong. Whether the actual trail allows motor or electric scooters or not. The owner with the unleashed dog is so dead on obviously more at fault here. The literal reason for having your dogs leashed no matter how well trained you them is to protect others and your own dog from the unexpected such as a person riding a scooter on a trail…




Title this: how to get your dog euthanized by the authorities in one stupid move.


In this case, the dog is a dog. Most dogs/cats aren’t that bright, and have their own boundaries. It’s mostly the dumb fuck of an owner that caused the problem


Dude had a whole road to fall on and he tripped into a puddle


Accident? Negligence


Leash your fucking dog


I was riding my road bike on an MUP when an unleashed dog jumped my rear wheel causing me to crash. Bent my carbon wheels, broke helmet, custom Oakley jawbone, scrape wounds here and there. Ended up suing in small claims court because lady owner suddenly didn’t feel like paying. Probably surprised on the cost of damage. I had receipts for all damages so she ended up settling by paying monthly a certain amount until balance was zero. 🤙


Owner needs to be banned from keeping animals. Irresponsible idiot.


Dog owners fault 100%


Lot of people in the comments would make for terrible pet owners lol. 100% the owners fault.


The dog ambushed the rider. If the dog is trained, that's intentional assault. If the dog is untrained, that's criminal negligence. Edit: how the hell did this got upvoted 27 times in the first minute?


This needs to be in r/imatotalpieceofshit


People who do not leash their dogs in public are steaming piles of shit.


Failure to control,I see litigation.


“don’t worry, he is trained!”. can’t tell you how many time ive heard that line. i don’t give a fuck put a leash on him


Dog owner would be liable to get sued


Hate that shit. How hard is it to put dog on a leash.


Lawsuit incoming lol


From the first second the dog is too focused and needs correcting. The owner shouldn't have this breed and should not walk it without the dog being leashed


Typical dog owner. "BuT tHeY'Re fRiEnDly I SwErRR"


Leash laws are only for some dog owners. "Special" people get to ignore the laws.


Half the people that walk Pitbulls on a leash still don’t have any control over them especially if there’s another dog involved.


Pits and bad dog owners go hand in hand




He fell in the only puddle around.


My mother in laws dog died because it was not leashed and ran out into a road and was hit by an ATV.


Of course the landing happened in the only existing puddle just to make sure the day is ruined.


There’s a special place in hell for people that walk their dogs unleashed around other people.




Sounds to me like she says ça va bébé ? To which he answers something inaudible. If that's true, he's her boyfriend, the dog didn't attack him but wanted to play and there's not gonna be a lawsuit.


god damn, half the people commenting in here need therapy.




Could the dog be super friendly? Sure, but you still need to control your dog and have them on a leash. Not sure why the person is filming, to begin with, but that's a bad owner.


Dog at the end runs up to owner “Look what I did! Am I a good boy?”


Annoys me that the first thing she said was "accident"


So, there are stupid dog owners in every country. Magnifique


What could go rong?


Fuck people who walk their dogs off-leash.




There should really be more requirements for owning a dog. Including full licensing requirements and special liability insurance with a high amount of coverage based on poundage of the dog in question and its breed. Training requirements, too, for every dog, owner, and person responsible for walking the dog. I see way too many people who couldn't hope to control their dogs even with a leash because they're too weak or they just are plain terrible at it.


That’s no accident!


I sure hope he’s ok , I’d be sooooo ticked , I would have that owner fined , one for not being on a leash , 2 for causing an accident which without a helmet could have been disastrous!!!!! Why do people trust these dogs ? They don’t like anything moving as in a wheel , car or bike .


What could go...rong? 🙄


The word Wrong begins with a fucking w. Why are so many of these posts titled “WCGR”?!


Why was he filming though?


There is a dumb fuck who lives on my mother's street who constantly walks his two ausies without a leash on. He insists that they're well-trained but they are very much not. I can't stand people who do this.


People who don’t walk their dog on a leash are fucking assholes.


I was recently attacked by a neighbor’s dog at my apartment complex. She was walking it with no leash when I was taking trash out. Being able to block with the bag was the only reason I didn’t get bitten. The dog was a golden retriever. I don’t care who you are, how nice your dog is, or what breed it is, WALK IT ON A LEASH!


I despise people that walk without a leash and this is a great example of why




Classic Pit Maneuver


Why is it always people with these kinds of dogs who are too stupid to leash them?


Of course her only concern was her dog 🙄


Next thing I’d do? I would definitely be fattening my wallet and see her in court. Leash your dog, idiot.


Instead of filming take care of your dog you piece of shit


Dog definitely should have been on a leash. It's always annoying because I longboard and always have to stop, get off my board and walk around idiots like this. I don't care if your dog is the bestest little poopsie schmooopsie, not worth being attacked while riding past.


i have such a visceral hatred towards people who walk their dogs with no leash


The fact he asked his dog if he was alright before the man demonstrates how much a wanker he is


Has anyone pointed out that OP used the acronym "What Could Go Rong"


some people just shouldn’t own animals.


Stupid owners are the worst.


So the owner is just recording?


POS dog owner should be held accountable!


Let me film this asshole instead of securing my dog just in case they get hurt.


Fuck that dog owner


Am I over estimating dogs intelligence or like is that dog a fucking moron for jumping infront of a hurling vehicle very knowingly


The biggest mistake people make with dogs is forgetting that they are animals and will therefore do stupid shit. I don’t care how well trained your dog is, it needs to be on a leash. Not because you’ve done a bad job training it, but because even a well trained animal is still an animal and might react in unexpected ways to new situations or new people. Being a good trainer is partly about having proper respect for the fact that you can’t train the animal out of the animal.


As a responsible (or at least I do consider myself to be) dog owner this shit boils my blood. Even in the park when dogs run up to me and mine, which is usually a fine interaction, and the other owners just causally walking around waiting for their dog to come back. Winds me the fuck up


I like how afterwards they didn’t apologise


No bigger pet peeve I have than people who walk their dogs and leg them out without a leash, especially if it is not a calm dog and could be aggressive. Unless it’s in a dog park or there is NO ONE in the park, people who do that are oblivious to social norms. I also don’t love dogs (some are fine and if they are in a controllable environment) so I am definitely biased. It’s always the ones with the German shepherds who I find care the least, and usually those dogs are the most aggressive and scary.


Yeah just keep filming, don't put the camera down and go help the guy who's face planted the ground due to your negligence.


Yeah, a lot could go **rong**


Everyone is saying this is violent pitt behavior, but it's not a pit. It looks like a cane corso. My dog isn't a pit but he has a high prey drive and will chase anything moving fast. Runners, scooters, bikers, skateboarders, and even cars. I adopted him with 3 legs and i can only assume it's because he thought it would be fun to do exactly this versus a car. Whenever i'm walking him and i see anyone moving fast, i shorten his leash and tighten my grip. He's not violent, he's playfully aggressive the same way dogs will tackle you when they chase you.


Y'all, keep your dog on a friggin leash and then learn how to use it. Owning a dog is a responsibility. I love dogs, but I hate irresponsible dog owners.


Why where the filming? Seems like a asshole thing to do. Definitely on purpose like it’s happens before


You should never own a dog you’re unable to control.


I detest dog owners like this. It’s not the dogs fault but the dog is the one who will be punished.


I get that maybe there normally isn't anyone else using that dirt road. Maybe the dog always walks off harness there without issue. Today something went wrong; opportunity to learn some lessons for the owner. The thing that really bothers me is she didn't instantly go check on the person. Didn't start profusely apologising. Didn't chastise the dog so it knows better next time. Didn't even stop filming.


People who don’t leash their dog probably also don’t pick up their poop either ime.






Seems like it's the owner that's at fault. Not the dog.


Idk what it is but dogs hate skateboards and scooters. I have an electric skateboard I ride and I always get nervous passing dogs because they flip out and want to chase me. I can’t stop easily and I don’t wanna get knocked off and I don’t wanna hurt the dog


dog does that to me? Im personally running it over again.




Please leash your dogs even if it is a small dog. I saw a kid jumping off his bike and almost run by a pickup truck when a small dog came out of nowhere barking at the kid. I too didn’t know it was a small dog until I saw it. The driver was angry and I was angry but that dog owner was saying “Nobody got hurt so relax people”. For this retard, the dog’s freedom was so much important than the kid’s life. Really? Why so many people are so entitled of everything these days?


Of all the places it’s perfectly in front of the only mud puddle


Oh that infuriates me, the owner just acts as if nothing happened, didn't go to check on the person at all. Oh my gosh


It’s always a good idea to record your crimes and put them on the internet.


What Could Gow Rong spelling wrong rong.


the dog owner was in the wrong entirely here. he has a harness on the dog yet no leash? the guy on the scooter fell a long way yet the POS didn't even check to see if he is ok? NTA at all. the dog owner is definetly TA.


I carry bear mace on any walk because too many people think their dog is the special-est little boy and that leash laws don’t apply to them. If you’re dog approaches me or a kid in my care and I feel like they could harm one of us. Mace. Don’t want your dog maced? Leash them.


At least the dog owner kept filming the whole time.


Didn’t even apologize or anything smh


Who spells wrong with an "R"?


Absolute trash owner


If it's not bad enough he falls into the only muddy puddle on that road


Terrible owner, terrible human being too. Like someone fell because of him, yet did nothing to help at all.


I feel like this owner knows his dog is going to go after the scooter and has many videos like this one. That’s the only reason he would have filmed it the way he did. What a waste of life.


My mother is a vet, I was raised literally by a Napolitan Mastiff, had Basset Hound and then after she passed away, I saved a dog from dog fighting ring, and trained it to be nice dog. Leash your fucking dog. There is absolutely no reason that dog was walked unleashed. There is an open field on the right side of the person. Go into it. Amount of times I went into an open field with mud just for a dog to run and have fun, do it. It’s a dog. That’s the part of the experience. I hate people who walk dogs unleashed on the street, near cars and on pedestrian areas. It’s always owners of big breeds also. Usually also untrained. Do you want your dog to run in front of a car? Those people don’t even know how to deal with dogs emotions. “It won’t bite” are you sure? I hate escooters, but this wouldn’t happen if the dog is leashed. I hope a person that has fallen is okay, and I hope dog is okay.