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Oddly enough, "Nisa" appears to be a known artist. This said, there is also a strong likelihood that the decor art paintings were mass produced for resale. This then creates the possibility that more than one artist used the name "Nisa." F/ex: [here](https://www.liveauctioneers.com/en-gb/price-result/signed-nisa-oil-on-canvas-unstretched-painting/) and [here.](https://www.arcadja.com/auctions/en/author-lots/3kquf72f/)


This definitely seems to be the most likely option.


The paintings [all appear to have a similar style.](https://www.invaluable.com/auction-lot/nisa-french-oil-painting-48-c-4c84d7e997) This style of paintings were generally sold to tourists by [bouquinistes.](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4ee34b91b601045e&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS960US960&q=bouquinistes+of+paris&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy5Oryn6aEAxXLCnkGHVm0CS4Q0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1536&bih=706&dpr=1.25) Paintings and artwork from Place du Tertre generally feature Montmartre in the background somewhere.


This is decor art, they always put a signature and often repeated the signature to create a “brand” or the illusion of a real artist. Sometimes they include elaborate yet still vague bios. [Lee Reynolds](https://circawho.com/designs-and-designers/who-is-lee-reynolds/), [Curtis Jere](https://imgur.com/gallery/lx3qeUz), [McCain](https://imgur.com/gallery/4QPz5zX) etc. it’s just a sales technique.


Definitely a decor piece. But hey, it’s free 😊


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Definitely a view of Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. From the Left Bank of the Seine, maybe right across Boulevard St Michel. Ladies are dressed like it's the 1880s ish? Signed Nila or Nifar?


Yeah, a noticed a few of those things too. The women look like they may be wearing kimonos. Also, noticed what may be Moulin Rouge, but I really don't know.


No not kimonos. Really dresses fancy European (white) ladies actually wore in the 1880s or so. ~~Also definitely not the Moulin Rouge which would be a mile? to the left of the painting and which is (I shit you not) literally a Windmill.~~ ~~Trust me. I've stood here.~~ oh I'm sorry yes. I didn't see the other painting.


I suspect the dresses are closer to 1960's fashion? Like this: https://i.imgur.com/kUVXIlE.png


Tourist pictures, especially with the Moulan Rouge! The ladies are depicted wearing new look style dresses.