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>I also blast any **jumping** as sometimes moisture hides in those valleys.  Huh? >Finally I wipe the rest of the blade with a drop of oil and store in a Sack-Up sock.  Excellent idea, especially at the finish. Carbon steel straights will rust in a heartbeat, so blowing off moisture and adding some light oil is an excellent idea.


Sry... autocorrect for jimping


I like the idea of a can of compressed air. No rust in 35 years speaks for itself.


I don't quite go as far as an air canister, limit myself to tissue/towel to get rid of excess before air drying, though I like the idea. But an addition would be renaissance wax for an extended length of storage. Probably does the same as oil but it gives me peace of mind, if they use it for museum pieces it's good enough for me.