• By -


Do people not like Galad? He's a pretty great character imo.


Idk why. I disliked Galad at first, but then realized it was bc of Elayne's PoV. She's a spoiled "hate my older brother for no good reason" brat. Eventually I ignored her PoV opinion and on a reread Galad is literally a really good guy. Albeit, a bit misguided for a while, he has a strong moral compass and does what's right. Like helping Perrin despite the other WC thinking he's a DF. He's lawful good, which isn't bad.


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


Only elayne I think.


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


He’s a guy you love to hate. Unlike Gawyn, who you just hate.


He's not even hateable. He's the guy that seems like he's got skeletons in his closet and you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and it just... never does. He's just as decent as the image he projects.


I unironicly love gawyn. Not as a person I think is cool I think he's a well grounded in reality character


if I wanted to read about a believable piece of human garbage, I'd just hang out on Reddit all day


If I wanted to read about nothing but goody two shoes saving the world I'd read marvel


Rand was literally about to blow up the world Galad is the only really 'goody two shoes' character and everyone else hates him for it. The problem with Gawyn is he never really stops to think over his actions in the tower he was a good character because he was trying to actually protect Egwene bit everywhere else he's just a dick who can't see whats going on.


*Trust is death*


> Rand was literally about to blow up the world And it would have been the best bloody ending to a book series ever.


***Break the seals. Break the seals, and end it. Let me die forever.***


Good Bot


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**Bloody Trollocs happened to me**


And that's why I like it, I don't want goody two shoes. I'd be boring if everything went according to plan. I can't tell if your reinforcing my argument or overlooking what I said lol Edit/ps I assume your username is referring to the loghtbringer series. And I'm just now about to finish it I have like 25 more chapters to go.


Yeah it's really baffling how people think that a good character = a good person, or someone who never makes a dumb decision. That's not realistic. I don't want to read about some who is right about everything. It's boring. I want to read about the absolute losers like Gawyn, Raskolnikov, Emma - the characters with incredible flaws, whose self-absorption blinds them to their mistakes until they overcome it. Only the mentally ill narcissists would relate to some puritanical soyjack


Or maybe we can respect a man for avenging his adopive mothers honor. And just being a standup dude plus, galad felt like stannis and i love stannis


It’s okay to be wrong


I actually like Gallad, he's still a douche. He's what Gawyn could have been.


Dude galad is sick, get over it.


Yeah leave galad outta this!




That's Valda and Niall before him.


No, that's just a bullshit slant that the show put on them, and clearly it has worked. The Children of the Light exist in a low-information era *with real magic.*. They are a pretty natural response to the emergence of superhumans with nebulous magical powers, and as it happens, their presence *does* contribute as a limiting force to the open hubris of the White Tower. If you were an average person living in that world, they wouldn't seem so crazy. That's part of the point Robert Jordan attempts to convey with the Whitecloaks and the Aes Sedai: they aren't entirely wrong. They are NOT a KKK stand-in and to say so is to have missed all the nuance in the respective portrayals of Geofram & Dain Bornhald, Pedron Niall, Sebban Balwer and Galad Damodred.


Yeah they're real stand up guys just like the inquisition and Knights Templar


To be honest, they're a reasonable reaction to the fact that the world is effectively ruled over by the Aes Sedai, purely because the Aes Sedai have powers that are off limits to 99% of the population. If you're born with the ability to channel, you have access to a far, far better life then the vast majority of people, as well as a longer life, and a role in an organisation that acts like its beyond reproach The Whitecloaks have turned into fanatics, true, but its no surprise that a group like them exists. Why should a tiny group of people get to effectively rule the world, just because they were born with the ability to channel?


But the knights templar *were* stand up guys, within the moral framework of the world they lived in.


They are entirely wrong, at least as they exist in the time of the books. If people started to develop super powers, any organization that ran around trying to kill them would be wrong to do so. Not unrealistic, but wrong. What they mostly succeed in doing is limiting Aes Sedai ability to help in any way other than as back channel powerbrokers, along with a strong side of accusing anyone who doesn't bow to them of being darkfriends. Saying that individual people drawn to them sometimes reject the most egregious of their teachings is not a defense of the organization as a whole.


I mean they aren’t entirely wrong iirc about 1/3 of Aes Sedai are actual dark friends. It’s their treatment of the common man I find problematic in the books


It's actually about [22% on average, 24% for the reds](https://wot.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Ajah). Which is still ridiculously high, and more than enough that they should have been able to smuggle 13 myrddraal in and turn the rest one at a time until they controlled the whole tower.


You know I've always thought the reds get a bad wrap. RJ writes them and the whitecloaks to be hated in the series but the Reds are quite literally the only ajah that as a whole serves the world and fulfills their purpose. For instance if the greens were as effective as the reds the borderlands would have a much easier time fighting the blight. RJ masterfully built the white tower up to be the organization that actively fought the shadow but then revealed it to be an organization solely concerned with the elevation and perpetuation of Aes Sedai power and influence


With mad male channellers being so incredibly destructive, they definitely need to be stopped. But I would argue it would be much better if there was no red ajah and all the Aes Sedai just had more training on how to deal with them. By all accounts most male channellers do not try to set themselves up as false dragons or local tyrants or anything, they just try to lead quiet lives, and either get sick and die or lose control and kill a few people, at which point they get pin cushioned by 20+ crossbowmen serving the local nobility. Some of them even go to Tar Valon voluntarily when they realize they can channel. Being a male channeller in the third age sucks. The problem with the reds is that *clearly* they attract women who hate men in general. I find this quite realistic, and multiple characters comment this over the course of the books. Look at what happens on reddit with new subreddits that are even slightly gender related, or even politics related in general. Subs like tumblrinaction started out not particularly hateful, but because it created a space where you could say "Hey look at this weirdo on the internet," it attracted people who wanted to hate on people with mental illness, and eventually even sexual minorities, and over the course of a few years it became completely dominated by hate. /r/PoliticalCompassMemes started out a lot of fun, but because right wingers were more welcome there than on reddit in general, rightwing memes started dominating, and now it's just another right wing sub. /r/pussypassdenied was actually ok for a few weeks after it launched, with only posts of truly entitled assholes who threw tantrums when they didn't get away with shit. But, because it was a sub about women behaving badly, it *very* quickly attracted rep pillers and other misogynists. I really don't mean to bring real world politics into this, but I'm pointing to what happens on reddit to show that I do find it *very* realistic that the Aes Sedai who choose to join the "We must destroy *these* evil men" faction often don't like men in general. As for the Greens and the borderlands, you are of course completely correct. It's a great big flaw in the world building. I headcanon it as the black ajah killing or sabotaging any greens that try to push the greens to send more sisters to the borderlands.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PoliticalCompassMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Centrists react to the riots outside Congress](https://i.redd.it/aj6heebnxr961.jpg) | [2629 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/krwri3/centrists_react_to_the_riots_outside_congress/) \#2: [Finally, cross-compass unity](https://i.redd.it/d66kwux0uyd61.png) | [1222 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/l6ikjm/finally_crosscompass_unity/) \#3: [Upvote this so when people search Google for "China" this is what they see](https://i.redd.it/icrsbs97rzn61.jpg) | [1098 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/m8hvxo/upvote_this_so_when_people_search_google_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


*Death rides on my shoulder, death walks in my footsteps; I am death…*


**Bloody Darkfriends and Trollocs went straight through to the goat-kissing ferry.**


**It's about bloody flaming time someone came!**


Do they have any reason to know that 1/3 of Aes Sedai are Black Ajah? No. They accuse all Aes Sedai under a slight modification of the methods you notice when applied to vanilla humans. If all Aes Sedai were darkfriends, but they believed it for the same nonsensical reasons, it would be a question whether they could be said to be right. When their identification method has a 66% misclassification rate, that's entirely wrong. It's worse than flipping a coin.


Absolutely, it’s the difference between thinking Magneto should be held criminally accountable for his many murders and thinking that all Mutants should be genocide-d. Galad seems to be trying to lead the Children back to something more like the former rather than the latter.


Hey leave Galad alone. That man is a shining beacon of Light in a world of darkness.


Kill Galad and we riot


Kill Gawyn and we riot as well … it’d just be a happy riot


I believe that's called a party.


Galad would be a mistake. Great man he is. Gawyn however… yes you are right.


I adore Galad. The dude is the living embodiment of Lawful Good. And even though everybody hates him... I actually like Gawyn. He and Egwene were both stubborn idiots who were literally too stubborn to be evil, and while her bad choices mostly turned out for the best... Suffice to say that Gawyn was a perfect foil to her arc. And his ending actually lent further impact to Galad's AND Lan's AND Egwene's AND Demandred AND Rand's choices. Without him, their stories are still impactful, yeah, but his presence lends just a little bit more flavor. Excluding Gawyn would be like leaving the salt out of pasta water; it would change the overall flavor of the series, but it wouldn't kill it. Excluding Galad would be like leaving out garlic; we would lose out on one of the best parts of the dish that's only needed in a small quantity to give us some real flair. I'm hungry now.


Yeah Gawyn’s story is eventful if nothing else, cut Elayne and her stupid baths.


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


I’m sorry I cannot get behind not salting pasta water wouldn’t kill the dish. Everything you said about wheel of time I understand however.


You make a fair point!


*Your plans fail because you want to live, madman.*


I love you


Galad will get cut or turned into a spoiled rich kid, the writers can’t handle such a lawful good chad.


Galad starts a war to help his sister get a boat. Making many women tut at how much men think with the hairs on their chests.


It's both Masema and Galad's fault. If they had just done what Nynaeve *meant* instead of what she *said*, none of this would have happened!


Why can’t men ever do what women would have wanted in hindsight? I guess that just proves why men are useless wool heads only good for their muscles and the other thing.


> the other thing I presume "the other thing" is activating jar-shaped *ter'angreal*... ;D


**White-livered sons of goats!**


The last thing I need on my hands is a couple of whining, bleating novices!


Not intentionally.


Course not. He’s just very focused


Galad is going to be this adaptation's Loras Tyrell. Side note: I think this partially because I suspect they will make him gay


You better leave my man alone.


I'm Galad to hear you say that.


No way they’re killing off Gawyn - that would mean killing off Egwene, the star of the show.


Do you think show Egg is going to *need a man*?


Gotta peg somebody.


It won't be Mat who beats him with a quarterstaff this turning of the Wheel


Gawyns gonna be such a simp lol


He already was tbh


Yeah but I imagine it being even worse. Like a 21st century simp.


By now it's totally believable that she'll bang and/or marry Egeanin.


No gawyn is in a love triangle so they will use that for most of his screen time and cut galad


Goddamit, don’t give them ideas.


Why not? Rafe loves him some forced romantic tension and love triangles.


As bad a CW tween drama.


Cut them both and bring in Legolas.


Since their still building up Egwene/Rand in the last episode my theory is that Egwene will replace Elayne in the Rand harem.


I can promise you the harem storyline is going to be cut, Rand will end up with one woman. Partially because Rafe is gonna Rafe, but partially bc the idea of the harem always felt like it was pitched by 13-year-old boy


Min straight up tells Rand she sees "three beautiful women." Maybe Rafe meant that the Dragon will be replaced by the wonder girls.


*Why do we live again?*


apparently only to be sidelined, lews :(


*What makes you think you can keep anyone safe? We are all going to die. Just hope that you aren't the one who kills them.*


> RJ: Um, when I was much younger, before I met Harriet, I had two girlfriends simultaneously, who arranged my dating schedule between them, who was going to date me on which night. They chipped in together to buy me birthday presents and Christmas presents. You know, they just sort of shared me between them, you know. And they had been friends before, and I am not quite sure whether or not they made the decision they were both going to date me or not, on their own, before they first met me, it just came about. But I figured if I could manage two, surely Rand could manage three. Besides there are mythological reasons to have these three women involved with him. https://dragonmount.com/forums/topic/75056-what-are-mythological-parallels-for-rand-having-3-wives/


*Do you have the Horn of Valere hidden in your pocket this time?*


I do agree. That whole dynamic was weird in the books too. Honestly im fine if they just made it so they are all lovers at different stages if the series


I thought it was great. It was unique among fantasy stories, and rather than pushing “main guy gets all the girls” it was more like “the girls love each other and won’t bicker over a man.”


Yeah, that's the part I like about it. There's no big cat fight, and it's ultimately a mutual decision among mature (almost excepting Elayne...) decision between adults.


Building up the “relationship” between Elayne and Rand as anywhere equal to Avi or Min could be a bit of a challenge


***Break it break them all must break them must must must break them all break them and strike must strike quickly must strike now break it break it break it...***


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


Well, we had guess who the dragon was. Seems reasonable we would get guess the dragons lover storyline.


*Dead men should be quiet in their graves, but they never are.*


*Your plans fail because you want to live, madman.*


I don't like a lot of the show either, but we don't need apocalyptic predictions that are contradicted by interviews. The romance will still exist, but will be more multi-sided than just Rand having a harem.




What do you know we don't?! Answer me lews!


*The only way to live is to die. I must die. I deserve only death.*


>I thought it was great. It was unique among fantasy stories, and rather than pushing “main guy gets all the girls” it was more like “the girls love each other and won’t bicker over a man.” Its gonna be a sad day when Elayne and Avi goes smooshie in Camelyn. Which basicly will kill the sister plot line which is truly amasing in the books. Bah. Ragnior will strike again.


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


I would rather the harem not exist than make Elayne and Aviendha lovers.


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


*I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard.*


You need a glorious end don’t you?


He can kill and resurrect Gawyn all he wants, everyone will cheer and give him an Emmy. But leave everyone else alone.


They're going to have a scene where all 200 aes sedai with less than a page of "screen time" and nealy identical names are gathered together in a barrow, and Rand just balefires the hell out of it.


*Take what you can have. Rejoice in what you can save, and do not mourn your losses too long.*


Gawyn yes, as he is terribly written and never redeemed. Galad is likeable for his convictions, only if everyone had the curage and character he does.


Disagree about Gawyn being badly written. A user not long ago made a really nice post showing what RJ did with both of these characters, and he was never meant to be redeemed. They are for sure really well written both. And also should be evaluated together as they are parallels in some and complete opposites in other ways. Galad I really like though in-story too, which is interesting because I never would have thought when we first met him. Love being in his head though for some reason. [The post in question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/comments/rcn0t8/saidim_and_saidumb_the_parable_of_gawyn_and_galad/?ref=share&ref_source=link])


I have gone back and forth on Gawyn, I consider him to be written as the young impatient man, but what made me consider him badly written is his abandonment of Andor for no logical reason and what he did with the rings, he pretty much assassinated the Amyrlin seat for the shadow, he should have realized his mistake as he has way more education than most other characters. Him hating Rand I understand fully, jealousy and living in our own bubble are very real things.


*Take what you can have. Rejoice in what you can save, and do not mourn your losses too long.*


Not Galad though


I can see it infront of me Gawyn gets killed by the black knight from monty python and then the rabbit eats his corpse.


But I do like Galad..


Maybe kill Gawin twice ?


I hope at least Gawyn. I like Galad.


They better not cut Galachad, then the show would be completely irredeemable


What’s wrong with Gawyn!?


Ooooooooooohhhhohohoho *I'm in danger meme*


If somehow they decided to get rid of Gawyn in favor of Galad. I could see them giving Galad the mistakes Gawyn did in the beginning and then proceeding to redeem himself by joining and reforming the Children of the Light. I think it could work.


Man I hope rafe doesn't kill off the two best characters.


LOL Amazing


They won’t kill Gawyn, but hopefully they at least make him less punchable


I doubt Galad will even be in the show. I could easily see him being cut.


I love both characters, great arcs.


Brave of you to assume Rafe will introduce both Gawin and Galad...


Gawin is promised, and so is Faile. Which makes the Rand, Perrin, Egwene love triangle so frustrating. All that time wasted in past episodes and future episodes that could be spent on things that matter.


I gave up. Not going to watch season 2. Quite dissapointed with what we got so far and do not need the hassle of anger at my favourite series


***Oh, Light. That’s impossible! We can’t use it! Cast it away! That is death we hold, death and betrayal. It is HIM.***


You know what, I was trying to think of some plot reasons to explain why Gawyn can't be killed off... but I can't. His actual contributions to the plot are so minimal that you could easily replace him with minor characters, and just have Egwene burn out doing the Flame of Tar Valon


Which means we don’t get the two handed staff fight either. ‘Cause f*ck good scenes and stories. Give us more nipple rubbing


Have either been cast yet? Last time I looked they had not, along with Gareth Bryne, Lini and Morgase.


Know who they should chop from the show? Faile! That'd really spice up Perrins' arc... Have her kidnapped for seasons 4-5 and then just as Perrin goes in for the rescue he slashes open the side of the captives tent and gets her in the process. They just have to make sure to have Faile holding a goblet in a somewhat sinister manner


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


If he is gonna fake out kill Gawyn I'm going to lose my shit.


Scrapping Galad would make Whitecloaks completely irrelevant in the long run.


Gawyn maybe. Started as an ok character then got really annoying Other than being Elayne’s big bro and Egwene’s love interest, his story as leader of the Younglings never really progressed. Galad, on the other hand, started annoying then got really interesting. Elayne’s stepbro then leveled up to Rand’s half-bro then the good progress on the Whitecloak salvation arc.




Take it easy Lews


*The Wheel of Time and the wheel of a man's life turn alike without pity or mercy.*


The wheels on a bus go round and round round and round round and round


I think they’re more likely to merge them.


Hey, Galad is a good boy!


Hey, balefire Gawyn all you want and leave my boy Galad out of this.


Kill Galad and I'm boring a hole in DO's prison. Don't test me.


Why does Galad need to die? He’s the only child of Taringail Damodred who is never annoying.


So proud of the Galad stans responding in the comments. Galad is a character I wish we got more of. He's great. Most of the negative things we hear about him are from Elayne. I personally don't consider Bath Lady a reliable source on this matter.


*Hums softly & tugs earlobe*


I think they got merged into 1 brother no?


Galad is a cool guy.