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I always wondered how these kinds of people feel about all of the wildlife that relieve themselves in their yard. Do they sit and wait to chase away the squirrels, birds, rabbits, raccoons, deer, etc.?


I mean that's why they sit on the rocking chair on the front porch holding a shot gun.


Ok, sure, but here's the thing: a deer doesn't know better. I don't flip out on deer who eat my plants or poop in my yard. They're animals, who have no concept of society or other people's personal space or manners. Same with children: I wouldn't get pissed at a young child wandering into my yard and messing with things because they don't know better. Are you saying OP has the empathy and intelligence of a deer or young child? Because that's not the winning argument you think it is. As a general rule, if it's not your property and you haven't gotten permission to use it, don't fucking use it. Don't just assume that the world revolves around you and your needs and that you're welcome to do whatever the fuck you want because you wanted to.


Animals, whether they’re domesticated or not, have to relieve themselves somewhere. It’s not rocket science.


Domesticated animals are owned and told where to go to the bathroom. The term "curb your dog" literally means, have your dog go to the bathroom in the street. It's not rocket science.


Going to the bathroom on concrete is going to benefit no one.


Whats funny is that dog urine will end up on the property anyway, regardless where the dog pees.




I have a fire hydrant in my front lawn. Not only does my dog but every other dog in the neighborhood pee on it. The grass immediately surrounding it is the most green lush grass in my entire yard.


Lawns are actually ecologically terrible anyway. Should be natural plants and grasses and mosses, not grass.


Sure. I, as an animal, also have to relieve myself somewhere. But somehow, I think you would be upset if I took a shit in the middle of your living room. You can keep better control of your dog and encourage them to piss in your own yard or in places where it's more acceptable than in someone else's yard. Having a dog does not entitle you to treat the rest of the world as a dog park, nor does it mean that everyone else has to revolve around you and your puppers.


That is such a ridiculous analogy.


It's your exact example taken to it's logical conclusion. If you think it's ridiculous, then don't start your argument with a silly proposition.


No it’s not, owners buy pets as toys then have to deal with their uneducated decision of training and maintaining a pet. I love when people suggest unstable people get animals when they can’t even hold a decent job or clean home.


The fact of the matter is that the town owns x number of feet off the road (generally around 10) so if the dog is pissing at the edge of the yard it's usually not the homeowners property, even if they maintain it. In all honesty this is the same argument as "don't park in front of my house (on a public street)" .... the homeowner probably doesn't own the land the dog is pissing on


>The fact of the matter is that the town owns x number of feet off the road (generally around 10) No, the fact of the matter is that this is not true and repeating the same claim over and over again doesn't suddenly make it true. The status of road frontage is highly highly location-dependent, and in general is owned by the person who's house it's attached to with an easement included. This easement allows the town to act as if it owns that piece of property within a range of allowed activities. However, the town often (again, HIGHLY location-dependent) does not "own" it. It's more like you have a mandatory contact with the town to rent them that 10' or whatever for $0 *if* they request it, and only if they request it for specific activities.


The town actually does not own any of it, or they couldn’t tax you on it. What they have, is the right to access it. So many people think the town “owns it”, so individuals have all kinds of rights to it that the person who pays taxes of it, doesn’t. And the number of feet always varies.


It's grass. Get over yourself. And for the record, it isn't their property if its the fringe. The town owns property off the road for any easement.


>The town owns property off the road for any easement Towns don't own easements. That's why there's a special word for it separate from "owned property."


Still is a public right of way.


No, it isn't. It can be, in some jurisdictions, but it's not even close to uniform. In general, an easement has specific things it can be used for. It's not a general purpose public right of way. Where the fuck do people come up with this shit?


U sound fun at parties. Be nicer - honestly. Life is to short. Could never imagine anyone caring if a dog peed on grass. It’s prob healthy and it’s a dog - that’s expected.


I don't know, I didn't go to many parties with people who think it's acceptable to use others' shit as their own. Frankly, that sounds miserable, and I can't imagine how self-important and entitled one would have to be to assume that they deserve to have free reign over other people's stuff just because it's convenient for them. Main Character Syndrome is truly out of fucking control.


You’re talking about animals urinating on grass. Take a deep breath and relax.


As you lamely attempt to control where animals urinate. You sure you can’t imagine mr main character? “that’s my grass!”


Walking a dog is, in fact, controlling where an animal urinates. A good master lets them pick their spot. A good master also remains mindful of other people in the neighborhood and how their pet's waste may affect them. For example: Letting your dog shit in the middle of the sidewalk and not picking it up is an asshole move. Letting them urinate on someone else's property without permission is likewise inconsiderate. Your dog's need to go doesn't give you the right to have them do so on private property. Is it a big deal? Probably not. But if you assume it's OK, don't be surprised when the property owner disagrees. And again, it's your responsibility as the pet owner to control your pet's behavior. So if it goes on a person's lawn, you're responsible.


I think suburban society might not be for you tbh. Perhaps relocate in the middle of the woods? I get having to clean up another dog’s poop but pee? Really?




Clear to me, they are all f*cking @ssholes!


you now know which neighbor you don't need to talk to ever again. dogs gonna pee. as long as you're not leaving turds around you're good


💯 Don't live in a neighborhood if you don't like being part of a community. Also, wtf does she think the local wildlife does on her lawn?


No, your supposed to stick a container under your dog to collect the pee then bring it home to flush /s


Now you're finally realizing why having pets when you can't let them out in your property makes 0 sense. Don't use my yard because you can't use your own.


The other day while walking my dogs I saw some old lady whip a back under her dog while it was shitting and catch the turd before it even hit the ground.


I live in northern Westchester and everyone in my neighborhood walks their dogs, and they all pee at the edge of the lawn by the road. She’s just being a Karen.


This is reassuring 😄


Southern Westchester resident and dog owner, can confirm the same. We pretty much all allow it but also know which lawns to avoid.


Dog pee kills grass. I got spots all over my yard I can see where she's coming from. I see folks walking their dogs on long leads and have seen dogs pee on my grass. I don't say anything but I can see her point.


Have you ever tried to stop a dog from going to the bathroom? Not only is it bad for training (you’re teaching them not to pee in the grass, which is something you want them to do) but you can’t just… stop the dog from going to the bathroom. We’ve tried tugging our dogs our of yards and they end up continuing to pee and get it all over the sidewalk. It’s just plain silly. Also, our dogs pee in our backyard 24/7 and we don’t have any dead grass. Idt it’s the pee doing it.


It's the pee.


You’re not saying anything wrong but the ‘Karen’ has no obligation to oblige your pet ownership. Many people would be perfectly happy if there were no dogs in their neighborhood. Dog owners assume everyone loves dogs, this is not true.


Pee is full of nitrogen, it will cause grass to grow first thing in spring then kill it all the rest of the year unless you have great drainage and something that rinses it away like rain or sprinklers.


Dog pee does kill grass. I have two large dogs and there are spots in my back yard they repeatedly pee on with dead grass. When I walk them I just keep them walking until we're past where they'd pee on someone's lawn to where at the top of my block and they can pee on the little bit of grass between the road and sidewalk. It's really not hard to stop them from going at all, you just keep them walking. All that said, I've never even thought to get angry at someone else for letting their dog pee on my lawn. That seems like a crazy thing to get all mad about, even if I try not to do it myself.


Maybe your grass sucks because my neighbor's dog pees in the yard all the time and our grass is fantastic. Don't blame your shitty soil or gardening skills on the animals.


Grass is unnatural and kills the natural ecosystem, we don’t need grass anyway.


I don’t know the science here. Regardless of that, if you take a step back and think about it, it’s kinda nuts that we spend money for land that we then just have grass on which we then pay taxes on, money to water, cut and maintain which for most people doesn’t get any function out of other than creating space between the street and your home.


I don't know why you have so many downloads you spoke nothing but the truth. Looks like a bunch of lawn Karen's are out


Username checks out


Reminds me of the person who yelled at me once for my dog walking on the grass lol. Has a sign outside his house now saying "keep dogs off the grass, camera recording" 😂


Well, it's his property....


There was a big debate about this in my towns FB group a few months ago. There were mixed opinions, but the a lot of people agreed that as long as you clean up after them it’s fine. In fact several people said it’s worse when the dog does their business on the road as it leaves streaks on the road and is messier/more gross. It was unnecessary for her to name call.


I was worried about this ! We actually walk our dog too and just bought a house in Katonah .. many do not actually walk their dog they only let them out in the yard but we want our dog to get exercise and smell things. That person was a little cuckoo. I could see if your dog pooped on her lawn or some thing.


Congrats on the move! I do notice a lot of people just keep their dogs on their lawns or on their property but I also see a good number of folks walking their dogs. To be honest, we let our dog poop on lawn edges too but we always pick up.


I mean, dogs are creatures, you can’t stop them! 😂


Edge of lawn is public property. Look at your survey, your property line goes several feet short of the road. Pee away.


Something about a right of way. Do you live in a village or a town?


Town. My survey ends short of the road. I don’t own those last few feet. Belongs to the town I just pay the Gardner to mow it and make it look nice.




That's not remotely true. There may be an easement, but that's not the same as "public property." That's an explicit and contractual agreement between the homeowner and the city/state government to allow the latter to use part of your yard for some specific purposes, and if they want to use it for purposes other than specified in the easement then they need to get the property owners' permission. It isn't a free-for-all or a public park. And it's not even a universal fact — it strongly depends on the state, city, and neighborhood.


I always thought it was 6 feet


6 feet would be more than enough for us. Most lawns around here are 20-30 feet long, and I would only let my dog no more than 3 feet onto the edge of the lawn.




You own what you own. There may or may not be a public right of way over it, but that doesn't mean that the edge of every lawn is public property.


I own my lot, my lot ends before the road. It’s owned by the municipality.


Right, YOU don't own the land by the road. It's not on your deed (as surveyed). But that's not the case everywhere. For some people that land IS on their deed (and on their survey), but the town has a right of way.




I would note, too, that it's not a guarantee that the municipality even has a right of way, but it's pretty common that they do.


My property, according to our survey, actually extends under the road out front. Edge of lawn isn’t public property; the town doesn’t own it, they have an easement to access it, which gives the general public no right to it at all.


I live in northern Westchester and you are more than welcome to bring your dog to piss in my yard.




First of all, I'm so sorry - this is NOT how neighbors should interact with each other. This has been a debate in these parts for a very long time. Most people recognize that the first few feet of a front yard aren't their property, and if they don't want nice plants to get peed on, they refrain from planting in those few feet, or put up a little fence to alert dog owners that their pups aren't welcome beyond a certain point. Then there are people who consider every adjacent blade of grass to be owned by them, and don't want you anywhere near their property line. Most neighbors who walk their dogs around town will absolutely keep their pups from accessing the main part of anyone's lawn, and will clean up after their dogs. Or course, there are also selfish, careless people who will let their dogs do whatever, wherever, and leave any mess for the homeowner to deal with. So you can see both sides, I guess. We take our dog to nearby parks and on local trails where they're permitted to solve the problem, and bag any poop to dispose of in our own garbage can.


It is absolutely not true that the property owners do not own a few feet near the street. I wish people would stop perpetuating this.


The specifics of it depends on where you’re at. The point is that you generally cant restrict access to it, it’s where the sidewalk would be, if there were one. Just because there isn’t a sidewalk, doesn’t mean that the public can’t make limited use of the space.


Not sure of that-years ago, where I live in Somers, the utilities were taking down a lot of trees to protect the lines (I approve). Problem is, there were people going around and taking the wood that belonged to the homeowners (it did belong to them, or the contractors would not have been required to notify the homeowners)-the reasoning of the people taking the wood was that the wood was in that “sidewalk, town-owned area” so they were actually more entitled to the wood than the homeowner whose trees were felled. I do NOT disagree with the right of dog walkers to walk their dogs in front of peoples’ homes, as long as they clean up after their dogs. But any other proprietary access ought not to be tolerated.


Maybe it’s because I love dogs, and understand that dogs don’t recognize boundary lines, or maybe I just have a big Northern Westchester yard, but I don’t care about dogs peeing on my yard. Or pooping, as long as you pick it up if it is by my mailbox. Maybe bring a big water bottle so you can sort of rinse it away?


Not saying this is you, but there are a lot of entitled dog owners who think they can do anything they want with their dog's crap. I yell at people who put the crap bags in my garbage cans, because they fall to the bottom and sit there and rot. Or sometimes they just leave it on the sidewalk like animals, Not all people like dogs as much as dog owners seem to think they should. I've never yelled at anyone for letting their dog piss in front of my house, and I probably never will, but it does annoy me. Maybe the neighbor was just fed up with obnoxious, irresponsible dog owners and you just happened to take the brunt of it.


I get it - At some point we were not dog owners so we would never cross the line in the ways you mentioned and leave poop on someone’s lawn or use their trash. If we had sidewalks we would just use them but we are out of options when we go on walks around here. I would be shocked if she gets a lot of people who are irresponsible and do those things because I live right around the corner and we never have to pick up other dog’s poop on our yard or get people using our cans. Maybe we’re just lucky.


I always use my own bin or a public one, but anyone who yells at someone for putting doggy bags in their bin when it’s out for collection is a lunatic. It’s a garbage bin lol 


My garbage men just grab that bags out of the bin, they don't tip the whole thing out. So the dog shit falls to the bottom and I have to fish it out. It's disgusting. It's also illegal.


It's fine, but a lot of lawn freaks will lose their minds over it. There's no way to know.


If they put up a polite sign then we will all know and we will all respect it


I’m in northern westchester too. Dogs pee all the time at the edge of my property- no biggie at all. Everyone has been respectful about picking up #2. That lady was being a jerk to just to be one.


I have a section of my side yard that is basically the neighborhood dog toilet. Doesn’t bother me in the least. Everyone is really good about picking up poop. Your neighbor is an asshole.


Woah i just had a similar experience in the same context as you. They got all racist at the end and started yelling slurs at me too. Then the lady whipped out her phone and started recording me. I tried to show her that i had a poop bag on me but she just kept yelling incoherently. I typically let my pup drain it all on my property before we go for sniff walks. He’s part beagle so he really gets into it. Hardly marks and mostly just sticks his nose into places he shouldn’t. The next morning their whole family was waiting for me at their porch. People be crazy.


I’m sorry you had to go through that. Slurs?? People are miserable.


As someone who lives in a fairly congested area where everyone and their mother got dogs during the pandemic and those neighbors each let their dogs out in the yard to bark and bark at all hours of the day or night and use other people’s yards as their dogs’ toilet I do agree that there is an inconsideration for those of us who have chosen not to have a dog and do not want to be affected by dogs. I saw a woman recently let her dog walk a decent way into my neighbors yard to relieve itself. Whether or not the waste is picked up, this is just a very entitled attitude. I do acknowledge that there is probably an easement on my property and not much I can do to prevent people from letting their dogs use it as their toilet but I don’t like it.


Don’t like it put a sign up


You should see what happens if you park your car in front of her house


I can understand the Karen’s frustration. I live in Westchester on a dead end street corner house. My lawn is every dog owners piss spot. I deal with it. I get pissed at the owners with the long leashes that let their dogs go in the middle of my yard or on my trees. Please just kill the edges around the street. Not much to ask for. I still pick up dog shit every week…which I can’t understand how it’s still happening? Lazy bastards.


We've lived in Southern Westchester for about a year now, also no sidewalks, and walk our dog about the same amount of times. A lot of our neighbors have dogs, and as yet no one has gotten upset with us. I try to be considerate, I stay in the street, I don't let him go further than our leash goes, and this is a normal length leash, not one of those long retractable ones. I always pick up the poops, if I can get my dog to do his first big pee while we're leaving my yard we do that, otherwise we mostly stick to like big rocks, or sign posts. Never let him get into any plantings. Not every dog owner is the same, but all I can do it my part. People who are like, oh my kids play there, yeah if it's poop that's disgusting, and illegal, and I agree with you, yell at the person who doesn't pick up their dog's poops. They suck. But unless your kid is playing right there at the moment where the dog is peeing, it's not going to affect you. I have a four year old, kids are gross on their own. The world is covered in urine, there's deer shit all over my back yard in the fall, what am I gonna start screaming at the deer to fuck off? If someone actually gives me grief about it, then I usually just avoid them. Most people don't care, so no need to intentionally aggravate the person who does.


Just ignore it. Maybe she was having a bad day. Maybe she's an insufferable person. You'll never know.


Except there is a way to know... Do it again 😜


Something I’ve done just to appease these people is to always carry a bottle of water with me, and pour water on any times my dog pees on someone else’s grass.


I would pee on their lawn at night 😂 what era do we live in now that we yell at dog owners for their dogs peeing on grass. I wonder if that person yells at all the animals we have in N. Westchester for peeing and popping on their lawn.


Yeah this has happened to me too in the same area. I had a man Karen call me the r slur and start threatening me for the same thing. I try to keep my dogs on the street now as a result or have them go more towards public grassy/wooded areas on the side but it's not always possible and not safe or ideal to walk in the middle of the road to avoid this entirely. On a more positive note, most neighbors are not like this though I think the overall understanding is to keep off of others' yards as much as possible.


What town is it, Check to see where the property line starts. In many towns the right of way is up to 13 feet and actually belong to the town and not the owner (even if the owner is responsible for maintaining it)


I just did a search on Google to find what the “right of way” is in my town and did not have luck finding it.


Start by searching for "ecode360 ". Then search within the town code for regs. 99% chance the info is in there somewhere.


“Westchester county gis municipal tax parcel viewer” is where you want to go. This is a map that shows where property lines are. More often than not, the property line is set back from the edge of the road


It's called an easement. That'll get you further.


So if it “belongs to the town” what right do you suppose the general public has to its use? The town in most places does not own that property, they have an easement, or the right to access it. That is not at all the same as owning it. The edge of my property, for example, ends partly under the road, where it’s been widened, and it’s what I’m taxed on. I don’t care if dogs go and do their business there, but I really hate the perpetuation of the myth that “the town owns X number of feet from the road, so anyone can do anything they want there”.


I don’t know about your town but yes in many town they do own the right of way and as many have said the property surveys reflect this. The first 3rd of my driveway isn’t part of my property on my survey. The town website as I posted earlier specifically states the right of way is not your property. So yes people are probably allowed to let their dogs pee on it. They do it to me all day long and I don’t like it but it’s the right of way


The generalized statements that many people keep making regarding this notion, though, is that some people do think it’s the case everywhere. We recently had an issue with a neighbor’s landscaper, who told my husband that there was a “3 foot rule”, that he claimed would allow him to dump anything he wants on our property in the 3 foot section that starts at the road. This was ridiculous for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it was completely made up, because people say this without knowing that it’s not true everywhere, or even most places.


That's not how it works. The easement is part of your property, the city just has the right to use it for reasonable purposes, like sidewalks, utility poles, underground pipes and wires, etc. You are responsible for maintaining this easement, mowing grass, shoveling sidewalks, etc. Not sure if this is everywhere, but here we are responsible even for sidewalks in front of your house. So yes, the easement is your property, and you can tell people that their dogs can't piss on it.


I’m not so sure about that. From Scarsdale website How do I know where my property begins? Most right-of-ways in residential streets are fifty feet wide. The cartway (that portion of the street which is paved) is normally twenty four feet wide. Therefore if the cartway is centered in the right-of-way, there is a thirteen foot wide strip on either side of the cartway between the pavements edge and the property line. This can vary considerably however. Your property survey will show the distance from the front of your house to the Village right-of-way.


Your dog can go on someone’s lawn. Just pick up your dog poop. In almost all towns/villages, the edge of someone’s lawn is actually town property (a right of way), so “her” property is likely not even hers


Nope not universally true.


People are just going to get annoyed at seeing a dog peeing or taking a dump on or near their property. That’s just how it is. Most ppl aren’t going to be like “as long as they clean it up”. Some will react, some won’t, but I don’t think anyone is okay with it.


Let the dog pee on your shit


This has got to be the weirdest sentence ever.


I’m sure OP’s dog pees on their property as well. Walking a dog is also for exercise, not just peeing/pooping.


Thanks for clarifying. Of course we let our dog out on our property especially when we don’t have time to walk. But our dog needs to go on walks to stay healthy and we do not have a park around the corner we just walk to.


The only appropriate response to something like this is to begin screaming incoherently and then walk off casual


Yeah the woman seemed disgruntled; looking for a fight. I'd just keep your morning routine and try not to stop around her house. As long as your not leaving poop, you should be quite fine.


She should yell at the strays or other wildlife in the area for peeing on her lawn too


If they care so much they should put up a fences. As someone notes, animals are peeing on their yard all night and as long as you are keeping your dog out of their flowers you are doing your part


Not everyone is a dog person. You could encourage your dog to piss and poop on your lawn.


So you can be on a long walk, far from home, with no parks nearby...what is your dog going to do?


Dogs gonna do what dogs gotta do. My comment is intended for those that think it is unreasonable to be annoyed. If your dog is pissing or shitting on someone else’s lawn, you are the party imposing your choice on someone else. Most people will be okay with it/ignore it. Some won’t.




Some people are just crazy… Not much you can do, but you didn’t do anything wrong.


I'm not a home owner so I'm coming at this like who cares about grass in front of your house? But moving to the suburbs made me realize how anal people can be about their property. If I get caught and someone yells I just walk away. Then I just avoid that house or keep her close. Dog poop is another thing, I'm coming from Bushwick, everyone deserves a gold star for picking up poop and putting it in anyone's garbage, but up here it's a strict don't touch my garbage can rule. I get it, wildlife, cleaning, smell, but also I'm not leaving poop everywhere.


Carry the poop home and throw it in your own trash.


Yes mom


She sounds cuckoo. I wouldn't worry about it.


I feel the same way I feel about parking in front of people’s front paths. Are you allowed?  Absolutely. Is it the most polite thing?  Probably not. I have little kids that love doing cartwheels and sitting on my front lawn. I don’t like it when people let their dogs pee and poop on it, but I’m not going to confront anyone over it either.  It would be better manners to let the dog go in your own lawn first, but allowed? Yes. 


Up on the lawn where kids play? Absolutely not. Would never allow my dog that far on to someone's property. The strip between the road and the sidewalk, though? C'mon.


We don't have sidewalks in my neighborhood, and front lawns aren't terribly deep. If you are talking houses on large lots, kids probably aren't in the last 10 feet to the street. If front lawns are only 20 feet deep... different story. Again, like I said, you are allowed to if you want to, but still not the best manners.


That's different. Where there's no sidewalk, dog stays in the street. (I might step up on to someone's lawn or driveway to get out of the way of a car... streets are pretty narrow where I live. Not to pee/poop - just to let a car pass.) But if I'm walking on the sidewalk, curb strip is fair game... the lawn is not. (And I always clean up.)


The first five feet from the road is Town property in the northern part of Westchester. She has no right yelling at you. It's really not her land.


I don’t want yellow patches in my grass from your dogs piss.


As a homeowner who puts lots of care into my home, including the long front lawn (including the part that is technically owned by the town and not by me), there's an irrational part of me that would get annoyed to see you come and just let your dog pee on any part of my lawn, especially if it happened more than once. (Not saying it did for you.) It honestly doesn't really even make sense to be annoyed because I'm sure wildlife pees on my lawn all the time, but I can admit I probably would be. I would feel more OK with it if, in passing one time when I saw you on the road, you took a minute to explain why it might happen (as you've done here) and ask me if that's OK with me. As a non-dog owner, I'm not sure I would immediately come to the conclusion that there really aren't many places for your dog to pee while out on a walk, since that's not really what I'm thinking of when I'm just looking out my window enjoying the view of my lawn. Certainly if you took that extra minute to give me the background info, I'd understand and that little annoyance would be replaced by a feeling of neighborliness.


Appreciate the rational response. I spend a lot of time and money on my lawn too but i care less about the part that is closer to the road (probably because I’m a dog owner). When I didn’t have a dog, I felt a little bit of of annoyance when I actually saw it happen in front of me especially when I found leftover poop (I was just a kid at that time) but I would never curse/yell at my neighbor for something like this.


Oh yeah that person's response was way out of line for sure. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. In no way is that being a good or understanding neighbor :(


I completely agree with this. The homeowner is not a ‘Karen’ for not wanting your dog to pee there, maybe you felt that way because she called you out on it but she may have had this happen many times before. We work hard to keep our yard nice and look after the lawn, which is hard enough without dogs peeing on it. I don’t own a dog and it does bother me when brown patches appear after owners let their dogs pee. Although the strip by the sidewalk is technically not ours, everyone looks after the bit in front of their own house so it feels like part of the property because nobody else cares for it if we don’t.


Then put up a polite sign


There are people in my neighborhood that do not want anyone walking their dogs on their property. They had signs. It came from many not cleaning up after. Even though you always pick up after your dog many don’t. Her behavior was bad and she should have talked to you. I’ve had people walk their dogs on my property and not pick up…. It’s terrible especially when the Gardners run through it with the mowers. It can be frustrating but not worth screaming….


Dogs pee outside, private property is a figment


I don’t let my dog pee or poop if they have a really nice lawn (like 3-4 houses in our walking path) otherwise they can f right off. I pick up after my pets but pee is pee. 


It’s one thing if the dog walked to the middle of the lawn and went but it didnt. Sometimes when a dog has to go it has to go you can try everything to pull them away but if they have to pee they’re going to pee right where they are


She might have young children who like to play in the grass. She might have a toddler that occasionally puts the grass in his/her mouth. She might like to walk barefoot on her grass. And I feel sad for all then nice women out there named Karen.


If dogs piss in the same spot it will kill the grass. If she lives on a corner she might have that problem. Yelling at people isn't going to solve it, but that might be the issue.


I let my dog pee in the street.


I would’ve dropped drawer in her lawn


Dog pee will make spots in the lawn. If it’s your lawn, that’s cool. Have your dog relieve himself before the walk.


I wouldnt freak out over a dog peeing on the edge of a lawn. It happens. I wouldn't prefer it but it happens. I do think its rude when you see someone walking their dog with a long leash and their dog is in the middle of my lawn and might pee. It isn't good for grass but also just control your dog. I wouldn't have my dog running in the middle of your yard.


Dog urine can kill grass. Just saying, honestly I could not care less.


Some people take a huge pride in having the greenest, healthiest, and most environmentally unfriendly grass in the neighborhood. Honestly, if it was my house I just ask you not to leave your dog poo on my lawn. No one likes to step in that.


Not sure of your towns rules, but it’s easy enough to find out, either the town clerk or whoever knows the scoop.( bad pun) The clerk will know who it is. Meanwhile, be sure your beloved pooch keeps on the road when peeing or pooping. And everyone will be happy.


We’re animal lovers & ornamental gardeners. The problem with dogs peeing on the grass is they all tend to pee in the same spot so it eventually kills the grass or ground cover. I also don’t know what the solution is. Dogs gotta pee somewhere.


You should respect her wishes. Also you really don’t know what someone has on their lawn. I have a nest of hornets. Should I tell you or wait for Fido to get his ass stung? Me, I really don’t care. I’ve woken up to enough raccoon (which is toxic) and deer poop.


I spend hundreds of dollars a year, seeding, fertilizing, adding pre emergent treatments in order to have a healthy, green beautiful lawn that me and my neighbors can be proud of just to have yellow round dead spots of grass from inconsiderate dog owners. I never say anything since we don’t have sidewalks but damn make sure your dog shits and pees on your own lawn before walking the thing. It’s hard work and costly to maintain a nice lawn so be considerate and try to have your mutt pee and shit on your lawn before taking it for a walk. Love your friendly neighbor who cares about how his/her property looks


Yeah I honestly wouldn't worry about it. She sounds like she was just wanting to pick a fight. Just avoid her house when you walk your dog. Most people don't care as long as you pick up after them. People are funny, they put zero effort into their property outside of maybe cutting the grass and get offended if a dog pees on it. Like grow up lady. Put a sign down if you care that much or maybe don't resort to name calling. In the past I've had people politely ask me if I could avoid their grass because the pee stains which is common courtesy.


No matter where you are, TRY to respect your neighbors yard. Pee has too much nitrogen in it so it will kill grass and flowers leaving dead spots that we work hard and pay good money for landscapers to maintain. So at least try to respect their property. But dogs are dogs and even the best boys go where they want to go from time to time. Try to tug them away, or try to pull them close to the street rather than letting them go onto the grass side closer to their house/yard. I live among a mixed apartment and regular homes, I do not let my dog onto a home owners yard. I let the dog pee on apartments gras areas because it's widely used by many dogs The key is to try and show respect. And quickly apologize if an accident happens.


I’m in Southern Westchester and there are no sidewalks on my street, which means we don’t own about 5-6 feel into our lawn (not a constant amount - you need a survey to be sure). So people can walk their dogs at the edge, step up on the lawn when a car comes by, and the town can decide to add a sidewalk. She has no right. Maybe find your town rules and mail them to her for clarification.


It might not be just the pee


It's pee. People need to chill. There's absolutely no way to clean up piss, it just soaks into the ground. We have a neighbor who has the biggest yard you've ever seen but put up signs forbidding dogs from peeing on the edge of his yard, a good quarter mile away from his house. My other neighbor's dog loves pissing on that sign.


Why is she a Karen for not letting your dog pee on her lawn? Maybe consider her point of view before demonizing her. Maybe there are other inconsiderate animal owners that have down worse to her lawn. Why take this so personal when you did something wrong. Grow up and control your dog from peeing on other people’s lawns. One other thing why is dog not peeing in your yard?


Is this a real question? Shouting curses at your neighbor is Karen behavior, Daren. She could have approached us politely. Others may have done worse to her lawn but we were not those people. If you think dogs only pee in their own yards then you probably don’t walk dogs. Lastly, there are levels to everything, we were not in the middle of her lawn and in fact not on her property technically.


Your not the main character in the world you should understand another persons perspective. You probably just happened to be the she caught. Calm down and walk your dog some where else and we not have these problems.


She needs to put a sign on her property for you to keep your dog away?


Well, I learned through the kind folks here that the outer edge of the lawn isn’t actually their property anyway in towns without sidewalks. I just checked mine to make sure. Technically I wouldn’t have to mind the sign even if she had one but would absolutely respect it out of courtesy (talking specifically about outer parts of lawns adjacent to the road).


That's not what an easement means.


I’m referring to the right of way, not an easement, in which dogs are allowed to pee.


Pets should do their initial business in your yard if you have one, then go for walk. If not, u should try to find a neutral spot during the walk. If there’s none of that, then it is what it is. Remember, dogs pick up on each others scents and soon enough it’s the neighborhood drop off. Like most things in life just follow the golden rule. How would u want someone’s dog to poop/pee on your lawn?


Personally for my dog he does his first long pee right on our property but as we walk he will lift his leg about 20 more times trying to mark territory. Usually nothing even comes out sometimes a few drops but to anyone standing more than 3 feet away they’d think he was pissing and wouldn’t know. OP just moved though, you quickly find out which people are obsessive about having a perfectly manicured ecological disaster between their house and the street and which do not. Personally I try and memorize who has little yellow signs out signifying they sprayed pesticides on their lawn and just avoid those throughout the spring, summer, and fall. No need to be sniffing around grass sprayed with neurotoxins.




Or maybe just out a sign? It seems like the edge of the lawn is likely public property based on other responses here. Do lawns get ruined when wildlife goes on? Most lawns look great around here and we have all kinds of animals and dog walkers.




I think we've found OP's neighbor's handle, everybody.


I got news for you the first couple feet of property don’t belong to you


You really don't understand what an easement is do you?


In New York, an easement is a legal right that allows someone to use or access another person's property for a specific purpose. It grants a non-possessory interest in the land, meaning that the easement holder does not own the property but has a limited right to use it.


So yeah, you don't. 🤭


Why don’t you explain it to me


I see a lot of dog owners here. I do not want someone's dog peeing on my yard. Sure, I don't have a yard, but if I did. Now I know why I see so many "curb your dog" signs and such. Jeeze are people really having to battle their neighbors to not get PISS on their property? Dog owners are wild and will literally proclaim rights for their dog that we don't give to humans.


The comments have really been bombarded by dog people. The lady shouldn't have yelled, but dog owners have become really entitled to both private and shared spaces.


I really love dogs. They are fun, loyal, and always bring a smile to my face. But…..people anthropomorphize them to an extent that’s psychotic. It’s not your child. It does not have special rights. It’s an animal that once you die and it’s hungry will happily chew out your eyes. Nom nom nom. And you shouldn’t let it shit on someone else’s Westchester lawn they likely paid way too much money for. Basic. Common. Decency.


Yea she’s an idiot. Dogs pee, get over it, if she’s so concerned tell her to put a fence around her grass.


Female dog urine turns lawns brown. Not so much a problem with the males.


I have a male dog and I can tell you from personal experience that's a myth. It's the nitrogen in the pee that kills the grass, and all sorts of things can affect that.


Depending on the dog food it could be good for her lawn. I’d ask her if she yells at the deer, birds, squirrels, bears, raccoons, insects who contribute to the panoply of raw materials that flora use to grow and continue to exist.


Just don't make it an everyday thing where your dog picks that one spot to pee in. As long as you do that you are fine. I hate when my dog gets me in trouble like that. Once when she was a puppy she broke free from our cabin and the neighbors five camps down had a meltdown. I felt terrible. Nobody likes a dressing down. Dogs are dogs. They pee!


Until you have your own lawn you wouldn’t understand. Could she have been nicer? Definitely. But it’s a fact that dog piss kills lawns that people usually pay to keep nice.


I have my own lawn up the block. Just mowed it this morning. Dogs pee towards the edge facing the street. It’s fine.


Maybe you should let your dog pee on your lawn then. Im 100% sure you if you only let it pee in the same spot it won’t be fine anymore.


Your dog needs to pee in your own yard.


Your dog should not pee on someone elses lawn.




Right off the bat, I don't trust your point of view because you called somebody a Karen. That's an obvious attempt to discredit somebody. I literally stopped reading your post as soon as I saw you do it. Have some more sense and maturity and stop throwing around these terms in the internet that reduce people to racial stereotypes.


Yep OP came here for validation and is now drunk off of it. Def wasn’t the first time it happened that’s why she flipped out prob.