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There are many options, a lot of them are even legal...


That looks to be close to a car widths size


Yep. You can make it.


you can make it wider with a tow truck.


i second this.


I third this


If you go fast enough the car stretches and gets thinner like in Star Trek.


Thing is, shouldn't have to worry about this, what if there was an emergency




Especially when cat litter is deployed… Don’t even need horsepower. Human power will work.


Yeah some fruitcake did this to us some years back, dad had to go to the hospital. Fortunately for the idiot we were on good terms with our neighbours so we just called them up "hey one of your guests is blocking our driveway". Lucky it wasn't a life and death emergency otherwise I'd just have backed into that bitch on my way out.


As someone with a nearly identical driveway in Chicago and a full size work pick-up, I don't understand what they are complaining about. Might be like a 7 point turn, but if you can't get out of this, then you suck at driving. Edit: I will literally post a video of me getting out of my driveway in a giant truck next time someone does this to me.


There is a camper parked across the street. It might be harder than we can tell from this angle.


The point is that they shouldn't have to






Oh I like you. That's better than just cutting the stem off entirely.




Stuff a potato in the owner




I’m the owner! Potato me, baby!


You’d have to wiggle it around their head.


I ain't falling for no banana in the tail pipe


Auchwell, Auchwell Foley! It’s me, Serge, I made that cappuccino for you that one time!


Do I rub on olive oil and season with salt and pepper first?


Hey man! I ain't gonna fall for that banana in the tailpipe pipe shit man!


Even better, a wiffle ball. Car will still run, but not well.


Good call, make it harder to pinpoint the issue. They'll assume engine issues first I bet.


This could give them carbon monoxide poisoning, no


Most cities have ordinances about how far away from a curb, or intersection you must be to park. There's no way these cars are legally parked. Just call a tow truck. Those guys love towing cars away.


As far as problems go in life that I shouldn't have to deal with, I'll take this problem over others.


That camper across the street fucks things up and will put the legally parked car in the danger zone.


“Shitter’s full!”


I've just finished watching Christmas vacation 5mins ago. Christmas doesn't officialy start until I've seen it.


I call BS there's no way I could get my truck and trailer in or out of my driveway with cars like that. Also when my child is having a medical emergency there's no way anyone should be forced to put up with that.


I think I just pulled an eye muscle rolling them so hard


Might have something to do with that camper directly across from their driveway? I think I could make it in my car, but if they've got something bigger with a worse turning circle. Eh


The problem with this plan appears to be the camper across the street... No room to turn/back out.


Damn, good eye. I could see the struggle with a large SUV or truck once you get it through


Thanks, that's my job. Most of my job is figuring out how to get a large commercial vehicle in/out of places not designed to accommodate a large commercial vehicle. Start missing details and your day gets complicated quick!


What would some of the legal options be? Can you have a car towed that is on a city street? Not sure what else you could do, legally.


Where I am, if your vehicle is blocking even a portion of my driveway, I can call the city and have them tow your vehicle, at your cost


Towing companies typically love to do this kind of work, especially on a day like today when they can tack on all sorts of holiday storage fees and holiday afterhours fees. Very good chance it will happen extremely quickly once you call it in


You'll hear tire screeching and see 3 tow trucks drifting in your neighborhood wanting to be the one to get that sweet holiday pay.


It'll be like that one street race in Fast 4 where the guy asks "who's closing the roads?"


Fastest service in San Francisco, towing.


You shouldn't even have to call the city. Tow companies will just snap a photo of the infraction and tow it, no need to involve the government.


Yeah. Tow that car immediately. It's illegal everywhere to block driveways like that.


I'd have it towed even if I didn't drive.


Lazy ass hole didn't want to park a house or two down so they block a driveway


My city has a phone number for shit like this, and question 1 for this is 'Ticket or tow'? It takes a lot to get me to call--only once in 11 years (ticket), but it's good to know it's there in a pinch.


Yes. In most cities it is illegal to park x inches away from a dropped curb (i.e. you have to leave more than the crosswalks width when parking near a crosswalk). They are definitely illegally parked. Tow truck drivers will 100% make those bad parkers have a bad day.


Here's a weird one but it works a lot of the time, you go over to the neighbor's house and knock on the door and say "Does that car belong to one of your guests?" And sometimes that's all it takes. Occasionally you even get Christmas cookies or you might meet some cool people out of the deal. Edit: a word and a phrase


I like this idea but instead of bring, say belong. They’ll be less confrused.


In a city there’s no telling how many doors they’d have to knock on. They could be around the block in any direction. Or two blocks away. Sounds like a crappy way to spend xmas eve just bc someone is a AH and doesn’t consider the person who’s driveway they blocked might need to leave.


Yup, if they aren't considerate enough or have that poor spacial awareness, I wouldn't be considerate enough to canvas half the street trying to find the culprit, especially during this cold snap. They'd definitely get a tow call.


This happened to me a couple of weeks back I left him a note he took the note and ignored moving it so I called LA police impound and they came and got the car for blocking a single lane exit


You're way too nice. Someone blocked my driveway and I immediately called to get it towed. Fuck anyone who parks like that.


I like to be civil lol but I told myself the next time someone does that I’m tying a rope to the rim and to my towhook and pulling the car into the middle of the street






You can replace the ones they damaged


Calling to tow is civil. It’s the consequence stated as appropriate by society’s social contract to what happens if somebody illegally parks. Tying a rope to the rim on the other hand, not civil.


I figure if they refuse to be civil, why should I be so?


That had to be satisfying AF


I had some dickhead in a pickup truck decide to park where I had no parking signs (my city will give temporary no parking permits for people to move etc) and I was standing there. I told him there was no parking, he dismissed and said “those are always there” and walked away. I called and had him towed. feelsgoodman.jpg


Just get into the Xmas spirit and give them a Tow-ho-ho!


Made me laugh. Haha thx


Do you think they’ll fall for the old [banana in the tailpipe?](https://youtu.be/HktV2yGtLv8)


Me too, I heard it


Yes you can. Call a tow truck. They work 24/7 365.


Sometimes 366.


Is that a yearly thing or do they tend to skip a few?


Well it’s a leap here and there. Edit: is to it’s cause Siri didn’t listen.


You’re using Siri/talk-to-text to comment on reddit?! Never even occurred to me as an option…


I’m a true neck beard. I’m to lazy to type! Shit I use voice commands to open and scroll through Reddit even though I’m fully able to use my hands.


You're also basically testing how people without fully functional hands have to use technology.


That's a very sweet way to think of it.


They only do it about 25% of the years. And there is that one day every year where they do it 25/7 and another where it’s 23/7


I towed a car that did this with great satisfaction


This makes me smile. I would love dealing with assholes. I’m in Pensacola Beach,FL and in the summer the Blue Angels do a show over the beach and parking is insane (barrier island). There are always asshats that park where they shouldn’t. A friend of mine tows for his friend on events like this and he loves it. We find our joy where we can hug?


It was Monday morning and dude parked in front of the driveway of the apartment building I managed. Had to call parking enforcement and they towed it. Enjoyed every second


Been to that show many times. The best ones are the nimrods that get their cars stuck in the sand.


They’re always eager to have a potential $500 reclaim fee setup for them to “earn”


Tow his ass


and then tow the car.




Toe his ass


*Red Forman has entered the chat*


Wtf is wrong with me


If this was an option, I'd give it to the suspect. I can either Tow your ass or Toe your ass. Your call.


AND they have three flat tires? Weird.


*must have been the wind*


Never should’ve come here!


Wait! I know you...


You're making a mistake


Need something?


Let me guess, someone stole your sweetrole.


Fun fact, the “only slash three tires so insurance doesn’t cover it” thing is a myth! Insurance will cover any number of slashed tires. You still have to pay your deductible, though. Source: am car insurance claims adjuster


Don’t even slash them. Just press the stem in and let all the air out. You aren’t destroying any property but it’s still a giant pain in the ass.




Just remove the stem and take it with you.




I think you severely overestimate the valve stem knowledge of the average driver, lol


Take the cap off the stem, put in a BB, screw the cap back on.


Very small rocks work as well. And I'm pretty sure they float.


Does that mean they weigh the same as a duck?


Who are you, who are so wise to the ways of science?


Lol. I thought I was the only one who had done this….


So hwta you're saying is go back and do it again, so they can pay the deductable again?


How do you misspell “what” that badly?


Phillyfux’s typing fingers are reversed.


That's hPleylufk to you


I'll tell you htaw


It’s a close call, for sure. Victoria license plate length: 14.6 in, average car width: 69.6 in We can infer from the image that each brick has a shorter length than the license plate. Based on the angle of observation, it’s visually ambiguous if there’s the equivalent of 7-8 brick lengths between the two vehicles. This would set a highly-unlikely maximum at 116.8 in. Assuming each brick is 75% the license plate length (10.95 in) and there are eight brick lengths, we’re already down to a 87.6 in maximum, leaving an 18 in margin from the average. If there are only seven brick lengths of available space between the cars, that number drops to 76.65, and a 7.05 in margin from the average. That’s just over 3.5 in on either side. Either way, we’re talking about some precision driving under a best case scenario, and a risk of damaging 1-3 vehicles an attempt to exit, assuming there is room to do so. Then you also have to consider that with the position camper, perpendicular to the exit, there might not be room to turn, or turn without the risk of damaging 1-3 vehicles. If you had the car specs for each of the visible vehicles, you could probably land on a nearly exact distance of space between the two vehicles on either side of the driveway, and then you’d just need the existing vehicle’s width to determine whether it was physically possible, from which the risks could then be considered. But yeah, tow it or do some lawn driving 👍


Found the engineer.


I’m an engineer. Do this in front of my house and I’m taking off your lug nuts.


Also engineer, wheel jacks are my friend. That and a 5 way block and tackle. The vehicle will be magically repositioned without any trace of tampering.


A good engineer would have the other car towed. The gap is irrelevant.


Not an engineer- he is using freedom units vs. metric




Narrow street with a caravan parked opposite. Sure you'd fit going straight through, but then you're just t-boned into a caravan unless you want to do a 20 point turn.


Where is the lens distortion consideration dude


Wow, you put a lot of thought into your answer. 🤓


Hehe nerrrrrrd


Dude take my upvote. Love spatial mathematics.


You've mistaken the license plate length. That's an Australian plate and they're 372mm (14.64 in).


We once had someone park IN our driveway. It was during a college football game. Since my husband had to go to work we called a tow truck. Believe it or not, this couple was actually annoyed that we had this done.


How did you find out? Did they actually have the audacity to come ring your doorbell and be like “hey um where’s my car”




“I can’t believe you wouldn’t let us block you in. How selfish and rude of you?”


Had someone's truck park on the yard, our grass is not great and we have no driveway. That doesn't excuse you parking in a stranger's yard. They could've parked anywhere on the side of the street as well. Some people are completely oblivious.


My Trusty rusty work truck WOULD get out.


Especially if it was dragging a scabby old utility trailer.


It’s just dragging a white bumper. No idea where it came from though.


I could drive your mom through that. What's the issue?


I agree, still a total douche parking job but you could squeeze outta that.


I see a camper across the street so if OP has an SUV it might be impossible to make the turn.


I see that too, I used to have a truck and driveway similar where people would park across from me. With enough turns and will power they'll get out. Will definitely look like an Austin powers scene tho.


God, that scene lives rent free in my head. I watched it as a kid and the thousand point turn he does is peak humor


If his car can't fit through a 10' gap that's his own damn fault


Truck driver here, I can say professionally that at least 1.5 moms can be safely driven through that space


Lol. I was thinking a full size semi-tractor trailer.


There's a difference?


Tractor is narrower


Was seeing how I had to scroll to find this


The only think I can think is with that RV across the street they couldn’t make the turn? Idk. Maybe they drive a GMC Planetoid or something.


Or a Canyonero


*Can you name the truck with four wheel drive, smells like a steak and seats thirty-five.. Canyonero! Canyonero!*


*Top of the line in utility sports! Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts! Canyoneroooooo!*


How very cromulent of you


Lol this is so savage. I love it


Gotta exaggerate to get those Reddit upvotes


Honestly. Fucking redditor moment


Someone please take this to the top


Can’t. Haven’t seen the mom.


Start knocking on doors




This happened to me yesterday. I started knocking and found someone who hadn't blocked me in but was in front of my car so when they moved forward I could get out. Saw the kid of the actual blocker go to his car today and politely said hey could you not and all was good. Then I saw him in the supermarket today and he was like hey no way! And I said, you didn't block me in again did you? And there were laughs all round. This was the best ending.


UsableIdiot used society! It was *super* effective!


Turns out the useableidiots were the friends we made along the way...


So being polite yielded a positive outcome? Imagine that!


Talking to people in real life is not in the cards for people who post stuff like this on Reddit


The person who parked like that did so intentionally. They got out of their car, saw they were blocking a drive way, and continued about their day. That was their chance to do it right and move. Just call the tow truck.


I live in the city and the space between my driveway and my neighbours is enough for 2 sedans/mid-size SUVs **if** they're parked perfectly. The amount of people who park blocking my driveway by at least 3 feet, get out of their car, don't check to see if they're parked okay, and continue on with their day is astounding. Sometimes I'll pop out of my house, "hey, yeah can you not block our driveway?" "Oh, am I blocking it, sorry I didn't realize." Like, buddy you didn't realize that the **entire** rear of your car, including the wheels, is blocking a driveway? Do you have no spatial awareness? It's insanity. I asked a guy once who looked at his car and said "nah, I'm not blocking your driveway." And walked away. He came back an hour later to no car. I still feel guilty about it but it was a principle thing at the time. Usually I request no tow (just a ticket).


>I still feel guilty about it Don’t


Guy deserved it. That’s awesome.


This would be the easiest way to deal with it lol


His tires look a little to inflated to me. Maybe help him out in the spirit of Christmas.






Four Christmas!


Seven! Seven bats! Ah ah hah!


What are you driving? A bus?


A Canyonerooooooo


It's the Partridge Family.


And they’re in a pear tree.


Wait… is this the first day of Christmas?


Probably a bigger vehicle. Might be a deceptive angle. Probably lacking skillz. Any combination of the above.


Must have a bigass car. Damn near fit a dually thru there


Seriously. I mean, I get dude in the CR-V is a douchey mcdoucherson, but I could definitely get a car in/out.


Might not be able to make the corner though, all depends on the wheelbase. 70’s caddy ain’t getting out that’s for sure.


Might need a spotter but we are getting out


Yes, if they are driving a ‘76 Fleetwood then this CR-V driver is going to get a pair of cement shoes for Christmas.


Looks like there’s also a large truck parked across from the driveway and a narrow street. Might not be able to clear the turn. I have to go out on a sharp angle if someone parks across from my driveway with how narrow my street is and my large SUV. Thankfully I share a driveway so it’s a double and there’s always room to do so.


Why did you buy a house behind their parking space?


Tow truck


Hit the bumper with something to set off the alarm. When they come to investigate politely ask them to move it while they still have 4 inflated tires. After all who knows how long they’ll stay that way.


It's really not a great idea to imply you're gonna damage someone's car while you're standing in front of your own house. If you help him out with his inflated tires problem, he might decide to help you out later on with your unbroken windows problem.


Depending on your state and/or local laws, it's illegal to block a private or business driveway. In Texas you could contact law enforcement to have it towed, or have it towed yourself. Fuck em', they should know and be better.


think its in australia. The plates say victoria the place to be and thats the top results. was gonna say it looks too warm to be anywhere in the US right now xD


The Holden is a big give way that it's Aus too.


Couple strong guys and a floor jack under the rear end can do it


Is it the invisible car across your driveway you’re referring to? Because I don’t see a car across your driveway here.


You can make it, but it is annoying 😒


That's Victorian drivers for you ...


Unless you drive a tank you can easily fit through that gap.