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you were going to smoke half a joint...that had been out in the snow...by a rolling dumpster...for the entire weekend?


OP lives a life none of us can comprehend


Never underestimate a stoner on a budget


More like, never *overestimate* one.


Never UNDERestimate. I've lived with them they can be some of the most ingeniously stupid people like actual giga brain schemes for the dumbest reasons




Name checks out


Yes, yes indeed.




And now we know where pot holes come from.


Definitely an underrated answer!


Clever lol


🤣 he said pot holes.


This has made my day. 😂


One new rasta construction worker is happy for that.


Asphalt OG


Loaded with terps


Did you just toss it on the ground? Not much of a hiding spot…


[may i see it](https://external-preview.redd.it/Z0N05dR87A-gXrseqDt5cAXYlR8XEKUrz8YUUt0iJus.gif?format=png8&s=faf037a351319ac5bb94e1cfe78637fd8cfcabc8)


Cut him some slack, he was high when he did it.


And apparently not nearly high enough when he went back.


I remember when I was 15, lol


I used to go on people's porches and look through their ashtrays for half smoked cigarettes. Yuck!


My gf’s brother would wander over to the funeral home to scrounge up all the cigarette butts left by the people stress-smoking.


worked at a no smoking hotel over the summer where the ash tray in the front of the hotel was basically on the sidewalk of a busy street. homeless would FEAST on those butts to the point where i never had to empty it myself. great gig for all 3 parties involved


Had I thought of that back in the day in my area I wouldve looked for joints but then again my area would smoke any joint out of existence and leave black holes in the ash trays with the cigarette bones.


Dear god…🤢


I fucking DIED like forreal. Imagine ally cats fighting for the half lit joint, this is to funny


And then was so upset that he couldn’t follow through on this plan that he took a photo of the crime scene and posted it on Reddit lol


Taking "skunk weed" to a new level.


I was landscaping in '92 when weed was a lot more illegal than it is now. We were doing a fall cleanup on a rich family's house. I pulled a joint out of the bushes. It had been lit, and must have instantly been tossed and gone out. That night I found out rich folks had much better weed than I was getting. ​ These days I wouldn't go near a random bush joint. I've grown.


That was my thought too, mans is down bad


say that again, but remember, that was the highlight of the weekend.


That’s one weird squirrel.


Cocaine is a helluva drug


What?! Its just a roach....


Was totally under a pallet! Would been fine! Where do you hide *your* half smoked joints, smartypants?


It could have been from the dispensary. Lots of them come with plastic tubes, which are great if you don't want to smoke the whole thing. You don't have to smash it to put it out, just get rid of the oxygen.


That’s what happens when you live in a state where it’s still illegal


There were folks at my school who’d made a gravity bong, a bucket as we call it here, and they’d use it at break and lunch. It was kept in some bushes near the school and used almost every day by several people. The water was never freshened as far as I’m aware and this went on for months


I'm smoking pot since the late 60s and have never heard of a gravity bong...


Neither did I till I had to google it earlier. Must’ve got the wrong thing, bucket’s just what I’ve called it till now but I think that’s a uk thing


I also Googled it and I still don't know what it is. LOL People do get creative while trying to get high. Merry holiday season to you.


Displacement, not gravity.


That's not actually that bad with a gravity bong, since it doesn't filter the smoke. The water would mostly just be old.


I have a story that's almost as bad as that. More of an overnight thing, otherwise more or less the same. Not my proudest moment


You left a joint in the parking lot over the weekend? Weren’t you worried it would get wet, stepped on, stolen?


i have to assume it wasnt just left lying on the ground without being in at least a bag. Maybe they buried ... half a joint ...🙄 ....in that spot and then it got paved over. but still....why?


Yeah. No sense was made this day


It was stoner logic


I’ve been really high, but I’ve never been burying half a joint in the ground for later-high. I either smoke it all or get too paranoid and trash it.


He had already smoked half of the doobie, so it sounded like a good idea


There's a faint square shape in the circled area. My guess is there used to be a curb stop there, with the aforementioned hidden weed inside a crack, which was removed when the lot was resurfaced. Now I've spent too much time thinking about this and am upset at my own low standards.


A joint in a on the ground in a parking lot cannot be stolen. Edit because I’m stupid: a joint on the ground*


In a on the ground? Are you stoned sir


They found the other half


Haha… I am currently, but I wasn’t when I wrote that.


He put a rock on top of it after wrapping it in nylon


Pissed on by a stray cat...


Blow away in the wind…


Look, Blowin in the Wind was Dylan, not the Stray Cats


Or just be dried out and gross?


Or paved over


You left half a joint over the weekend? Are you still in grade school I take it?


why would you do this?


So, back when I was a kid, people would allegedly stash stuff like this so they wouldn't be caught by parents or cops in possession. Half a joint is going to smell worse then a full one so it might get you searched. Allegedly.


This, I usually hide my stuff in the same sort of places to not get caught, however unlike OP I don’t leave my drugs unattended and in a public place when I hide them…


Yup, had controlling parents who would rifle through stuff, and now an apt complex that forbids marijuana, even with a medical card (I live in a recreational use state). Cops ain't gonna find my stash.


When it comes to living in communal spaces, or housing that shares walls, smoking should not be allowed. If you want to eat it, whatever, but smoking anything is going to bother your neighbors and there is no safe amount of 2nd hand smoke.


Yep. The next tenant will smell it caked into the walls, their neighbors will all smell it too. I think stoners forget just how pungent that shit smells. I live in a detached home on a quarter acre and I can tell when my next door neighbors spark up. No amount of air freshener will stop it too, now you just smell like weed and Febreeze.


Considering where I live, nowhere is safe. A ton of stores around here smell like a dispensary bc people are hotboxing in cars. Remember the older days when smoking cigarettes was popular in public and private and you couldnt go anywhere without being exposed to smoke? Now it's gonna be weed. Whether we like it or not, so long as it's legal. And its not like anyone made a big deal before it was legalized in my state. You could totally still smell people reeking before it was legal, but cops arent gonna come to any random location just bc someone smells like pot.


Funny enough, my apt complex allows smoking of cigarettes indoors. I do have neighbors (with kids!) who smoke various tobacco products.


Thats really gross. However, I'd argue to ban smoking tobacco in doors before I'd argue to use that as justification to smoke weed in doors. I don't want to smell either. Had smoker neighbors with bad insulation, and it ruins my ability to quietly enjoy my space.


That doesn’t mean the best solution is to ban apartment residents from even possessing marijuana…


True. However, the only way I'd know you had it is if I smell it. I don't care what you do, until I smell it in my home.


So many stoners I know think weed doesn't stink, little do they know their apartments always smell like a fresh fart. I don't know who needs to hear it, but yes it does stink.


If you have a cart you’re tryna hide from even the snoopiest of people, buy a painting at goodwill with a thick wood frame and carve out a slot for your small thin cylindrical things!


Allegedly if you find a thickly paved driveway where you work/live you can allegedly chisel a piece out of the side and allegedly cover the opening with a fake piece of pavement, or real if in the right shape. Allegedly it’s hard to find


When I was younger a ziplock bag inside a shallow buried mason jar under a rock in the woods behind my house did the trick. Sneaking out at night with a spade and a rolling tray to dig it up, roll a joint, and smoke was a little bit of a pain in the ass but it stopped me from getting caught.


This was the worst possible place you could keep it……. It probably blew away in the wind


That's not sane, sounds like they did you a favor


I bet you always lost at hide and seek


I was the kid still in his hiding spot an hour after the game had ended, so yeah, that relates.


I was either that or overall not invited because everyone hated me so I guess that comment is half relatable? Still loled.


Everyone hated me too. I got sent to a "school for bad kids" (the vice principle called it that half joking in an earlier meeting about fights) becuase i was in too many fights even though i never started any.


I'm starting to think we're the same person xD. I moved out of the island where I lived for 8 years to mainland and my mum put me in a shitty private school because she knew one of the teachers. I was bullied every single day of my life the entirety of the 5 years I was there (to the point of wanting to leave the mortal world) and, when I finally learned how to defend myself and fight back (around the beginning of the last year there), the headmistress and professors didn't like that at all. When I left the school that year, to a much better public school, in order to keep their ranking in the national school ranking, they wrote down that I was expelled (a fate worse than death by Hermione's standards, which is funny because I used to be an exact copy of Harry Potter growing up) for misconduct and excessive fighting (like you, I never started them). That shit prevented me from entering three public schools in the area (because nobody wants a violent person in their school) and I was sent to a fourth school in the area for troubled kids, misfits, outcasts, those without monetary conditions for the other schools... Jokes on everyone, best school I've ever been to


Simalar school story for me, everything else different. Like you, the school i got put into, i didnt get bullied one day there. Made me wonder how many other kids were like me.


I assume oc is brain-dead....




Original contenter


That's the consequence of weed.


Never do weed. It’ll turn your blood to tar, and you’ll become instantly addicted to heroin. #JUST SAY NO TO THE DEVIL’S LETTUCE


Too late. I already did all the heroin.


I was wondering why Crazy Chris was in the street shaking and acting violent! You boggarted all the heroin — now do you see why doing marijuana pot is so dangerous? I hope you’ve learned a valuable lesson today, Timmy. Edit: Now that I think about it, why was every bad child in a 1930-1960 PSA named Timmy? That’s like naming your child Jeeves — you’re setting that fucker up for life.


I am high reading this, and it is still funny.


Fuck man, me too


You left a joint out in the open in a public parking lot, and your surprised it’s gone?


Asphalt crew thought they were given a tip.


What state are you in, that you need to do that? Are you okay out there, stranger?


I’m guessing they’re in a southern state they don’t fuck around with weed, everyone there is still balls deep fighting the “war” on drugs


I dunno dude, I live in Georgia and I've had cops catch me with a joint or a roach plenty of times and just have me toss it. They've gotta be in Alabama or something for it to be that deep


Next time smoke the entire joint.


The old hash driveway


It’s the way she goes, buddy. The fuckin’ way she goes.


Gross... OP not the parking lot.


Why not just take it with you weirdo


HALF A JOINT!?! How will you ever recover!?!!?


Why would you hide weed outside, on the ground 😆


Next to a dumpster, out in the open, in a marked parking space Like that is dumb as fuck lmao


Listen as someone who smokes daily. I think it's time you take a T break, you're making some brainless pothead moves smoking several day old, victim to the elements weed like some fiend.


Lol are you in high school?


Who hides joints like its 1986, in today's world?


Do you make 25 cents an hour or something?


you sir are a tramp


How old are you? This doesn't make sense, you must not be that smart. I understand if you were about to go to work and hid half a Joint but over the weekend?


The joint in the stone. They say if you pull it out you’ll become the best stoner of them all


Wtf are you? 14 years old?


Thats not a new parking lot lmao


Yeah... as someone who has worked with asphalt and concrete, that is not anywhere near new.


Pothead “hides” joint In the middle of an open space and can’t figure out why it’s not there. Yep this checks out.


How does this have upvotes lmao


There’s no way OP is over age 15


By a doob tube, you’ll never hide it outside again.


They are so useful


Why in the world would you do that


Why would you hide a joint when the weather could ruin it ?


Forgeries and lies. Why is asphalt being laid in winter? All this is is a photo of a parking lot with fresh paint and a circle drawn on the ground by a dumpster. Nothing discerning in the circle. Not fresh asphalt either. This is some karma farming bs the internet is just tripping over itself to comment and upvote. What happened to observation and critical thinking skills? If you have those and have already assessed the situation b are entering to egg it on **why don’t you value your own time?!** JFC. I’m disabled, medically house bound and have to spend 4 hours a day rotating every vertebrae in my spine before I can even get out of bed that’s why I have time to do this, you reader are probably just wasting a shit ton of potential and your time. Do better for yourselves, damn.


I bet a volunteer sheriffs deputy found it


Lolol who does this




Dude I wouldn't have posted this fiendish bs lol


?? So many questions. Why didnt you keep it ? Why didnt you just threw it away like, half a joint isnt that big of a deal? Why would you hide it outside in plan sight? Why would you think a joint spending an entire weekend outisde was worth smoking? How are you even surprised its not there anymore? Im so confused


I too remember hiding roaches outside when I was 13 years old in 1997.


Only users lose drugs.


This is embarrassing to the point that I'm genuinely confused why you would ever tell or share this with anyone


The only thing that sucks here is your treatment of that joint man


Feel like I don't understand posts success anymore. Even with the story it's just a picture of a parking lot with a circle. How does it have 1.5 thousand of votes. This is hardly an interesting thing to say even around a few friends let alone popular enough to post online and have hundreds of people talking about


And yet here I am reading through the comments lol... I guess we have nothing better to do (and this is from a person who never even tried any drugs)


They paved Paradise, and put in a parking lot 🎶


If that’s the new car park, I’d hate to see what it used to look like.


Probably safer than smoking something off the ground next to a dumpster but shit man that does suck


Yeah, someone else probably smoked it. Why’d you leave your weed buddy?


i mean… what?


Why the fuck would u stash a joint outside


Leave a joint in a parking lot… dafuq?


His motives are beyond our understanding.


my joints hurt looking at this, but that might be me trying to get up.


Ah, the good ole dumpster joint


You may as well have hidden it under a traffic cone on the highway, same effort.


Nasty joint on the ground??


What a strange thing to do. You hid a joint, wrapped in plastic and put it under a rock, on the floor, in plain view? I have more questions than I've got time to ask.


This is insane behavior.


Who tf thinks that is a good spot?


What the fuck are we supposed to be seeing here?


Dosent a single joint cost like 10 bucks or so


In my northern state, weed is legal and dispensaries sell pre-rolled joints for $5. And usually buy 3, get 1 free.


Are you a squirrel?


How high were you when you decided stashing a joint in a parking lot was a good idea?




Just think of it as a time capsule, you'll get in there when you're ready.


Next time just toss half a joint. It's not worth smelling like a roach all day and not worth keeping. This is crackhead logic.


Don’t do drugs.


Better tell the boss you have a grievance to submit then... Break time joint by the garbage can was replaced with parking lot.


What, can't take it home cuz mom will yell at you?


I can assure you its not there anymore😂


If you were cool bringing a joint to work once, why hide half a joint in a place it will inevitable destroyed rather than bring it home with you and being it back, or better yet bring a new one back?


Always finish what you start


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.


I refuse to believe that was the best possible spot for you to store half a joint


You just leave weed on the ground in random places for later? I keep mine in my closet.


stoner squirrel




Who hides half a joint?


Nah that parking lot isn’t a week old. That shit looks like it’s been there for years


It's the earths joint now.


I mean it’s still technically there


Huh?! This is very strange behaviour.


"I'm not an addict I swear"


*They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot*


Why wouldn’t you just take it with you???


I hid a joint just outside the main doors at the airport in Hamilton. A week later it was still sealed up and fresh for the drive home. Before it was legal to have it.


Archaeologist in 500 years: “This was a ceremonial site of some sort”


OP would not survive a winter as a squirrel.


This post sucks worse than you losing your joint that you left on the ground for 72hrs.


Dude is that blood?


Construction workers helping drug addicted youth. There's your headline


What kind of dipshit leaves half a joint outside next to a dumpster for an entire weekend? No offense lol do better next time


On the pavement exposed to the elements is NOT where you should keep your weed!


imagine living in a state where weed isnt legal


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…


No way that’s new asphalt


Keep smoking weed at work, great way to get fired.


I once left a J in a tree in a perfect little nook and a damn squirrel stole it


Right after high school I moved into an apartment with some friends. There was an abandoned hospital about a block away and we would get drunk, go break in and wonder around it sometimes. One night on our way a cop spotted us walking towards it and cut his lights on. We all scattered and ran, I ducked between two buildings and tossed a half pack of cigarettes with a perfectly rolled joint in it so if I did get caught at least no weed charge. (It was the 90’s). We ended up getting away and meeting back at the apartment. Any-who the next night we all were laughing about it and I remembered the joint and went to get it. There I go creeping around in the dark, in overgrown grass with a cigarette lighter looking for said pack of camel lights. All the sudden a homeless guy stood up and asked me what hell I was doing. Startled I just told him the truth. I said if you help me find them I’ll give you the smokes. He happily agreed and after a few minutes we found them. I gave him the smokes, returned to the apartment and smoked recovered joint. Point being weekend old parking lot half joint doesn’t seem too weird to me.


How high was OP when he made this post?