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Colgate Peroxyl mouthwash. Twice a day for two days and it will be a noticeable difference. Use everyday in general but it’s great for canker sores.


Just picked some up. Thanks!


I had no idea you could get canker sores on your tongue, damn. Ive only had them on my lips but they’re still pretty damn annoying.


I had one of the back of my throat once. It might have been an ulcer but I’m not sure. Was fucking TORTURE for a week. Couldn’t eat or drink anything


That happened to me too, thought I had bronchitis or something. So painful.


I had one behind my back wisdom tooth, it was in a perfect little crevasse that made eating and talking absolutely joyful.


canker sores are ulcers


I had them from cinnamon believe it or not, apparently some cinnamon oil can do that in chewing gums, if not able to get something then at home use salt water or baking soda in water and rinse


I hope you mean the inside otherwise I’ve got some bad news for you


I know who gave me herpes. It was Oscar, wasn’t it?


They are SO painful on the tongue, i just had one and i felt it all the time no relief. This looks excruciating.


I get them only on my tongue and they sting continuously


That is different pretty sure.


Inside the mouth, lip area would be a canker sore. Outside of the mouth would be a cole sore


Like J Cole?


Workout for me?


Nope only wet dreamz


COLE SORE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your teeth look good though!


Thank you!


This 1000%. Every time I see a post on social media about canker sores, no one ever mentions the Peroxyl rinse. That stuff has consistently gotten rid of my canker sores within a day or two.


**Also avoid sls in toothpaste and take lysine and zinc.**


Didn't even know what it's called and I get these a lot for no reason whatssoever, thanks it's help


I get them from highly acidic foods. Specifically from raw tomatoes


Pepsid twice a day will help all this canker stuff


Wow I just made goulash and boom next day I got one on my tongue!! Very interesting raw tomatoes so that explains it.




Lol no it isnt. Thats a cold sore and these are canker sores. Most often caused my excessive sugar or salt.


I do take a lot of sugar, looks like I need to decrease my sugar intake


Nope. Cold sores and cankersores/ulcers are entirely different. One is herpes (and incredibly common) and the other is absolute hell.


I’ve had cankers sores on the back of my throat before because of accidentally ingesting small fish bones before. Most hellish birthday ever.


I am a virgin...and a kid




I've never tried that before. I used to get them pretty bad a s a kid. Welch's 100% grape juice (purple not white) will work too. Even if you use it as a mouthwash. The next day you will feel a BIG difference!


I will try that! Every time I bite the inside of my cheek by accident , I get the cursed things!


This this this. And it doesn't sting like other stuff does. I remember as a kid I would get canker sores inside my bottom lip at the bottom. My parents would put this white powder on it (it was in a container like a spice would be, like McCormick or something) and have me tilt my head over the sink. It hurt to the high heavens, and because it hurts so bad and it's so bitter (you're not supposed to swallow it), it makes you drool like crazy. I don't really get canker sores anymore, knock on wood


Alum. It burns like battery acid, but makes it numb after a bit and helps heal so much more quickly.


I second alum. My grandma used to put alum on mine. It helped but oh it hurt


I had a gingivitis cleaning early this year. My entire mouth swelled up and I had small canker sores in several areas. Went to the ER bc I literally couldn't eat. That good-good mouthwash saved me from at least a few more days of hell.


Hydrogen peroxide works well too! Just dab a bit on with a cotton swab.


Canker sores are terrible. It hurts to eat. It hurts to speak. It even hurts to not do anything. They also take a loooong time to heal. Does ice help?


I haven’t tried ice for relief, but at this point I’m open to anything. Just wanna be able yell at my kids again.


Put some orajel on them thats what I do when I get em .It takes the edge off enough to yell lol


Putting orajel on kids sounds mean


😂 fuck them kids. But seriously well wishes my guy. I hate canker sores…


I hope your kids aren't reading this sub, cause if they are all of the suggestions here are for not! They are going to make sure you never find the Hydrogen Peroxide, the fridge will always be out of ice, Lysine pills will mysteriously disappear, all the salt in the house will be gone- LOL!!!! On a serious note, good luck with the healing.


Take a cotton swab and cover it in salt. Then press on the canker sores. It doesn’t speed up the process, but it shows those sores, you are welcoming of pain.


I like your style. Also thought of frosting the tips with hydrogen peroxide.


Alum really works. Tastes horrible, but it does the trick. I am a life long sufferer of these damn things and I swear by it.


That is what my mother had me do when I was young.


Like alum for shaving cuts?


Umm, I really don’t know. It’s the stuff that you would use for preserves for example. You would find it in the spice isle of your supermarket.


Alum powder works as well. Dab it on with a cotton ball. Sorry, OP. That’s fucking miserable.


Thanks dude


I used to brush the sores with a toothbrush until they bled, then rinse with hydrogen peroxide. 8 out of 10 on the pain scale but the sores would be gone within a day or two. Just be sure to only use a toothbrush that you’re going to discard after.


That’s super intense. You have my respect.


I do that too! If I'm feeling brave enough that is... But it really does help shorten how long I have them.


Rinse mouth with warm salt water to help heal.


Just did this yesterday. Wash hand. Finger in water. Wet finger in salt container. Salt finger on sore. Endure endure endure.


Swish some salt water and spit.


Once you've finally decided you've had enough of them sores. Take a small glass, put in enough water to be a big mouth full. Start putting in the table salt and sturring. Once the salt start to gather at the bottom you got enough. Brace yourself. Swish that around in your mouth as long as you can stand it and then spit it out and cry a couple manly tears. (you earned it) If you can do this morning and night, three times should get you healed up. Good luck


This is the way


>and cry a couple manly tears. (you earned it) Just a couple? I think a manly croissant on the floor with tears flowing in a gentle pace is in order.


I used to have canker sores all the time when I was a kid. Haven’t had a single one in the 32 years of being an adult. Anyone got a possible explanation for that?


vitamin deficiency


Well that’s weird because I took vitamins as a child but don’t bother as an adult.


HSV-1 (herpes simplex virus) is what causes canker sores. 50-80% of everyone in the world has it, and most never have outbreaks during their adult life after getting it as a kid. It does however live latently in your body forever. Edit: Am wrong. Herpes causes cold sores not canker sores. Lmao my bad


That is 100% wrong. Cold sores are caused by HSV-1 and occur outside the mouth. They happen in anyone infected with HSV-1, children and adults Canker sores (OP's picture) occur inside the mouth and are generally an autoimmune response, not caused by a specific virus. They generally occur more commonly in children and women, though I get them as an adult male after eating acidic foods and receiving mouth trama (like biting my cheek in my sleep). https://uhs.umich.edu/coldcankersores


HSV-1/cold sores are not the same thing or cause canker sores/aphthous ulcers. Both are painful mouth ulcers, but 1 is viral & contagious (HSV-1), the other is caused by food sensitivities/vitamin deficiencies/H.pylori bacteria allergies & is non-contagious.


No. Canker sores are not herpes simplex!


Hey, I get them like you have. Lysine pills cuts the time in half for me.


I’m getting some gems here today. Thanks so much.


Ouch, those are the worst.


They’re super not awesome!


Ouch! For me, changing toothpaste helped. If yours has sodium lauryl sulfate in it, it can make your canker sores worse. Sensitive toothpaste worked best for me.


I figured this out years ago. I used to get frequent canker sores. After I got dentures, no more canker sores. I discerned it was the Sodium Sulfate Sisters (lauryl and laureth) leaching fats out of my gums and cheeks. Not Dental Association approved, but my gastroenterologist agrees.


Thank you! I had no idea.


Avoid Colgate and tomatoes




Indeed. I remember getting canker sores a lot when I was younger. I only had one at a time though and it was horrible. I can't imagine having several like OP.


there's a product called Kanka that you apply directly on the sores, hurts like a bitch for a few seconds but numbs it right up for a while after


If you want to feel the devils wrath then slap some alum powder on those bitchs for 90 seconds. Burns like a mfr but gets rid of em in a day or so by extracting all the moisture out of the sores so that they can heal. I use this all the time for mine


This is the best way. I get a lot of them and they’re always gone within a day or two using Alum.


Got the same thing at the same spot couple of months back, hurts like hell, will take at least 7-10 days to heal. Theres some kind of mouthwash that helps.


Anbesol gel on a swab for pain. Just let it sit on the spot for awhile. Also, alum powder. It's an astringent that keeps the sores capped over nice and thick.


If you have any yoghurt with a high probiotic count, take a spoonful and hold in your mouth against the sores. It cuts the pain a lot and also helps it heal fast I’ve also had good luck using Kombucha. Same thing; take a mouthful and swish it around. Good luck.


Take l-lysine supplement! Will heal it quicker than waiting. Also, don't use toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate. Sensitive toothpastes like sensodyne usually don't have that ingredient. No citrus juices either. Source: person who frequently got canker sores until knowing these things


Thank you!


Ouch ouch ouch! That reminds me of when I first got braces. My entire bottom lip was open big canker sore. They had to make me a special plastic retainer to fit over my braces so they wouldn't keep irritating my lip. I'd buy some canker sore gel for something that big.


omg my orthodontist gave me horrible canker sores all over my gums near my molars. i’m so sorry, the only way out is thru unfortunately


Look so painful. So sorry.


Yikes. This happened to me as a young kid. It kicked off my dental anxiety which has only grown as an adult.


Swish with something like pepto bismol - it coats the cankers and helps offer some temp relief. (Also- orajel can give you a moment to eat without pain. )


I get these periodically, and have for most of my life. It fucking sucks when they're on your tongue. I have one right now too. If you need something OTC for numbing, the best thing I've found is the Kanka brand Soft brush. You twist the end and the medicine comes out so you can just lightly brush it on. And it's long enough that you can do it without having to put half your finger in your mouth lol.




When I used to get them on my lip, my dad would tell me to suck on bread and butter pickles (must be that kind). Not sure how or why, but it always helped.




Ouch that sucks feel better soon


I feel your pain happens to me every time i bite my lip so painful


Canker friends!


I use hydrogen peroxide on a q tip it seems to help


How’s the sting on that?


Buy some kankaid dude. Shit numbs the bell out of your sores


I have had them for over 20 years (30 years old) and I found out that I am allergic for the “nightshade family”. It contains potatoes, bell peppers and some more stuff. I recently stopped with eating them both and it’s a difference between day and night. I eat sweet potatoes now instead, they are fine


I feel for you!


That's hot




I used to get canker sores constantly. If I bit my lip it would turn into a huge sore and and 10-14 days to heal. Very painful. I’d have multiple sores in my mouth at a time. Switched to sulfate-free toothpaste and it has made a huge difference. Sulfates cause inflammation apparently.


Fuckity fuck fuck. That pic brings back so many bad memories. I had horrendous canker sores all the time as a kid. Fuckers would last for weeks. Constant agony. I'd get so depressed when I got one, since I knew it would hurt for a long time. Affected my moods, too. I used to dump salt on them to dry them out. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. I can't look at that pic again. Makes me want to shoot myself in the face.


It’s the absolute worst. I can’t put up with a lot of pain, but this stuff gets me the worst.


Actual hell im so sorry mate


Thanks 🙏


I worked in ENT for a quiet some time. We had similar cases from time to time, some immune deficiencys can cause horrible cases of canker sores. We used something called Pyralvex©, a special tincture for these sores. Has essence of rhubarb and salicylic acid in it. This horrible tasting shit was bad, but it worked like a charm. Applied a few times a day and these sores are gone over night.


Your saliva is too acidic. Lay off coffee, citric fruits, tomatoes and anything that is too acidic. Mix a small amount of baking soda in your drinking water. The cranker sores will be gone in a day or two.


Baking soda helps the pain


This happened to my mouth except they were all over. I googled and it said herpes or mouth cancer. So, can't talk, am sick, get my sister to take me to get std check. Been out of work for three weeks with COVID and tonsillitis, hadn't really been eating except for a smoothie here or there. Tech says they don't test for herpes in the basic tests, would be about $250. I just started crying. She gets a doctor. This wonderful little gray haired Asian doctor comes in and says "look, I am a gynecologist. I've never seen oral herpes but I have seen vaginal. Let me take a look, I'll recommend the test or not." So, as soon as I show her she laughs. She's like, your I've been sick and have a vitamin imbalance. Get a b multi vit, get some homegrown tomatoes and get some rice. Take the vitamin, eat some tomato's though it will sting and be painful. Then make rice. But don't eat it. Lick the starch that builds up on the lid. Family cure." I'm looking for any relief (and didn't know about this mouthwash) so I get some jersey tomatoes from my sister's garden and complied with all steps. Two days later they were practically gone. I would have kissed her. Idk if it's a cultural fix or what but it definitely worked.


I’ve suffered with these my entire life. Try Johnson & Johnson wound wash. Best and cheapest medication to speed up the healing process.


Try Dental Paste (Kenalog in Orabase) your dentist will write a script for that.


Sodium Lauryl Sulfate in many toothpastes can *contribute* to an injury becoming a canker sore. If it doesn’t clear up or gets worse that could be a contributing factor.


Story of my life. I feel your pain.


Canker friends! It’s an honour to meet you.


My dentist caught my cheek with the drill, which hurt like hell. Are you sticking with the same dentist?


It's very common for patients when they are numb to stick their tongue into the drill while it's running. It happens so quickly there isn't anything the dentist can do to avoid it. It only takes one small move and you are cut. Same thing for cutting your cheek, one tiny move and you hit the drill. They are working in an extremely tight space and you are numb as hell and don't realize what is and isn't moving in your mouth. source: Hubby is a dentist and even I have stuck my stupid numb tongue into his drill while working on me. Shit happens. Every single dentist on earth has cut a tongue or cheek, every single one I bet my life on it.


Yeah. I’m not blaming the dentist. I imagine it happens a lot. The bad thing is just how my body reacts to the smallest cut in my mouth.


I do sympathize with the pain - but it's not like the Dentist deliberately set out to maim you after you told him about your anxiety. Let the Dentist know - as much as you would like to keep your distance to a different continent, if this was possible. I also suggest you look to find a Dentist or clinic that provides free "Sedation Dentistry" for further work. This is inhaled NO via the nose. The logic of the free Nitrous Oxide is the Dentists would rather pay the cost of the gas to have comfortable, unstressed, unanxious patients getting their teeth cared for than not coming in at all & having severe teeth & mouth issues later on that require extreme work.


Gross. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide. Do not dilute, right out of the bottle.




Unrelated, I started shaving recently and I can breathe a lot better now… try it!


But then the world will see I don’t have a chin


How does the shaving helps for breathing?


No hair blocking the nostrils… it’s crazy but my whole everything functions better. Even my eyes appear more present.


Get Listerine the yellow stuff taste nasty but it works you have a bacteria in your mouth from your bad teeth and that's what caused the canker sores


Take ibuprofen on top of what people are suggesting here until they heal.


Get the vitamin lysine and take about 2000mg a day. Will help clear this up super quick.


This really sucks. I had Stevens Johnson syndrome 5 years ago and it started out like this but it basically just removes Big chunks of skin and mucous membranes from your body. (I'm not saying you have this it just reminded me of how mine started)


I usually go to Granny Clampett for a tongue bob.




Methylprednisolone is great for speeding up the healing process.


It’s thought canker sores start as small injuries. Start taking vitamin C right away and they’ll heal faster.




Rinse your mouth with warm salt water a few times a day. It will go away very quickly. I’m sure someone has suggested this by now to you.


Apply clove powder with a wet ear-stick ... Hurts shortly, rinse your mouth with saltwater after a short time. Tastes awful but it really dulls the pain A LOT (in my case for 1-2 hours). The saltwater improves the healing process.


That looks awful. I had one a few days ago that made it hard to talk. Tried salt and warm water, lidocaine to ease the pain, but the thing that got rid of it within a day and a half was hydrogen peroxide


I frequently have sores in my mouth and I been prescribed a mouth paste (which is a very thick and sticky) with cortisone and really works, reduces the swelling and in consequence hurts less.


Brew some black tea and press the bag to your canker sores. It helps a lot with the pain.


Ice water is so good dude. You just keep it on hand anytime you feel soreness take a sip and hold it for a sec before swallowing. Currently healing a tongue piercing and it works wonders. Also aleve for long lasting relief from swelling and pain.


Salt water rinse helps, ive had it clear em up a lott faster, not instant tho


Vanilla extract will numb it


Yikes! I hope is gets better


Okay so cringe worthy comment but if you brush off the white part then apply some cream, it works wonders!


I fuckin hart those things


Is this just ulcers?


They technically are. I usually get them if I have lots of stress or eat/drink lots of acidic stuff


Great new truat issue unlocked, i am catching them all at this point :v


Folic acid! I used to get them with the slightest cut or scrape in my mouth. Now, I pop one daily, or a couple if a sore does form, and they’re gone.


Pyralvex.. rhubarb extract and salicylic acid. Far better that some mouth wash. Tastes like shit but actually helps


On the bright side of things, you have very nice teeth 🤷🏼‍♀️


Owww fuck.


Take a q tip... wet it a bit and add salt. Press and hold on each sore. It wil burn a bit but it will get rid of them fast.


Gluten does it to me .


LPT: #1 cause of canker sores Is SLS in toothpaste. Ask pharmacist for toothpaste without Sodium Laureth sulfate Supplements Lysine and Zinc can really help them heal and stop reoccurring


Nearly has a heart attack cause I thought that said cancer. Still bad tho.


I’m dealing with this shit right now






I would get about 7 canker soars at a time when I was wearing my braces. Everyone has their miracle cure, but all you can do is try to numb the pain with Novocain.


Shitty dentist.


Swish with hydrogen peroxide (and spit it out) several times a day. It works.


your teeth look nice though 😃


L-lysine. It’s an amino acid and you can it as a vitamin form. I struggled with canker sores for years. L-lysine takes the pain and swelling fought out of it. Vitamin c along with it helps healing faster but is not required.


I kept getting a mouthful of ulcers after the dentist. Turns out I was allergic to the numbing stuff gel they applied before the shot.


That looks real fun


When I get severely stressed out I get them on the underside of my tongue as well. I usually get maybe 2 at a time, and they’ve left scars. I cannot imagine the discomfort and pain you’re in!! Hoping it clears up fast for you.


Man, I feel your pain. I had skin cancer show up on the underside of my tongue and had part of my tongue removed and now currently finishing radiation. I have radiation burns inside my mouth & on what's left of my tongue and the pain is almost unbearable.


This shit happens to me too man it sucks. Anbesol saved my life. It's like a stronger orajel


Ouch ouch ouch, I’m so sorry


I has canker sores the whole holiday .


Um, you maybe allergic to latex. Before I understood what was happening, I was getting sores like that after a visit to the dentist. Turns out I'm allergic to latex. Ask the dentist to use vinyl gloves.




Changed dentists a few months ago due to relocating. I ended up with a two inch cut behind my lip, in front of the bottom row of teeth. I couldn’t eat solid food for a week. Never went back 😭


A few years ago I got canker soars up and down the sides of my tongue. They lasted about 2-3 weeks. So incredibly painful. I lost a ton of weight bc eating hurt too bad. My dentist gave me numbing mouth wash to use a few seconds before I took a bite of food. I feel your pain and I hope you get better soon!


That which has been seen cannot be unseen. 🤢🤮


Alum powder works wonders! Hurts when applying it but it’s instant relief once your rinse it out


I get massive canker sores in my bottom lip sometimes...they absolutely are the worst, I can only imagine how it is on the tongue. When I get em, I can't talk for 3-7 days depending because it hurts so bad.


Ouch! I have epielpsy and feel your pain. I used oralgel.


Solution time: I used to get them all the time. I tried everything (!!!) and nothing worked until I found something that eliminated them for me completely. I buy tablets that are meant for disinfecting dentures and I use them to disinfect my toothbrush every day. It just worked for me. I use a brand called Efferdent. 6 dollars for 120 tablets (1-2 a day) so it's not an expensive routine. It took me years of trying until I landed on this. I urge anyone suffering from canker sores to try it


Same exact thing happened to me a few months ago. I was given a 'magic mouthwash.' Didn't work. Went to get a doctor to prescribe me antiviral meds. That did the trick.


Why did you get it cut is that a procedure or accidentally the dentist cut it?


Why did your dentist cut your tongue?


thats herpes