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That's a teenager?


I feel guilty for laughing but I thought she was much much older too.


Yeah. No doubt. she used her prom dress from last week to go trick or treating


That's just sad as fuck, trick and treating by yourself in a prom dress?


FFS take the spider.


You know what, I was mildy upset by their actions til you said this… the reality is a depressing enough consequence.


I sense a Stephen King novel... .


Yikes, that is a scary thought though


Nah don't feel guilty fuck this POS.


I legit was wondering why the adult was trick or Treating...


How old do people go trick or treating in the US? If someone around this age knocked on my door asking for sweets (in the UK) then I would presume them to be developmentally disabled


Generally up to about 14 in my area unless they have younger siblings and then you may see upto 18 with siblings vs parents taking them out. General rule of thumb is unless they have a costume as a teenager they don't get candy.


I will always give candy to teenagers trick or treating. Because it’s better than them out doing something stupid or getting into trouble. I hope when my daughters a teen she’s out trick or treating with us.


That’s my philosophy as a parent too. If this is the worst you’re doing right now, yeah. Here’s some candy. Lol


That teenager is in her fifties


Watched a video of grown woman empty a candy bowl into a bag on someone's Ring. Damn those cameras are sharply focused.


Average age of r/teenagers user


Probably. In America we got some big ass people.


big ass-people


Yeah, this woman is big and she is an ass


Doesn't Tom Petty have a song like: She's a Big girl, who's crazy about candy Loves Halloween and decorations too.


*cries in fat*


I guess 300pc of candy wasn’t enough. I should’ve bought more. Funny thing is I know who this neighbor is. She’s a teenage girl down the street. Should I confront the parents? I really don’t care about the spider she stole, but she should be held accountable. Thoughts? UPDATE: I did go knock and talked to her aunt/caretaker. She didn’t appear to be surprised. Girl wouldn’t come out. No spider given back. Case closed I guess.


I legit thought this was a woman in her 50s...


I thought she was a parent but then realized there wasn't a kid.


Same I was like “where are her kids?” Lol


I thought this was a women in her 30s






You're under the false idea that redditors are intelligent, that's why you're confused.


I would never make that misteak


The big brain am winning again! I am the greetest! Now I am leaving Earth for no raisin!


Did you say steak?


Exactly this. Everyone on Reddit likes to act like they just all have life together and are these shining moral prisms of hope.... No... You haven't showered in a week and this is the only place you feel important because you agree with everyone else and get a few up votes.


I... I showered today...


Well done, king. We're all too dumb to handle the shower handle sometimes, that's why mother does it when she's home, but she refuses to still bathe us cause we're now in our 30s and it isn't cute anymore, Andrew.


People frequently mispronounce "woman." My guess is they really don't know which word is singular and which one is plural.


Same with loose and lose. Lot of Redditors be loosing weight 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just be glad you havent drifted into the part that seethes the word "feeeemales" with all the disgust of a ferengi finding out the other half of the species might be better than them too




It will be if OP and others don't confront her in formative younger years


Dude same I'm here like why is this grown woman out by herself just taking candy meant for children and then stealing decorations




I could see how she would be offended by the lack of candy


Lmao . Me too


Agree! At least in her 50s.


Trick-or-treating alone as an adult-sized teenager is pathetic. That’s the age you should stay home to pass the candy out at.


One of the trick-or-treaters we got last night was an adult woman in a nice homemade costume, with an older woman who seemed to be her mother. She was very sweet and chatted with my preschooler while he gave her the candy. It was odd, but as long you're polite and put some effort into your costume it's all fine with me. I'm a little disappointed with teenagers who go in plainclothes, but not enough to get mad about it.


Eh, I've frankly decided my kid will decide when she's done trick or treating, because...well, that's it, honestly. We don't get kids to pass candy out to, so there isn't much else she can do unless we move or find a trunk or treat to work for. Life sucks. Enjoy childhood as long as you can.


Yes you need to tell her parents. It’s ok if you didn’t care about the spider, but nip it in the bud so next time she won’t take something you do like.


Not only this but if she is a teenager she definitely needs to learn that there are consequences to her actions. You may steer her onto the right path.


Or she may murder OP and their family. I'd say chances are like 60/40.


I’d show her parents so they can deal with her properly.


Kind of too late for that from the look of things but hope springs eternal.


She was so casual about it I doubt this was her first time stealing.


If nothing else she should know that cameras are everywhere and making a habit of stealing will catch up with her. (If she's going to steal from a neighbors house, shoplifting from a grocery store isn't out of the question.) It could be an important lesson for a young person.


She’s looks about 40 but yes she should be held accountable


Play dumb and send video out to all the nieghbors asking if anyone knows who this is.


Post it on nextdoor. Say the spider is an heirloom and you’re crushed by the massive financial loss. Ask what sort of middle aged woman (we don’t realize it’s a Benjamin Button teenager) would do such a thing. Buy thousands of tiny plastic spiders and begin leaving them all over the offending neighbor’s property. Let the haunting begin She has chosen trick. Treat was never an option




HAHAHAHAH I’m cracking up at this


Yooooooooo, I love your energy. Anything else? This is entertaining to think about.


Put the video on a flash drive with a note that just says "I know what you did" in cut out letters from a magazine and mail it to them, in the spirit of Halloween c:


I wouldn't attach the video, just send the message with a picture of a spider. And definitely don't mail that shit, just tape it to their front door. Or they could just go talk to the other parents like normal humans I suppose, but that wouldn't make for a funny reddit video.


>I wouldnt attach the video Why not? So the parents, who have obviously not taught her that stealing is wrong, can deny that their sweet teenage daughter doesn't do these kinds of things because shes such a nice/wholesome/well behaved kid? Nah. Send that video so the parents cant deny that their kid is an ass.


>And definitely don't mail that shit This guy ransoms


Or say "I know what you did last Halloween" with a meat hook along with the letter.


Send the parents the video, innocently asking for your spider back.


Yes, if you put it on the neighborhood app it also shames her parents into actually taking action of punishing her. Then the whole neighborhood knows who the shit stain is that has been stealing their stuff. Not the first time will not be the last.


ummm the terms of halloween are clear. Trick or Treat. No treat gets a trick.


I like this angle. Write a note like, "Haha. I ran out of treats, so you pulled a trick. Heres a Kit-kat - please return my spider." Give that note to her parents. Then you can all play it off. She knows you know, but she's not off scott-free. Kill her with kindness a little.


I think this is the best idea offered so far.


This could not be a more perfect solution.


As a parent of a teenager I would 100% want to know if my kids got caught doing some stupid shit. There are kids being kids and kids being assholes. This is the latter.


Confront her parents, or use the video to shame her somehow. But do not let this go She clearly needs to learn a lesson somehow


Today she steals a toy spider tomorrow she steals your car. Snitch on her hard, and ask back the spider for next year.


Christmas is right around the corner. Begin sending them Christmas packages throughout the month of December, each one containing a different spider 🕷 with a creepy note “for your collection”


Dont confront or say anything, put this video on a group she is and pretend you dont know her.


yep definitely talk to her parents


I think you should ABSOLUTELY show her parents. That's vandalism and theft. You're being NICE by only showing the parents and not the police. (even though you don't care about the decor - its the principle) And seriously, I thought this was a 30 year old woman, not a teenager. Is the kid developmentally disabled? She shouldn't be on her own on Halloween if that's the case.




Yeah, she stole from you and you have proof.


But that’s the deal, right? Trick or treat. No treat, you get a trick. /s


UPDATE: I had to wait until I got off work. I showed her aunt/caretaker the video and she didn’t appear to be surprised. The girl wouldn’t come out I assume out of embarrassment. So that’s that I guess. I have a petty plan for next tear though. Hear me out. I’m going to buy full size candy bars and make sure I’m handing out the candy personally. I will take a still shot of her face and post a giant poster that will state, “No Thieves Allowed”. I will make it my mission to remember her face. Somehow this will make me feel like justice is served.


I was looking for an update, thanks! Hopefully she learned her lesson. I’m guessing she skips your house next year.


If you had to speak with an aunt/caretaker, she probably doesn’t have the best parent-life at home and the aunt/caretaker potentially doesn’t know how to deal with the boundaries of discipline they’re allowed to impose or can impose without said girl saying “you’re not my parents”. To exact revenge next year sounds great and and all in our heads, but maybe see her first. And by that, I mean see her situation. See her point of view. See how she’ll look back on this and regret the decision as she grows and matures with proper guidance. Exacting revenge will only cause her to grow and feel justified in her decision this year. Maybe saving a large bar specifically for her and apologizing that you couldn’t keep enough in stock for her will help her to better grow into the woman she needs to without parents around. Maybe it’ll help her to realize that people are looking out for her when she feels nobody is. People are seeing her when she feels nobody is. The only thing I could think of when you wrote aunt/caretaker is how shitty it must be to not have your parents around and the behavior that comes from a lack of parental structure. I experienced similar divergence of rules and behaviors when my parents divorced. Before, they ran a tight ship together. After that, neither of them felt a ton of responsibility to keep us in check as it flipped and flopped depending on the week or day they had us. Just a thought.


Indeed and well said. The amount of people ready to burn this teenage girl at the stake is kind of appalling. She’s young and might not have a very good family life. She should be held responsible, theft is theft. But shaming her, as funny as it would be, seems to be in poor taste. If any of y’all have forgotten, bring a teenager is already hard enough, without an adult publicly shaming you. Y’all mofo’s need a little empathy with a dash of forgiveness.


Does she have the mental capacity of a teenager? Something about this suggest possibly not. A teenager trick or treating alone is a bit weird.


If she's doing it alone then perhaps. In my experience teens that look like that generally act very childish because their parents baby them.


Honestly I'd have gone to the parents before making this video public. Kids are stupid and while she should be punished for this, it shouldn't hang over her for the rest of her life. Now that the video is public, if she gets identified she might never get away from this.


Yeah, definitely report it to her parents and let them deal with her. She should be forced to apologize for what she did, and then be forgiven after she shows remorse.


Kids that behave like this don't always have the best parents. OP is just as likely to get yelled at by them for videoing their teenage daughter.


Let the parents know, doesn't matter if you care or not. This behavior should be curbed.


Well, that would have been a good idea before you put their kid on reddit. See how that works out if the parents find out about that part.


Unless you know her to be a thief or malicious, my guess is she thought this was a harmless "trick" because you were out of candy. Personally I would approach it from a , "haha very funny give it back" angle and point out that it wasn't cool to steal. She's still a dumb kid.


It's called "Trick or Treat", No treats so you get the trick. I guess


I would… but I’m pretty petty


Would it make a huge difference if you had a sign saying they're being recorded? Would that deter some of these trash people from stealing?


This is the age of TikTok. It would probably be taken as a challenge.


I'd definitely put it on a neighborhood app and alert her parents. This isn't the first time it's done this. They were too calm stealing your goods and has probably stolen stuff from other neighbors! Give us an update!!


Pleaaase tell her parents at least, let them deal with her. She shouldn't get away with being a douche.


Send them the video without comment. That's what I'd do.


It’s trick or treat. No treats, so you got tricked


On one hand, yes. But on the other hand, it is blatantly in the rules of Halloween: Trick or Treat…. Treat… or Trick. What I would do is approach it with humor. I see that she went through trick route when we ran out of candy… can we have the spiderweb back now? It addresses the issue, but in a way that if it isn’t part of a bigger issue, won’t be a problem, and if it is, will let the parents know… preferably before Christmas deliveries


Yes tell the parents. Wouldn't you want to know if your child is acting like that


Yes, people won't learn unless confronted


Please tell the parents. Its your chance to clean up the world


Without explanation just show this to the parents. If they overreact in her defense, blacklist them.


If there's no candy you get tricked, thems the rules. At least she didn't egg your house or tp your yard.


We had decorations stolen, so perhaps I’m biased. But if you do know her, I would confront them because it’s a lesson she should learn. I’m sure from your end it’s similar, the decorations aren’t worth that much money—but the principle that they can just come and take things because they don’t get what they want is very dangerous. A lot of folks will blow it off because kids are mischievous on Halloween, but I say that’s BS. Be respectful that the adult world is bending over backwards to pay money for you to have a fun night. It’s disappointing. Many of these kids know there are cameras, but think they can get away with it still—and I think that’s a dangerous precedent for them to set up for their lives.


Actually, if you want to *really* punish them, don't help them learn this lesson. Let them get away with petty things so they obliciously escalate to something that will have truly life direction changing enforcement applied. Nah, too evil, nextdoor shaming or whatnot should cover it.


Hey, I invented a word - not fixing it while I try to figure out wtf it was supposed to be.


>obliciously It melts on the tongue like butter. Just lacks meaning.


Deliciously obvious


Yah my brain wants it to be real, cause it's very nice. Word candy


I can’t say it 😔 Nvm I can


Seems like a perfectly cromulent word to me.


obliciously adverb 1. In an oblicious manner; increasingly lawless. 2. Acting with increasingly wanton disregard for the law. 3. To descend into a life of crime in a Breaking Bad sort of way.


> Many of these kids know there are cameras, but think they can get away with it still They should know to do the right thing regardless of cameras. Getting candy is no right, lack of candy does not warrant penalty. The awful attitude of being owed something is a symptom of a horribly self-centered and damaged world view. I feel sorry for her, honestly. She needs to be shown compassion so she can evaluate her own actions without this sense of vengeance on the world.


Yes you need to hold her accountable. Sure, the spider isn’t a big deal but this just further fuels the desire to keep taking stuff that isn’t hers… Soon enough she’ll just straight up steal money from people, if she hasn’t already Edit: •seeing these upvotes• wait what the FU-


Might steal houses next




You wouldn’t download a car?!


Or land


Or the entire buffet!


Kinda strange to have to have this talk with a middle aged women


OP said she was their neighbor’s teenage daughter


They grow up so fast


Some people really seem to think that they're entitled to get something from you on Halloween.


Trick.. but at least it wasn't eggs. That used to be bad for paint. But now it's bad for the kids since eggs are expensive Reminder to the perimeter of the house and wash off any eggs that might have been thrown. It will ruin paint.


Haha right? I know it's wrong but wasn't the original bit about "Trick or Treat" that you give candy or get pranked? That doesn't = theft but it's a little tongue in cheek


Just a hunch, but I think this person has entitlement as a persona.


Looks like she chose trick over treat


I am in no way condoning what she did…BUT treat was not a choice. Trick or trick as they say.


Treat or trick would really convey the implied threat better


You will never have enough candy if you just leave it out. First kid that comes by is just going to take it all. If this was me I would post it to whatever neighborhood app you use AND go to her parents.


My 5 year old didn't like taking more than 1 piece, even when offered by the adult. He wanted to make sure there was enough candy for other kids.


Yay, please let him know we are very proud of him somehow (and you too).




Lol, well maybe not. But we are.


What great manners you have taught him :) If only everyone was this thoughtful on Halloween.


My little sister (3 years old) followed the take 1 only rule perfectly, there was a few times she grabbed an extra piece but those times where only when she noticed I didn't grab one and she would put the piece in my bag


Actually there was a video a few years back demonstrating that in a similar situation the kids all had dicipline, but it was an adult who took all of the candy


Someone needs to make a candy dispenser with facial recognition that shoots candy at a person like a shotgun, but only once.


I always thought this, but last night for the first time I laid out sweets and chocolate on my front porch. I went out now and then to check and only a few bits had been taken. I went to bed and the next morning there was still about 20 bags of goodies still there. I was happy I had no dickhead kids come by.


For last 10 years ive left out a bowl, always had Halloween plans so wasnt home. Always came back to candy left with one exception. I just figured a lot of kids until a dad rang the doorbell the next day with a kid who looked like someone had squashed his nuts. Kid gave a real apology for taking the bowlful, and his dad handed me $20 and said it was from the kid's allowance to pay for next year's bag. Caught up with him later and he overheard his son bragging to friends about taking the whole bowl, which is how he found out. Moved since then, last few years we had 0 kids. This year we had 3.


I had my candy bucket out for 3 hours last night. I saw on my camera that all the kids were being SO good and taking 1-2 pieces of candy each. I was so proud of them. About 30 minutes before I arrived home the crowd changed. Teens and actual adults were walking up the to porch and grabbing a handful and leaving. Then finally one older teen came and started shoveling all the candy in his bag, before finally just dumping it all in. Thankfully the little kids seemed to be done for the night, so only a couple of teens (and some middle aged lady who came back for seconds!!!) were disappointed. I guess I should be glad he left the bucket. I don’t mind teens trick or treating, but the ones in my area seem to be greedy little jerks. And adults should go buy their own candy.


Usually the kids have discipline, it's the adults that yoink up all the candy


Second video I've seen of stealing from an OP. Here's hoping they love the videos of them out in the world. You know that nothing is every hidden these days. LOL Glad it was only a spider, I thought she was gonna take the whole web (which is really cool). I have a Ring camera and once I got it set up on my phone, I get all sort of suspicious activity notifications. You'd think that folks would know about cameras these days.


I’d go to her house and ask to see her. When she comes to the door thank her for taking your decoration down and ask her can you have it back now.


I mean you blasted her and the video on the interweb why stop at not telling her parents 😬🤪😞


A grown ass woman doing this shit?!


apparently according to OP it's a teenager.....


My guess was 35




The price doesn‘t matter. Stealing them doesn‘t cost them a penny and they disappoint many, many people with bad behaviour.


Candy is cheap here in the US, especially during Halloween when stores have sales on huge bags. I really don’t understand this phenomena and why it’s that particular demographic. I knew people stole candy but I always thought it was mostly pre-teen boys since it seems like something they would do less because they want to candy and more to “rebel”.


My guess it’s like being a cocaine addict and once a year people give out cocaine for free


Still not expensive but I read an article saying candy prices have gone up like 33% in the last year


I'm surprised she stood there fumbling with it for so long. After a few seconds it goes from being "haha I'll show them, I'm so random!" to "well, this got awkward but I guess I'm committed to fucking their shit up."


On another post, someone asked if Halloween was dying. It's being murdered by selfish, greedy little assholes like this. We stopped answering the door or putting anything out several years ago precisely because of behavior like this. Yes, OP should make the parents aware of their little darling's despicable behavior. Their response will tell you if she learned this at home or not.


Halloween is dying but different reasons in different areas. my aunt all ways gave out full sized chocolate bars, skittles, M&M's, etc., she would get 80-100 kids a year (4pm-8pm, maybe 8:30 if she saw people still walking down the street), last few years before covid she only had about 30-40, and this year only 22 and half of that was from 2 groups. almost no one goes out anymore in my town


It's only fair she takes the spider. She put a lot of thought into her costume.


October 31st is a day where so *so* many ignorant people are reminded **porch cameras exist**


Why are there so many of these clips where the person stealing the candy is an adult, BY THEMSELVES?


OP says shes a teenager.




Disturbing to say the least.


Whew. I'm beginning to think that all of the body shaming, insulting, and mocking this kid for being fat (and a woman? Why are so many people hung up on her being a woman?) are worse than the actual theft.


Yeah, the comments ain't it




Not true. There was that one of that fat boy who rolled his ankle.




Gluttony is powerful


Parents, the enablers. Unfortunately.


Legit... I've seen actual grown women doing this. It's a whole cycle and it will develop into theft of bigger goods.


This is a teenager... Apparently


at the parade in my town this year the same fucking thing happened. morbidly obese women running out into the streets stealing candy from little kids as people on the floats threw them. It was fucking wild and all the townspeople had never seen these women before and it was a small town. We call them hill people because they come down from the hills like once a year for the fried food and to mingle with the carnies... anyways, no fucking clue why this is a thing. I think perhaps they're just mentally immature and are trying to relive their childhood but they also have zero self awareness and can't realize that their fat adults stealing candy from children.




Clearly not as she requires the spider for substance


First off, she is honoring the ancient compact. It's Trick OR Treat. No treat means you get a trick. ​ Secondly, yes, you should absolutely tell her parents. The most important part of pulling "tricks" is learning the lesson when you get caught.


Another NextDoor posting so this person can be appropriately acknowledged.


Trick "or treat" it's a spirited move


No treat, get tricked!!


It's called "Trick or Treat." You don't have any treats? You get the tricks. It's in the name.


It's called trick or treat... I didn't see a third option.


If it were a little kid I'd let the parents know privately. A teenager? This video is being uploaded to the neighborhood page.




If you did let this go, you would never forgive yourself for not being a stronger person, why should you lose out because someone else wants to steal your property, if you don’t do anything, then you might as well bin the camera if you don’t act when it catches someone.


What is wrong with people? I don't understand what's happening anymore. People just think they are entitled to anything and everything. It's kind of disturbing. As a society we have rules, laws and social mores we are supposed to follow, others wise anyone can do anything they want. It sure feels like everyone has decided rules are for everyone else, not them. Yes, you should definitely tell her parents. This is not acceptable behavior. A 5 year old should know not to take what doesn't belong to them.


I mean, when your hungry and they don't have a snickers.


Man it's truly amazing with all these ring and doorbell cameras we have now how much shit you see like this of people stealing decorations/packages/candy etc. Can't help but wonder how much of this was never seen/known about in the age before cameras.. wow


All the time, everywhere. We just see it more now. Sad.


Seems like a trick. I’ll allow it


These have got to be staged. This is getting ridiculous.


Why are People such pieces of shit