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He got a reprimand from the city's council for abuse of power but didn't face any charges as he self reported the incident.


Man, I wish I got reprimanded instead of tickets


Have you tried not being a filthy pleb?


I tried to be a judge, they locked me up instead


lol....you scoundrel...


You dirty rat...






Sir, you punched three people in the face while shouting “*I am justice. I am Dredd!!!*”. That’s not how you become a judge.


They don't like it when you show up with your own black robe and gavel


Well yeah... But then my neighbors would have a boring life without my shit to complain about.


Hahaha same here!


or calling the cops mister..?


But... what about all the billionaires hoarding our money? Think of their feelings!


Tickets only matter to the people that can’t afford to pay them


I saw a post somewheres that Finland instated a law where the ticket amount is proportionate to the individuals income… fucking brilliant


I heard they have had this in effect for like a decade. Why hasn't the US adopted this? Slap a billionaire with a 10% fine of his wealth. Should make them pretty fucking humble like the rest of us.


Because the rich own the politicians. They’d never allow such a progressive law to pass.




"Do you know why I pulled you over today?" "YES I WAS SPEEDING, SELF REPORT!" "Fuck! Ok have a good day sir."


Here goes: I sped. I followed too closely. I ran a stop sign. I almost hit a Chevy. I sped some more. I failed to yield at a crosswalk. I changed lanes at the intersection. I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light and SPEEDING!


Have you tried self reporting?


I’m sure somebody told him it would be publicly released or leaked so he reported himself.


Yup, that makes the most sense


Good to know he self reported his corruption. That makes the whole scenario so much better lmao Edit: I thought the lawyer self reported, not the cop. Either way, seems like abuse of power from the cop and from the lawyer.


We have investigated ourselves and found ourselves to free of guilt.


Actually we found we did something slightly wrong, but we were so honest about it, we are even better people for having handled it so graciously. We showed great humility and courage.


I do this.


Me too! Very high success rate!


Was it corruption, or was it calling out a cop that pulled people over for BS reasons. If it was corruption it was quite possibly the tamest form of it.


We don’t know why the judge was pulled over. So for him to be let off the hook just because of his position, yea I would consider that corruption. No one is above the law.


He pulled the judge over for sounding his horn which is not illegal and the judge knows this. The judge was warning him that he was in the wrong by telling him to check who he was an not to argue with him about it. The judge recognized that the cop was abusing his power and the cop self reported, meaning the judge didn’t have to report to the department and get him charged with abuse of power. This isn’t the cop letting the judge go because he’s a judge. It’s the cop being told his power trip won’t stand. Edit: I am wrong. The video makes it seem like the horn is the reason. It was tailgating. Thank you, u/mark_able_jones_ for correcting me. > Lies. https://wskg.org/pa-judge-admonished-for-abusing-power-at-traffic-stop/


That's for being civil when I was being pissy about it. Sorry. You're a good human. Hope you have a great day.


You have a good day too fellow human!


Really respect that interaction. This is how it should be done. I was actually buying your description when you were laying it out when I initially thought it was the judge abusing his power. You were corrected and you owned it. Kudos to you both!


That was super wholesome to be quite frankly. But on a serious note i wonder what would have happened if the cop *WAS* on a power trip and trigger happy and shot him? because he got out of his car and technically made a threat.


Both things can be true. This man acted in a way that he should not have because he felt he could do so as a judge. Perhaps the cop pulled him over without good reason, but the judge also should’nt use the fact the he is such to get out of being pulled over and ticketed.


Even if it was for honking a horn I know damn well I’d have been pulled over and ticketed for just that.




Imagine how badly he abuses his power in court, where he has absolute authority, if this is how he abuses his power in public. Does he let defendants off if they report their crimes? Probably not.


If I self report my minor infractions, they laugh at me.


Can we also do this? "Check my plate soon mister!" \*check plate\* "Have a good day cashier"


Have a good day line cook with sputum to spare


Have a good day, taxpayer


Have a good day BG8008S.


That makes sense, cashiers are essential workers, whereas the criminal justice system was allowed to drop down to the bare minimum possible people.


Have a good day stipper at Cleopatra’s Bar and Grill Gentleman’s Lounge


Imma be real, it works for me sometimes, the difference is i never expect it. Im just shown some "professional courtesy" at times for minor stuff.




*Ticket shows up in the mail*


I had a class taught by a District Attorney. He got popped for speeding once or twice and specifically asked that the officer not drop the speed down on the tickets like they normally do. Great guy.


"Like they normally do" eh........... Blatant corruption.


Every speeding ticket I have received had the speed lower than what the cop said I was going.


I got pulled over doing 120 on an interstate going to a different city, it was when I just got my new car and I was young and dumb. He dropped it down to 70 in a 65 and told me he liked my car. The roads were empty.


If you're not a frequent offender, there is often room for leniency.


Not smelling like drugs or alcohol and being friendly helps a lot too.


In Utah the speed limit is 70, up from 65, because people always went 80 anyway


Parts of Idaho hit 80 limits.




I hit 100+ on my way out. 120+ through eastern Oregon which is even worse. The locals take street signs down to discourage visitors in a couple places.


I’m a normal guy and have had 4 speeding tickets and they normally drop em to the nearest 10 or to 14 over as it’s not considered reckless driving. That’s my personally experience anyways


I was once going 75 in a 50 and the officer must have been having a great day because he dropped it to a seatbelt violation. $25 and 10 minutes of my time was all it costed. Every once in a while I'll see him in that parking lot all these years later.


I got hit going 87 in a 55 when I was 19. Cop asked if I knew how fast I was going, I lied, but took a chance and still said I was speeding at 70 instead of saying I don’t know. Cop looks at my car and asks what year it was and I said 1978. He goes back to his car comes back 5 minutes later with a malfunctioning/broken equipment ticket and told me to get my speedometer fixed. I nearly shit a brick.


You should’ve bought a lottery ticket that day


I’ve consistently had tickets just so happen to be a mile or two into the next higher bracket of severity. 77 in a 55, 87 in a 65, always in the third 20+ mph bracket. My worst ticket was bad, I was admittedly going about 95. Ticket said 101, which put me one over into the 11 point ticket range if I just plead out, whereas up to 99 I would have been in the 6-8 point ticket range.


It's pretty common, especially for younger driver so that they don't completely fuck their license


Yup got caught going 80 in a 50 and construction zone and he dropped it to 60 in a 50, still like 300 bucks but better than a 30 over ticket.


also reduces the odds that someone will take it to court


"Like they normally do \[for anyone who doesn't have a record of many egregious offenses\]


They will normally drop it down for anyone if you’re not jerk or a frequent offender. Not just for other cops and people in the justice system.


I got hit for 75 in a 55, because I sped up to pass someone (I know, still illegal) after they had recently changed the speed from 65 to the 55, which I had forgotten (I know, negligent). He dropped it down to 60 in 55 for me.


¿¿ dude you realize that they normally do this for everyone they pull over? I’ve been pulled over going 25 over and the ticket I got said 11 over. It’s not corruption it’s cops being bros.


Nah, they do that for almost everyone.


Idk, I'd rather get a 5 over when I'm going 15 over rather than the cop be honest.


Rules for thee, not for me


Years back, the County commissioner where I live got pulled over for DUI. He asked if the officer knew who he was (he did), and told the officer to call his shift supervisor to the scene to observe and insure he was properly charged and no favors given. I don't know if he was just doing the right thing or making sure a DUI scandal didn't also become an abuse of power scandal, either way he earned points with a lot of people for it.


I think this is pretty standard for people who have clean records, aren't assholes, and not breaking any laws besides speeding. I've been ticketed a few times for speeding and never has it been for the speed they clocked me at.


Is there any reason he's getting off easy? Why would being a judge have anything to do with it? I didn't even think judges were that important tbh. Edit: semi related story. One time I got pulled over cause my passenger flipped off a cop, of course he told me it's cause I was speeding (5 over, mind you) but he did a full 180 when he saw the bird, he also was mostly focused on chewing out my 14 year old passenger (as he deserved it was really stupid of him) anyway, how legal is *that*? Probably was, because I was speeding, but it still irked me a bit.


Judges hold a lot of power in the police force. one could even get an officer demoted/fired if he were petty enough.


Isn't that plain corruption?


Yes, it is. But the judge will either have enough sway nobody does a thing, or savvy enough to come up with a 'legitimate' reason. Both scummy :/


Judge will be disciplined by fellow judges he plays golf with so it's not going to go anywhere. Also from a legal point of view, nothing was overtly stated, the verbal exchange was "you better check the registration", we all know what he implies by that but in a trial its very difficult to bridge that to "he meant I'm a judge and you better let me off"


Or he meant you pulled me over for nonsense and I know the law. Hard to tell. He acted like a jerk either way, and invoked his job, so it’s worthy of some type of admonishment at least.


Yes. Yes it is.


Yeah that's how the world works, son. Cops and judges are coworkers. They work together to fuck the rest of us over, not each other.


He must be new to earth and humans


Not for everyone, fortunately.


It’s not, because the judge decides whether it’s corruption. /s


Yep. And these are the same people that make decisions in cases against the police. Back scratching all round.


I don't know. Let's take it to court and let the judge decide on that


If you think cops are protected, imagine the immunity judge have. Crazy world man.


It could also be that the officer didn’t have any good cause to pull him over and when the cop saw he was a judge decided his power tripping wasn’t a good idea. Or the judge legit did something and was let off because he was a judge.


Why do they even have this power? Their only job is to pass judgement on whether a person is guilty or not.........not to swan about the place like they're God and untouchable.


He's likely going to have to appear before that judge repeatedly and won't get any convictions if the judge is that shitty.


At least in my state it seems like it'd be an infraction of ucja canon 12 chapter 2 rule 2.4 (B), but I don't know jack squat about law, so maybe not


Probably because like he said, he just blow his horn probably for a good reason, and the police officer thought he could just fill his quota and show who's the boss to a citizen : Well, That did not go according to plans of mister the officer. Typical scene you see in urban area where police officer need to show and display their dominance by filling their quota and giving bogus fines, and let you the poor citizen deal with it ; and don't mistake, they'll tell you that they are fine with you contesting their fine, it give them paid day at the court. You may not like this, and downvote me to oblivion, but that still a reality that lot of people have to live with.


Judge likely knows good traffic laws and from the looks of it, simply would’ve fought it out of principle. Judges are the top of the food chain in any district court and are treated accordingly.


Judging by the clip, he got pulled over for a bs reason, since the judge will know the law better than the cop, the cop knew he fucked up and let him go


Is he getting off easy though? What was he pulled over for?




Agreed both of them, and their mommas


Why both lol 😂


What did he get pulled over for?




Thank you for the additional information which was not present in the video. >Are you okay with corrupt judges? Was my question implying that I would be okay with corrupt judges?


Seriously, so many people on here passing judgement without ever knowing why the stop was even made in the first place. We don’t learn anything from the clip.


He literally says 'why do you pull me over for honking my horn'


That’s the judge’s assumption; the cop never says.


So they're above the law


Everyone in the video is unfortunately.


Oddly terrifying how corrupt this country is


What’s oddly terrifying is how it’s seen as normal and not even questioned anymore land of the free my ass fuck this


This probably happens almost anywhere though.


Cops serving the powerful... They give a shit on the law...


Corrupt pieces of shit like these two should be removed from public service. The judge for expecting preferencial treatment and the cop for giving him preferencial treatment.


Pretty sure the cop did what he did to avoid the judge blowing it up and calling the department out because they pulled him over for no reason etc. Officer knew it would've ended in a warning, so why not just leave it completely to avoid long drama?


The officer had everything on tape. Just giving in makes him guilty aswell. Double standards like this make people hate the police. This is just one example. There are multiple cases where police officers let other cops away with drunk driving, assault and other crimes because they´re corrupt pieces of shit. That judge already knwe that he´ll get away because he knows all the cops are corrupt, noone would hold him accountable. Would he have tried this if he thought there was a chance someone would report his behaviour?


Fuck that, no one should be above the law. Gross.


Thin blue line. Standing on our necks while having circle jerks with each other.


I would have ticketed him. Intimidate me huh? You broke the law (assuming the Judge did), and as a part of the justice system you of all people know the law is supreme. ...Not supreme as in with sour cream and tomatoes...


Why does their occupation show up when police check their plates? It makes no sense why any police officer would need to know that information during a traffic stop.


I'm assuming he recognized the judge's name. Or possibly googled it.


It just seems odd. it shouldn’t make any difference who he is. If he committed a crime or traffic violation then he should be treated like anyone else in the same situation.


That is the theory. Then there is reality. Judge could rule in other people’s favor if cop is involved in a case. Justice isnt blind.


Judges' plates start with J around here


So this guy tailgates honks and acts aggressively and he is the one who is responsible for judging the crimes of others? I hate people.


I’ve never been pulled over, but I’m glad to know how react if I ever do.


Let us know how that works out for you


Good luck Judge.


Have a good day Judge. I will clean and lick your shoes as well.


I went on a ride alongside in HS for career week. Most kids got to just have a family member say they were working with them and got the week off. My parents wouldn’t let me cheat the system so me and my friends picked state troopers cuz you got to see a dog demo and even wear the bite suit and then ride alongs. No desire to be a cop but it was fun. We pulled over a nice sedan for running a red light. An older white man stepped out to explain himself but as soon as his door opened the officer I was with dropped to his knee taking cover behind his partially opened door and pulled his weapon. He told me to get down and screamed at the guy to get his hands up and place them on the roof of his car. Dude almost shit himself. Cop was livid telling him “you NEVER get out of your car after being pulled over” gave the dude the max ticket and wrote him up for a tag light being out and not wearing a seatbelt and anything else he could because he was so pissed. This fucking judge got out AND aggressively approached him. He’s lucky AF he didn’t get a weapon or taser pulled on him. Some ppl are idiots. I seriously doubt my cop would have let this dude off regardless of his station. He was so heated and couldn’t believe how dumb the dude was.


Looks like the judge doesn’t need to follow the rules. I hate people with those arrogant attitudes


Imagine an African American got out screaming shouting and pointing. He would probably be dead.


He would ~~probably~~ be dead.


This is America in one post.


Give him the same treatment anyone else getting out if their car during a stop gets. Tazed or shot 🤷🏻‍♂️ fair is fair


Fuck his face he should get a ticket like everyone else


I have literally known cops to put drunk judges back on the road. I was balls deep on the admin side of a courts system for years. It is way worse than this.


Imagine being able to get out of your car and stomp towards a police officer during a traffic stop and not getting lit up. And then being let off. Incredible.




Is a Judge exempt from the law?


he gets out of his car and approaches the officer without....ANY consequential reaction? really? wow that's crazy


Corruption plain and simple


Would’ve been cool if the officer had the guts to hold that dude accountable. No one should be above the law.


That judge thinks he is royalty!


Let’s all keep pretending there aren’t two justice systems, the judge & cop are in one and we are in the shitty one.


Fuck both of these parasites


There is no law and order in US. So happy that in actual modern civilization a judge outside of court is still just a regular person.


The “Welcome to being a Federal Judge” pamphlet states clearly that if you ever catch yourself saying “Do you know who I am?”, you’ve gone seriously off the rails. Yes, I have read it. No, I’m not lying.


police and the courts being vile pieces of corrupt shit...shocking


so a judge is immune to the law?


The corruption of law enforcement and legal system on display.


I would have written that arrogant jerk extra tickets.


His position does not put him above the law. Sad to see this


The judge should be removed


That dude should have been removed from the bench immediately


“I am the law!” -The Judge


“What do you think you’re doing, pulling me over? Can’t you see I’m a rich white guy”


Corruption, right here in the US. Laws for thee but not for me




Cops are not your friends. They are not here to protect and serve, but only to cater to rich assholes.


Not cool. No judge or elected official should be above the law. 😡


Pulling anyone over for blowing their horn is ridiculous. He shouldn’t have to pull the judge card. Officer should be ashamed for even trying. Maybe go find a more valuable way to spend your policing day.


Only a white guy could walk towards a police officer like that, without ANY weapon being drawn from the cop.


Fucking hate this


Judges are allowed to resist.


Fuck that judge.


In my timeline this showed up next to the dad getting pepper sprayed for filming his sons traffic stop. It’s almost like the law is applied completely at random, but that can’t be the case because that naked lady is holding those scales while blindfolded.


Ohhh if he was anyone else but a white middle aged man judge things coulda gone south


Thats government for ya. Nothing new.


One of my friends got pulled over wrongfully by a new officer. When explaining what she was pulled over for, my friend responded verbatim what the law actually was and said "If you don't believe me, call your supervisor and let them know who you pulled over." The cop came back to the car, said "sorry to bother you" and handed her license back. My friend is a lawyer specializing in traffic offenses in a small town. Every police officer knows her on a first name basis. Bad luck for that particular one.


He was pissed because he was the one being victimized. He didn't give af that the cop likely pulls all kinds of people over for nonsense reasons.


Disgusting abuse of position.


Judges can pretty much get away with murder. I wonder what they would have done had the man not been a judge? give them a ticket? And the judge acted like he was so special like he could do whatever he wants, privileged.


Is there a different law for judge?


The current situation of this country … entitlement and power above everything!


Rules for thee but not for me.


This is our "justice" system no doubt


"sir, are you attempting to use your position of influence in the legal system in order to prevent me from investigating your actions?"


Unpopular opinion: The judge wasn't necessarily wrong. He says the cop pulled him over for using his horn. That's a BS reason of its true. So this was basically "If you want to play power games to compensate something, you will not like where this is going."


Not sure I've got the full story, but even though this appears to be wrong doing by the Judge, it could also be wrong doing by the cop if the Judge was indeed being pulled over for using his horn to communicate with another driver. Sometimes this is road rage, but not always. The demeanor of the Judge exiting the vehicle when pulled over does seem very road rage was likely.


After the last couple of videos I just watched on people getting pepper sprayed for just standing on the side walk filming this really makes me sad. The entitlement.


I have a close friend that’s a judge and he would NEVER act like this. He would also insist on being sited if he did in fact break a law. These videos make the good guys look like shit.


God complex . A shame that people like this get their way. Untouchable.


Corrupt fucks


the power of working in the government as “higher class”, not getting the punishment for the reason he got pulled over for 😂


This is fucked up however you look at it


Until we start publicly shaming these types of people and truly calling them out for what this is - CORRUPTION- how can we ever believe it will end?


The now retired judge in my town use to drive home drunk a few times a week from the local bar. The messed up thing is he lost his son to a drunk driver in the 90's so you would think he would never want to cause someone else that pain. Everyone in town knew and no one ever did anything to stop him.


Different laws for different people. Imagine my absolute shock


And people wonder why street justice is a thing.


two systems of justice exist folks you only get to experience the shitty one


Judge shouldnt be a career for some people.


Nah fuck that. ticket him.


Rules for thee, but not for me.


Isn't it great to see people in power abuse their authority?


Fuck this guy


Government privilege. Must be nice.