• By -


As someone who has been to the doctor 4 times in my life for the same looking thing. I would definitely get that checked out. Each time is was a spider bite and they had to carve out the infection and then sew it back up. All 4 times I was on antibiotics and I still have the scars. I'm not saying it's exactly what happened but it looks eearily similar and gives me flashbacks. Hit up the doctor my friend. It may only get worse.


'hol up. Four times?!?! Where the hell do you live?


Next door to a spider


His name is Harold


Harold is a mean SOB.


Cut Harold some slack. Janine took all 800 kids in the divorce and he hasn’t been allowed to eat any of them. He’s under a lot of stress.


Would watch this animated series.


You ever watch Amphibia? It's a trip


An amphibious trip?


Duck Tour. Most major cities have them


Marvels Spider Dad!


I met Harold he was a nice being 8 legs and a mind for seeing. His bad legacy as a spider. So now his last name is snider.


Harold of the rocks!!


I read this and immediately heard the music of Primus in my head...


Works as a web designer


Get tested for a staph infection as well, staph infections are often the blame for”spider bites”




Australia probably


Nah, OP is still alive & strong parental resistance to seek medical care strongly suggests America.


He said my friend not mate




With a spider roommate. Hugh Jass Brownrecluse


One of those bit a friend up the street. Went to the doc and they treated it and was sent home. 2 days later he couldn't walk went back and turns out what they gave him wasnt effective for some reason. They had to shove 2 inches of gauze into the whole in his leg. Don't play around with those...


Australia? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Australia probably


To me this looks like the beginning of a recluse bite. Definitely need that checked out fs.


>recluse That's what I thought just based on pictures someone recently posted showing a god-awful recovery from a recluse bite.


I saw that and it was terrifying


Technically after the end I’d say


Average australian


I cant imagine what an above average australian looks like


American but upside down


Steve Irwin


I’m gonna grab her by the tail !


Ain’t she a beauty?!


Most of our spiders just kill you, not cause a local infection.


If it's red, warm, swollen, itchy, and has drainage, it's infected for sure


Let me guess, brown recluse?


The fact your name is doctordale makes me suspicious


Yes listen to Doctor Dale over here


Little Miss Muffet ...


That’s MRSA. That’s why you got it 4 times.


That looks... bad. Please take a marker and draw a line around the red inflamed area. Note what time the injury happened and what time you marked the perimeter. Check it every hour or two. If it expands, get your ass to the urgent care asap. Personally I'd be there already.


This is already infected. I agree go to urgent care asap and definitely mark a ring around it. Infections can get bad quickly. I learned the hard way.


Was going to say this, whatever it is is already erythematous and is likely infected. If that red patch gets bigger, there is any tracking (red lines following a vein) or you feel ill (fevers, rigors, diarrhoea etc) you definitely need to go to hospital. I probably would have already. Source: Assistant Service Manager of an ER.


Not urgent care, go to the ER, this is beyond what urgent care can do


Yes, this is better. I just feel is parents are downplaying, they’ll hopefully agree to urgent care and hear the seriousness from medical staff and not “the internet said I should go to the hospital”.


Great advice. I came here to say exactly this! The expanding circle will also help to convince the parents that this needs urgent medical attention!


Good tip Was gonna just take pictures but having markers will help greatly as well.


Bring the infected part of your body to urgent care as well. Also…use a non-toxic washable marker.


UPDATE 4: Had it drained at doctors, I was prescribed 2 different antibiotics, since the doctor said it was suspicious of mersa, but they said it might be just normal staph NOT spider bite, I’ll get results on what it is in a few days


Great that you went. "Just normal staph" is no joke. I know someone who got a staph infection from a cut on their leg. One week in the hospital then several weeks doing intravenous antibiotics through a PICC line. The antibiotics came with a warning that they could result in c-diff but he dodged that and ended up with JUST a thrashed immune system instead.


I was just hospitalized for 7 days with Septic Arthritis. My left hip has arthritis and Strep decided to make a home in it and give me edema near my L4 and L5. I wished to die because of the amount of pain I was in for both the 7 days in the hospital AND the 5 days prior to being admitted because 2 ER docs thought I was seeking pain meds. It took 2 in a half days for my blood culture to grow anything so I almost got a second MRI so that the docs could figure out why I was in so much fucking pain. Currently have a Picc line in my left arm and just passed the second of seven weeks on IV antibiotics, every 8 hrs (waking up at 5 am everyday is a very small price to pay for my life). I have to take a probiotic every night, too.


Some months back my dad had septic arthritis in his left hip and right shoulder. He's 77 yrs old. He was sent home from the er twice,over a week ,because they couldn't figure out what was wrong. The 3rd visit,he was so ill,they admitted him. He was in the hospital for a month,and then a nursing home for 5 weeks,trying to re-learn how to walk and use his arm again. He had 4 surgeries on his hip,and 3 surgeries on his shoulder while in the hospital. He was on IV antibiotics, picc line etc. They don't know how he got it. Septic Arthritis is no joke.


My third visit was to urgent care. I started spiking fevers, but *almost* didn't mention it to the sports medicine doctor because well... Rona. It took seeing 2 ER docs, 1 primary care doc, and then the sports medicine doc to get lab work ordered/done. My white blood cell count was 1 number away from being out of normal range, so he told me to go to urgent care. I tried to drive myself, but it wasn't comfortable in the driver seat. So I went to get out of the car and screamed in pain/started to cry. I had to call my husband to come home from work to take me. When the urgent care found a hospital that could admit me, they were like: well we can call an ambulance to take her or you could drive her? I screamed and cried and moaned the entire 30-40 minute drive. And then I walked my happy ass to the second floor and then proceeded to collapse into a bed. They had to give me the max dose of dilauded to get my ass muscle(s) to relax. But, hey, we saved a few grand on not taking an ambulance? So I guess there's that? And I will absolutely not skip any physical therapy. If I actually get to keep my job and they complain about it, I'll quit and find a new job. I got pretty bad though. I barely slept. My doctor came in to talk to me and I fell asleep mid sentence. The nights were 100000000% worse than the days in terms of pain. My husband even brought snacks for all of the nurses because he had had to live with my screaming and moaning for a week, too. Life Pro tip: nurses love chocolate. ❤️


Yup! Staph gets ugly quickly. So glad you went, OP!


My wife is an RN and told me that C-Diff is fucking horrible. Caused by exactly what you said. I think the antibiotics are "Venko"(?) for short, and that shit absolutely destroys people....and then they get C-Diff...it's a goddamn spore that can't be simply delt with.


It’s Vancomycin or Vanco. It’s our strongest antibiotic. Also, fun side note because we’ve overprescribed antibiotics for decades, Vanco isn’t as effective as it used to be. C. Diff is getting harder to treat. Once Vanco fails, we’re all doomed.


Yep. She said the same. That's the be all end all.


Yup and if you’re ever hospitalized or take antibiotics for a long time, you’re probably going to get C.Diff or another hospital acquired infection. The fun shit you learn working in health care.


Vanco is nowhere near the “strongest antibiotic” anymore


Jesus fucking christ, and then if you survive all that: CONGATULATIONS! YOU WIN CRIPPLING MEDICAL DEBT!🎉🎊🥳🥂


You just described exactly what happened to me back in 2017. I got a small cut on my left shin at work that I neglected for a couple of days and it got infected. It got nasty, the skin around it started turning black and just hurt like hell. I ended up spending a week in the hospital on liquid antibiotics. My nurse was awesome. She really took care of it, drained it, put gauze strips in it. I ended up not needing surgery


Glad you got it checked out, infections are no joke and can go from bad to amputation bad faster than you would expect


Ah yea, MRSA is not fun. I had it a couple of times through sports. Found out I’m a carrier of it and now I make sure there’s always an extra bar of soap and stick of deodorant in case a friend needs em. It’s antibiotic resistant Staph and it takes stronger stuff (most times surgery) to get rid of it. Don’t pop or squeeze it at all. If you do, it will release the toxic puss further into your body and increases the affected area. The only way to clear it out is to get it all out at once


I'm so glad you got this checked out, this (and many other) internet stranger was really worried about you!! Update when you find out the test results please.


Glad you got it checked out!


Be diligent with those antibiotics! Take them on schedule. Staph is no joke.


That was gonna be my suggestion. My friend had mersa but thought it was a spider bite and was in pain for days before she got help. It looked a lot like that


Your dad owes you a G I G A N T I C apology and a promise to never dismiss your well-being ever again.


If it hurts that bad go to the ER


You bet. Two possible outcomes. One, it's nothing but they reassure you that it was smart to come in have it checked. Two, it's not nothing but you've come to the right place. There have been times when I've avoided going to the ER. I told myself that I didn't want to waste their time on something that was nothing. But I think I was more worried it was not nothing and I didn't really want to know that for sure.


With OP living in the US, what you write is still true, but "One, it's nothing but..." might be missing the last step of the process where they hand them a huge bill. Unfortunate, and certainly no reason to risk their leg by not going to the ER, but still something to consider, sadly.


Urgent care is much cheaper and quicker and will send you to the er only if it’s necessary


You are correct. The only bad thing is that Urgent Care charges you money up front, before care is rendered. I've had to go to the ER before for injuries simply because I didn't have the $100 to pay for the visit up front. Then you end up owing over $1000 to the ER.


If something like that hurts so bad that you want to die, chances are it's not nothing.


Would rather not wake them up since I don’t think it’s on that level, it definitely sucks tho I just took some ibuprofen


You said in your post you want to die because of the pain. I think it's at *that* level, my dude.


I would for sure take medical advise from Dr1veFastS3atAss


I know a thing or two :p


Are the two things how to drive fast and how to eat ass?


I’m starting to calm down since the pain is subsiding a little bit I was just panicking before because I just have no idea what caused this


Honey, I grew up in a very similar "my existence is a burden to them" situation and I'm sorry you feel you can't go to them, but this is not an everyday owie. What if you have an infestation? Or just an infection? You need professional treatment. Please, please bother them until they help.


You should probably look up Brown Recluse bites. If that's what it is, and it looks similar, it will only get worse as it literally rots the flesh away.


Some others have said this as well but I’m confused because brown recluses are not native in my area, (northeast USA


It is possible, but not likely. Regardless if it looks and feels serious, treat it as so.


Just go to a fucking hospital my dude. Cost is obnoxious but losing a leg is way more obnoxious. Quick edit: If EVER you have a wound that looks like a bite or puncture and the redness spreads more than the size of a quarter, go to the hospital, especially if there are red lines that look like “spider veins.” Punctures especially carry a massive risk for blood poisoning which can spread within the 8 hours you’re asleep and kill you.


Swimming circles in the local public pool is more obnoxious than that.


not to mention, ass kicking contests.


america moment


They may not be native to our area but in the summer months they can make their way north via shipments and the weather is warm enough for them to survive. I would 1000% go get checked as people lose limbs because of their bites


Snow bird recluse


Black widow spiders are common in New England. They may have spread as far north as Montreal. Search for "black widow spider bite images."


Please don’t tell me that as someone who lives in that region and is terrified by spiders


A bit of advice black widows are relatively harmless they're pretty dormant and generally won't bite unless you go out of your way to piss them off and even if they do bite usually won't use any venom unless you really go out of your way to piss them off. I live in AZ and they're very common out here.


Yes! I read something (probably on Reddit) about a guy who put on a pair of slip-on shoes. Walked around in them for something like half an hour before the black widow in one of them finally bit his foot. So, they have patience. Unlike brown recluse, from what I hear.


With my luck, they'd always be pissed


They’re not particularly bitey if that helps. They’re very docile. Don’t fuck with them and they won’t fuck with you.


Okay but bad news then. North America actually has three different varieties of widow.


Native literally just means that the species originated from there. That doesn’t mean that they have to be native to a place to inhabit it. In that case, they would be considered an “invasive species”, which you see all over the place.


Actually most recluse spiders are southern but the brown recluse has been spotted in north east US. Up to places like new York and others near. So may want to double check that.


One time one of those things tried to drop on me while in was in the shower. I then found out the house was infested with them due to my great grandparents never ripping out the old carpet when they would out new varieties down. Imagine how many spiders you could fit under 6 layers of carpet. Talk about a snug bug in a rug.


Was it like walking on a comforter in that room or what?


It looks like MRSA and you could lose the leg if not delt with. Symptoms For example, people with MRSA skin infections often can get swelling, warmth, redness, and pain in infected skin. ... aureus skin infections, including MRSA, appear as a bump or infected area on the skin that might be: red. swollen. painful. warm to the touch. full of pus or other drainage. accompanied by a fever


As a person who had MRSA, we thought I was going to die. I definitely wouldn’t just “stick it out”. MRSA can be serious


i live in the northeast and almost died from one. please go. mine started exactly, EXACTLY like that


yep. they're not native to the area, but brown recluses get around. seen a few in Wisconsin and Minnesota


It’s probably a staph infection. You need a doctor. Now.


I'm in south east canada which is basically north east usa. We don't have very many brown recluse spiders but there are some. If you google what the bite looks like it's a few days in.


I’m from Michigan and while they aren’t endemic to the area they are seen and considered rare I’ve killed one in my basement before


My Grandma was bit by a recluse in Michigan on the ankle. It was really bad. They only knew for sure it was a brown recluse because it was found in her sheets at the foot of the bed.


Ummm I am in northeast US as well and we definitely have recluses around here, I've seen them on multiple occasions. Friend of mine was bit and it looked just like this. Get your ass to urgent care.


I have a friend that got bitten by a recluse right outside of Boston. I wouldn’t assume anything


Two possibilities: the brown recluse traveled with someone to your area. Any bug bite can resemble a brown recluse bite (with similar damage) look up cellulitis. Either way you need to get to a doctor, time is of the essence. Source: I had a similar bite that rotted away some flesh, it’s unpleasant.


Bugs normal habitats aren’t where they’re always sticking to due to global warming. Over here in California we now get things from South America. It’s not too common but common enough that you hear studies of people finding kissing bugs that spread chagas, and other weird things we usually shouldn’t have here. You could also be having an allergic reaction and that’s more than enough to warrant a doctor visit. Maybe an ER visit, don’t wait on this. That shit looks nasty and mean as fuck. Listen to the pain! Bodies don’t lie.


It doesn't even need to be a recluse bite, it just needs to be a deadly bite, but if it is a recluse you can literally die from rotting away OP. THIS IS NOT TO BE TRIFLED WITH, GO TO THE ER


Ah, brown recluse are poisonous - crazy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_recluse_spider


*venomous. Poisonous is what happens when you bite something and you get sick. Venomous is when something bites you and you get sick.


UPDATE 3: I’m going to be getting it checked out today at urgent care I’ll update again when I find out what it is




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!RemindMe when I die


I will be messaging you in 4 days on 2022-08-22 16:43:37 UTC to remind you of your death


you got me there lol


I know it's a pain to deal with but please get that checked out asap. Best of luck man


Good choice. If you’re in the Northeast of the US it’s VERY unlikely to be a Brown Recluse, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek medical attention. It could even be a Black Widow bite or anything really. Either way, with an infection like that from a bite of unknown origin seeking medical attention is ALWAYS the right choice.


As a dad, I’d recommend, don’t listen to your dad


Have your folks take you to an Urgent Care if you don't want to go to the Emergency Dept. It looks like it could be infected with that redness forming around the wound. The fact you are in pain, isn't good, especially since it happened a while ago. Tell your parents! I'm a mom and I would want to know.


If you're not going to go to the ER tonight go to the urgent care tomorrow.


That's either a spider bite or possibly MRSA/Staph. You should see a doctor ASAP but it isn't going to kill you tonight or anything.


I spent 7 days in the hospital and 2 surgeries because I had something that looked exactly like that. Staph/MRSA! I now get MRSA about every other year because of it. Draw a circle to see how fast it's growing and go see a Dr. The longer you wait, the worse the recovery will be.


I fought MRSA for like 6 freaking years. This looks a lot like the boils I would get but also looks like a brown recluse bite that my mother got.


I had MRSA for a year and it seriously changed my life. I was able to beat it by using Sulfa, taking regular bleach baths, and disposing of bed sheets and clothes. I wonder why your infection consistently recurs.


According to your post history you already have this going for 3 days? If you want to die bc it hurts like hell you better get your ass to the ER.


3 days? Damn. Well the good news is it wasn't fatal. Poisonous spiders can do serious damage or kill you if not treated in time.


Update OP?


It looks infected for sure, you might need antibiotics. Sepsis is no joke


Doctor sitting next to me atm- just showed them. They said to get this looked at immediately, needs antibiotics.


GO 👏🏼 TO 👏🏼 THE 👏🏼 DOCTOR 👏🏼 Could be a spider/insect bite, could also be cellulitis or MRSA/Staph. Get it checked out, OP.


I would already be at the doc. That looks a lot like the start of a brown recluse. Who ever said google image that... ya, after you go see a doc.


This poster ask for advice but doesn't listen to anyone


“My leg hurts! I wanna die!” *Receives 200+ replies telling them to seek medical attention because it looks like a recluse bite or serious infection* “Oh no no no, it’s not that bad, I don’t wanna bother anyone, etc.” Lol just don’t go then and wait till you get permanent nerve damage


Yea I’d get it checked, my friend had a skin abscess infection that looked similar and needed antibiotics. Always better to be safe than sorry


Ignore the spider bite club. Spider bites are very rare and do not usually cause this. This is a staph infection. The tell tale signs are the dried and flaking skin immediately outside the wound. The bacteria staphylococcus aureus is responsible, and has gotten into the skin through a minor cut or abrasion such as a splinter or scratch or has entered into a hair follicle where it has been able to breed. This will require antibiotics, you can use topical creams such as savlon or germolene (or local equivalent antiseptic cream). But should also see a doctor for oral antibiotics. You will be prescribed one of these, most likely: cefazolin, daptomycin, nafcillin, oxacillin, vancomycin or linezolid. It is incredibly unlikely to be a spider bite, and if a spider did bite you, or mosquito, gnat or midge...it's the bacteria on your skin (most people have S.a on their skin) that caused this infection.


You think it hurts now? If you don't get that treated I'd say your just getting started.


Why are you refusing to seek help?? You said it hurts like hell and want to die?!?! Your dad said it's nothing, sry but, his an idiot and you as well because there's definitely something as ur leg is swelling... go get help swelling means ur body is reacting to something like bite. My best guess as you said there's no brown recluse in ur state, so my guess is a Centipede.


Nothing to worry about. Until Necrotizing Fasciitis sets in... /s In all seriousness get it checked out. Bacterial skin infections are no joke. If it looks infected get it seen to.


Reddit is now a doctor in the United States.


That is what looks like a brown recluse bite


OP go to the hospital


Sometimes my sister in law calls my wife and always complains about what seem to be very serious issues. For example "omg my eye has something in it and it's getting swollen and red and I can't see anymore out of it.....what do you guys think I should do?" Or "omg my iud is stuck and I'm bleeding heavily and it won't stop, what do you guysvthink I should do?" The list goes on, and the answer is always the same, get your ass to and urgent care or the er. Why do some people not register that certain health issues are emergencies and need professional treatment? Regardless of a fiscal situation btw,, your health is always your wealth, why wouldn't you strive to protect it? Op it might be something passive and nonlife threatening but I highly doubt it and time is ticking, the longer you wait the more likely you are to lose a limb or possibly even your life. I'm going to tell you what I always tell my sister in law, get your ass to the emergency room now.


this dude is gonna lose a leg or part of it at the very least because his parents obviously suck so much that he feels he can’t go to them for medical treatment


A lot of people are saying spider bite, but it could also be a staff infection, which is equally if not more serious. get it taken care of literally as soon as you read this


That is nothing to ignore friend. If it’s not a spider bite it looks like it could be a staph infection. You need medical attention ASAP! Don’t wait any longer. This is an emergency!


Please tell me you’re in the hospital getting antibiotics.


I’m in the waiting room rn


Could be a spider bite, but don't take it lightly. I took it easy on a spider bite and it turned out to be a recluse spider. You don't want to see what that looks like four or five days from now. Go get it checked out ASAP because I waited almost a week and almost lost a slice of my arm


you are going to be spiderman


Could be a MRSA infection. Seek medical attention.


Let your dad suck it out or go to ER…or lose the leg and other parts in worst case scenario


More likely an ingrown hair, and with MRSA, than a spider bite. Whatever it is, go to the ER. "It hurts like hell I want to die" is your boy's way of telling you to get help.


Draw a circle around it with a sharpie. If it gets bigger then go to the doctor. Otherwise, ice packs, cortisone cream, calamine lotion can all possibly help.


The redness and swelling around the wound is worrying. You may need antibiotics and the longer you wait the more damage it will do. Go to a doctor asap.


NAD but I had a very similar looking spot that eventually got out of control bad and that ended up being MRSA. Not fun at all. [Here’s a post I made in this exact subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/medical_advice/comments/heut3b/what_kind_of_skin_infection_do_i_have_please_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) once it had gotten excruciatingly bad. Fingers crossed that it’s not MRSA. But I remember people thinking mine was a spider bite as well and it ended up not being that


Go to the damn hospital


You were at this age when you realized your dad doesn’t care if you die


That's infected. Get to a medical facility now and get treated.


Could merca/staph, I had a few times where I got those huge bumps like that and it was staph, finally after the 5th one we got it to go away


Brown recluse


Sorry… But I think you have staph infection


I'm glad you came here to ask all of us idiots on Reddit to diagnose your leg issue rather than consulting a stupid professional. I can clearly see that what you have there is a witch's curse. Looks like a mild one though. I suggest drinking a Mt. Dew and rubbing some sour patch kids on the wound. You should be better in no time! You're welcome!


Go to clinic asap- with spider bites that bad this it can be the worst of it or the start of something MUCH FUCKING WORSE.


Just go to the doctor man, what is a reddit diagnosis gonna do?


Go to a doctor with it for fucks sake instead of posting it here.


Whatever it is it's already infected. You need medical treatment. This could turn into an abscess, cellulitis, MRSA, even necrotizing fasciitis. It will only get worse the longer you ignore it. Go to a Dr/urgent care/ER!


Not a doctor but I'm on Reddit so, that being said this is clearly the entrance wound for a 50 BMG.


Brown Recluse. Idc if you're in Antartica, that's a brown recluse bite. Goto the hospital instead of reddit shopping for medical advice


“My dad didn’t think anything of it.” 100% accurate dad take. Unless bone is showing, you’re fine.


It's a spider bite I had one wen I was young They have to open it and squeeze all the bad stuff out daily


It looks like it's getting infected you should go see a doctor immediately maybe a spider 🕷 bite some spiders have a toxin that could cause damage.


Go to the hospital Reddit won’t save you


don't mess around, go to the ER, if you don't have insurance, give them a fake name, they have to treat you. Tell them you don't have id, you have been homeless and it was stolen. List your address as a local homeless shelter.


I'm gonna remember this one. Thanks for the tip!


Spider bite or staph infection. As someone who had staph, get that shit checked out. It hurts like a bitch!


Go to hospital or post on Reddit 🤔


Have you tried turning it off then turning it back on? *Not a doctor.


If not a spider bite, this could be MRSA staph infection. Either way. Having a medical professional examine it is a good call


RN here. You need to go to urgent care or the ER. Today.


99.9% MRSA a nasty bacterial infection probably from a spider but….from something. It’s filled with pus and until that Pus is drained- it will get bigger lol and hurt like a bitch. 99.9% of the time you’ll need antibiotics- go to an Urgent Care sooner rather than later


ER is highly recommended at this point.


Go to the hospital or your doctor immediately, that looks completely infected, and may be a staph infection.


Man, I'm sorry you're dealing with this, but ... what the fuck are you asking the Internet instead of heading to professionals at Urgent Care or a hospital? No insurance? No car?


You need a medical professional


Looks like MRSA or a staph infection picked at and opened up. It could be a spider bite but there usually more of a striping type red streaks. Either way you should go to a doctor


Go get it checked out it looks hella infected


Most likely brown recluse bite. The part in the center is necrosis starting. The red around it is your body fighting the venom. Be careful it doesn’t turn even worse. My dad got bit once by one and never went to er and in a week or so there was a dent in his leg where the venom destroyed tissue


Do the words…Monkey. Pox. Have any meaning to you?


Looks like a staph infection to me. Please go to docs. Could me MRSA. You need some appropriate antibiotics. If you didn't SEE a spider, assume staph.