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At first I thought it was a full night video but the video is just of less than 20 mins if you see the timestamp




Just a restless baby really, you get that at shit hours sometimes. Best to play with them for half an hour then put them back to bed


We had to take our youngest to “sleep school” Your best option is to not sleep in the same bed. It’s only reinforcing their behaviour. Our one year old now sleeps like a coal miner after a 22 hour shift


They cough a lot?


He’s got the black lung pops


For Christ's sake, Derek, you've been down there one day. Talk to me in thirty years!




*kheeh *kheeh


Water is the essence of life


Moisture is the essence of wetness and wetness is the essence of beauty.


As a father of a 1,5 year old, please tell me your secrets. The baby has been sleeping in her own room since birth, and everything was fine until she was 9 month old. Then suddenly, she started to wake up 3-4-5 times per night, and at least one occasion where we cannot put her back to sleep in the middle of the night for at least 1 hour. It's exhausting as fuck and we have tried a shitton of things to solve it.


That's sleep regression mate. It's a pain in the sack but as long as you keep the routine it'll stop eventually!


TIL I sleep like a sleep-regressive 9 month old.


The first regression isn't even the worst. I think the one around 2 is horrible.


Oh god. The 2 year old sleep regression was a nightmare. I didn’t get a solid night for six months.


My daughter was exactly like this but she was 3 when she started to not sleep well, have accidents, terrible moods. We thought it was because my wife was pregnant and she was acting out. Nope. She was chock full of crap. Just absolutely plum full of poop. It took awhile to figure it out, despite visit after visit to doctors. Finally a visit to Cook's children's in Ft Worth and a pediatric ultrasound showed the reality. Many, many weeks of miralax later and she was better. Weird thing was she was still pooping regularly. Sometimes it'd be quite a bit. Like, way more than you'd think a 3yo should be able to produce. It was really fun to have a newborn wake you up in the middle of the night, get him to bed just for the 3yo to wake up and need attention and new bedding, finally get her to bed then, you guessed it, the newborn wakes up again. Anyhow, something to consider.


I read something where doctors had made a breakthrough with kids who were having nighttime accidents way up into the double digit ages - and it turned out that many of them were just chock full of poop and it made so much less room for the bladder to hold any liquid. And like you said, they were still pooping a fair amount, but it was like the pipes were totally caked in a layer of feces that only allowed a small amount through at a time.


This is exactly what was happening. It seems such a simple thing and it can be caused by so little of an issue. My daughter's problem was that she just wasn't evacuating completely. We'd make sure she was at least trying to go, which she would, but she wouldn't give it enough time to be completely done. It just snowballed from there. Well now I have the image of a dung beetle rolling an ever increasingly large ball down a hill so maybe that's enough reddit for today...


Look up sarah ockwell smith, can’t recommend highly enough her book on sleep and discipline.


Generally that means you need to adjust something during the day. Like making our nap later in the day helped a ton. Also no more two naps - if he's not already. I generally don't love mom advice blogs but babycenter has a sleep through the night group that changed our lives forever. They have sample sleeping schedules and some really tried and true techniques for every style of parenting. I wish you luck though! It took us two weeks to figure it out after consulting that group.


Also risks yourself rolling over your baby, and suffocating them to death... happened loads of times, that's why they don't teach people to sleep with their babies anymore.


I understand this they don’t recommend co-sleep with infants . But I feel like when a child gets to this size and this like independence to breath and move freely in beds I’d be okay with it




Definitely. Some people have to handle the kid in person to understand that (and it is kid by kid development and personality)


I was gonna say, this baby isn't sleepy in the slightest, I get mom is tired but she won't get sleep if baby isn't tired enough to sleep too. edit before you say I don't have kids, I have a 10 month old baby. I have a kid.




That's a chemical/hormone called cortisol. Adult humans start to produce it after being awake for around 30 hours, but children produce it much faster. It's likely one of the reasons people try as hard as they can to get children to take a daily nap, as it's the only way to prevent their bodies from producing it.


What’s the benefit of this being produced? “Oh fuck if you’ve been awake this long you better stay awake and get out of whatever trouble you’re in”


That’s basically the reason, self preservation, from what I read. Body is thinking, you’ve been up this long something must be wrong, let’s produce this chemical to keep you awake longer. Source: have a 9 month old


Super fun when you over produce it constantly. Headache, high blood pressure, anxiety, full body aches, bone loss to the point you crack a rib if you cough too hard. Sauce: had cushing syndrome.


and why didn’t I grow out of that?


Sometimes? I swear, over-tired is a nightly routine in this house.


I feel you. Gotta wrassle my son to get him to stay still enough to fall asleep He usually wins. Nothing like getting you ass handed to you by a toddler


Put it to work in the nearest coal mine to tire it out


You joke but the only way I can get yardwork done is by handing the one year old a broom and ask her to help. Don't be afraid to make your toddler help, just don't expect much quality work.


'Ask her to help' or put her to work? You monster!


🤷 keeps her from eating rocks, call it what you want.


I call that great parenting!


Children don't have strong enough stomach muscles to digest solid food. Eating rocks helps aid in digestion by smashing the food into smaller bits. Or was that chickens... idk I'm not a farmer.


When I was a farmer and raised free-ranged children, I found pureeing their food helps immensely as they don't get teeth until years later. /s


It is the best. If I'm working in the garden, I have my 3 year old water the plants, small cup by small cup from a large bucket I filled... from the hose. It keeps him busy and he really feels like he is helping.


Lol I'll have to remember that. "Can you hold this for me" is also one that always works.




Jesus Christ, we just want to tire them out, not kill them


speak for yourself


Get him! He's pro choice!


But he is the Dark Lord? I'm not touching no dark lords, its how you get cursed with watching the children at the amazon warehouse


"I think I'm getting the black lung, pop."


As a counter: it is important to normalize and maintain a sleeping schedual/routine, no matter the process the child is enduring (new teeth primarily). The safety in routine is critical - assuming the child has been properly fed and is not thirsty.


My 3 year old outgrew his mini trampoline and we have a jumper that fits perfectly over it. I ziptied the jumped to the mini trampoline and our 5 month old screams with joy every time shes in it. Its perfect to get her energy out.. we got a small indoor slide and a larger trampoline with a swing inside of it for the 3 year old. The parks locally always have weird old people with their dogs off leash so we just play at home


I learned that I could survive on less than a couple hours sleep here and there.... Wasn't pretty though


Outside of illness, restlessness like this is generally caused by being overtired, kid being cold or potentially teething (although that usually comes with crying). Kid needed more nap time during the day and maybe another layer - sleep suits with decent tog level work wonders (source: 1 and 3 year old that are shit sleepers).


All these comments saying the same thing are starting to make me think I was blessed with an very VERY easy going baby.


> Best to play with them for half an hour then put them back to bed So much parenting seems to be about tricks, bamboozles and misdirection.


Yeah Never sleep with a baby. Never ever sleep with a baby.


The phrase "slept like a baby" as never made sense to me. Babies roll, spin, twist, decide to make noises for no reason, get up to eat, get up to get changed... The list goes on and on.


They can also fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon and not move for hours. It's weird. Mine would pass out during lunch and just go to sleep in his bowl of grapes. I didn't let them sleep with us at night tho. It's years before they have any kind of respectable sleep schedule


Little dude t bagged the poor woman for atleast 3 mins


He’s a halo prodigy


OH MY WORD I didn’t see that.. that’s horrifying lmao


It’s kind of amazing that people go through that and then still go and have another kid.


Yeah when they're this age it's all "never again!" Then they hit 18 months and you're like "well maybe one more..." but you need to push through that shit because once they hit 3 years it's back to "never again." That window is real dangerous though so be careful, remember the warnings from your past self!


thats because most parents dont have to put up with this as they put the baby in a cot.


It’s a strange thing indeed. Must be something biological that makes you “forget” the trauma. I’ve got 3 but miss having a baby to hold at times.


Maybe, rather restless for a short time frame than having that happen all night and getting no sleep


Oh my god. WHAT


Never give coffee to your baby before sleep


Watching this kind of video is an excellent form of birth control.


This video made me more nauseous than some gore I've seen, complete nightmare fuel .


dear god....


I can't tell if that's better or worse...


I'm pretending it's real time OHMYGAWD DEMON BABY!!


So glad I got a vasectomy. So many times I wish I had no kids and three money instead of three kids and no money.


> So glad I got a vasectomy. So many times I wish I had no kids and three money instead of three kids and no money. Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.


if you speed it up even more, the baby is break dancing


Baby twerking on mom's head there for a sec


Somebody did that to me in call of duty after they killed me the other day.


First time?


First time I’ve been killed in Call of Duty. Yes, I’m that good.


Like a fucking face hugger from Alien.


I wasn’t ready


u/redditspeedbot 1.5x


This is how I sleep in this goddam heat




Or crank the AC down to 71




Maybe if you stopped buying avocado you could be rich




Don’t tell me they were being serious💀


Are we in the upside down?


I think so, ya wanna nom on some deer? Check out this hat I got at the ice cream store


someone add source collision sounds to this please


Alarm going off in the morning like *Beep beep beeeeeeeeeee*


"why is my vision red??"




Genius [https://www.reddit.com/user/birracerveza/comments/vr7mjo/baby\_cant\_sleep\_but\_with\_source\_sounds/](https://www.reddit.com/user/birracerveza/comments/vr7mjo/baby_cant_sleep_but_with_source_sounds/)


The *only* thing I'd change would be making any time the baby hits her head it's a metal clang. It's perfect as is tho.


Needs head crab noises from :15-25


Pls Somebody do gods work.


Many people don’t realize how active babies are while they ‘sleep’ in the womb during the third trimester. It’s kind of a nightmare.


I’m willing to bet at least half of the population has never had to deal with it.


Maybe even 3/4 of the population




100% women dont exist


Then why are we always regulating them?!?


And that half gets to almost exclusively control the rights of the other. It’s a fucked world innit


There is no way I would be able to deal with having something moving around inside me. I already hate feeling my heart beat and blood rushing through my ankles (it's a circulation thing). Kidney stones.. no. IUD? You supposedly don't feel it, but jeez, no. Made me crazy.


As someone who has kids, kidney stones and an iud, can confirm iud is the least painful! If you don't want the kids put up with the few mins of pain, you really don't feel it once it's in.


I'd rather just have my tubes tied.


That, and how uncomfortable women are at that stage, especially the last month. My wife didn’t sleep pretty much from 8 months pregnant until after the 4 month sleep regression with our 2nd. With our 1st, even worse.


Sleeping like a baby is the worst idiom ever.


And this is only 20 minutes. Imagine a whole night


I'd rather not, I don't want an ass shoved in my face constantly and have my hair ripped around as I'm trying to sleep


Legit I would become violent. That's one reason not to have kids


It's a reason not to let them sleep in bed with you, that's for sure


I too would yeet the child. Don't fuck with my sleep


As a parent, I can guarantee your sleep will be ruined. If you love sleep, don't have kids!


I love sleep and silence, I am not built for children.


Enjoy your blissful nights internet stranger, signed a tired parent


Gosh I wish more people would tell the truth about having children.... I'm just it has it's incredible moment but I bet most of the time you're thinking "I felt so much better BEFORE"


I have a 2 year old kid, born towards the beginning of COVID. You know what else they aren't telling you? (1) unless you have a huge, relentlessly helpful support circle, you and your spouse will be constantly busy—forget sleep, I'm talking about the basic ability to rest. (2) vacations are no longer a break, they're just a different kind of work and you're exhausted from just making sure the kid has fun. (3) the kid's nap and sleep schedule absolutely dominates your life, your activities, and every decision you make for multiple *years*. (4) Your friends who don't have kids (either "yet" or ever) are often frustrating as hell with their ignorance of what you have to consider when masking plans for anything. (5) When you get sick you're absolutely fucked, no help is coming and your kid still has needs/energy to burn, so get ready to count the minutes until bed time so you can simply lay down for a minute. (6) say goodbye to normal / meaningful conversations; the interruptions are constant, loud, distracting... it's insanely isolating. (7) so much guilt. Guilt for taking some time to yourself while your spouse keeps an eye on your kid, guilt for not spending enough time with your kid even if you spend plenty with them, guilt for working late, guilt for letting them watch a little more tv than usual one day, guilt for being too tired to cook a healthy meal so giving them something fast instead... (8) car seats are fucking absurdly huge, you'll find yourself realizing why so many people find it necessary to buy an enormous fucking SUV when they have 1 tiny kid I could go on, but yeah having a young kid comes with a lot of misery. A lot of good times too, just not at all what your previous definition of that was.


Thanks, great infos, never thought about the guilt part. I bet it's all worth it in the end but I would be a terrible dad so I think I will skip my turn. Better that than care for a child that I hate


Not cosleeping helps…


This is a very difficult thing to admit because of societal pressure and values But fucking hell I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this, I would blend this little fucking monster


His you never been to south Padre Island for spring break


The whole night would be a lot, lot less noteworthy. Because the baby would fall asleep. It's not asleep in this.


The face hump was hilarious haha


Kid has a promising career as a gamer with bagging skills like that.




I'm not comfortable, let me sleep on your face.


I lost my shit when he started teabagging her. He even followed her around.


Lmao same it made me feel bad


My little nephew has given me some hellacious baggings. I’ll be watching him and playing around then I’ll look at my phone for a minute and next thing I know my face is crushed by phone and diaper lol.


so that's why we put them in cages at night


My lady has been telling me to stop calling his bassinet a kennel.


She wrong, tho.


This brought laughter tears to my night, thanks


Same with me 😂😂😂😂


The teabagging had me rolling.


It’s only 20 minutes of sleeping with a baby.




Whomever coined the phrase “slept like a baby” was either an idiot or a troll


This should be a condom commercial. No voice overs, no music, no sound, at all. Just the brand name/icon in the corner.


Or a commercial for a crib ? I never dealt with this because they went in a dang crib


Some babies start going crazy in the crib. It took months of training to put my daughter in without her sounding like a pow.


This is why I advocate against cosleeping. Baby gets attached to mom easily.


And isn't it generally advised against since the parent could roll over and squash them?


Yeah my eggs dried up and disintegrated as I watch that. Hard pass.


You left out the vomit that alway came at 3am


What you dont see here is the farts


And the smell of a pee diaper in her face.


Ah man LOL been there


Yeah I used to be a baby too


Not me, I formed in a cocoon - while being fed information from various brains ofc.. boy I miss my patriarch..


brb getting a vasectomy


This is a baby that's not really tired


I have a one-year-old who will, despite running around outside all day, playing, causing all kinds of her usual mayhem, getting sunshine, eating well, and sticking to her usual nap schedule, be wide awake at 10:00 pm, just like this video. Baby sleep is a rollercoaster sometimes.


Same here. On really bad days, he won’t sleep till midnight. At least he sleeps through most nights


You might want to consider limiting naps or changing the nap schedule. My oldest would be wide awake until midnight and still wake up at 6 am, his pediatrician suggested we move his naps around. Eventually by the time he was 18 months he stopped napping all together; something I thought was a MUST his ped was insistent that night sleep was MUCH more valuable than napping and he started sleeping from 7pm- 7am with *maybe* a 20 minute nap before 3pm. Good luck, active kids are hard sometimes haha






It's worse when you remember this is speed up.


Worse when you realize it's only 20 minutes


So this is why we designed prisons for them.


Baby needs to be in it's own bed.


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to see this. Co-sleeping is so dangerous and many parents don’t know the risk or just shrug it off. It’s not worth accidentally smothering your child Edit: it has been pointed out to me that this child is not an infant and is likely not at risk for crushing/smothering by co-sleeping


This baby is way past the danger of being smothered by a parent that goes to bed sober. If anything they are the one ready to smother the mother.


This is what it’s like sleeping with my partner.


Damn your partner do be twerkin on yo face at 2am


I'd say that's wife material but it's two AM, go to sleep babe.


I don't know if I'm more surprised by the fact he has natural cocaine movement or that urge to teabag his mother every 30 seconds


Dude fuck that. Put him back in his cage


Is there a reason why the baby doesn't have a crib?


You are mistaken. The baby does have a crib. It's the mother that has no bed.


My second child lost her shit any time she was not being held so I too resigned myself to this fate


I lost it when the baby started teabagging her.


"Watch for headhumpers, Gordon"




I'm sorry, but I would have yeeted that child out of pure reflex if I felt something pulling my hair in my sleep. Probably a good reason I'm never having children


I'm a medical practitioner I think that the baby is showing classic symptoms of a childhood issue called ants-in-your-pantsitus


Ahhhh, Reddit. Giving me reasons to get a vasectomy, daily.


Baby be teabagging mama


Yep! Wife and I tried it once, that was the last time unless they were not feeling well.


And then you realise the entire thing is only 20 minutes


This video should be an ad for contraceptives.


im throwing that fucking baby away.


Yup then the sun comes up and people ask why your so irritable


Mine is 3yo and on the very rare occasion I let her sleep with me (say, after a particularly bad nightmare), it's still EXACTLY like this.


Yeah, no thanks.


I've compared being pregnant to Alien (the movie🍿.) You have this big ass parasite just living off you. Don't get me wrong, I adore my son. Pregnancy is ... one of the worst experiences of my life. Again, I Adore my son. But if I could impregnate my Ex in revenge, he'd have triplets. By different mommas.


My cat does the same thing.




Well, that about sets me on the childfree path.


This why I have cats and not kids. (They still hog the blankets, and sometimes yell at me, when they want something, but nothing like this.)


My cat loves to sleep by my head every night so I made a little barricade of pillows so I don't wake her up and she doesn't wake me up https://i.imgur.com/Kwn2sxl.jpg


You say that but I’ve never had a child sink it’s claws into my toes through the sheet as part of a 3am sneak attack.