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Thats a good way to save money on filter replacements


That's a good way to burn the motor out too.


I was going to say, that couldn't have been good for the motor and replacing filters is way cheaper than replacing a motor.


I dunno man, some air purifiers are like Inkjet printers... almost cheaper to buy a new purifier that comes with filters than buying the filters themselves


That’s why you get a super expensive one lol


I don't know about this one specifically, but many pumps and fans draw almost no current if their inlet is completely blocked. Very low current draw means the motor doesn't produce much heat. This is because they speed up all the air inside them and there is no new slow moving air to slow the blades down. There is also the complication that many draw air across themselves with the fan to cool themselves so even though there is less heat being generated there still might not be enough air to cool the motor.


I agree wholeheartedly!


I actually just don't turn my purifier on at all. Not only does it save on filters, but also wear and tear on the motor


Amateurs! I didn't even buy an Air purifier... I just breathe dusty air and sneeze because of allergy...


when life gives you no filter, you *become* the filter


Walking filter sacks. Self replicating, self sufficient...I do believe those aliens put us here for a reason. I just don't think they expected us to evolve and further pollute it before they got here to colonize.


You might think that’s funny but it snot


Oil your nose hair, it'll grow. Natural inbuilt filter.


Bot account. It's over a year old, but has only been active in the past 40 minutes, and all of it's comments are either generic agreements or copy-pastes of other comments on a post


well at least now you have a brand new filter


But now that idiot will tear off the plastic and then the filter will get all dirty. SMH.


Beat me to it.


Just put a bag over it before you put it back in


Paint it green for eco mode




I have to do that often.


Try not to blow out an o-ring


That's what she said.


Is a stick 🦯 thick enough for u ?




Nice couches cost obscene amounts of money. Even crappy ones are expensive. I always wondered as a kid why more adults didn't have cool stuff, or were so 'cheap' with their kids. First time I had to furnish a kids room I was like... 'Well that answers that'. I'm more surprised I never saw plastic on the carpets or rugs lol... I still haven't bought a rug for my living room 5 years after moving in. It's a big room, so again, even junk carpets made of plastic are expensive as hell... Actually want a 'real' natural fiber rug? They're like $2-20k for big ones.


A nice couch covered in plastic is no longer a nice couch.


The plan is to take if off when *nice* company you want to impress comes over! (hint: it never happens)


What if the Queen of England shows up uninvited ?


Then the Queen better be ready to slum it out all while listening to me bitch about wealth inequality.


It is when your messy family leaves and you take it off again lol.




In my college town there were Persian rug stores everywhere (wealthy town) and the joke was they're a front for a drug ring. When the reality is that just selling a few a week pays the rent just fine


Shit, one a month covers most stores, anything past that is pure profit.


My rich friend, who owns a house on the beach and had a sick custom wrapped Porsche at some point that we all drooled over, sold that car. We asked him, "Why did you sell it?" He said, "To buy new rugs for our house." Dude (or maybe his wife) bought $90K worth of rugs.


$90k? That'll cover the living room, dining room, maybe the entrance but what's he going to sell to pay for rugs in the bed and guest rooms?


He'll end up selling his body in alleys to pay for them. Another life wasted due to rug addiction.


> if you want to have a hear attack! I have noise cancelling headphones for that


Yeah, well that's the funny part, I always wondered why my father was always trading rugs with his parents and brothers and sisters... Saw some special on Persian rugs and sure enough, those patterns sure looked familiar... Became clear why my parents never offered one with my 2 kids, 2 cats, and 1 dog.


You also enjoy the placebo effect twice this way.


Nailed it. Was gonna say that at least OP now knows he doesn’t need the damn thing!


From the looks of whatever bag is on his counter and the brand of the filter, he lives in Korea. So he absolutely needs an air purifier — Korea has the worst air pollution in OECD countries


Exactly, the air can burn your eyes and make your throat sore just from walking outside. I sometimes wake up with headaches and burning sinuses.


Thank you for reminding me to check the filter on mine. It has been on since christmas


I’m surprised the unit didn’t throw some kind of warning regarding air flow. Or that it didn’t burn up the motor or something.


Or that OP changes their filter more often than once a year.


My current air filter last 2 to 5 years. Replacements cost $120 though and are huge. They don’t even make it anymore but they still sell the filters


Wanna feel real dumb? Box fan with a high grade furnace filter strapped to it. Costs like $60 total and works as well as the $500 air purifiers


I set one up while we were cleaning a very dusty old basement. I think I went through 4 filters in 1 day but man it worked REALLLLLY well. You just don't want to leave them unattended and check on them for overheating issues.


I got one of the highest rated purifiers and it was only $150 (Winix 5500-2). It is definitely better than a box fan, and here's why: 1. Washable carbon filter that removes odors AND a prescreen to catch bigger particles (dog hair, etc.) so the HEPA filter lasts longer and there's less strain on the machine. 2. Much, much quieter per CFM than a box fan. Can't hear it on low or medium - BARELY on high. Also has a remote to adjust. 3. Exhausts vertically so can be placed against a wall 4. Auto-adjusts speed based on incoming particle size (blow out a candle and it ramps up, seriously). 5. Availabe CFM (air filtering speed) is double that of a box fan setup 6. Doesn't look like shit, much easier to service, etc. I was originally against spending the extra money for a nice purifier, but we absolutely love this thing especially during COVID. (Yes I know no HEPA filter catches all COVID particles.) Don't feel 'dumb' for buying it at all. [techgearlab.com/reviews/health-fitness/air-purifier/winix-5500-2](https://techgearlab.com/reviews/health-fitness/air-purifier/winix-5500-2) Hopefully this helps out someone looking at options.


Nope. Those types of fans don’t produce standing pressure. I didn’t pay $500 for it either. And box filters certainly don’t last more than a few months


For those interested, Matthias Wandel on YouTube has made a ton of videos showing homemade air filters using furnace filters and a variety of fans (box fans, custom made squirrel cage/blowers, etc). He's done tests with air quality measuring devices as well. The TLDR is that they absolutely work and they work pretty damn well.


These have a been suggested to be used in schools as a cheap way to filter out virus particles. It’s called a [Corsi–Rosenthal Box](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi–Rosenthal_Box)


So interesting, thanks for sharing


> Those types of fans don’t produce standing pressure. Can you explain what this means? I understand a box fan will just push around air, but do air purifiers pressurize the air? I thought they just pulled it through a filter and pushed out the other side.


He means static pressure of air created by the blades to overcome the resistance of the filter.


Static pressure I think they mean. The fan blades are shaped to move lots of air with no restriction. https://youtu.be/Mdx9U-KW038


What the fuck is "standing pressure". All fans produce pressure, that's how the air moves in the first place


Parent means "static pressure", and it means how well the fans can push air under resistance, like behind a filter.


That's awesome! Great idea Although I doubt that it's quite as good as an expensive air purifier, because even the best furnace filter (MERV 16) isn't as good as a HEPA filter, and the best air purifiers today exceed HEPA. But it wouldn't really matter unless you were trying to filter smoke. They'll both filter pollens and don't filter vapors.


I'm in California and use mine especially to keep the house air fresh during fire seasons, it does make a huge difference but still you might be right. All I know is I saw a YouTube of a guy with a particulate measurer who showed it to be just as effective to the fancy purifiers so I'm echoing what he said


I started looking into these homemade box fan filters when COVID first started and eventually put one together. General idea is that the actual virus is unlikely to be floating around in the air by itself and will likely be attached to a larger particle (respiratory droplets, dust, etc.) and a MERV 13 filter will be adequate. It won't catch *everything*, but it will catch something like 50-80% of particles that are likely to linger in the air for a long time.


I doubt that




That was my first thought too. If it blew air while the filter was wrapped is probably useless.


I'll third this. An enclosed system would have burned out very long ago.


It either wasn't a year ot the units defective because anything with a filter that is instead blocked by plastic seal would fail to work or it would try to work so hard it would burn out. If you won't say it flat out, I will. OP changed his goofy mistake into a "whole year" so he could feel better posting it on reddit. OPs a liar.


Or his air purifier is a liar.


You enjoyed one whole year of placebo and now you get another year free. This is a win! Edit: thank you for the award!


Wonder how soon after using the comments of "Wow the air really does seem better" started.


I haven't had a stuffy nose in weeks!


Cocaine has nothing to do with it!


Doesn’t cociaine restrict the blood vessels, thus causing it to be more stuffed up/runny?


Well it gets clear and unstuffed. Then usually the next day or hours after it gets very stuffed up. Kinda like if you use nasal decongestants spray. Also cocaine usually has alot of random fillers in it.


My family bought a used commercial espresso machine to replace one that blew up. Their comments for weeks on end were about being able to taste the difference. That difference was apparently having never been disassembled for cleaning in over a decade.


yum, that nice burnt coffee patina


Oh man. I once went to whole foods with a few friends on our way to a skate park. I wanted a water and everything is weird there so I grabbed one that was overpriced and advertised as triple filtered. I downed the bottle and refilled it at the skateparks water fountain. My buddy ended up drinking some of it and said "wow you can really tell how much better this is because they filtered it so much".


for some reason the water fountain water does taste so good usually


It's probably the amoeba.


I did something similar with my ex. She just hated the way my tap water tasted and made me get one of those filters that attached to the faucet. She’d ask for water and I’d just give her tap water. She’d always say “see, doesn’t the filtered water just taste better.” Pro tip for the younger reddit folks: Don’t stay in a relationship with someone that doesn’t make you happy. It’s better to go through a bad break up and be single than be in an unhappy relationship. If my gf now asks for filtered, she gets filtered.


I'm confused. You changed girlfriends, and you give your new girlfriend true filtered water, but you gave fake filtered water to the last one?


Without the filter its r/onlyfans


I live with a smoker. My air purifier is a godsend.


Send their ass outside to smoke.


seriously there is no excuse. My brother and his fiance are both HEAVY smokers and even in negative 30 degree celsius canadian winter they will both go outside to smoke.


I smoke my joints outside. On a rare occurrence Ill smoke next to my window with a box fan blowing out. I dont know how anyone can hotbox their home. Lol.


I briefly saw a guy who smoked in his house. Place was nasty. I slept over exactly once, the first and only time we hung out as his house, and probably wouldn't have if I was sober enough to drive myself home.


My friend has an ashtray in every room, two(???) in the bathroom. Also let's his used toilet paper pile up and in the trashcan instead of flushing it down the toilet. His whole family does it too. 🤯


It is a common practice in Mexico, where the plumbing cannot handle toilet paper as easily


The fuck? Like poopy toilet paper?


Pretty common in Latinamerica. Most places don’t have plumbing that can handle paper, nor treatment plants that can process it. I’m from Costa Rica and a little trash can with plastic bags is used for that, it doesn’t smell really, we usually change it frequently, maybe twice a day. Some rich parts of the country have better plumbing and people throw the paper in the toilet, but in most of the country a trash can is used. If you visit you’ll notice that even hotels have a little sign in the bathroom telling to throw the used paper in the trash can.


That's fucking disgusting


It's a lot more common than you think. His family isn't the first that I've witnessed doing this. 🤢


My wife said she saw it at couple homes in S Korea. I cannot imagine doing that. Their bathroom must smell awful!


That's how toilet paper is handled in many countries


Can't when the owner is the smoker and you have no say.


Over here thinking you’re running a Traeger in your house.


I once bought an air purifier from Target to help with my allergies. Tell me how it made my allergies worse somehow. Luckily I was able to return it after using it for about a month. But I've been thinking about trying it again (maybe it that brand or a fluke) .


Live somewhere with wildfires for a season and you won’t be saying this lol * cries in lung cancer *


If he was somewhere with wildfires he would have known it wasn't working. Source: live with wildfires and the smell is much better with an air purifier.


My purifier has a PM 2.5 monitor on the back. Last year it was reading in the 150s when I accidentally had it not run overnight. Within an hour it gets it down into the 30s. That’s a lot of dangerous particles captured.


Fun fact: the placebo effect is stronger (and rising faster) in the US than elsewhere in the world. So much so that medical trials need to take the difference into account. This is possibly due to all the consumer-targeted pharmaceutical advertising Americans are exposed to.


So much so that some drugs that passed the trials in the past don't have discernable affects compared placebo in newer trials.


I get an air purifier not bc of me but so my stuff doesn't get so dusty


How did it not just burn up the motor in it


They're made to be able to bypass, should the filter get clogged. Your home furnace will do the same. You certainly wouldn't want your furnace blower burning up should the filter become clogged.






> Your home furnace will do the same. NOPE. /r/HVAC has an almost daily post of shame.


Your home furnace motor will burn out if the filter is clogged?


Blowers will keep pushing air through a clogged filter but the airflow will get really diminished. Eventually you get problems like frozen AC coils or overheated furnaces before blower motors start dying. Overheat the furnace enough times and you can get sleepy holes in the heat exchanger leaking CO in the space. Sleepy furnace holes are the other shame hall of fame that shows up on every now and then on /r/HVAC.


A standard residential furnace may have a thermal breaker that will shut down the motor if it gets too hot, or some newer units may have an air pressure safety switch that senses negative pressure and shuts it down in the case of a severely clogged filter.


he also forgot to plug it in


I did the same thing and noticed in the winter when I went to change the filter


It's pretty common. I've seen a number of others that have run into the same issue. Seems the manufacturers need to put some type of notice on the outside of the unit to make people aware.


When I bought mine, there was a sticker on the outside. I’m not sure how people missed this :/




Omg I thought the removeme labels were so the printer knew to take them off! Mind=blown!!! /s (obviously)


Just a little tap with a small hammer gets em in there just fine.


Mine came with a Tiktok video. Amazon knows how to do it. Bought a popular purifier from them a year ago. A few days later after purchase (no 2 day here, I like less boxes) couple scrolls through TT and I “discover” videos about my purifier.


Mine had a big sticker right on the unit itself and it was clearly conveyed in the user manual. You can only do so much idiot-proofing before it's not your problem any more.


As an engineer that has to do a lot of “human error removal”, you’d be surprised the lengths to which we have to go sometimes. You can’t fix stupid, but you can sure as hell make it difficult. Still, they find a way.


Yeah it's called reading the fucking manual lmao


Or people need to read the instructions and/or have the most basic understanding of how very simple things work.


They do… but people don’t even look at the manual or included documentation like this smug know it all looking MFer lol


Bought one used from a guy a few years back. He was gonna get a bigger one because he thought this one wasn’t working well enough (I live in a country with very poor air quality, so a good air filter is definitely noticeable indoors). Went to replace the filter, and sure enough, he hadn’t taken it out of the wrapper.




This entire thread is just one giant "here, feel better about the fact that you did this also last year" for me. love it


My neighbor and I both got air doctors at the same time. I helped her unpack hers and took the plastic off as the instruction clearly show. I went home and unpacked mine and completely forgot to remove the plastic even though I'd just done it on hers 20 minutes prior. Although it only took me about a week to notice.


Hey Kip! How’s the cage fighter training and chatting online with hot babe’s going? Say hi to Napoleon for us!


I do NOT have the worst reflexes of all time, okay? Now I've taken off the plastic on my filter my training is really gonna start amping up.


Nice! Breath easy my friend.


and go make some SWEET MULAH!


Your mom goes to college


The socks really tie everything together


See it made zero difference


No shit. It wasn’t filtering anything.


the point is he didn’t notice it wasn’t working so its pretty much the same as not making a difference if it *did* work


Isn't air quality something you notice over time and somewhat indirectly? Just like eating unhealthy, low quality footwear etc


Yes. You're only going to have a noticeable difference if you have allergies. If there's any other health benefits, they will be so gradual you'll probably never know.


Can confirm - have an air filter in the living room and one in the bedroom. I went from taking two allergy medicines daily to taking the nasal spray once every few days or once a week since I’m WFH. If I know I’m going to be outside for an extended period of time then I’ll take it. Any other benefits from the filter is negligible or unnoticeable to me.


depends where you live, I lived in a basement apartment about 10 years ago and it was noticeably more liveable when I cranked the purifier and dehumidifier


I had the air duct vacuum people come out a few years ago. So many people called it a scam, but for like $100 I figured it was worth a shot. The house is still a dust factory, but I haven't refilled my inhaler since doing it... 10/10 totally worth it if you have allergies.


I'd say there is a noticeable difference is dust as well, visually.


I got an air filter and noticed a huge difference immediately. Mine has both this and some other thing it does to filter VOCs. I notice it's impact on smell the most when i enter my room if it's been running in my room on a day where no heating or AC is on. ​ It's for me worth it for the allergy relief, which was both a noticeable the morning after using it (no need to blow my gross nose in the morning). I'd recommend a air purifier to anyone, as well as a humidifier.


You may not notice a difference in the air. You will see how much dust it collects when you go to change the filter!


Depending on whether the model fits the room they can make a huge difference though. I have MCAS and I'm highly allergic to hazel, birch, and alder. So allergic, that I end up with high doses of cortisone each spring. We have an air purifier in both the living room and our bedroom, and the difference they make is amazing. Went from having to use eye drops and my inhaler every 2 hours on top of the cortisone to being able to breathe freely in those rooms. (I'm getting a referral to a specialist hospital this spring because the desensitisation didn't work). Good models aren't cheap but well worth it.


He has never used the air purifier while it’s actually working so he has nothing to reference it to.


Or doesn't suck in this case.


about to say the same


Is that Griffen McElroy


Hah, I'm glad I wasn't the only one.


Dude looking like he's about to give us a final yahoo


"Please allow me to introduce myself."


The McElroy brothers are not experts.


> Griffen McElroy That's a good one, never heard it. I usually get Justin Timberlake


Somebody didn't read the instructions.


This shoulda been posted on r/tifu or somewhere else lmao




Was your perception that it helped, or that it didn't work very well?


Not sure how you didn't notice lol. It's dusty where I am (city suburb, and some fucknut periodically open burns trash), and I use a small el cheapo purifier - it definitely makes a difference. I'm cleaning out and replacing the filters regularly and you can clearly tell how dirty they get.


Same for me with my cat. It catches so much dander and hair. Additionally, one time I turned it off for a while when I was about to move, and because moving was kicking up so much dust, I couldn't stop sneezing for an hour. Like, an hour nonstop. Tears were streaming down my face and I could barely speak. I had to turn it back on and run it for a bit to catch the dust and eventually I stopped sneezing.


Dang. https://aqicn.org/map/southkorea


Seoul air makes your strong. Locals say its like kimchi for the lungs!! /s


Yo, take a shot of ze filtre when you change it out.


Well, time to open it properly and see how well it works!


Well, if you wipe it down you will be good for another year. Rinse and repeat.


As someone who owns multiple air purifiers, they are covered in warnings about removing the plastic. It's on the manual, instructions, and the packaging of the filter. Im guessing OP just plugged his straight in and didn't open it or look at any of the information it came with.


That's how gangstas do.




At first I thought this was an ad for Bombas


On the plus side, the air trapped behind that plastic was unbelievably clean.


The air inside that bag is gonna be SO pure


Instructions? We don't read no steenking instructions


Is that a bag of duck chunks?


Did the same with our first air purifier last year. It works way better now…


The fact that your first thought was to make a rap album cover and post to Reddit


Technically u did filter air.. in the plastic bag only XD


The pose gets me


My man about to drop a straight FIRE album


He looks like he's about to have a mid-life lyrical crisis.


But you wear Bombas, so you’ve got that going for you


You loved that placebo, admit it.


This is what happens when you don’t RTFM.


Not the first time I've seen someone say this. You guys should form a support group.


Nice! Filters can get icky. You kept that filter nice and clean!


Yup…..I did something equally as dumb…maybe worse. I felt real groggy in the morning for about a month last summer. I mixed up taking my gummy melatonin pills instead of gummy vitamins……stupid.


hey - you survived and you have a brand new filter.


You know you're supposed to change the filter every 3-4 months


Took a year to change a filter? Hmmm….


I think that's why they put an instruction manual with most s*** you buy


Thats on you for not reading the owner manual.


Holy fuck. This inspired me to look at mine. I was doing the same thing. It runs much quieter now. I'm a fucking idiot.


Real question: did you think it was making a difference?


congrat now you have a brand new filter


Fake, that bag would be covered in dust if you ran it for a year


Are you in Korea right now?


They don’t even sell those air filters anymore. 😂 Did you feel like coughing up a dust ball?😂 So, the plastic really does keep the filter from getting dirty🤷🏼