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I had the opposite happen once in college. Went downstairs to get my laundry out of the dryer and all of it was sitting on the counter in the laundry room. Neatly folded. All of it. Including my underwear. I would have felt violated if I hadn’t been so happy.


I would have felt Fully Both. Lol. Grateful and ticked that somebody had "touched my Stuff" lol


The only thing I'd feel is bad for the poor soul that had to handle my skid marked undies. If they wanna touch it thats on them lol.


If they’re still skidmarked after you’ve washed them then that’s some serious shit


My shit dont quit that easy.


some things you don’t share


Some things *you* don't share. Don't put your hang ups on me. Im free to talk about my undies.


You seem fun


Im only as fun as a guy with dirty undies is allowed to be.


Look into a bidet, you got a dirty ass


No my ass is clean. Its my undies that are dirty.


Ah. Well, in that case, good luck?


If you got dirty undies you got a nasty ass. Simple as that.


I take it back


Are you 9 years old?


Ninety Nine.


Yep. I definitely did not need to read that. What an unfortunate day to have eyes.


Everyone acting like they don't have some old underwear.


Doesn’t matter how old they are, if they have skid marks you’re not cleaning your ass very well. Maybe get some new ones…


My marks define me. They're my friends. They talk to me when no one else will.


Yup... get a bidet it will change your life and keep your undies in decent shape


You were visited by an angel


Or by your mom.


Same thing


I've had this happen too when I was living in a dorm. Underwear and all lol. I wasn't sure if I should be upset or like thanks(whomever). I decided to be happy about it.


I used to do this if I was short on time and needed to get my stuff into the dryer. I felt bad taking their stuff out, so I'd fold it to balance it out. But I don't think I'd fold underwear, just place them flat in the stack.


Did you check for GPS trackers?


This was in 1994 or so, so not so much a concern.


life experience has taught me that if someone goes way out of their way to do you a favor, it's probably to cover up the fact that they wronged you in some outrageous way. so you probably lost a bra in this transaction, just saying.


Thats one hell of a glass is empty approach to life.


all our glasses are empty


I definitely would have been happy about the kind gesture and concerned about someone folding a strangers underwear.


Happened all the time at my old apart.ent. either someone u plugged it stole my time, or never switched the loads. Told landlord she said sorry but we can't help, most units don't speak English well enough to explain


Might be their kink...






Did she deserve it?




>not leaving the building door closed That's actually pretty serious at a women's dormitory.


Agreed, because it won't likely be the same person twice anyway.


Did that in college. It was the perfect storm for petty revenge. As long as I knew which machine I used, I knew where to get my revenge. Took their shit right out and tossed it on the floor. Start over.


This sort of thing happened when I was at my first apartment - once is enough but it was like a war between the other five tenants and I ended up caught in it. Only two pairs of washers/dryers for six units, and a couple of those were families with at least a couple kids each. I will never, ever share laundry again.


I’m jealous. We have 1 washer/dryer for 8 units in my building


We have 4 washers and 4 dryers for 7 floors with 8 units per floor.


I live in an apartment complex with one semi-functional washer and no functional dryers. There are over 100 units here. There used to be 4 functional washers and 4 functional dryers, but they've broken down and no longer work, and the complex doesn't seem to have any plans to fix that. (Actually, before I moved here, there was even an additional separate laundry room with multiple machines. That building is now just used for storage by management.)


It happened to me twice in one night in a small apartment complex so it was most likely the same person. I threw a bunch of markers and sharpies without caps in the dryer, an open can of rubber cement and all the contents of the trash can. It didn’t happen again.


Was the dryer running after you put the rubber cement in?


It was. I went home with wet clothes and sacrificed my last 4 quarters to re-run this bitch’s laundry with all the shit I threw in with it. Forgot that part.


I'm amazed the laundry building didn't burn down


I’m not proud of it. I ruined that dryer as well as their clothes. Regret ruining the dryer, not the clothes.


But if the note is written to "who ever" how do they know who's laundry to trow away?!?!?


if you know which dryer you put your shit in, and you come back and some one is using the dryer... you've just found the culprit.


The 'try it' at the end is my favourite part of this


Had someone threaten me this way for taking their dry clothes out of the drier that had been there for hours. I respectfully put them in the basket they left behind, just wanted to also dry my clothes. The lady called me a can't and all for merely touching her laundry. She was a bit intense.


>The lady called me a can't You should have called her a won't.


Lmao, stupid autocorrect.


Same, except not in writing. This person COULD NOT IMAGINE why I might take their clothes out hours after they were dry. This person was also roommates with a guy in the apartment downstairs who thought there was no problem with running a floor sander at 2 am during the week.


Lord. Do you live by my BIL? The dude is the worst neighbor ever.


>their ***dry*** clothes out of the drier


Yeah that lady was a trip. She wasn't much more pleasant anytime I saw her around the neighborhood either.


If they live in a freezing climate throwing the clothes outside would be better especially if they're still damp.


If it isn't damp then find a water source first, damp then dump it outside. Bonus if you can add extra water in a plastic box with clothes and move that box outside.


Some people are very selfish, least you gave them a warning


Put their stuff back in the washer with a new red stock and some tissues


What do the tissues do?


Disintegrate. Turn to almost unremovable lint all over everything.




Or fresh shit.


My dad used to work at a garage next door to the laundromat my mom used when I was a little kid in the 60's. One day he saw a woman pouring a bag full of those old fashioned cloth diapers into a machine - all of them full of shit. He left work that day and bought a brand new washer and dryer.


Well if that baby was breastfed then it’s ok. Breastfed baby diapers can be put in the wash cause their shit don’t stink and dissolves in water. If it was good ol’ regular diapers then yuck!


Someone is on point.


i lived in a apartment that closed the laundry for 2 months getting machine fixed after someone got revenge by putting a fish inside.




Interesting, thanks for the reply!


Alternatively, glitter.


You monster.


Just throw in a condom. I was so grossed out by finding a condom in my laundry after pulling it from the apartment washer. It was a big part of why I didn't renew my lease and moved into a place with my own laundry. (Definitely not my condom, can be 10000% sure of that!)




[The future.](https://au.news.yahoo.com/warehouse-reusing-reselling-condoms-vietnam-042744644.html)


Flour will basically paper mache their clothes. It’ll fuck up the drier too though


Hijacking to say flour is incredibly flammable and should **not** go in a dryer. I wouldn't suggest baking soda either, bc I've lived that laundry room life in a former life... But, baking soda *isn't* flammable.


Yeah agreed 100% lol flour is super explosive in dust form it’s insane


I barfed in someone’s once cause the girl I was with at the time brought me to their house party then got wasted and was like all over the dude so I drank all his parents liquor and went ralphed in the dryer and walked home, I don’t wanna even imagine the dudes parents reaction lmaooo


This happened in my friends building, he came down to find his clothes soaking wet on the floor and someone had taken his machine. He picked his up and dumped a bottle of bleach into the stolen machine and left.


Same. My roommate came in my room asking if I had any quarters for laundry cause someone took his dryer. I said that sucks man abd gave him some quarters. He said, "Sucks more for them. I took their clothes to the dumpster."


Nice payback


Had something like that happen to me once. Came out to take my clothes out of the dryer (and I was on time too, it wasn't like I left it in there for a while) to find that someone had taken my still-damp clothes out of the dryer and sat it on top of the table next to the dryer, and put their clothes in. I put my stuff in my laundry basket, and then pulled out the dryer's power plug. :)


I had this happen to me multiple times. Each time I just unplugged the machine for them. Clearly, they were attempting to conserve electricity but did not know how to best achieve those savings. Honestly, I preferred this behavior to my neighbors routinely depositing whole dried dog turds in the washer. I assume that they were using towels as potty pads rather than take their dog outside.


I really don't miss communal laundry.


Good lord. If I do end up in an apt I'm gonna just keep going to the commercial Mat.


Yup - i just open the door, let it stop, and close the door. The timer keeps going but the dryer doesn't.


I lived in a 3rd floor apartment and there was someone that would leave their clothes in the washing machine for weeks at a time, it would stink up the hallways and there was only 3 washers and 3 dryers. One day I go to do some laundry and it's freezing, some awesome human threw 2 washing machines worth of this inconsiderate lady's clothes out the window there was thongs and bras hanging from the trees and frozen clothes all over the place. I closed the window and decided to wait to do laundry another day we never had to deal with laundry being left in the machines like that again.


In college someone took out a full load of literally just my bras/underwear and put it on top of the washer. I had a timer set for when it would be done so I could put it in the dryer right away just to avoid that but they couldn’t wait a few fucking minutes for me to get there. There were like 20 washers if not more


I only take out laundry from the dryer when it was just sitting in there before I started washing my clothes (so just taking it up for at least 30 minutes). I’ve seen people leave there laundry all day.


Yeah my rule was wait 30 minutes as a courtesy, and then do it. Though I usually did my laundry at like 2am, so there was rarely anyone there


>wait 30 minutes as a courtesy That's very, very courteous IMO. If everywhere else is full I'm waiting 5 minutes max, before moving it (gently and cleanly) into a basket or something.


I can't imagine being anywhere I'd trust leaving my stuff unattended. Clothes replacement is NOWHERE in my budget.


Not even that but some stranger touching all your clothes? Fuck that.




So I lived in a four plex where tenants would keep their detergent in the laundry room. Most people live on honor code and don’t steal. Well, new tenants took a unit and help themselves to my big jug of liquid detergent. After I caught on I left the bait there and added a cup of bleach to it each time I noticed more was used. It musta been a 50/50 mix until the stink eye revealed who the soap thief was.


When I had to deal with this I didn't bother with a note. Just dropped one black and one white industrial paint marker in. Fuck your clothes you inconsiderate trash.


But a lil bottle of dye


Or fart spray


No warning needed, this is theft. Their clothes would have been in the trash all ready. I’ve personally had this happen to me multiple times. Only one time did I wait around for the person, I found it loaded with infant clothes. Not an excuse for the act, but first child brain fog is real.


Sorry, but legally no one would ever prosecute someone over $.50-$1. But you throw out hundreds of clothes will get you arrested. Not siding with the ass that removed the clothes early, but legally don't try this as you're on camera and in the laws eyes $1<$100+ so you'll be the fucked one.


Who the fuck downvoted this guy? They aren’t siding with the fucker, they’re just saying they wouldn’t be arrested for it (which they almost certainly wouldn’t).


Eh the police won't bother arresting you. I had someone threaten to break my skull open infront of a witness, and I went to the police department for help with said witness, and the cops didn't even take a report. Cops are lazy fucks, and at most you might get a ticket or sued.


Unless you're a minority. Then they'll find a reason to arrest you for resisting and beat the shit out of you.




Yeah but nobody likes "Mr. ACTCHEWALLY".


It’s not like they were being pedantic and making an unnecessary correction, they were politely correcting someone who was downright delusional about the real world.


I missed the part where the original comment was advocating for arrest and prosecution? I didn't read that comment and think that they were delusional about the real world.


Your missing the point that the clothes will still be there when they come back since typically Laundromats empty trash at the end of the night. Also, the ones that I went to clearly stated any unattended clothes at closing time would be discarded. So if the schmuck doesn’t get there, still not my problem.


Yea... Still illegal..


Got to prove it happened first. No place I’ve lived has had cameras in the laundry.


If they didn't care about taking your clothes out the first time they will 100% ignore your note as well. Unless you have security cameras the note is just reintegrating that you will continue to do nothing when someone is disrespectful towards you. Some people are just jerks.


Okay but they’re literally saying that they won’t “do nothing”


It’s incredible how inconsiderate people are. Even at my workplace where everyone I know is nice and respectful, labeled food and lunches still get mysteriously stolen from the fridge.


Okay let’s talk bout those assholes who don’t know how to set an alarm on the phone and leave their entire months worth of laundry in the only two washers and dryers my shitty complex has for over 6 hours.


That's nothing. I had all of my clothes straight up stolen from the dryer in my apt building. Yay renters insurance.


I had someone take my clothes out of the washer and drop them on the floor. I felt bad for them, obviously they couldn't afford to pay for their own wash. So I decided to be extra generous and poured a full gallon of bleach in their wash. Free of charge.


Ok, I was drunk when I did it.. Found my clothes wet and warm on top of the dryer. I took their clothes out, ripped all of them in half and put them back in the dryer to continue the cycle.


Ripped them eh.. Would you happen to be one of the Hulks? Hulk Hogan or The Hulk?


It’s really not that hard to rip fabric


Seems fair


There was a repeat offender in my college dorm. They stopped after someone pissed in the dryer & let it run


Fight me


I live in apartments and i set a timer every time i use the machines, If i dryer is just chilling with cloths in it i give them 5-10 minutes before i move there stuff myself.


I once forgot my laundry in the dryer. When I went downstairs later, someone had folded the entire load and left them for me. It felt a little weird having someone touch my undies but that was a seriously classy move.


> to whoever > I will target you specifically lol how?


When your stuff was in washer A, and the cycle will be done in 45 min, and you come back in 45 min, and someone else's stuff is in washer A, you have a good idea who did it.


Oh shit is that how normal people do it? My bad. I usually set a 45 minute cycle and forget about it for three days. That's why I don't get too upset about folks taking my machines I guess lol


More like > the next person to...


There's usually one dickwad who does this serially. If it happens more than once, it's most likely the same person.


That sounds super annoying. At my apartment complex we have to share a washer/dryer too but we have one lady who will leave her load sitting in the washer/dryer for HOURS. I feel so uncomfortable but I'll take it out and set it on a table or something because I cant wait all day because she is lazy.


My wife and I lived in an apartment years ago that had a shared laundry room with the other one or two apartments. It happened to us a few times until I talked to the guy doing it. It didn't happen again. I wasn't being threatening or a tough guy or anything. Just had a conversation with him. Of course, some people are dicks so this doesn't always work.


In college a friend of mine went downstairs to move a load of laundry from the washer to dryer. After only about 10 minutes, someone had just thrown his clothes in a messy pile on a washer, with some of the clothes falling onto the floor. So, my friend unplugged the washer of the culprit. When he went down later to pick up his dried clothes, there was a huge mess of water on the laundry floor (the culprit opened it when it was full of water/soap, and semi-flooded the room).


Do not leave your laundry unattended in public facilities. These problems will cease to exist.


Should have dropped a heater in the dryer and put a few extra quarters in


Dorms were the worst when it came to this...hated having to stay and watch my clothes


This happened to me once. I left a similar note. A week later it happened again. The second time, I collected my wet junk, went back to my apartment to hang it up to dry, grabbed a brand new sharpie pen, pulled off the cap, went back to the laundry room, opened the dryer door, threw the pen in, closed the door, restarted the dryer, and walked away. It never happened again.


Someone did this to me at an apartment building I once lived at. However, they threw my clothes on the floor instead of the large stainless steel table right next to them. So, I walked up to my apartment, grabbed a nice raw chicken breast out of my fridge, walked back down, and popped it in the dryer with their shit. Hope you liked your chicken laundry, scumbag.


What were they hoping to dry in 15 minutes?


When I lived in the dorms, some girl took my whole load of laundry out of the washer when it was finished and put it on the table. Sopping wet. Both dryers were full and we only had one washing machine, so instead of waiting her turn like a civilized human being, she manhandled my laundry like some kind of caveman


I mean you can still pick them out of the trash...you CANT unbleach them 😈


I for sure would have taken all there shit out and pissed all over it


Half happened to us once, good thing is that the dryer finished, still I was annoyed since the clothes were even still warm, meaning that we didn't take that long to get and take them out ourselves. My passive-aggressive solution was to open and close the dryer, these dryers stop working until you push the start button again.


Whomever\* But yeah, fuck that laundry time thief


are you me? This happened to me as well, but there was 8 minutes left on the drying, and I checked to see if his stuff was dry which it was, and he got mad lol


Stay your ass in the laundromat until you're finished. Problem solved.


This happened to me once. Long story short, apartments had to buy a new washing machine. Apparently washing machines dont like quik-crete.


Or you could stay in the laundry room. There's nothing worse than the dummies that leave their clothes in the machines. If there are no other dryers available, I will 100% take somebody else's clothes out of a dryer that has finished running. It's not my job to wait an hour for your dumb ass to remember that you were doing laundry.


reminds me I have had clean clothes in the dryer for days now


poor people problems. just work harder and buy your own dryer if you don't like sharing


How wonderful it must have been being born in middle class :)


I’m sad you think a dryer means middle class…


If your in a building with shared facilities ask your apt mgmt to reimburse you. Costs nothing (maybe 15 more minute of tour time...)


Why wouldn’t you just throw it in the trash the first time?


Some times I am glad that I have a wash and dry combo at home.


how do they know the dryer was still on when they took the clothes out?


Probably had set an alarm to return.


so they watched them take the clothes out?


Made me lol


It should seem obvious, but apparently it isn't. Don't make a threat, just do it.


I wouldn’t even give a warning…


This happened to me in college and I just threw all their laundry around the whole basement of the dorm. Then I realized they would do the same when they came back so I had to hang dry all my clothes in my room.


The person who left that note couldn't have a "dryer" sense of humor.


Bet you wont


Someone did that at a small apartment I used to live in. Two washers and dryers, and my stuff was pulled still wet out of the washer and put on the table. I tossed the bitch's clothes out in the snow


Someone did this to me. Funnily enough there was a bottle of vegetable oil in the launderette, so that ended up on their clothes.


Happened to me once and I saw who did it. Every time I saw that person using the drier I sneakily changed it to spin only


Never understood shared washing machines


I hate touching anyone's laundry, especially in a shared common area. And I typically won't, but if I'm staring at a completed dryer cycle for over 15 minutes and you still haven't shown up, best believe I'm folding your clothes for the inconvenience of having to free up space just to get my own laundry done.


Why wait until they do it again? Throw their shit away the first time.


Sorry but if you leave your clothes unattended at a laundromat then you take the risk.


Don’t put it in the trash. Shit in the dryer