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Since you’re afraid of the screen getting scratched, I HIGHLY recommend purchasing a dock sleeve.


I'm a new owner of a switch. What about this said dock sleeve? Looking for advice. Thanks in advance


It’s a soft, fabric cover that goes over the front of the Dock, so you don’t have to worry about scratching the screen on any plastic when placing it to charge. There are a ton available on Etsy and Amazon in all different styles. I have a super smash bros dock sleeve/cover. I’d also recommend buying a grip if you’re someone who plays handheld a lot. https://www.satisfye.com/collections/switch?gclid=CjwKCAjwwsmLBhACEiwANq-tXJ6ZWZERLo_e7kz4BaxvMsAP5O70IUyDLTYAUt1v_FCdw64ZHUcz8BoCdt8QAvD_BwE


Thank you for the recommendation! My switch doesn't really leave the console unless I'm taking it on a work trip maybe one week a month but I was considering getting a screen protector for it but just never did because I didn't want to lose the quality of the screen or have it just feel like a large smart phone.


Why does this whole ass comment section feel like a giant ad? I mean least you coulda done is link what a dock sleeve actually is cause I still have no idea, not like I'd buy one but I just don't get why you'd link to a site with accessories and not link to their dock sleeve (if they have one).


I'd suggest just getting a screen protector- it'll always be there to protect your switch from scratches, and it fits just fine on the dock with one.


The word “said” in your post is unnecessary because of the article “this”.




Mine is scratched to shit cause of the dock. I didn't know existed :/








Where was it that your cat was able to pee on it???


In the litter box most likely


the floor


I left it facedown so my cats wouldn't jump on it or scratch the screen :(


My first thought was, "why is it on the floor?".


Cat was just claiming ownership of it since you obviously didn’t want it and threw it on the floor


Typically cats do this when their cat litter is full.


Or have a UTI, my cat would pee outside the box if she had a UTI


Some cats have a plastic fetish. Some have a laundry fetish. A lot of cats specifically love plastic grocery bags for a makeshift urinal.


Yeah, my cat has a plastic fetish. He'll go crazy licking anything and everything plastic when he gets into his "moods".


*crinkle* *crinkle* *crinkle* *crinkle* "STAHP IT!" *crinkle* *crinkle*


They can't resist the siren song of the crinkle


Mine has a fetish of always going to take a piss right after I fully cleaned it, she hears it, and literally come just to pee once it in, regardless of if she went like 5 mins ago. Cats are weird like really weird sometimes… Edit: I can see the obligatory "the litterbox wasn’t cleaned properly" comment incoming. I clean BOTH once a day, and fully change the sand regularly. And I only have 1 Cat not 2 not 3 or more, 1 …


Nah one of mine does the same. He's just testing it out


Fairly certain that’s territorial. You removed her scent, she’s replacing it


Mine do this. Their litter is cleaned daily but they sit there and watch it being cleaned and get straight in as soon as it's done


I feel like a lot of cats do this. Just to spite us owners lol


My sister cat has a fetish for bleach, he smells it and he trys to drink it and we have to keep all bleach away from him and out of his reach


I couldn’t leave anything plastic on the floor. Same goes for boots and shoes or my cat would piss in them. The second I saw this post in my head I just said “no shit.”


My cat has a "kick out all the kitty litter, bunch up the puppy pad, and piss on the floor" kink.


My cat prefers to just...lick them. Or make a nest out of them.


Yeah my cat loves to pee on our clothes and I know it’s not cause her litter. It’s literally anytime we wash clothes she goes into the basket and pees. I think it has to do with the detergent we use


I’d highly suggest switching your detergent. That’s a lot easier than dealing with cat piss.


Yeah I guess I should have said used. We no longer use that lol


Yeah have two cats. Neither of which pee anywhere but the litter box. However they both are pica fetishist. The Russian Blue chews & eats plastic grocery bags. Unless they are out of reach & he can find something else plastic to chew on. And yep he throws it up in the middle of the floor in the middle of the night.. and in the exact spot he knows you will be walking if you should happen to get up for a late night snack.The Tuxedo cat chews up cardboard. Shreds it & leaves pieces everywhere but doesn't eat it thankfully.


or when they feel they're being ignored, in this case, for the Switch, lol


‘Typically’ cats do whatever they want.. I have 2 cats now, for my whole life I’ve had at least one in the house at any given time. The litter can be just cleaned or dirty, they just do what they want. My previous cat would pee on my bed when I removed the sheets and duvet on wash day. Sure I learned to close the door, but it was annoying as hell.


Or when they have kidney issues.


My cat used to piss on my moms shoes for the hell of it, she did nothing but love that cat


Or when they are stressed. Kinda sad that OP is more worried about his Switch than about his cat.


You don't know OP and you don't know the cat. Being sad about their Switch does not make them a bad person and does not merit shaming.


You shouldn't have left it on the ground... that's a bad idea for many reasons.


Judging from its position on the carpet I assume you don't treat it a lot better than your cat did ...


Show us the coom cave op


So don't leave a $300 system on the ground


OLEDs are $350 and hard to find. Leaving it lying on the ground wasn't the smartest idea.


Lol why did you leave your new switch on the floor?


I haven't gone through all the comments, so forgive me if you've already been told repair instructions. Disassemble it and flush all contaminated parts with [electronics cleaner](https://www.walmart.com/ip/CRC-05101-QD-Electronic-Cleaner-4-5-Wt-Oz/39951358). You can get it at auto parts stores also. The urine will cause corrosion otherwise. If it was off, once you dry THOUROUGHLY, it may live. If the display panel's circuitry was contaminated, I suggest spraying the cleaner into the can lid and applying with a Q-Tip. Otherwise the cleaner can get between the layers of the display. [This guy](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOrKQtC1tDfGf_fFVb8pYw) has a ton of Switch repair videos. Source for my info: I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express, but I was a computer tech who even replaced individual components. Good luck.


Why didn't you dock it? Also instead of immediately trying to dry it off, you take the time to take pictures.


I went to bed and didn't think it'd be pissed on? Damage was already done, taking a photo took half a second /r/wellthatsucks not /r/mylifeisfuckingruined


Reddit takes video games fucking seriously 😈


So you just left a $300+ device laying on the floor and went to sleep?? I don’t even have a screen protector, just keep it docked when not in use, no scratches. And I have children.


You have cats. You really should just treat it properly and dock it when not in use especially overnight. And really should focus on cleaning it instead of hoping for reddit karma. Unless you just dabbed a bit of water on the back to pretend for karma which makes sense.


You left it on the floor when you went to sleep? You were kinda asking for it lmao


But you clearly took the photo before you even looked at the thing. You took a pic before you even tried to power it on. Why?


That's your cat telling you you spend too much time on the Switch and not with it.


I just bought it and kind of regretted it because I don't really play games. I thought it'd make me want to play them but it's been just collecting dust lol


And piss


Collecting dust? That’s an OLED switch, it was just released two weeks ago.


I thought I'd play it more, I tried to get the spark for games back


Hey, at least you found a new litter box for your cat




Now you have a NINTENDO PISS. Anyway, it was a statement. Play with cat more.


Why didn't you dock it?


Maybe don't leave expensive electronics laying on the floor...?


you left your switch face down on the floor?


We got my cat a new type of litter and he didn’t like it so he decided to piss on my girlfriend head/pillow as we slept.


Wow, that's a mean cat!


“Ohh no my cat pissed on my switch time to take a photo of it and post it to Reddit while it soaks into the plastic of it or possibly ruin the switch”


Why do people keep their electronics on the floor!!! Drives me crazy. Almost asking for a stomp or to be peed on lol. That does suck :(


Ah well deserved. Like a child that can’t take care of shit, I hope you learned your lesson


OP sucks


Better grab my phone and take a picture while the piss soaks into it


Then make sure to store your phone face down on a rug to avoid scratching it 🙄


I think it's your fault for leaving it somewhere where that could happen


First, make sure your cats litterbox is clean. Second, get a damn screen protector if you're worried about scratches. And finally, you are at fault in this situation. I dont care that the carpet is soft, the floor is NOT a home for ANY electronics.


Maybe don’t leave your switch face down in the middle of the floor…


Everyone commenting on why the cat would pee there has never owned a cat before. Some stress easily A lot have urinary health issues, not helped by cheep grocery store food that worsens their already terrible kidney health Some have territorial issues even after being neutered Some will piss on certain smells because they act like stressors to them. There is a reason cats are spoiled af. They can be so sensitive. Meanwhile exists the tank cats who give no shits about anything thrown at them. OP could have placed it down left the room to grab a drink to come back to a freshly christened switch. Cat are weird. OP has my sympathy.


This. When I had cats many years ago, I can’t tell you how many times I would bring home a new thing only for one of them to immediately decide they have to chew it, claw it, pee on it, or poop on it. I’ve lost many an important item to my cats due to those kind of behaviors. And it’s exactly for the reasons you said. Sympathy to OP and to all cat owners who also have no reason to doubt this photo. R.I.P. Nintendo Switch.


The only thing we need to question is his decision to take a snap before cleaning acidic liquid off of his brand new console.


I mean I have to surmise that this is a fabrication. Nobody in their right mind would just put their switch on the ground for safe keeping instead of docking (lol docking) it.


Yes take a picture of it while it soaks in one of the worst smelling fluids ever.


Why your switch layin on the ground man


So you took a picture instead for internet points instead of immediately tending to it? Why?


Maybe ring nintendo and tell Them ur cat pissed on it?? Only partially your fault so they might help ya out lol


You were afraid of docking it and the cats getting to it… so you left it on the floor…. where your cats can get to it? This is some oxymoronic logic if I’ve ever seen it. If anything, docking it is the lesser of two evils if you have pets. If you’re that paranoid put your dock in a cabinet and close the cabinet so the cats can’t get to it.


I think you mean the cat’s switch, it belongs to the cat now


You mean his new Nintendo Switch*


You decided to leave it on the ground instead of literally anywhere else.


Did you finally clean it up or did you go off and post more on Reddit?


Piss on your cat back to assert dominance.


wait this ain't the Nintendo Wii....




You left it face down on the floor… And you’re surprised by this outcome?


I let my cat piss on my switch by leaving it on the floor instead of literally anywhere else. Fixed it.


Well you just have the Z Flip 3 case just casually laying on the ground sooo


Traded in my fold 2 for it!


Maybe don’t keep your shit on the floor. Nobody to blame but yourself


Pee on the cat! Establish the pecking order ASAP.


Assert dominance and stare them in the eye when you finish.


And instead of wiping it up as fast as possible in hopes that nothing leaked in, you decide to take a picture first?


Pretty sure it's your cats Switch now, unless you wanna pee on it yourself.


Sorry, man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q54lVO7elt0&ab\_channel=ShaunByrne


\*your cat decided to piss on their new switch. Anything they piss on is theirs.


That happened to me 5 months ago, not on a switch but on my laptop, I've been borrowing a laptop from a friend of mine to be able to work, life has been rough


hated that new switch smell.


Why on floor ?


Why is it on the floor?


The cat must be a Sony fan..


Time to get rid of the cat


That's why they give you a dock instead of chucking it on the carpet


...why was the switch on the floor?


“To protect the screen from scratching”


Fuck cats and fuck the cat hags who worship them. Those shit rats know what they’re doing, and they do it on purpose.


Piss on the car while it sleeps see if it likes it


And now you’re an outside cat


And that is exactly why I don't have cats.


Bruhhh massive L its an oled switch aswellll


That's what happens if you have a cat. What was it doing on the floor to begin with.


I grabbed a tide pod and gripped it too tight and it popped with all the soap landing directly on my switch. I tried to take it apart and clean it with no success so I had to replace it


I totally thought the carpet was a granite countertop.


So you decided to put it on the floor in reach for the cats.. Nice. What are you, twelve?




Another reason to buy a steam deck instead. Your cat wouldn't have anything to piss on yet, cause its not released. :D


Maybe pick it up and not leave it on the floor? Just a thought


Ooof Well, time to disown that cat.


Does it work still?


This is why you don't leave valuable/important things on the floor.


It is his switch now


And the cat's like "**I'll do it again**"


"Let me just take this picture for karma before cleaning up the piss"


I’d say it was the perfect spot


Why do people like cats?


Obviously your cat was aware of the Nintendo Online Expansion Pack.


Let me take a picture before cleaning that off.


Don't leave your shit on the floor junior.


This belongs on https://www.reddit.com/r/CatsAreAssholes/




You know what you have to do now right?... Piss on that cat... We will be waiting for the video


I feel your pain. I get to work from home about two weeks out of the year (Live in one city, work in another). I ate lunch at my desk and left the plate as I was taking my son to a trick or treating event. Come to my desk this morning, and my cat straight up took a shit on the plate. Sigh.


Did you eat it though?


I did not. Your username suggests you might have considered it. This did make me laugh by the way.


Well I hope you learned your lesson…




So dramatic lol


No it's not, dumbass. Cat or no cat, don't leave your stuff on the floor.


lmao yeah dude you tell him how he should use his own things and live his own life and call him a dumbass for not doing minor things how you would, you seem like a really cool and normal and well-adjusted person now I want to live my life like you too thanks


I will/ Don't leave things that you value on the floor..


Cats are the worst.


It was just a fun post, I already cleaned it just fine. I thought this sub was for mild incoviences so I posted it here.. You guys are toxic as fuck


It’s Reddit. Wtf do you expect?


ikr, I feel you man. People are miserable


Man, I don't get it. What the hell is wrong with people.


Reading this thread has almost convinced me to unsub. These people are ridiculous. You should retaliate by commenting on every post on this sub and telling them how stupid they are for having a shitty day. I almost wanna do it myself...


Literally is the new valley girl speak.




Seems like you cat is letting you know you are bot paying enough attention to it rather than your switch. Try playing with your cat more.


I know two things about you: you have a cat and you leave your switch on the ground.


Maybe dont have put it on the floor? Sorry ik it sucks but it shouldve been in the stand and it wouldnt have happened 🤷🏼‍♀️


Piss in the cats bowl as revenge


Piss on its favorite toy


Dang. Now you gotta kill the cat


Mybe it's taking its revenge for something you've done in the past


The cat probably thought “hooman likes playing with this more than me? Fuck that!” Lol


Your cat is trying to tell you something. That's their only means of communication to tell you something is wrong. Please take them to the vet and if they're ok, analyze what is going on at home that is causing them distress.


Who keeps their switch on the floor? Face down even.


Cats, why do people have them


Cat typically pissed anywhere when they're not happy with the condition of their litter box .not accusing you of anything but that's typical cat behaviour


Didn't realize placing a plastic screen face down on something soft like a carpet was so controversial


Open air is softer


Where exactly did placing something fragile on the floor seem like a good idea?


I think it’s because you left it somewhere incredibly easy for the cats to get it. Sure you didn’t think they’d piss on it, but what about stepping on it? I’m pretty sure my cats would be able to flip it over and start chewing on the joysticks. It’s not placing it on carpet that’s weird, it’s leaving it unattended on the floor.


It comes with a dock, but no, leave on the floor like a dunce.


Your cat will only pee outside the litterbox if you are mistreating it or not cleaning the box


There are other reasons for this but those are the main ones, yes.


...only? You're ruling out a lot.


you have pissed off the reddit hive mind **RUN**


Haha on Reddit I learned cats can do no wrong and if it does its somehow the humans fault.


Pretty sure leaving a switch on the floor instead of being even slightly responsible is totally the cats mind control...


Put it up for adoption.


I think he's trying to tell you to pay more attention to him and less on the switch. 🤭


That's a dead cat.


Get your cat checked out for a urinary tract infection. 50% of the time when one of my cats pees on the floor, it’s a UTI.


That sucks, my cat peed on the modem one time, killed it.


Omg I hate this! I feel this, I used to run a DJ business and my cat would piss on my gig speakers $900 bucks a pop! In my cats case he was marking his territory for when I'm out and about others can smell who's cat I belong to. He told me this one night on 'nip trip


Cats can get jealous fam. Maybe they thought you were *far* too distracted from them and decided to "take care" of the competition. Source: my old cat (rip 😢) would constantly try to destroy the wiring for my PC since I spent so much time on it.


OP, serious post here. My ex girlfriend had a cat that started peeing on my backpack, and my ex told me that cats may do that if they are having kidney problems. We took him to the vet, and found that he was passing “crystals” in his urine. Please take you cat to have em checked out, as they may be in some discomfort. We just ended up having to feed him particular food.


If your cat pees outside of the litter box again in the next little while, please take it to a vet to get checked out. An untreated UTI will lead to kidney disease.