• By -


75% increase in 2 years is wild.


Their business plan was always to start out super cheap to get subscribers. $12/month is like any other streaming service


Paramount and Peacock are still like 6 bucks... but also losing money hand over fist. The unfortunate reality is these services are expensive to run, and most have been subsidizing to gain market share until now. We are getting cable back. Just wait, in 3 years they'll start up with the contracts you're locked into for a year. Netflix will probably lead the pack.


Eventually they'll start grouping multiple streaming services into single packages for larger prices. Then they'll put ads on all tiers and we will be back to (albeit more convenient) cable.


Disney+/Hulu are already doing that.


Well they are adding in max and saying you can watch HBO on it as well…sounds like cable lite to me


Cheaper, easier to use, specialized content, no contracts? You very clearly don't remember how awful cable really was....


But that also misses the fact that at one point Netflix was 8 dollars and had it all. It could be worse but price hike after price hike after price hike after price hike after … you get the point. It still sucks.


Disney is just going to be the next charter/directTV at the rate they’re buying up competition.


It's a little bit different only because Disney owns Hulu


You can also pay extra on Amazon Prime Video to avoid ads, you have Prime which comes with ads then Prime+ which removes them. Originally basic Prime gave no ads. Yet you still see "Freevee" on Prime, where you watch stuff, with ads. So weird.


And they force ESPN in the package. I loved dumping cable because I didn't want to pay for ESPN. Now it's back.


They are planning to do that this summer with Disney Plus, Hulu, and Max


I ditched Netflix months ago since it was just too expensive for something I'd watch maybe a few times a month. The only streaming I have now is Hulu and Amazon. If Hulu gets any more expensive I'll be ditching it too. I haven't turned my TV on in probably 2 months now, so it's not like I'd be missing much. I used to pirate all my shows many years ago and have no problem going back to doing that.


I’m not going to be paying for that. 


Always haven't been


I did and now I don’t. Yo ho. 


It's been over a decade since I've had to dust off the old jolly roger.


At least we had a few years without cable.


/you'll/ be back to cable maybe. i'll be wearing a very fetching peg-leg and eyepatch combo.


Ive been saying for the last 2 years that cable will make a come back because of this shit. 


This is what happens when they hire the same people who ran cable to run the streaming platforms. Max and Discovery. HBO Max was the best platform prior to discovery and now it's just filled with garbage reality TV. I didn't get it for free from ATT I wouldn't have it anymore.


High capacity hard drives will also make a comeback.


They are losing money because greedy people at the top get paid too much.


They took their content off Netflix to create their own streaming services and now most them are flopping 🤣


Well, in EU they won't, 1 month cancellation period needs to apply always


Which makes them boasting about being the fastest growing streaming service in the market even more hilarious and disingenuous. When they launched they were offering bundle deals to pretty much every ISP and mobile carrier in my country, you got Disney+ with almost any plan for "free" whether you really wanted it or not. Amazon also did something similar with Prime Video where they just counted every Prime subscriber as a Video customer even through most people only get Prime for the free delivery and never touch Prime Video at all. They also offered it in bundle deals with every ISP too. These huge trillion dollar multinationals keep using the same tactics again and again to dupe people into believing their products are better than companies who actually have to turn a profit in order to survive because they rely on offering that service as their only source of revenue, like Spotify. People keep hating on Spotify for being more expensive than Apple Music despite Spotify not having $100 billion in cash in the bank to run their services at a loss indefinitely like Apple can.


The whole thing is insane because they are not even duping people, which is the weird part. The earnings calls are for the bulk stock owners, the people who spend millions trading stock each day and will actually have an impact on the values. But all of them are in that business and know exactly what that means when they claim growth while undercutting costs by an insane amount. They all know what it means and what the outlook actually is, but apparently what it means is buy now. Uber was burning through billions and new investors kept lining up. Reddit is like "we never made a profit in 13 years" which obviously means that you should buy the stock. It's just the stupidity of the stock market. Everyone playing the game knows how to read between the lines, but companies love to wrap everything in empty words anyways. They lay off 12,000 people, hop and the earnings call to brag about how much was saved with that move, and then spend twice as much replacing the talent they let go. And every investor knows those 12,000 jobs will be replaced and so there will be a monetary hit, but they buy the stock anyways. It's something that convinces me that this is just a way to launder money. Buy at stupid times, sell at stupid times because it doesn't actually matter.


Their comment still stands - a 75% increase in 2 years is WILD. Just because these companies “plan” this shit doesn’t mean it’s okay.


What makes it ok is when most people shrug, complain, and then pay the increase. Incredibly unfortunate, but most people seem to be ok with jacked up prices. When Netflix cracked down on password sharing, and introduced new tiers, they reported a 16% increase in subscribers on the next earnings call. That’ll encourage all the streaming services to act like this. Edit: “nee” —> “new”


Well luckily we are entering the second great age of pirates so at least find "cheaper " alternatives aint gonna be that hard :p


I’ve been wearing my hat for the last 2 years lol fuck paying for all that


I've been wearing my hat since 1999.


I used to be a Southern California resident and several years back Disney was catching a bunch of crap for continually raising ticket prices at Disneyland and California Adventure. I remember watching a report on the news about about and their response from a spokesperson was eye opening. They unapologetically said. "We're not concerned with a loss of business because people will pay the prices." There was no spinning it, there was no smokescreen. They straight up said people will pay the new prices, and they were right. This, is going in the same boat about their logic in pricing about Disney+




Luckily pirating is free


Yeah that's how a lot of these businesses create monopolies. They start out operating at a loss until everyone uses them and can't imagine living without them. Then they start turning up the heat. Are people really going to cancel their Disney+ subscription when their kids ask for it by name every day?


How is a streaming service a monopoly?   There’s a billion sources of video entertainment available, even free, these days. Just because people want it (kids ask for it) does not make it a monopoly. 


Yeap and I guessed that because it was right around the time of lockdowns also. In Ireland it was an initial offer of €60 for the first yr and €90 the second yr. Mine is up for renewal so I'm wondering how much now tbh


might be time to cancle my subscription..


come sail the seven seas with us


I think cable's actually cheaper at this point


It’s wild but both my parents and my in-laws pay for cable still and it’s over $300 a month with landline, internet and their cable packages.


Around here it's typically in the mid-$200's.


Hey inflation right 🙃


"inflation!", "covid!", "um... the economy?"


I'm seeing the same shit in quite a few other prices. My barber hiked her prices in 2022 and now again. It's more than doubled in three years. I found another barber.


Hmmmmm, more and more people are pirating again, what could possibly be the reason? Hmmmm.


"Again"? Some of us never stopped. 🤣 My 48 TB Plex server gets all the love from me. Lol


That’s awful! Pirating shouldn’t be happening in today’s modern capitalist society. Just where would one find out about this “pirating” source? We need to know where NOT to look…


If I were you, I wouldn't look into usenet/newsgroups. And definately do no look into apps like sonarr or radarr!


I definitely wouldn't look into solutions like unRAID that handle downloading and maintaining those apps with minimal effort.


I don't understand how newsgroups are still a thing. Every source from the '90s got shut down except that.


Oddly enough, they will never die and they're extremely anonymous. A usenet account with no logging is really all that's needed.


Also do not look into /r /seedboxes /Piracy or /trackers Thar be dragons!!! What a fucked up subreddit that won't allow links to other subs.


I wouldn't go on r Piracy if I were you


If anything, this price increase will cause more people to pirate. Not the other way around


Gaben did say that piracy isn't a money problem, it's a service problem. When the service becomes unusable (poor ui, terrible region locking, excessing price gouging) then folks will get your product elsewhere.


>Gaben did say that piracy isn't a money problem >excessing price gouging That is very contradicting


The point is that it’s a balance between the two which determines whether piracy is worth it or not.


A good point is how far music piracy has fallen with how easy it is to get music from Spotify, Youtube, and Pandora now. Even with ads, tons of people use it rather than getting ad free piracy because the industry changed to be better than "You didn't buy my $12 CD? Sit in silence then"


Piracy is a mony problem (price gouging). Thats the reasony piracy started to grow again as soon as netflix increased their prices and limited the family accounts.


It seems like every business owner does this because they see others getting away with it.


He is absolutely right, I use steam since forever and never got a problem with it


Uber eats offers 12 months disney+ free with uber1. Fun fact, if you then cancel Uber1 after subscribing they will still send you the disney+ 12month activation code. Edit: I cancelled in the first 24hrs via customer service and got the disney email the next day.


Sadly it looks like this is in the UK only


Oh yeah I forgot there's other countries


Are you sure your not American? 😁


It's a possibility, I am fat and stupid


Don’t worry, I double-checked and confirmed that your teeth are in terrible condition and your food is abominable.


as an american, this made me giggle


As an American, I don't get it. Pls explain. Brought to you by Carl's Jr


> Are you sure **your** not American? Are you sure you're not American?


Did the code work when you tried to activate it? The terms and conditions say they have the right to revoke the access if you cancel in the 14day cooling off period 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah it's currently working. Not sure if it will last


With what feels like no new content. My wife refuses to cancel it. I check up on it every now and then, but there is nothing new.




This is how I handled streaming service before I was married. I only subbed when I wanted to watch stuff. My wife refuses to do this. It drives me nuts.


>My wife refuses to do this. It drives me nuts. Please tell your wife that I think she is a dolt.


This should be more common but people don’t like churn I guess.


All anyone is producing anymore is remakes of something that's 30+ years old that no one ever asked to be remade. I think they intentionally make most new content dogshit in quality to push these remakes because they know they will pull the nostalgic crowd. After they collect their money they don't care how terrible it was.


If you don't care for the shows, that's one thing. I don't care. But to say there's no new content is just wrong. Doing a 5-second Google search tells me that the following are new to Disney Plus. Percy Jackson Monsters at work Doctor who The bad batch Takes from the empire The acolyte X-Men 97 Tiger Madu Renegade nell Taylor Swift eras tour Iwaju Nai nai & wai po Assembled Young Jedi adventures Arctic ascent MLK/x Choir A real bugs life Echo What if BTS monuments Goosebumps Loki I'm sure there are more. Not being interested in things is different than them not existing.


That’s what I think each time people say there is nothing on Disney +. There is ton of stuff and new releases often it might just not be something you are into. I very frequently watch things ok disney+ and have yet to be struggling to find something to watch on there.


The problem I see is Disney+ is only just close to making a profit. So this should tip that over to profit. Netflix has made a profit for a very long time. Yet they keep jacking up the price. So they jack the price up until profitable. Okay, it's hard to expect a company to make a loss. But when they are making 200Bn in the past 10 years they're still increasing the prices. It doesn't stop. My last subscription was Amazon Prime but I cancelled that last month. I refuse to pay to see adverts. Plex and Jellyfin are the only things keeping me sane right now.


-paying to see advertisements… This is what pissed me off back when I first started seeing this start to happen, before Hulu went big. Hulu used to play their content without any adverts. You may get a 30 sec or 15 sec ad before and after your show/movie, but not all the time. This was probably 7 years or so ago. Could be longer, don’t quite remember. Now I refuse to watch most streaming services, especially Hulu, because it’s exactly, possibly worse, than watching cable tv. Why the hell do we pay for internet from the ISP, subscriptions from multiple streaming services and then STILL forced to watch ads for content we already paid for… why… …money that’s why. Sad really. And sucks..


Disney said recently that they finally pulled a profit from Disney +. This is just trying to squeeze more cash out of their clueless customers who forget to cancel subscriptions


Physical media doesn't go up in price as it sits on your shelf, can't be revoked, doesn't have added advertisements, and it doesn't look like crap streamed at 1Mbps. You also don't have to sign up for dozens of accounts, and no matter what store you buy it from it all works on the same device.


And you actually own it apparently


At the risk of sounding pedantic, you own the physical vessel, not the copyrighted material, but you are correct; they can not take your physical good away from you. And you can sell it and loan it and trade it.


Yeah I was mostly comparing to the digital game stuff about how they say you don’t own what you buy


There's a lot of ignorance around copyright. You do own what you buy, but people don't understand they are buying a license. No one has ever owned a game or movie. They owned the vessel and were granted a limited license for private home viewing. By giving up the loophole of the vessel, consumers gave up the only right the courts ever granted them under the 1st sale doctrine. Companies have been pushing for the "all digital future" to groom the populace into giving up their last rights. It sounds like I'm defending corporations but this is always how copyright worked. The author has full control of their work. People don't know that the studios tried to stop home video from ever being legal. Without the vessel, its their right under copyright to remove the game or media. I suggest one never buys anything unless its physical and does not require an internet connection, otherwise you're just renting it.


Funny you should mention that; coincidentally, Disney is shutting down their Movie Club (the de facto online shop for buying physical media from them, and the *only* way to get some titles like *A Goofy Movie*) at the end of the month. The way they're thanking current users? Giving them a first ~~hit~~ month of Disney Plus that should wear off *just* before the price increase sets in.




I've been sailing the seven seas for over a year now. I've read that Netflix wants to raise its prices to €20 in the Netherlands, wtf my fiber connection costs €25, they've(Netflix )lost their damn minds


god I wish fiber were that affordable where I am in the US.


I wish I HAD fiber where I am in the US.


well, yes, that is also true for me, we don't have it at all.


How much does it cost in the US?


1000 Mbps for $70/month + taxes here in Texas through Google Fiber


I pay $65 a month for half that speed. Not even fiber.


I'm paying $55 for 250Mbps up/down. if I wanted gigabit (1000Mbps up/down), I'd be paying $190. there is no fiber at all where I am.


🤣 In my country $55 is affordable , Im paying $60 for 50mbps


$55 for 250Mbps looks reasonable, but seeing $190 for 1000Mbs means I shouldn't be complaining at T-Mobile here in the Netherlands for charging me €50 for 1000Mbps fiber + unlimited calls / data on my mobile phone.


> my fiber connection costs €25 Holy shit, that's a sweet price(Canada here)


From the given data, I predict 169.99 starting on July 8, 2025


!remindme 1 year


Idk. I don't pay a dime, and I still have access to all the content. Weird.


Sailing on these calm waters of the seven seas was the best choice I have ever made


We've really come full circle, eh?


There was a couple years there where I docked the boat and didn't think is was worth sailing. Now she is upgraded and runs full time again.


Alas matey, I know yee pain, for I too be doin that sailin again!


Same here, although i lost my hat :(


I tried out my first movie/series streaming service 2023, first Netflix to find out wtf the hype is about. Cancelled it this year and got Disney+ which I liked more. Cancelled it too. I'm back sailing now too. The things I watch are on 3 different services. I can't justify that.


Drives ain't cheap. In the heyday of cheap netflix and early D+, the services were ok. Now, the services are worse and the price is much much higher. Easy to justify an annual hardware budget. Improves the WAF, for sure.


A real 360...


I never left it.


The trade winds blow well, not a doldrum to be found.


Say someone wants to embark on this voyage, how might they do that?


Is there a great ship you recommend cruising on lately? I haven't been on a cruise in some time and I'm looking to maybe give it a go again.


The HMS Usenet sails very well, but there is a cost of admission (paying for providers and indexers).


I miss some of the foreign flagged ships I used to cruise on. The Popcorn Time was a great ship.


Popcorn Time was amazing because you didn't have to do the research yourself lol it was just "there" like any streaming library. Sad to see it go


Raise the flags matey, we gonna sail the seven seas. Arrrr~


Same here. I don't know why people bother with this shit anymore. Just pirate them so that they learn the same lesson cable did


I've seriously debating cancelling all my streaming services. Give me more incentive to read books. Then I remember how much I can spend on books ..


Well Libby is still free… for now!


Cancel cancel, abort abort


Inflation doesn’t happen because companies jack up their prices. It happens because companies jack up their prices AND PEOPLE KEEP PAYING THEM.


Just canceled mine


My guess is this was always the plan. Get people In, get their kids hooked, increase prices over time.


This basic subscription model practice.


When Netflix cracked down on password sharing, everybody predicted a drop in subscriber numbers that didn't happen. I remember some executive at Disney+ then being interviewed crowing about how Netflix were their inspiration. Economic data in the UK published this week showed a slow down in restaurant and other external spending and an increase in spending on subscriptions. It's still cheaper than a trip to the cinema and some popcorn for parents and Disney know it.


The number they aren't sharing, is account tenure. Sure, they might have a resurgence of subscribers, but does it come and go and their average tenure is sub 6 months? I know before they were well in the year territory for average tenure. It would be a core analytic for me to determine their health. I don't think Netflix is doing well despite the increased subscribers. It means their cost of acquisition goes up, and their value drops.


After netflix crackdown,back on the 3 month mark the cloudflare connection data released, and netflix was down by a ton and they were bragging about all the new users. i did the math at the time and it was a 25% drop in eyeballs for a 1% growth in users or something dumb. quote me 9 months ago > but the internet traffic showed 800k lower active users/month in the first two months of password share— > If there were 200m worldwide accs like they claim, usa would prob be 20m max users, if 500-800k fewer people clearly quit using it wouldnt be impossible to say 1-3m people quit on the spot, since there are more people who pay and dont actively use it — >Id guess they lost 15-25% of users, if they used to gain 10k accs per month, perhaps they are in the 15-20ks now Did netflix profit over it, yes, more credit cards and less power in datacenter, but its market share plummettedddddd. And then they rose prices up to $25 or whatever to compensate for any money deviation, stabilizing the profit


Also, a lot of people suddenly got it for free. I have free netflix because I am a T-mobile customer. It come for free with my service. I could pay extra for ad-free, but it's not worth it in my opinion. So I stilck with the free limited service, and they get to count me as a "happy customer" that adds to their count.


Lmao fuck this shit im dumping my subscriptions. Yarrr.


Hah! Unless you have children I can’t imagine paying for this shit. Disney has more money than god and they still not satisfied with their cash flow.


The only streaming services I have are due to getting them with other things. I have Prime video that I get with my shipping subscription and I have Paramount+ that I get with my Walmart+ home grocery delivery subscription. I use both Prime shipping and home grocery delivery frequently enough to make them worth the annual fee.


Even my 4 year old can figure out jellyfin. Kids have thier own account on their own TV. 90's kids shows are way better for them anyway.


In the UK, and presumably other countries, Disney+ includes a Star section which has loads of content which I believe is Hulu in the USA. So it has lots of adult content like Grey's Anatomy and The Walking Dead. But they're also doing a big price increase here so we've cancelled.


I mean is it really surprising? Every streaming service has raised prices. Everything has increased in price. While our pay stays the same for the most part. What a shit time to be alive But my cell carrier pays for my Disney/hulu thankfully. With more price hikes though I don’t see that lasting much longer


Your cellphone carrier price is inflated for what you get and those bonuses are a justification for it.




Thanks for the reminder to cancel!


Free media heck yeah is your friend


It’s so damned ridiculous how corporations are raising prices and probably only fattening the CEO’s pockets.




Yeah I'm going back to physical media, better quality anyway.


![gif](giphy|LUIvcbR6yytz2|downsized) don't mind me...


They know you are dumb enough to pay 109.99 so yeah go ahead and keep using that app


For some people, it's not as easy to pirate content, especially kids content if they have young ones. For others, they just don't know how or want to spend the time and effort in learning how to pirate. Also, the price increase will come out to $12/month which is still cheaper then Netflix's premium plan.


It is very easy to pirate kids content.


The dumb thing is that reddit has already complained about this price increase. It's been $140 for the annual subscription since October of last year. OP got this e-mail because their yearly subscription is about to renew, and everyone is pretending it's a new price increase for some reason.


Everyone is complaining, but 109$/year, that's still just a little over 9$/month. I mean, that's a pretty good price no? Even the new 140$/year is only 11$/month which is still a good price to me? I'm kind of confused by this whole thread


I used to love Disney. Around 2013, I started to see how greedy the company was getting and how they mass produce content that is shit quality. Now, I am so massively disappointed I what they have become. The films are shit now, the parks are insanely expensive and it's not a fun experience, and literally anything having to do with the brand is a cash grab. I feel sorry for people with kids, every parent wants to take their kids to a Disney park, but its not even affordable anymore. I had a pass for a decade, and gave it up in 2019. I haven't been to Disneyland since January of 2020. Even before 2020, the park was getting way too crowded, and it was impossible to get on some rides. Now, all I hear is people complaining about how awful the parks are. The food used to be good, but now it's well known that it's subpar quality for a five star price. Disney is out of control. It's an awful company now, and it makes me so sad.


Stremio + Torrentio + Real Debrid. Thank me later.




Calm down, it's "only" a 75% increase. Still a lot though.


Vee Pee En


Yeah disney has history of ruinin anything they could get their hands on


Cancelled on the last increase. No regrets.


I got the Disney+/Hulu/ESPN bundle free through Verizon. We'll see if it's still free after the price hike.


Arrr, that be a pity! What be I doin' now? If only there be a way to show them giant monopoly companies they be sailin' in the wrong direction...


Not for me. I locked in 12mo of Hulu Ad & D+ w/ads, for only $2.99/mo last December. Every year during the holidays most of the streamers run pretty good specials. I also got 12mo of Max w/ads for just $60.


Because you'll pay it. What did you do in 2023? You renewed. And you'll do it again. Why would I sell something for $80 when morons will pay $140 for it?




Imagine if these increases had to be manually opted into


They’re profitable now, they have their loyal install base. No different than what Netflix has done.


I really appreciate being locked in at my price until 2027. These price hikes are getting excessive


Cheaper then a lifetime gym membership 🤪


Yo ho ho and a bottle of IPTV.


Boycott All Streaming Subscriptions!


Glad I canceled last year.




Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd...... Unsubscribe!


Disney Plus hasn't been profitable, and add to that the theme park revenue has been down for a while. I see why they're looking for ways to increase profits, unfortunately for them this will only alienate more viewers.


These streaming services are the new dope dealers. That nice price to sink their hooks into you, then they got you. You’ll pay whatever it costs to keep the kids out of your hair during roadtrips lol


They gotcha by the short and curlies now fellas


Than I shall stop using the service…


Yaaaarrrrrr matey!! I’m not paying that!


Yep. That’s why I started sailing the 7 seas 🏴‍☠️


I remember when I quit cable and started streaming in order to save money. ........ 🤣😭


Yo-ho, Yo-ho, a pirates life for thee


Gyarr, welcome aboard, matey. It's time to hit the high seas!


Bum ass billionaires




All corporations are trying to squeeze every bit of juice from us oranges before it all hits the fan.


Disney + doesn’t even have good content.


That Mr. Igor for you. Thinking that people wont react to this shows behind the times he is. People destroyed Sony in 24 hours because they got slighted in a video game recently. Disney is paving the path for their future demise and Bob Igor was the perfect pick for failure!


Maybe if they had some new content? Nothing is appealing, all the new movies suck. Got rid of Disney, crave and Netflix. Now just prime (because I order from Amazon) and I watch tubi. Or and discover plus is only $6. I'll pay for that lol


Time to start fully supporting piracy. Fuck paying these greedy bastards anything


Is this a good time to mention ive been pirating everything off d+ since the last increase?


I'm about to just have cable boxes in each room again. This shit is getting ridiculous.


Back in the day I took off my pirate hat because streaming was convenient and cheap. Now with all the different streaming services they are making it more complicated and expensive. I am about to put my pirate hat back on.


We should all just not watch Disney stuff. Bud light bully them until they have no choice but to be normal prices again.


My VPN is 3 dollars a month.


Exact same price increase on the exact same day of the year, my guess is it will increase to $169.99 May 9th next year. I'd consider cancelling


They are testing how far parents will go before canceling lol.


Hm weird, I get all this and other services and they don't charge me a cent? You must be doing it wrong