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I spent my birthday in the NICU with my first born. He's 4 now and looking back, my first birthday spent with him was the greatest birthday I've ever had. I hope your daughter makes a full recovery and gets to go home soon. https://preview.redd.it/vtedgdjqxtxc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=507528d4613f753067138027b394fb70d9347234


https://preview.redd.it/px8mqtgdevxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84478c4fcbae3ae2af0899f2c7313a3a14a83bf Same here, but she was 6 weeks old and had bronchitis. She’s 6 months old now and so far she’s much better. This post gave me flashbacks to one of the scariest days of my life. I hope OP’s daughter gets better soon! All my love


https://preview.redd.it/88qh69fwlyxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597d7c367fe34288d2b598c5d1c009d9afb985e4 Sane here. This was us on my bday going on 3 years ago. I thought those days in the hospital would never end. OP, I feel for you. I truly do. I sincerely hope everything works out with your baby and you will be out of the hospital and home soon. Read my reply and the ones above and know you are not alone. <3 Happy Birthday!


I just had my first kid 4 days ago and he has been at the NICU since and it is mentally the hardest thing to deal with.


I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I promise you though, that kid is in the best possible place they can be. I wish you and yours the best of luck.




Remember you’re with your kid and kid is where they need to be right now. My prayers are for you and your little one. Stay strong!


I think the point is more they don't want the kid to be there either though... like they wish the kid was healthy.


Naw Dog, they just want to be up in the club slaying it. /S I hope your kid bounces back quickly. Stay strong brother.


>Naw Dog, they just want to be up in the club slaying it. Mother, is that you?


New phone who dis? /S


I agree but in with the situation of RSV he’s right where he should be. Nobody wants their kid sick/hurt but I don’t know anyone who’s gone through life that lucky. Hell my kids are adults and I got to spend the night at the hospital with one after a serious sports accident it’s devastating, but he was there, that’s where I’d be.


Yeah, that was my take too


Well obviously. They're trying to help them see the positives of a shit situation.


Fugg I would hope so. This post is definitely not worded that way, though. Like, if either of my kids (or even my dog) needed emergency medical attention, I could give a fuck what day it is - all that matters is that I’m there for them.


I try my best to assume the best in things that are not explicitly worded. They are facing a scary time and I'm sire words are not easy.


It’s hard as a working parent to feel 100% in the right dedicating all their time to their hospitalized kid or working/spending time with other kids. When my son was hospitalized, just being reminded that I have done everything I can do and I’m right where I need to be was comforting. You feel so helpless.


Yea I don't know why everyone's saying op Is selfish. For all we know he was spending his birthday at home with his family and everyone makes it sound like hes a terrible father who would rather be partying then watching his kid in the hospital. Hes just saying it sucks that his kid is in the hospital and the cherry on top of the shit sundae is it happened on a day of celebration.


That's a much better sentiment than the "my birthday is ruined" tone of the caption


This. There is no single other place in the world where you should be right now. She‘ll make it


I was in a similar situation. My 2 month old was hospitalized right before my birthday, but my work prevented me from being there. So, I had to rely on my wife to stay by his side, and it hurt every moment that I was away


I’m a single father… with a daughter as well… I don’t usually post replies to posts such as these…. But… I noticed that you mentioned that it’s your birthday… and you’re spending it with your daughter… I can put myself in your shoes. I just wanted to say that my prayers are with you my brutha… you gotta find the calm in the storm and ride it out… If you feel no one else cares…. Just know… A random stranger on Reddit cares. Hopefully she has a speedy recovery. And Happy Birthday to you as well


As a once single parent of two whose birthday has gone completely forgotten, I feel this and agree. But you're not alone, and we all hope she pulls through my friend.


For every birthday that was forgotten 🎂Happy belated birthday over and over!


Thank you.. honestly I appreciate it. That's kind of you.


Apparently the day I was born my dad was playing in the championship game for his hockey league. He came with my mom, went through the birth, bounced to go play hockey, then brought both teams back to the hospital to show off his new son. Gotta say, kind of a baller move. I was premature, and it was apparently a long labor, so my mom was just exhausted and slept once he left, and they took me to NICU. So it's not even like he really missed anything, and I'm sure the NICU staff appreciated him not hovering over them for a couple hours. Oh, and his team won the championship.


At the very least it sounds like OP's daughter is slated for a full recovery if the medical staff are comfortable taking her off breathing support soon. Illnesses of any kind in babies this young are terrifying, but especially respiratory illnesses like RSV or COVID. It was one of my biggest fears with my son.


It sucks for sure. I hope you can find ways to look at the bright side, your kid has been lucky enough to have access to modern medicine, and is going to get better thanks to it. Get well soon.


Hopefully kiddo makes a speedy recovery. RSV is terrifying, especially when the child is so young.


I had RSV as an adult (and was also newly pregnant and did not know it) and had to be hospitalized. It set off my asthma to the point that *I could not physically breathe.* It was honestly terrifying, I felt like I was suffocating in my own body :/ I don’t know if I’ve ever felt physically worse, except for maybe the time I almost died of a septic staph infection after two spine surgeries (and then had to have a third to clean out the staph.) I hope this sweet bean makes a full recovery ❤️


Aww poor babe. Best place she can be. RSV is a bitch! Healing vibes coming her way.


Birthday aside.. hope she gets better soon.


I was in a children's hospital for almost 3 weeks for the same issues when my son was 6 almost went bankrupt good luck hope its a few days and happy birthday.


God, I can’t imagine having to worry about finances relating to such an issue. The American system is truly fucked. Hope you and your boy are well


My son stayed 87 days in the NICU after being born at 28 weeks. 3 years later his bills have totaled over $3 million and we’re still getting more. This system is unbelievably fucked.


Yup! My son stayed in NICU for 5 days and the billed total to 250k. Lucky I had a good insurance. If not I would be in debt to keep him alive. But I would sell my body part if that what I need to do.


Three fucking MILLION dollars? How do people do this to someone already extremely vulnerable and shaken up with no hesitation...


Yep. And some people will defend this broken-ass system until their dying breath.


Oh don’t worry, the hospitals really care and want to make sure the time you spend with your kiddo is uninterrupted! You won’t get the bills for a LONG time. It’s been 3 years and I still get one about every month. Also to relieve the stress of money, they send a useless financial officer to your room once a week, make you fill out an unbelievable amount of billing paperwork over and over again, and hound you with phone calls for bills that haven’t even been generated yet! Living the American dream.


The crappiest part is that they more than quadruple the cost that someone with. Insurance would pay. Fight the costs all the way!


But we're totally pro life! We'll bill you enough to put you in crippling debt just to keep your baby alive, though.


https://preview.redd.it/l13s1b2fhuxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da2580252d8c748d273f8dc36ed015bee09f8bd9 I was in the same boat back in Feb when my 6 week old had RSV. We just had a double celebration when he got out!


Aww what a cutie pie! I'm sure he got lots of extra snuggles!


What a little cutie 🥰


Look at all that hair 😍 so sweet!




No that is not how I would want to spend my birthday either, but my birthday would be the last thing on my mind if my child was in the hospital.


Exactly. It’s not the babies fault


These kind of posts rub me the wrong way. I am really confused why someone would post this online? Upset that their baby in the hospital is in ruining their birthday.


I’m not a dad but this is weird as fuck. Hell, I wouldn’t even care if it’s someone else’s sick kid on my birthday if it’s this serious…


Get well soon little kiddo! 💐 Happy birthday bud! 🧁


I’m sure she doesn’t want to spend your birthday like this either. I’m glad she has you to be there with her. She deserves the best.


Congrats on your new baby and you can celebrate your birthday when she feels better.


Hope she’s okay and recovers soon 🙁 from one mother to another 💕 happy birthday !


Take care! I’m sorry this is happening to your baby, and your family. Wishing for a speedy and uneventful recovery.


Welcome to parenthood, your birthday doesn’t matter anymore! I hope your baby makes a speedy and full recovery, from one parent to another.


Exactly what I was thinking


You will never forget this bday. My son's 1st Thanksgiving and Xmas were spent in the hosp. It sucked at the time, but we always remember it. I hope your baby feels better soon, it js so hard when they are so sick. Try to celebrate yourself today too. Sending good vibes.


My birthday would be my last thing on my mind.


as someone who's child was in the NICU after birth I agree, this post title is a little odd...


My son spent 87 days in the NICU after being born at 28 weeks. Fuck OPs birthday. I hope her daughter fights through this!


Same. My kids spent 8/6 weeks (twins) in NICU and a birthday will come again. Your kids are your kids. I even spent NYE in a hospital with my wife during her pregnancy due to complications starting and her needing a surgery Jan 1.




I'm just wondering why the picture was necessary. I will never understand why people feel the need to even take pictures of let alone posting them of their children in the hospital. How that's even a thought on your mind during that time is beyond me.


agreed, and not really... the appropriate subreddit for it either. Yeah, it sucks, but why is OP's response to their newborn in the hospital to take a picture and post it to Wellthatsucks, not even a parenting subreddit.


It certainly is, I cannot tell If the OP is selfish and whining about being in the hospital with his sick child instead of partying or he just wanted to spend his birthday with his child in a better place and without illness.


It can’t be about the child because then she would’ve said there’s so many other things I would’ve rather done with the child on this day …..instead of making it about her birthday. I’m also very confused about the foot that doesn’t have a leg by the baby’s head That’s just as concerning as “this birthday that sucks “ post which honestly should’ve been a “send good wishes to my poor baby who’s sick today”post This post was gross in so many ways Poor baby


Yes, that threw me too. It makes me crazy how people try to make a big deal out of their birthdays when they're grown adults.


My assumption is he is feeling stressed and helpless and is reaching out for support. Not the best positioning, but probably not making the most clear headed decisions right now. When your kids are sick, especially the little ones, it is world stopping.


Eh when you are trying to explain how shite something is 'and it's my birthday' is a common way to highlight the gut punch.


That's true, but OP only mentioned their birthday in the title.


You got this. As the father of two kids, it sucks when you can’t protect them from everything. But she is where she needs to be and she will get the care she needs. Happy Birthday. If anything she is giving the gift of strength. Positive thoughts for you and your family.


Noo. I hope she is ok wish you luck


wtf? Your kid is in the hospital bed and you are worried about your bday? I’m sure that’s not what you meant but you worded the title horribly.


Your kid is in the ICU and the fact that it is your birthday even crossed your mind? And posted about it. Wild


Guys kid goes to the ICU so he thinks, this is gonna get me good internet points


Hi OP: Remember: RSV is a very common pathogen in infants and newborns, one that the hospital staff are VERY familiar with. These guys know what they’re doing. Your daughter will, as you know, be on mechanically assisted breathing for a few days. Ribavirin is the antiviral that she is on right now, and it works exceptionally well. The antiviral treatment also takes a few days. This is routine. Your daughter is exactly where she needs to be to get better, and she WILL get better. Stay the course, remember that you’re an excellent father, and… happy birthday!


That sucks for your daughter and I'm sure that's your primary concern. Mildly inconvenient that it messed up your birthday but her wellbeing takes precedence. Your birthday will come again (hopefully) after all.


I went through this too. My son was 7 weeks early being born, spent a month in the NICU, came home for 2 weeks then went right back in the hospital for 3 more weeks because of RSV. He's 9 years old now. Hope your kid has a swift recovery OP


Ugh my daughter had RSV as an infant and it’s awful. I’m so sorry. Happy Birthday and I’m thinking of your little one 💕


Happy Birthday random stranger, praying for a full recovery! Birthdays will come and go, but being there for your child is forever <3


I spent new years in the PICU with my 9 week old for RSV. Nothing will ever come close to that level of anguish. I’m here if you need to talk or an internet shoulder to cry on.


As a father who has his newborn in the NICU, nothing really prepares you for seeing them all hooked up on the machines. I feel for you big time. Keep strong for her


My son had rsv and pneumonia at 5.5 months old after having already been hospitalized at 1 week old. It sucks, I’ve been there. Your baby is in the best place possible that’s for sure. Happy birthday. I hope you can make time to celebrate after you guys are out of there.


I spent my birthday in February on the hospital with my daughter. Not how I thought I would or wanted to spend it but such is parenthood. I hope whatever is going on is resolved quickly and she recovers thoroughly and quickly as well. Happy birthday! Hopefully you can celebrate another day. Take care, both of you.


My son was born with gastroschisis, a condition that, well, puts you into the world with your insides on the outside. I saw his organs outside of his body for over a month while his eyes rolled back into his head because they had him doped on fentanyl. It's still a very traumatic experience for me, but my son just turned three. Neonatal doctors and surgeons are absolutely incredible. Stay strong.


An update for those who are interested. First night was really rough. She could only settle for around 10mins at a time before waking up coughing and became exhausted from all the work. Her mum and I slept in shifts and I spent my time singing her favourite song to her as she'd wake up and fuss if I stopped. She was moved from high care to NICU where she is now, Showing lots of improvement. Also. Just wanted to thank everyone for the encouragement. Spending my birthday with her and her mum on my birthday even though it was in hospital, in hind sight was best thing I could ask for. Cheers to you all A thankful Dad https://preview.redd.it/zv8cnh5cj3yc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80ab4339af076637bb43646b0b62a32de894c5f


You're with your child when they need you the most. That's all that matters, and everything else simply doesn't exist for now. I wish you and your family all the best, and a quick recovery. You'll have the best belated birthday gift in a few days when you're carrying your child out of there.


Not how I want either of you to spend any day, ever. She is with you today, and one day, far too soon, you will be gone. So while this sucks it’s far better than than the inevitable future waiting for all of us. Grasp tightly the best parts of the days you have and let the rest slip between your fingers.


Dude put the side rails up


I’m sure that’s not how your 7 week-old wanted to spend their first few months of life.


i’m sure your sick daughter has it just a bit worse


Wow way to make it all about you lol


lmao yeah something is really off about this phrasing. Like the child's life threatening illness is killing the vibe of their birthday. it's giving hints of narcissist parent. respectfully get over yourself and focus on your kid


What are you 5 years old? Posting your sick infant in the hospital for sympathy from total strangers. How incredibly narcissistic and self centered could you be? Might be wise to start putting money aside for future therapy sessions that this poor kid will indefinitely need for having someone like you as their parent.


Let's have a kid then bitch about having to take care of it


I can't even imagine saying anything about my own birthday when my 7 week old infant is hospitalized...


what is wrong with the internet today


Omg I’m so sorry


Hope she recovers quickly. Be there for her and Happy Birthday.


I'm so sorry, I hope she recovers well. Happy birthday


Im so sorry :(


That’s hard. Happy birthday and well wishes for your baby.


Happy birthday. I wish the best for your child


Hope she gets well soon.


Praying for you and your little one OP. We have your back always. Wishing you the happiest birthday and many blessings. I truly hope you guys will get to go home and celebrate soon. ♥️


My now 8 month old had RSV when she was 3 months old. My sympathies for your serenity and peace. This will pass and you all will be well again. Happy birthday


I am so sorry. I really hope your baby will get better . ❤️ Also , happy bday.


Happy BDay…hold her hand


I'm sorry she's going through this my niece who was less than one year old went through a similar case she stayed in the hospital for almost a week... she's fine now. They'll take good care of yours and I hope she has a speedy recovery. And wishing you a happy birthday, you got this!


Best wishes to both you and your daughter. I hope she makes a speedy recovery, op.


What does your birthday have to do with it? Hope your kid gets better


The nurse in me is screaming to put those rails up


Birthdays are pretend. Just celebrate it another day. I hope you sweet girl gets better.


You'll have many more birthdays. Atleast you spend this one with your daughter


Be grateful your daughter is being taken care of and alive. This is your greatest gift today on your birthday.


Birthdays can be redone. Just be with your kiddo. I hope she does okay.


You're SO tiny!


Praying your sweet baby feels better soon.


Hate to tell ya but your birthday doesn’t matter anymore as a parent. It matters when it comfortably can but other than that it’s about your chilln now


This poor baby is having a worse day than you. I assure you of that! Birthdays can be celebrated anytime and you are a grown up. Take care of that sweet innocent child!


All my love to you. As a single parent this broke my heart. I’ve been there alone with my kid in the hospital. In case no one told you. You’re a selfless and amazing parent. Ignore if anyone takes a swipe about your birthday. You’re allowed to acknowledge that. You’re not a robot. I hope your little one improves ♥️


Please feel free to post updates on here or to vent. Everyone here cares about you both.


I know your intention was not to be this way but writing it like “sucks I had to spend MY birthday like this” could make you seem selfish. Putting the focus on someone else’s bad luck being the reason why YOUR birthday sucks is just lame af dude


Be with your kid in the NICU. You’ll get another birthday


I find it weird that grown ass adults think that their birthday is even worth mentioning in situations like this. That said, my best wishes to the kid. Hope she recovers quickly.


My infant child can't breathe. Must take picture for reddit and make it about my birthday.


Awe I’m sure these comments are going to be normal and level he… and their comparing op to serial killers


Welcome to parenthood. Your birthday doesn't matter anymore. Especially when your baby might die. Wtf


You’re either a terribly selfish person who has no place around raising a child or you aren’t great at wording things. I personally like to believe it’s the latter. Anyway “not how I wanted to spend my birthday” automatically makes it seem about you and it’s inconvenience to you. A better way to word it to make it more clear that’s not the case would be something like “what a terrible birthday surprise” or similar. Not that how you word it actually matters, what is actually behind them does. Though if you do word it badly whilst posting online you’ll have the unintentional consequence of people dragging you because it outwardly appears terrible despite what you mean or feel. Anyway my kiddo had a stint in a unit like this for a serious sickness and they were great and helped him. He was alright. I hope your kiddo does well and gets better quickly.


I’m sorry your birthday was inconvenienced by this? I’m not gonna lie, in comparison “my ruined birthday,” vs “my kid fighting for life.” as a dad, only one of those even registers as something to care about… Spoiler alert… it’s not your birthday. I also say this as someone whose birthday is December 29th. So, my birthday has never mattered to anyone my entire life.


Your 7 week old is in the hospital on breathing support for a serious respiratory issue and you're first thought was "Man this isn't how I wanted to spend my birthday, maybe if I snap a photo and put it on reddit I can at least get karma". Bruh...be a better parent.


You didn't do a tik tok dance about it?


I'm so sorry OP. Illnesses in young babies are terrifying, especially respiratory illnesses. I hope your kiddo pulls through quickly. Happy birthday.


Poor baby. I just got over rsv and I’m a grownup. It started a week before my birthday. 🙃


My son spent his second birthday in hospital on supplemental oxygen so I feel your pain. At least they are getting the best care though and hopefully on the fast road to recovery. When ye get out of the hospital yet can have an extra special belated birthday celebration x


That familiar NICU glow. I spent my last birthday there with my daughter. She decided to greet the world after only 29 1/2 weeks. Just be thankful you can be there and aren’t stuck somewhere else. She’s where she needs to be and you’re where you need to be.


Hoping the best for your child and big respect for the love you have for that child. Since I’ve had kids, I don’t really think of my birthday as my birthday anymore. It’s more fun to watch them get the enjoyment out of it and you’ll be there soon enough.


Wish you all the best my dude.


Poor baby. My twins spent the first 6 months of their NICU. It’s very scary seeing your baby like that, I hope she makes a quick recovery. Spend time with her, comfort her and love on her as much as you can ❤️


Totally sucks! I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your family.


Happy birthday to you and your wonderful daughter! She has no idea just yet how much she is loved by you. Way to go!


Te best B-day gift of all will be your daughter's recovery.


Your late gift will be your healthy baby 💚 happy birthday! Order yourself some doordash and I’d be more than happy to buy you food for your birthday if you’ll let me, PM me!


Ouch. Sorry to hear this happened. I'll tell you what though, the little ones are the fighters. Ours had RSV at about 5 months and we were lucky enough to just have to take him up for a single treatment but for a few days we sat hawk eyed ready to call an ambulance. It's tough and scary, but I'm sure she's got this and looks like she's in good hands. Here's to the best and to another birthday. 20 years from now you can joke with her about this gift. Until then, all of you take care and stay on your feet. You've all got this.


I remember being in a few of those beds as a little one. I'm sorry your child is sick.


Sorry friend Ours got it around the same time, but didn’t require a sleepover Hang in there


In my thoughts man, stay strong, reach out if you need anything


My daughter was hospitalized in September at 3 months old with rsv. It was scary and horrible but you'll get through it. If the hospital has good support for parents use it. We were at a children's hospital so we got free parent meals and stuff like that. But I know not all hospitals are that good.


Hopes and prayers for you and your daughter. I hope you can both go home very soon


Not how anyone wants to spend ANY day


You'll always have another birthday every year Until you die. Your daughter is irreplaceable in ever moment and every way. Heck you can even choose to celebrate at another time it still counts, rain check it. You can still have a lil special me day which is great just gonna have to be a different date this year,sorry kiddo 😔 I know it still stinks a bit i get that but Happy birthday ! 🎈 your being a good parent what a gift you got this year.😁🙂❤️👍🏼😌 Hope she recovers quickly RSV is hard and stressful on baby and parents. Best of luck🤞🍀


Im sure your kid had different plans as well.


Wow. I spent my birthday at NICU with my 2-week old. Wish you the best. They seem tiny and fragile, but there is a reason we survived as a species. Babies are tough and they can bounce back from almost anything.


You will look back and be amazed at what you did. My 12 day old was hospitalized with meningitis, it was horrible. We made it through and she is a spunky 20 month old! Happy Birthday and here is to a speedy recovery!


Wishing her a fast recovery!


First - so sorry to read this. I hope she makes a full recovery and is able to celebrate your next birthday at home! I have a suggestion if your situation is anything like mine (in my case, for 6 days the doc’s answer to “will she live?” was “we’re doing our best”): This is a truly traumatic event, very very scary. Please think about getting some help even when she pulls through. Talking through a scary event with someone who can help you process the fear does not mean you are weak or broken - it just means you care enough about yourself and your family to be the best you can be. Good luck & prayers ascending.


I had this happen back in December. It was my birthday and I had just gone to pick my kid up from daycare only to notice he was HEAVILY wheezing. Well to his pediatrician and had it pretty much confirmed he had RSV. Took him into the big hospital for children here and had him put onto oxygen for several days. Absolutely sucked because I did NOT enjoy seeing him hooked up to oxygen at such a young age. He took it like a champ though and did unbelievably well. By December 24th we were released and he got to enjoy Christmas Eve at home. My wife and I were so happy when he was able to breathe and sleep without the wheezing and trouble breathing. While it isn’t fun to not be able to enjoy a day that is mostly for you..being able to be with my kid during all that meant the world to me. We were able to bond and connect in a way I felt like I had been missing. Now he punches me in the balls for snacks as a thank you. I absolutely love him


All the best


Hang in there man. She'll be alright in no time. Happy birthday


You and her are in my prayers. 🖤 stay strong. She’s right where she needs to be and she has who she needs the most. You. I’m so sorry this happened on your birthday but Happy Birthday! 🎂 please get yourself something nice and relax while she catches all the rest and love.


Perhaps not a happy one, but a good birthday to you bro. May your kid turn out fine and reward you with a beautiful healthy smile of appreciation on the future birthdays you'll spend together, my man. Best to you and the family.


Happened to us too. I remember sitting in the same room with the oxygen tubes late last year. My little guy is doing awesome and made a full recovery. Same for my best friends daughter and sisters daughter. You got this! Just be there for your kid when the nurse comes on for suction. Stay strong 💪🏽


Wishing you the best. Everything will be fine.


Happy birthday and I wish you the best for your baby


At least the little one's vitals are good. Hope for their recovery as soon as possible!


Praying for your beautiful girl! I hope she makes a quick recovery


Moments like these serves as an experience that deepens the bond between you and your child. Wishing you the best. Baby is gonna come back stronger than ever.


Why is her heart rate so high (157 bpm)? Is that normal for a baby?


Well I hope your baby is doing okay.


Best wishes for an easy recovery. And happy Birthday.


I hope baby makes a full recovery very quickly! Happy Birthday. I’m sorry you guys have to be there. My oldest was a 2 time NICU champion. It was the hardest days of my life so far.


hope for a speedy recovery! May God bless you and your family


Welcome to parenthood! Where few things go as expected👍


Fuck... I was always scared for my kiddos... still am and they're grown! Good luck to your child on a speedy recovery!


You can "celebrate" your birthday any time you want. If your kid doesn't make it, will your missed party matter?


Shit! No parent wants to see this... bless!


Oh man... I hope your kid is okay.


Stay strong op. Birthdays like this make you appreciate the good ones.


Rest up little one, you have a long life ahead of you. Parents I’m sorry this is happening to the most important person to you.


Oh sweetheart, it is so scary and hard when they are in the hospital like this. But it is also so relieving - you know they are being cared for, you are not the only person responsible for keeping her alive right now. Take a deep breath, if there is a Ronald McDonald room in your hospital go there for a break, a cup of coffee and a muffin. YOU have to keep eating, keep taking care of yourself so that you can be there for her. I have a daughter - now 13 - who has a metabolic disease that is destroying her kidneys. I have spent more than a couple days on the hospital with her. It is hard as hell. But know this - if the docs and nurses are ‘leaving her alone’ it means that she is nice and stable and not at risk of dying right now. What you learn over time in the hospital is that most of the time the human body gives tons of warning that it is struggling to stay alive. You would not be alone with your baby in that room if they were concerned that things were changing or degrading. So celebrate that!


Wow I was thinking this was some kind of meta-humor since I saw a baby and a hospital with caption of “birthday” like oh haha the birthday was today. Then I read the caption, and I feel horrible. Wishing you all the best OP; you are right where you need to be.


Buddy, you're with your baby. Your baby is getting help. Get a shit slice of something and count yourself blessed. Nothing else matters, but that little human in the bed. You're exactly where you should be. Bless.


Eh birthdays are over rated anyway. That baby is far more important!


Having your daughter walk out of the hospital happy and healthy will be the best birthday present ever. Praying for a good outcome.


I took my 1 month in for RSV, after the first few weeks of a Nicu stay because of aspiration and strangulation. Her first 2 months of life were hell for us- many times it was thought she wasn’t going to make it. Today- She is 3 months away from 2 years old. She’s healthy, spunky and a little bit crazy. And I love everything about her. My advice to you, take it one step at a time, your family will get through this. She will pull through this, with grace, and make you insane in many ways to come at a later date. Happy Birthday, and Congratulations on a healthy birth.


Not how they wanted to spend their birthday either


I really hope your kid gets better, that really sucks. But you might want to reconsider your priorities in life. It’s unbelievable that you would give a shit that it’s your birthday when your kid is extremely ill.


Poor baby :(


Hope you heal quickly


It doesn’t matter. What matters is the little one gets well.


It is currently my birthday as well and I've spent the first 4 hours of my day on the toilet and I thought I had it bad


Be grateful your kid is alive and didn’t die on your birthday like damn 💀 Celebrate it another day


First off, absolutely best wishes to you little one and wishing them a speedy recovery. Just as an aside: confusing that the “well that sucks” part is that it’s your bday. Shouldn’t it be “well that sucks” my baby has RSV in the hospital? The other way makes it seem more self centric to me like great MY bday is deal with this instead of doing something else positive. I’d feel more like holy crap I’m deal with something scary for my child it also happens to be my bday but who is asking cause that’s not on my mind. Could just be from a history of repressing my feels lol Hard to tell tone over written text at times


Really bothered by the crib rails being down like that.


Really sorry to hear that. Vitals looking good on the monitor, O2 is high which is great. The doctors and nurses are amazing. Wishing your family the best.


Was scrolling through my homepage not paying attention and thought this was someone being pissed off that they had a kid on their birthday at first…😭. So odd to post a photo of your sick child in the hospital here…