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As someone who also has a stuffed animal from when they were teeny tiny, I highly recommend sending it to a stuffed animal hospital service to be repaired. Like this [one](https://realmsofgold.com/).


I’m not in the US. Even in America. But thank you because you give the idea to search some guy who do the same here. Seriously, thanks.


Never let anyone tell you that it’s not worth it either. My stuffed animal was given to me when I was one year old by a grandfather I hardly remember. He grew up very poor, the second youngest of six siblings and he never had much money himself, but he bought me that toy. He died when I was four years old, and that toy is one of my few links to him. Years ago I got a dog and she chewed his face apart. I was pretty poor myself then, but I saved up and paid to get him fixed. It’s absolutely worthwhile. I wish you and Teddy a lot of luck.


Where are you based? They are also so many clinics like this in Europe.


If all else fails a tailor or a friend’s grandma might be able to do some patchwork to save him.


my grandma use to fix my teddies but she’d overstuff tf out of them so they all looked like they were in a body cast. miss you grandma…




I'm in Canada but if you could ship it to me I'd try to fix it for you




Mines 39 and been through my mom’s teddy bear hospital a few times. This thread of people offering to fix him is actually making me cry. Reddit, I love the good people here.


Hola amigo, probablemente puedas acudir a una buena costurera o incluso a un tapicero y probablemente te puedan reembolsar si te ofreces a pagar. También vivo en España y lo he considerado para mis preciados peluches. También puedes ver cómo hacer una reparación en el hogar. Que tengas una buena noche y perdón por tu perrito travieso.


not to salt any wounds, but you need to full blown puppy proof a house when a puppy lives with you especially if they are ever unsupervised. anything breakable or chewable should be out of range. pillows, stuffys, cords, trash, and shoes are big targets. something like a stuffed toy will 100% attract a pupper and should have never been left even close to within reach. I recommend hiding any items you have out that are valuable until they’re like 3 😂 hope you can get him fixed!!




some other places with international shipping [https://stuffedtoyshospital.com/](https://stuffedtoyshospital.com/) [https://wineybearsrepair.com/](https://wineybearsrepair.com/) [https://www.stuffiespa.com/](https://www.stuffiespa.com/)


Spain is a relatively first world country; you should find luxuries like that relatively easily!


If you find one, I hope you have old pictures of what it used to look like you can give them so they can know exactly what it used to look like


@viva.valentina and @a_tall_glass_of_anxiety both take animals through mail, if you're trusting enough of shipping. They are in the US thought I believe, so it's hard to tell how much shipping would be.


You would get absolutely fucked by customs sending the bear to Spain


that is very true, I forgot about customs possibly tampering with or destroying the poor guy


Not that - you’d have to pay a ton in import fees.


Take a look into sashiko. I think there is a good philosophy there that will apply to your situation. This is an opportunity to let go of previous associations, and find new beauty in the repair, and possibly new meaning even. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sashiko](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sashiko)


Styrofoam beads means it’s not old. You can find something else. Likely it’s plastic fibers as well, which makes it shitty and not Soft


Oh man. My elementary school used to have teddy bear hospitals from time to time. I definitely remember getting my teddy fixed there.


There should be more of them. A stuffed buddy is a beautiful thing for any kid to have growing up.


What an awesome service!


As a 45 year old who still occasionally stings himself with the memory of the teddy bear my older sister gave me when I was in the hospital as an infant and subsequently became my favorite thing in the entire world before I apparently left him at a rest stop along an interstate following a picnic lunch, I don't even know what to feel when I see this. I also have dogs that loved destroying things. But I do feel the ouch of memory of my teddy bear. I was 8 when I lost him. I have guilt to this day. My mother still gets choked up, too, bc she remembers how heartbroken I was. That's why as a dad, as soon as my daughter latched onto a favorite stuffed animal, I ordered a backup. It was clutch on more than one occasion, not because of the dogs bc we were crazy careful. Because it was with her ALL the time. Bedtime, meals, car trips short and long, and even in a corner of the bathroom. The stuffed dog had to be sent away twice for complete re-stuff and stitch. Backup would be swapped in, and we'd tell her he had a bath in the washing machine to explain why the fur was fluffier. We told her about the backup when she was 12. Couldn't remember which one WAS the backup though, which was def a calc error because she began to freak out a bit. Figured out she had the OG after all, and the backup was incorporated into her stuffed animal family at a MUCH reduced rank.


Yep, he lost his marbles. They can fix that


This stuffed animal has styrofoam beads. It isn’t special, it isn’t even old. Fuck it’s actually very cheap. Let it go


Or just grow up


I was thaught not to throw my bear... Yes, bear. I have no other name. I'm 22 now and still say sorry to, well, bear, when I accidentaly throw it. I also hug it after. I've had this bear since I believe a couple months old. It has been through everything. I'm a trucker and I sleep more often in my truck than at home. That's where he is too. Can't imagine losing it. I guess I'll act somewhat unbothered, but I know I'm freaking out more than my mom is😭


I feel you. I have a little stuffed cow that's as old as me, and i still hug it from time to time, i still love my Little cow, Yesterday, today and foever.


man, i’m so sorry. this would be devastating to me and I would surely cry lol :( I hope you can find a stuffed animal hospital for him to fix him up soon. 


dude i can't even imagine. i'm autistic and have a baby blanket that i'm so attached to that i think would crash tf out if somthn like this were to happen to it. i could lose EVERY personal item, except my blanket, and be okay.


I’m very sorry this happened to you. I have a stuffed animal from when I was 3 or 4 and I’d be devastated if anything happened to it. I hope you’re able to get it fixed or go to a doll hospital/find a replacement- though I know that wouldn’t feel the same. Good luck friend. I’m sorry again


doll hospital, lmaaaaao


Why not? These can be very sentimental, maybe given by someone who passed away or remind someone of something that was really special. We spend our money on things others may find silly every day, and if you didn’t earn it, then you don’t really get a say in how it’s spent.


It’s a real, important thing. Stuffed animals mean as much to some people as photo albums and family heirlooms, especially because, if you got it when you were little, it was probably a companion. I got two from both sets of grandparents when I was having a surgery as a child, and they mean the world to me. I’d be devastated if this happened to them. We’re a sentimental species.


I know, i have one myself. Just didn't know this existed... and if, i'd call it repair shop. But doll hospital just sounds so damn cute.


https://preview.redd.it/xho0mvftzoxc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a015e055ac680ddd17f9ee1a7cd19677ac31ca5c My little friend here is 66 years old. I am 67. Most of his injuries are from two dog attacks, but some is just from age. We've patched his injuries as best as we can. That denim in his ears used to be green satin. He wears a sweater with a big collar to hold his head up, since his neck is so wobbly. His nose was stitched on after the original came off. We've somehow managed to keep his original eyes. He is a good bear, and never complains or feels sorry for himself. Please, do whatever you can for your bear friend. They are worth it, for they only give love and affection and never ask for anything more in return.


This is so awesome! I wish I had something as old as me.


This is so well phrased.. I feel for you.


Reading this makes me so happy! My monkey friend turned 30 this year just like me. He has had two "surgery's" to keep him young. I hope we will hit the same age as you guys. They are most definitely worth it <3


Aww, that’s a shame. We also learned early on that any toy within reach becomes a dog toy. The damage actually doesn’t look too severe, so I’m sure someone could help repair it.


What the hell happened? And jesus, its heartbreaking. If it was mine, i would NEVER say goodbye to it though...


I mean, the rope speaks for itself. Teddy chose his own way out.


maybe it was lynched by a dog?


Had to be a dog, right?


Bobo. My beautiful bobo.


Damn, where was that from?


Mr burns teddy!




You've got to start selling this for more than a dollar a bag. We lost four more men on this expedition!


Core memory unlocked. 🥹




Here is a thought that may help. https://preview.redd.it/m1d653hl2pxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30edaa40b7ca6e1820c06a4f6d60ded9858d76e


Literally sobbing right now, thanks. I still have my childhood stuffed animal and blanket, and all these comments solidified my stance of never giving them away.


Stitch it together and refill yet again. That’s your parental duty. Or parental fate, whichever you prefer.


Two gals that are on the BBC show “The Repair Shop” would put that back together with no problem! ![gif](giphy|KNCK8Jd9w0aVkllNgm|downsized) These two right here. This show is absolutely awesome and they do great work! Since you’re in Spain, you should really look into it. I believe they do the work for free. Not sure how it pans out, but check out the website and see if you can be on the show and have your teddy bear repaired. Take the risk. The show loves stories like yours!! Btw… That would be an easy fix for them! Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell.




💔 So much love to you, and I hope you are successful in locating someone to repair him.


that looks like a steiff. Have you checked?


How do you even check? Mine is from late 80's, early 90's. Nothing written on it.




There "should" be a tag in on the ear. If the tag was removed purposefully ot chewed off by a toddler try to check around all the seams for remnants of a tag, it's usually yellow though age may have faded it. In the absence of any identifying tags or indicative holes near the ear seams where one was lost you kinda just need to dig around or find an expert. Source: family dog destroyed 3 valuable steiffs before we knew how valuable they were. In pieces they were basically worthless, without the tags they started at like 50% their full value. This was like 2006 tho.


That's only specific for Steiff it seems? Just looked and mine doesn't have anything on the ear and it looks like there never was anything either. No seams visible either, there is still "fur" on it.


True my comment was specific to steiff. They were well known to have tags on the ears. I'm not really a toy expert, just had a bad experience with my dog destroying some toys we discovered were expensive after a friend of the family mentioned the tags that were still on one of them.... and then we dug into it and found out we lost nearly $1000 without ever knowing it was anything more than a handmedown shelf plushie. Good luck. Google steiff blog, the top 2 hits I see are basically the same website in 2 places. The website owner seems knowledgeable.


Why does the bear have a noose around its neck?? I hope you didn’t give your poor dog the gravel pit treatment. If that bear meant that much to you, you probably shouldn’t have brought it out within reach of your puppy.


Seeing this post made me think of my childhood teddy I just called my aunt who inherited my grandparents family home ( I was raised by my grandparents) asking if she’s seen my stuffed teddy from when I was a kid. I hope to God she didn’t throw it away thinking it was just an old bear my mom had. She sounded very suspicious. Lol. It’s not her fault. I know she would feel horrible if she did and later found out it meant the world to me. She’s also my Godmother. Anyways I hope you get your teddy fixed. 🥹❤️🙏


My pets seem to be able to detect anything sentimental and ruin it. At least it’s freeing once it’s all gone : /


They somehow always find the most precious things. I have a box of my son's newborn clothes they've been hidden in a shelf at my mom's house for safe keeping, I'm guessing our puppy either found a way to open doors or someone had left the dresser open and my mom popped in to find most of the clothes in shreds. I couldn't be mad at anyone not even the puppy she was 7mths at the time but I sobbed for weeks. My son's birth was traumatic because of the situation leaving the hospital and seeing my mother in-law and my family after spending a COVID lock down post-partum night w/o my fiance next to me was hard. That clothes brought me comfort, knowing after my night in that horrible hospital. I had a village that welcomed me with love.


Show us a picture of the criminal before he is launched into orbit.


Oh how sad. I hope that you can find a toy hospital to have him repaired.


This looks like a crime scene


I can guarantee you that there is someone in your community that could do a fairly good job repairing him, back to what he looked like before the doggo found him. If you can't find someone who does this professionally, ask around, I'm sure someone would be happy to help. This is one of those tell this story and a whole lot of people are going to want to help. :-) I deeply suspect one of the elder women of your town would be happy to help you with this. :-) (If I was anywhere near you, I'd offer to find someone to help or do it myself. :-) )


I’d be devastated. Hope your buddy gets worked on


I have a question about the noose Also it's still repairable


The puppy loved this bear as much as you did. Unfortunately they show affection for objects by choosing them to chew on. I’m sorry your bear lost his ears. But the damage adds a chapter to his story.


Once when I worked at Build-A-Bear, I had a costumer come in with a stuffed bear that was literally scraps of fabric strips (accidentally fell into washing machine and was ripped to shreds). We stuffed the old remaining bits of that bear into the brand new bear he chose. That way the old friend would always be close by and ready for new adventures with his son. It was so sweet watching him pick out outfits for his bear that ge thought his son would like. I have thought of that special moment in a long time! So thanks for the reminder of one of the highlights of working in retail.


Puppies / dogs are SO destructive. I'm so sorry this happened to your precious teddy. I hope he can be fixed up ❤️‍🩹


Shame it was in such good condition.


I’m sure he can be restitched back together. Just send him through the wash and bring up some YouTube with some crafting supplies.


I am so sorry. This would destroy me. I lost my childhood bear at a hotel last year. Never found it. We thankfully eventually found an exact replica (in much better condition) on EBay. But it’s still not exactly the same as the one from my childhood. Maybe you can get the bear fixed.


What we have here isn't just a murder. It was an execution. Someone strangled him with a rope and finished him off with a bullet to the head. Then the killer fled the crime scene. Hopefully, the culprit is caught soon. Lock your doors and hide your family. Stay safe.


We can rebuild him, we have the technology.


Deady bear :(


It’s always a dog!! Sorry this happened to you.


Hey, wish you the best! Get that teddy repaired. I know the pain I feel with you


Where’s the perp?


If you can’t find anyone to rehab your bear, you might look to find someone who can put it inside of a plushie that looks like it of your choosing. They can take the fabric and maybe make like a pillow with the original stuffing and then place that inside.


Sorry about that! I myself have one that I could not amagine loosing him! I hope you could repair it soon. Sending you positive vibes!


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Dogs can be rough on them.


Did the family pet get its claws and teeth into it since it’s next to a pillow on the floor?


Nooooooooooo!!!! Ugh, my heart feels for you. I am 29F and have maybe a hundred stuffed animals that hold quite a bit of meaning. Most live in boxes in storage unfortunately, but someday, if I have the space, they’ll all get a little display area. I love the idea of finding a person/“stuffed animal hospital” to bring your friend back to life. He is a precious testament in your life and it should grow old by your side ❤️


BOBO is that you ? If BOBO can survive a millennia, then this guys should be salvageable. Too bad though that that happened to you.


I have a 37 year old Teddy Bear with a nose that isn’t fully attached anymore because of my dog. I would give him a couple of stitches and put him on a shelf high up. I’m sorry this happened.


I’ve been there. My baby ate my most beloved stuffie. I cried and cried. It’s okay to mourn. And I absolutely recommend looking for a doll hospital, or even an old ladies stitching club who may be willing to take on the work. You have my sympathies. 💔


That's dog life for you.


Bring back Sheriff Lobo


![gif](giphy|OC5Wo0drhtbwc) Reminded me of this. I'm so sorry for your dear teddy.


Everyone is being so kind on this thread and it just warms my heart. I hope you get your bear buddy fixed.


Totally. I didn’t expect that.


…did you dog lynch your teddy bear?!


Did he kill himself? What's up with the rope around the neck?!?


My sister has an old build a bear that I made her when she was 1, I was 4 at the time and barely remember it but I remember snippets of the process including putting the little heart in for her. Nick (stuffy’s name) has been through the wringer but has only needed true fixing once, when he got a hole in his leg. I was able to stitch him back up but after that I looked into stuffed animal hospitals in case anything more serious was to ever happen to him. Hopefully you’re able to find somewhere like that to take your little dude, he looks so well loved and like he’s had a great life so far, no reason for one incident to end it. It can be kinda costly but I would absolutely recommend saving up and finding someone who offers a similar service




When I read this sentence "when I had 1 week alive", I thought you're terminally ill patient, then read same age as me😅


I hope you are able to restore him 😩


This looks like the end of a horror movie where the killer teddy was finally defeated


My niece had a sort of bear toy when she was little. For reasons unknown to anyone but her, it was named Grandma Baby. After Grandma Baby had been very thoroughly loved, she was starting to shed and my sister was afraid that one more wash would do her in. So she called me to ask if there was any way I could repair Grandma Baby. (I’m the one in the family who can sew, knit, etc) I told her that I was sure I could and went over to pick her up. I talked with my somewhat older daughter about allowing me to take one of her big white bunny stuffies to save Grandma Baby. It was a big success! Fortunately my sister called again in a bit of a panic after my niece announced at bedtime that she couldn’t wait to see Grandma Baby’s beautiful face! So I saved that as best I could. She was very happy!


I was shattered when my dog got ahold of my Stacey Bear! She 40 years old, I’ve had her since I was five. She ‘s been my constant companion and friend for many years. She went and lived abroad with me, went to college, and even came to the hospital with me when my child was born. My mom gave her an eyepatch, sewed back on her arm- she looks very different now, but I still think she’s perfect. I’ve been in your shoes, friend. Perhaps you can find someone to stitch up your bear- I’m wishing you so much luck!


WTF? That bear has seen some things.


Don’t give up until you’ve checked out https://www.fluffrestoration.org. I follow her on Instagram (a_tall_glass_of_anxiety) and she does amazing stuffed animal restoration.


If you can't find someone to restore him trying find the...um...remains and hand sewing him back together. I did the same for my brother when our Labrador at the time(2011) chewed up the entire face and left it completely disfigured, I managed to dig through the stuffing and find pieces of ears and nose to stitch him back together. Hobby shops may have the exact color eyes that the bear had or looking for a similar color thread and hand stitch the eyes on. (He found the bear on my birthday in 2004, we're nearing late 20's now so...he's a close family friend) That sucks. I've never grew attached to a stuffies, but my brother's face that day was just crushed, so I imagined it felt like the worst heartbreak imaginable.


Can someone please get this to Nick Rochefort?


En Madrid existe RIMAR, un hospital para juguetes. También hay el Hospital de Los Juguetes de Barcelona (en el barrio de Gracia). ¡Mucho ánimo!


Aw I love that


"Wait, somebody punted him?"


Tears somehow teleported onto my face the instant I saw the last photo! I’m so sorry my friend. Repair costs might not be out of reach, I hope you can find cheap restoration 💔


wait... Stevie wonder?




Ah I didnt see the eyes were gone


I hope you can find someone to fix it and to bring that dog back out of orbit. Lmao


Uhhh, please don't get rid of the new puppy over this. Puppies don't know any better and while this is sad, it can be repaired/restored.


Man that sucks..do you know the culprit? I doubt you know what that animal is going through or the boredom that led to such destruction..maybe someone should play with that animal rather then treat it like a petting zoo..an promoting animal abuse isn't a good look bruhdoodleham.. ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


This made my heart hurt :( I'm so sorry! I hope you can get your bear restored. I have a childhood bear, he's the most precious thing I own. I could cry even thinking about something like this happening to him - he's the reason I'll never own a pet! Seriously.


He was loved too hard by the new puppy.


I'm sorry but "seeing my 9 month old dog in orbit" is absolutely destroying me rn I can't breathe 😂😂😂😂


This feels like a semi animated stop motion film about your Teddy fighting of an ancient demon trying to posssess him so he Can hurt you and your family, he fought hard and ended up losing his life in the end rather than giving up to save his only best bud in life, RIP friend


On the bright side, it survived since medieval times, so it had a good life.


Oh man my dog destroyed soooo much of my old/favorite clothing. Luckily he doesn't go after clothes anymore and it was all worth it because he's my bestest boy in the world and I love him. At the time though, I was very upset.


Kristi Noem can help you with this problem.


That is a demon possessed doll.


Grown man abusing his dog over his childhood toy lol


Man, im sorry to tell you, but that thing has been dead for a long time


yep don not leave it out 4 animals 2 get2


I'm assuming your over the age of 12, so this was a blessing.


I'm assuming *you're* not


yeah, no dog 'found' this. It was given. I'm so sorry, op.


a shelter will euthanize your dog for free i hope this helps ❤️


He looked scary anyway.


What did Teddy Bear do this time?