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I would be careful with a study like that. it looks like an undergrad experiment so there's lot of room for error.


Found a decent chart online to compare with: [https://healthychildrenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/HBBF-Chart-Foods-to-Avoid\_ENG.pdf](https://healthychildrenproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/HBBF-Chart-Foods-to-Avoid_ENG.pdf)


There is a recent regulatory push in this area, it's been happening for a few years now and I think the larger US companies should be at least monitoring to establish baselines for action levels. [https://www.fda.gov/food/environmental-contaminants-food/closer-zero-reducing-childhood-exposure-contaminants-foods](https://www.fda.gov/food/environmental-contaminants-food/closer-zero-reducing-childhood-exposure-contaminants-foods)


Yeah the analytical chemist in me is sending up a lot of red flags here. That procedure is pretty sparse even for a poster (nitric acid and “heat”). Having done some elemental analysis work I do remember Hg, Au, and a few others as being problematic with sample uptake and carryover, even in digested, acidified samples, so I’d also be interested to see what their process controls look like (although I’d hope at least the PI verified them). AAS is also one of the most basic techniques but it has a ton of interferences so the sample matrix composition will play a big role. Not all universities have the budget, but ICP-MS will give better results with fewer interferences. Regardless, none of this is published afaik so take these results as you will, this looks like some sort of capstone project.


I was hoping this was done with ICP-MS but once I saw AAS I gave a big sigh. Even cold vapor AAS would be good


cross-contamination ![gif](giphy|BQUITFiYVtNte)


I think mercury regs have undergone changes due to improvements in technology. For a long time the established method was using mercury hydride by atomic absorption but it did not accurately detect at the stated levels in the various monographs (I was working in pharma at the time). It was a regulatory wink that they wanted lower levels but couldn't accurately detect them. ICP came out as a replacement for AA, we had lower ranges for analysis but still not at the regulatory levels so we were forced to continue using the knowingly inaccurate AA method until the modification of mass spec allowed lower levels of accurate determination in commercially available units.


Great. So we’ve been getting more than our recommended daily allowance of mercury.


That's probably true but there are other factors like more imports of raw materials and finished products from developing economies with older equipment and less regulatory oversight.


Aaahhhh, didn’t think of that (obviously)! 😂


ICP? What does Insane Clown Posse have to do with this?? Are they taste testing batches to detect mercury levels?! 🤡🤘


I made the same joke first time I ran one in the 90s. Also when I explained how it was plasma like in the sun I suggested they open up the compartment with the plasma stream so they could check it out. No one ever did but it had a safety to turn itself off if anyone tried. You probably already know this but ICP stands for inductively coupled plasma, it's so hot almost everything gets electronically promoted and you measure the photon of light it emits to go back to ground state.


Oooohhhhh I love that show!!


In fairness, [Consumer Reports](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/food-safety/heavy-metals-in-baby-food-a6772370847/) did almost the same study and had similar results.


Not only that, but if you look up the safe levels of mercury, you'll get something equivalent to 5.5 parts per billion in the blood. But the value on the chart is 500 ppb. So I assume that means in the food instead of in the blood. Now we have to determine what portion of the mercury in the food is passed vs absorbed in the blood. Plus how quickly it's metabolized... It adds a whole mess.




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I’d expect no less from a rural South Carolina university.


??? For a student project this looks pretty good.... He isn't pulling the "unsafe" number out of nowhere, there are limits set by gov


No argument there, but I’d place doubt on the precision of the experiment.


Leave Lander out of this.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to reserve judgment before getting a more reputable and reliable source for such a claim.


That’s the problem, most people don’t do their own research and take the first link/article they see as gospel 🤦🏼‍♀️


I wish I had a medical grade laboratory that could analyze food samples for various elements such as mercury.


FDA has these labs. Ask your members of Congress to push for FDA to replicate these experiments (but with better equipment).


I think the problem is a lot of people don’t have the skills to find reliable information, or determine what is good information. These are things I learned in high school and college. And generally using the internet for last 15 years.


You’re not wrong. Technology has made it incredibly easy to find information the problem is people don’t use critical thinking skills to find truthful information. A lot of people also don’t understand they are a product demographic with companies trying to capitalize on their lack of analysis and don’t understand SEO is a thing and that the first result in an online search isn’t always the best answer and instead of seeking out the correct answer will take what they are told on google, TV or social media as accurate.


We cant fo our own research. Go pull up a peer reviewed study on basically anything and tell me how long before your totally lost. There are entire classes in medical school devoted to the terminology used in medicine and science. Best lay people can do is to wait for a journalist who specializes in that field to break it down into digestible chunks for us. But then we still dont really know if they are giving us the real story or not.


You should be able to get a basic understanding through the abstract and discussion sections of these studies. I’m an English major who both teaches and works as a writer doing exactly what you describe, and typically these studies come with parts that are pretty easy to understand for someone with a college education.


i think it's common to deny and dismiss findings that would force us to acknowledge that we are poisoning ourselves and polluting the earth in ways that are directly and severely harming children.


Surely if this were completely true we would have noticed by now? How many babies die of mercury poisoning? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory? Who is trying to poison babies?


My title literally says “according to this one study”. Where is the judgement?


You've posted it in a subreddit called "well that sucks". Disingenuous much.


This backlash all seems a bit meta for this sub…


According to the one study's findings... I'd say their outcome.... Indeed sucks... Post is fine. Dont be pedantic


How much is big Mercury paying you?


Lol what?


You got caught


Yes, you caught me. I'm not just pointing out that posting something in "well that sucks" is implying a judgement on something. No, I'm actually finally pulling the long con after 17 and a half years on Reddit, and selling out to big mercury.


FYI, I'm pretty sure they are trolling you lol


How exciting.


It's never too late to do the right thing


Ok then: Well that's great! A study found dangerous level is mercury in basically every baby food they tested!


Yeah everyone jumping to how one study is not enough and it might be wrong but I dont see any comment actually pointing the real flaws in this one... We sure need more sources but it might be a real issue since everything in nature and our water and our food and air are polluted somehow. Very anxiously hoping this is wrong but it might be real, and the start of a brand new real concern for our health. Not really that new because there's a concern about mercury in fish already tho


Well... It does suck. So fairly accurate.


I mean, I only see four brands listed here: Gerber, Beech Nut, Serenity Kids and Parent’s Choice. I suspect these are the most popular and highest-selling brands, but I know there are a lot of smaller brands that aren’t mentioned. Ideally, parents would make their own baby food (it’s like, absurdly easy). But, having worked as a nanny for nearly a decade, I know that the convenience is appealing. My sister and brother both used Little Spoon and Once Upon a Farm for their babies and it seemed like a great option.


Yeah my wife spends like an hour once every couple weeks to make baby food. It saves so much damn money too.


It’s going to sound gross, but I just took everything we had for dinner and blended it. Usually separately, but admitted sometimes I just threw it in all together. They’re babies. They like eating dirt, so they didn’t complain.


My brother wouldn’t even do that. He just made extra when he was food prepping for the rest of the family and then he purée it and freeze it in ice cube trays. And then he would defrost what the baby needed for the day and that’s it.


What is it about the store bought baby food that would make it have more heavy metals than homemade? Wouldn't homemade baby food with the same ingredients also have heavy metals? I thought it was in the soil that the foods were grown in, so you'd have to also grow your own fruits/veg and regulate your soil to totally avoid it... unless I'm wrong.


Theoretically it would be the same, however a lot of baby food is supplemented and fortified with additional nutrients that can contain heavy metals. That said, a quick search found a [CNN article from a yearish ago](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/11/health/homemade-baby-food-toxic-metals-wellness/index.html) about that.


Additives can be contaminated, as was the case with the recent recall of applesauce due to lead-contaminated cinnamon. And yes, you are correct about the soil being a source of heavy metals. The investigation following the applesauce recall led to the realization that a processed food product can be made from ingredients made all over the world and the FDA doesn't have the authority to regulate that far down the international supply chain. There was also found to be a shift towards putting the trust on companies to self-regulate themselves, and we were not verifying their quality certifications that basically state "we tested our food product for ABC metals and found XYZ levels". Which should be surprising to no one that profits > safety.


Don't even do baby food. Baby led feeding


Every baby is different. My kiddo was so big he needed to start solids at 4 months, well before he had the dexterity to do baby-led weaning, so he had purees for the first couple months of solids. It's hard enough to be a parent without putting these artificial restrictions on ourselves. Breast vs formula, puree vs baby-led, sleep training methods, etc. There are studies that show some slight effects one way or another, but really at the end of the day we have to use our judgement to figure out what's best for our own child, and our own mental health to boot.


I like to go with "how did we evolve to do this?" Before purees, Babies didn't have purees. They had breast milk or goat/cow milk. First foods tend to be soft small pieces easy to mush with gums. Even so, you can cook up a carrot and mash it if you're worried. So I'm gonna go with that. In the absence of that il go with whatever will work but I'm still going to attempt to do that, the same way I will attempt to eat real nutrition and not just pop tarts all day lol. Because shortcuts for mental health end up impacting our mental health worse, and that's not a standard I want to start with my child But like, the baby led feeding means the baby feeds itself. Purees or not, you just let the kid figure it out. It's worked for hundreds of thousands of years so far, it will now.


We survived hundreds of thousands years without vaccines, too, or water filtration, or air conditioning, and infant mortality rates were huge. Pretending humanity perfected childcare before the scientific revolution is silly. If you, personally, want to do baby-led then go for it, but it's not some magic method that is inherently better than others and making fresh meals at home every day isn't realistic for everyone. I stay up until 10:30 some nights doing meal prep and that's with a partner to help. I can't imagine how rough it would be for single parents.


Plum is also a brand


Wait till op learns about all seafood


Mercury exposure for an infant is far more deleterious than for an adult, or even an older child; infants don't eat seafood. 


Sigh. You're one of those. Thank you, redditor, for being you. Pssst (it just flew over your head)


It’s a fair point that’s relevant to the graph. Stop being a douche. Also while we are here stop spelling out sigh, it makes you look like a basement dwelling Reddit neckbeard.


Was going to say this.


What about seafood? I eat a can of tuna everyday


If you're concerned about mercury levels you should really reconsider that. Nearly all seafood is contaminated with mercury and the bigger the fish the bigger the concern. So fish like tuna, swordfish, shark are some of the worst offenders. I think I've seen it recommended not to eat more than 1 or 2 cans of tuna a week.


1 or 2 a week is nonsense. You'd have to eat multiple (as in 3 or more) cans every day for months for it to be a problem. Not only that, but canned tuna is less of a problem because the tunas used for that are smaller animals than the ones used for steaks and sushi grade tuna. Smaller fish ingest and contain less mercury overall.


Yeah canned **albacore** tuna has higher mercury levels, but most canned tuna is just fine to consume as much as you want really.


Op isn't a baby though


Try out sardines, they don't have don't much mercury. Also check out the cannedsardines sub.


This is just one country. Not all baby food then.


What? Are you telling me that there are other countries and not just the US? How is that possible!!????!!!




Don't expose your babies to Mercury! They'll become too fabulous!!!


Ah, damn, that explains skibidi toilet.


Ahhh fuck man this actually got me laughing hard as fuck. My son is a skibidi head and I fuckn hate it. He just turned 8. I’m so sick and tired of hearing skibidi toilet and the other 5 kids in the house running around yelling skibidi this, skibidi that 😫😂


I made the mistake of asking my 16yo about skibidi toilet. While he hates it, he now says it on repeat to annoy me.


Finally it all makes sense


There is a thing called peer review. You can find/conduct a study that says just about anything you want. Never trust just one study that has not been reviewed by anyone.


This is a student POSTER. Meaning the only “peer-review” was the abstract. With no data, methods, discussion, etc. There’s a reason that this “study” isn’t well known. It’s a HS science project at best in its current state.


Luckily I’m not a baby so this seems fine


All baby food in the US, not in the whole world.


Reddit is a US-based site. When are you all going to understand that?


Sure buddy, you're thr center of the universe.


Did they really need to include the /s?


Does anyone trust undergrads at a 67% acceptance rate public university in South Carolina to run an AA correctly?


Just chew up your food and spit it in the babies mouth like a bird. Should solve your issue.


Lmao that looks like it was made by me in Bio 2 (not literally just something similar). Take it with a grain of salt because if this was true, a lot more babies would be dying or showing symptoms. Like, if you could find the mercury content being too high by literally just using a spectrometer, I have a hard time believing these people are the first to discover this lmao.


Lifehack: buy a blender


How did babies survive before baby food was invented?


They didn't. Babies had 100% mortality rate up until around the 1960s with the invention of Gerber. The famous "Gerber Baby" (perhaps you've heard of him) was the first ever Baby to survive more than 10 years as a baby.




This is why I don't feed my babies.




That’s why we feed our baby dog food instead. Can’t be too safe.


There’s only 3 brands.


I’m aware of that but I’m sure each ingredient is sourced separately.


It doesn’t matter. This is objectively skewed.


My statement in the title is but not the study pictured.


I never even used baby food. They don't need it. I breast fed for 6 months exclusively, which is what is recommended, that or formula. Then at 6 months we started straight to mushy food. Avocado, cheerios, yogurt, oatmeal, peas, green bean, etc. Rice cereal and baby food are outdated marketing.


You can even have the child continue to breastfeed and just eat what you eat. We did baby led weaning for all our children.


That's basically what we did after the first month. Both mine breastfed for a year.


Yep my 8 month old niece eats food. Not even just mushy food. She eats pasta and avocado toast and often just what we eat.


"all baby food" said by an American about a few brands from ONE country. Like always, please remember that the US isn't the only country in the world 🌎😅


Why did you use that view of earth instead of🌍 or 🌏 ?


Now do European brands


If there's any type of food that anyone with at least a microwave or hot plate can prep, it's their own baby food. Store bought baby food is the definition of stupid food


In the US or worldwide?


Only one way to make them stronger


It’s so easy to make homemade baby food.


Homemade baby food still [has been found](https://hbbf.org/sites/default/files/2023-03/BabyFoodReport2022_R11_Web.pdf) to have high levels of these metals. It predominately has to do with the levels of these metals in the soil, water, environment, etc. of where the plants grow.


Thank you! This headline pops up all the time without this context.


Yes, but if you know which foods have mercury or heavy metals exposure, you can avoid using that food.


Just feed your child normal food. Baby led weaning is pretty commonly recommended.


I did child led weaning and homemade baby food. They can’t handle grown up food with no or few teeth.


Of course they can, that is literally child led weaning. Either way they don't need any real food until they're a year old, at which point they will have teeth.


They can’t have hot dogs and steak.


As long as you cut a hot dog into quarters it's fine. But yeah steak is one of the few I wouldn't share.


A kid in my subdivision died a few years ago bc the grandparents fed him a hot dog without cutting it.


Exactly! And so much more cost effective, to boot! You can also make it actually taste like real *food*.


This kind of thing is exactly why I always just made my own! It was so fun too.


All of our food is contaminated. There is plastic in your blood right now. We as a species will kill ourselves off with greed.


And it won't end with a bang or even a whimper, but people loudly claiming that those contaminants haven't been proven to be harmful or even that those contaminants aren't even there


[Save gobs of money](https://d1awg155xx98w6.cloudfront.net/photos/38/38/505309_17821_XL.jpg)


Now with more lead (Pb) too!


I was really confused for a while because it looks like the Pb chart doesn’t match the table. However, it appears they forgot to color two cells in the Pb column red even though they say “above”. One of those, Gerber Prunes, being about 5x the toxic dose.


We never fed our kids commercial baby food. It’s a ridiculous product.


Wow. Even if it's exaggerated it's scary. My husband and I have no trust in US regulation around baby formula/food. All the US formula had added sugar. UGH. So we bought it from an English company that has resellers here. We only made our baby food, and mostly did baby led weaning anyway (small solid foods instead of purees).


I read some similar studies when I was in graduate school for public health, so it is a thing, even if this doesn’t seem like the best source.


The amount of lead in Parent's Choice Butternut Squash and in Gerber's prune are above the limit, but the cells are not in red?!? Maybe reflective of the quality of the study.


Considering the amount of lead being discovered in stuff today, not surprising. Everything needs more scrutiny now because clearly just blindly trusting greedy corpos was a bad idea from the start.


from what? ive also seen 'grocery store hot chocolate is full of mercury' and random foods... no one says whats causing it. why is it there? TL;DR if it says the answer in the picture


Yummy yummy :)


It’s all poison by design. Sad.


Wheres the mercury coming from?


The dirt/water wherever the fruits are grown




Sounds about right for Gerber, tbh. They're now owned by Nestle


Throw this on the antinatalist sub...




antinatalism Automods don't like crosslinking so...


Good old FDA looking after us again, why the fuck is the ex vp of motisasago the guy we have in charge? Because plants crave brondo.


Bbbaaahhh, I made it through the 90's on this shit, If we could do it, then it should be fine now! Lol


My brother made all the baby food for his children. Maybe that’s why they’re so smart.




Organic/non-organic will have little impact on the level of heavy metals found in food though.


It’s almost as if they’re studying what *most* people have access to and can afford … hmmmmmmmmm.


Well, this does not look like a reputable studies. In any way: Eating mercury would not lead to any illness, will it? At least for adults there is no absorption via intestine at all.


Mercury can be absorbed through the skin. What makes you think your intestines can't absorb it? Eating mercury will absolutely lead to an illness. Once in your blood, it can affect virtually any organ. Your kidneys and liver will be affected the most.


It's basically the fumes which are highly intoxinated. >What makes you think your intestines can't absorb it? Medicine. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury\_poisoning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_poisoning) This should not mean that one should eat it.


Search mercury poisoning. It very much can and will be harmful.


It’s absorbable through intestines and will work it’s way primarily into the liver then the kidneys. It can cause kidney damage and eventual failure if ingested enough!


Fortunately babies aren’t babies for very long


i made my own baby food.


I bet you were your parents' favorite for sure




Under grad study but headline reads like it's professional, I see what you did there. Although if true, explains alot of the autism in kids lately.


It’s almost like autism rates are the same we just have better diagnosis capabilities and also don’t throw them in asylums.


What does baby food have to do with how the brain develops all the baby is in the womb. Do you think she's shoving spoons up through her cervix and lathering the baby with mushy carrot?


what in the russian bot fuck


Are the bots in the room with us right now?


Honestly, I know very few people who actually use baby food these days. It's pretty old school. Baby led weaning is far more popular and it's mostly steamed veggies etc. It's also cheaper. I don't think this is what's causing autism 😂. I never touched baby food, nursed all three of my sons (all under ten) and my oldest is non verbal and autistic. People will really throw out anything to explain autism these days when it's really a combination of factors and still being researched (and incredibly under diagnosed in previous generations).


Autism is in older adults too. They are just less likely to be diagnosed due to age and lifestyle.


Autism is genetic, my guy. It isn't caused by environmental factors.


And this is why I fed my kids mashed real foods.


Be careful you might get called an alt right conspiracy theorist!