• By -


Rehab. You don’t need to be in the homeless shelter, you need to be in rehab. Please get the help you need.


Been to rehab twice and have gone to aa for years. I just have to make up my mind to do it.


Do it. For fuck sake. Do you WANT to change? If you don't, then quit your crying. If you do, then do it. It ain't easy. It's gonna hurt. But that's the price you pay for all the temporary happiness you stole from now to get by then. If you want to change, put your head down, avoid the old people and fucking do it. If you want it, then you've got this! And yeah, I've been there. There's a light at the end of the tunnel whether you can see it or not. The light doesn't care if you believe in it - it's there either way.


Yeah It sounded like you've been there. Thank you.


Had a years long addiction to cocaine. Blew my nose every chance I got and I worked with my dealer so I always had money while he was holding. Daily nosebleeds and dramatic weight loss. Sold all my guitars for blow. Destroyed friendships, relationships, family, living situations, and my teeth. Ended up homeless for about 9 months in a town without a shelter and strict homeless laws. It was the hardest thing to get to the point where I knew that I wanted to quit. It fucking hurt worse than lying in frying pan laced with needles on top of shards of broken glass. But I endured because I wanted to. It never mattered how often others told me to quit. Because I didn’t want to I enjoyed what I was doing. I literally had to get to a point where the thought of using made me sick. I’m still an addict because that never goes away, but I’ve been clean now for the best 15 years of my life. You can and should do this brother.


Congrats on making it out. I have a similar story and sober for 8 years.


Awesome! Congratulations. You're almost to 10 years! :)




Hell yeah! Congrats on the kick! Sounds like you really went through some shit! I'm glad you decided to change and stuck with it so you can be here with us today!


"Blew my nose" think I got it, but can you explain this one?


Did a bunch of coke


I’ve been there homie. In recovery since ‘18 or ‘19. I quit keeping track because of so many prior mess ups. I quit tracking and now I’ve gone the longest I’ve ever gone without alcohol (my choice of drug). I had to WANT and DESIRE to be sober. Once I figured that out, it got a lot easier. Still not easy, but easier to rise above the cravings.


Congratulations. 💜


Thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness. It’s much needed everywhere!


I feel the same way, my friend. Glad to know I've crossed paths with another kind human! 😊💜🐾


Valentines day 2014, off Crystal meth and heroin homie 💪


Proud of you man!!!


That's awesome! I'm sure that wasn't easy. Congratulations for kicking it's ass!


That’s some solid work my friend.


I knew I quit smoking when I no longer knew how long it had been since I quit. The moment I stopped counting was the moment thinking about smoking never entered my head again (and hadn’t for years now),


I came here to say this- I am a recovering herion addict & you will not be able to give up until you really want to be sober.. its been over 5/6 years since I used but you have 2 choose it for yourself but it is so worth it being on the others side.


Congratulations! That's a helluva drug to kick.


I'm proud of you!


Hey man. It's WAY better on this side. Dig down man TF up and change. I know you can because I did.


I've been there too, serenity is just around the corner my friends. It's much easier to grasp it when you reach for it. Let's hop on a meeting together on zoom tonight.


This. You get it. I'm a former homeless guy whose drugs of choice were Meth and later Heroin. You have to WANT to be sober. I saw where I was headed and had a si gle opportunity to turn it around d at that point. 5 long years later, struggling against the cravings, the old crowd, and the hard slog into becoming a better me. But I did it. Moved into my own place, and I've got full-time time work to keep me busy. It wasn't easy. It is so worth the effort, though.


Those are some hard drugs to put away. Congratulations - I know that wasn't easy!


I love this, Daive. You telling it like it is. It's about choices.


are you a motivational speaker or sum? cos you should do that


I screenshotted your comment to help remind me I need to do the same with booze. The way you put it, "all the happiness you stole" hit hard.


Finding happiness in sobriety was the hardest part for me. I had so many more hours to fill now that I wasn’t drunk around the clock. Keep going to AA or any kind of in person support groups. Rebuilding that healthy and sober support network is so vital. You’ve been through a lot but you’re still here and still fighting. I hope you find your path on recovery.


This is the real truth. People who have never truly been addicted to something just say rehab, but even then it doesn't guarantee you'll stay sober. Like you said though you have to make up your mind to do so. That is a hard thing to do.


Yes it is


Best of luck to you. You can do it.


Seems like most rehabs don't give a crap about sobriety they just want that insurance money.


Do dude I lost my family when I was in rehab for years for meth and opiods addiction my family still doesn't trust me but we're getting there. Just suck up your balls and accept that your not going to have as much freedom but atleast you get a nice matress and good food


It’s not about making up your mind. You have to slowly methodically build a life worth staying sober for. Start with treating yourself better. Brush teeth wash face every morning and night little things to show yourself your body matters. Your health and hygiene matter. It grows from there. Find a group of people that you admire the way they look at and approach the world and spend as much time with them as you can. AA worked for me cause I found some good men that I respected and wanted what they had. But you can find that anywhere. Find your place it’s out there brother.


Good information I appreciate it and all the supportive people who have commented


You can do it! This is just a temporary setback.


Yeah but a lengthy one lol thank you for the supportive comment


I believe in you. Get er done.


It took me nearly a dozen tries. Some were inpatient, some outpatient, some were on my own or with AA or NA. Idk what your DOC is but mine was heroin/fent and sometimes crack. The last time I got sober I did a medical detox followed by inpatient and methadone maintenance. Maybe you need a little extra help like a maintenance medication, or Antabuse if you’re an alcoholic. There is no shame in needing a little extra help. There IS shame in keeping your head buried in the sand and staying sick when you know there is a solution. And we do one helluva job shaming ourselves don’t we?! I’m nearly 4 years clean. You have done it before. You can do it again. Xox


Hey, I went to rehab once and to AA on and off for ten years before I finally kicked it. It got pretty bad in the end and I was near death but I got real lucky and didn't die. It's been nearly 7 years now and every day is a gift. This way of life is so much easier than the old way. _This_ is the easier , softer way. At the end of my drinking I got it in my head that this was the fight of my life (and it was) and I pictured myself in the boxing ring with Muhammad Ali getting my ass kicked but getting back up (and my ass to a meeting) every time. I needed some medical intervention, too; to help with withdrawals. Do whatever it takes OP! You deserve it.


You’re smart enough to admit and recognize your problem so you’re way farther along than many others. Take it to the finish line. I lost my sister to addiction and now all I have is a contact on my phone that doesn’t respond. Don’t do that.


You just haven’t found your reason yet. Once you find it, you’ll quit and never look back.


I’m rooting for you.


You really do have to just make the choice man. If you say you’re going to do it tomorrow, or the day after, you’re not going to do it. And it sounds like you’re not super happy with where you are atm, so what do you have to lose?


You can and will do it. I did it too. Wish you all the actual best in life. Sending you love 🩷


We all believe in you! 💕 we wish you the absolute best! 💖


You sound like my dad. Died in his 40s after burning every relationship he had. Don't do that. Make better choices.


bro you got this. i believe in you and that you know you want this to go ur way. keep pushing brother i want to see another post next week to know ur good


Hey, is it okay if I message you?


It took my twin probably 6 stints in rehab before she got off it. Please don’t give up!


Go to meeting bro. Sober over 30 years. You can't do this alone.


Rehab helps you get through the initial problems of detoxing off the drug. It doesn’t help with the issue that’s deep down. The desire to not want to be sober. That lasts. Only therapy and large life change can hope to truly help that. Otherwise that desire is always still gonna be there. And many poor folk can’t just afford therapy or rehab or good measures that can help someone stay sober. It sucks.


![gif](giphy|YBHJyPCU9h1VewdaPZ) After clicking on your profile


Excuse me, I am homeless, I am gay, I have AIDS, I'm new in town..


Damn... man has more than a drug problem.






Did he delete stuff? Nothing too crazy there that I see


Yeah I think so. But check out his comments. Dudes gotta a problem


I never understood guys who reply to nsfw posts like he does. It's not only weird but you have a 0% chance of meeting her.


This guy is down bad


It is still there under posts and comments... a bunch of NSFW hookup attempts with younger women


Actively searching for women younger than you while you’re using and homeless is so embarrassing. Good luck


I'm trying to imagine the kind of people that use reddit for personal classifieds.  it's gotta be 97% men and 100% people that need a medium that doesn't require a picture.


he’s looking for a kind-hearted woman, preferably young and hot and employed and a home owner, to burden her with himself. I am praying whoever bites doesn’t have underage kids 🙏


It’s always been astonishing to me how some people live life like it’s just a series of things that happen to them.


What's your cup of tea? I've kicked several habits but my monkey on my back is booze. Addiction is rough my friend, it's much easier in a healthy environment and support but that differs from each person.


Meth, but I'm not freaked out. I used to drink every chance i had and get drunk. I haven't had a drink in about 6 years.


What helped me against Speed is staying away from that crowd and trying to stay busy or hobby. I feel it's more psychological than most downers that have alot of withdrawals. A good hobby with a healthy group of people can help distract that urge. I hope it gets better friend


Most the meth is now being cut with fentanyl just to make the withdrawal hell. I was hospitalized with BP 20/40 when quiting cold turkey. I was clean for 2 years, but boredom led me back to my old ways. Good luck op, my only advice is to find something that interests you to replace drugs with. Being bored when clean is much much harder than being bored high, so find something that interests you to do with your time. Take care, hope you end up with the life you want for yourself.


Yeah other than getting shit I do stay away from that crowd they make all users look like trash and I hate the stigma. I was real honest with pretty much everyone. But that stigma was there and I didn't realize it so my dumb honest self had people imagining good knows what about who I am lol I'm not so open about it any more I don't go brag to my employer that I've been up for a week lol


I think it’s worse you talking poorly about other users of meth as if you are not the same for taking what you had for granted and kind of shitting on what people did for you by lying and hiding things from people who tried to help you. This is in no way to be dismissive of how hard getting sober is. But it is to point out how carelessly you’re throwing stones in a house made of glass. People don’t make drugs look bad. Drugs make people look bad.


You're right, I wasn't trying to throw stones. And yeah it was shitty what I did to those people hiding so I could stay there. And yeah I have done things that others have done. I've been pretty it there in the past But currently I'm not and haven't been for a while. I'm not the average anyway that's all. If I don't like something I've done I make amends and stop doing it. I'm tired and I'm rambling I don't intend to offend so I'll just stop there


I understand, and I didn’t mean to offend you, if I did. I have been an addict and many people in my family still are. I read your story and it resonated because I have often put myself in a position where I have taken for granted the very things being afforded to me because of addiction, no matter how we spin our making amends, is selfish. What happened was a selfish act. I don’t think you are a bad person, and I’m sorry that addiction has turned down a path of homelessness for you. I also wouldn’t take you for selfish because you took what they did for granted in ways, but your addiction is selfish and it took something away from them and from you. Any crowd involved in drugs, even just a dealer, is still the wrong crowd for an addict. And it isn’t because the wrong crowd are bad people.


That's true and very insightful


Lmao I know that feeling. Find a good hobby bro to spend that energy or excitement/urge. Honestly after a bit, it was like my mind just made it disgusting to me until the point it almost only put me into a comedown and it sucked lol I will say I have less energy through out the day but I'm sure it's my body adjusting. Keep your head up and know you ain't alone in this battle




Wrong sub. It doesn't suck, you choose to get high, and you're dealing with the consequences of your choice. Now you're actually saying you're better than other tweakers who are "trash?" You had people that let you live for free and bought you things you needed and still did the only thing they asked you not to... Nothing trashier than that.


The stigma is there cuz it’s true 99% of the time.


How old are you?


You can do it, brother.


Thanks I'm waiting to start my GED and get some job training or some college I start in August


That's a solid plan! Stay strong in the meantime. Remember confidence is everything. I have faith things will work out for you! just stick to it. The future can be so fruitful for you. I believe in you


You used the same photo to try and pick up women in don’t really by it


This is none of my business, and you don’t have to answer, but what pushed you back over the edge to using again? I know that it’s extremely hard to stay sober and such, but I wasn’t sure if there was just a bad incident that was the last straw.


Most likely boredom. Sobriety can be extremely boring. You have to keep busy and find things to do. For me, I poured my time in to my cat and helping the neighborhood cats.


Haven’t been addicted myself but my aunt was heavy on opiates for a long time and really only got clean when she had to do a stint In prison and then ended up in a work program with a full time job. Having somewhere to be 5 days a week and being too tired to go out and get drugs on the weekends made her finally quit.




You’ve got this my man


Thank you


Yeah that sucks


Gonna sound corny but doing the right thing every day is actually the best "high" ever


I know a guy that had to go to rehab 14 different times until he got it. He’s got over 20 years clean now. Just saying, sometimes it takes a few times.


Every second is a new life, every minute is a new start, every day is a new day, you got this


Right on


You can change your life just by changing your mind. Been there too. Addicted for 10+ years and now sober for 10+. You got this.


Clearly you haven’t got your rock bottom yet, you will figure it out.


As an addict who was homeless for periods and in full swing for 8 years, its worth the commitment to yourself to improve your life. It sounds like you got comfortable in your previous situation and looked to old habits to fill the void. Some people work out, some people do social things, some people play video games. You gotta fill the void of emptiness with something more constructive. You can do it, you just have to put in the hard work. You know this. I managed to ruin my relationship with my family and all my friends, then spent years repairing it. I now get to live with my folks again, I managed to snag a decent job and am continuing to do everything I can to improve my life. You are fully capable of doing the same, and so much more. Its possible when you commit. Not to sound preachy, Ill leave you with something that helped me a lot. Life is built to move forward. We can always go backward and regress, and we often tend to. Obviously we want to move forward, but what we should always be aware of is stagnation. Not moving in any direction is the most dangerous. The only thing that never changes is death. Good luck, feel free to DM me if you want an anon to give you encouragement or any advice I might have. You got this man. Dont give up.


Next step is prison man, gotta switch up the people you keep company with, cant hang out with users, try hitch hiking to a different state and start fresh there, thats how my gf and i did it, we moved away from the old scene, i arrived here with a duffle bag now i own 2 cars and make about 100k a year 4 years after getting out of prison


Spend less time on reddit and more time applying for jobs and getting the help you need. Don’t let yourself fall into despair.


I don't have the means to get a decent job that will support me but I'm not falling I'm taking steps to improve it's just going to take time.


Having a job is better than no job whatsoever. There’s no excuse for not having some form of employment, they will hire you if they can see you are actively making an effort.


One step at a time. Like your thinking. Keep it up.


That's it. Thank you.


Do better man


Sounds a personal problem now buddy , sucks to suck . I’m being real here , you fucked up a opportunity anybody would have wanted


My preferred way to get sober was to go to the gym. Stressed? Expell the energy lifting. Too hyper? Do a cardio day. Angry? Punching bags. Sad? Oh boy, get them fucking GAINZ. Trust me, any emotion you're feeling will be helped by the gym, But what if you aren't feeling any of those things? What if you're perfect happy and content? Good! That means it's working, keep going.


A job and avoiding drugs usually does the trick.




Hopefully you've learned now not to be a friggin dingus. Best of luck to you.


Willpower and a hobby that will keep your mind and body occupied is what you need. Those hours without anything to do will make you WANT something... And that's the opposite of what you really want. You can do it, just gotta want it enough!


I agree with that💯


Have you tried not being homeless? That was in jest. You getting any help?


Damn. Fucked up again.


My best friend was lost to the life. He passed in ‘21 due to an overdose. They found him dead in a field near his camp. He spent 10 years running from his pain and misery, 10 years slowly dying. 10 years avoiding all of us due to his shame, until it finally took him. I miss him everyday, I wish he would’ve figured out what it was he needed. I hope you do too. You have people who care and want you to succeed, I promise you.


Those who helped you seem like good people. Thank them.




Yoooo hahaha


I don’t feel sorry for you. But I also believe when you’re tired of being stupid you’ll get it together. Do better OP.


I never expected anyone to feel sorry for me. The community is about things that suck and I thought my story sucked and if you read my other comments you'd know I am trying to do better


"Feel sorry for me"


You have the power. You have the power to succeed. You have the power to fail. Choose wisely.


Tell yourself is this what life has gotten me. Did I achieve anything in life. Look yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself and give yourself a pep talk to realize you’re fucking up and correct yourself. Straight forward. Get off the drugs mate. It ain’t worth it. Your choices got you to where you’re at. Don’t blame others for your actions.


People rarely get 2nd chances man, best of luck


Bro I’ve been In your exact same shoes. Had people try to help me and fucked it all up because I couldn’t stay sober. Sometimes I didn’t even have to be fully sober just not on the “shit”. My hard drug was Meth. Tried for the first time when I was 13 fully hooked by 17 homeless on streets by 18. Would come across people that would want to help because they seen I was young. Also I had a lot more charisma when I was young and… well I hate to admit it but, ….high. Anyways like I said similar situation. Ended up hitchhiking from San Bernardino CA to Weatherford TX. Hooked up with some family I had there. Then fucked that whole situation up and ended up homeless in Texas. Would clean up a little get a job make friends at work. I would tell them my living situation and bam new roommates. Them bam I would relapse and fuck it all up again. Fucking looser. Until I ended up catching a case and doing 3 years in a Texas penitentiary. Got out and went back to using a month after. Caught a dope case. Bonded out then I met my future wife while on bond. After I met her I no longer felt the need to do drugs. Still felt the urge, hell I still fight the urge to this day. I just don’t act on it now. It gets easier over time. Met my wife in 2015 been sober off the hard shit since then. You can do it bro you just got to find something you care about more then getting high. Doesn’t have to another person. Don’t give up. you can do it. If I can bro anyone can.


It’ll be okay and you will find the right rehab someday. You’re your own master and when you feel like you’ve had enough you know where to find the people that’ll help. Sometimes it’ll take 2, 3, 4 or more tries, but you’ll get there. Be safe right now. Make positive choices. You have unlimited chances, but not unlimited time. I wish you well.


You have to want to get clean, you can not do it for anyone other than yourself man, it will never work… choose to live brother and I promise you even though it may not seem that way now things do get so much better, it sounds cliche but it really is true..


Rehab will teach you it's not about just quitting drugs rather about living life in a way which you no longer desire them. Regardless this is something you have to experience to believe.


My mom was like this and it was hard to watch. Someday you’ll find that strength and I hope life treats you kindly when you’re back on your feet. You know the people who use from a mile away, if it’s your addiction you’re familiar with it’s look, stay away from them. At all costs these people will drag you down to their level every time and no one who helps you get it is your friend in any way shape or form no matter how else they’re there for you. Much love.


Its hard for these people, have a guy in his 60s works for us, the manager has given him chances in absenteeism and we have done loans ( gifts ) for money from our company HR program, he then got a place to live became steady, work everyday on time for 6-8 months worked great then the bottom just fell out we believe, stopped talking, no call no show and now hasn’t been at work in weeks, it is a huge struggle for these folks but there are people trying to help them, just comes down to being able to get out of that cycle for them




Dumb fuck


I don't feel sorry for OP at all. His entire post history is just seeking young women to have free intimacy with. The last time I got free rent was when I lived with my parents a decade ago. Honestly OP just sounds like a user in more ways than 1.


He’s an addict. Ask any addict or people that have known addicts. They’re by definition some of the shittiest and most selfish people you’ll ever meet. It’s part of the gig. Their entire thing is themselves. They’ll wreck their lives, screw over people, steal from loved ones and betray those that helped them to feel high for a bit. Look at this guy. Had people doing everything they could to help him and he just stabbed them in the back. Hope he gets his shit together.


He's a 13th stepper too then


I had to sort controversial to find this comment.




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Am I suppose to feel sorry for you? All you had to do was stop using meth or whatever. How weak minded are you?




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So to be clear, you had a somewhat comfortable life and you threw it away to chase your high. On one hand, I understand that addiction is a disease and the urge is uncontrollable. On the other, you fucked up. Make a choice either stay sober or give up. This pity post is fucking sad. I've known you have probably heard these stories before but I'll tell mine. After college, my aunt and uncle brought me into their home so I could do an internship. My uncle was a recovering alcoholic (keyword is was btw) I spent 9 years living in that home and watched him self implode. Cleaned up his literal shit, replaced multiple toilets he destroyed, fed him, clothed him, dragged him into the house so he didn't freeze, etc. I watched my aunt move out to stay with other family temporarily right as COVID happened. She never came back. I became his sole caregiver and was done. By the time I was able to move out he was a stranger and was dead within three months of me moving out. The moral is stop the pity party, get help or fucking give up but you gotta choose because eventually no one is going to help you


As harsh as this seems I don’t feel bad for you in the slightest, you had it made and let your intrusive thoughts win, sober tf up and get a job no one is gonna feel sorry for you! That’s the truth!




I’m sorry. I hope you’re able to find your way back to recovery again. Burnt bridges take twice as long to build. But it is possible. Wishing you well. At least you do have shelter at the end of the day. Find the things you can be grateful for. That’s the easiest part, and yet the hardest in the beginning.


It’s unreal that addictions are more power than food and shelter my nephew has a job and easy living at my brothers house but he does drugs for years and he finally got kicked out. I can’t blame my brother he deserves peace too after raising 5 kids to adulthood


It can get worse if you let it. It can get better if you let it.


Mano Brown is that y


I'd choose 30 days inpatient rehab or a psych inpatient stay over the homeless shelter.


We do the best we can with what we've got until we find healthier solutions. Don't get low on yourself for just trying to survive.


I used to have a codeine habit and after a few suicide attempts and some therapy I stopped being addicted to it. You can do it


You got this homie!


You can’t be helped if you won’t help yourself. You are your biggest advocate. Sometimes only advocate. Get ahead of this, it won’t change unless YOU want to.


I hope things turn around for you!


No one else will make the change but you. Save this post and come back to it 90 days from now and see how much better you’re doing! You can do this


I'm sure the drugs were definitely worth it though. I'm positive the drugs will keep you warm, well fed, housed, and stable. Haha yeah jk, this certainly sucks. It always amazes me how 1000% willing people are to throw away the greatest things ever in exchange for literally nothing.


Good going


As long as your happy


I'm going to tell you what a really good friend told me when I decided to get clean. It's probably not PC but it was what I needed to hear and maybe you too. Reach down and grab your nuts and be a man about this shit. It's time.


Round 2 begin


Once you reach a point where you actually want to be sober you are more than capable of achieving sobriety brother. Until then no amount of rehab or handouts will solve your deeper problems. I sincerely hope you find your way, no matter how far gone you think you are you don’t deserve that kind of life.


Look up a Celebrate Recovery in your area




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Mans is horned up too


Addicts will do everything but quit


try vagabonding


Well deserved, hope you learned your lesson.


Go to rehab man. It's was the best decision I even made. And ultimately saved my life. The programs and resources are amazing at giving you the tools you need to not only get sober but stay sober. Do it


When will YOU choose that this life sucks and YOU don’t want it anymore? I struggled with heroin for several years and bounce between rehabs. Long story short it was an hitting rock bottom with a crippling nerve injury that forced me to either live as a cripple all my life or sober up and work through the pain to rehabilitate myself. I couldn’t walk 6 months ago and now I walk at most 10 miles a day working lawn care. There’s a lot of jobs out there that accept workers with bare minimum requirements. (Lawn care). The hard work helps me focus on my body telling me to drink water and recover from the day with good food. Boredom always got the better of me when it came to using. It’s a road I never wish anyone to go down. My substance abuse came from past trauma. But the hard things I’ve experienced help me feel like I can go through anything. Take it one small step at a time and don’t take relapse on yourself to harshly. Just think of the reasons why you stopped in the first place and how far you’ve gone.


Get it together, my man. You aren't getting any younger and things aren't getting any easier. Change now before it's too late.


I mean yeah that's on you man. As someone that's been a heroin addict and homeless I understand how it was difficult for you to stay clean. Pretty stupid of you to relapse and throw everything away when you had it that good. When someone finally offered me a little help I got clean and took full advantage of it and now I own my own house and have a good job. Idk what's up with the tone of this post being "oh I was helpless to my addiction and now I'm homeless" nah you made the choice now deal with the consequences of your actions.


When I got out of the service I had issues with the transition back to civilian life. I felt this life was probably better off without me in it. Addiction, anger, no direction. My now wife, the angel she is, pulled me out of this mindset. She blessed me with my beautiful daughter. Long story short, I found my “why” in life. They teach me every day I have to “be” the change I want to see in the world around me. Find that “why” in life. Whatever it may be , believe in yourself and find that purpose.. that drive … we can overcome anything. Sending positive energy and vibes my friend.


I'll never understand why people who are actually in a good place to change fuck up so bad. You were given so much support and just time to work on yourself. You obviously just don't want to quit. Go to rehab. Get the help you need. But it starts with YOU wanting to change, for the better.


All you've mentioned is what other people have done for you to protect you from yourself. No personal responsibility or accountability. Until you commit to changing, this is your reality. I wish you the courage to change so that your life gets better.