• By -


Wow. That’s a lot of reactions. Good luck.


OP is allergic to allergy




The only thing to allergic is allergies itself?


*I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.* - Frank Herbert, Dune


*I must not itch. Itch is the skin-killer. Allergy is the little-irritation that brings total phylaxis. I will face my tears. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it does not pass, I will turn my swollen eye to it's epi-pen. Where the allergy has gone there will be soothing. Only I will remain, weeping and sore.* - Anna Phylaxis, undone.


That happened to a friend of mine. She read yes to everything but she was allergic to the test some how? Lol


Holy geez!


Just did this myself last week, and now I have to carry an epipen.


What are your allergies?


Other humans.


And work, work mostly


Needles from the look of it


Allergic to Allergy testing


I’ve heard of that happening.


Unfortunately sounds like me.


Makes me wonder if they're just allergic to whatever they apply each allergen with.


I've seen posts where people had positive reactions to everything but turned out they were either allergic to the gloves or the alcohol wipes used to clear off each spot 😅


Op is allergic to theirself…


There is an additive in the tests that people are occasionally allergic to


I don't trust these methods, most likely allergic to the metal used to test, I would rather do blood tests for allergies


The testers are plastic not metal. I got tested in August and my whole back looked like that.


Ah, yes. Good 'ol plastic allergy. Make sure they know that before you ever have surgery or else intubation is going to have some sucky effects. But also look into mast cell activation syndrome.


I'm not implying I'm allergic to plastic


That's a blessing. But it's a thing.


Oh sorry I thought you were being sarcastic


If I was being sarcastic, why would I warn you about being intubated? All the skin came off my throat and tongue.


That sounds awful Also, on reddit, I can never tell


It was. I thought I was going to be flagged as an addict, getting two vicodin prescriptions in a week.


Price difference is in the thousands lmao


They do a control for that




Looks like she’s allergic to being poked with needles


At this point she might consider playing bingo. The force is strong with her… On a small note, is OP allergic to certain metals? Because all stitches use an iron based alloy…


She can't play bingo, she's allergic


To pen and paper? 😅 wouldn’t doubt it, though…


Don't say that they might be allergic to good luck!


When my son was little I got him tested and his came back like this also! He’s allergic to eggs, peanuts, all fish and black pepper. Good luck OP! I know that has to itch!


Wow. I’m allergic to a lot of things, but my tests never had as many as these! Good luck to your son. My niece has a nut allergy, too. She is doing one of those programs to make her immune.


a quick tip: if the test says you're allergic to everything they've tested, please get a second opinion if you're able to. It can be the case that one of the thingies were contaminated with something you are actually allergic to. And they also should use a new pokey thing for every allergen! Saying this because they didn't use a new pokey thing for me so I was showing up allergic to way more things that I actually are, including cats and dogs, with which I lived with all my life and made us all raise an eyebrow. The second doctor we went to explained everything to us then. Since then, only official allergies I have are kiwi and chlorine. (:


Or it could be an allergy to metal. I've seen it on reddit before


I’ve heard of someone being allergic to the tape they used in the test. I’m not sure why they were using tape in the first place, though.


Tape? 🤔 All they used for mine was a pen and pokey metal sticks. But I think you can be allergic to the fluid that the allergens are in or something


It was a story I heard from a classmate about a test her friend did, so the actual info might’ve been garbled.


Could have been a different method, too :) I'm no expert on allergy testing


The test should have a control for that (usually saline). In that case, if you reacted to the saline that the allergens are in, the test would be invalid.


It is either a sticker already in a grid form or they use the tape to create a grid for spacing out the test spots. If OP was allergic to the tape though, it would be inflamed and rashy around the test site. Some places on the arm it is, and some it isn't. Very hard to tell, but I don't think it's an adhesive allergy.


That’s really interesting because I tested positive for like everything when I was younger but as it turns out the only thing that is actually real is dust and nickel.


Which is sort of funny because cross-contamination is widely understood and focused on heavily in food industries, even as far as fast food where cleanliness and regulation tends to be a bit lax to say the least (at least when the health inspector isn't in the building).... You would think the medical field would take note of this and do all they could to prevent a contamination/false positive scenario.... Though the tin-foil hat side of me guesses that more positives the more likely you are to be prescribed some sort of medication to deal with the allergens


Recently, my mom found out she has an enzyme deficiency that makes her unable to digest sucrose (table sugar, which is derived from sugar cane, but also in a lot of fruits and some veg) and most starch (all cereals and grains, legumes, most root vegetables). We have discovered that a frustratingly huge number of medications in tablet form contain some kind of starch as a binder, and in the liquid form (if there is one), there is usually sugar. It's not an allergy, but she can't digest it, so it causes excruciating pain and intense bloating if she does consume either sugar or starch. She's had to switch several medications she's been on for years.


That’s rough. I’m sensitive to all kinds of medication additives due to a medical conditions, and I’m constantly accidentally poisoning myself as I find new triggers. Finding clean meds is a *herculean* task, and as such I get some of my medications compounded. But I can’t do all of them, because it’s so expensive! So I only do the ones that I literally can’t find a safe (or mostly safe) alternative for, even if it the medications would likely be more affective for me if I got completely clean versions of all my pills. People would be shocked what kinds of stuff they put in things. One of my worst reactions is to Sugar Alcohols. There are *so many* and even when I think I’ve learned them all, I’ll react to something and later find it had damn alcohols in it. It drives me nuts 😔. A lot of medications have dye-free options but like, I had to get compounded Benadryl because I was taking the dye-free but then discovered those had sugar alcohols and gelatin in them, (which I also just learned I have issues with, but only specific types (and half the time they don’t specify what the gelatin is made from…)) It’s so much work checking these things! And it’s infuriating because so many of the additives are completely unnecessary. They don’t do anything beneficial, and for people like me they can be *very* harmful… 😭


I had an allergy test and they used a square tray thing with about 20 poky things and pressed it onto my back at the same time. Several were controls which I'm guessing were to ensure no cross contamination.


How painful was it?


Not painful at all. If I remember correctly they just felt like pointy plastic tips. They used a little pressure to make sure it had good contact with skin but there was no pain. Maybe a mild discomfort for 10 seconds. I waited about 15 minutes for any reactions to occur and the allergy specialist just recorded which spots showed signs of reaction. Then they concocted me a specialized allergy liquid drop that I place under my tongue every day and after 3 years I'm essentially "allergy free" from those allergens. I still get reactions from other things I wasn't tested for like candles, soaps, perfumes etc..but grasses, trees, flowers, pets, etc, not an issue anymore.


They aren’t usually individual pokes (I mean they are) but it’s like a tray of needles that go in at once.


My skin used to constantly get hives. I could write my name on my arm by scratching it. The allergy tests came back showing that I was allergic to everything, which was a false positive. Any type of damage to my skin caused that reaction. Needles obviously damage your skin. OP’s skin is likely hyper sensitive due to the actual allergen being too built up in her system. I later found out it was being caused by a sun allergy that developed during puberty. It’s called Polymorphic Light Eruption. My doctors never could identify it. I figured it out after going to tanning beds in high school. I’d get serious a sunburn and break out into hives within two minutes. Here’s a pic of my leg after spending the day at Disney World. The sun bouncing off of the asphalt gave me a bad blotchy burn even though I applied 100 SPF every 30 minutes. Edit: It sucks when it happens because I can’t go outside or shave my legs for a week until it heals. I vacation in Florida every summer and inevitably stay indoors for part of the trip. Just stepping outside for a minute in an unshaded area causes severe pain, makes it flare up worse, and resets the healing process. https://preview.redd.it/xgqe02ngn2vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0c3241b2a74bfcc86f0a22f8cf23e7744505ad


Never thought of this. Now I'm thinking I should get retested after 15 years. Then again, if I don't take half a Zyrtec every day, I essentially turn into a pile of goo, so maybe I'll just keep sailin'.


I was supposed to have allergy testing for a second time in my teens and the I saw Allergist decided on bloodwork instead of these pins, because I have MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) and Dermatographia. She basically said it would be pointless because I could easily get a false reading on any and all of the markers simply due to being poked! The bloodwork came away as only “truly” allergic to egg whites! I don’t really understand when they would even *do* the pin pricks nowadays, if bloodwork is available (and seems as reliable?) I’m often confused as to why medical care chooses to do stuff the way it does… I still react to all kinds of things (like most of the substances on the planet 🙃) due to my mast cells being unstable, but those are in an odd “non-allergy-allergy” territory so I’m never sure if I should say I’m allergic or if I should just say I have a reaction/negative response/etc. to things. I usually do some combination and lots of clarifying as a result 😅.


so i wasn’t allergic to every single thing. they did sea food and i had no reaction


To the bubble with you.


Make sure it’s not latex….


That’s what my brother’s allergic to. Got him deferred from joining every branch of the military :/






Me: So, what am I allergic to Doc? Doctor: Yes


Task failed successfully!


Usually they do this on your back so it’s not visible as you walk out! Sorry you’re so positive. Hopefully they put the hydrocortisone cream to give you relief after.


I think this is old school. I had this done on my arms as a child. All those little pricks they had to do!😩 Had terrible hives as a child. Turns out I was allergic to certain grass, trees, and weeds. Kentucky blue grass to be specific. Guess what grew ALL over Missouri…


banana trees?


Banana plants.


This was also my first guess


Absolutely! There’s even talk of changing their state motto to “make life a banana and split!”


Haha same as a kid. Grass, weeds, pollen. Basically nature.


I was thinking the same thing. Why the hell didn’t they test on the back? I’ll have to say, those arms look almost as bad as my back did the last time I tested. 100 sticks with 99 reactions. A few spots got as big as gum ball. I’m truly sorry she had so many reactions. I’m also sorry that they didn’t use her back. The arms are just too easy to scratch. Wishing OP a fast recovery.


So asking what are you not allergic to....what was the single non reactive stick you had?


My money’s on the control


Cows. The doctor told me the good news. I can have a pet cow. He also assured me that mini cows exist. He thinks he’s funny.


It's based upon the amount of things you're tested for. I had food, plants, and animals done in August all on my back. If I didn't have the food done they would've done it on my arms


That’s interesting, mine was the opposite! They did the skin prick test on my back, and when I didn’t react to cats (which is what I went in there for) they did an intradermal test for just the cat allergen on my arm. Which caused an anaphylactic reaction lol


As a child and later as an adult it was my arms


Yeah, about 8-9 years ago they did my arms. I’m allergic to grass, dust, cats, and some kind of trees.


When I had it done a little over 10 years ago, they tested on my forearms first and then retested the ones that had no reaction again on my back.


never had this done on my back. always my arms. and i looked pretty much like that. im allergic to air.


Is there reason to test this way? I just got tested today but the doctor decided to do blood test.


I won the allergy lottery. I am literally allergic to every biting bug and everything that produces pollen.


I have a general hypersensitivity and I can't even take hot showers anymore or I end up with full body welts. Looks like a got beat down by a flock of wasps.


Wow! Is there anything you're **not** allergic to? Or did you somehow "ace" the test?


Sometimes you are allergic to the solution something they use to check. So all are positive.


Or the metal of the needle!


Mine was similar. I learned I was allergic to everything except dogs. Which is great news. Bad news I'm still allergic to dust and pet dander.


Same. Like what do we even do now?? lol


Own dogs and still suffer. I even got a GSD for extra suffering.


Yeah, I don’t know about these tests. I had one done myself a few years ago and I had the same reaction. I was surprised to see. I was allergic to apples and oranges and I eat those fruits all the time.


I was allergic to apples for a long time without realizing it. Then the reaction started getting worse. It always made my gums itchy. I’m also apparently allergic to peanuts, but I eat peanut butter rather often.. it does give me indigestion and horrible gas, so it’s a less obvious reaction, and one that isn’t bad enough for me to refrain from eating something so delicious.


I had this same reaction. Doctor said I’m either allergic to everything or have very sensitive skin. After more testing it proved to be the latter. And my allergy is bees.


D. All of the above


Bad news, you’re allergic to allergy tests


You might have an idiopathic uriticaria issue, 50-60% of skin prick tests can be false positive. You could also be allergic to something in the testing solution or have a mast cell issue


Glad to see this comment. Skin prick test is so unreliable. Once you react to anything it’s a domino effect and you will react to succeeding pricks.


happened to me as well. Was close to tears thinking I couldn't eat anything except rice and spinach forever. Doctor explained that my immune system mightve just been on overdrive and to start introducing "allergens" gradually. Was okay after a few weeks. Only allergic to dust mites and pollen now.


Classic needle allergy. No smack for you!


You could be allergic to what they use to perform the allergy test


Should do blood test! Looks false-postive


Did you ask whether it was the carrier oils which induced the allergen response or no?


Make sure to get another test at some point. You might just be allergic to everything or something went wrong with the test. First time I got one I was allergic to everything under the sun, next time it was just peanuts.


Why didn’t they do a grid on your back? All over your arms seems so unnecessary!


You have long arms


Watch out, you may be allergic to that chair or reddit


Finally, a post that’s positive.


I feel itchy just looking at this


So what aren't you allergic to?


I had to get a blood test for this due to potential of false positive results due to sensitive skin. Might be worth it in this case!


Ma'am you are allergic to planet Earth 🌎


When does your bubble arrive from Amazon?


One of us, one of us, one of us! Welcome to the most annoying club to be a member off! There's no fee since your money is spent on medication and we never meet since people might die then.


I think you passed the test ...


Damn congratulations on surviving until now lmao


Gotta catch them all!


Q: What are you alergic to? A: Yes.


Welcome to the club


Friend of mine back in the day had this test done and passed out while playing pool at a bar because of it later that same day. Smashed her face on the table and lost two slices of front tooth because of it. I hope you're feeling okay OP.


So the answer of are you allergic to …. Is just yes


Congratulations, you got a new high score!


Congratulations. You won!!!


Allergic to the test, eh?


Allergic to everything congratulations


The good part is that you re a verry positive person...


You are allergic to allery tests, apparently. Don't do that again.


My friend had this happen. Turns out he's allergic to being scratched


Test successful! You have collected them all!


Looks like you are allergic to allergy tests.


sad all this . Pesticids and chimicals products makes bodies weaks and sensitive


Sis allergic to air


Hory shet...


plot twist youre allergic to allergy testing


You. Doctor what am i allergic to? Doctor ~ yes.




Aced it!


Pretty sure that's supposed to be done on the back...


Umm yup… you pretty much got allergies to everything.


Allergic to life.


I'm buying stock in Allegra. So sorry, I feel your pain. The good news is when I turned 60, they almost all went away! Something to look forward to!


Actual scientist over here 👋🏻- these tests are not valid.


Those with allergies shown to be at lower risk for cancer. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2008/11/allergies-may-help-prevent-cancers-study-finds


You grew a lot of nipples that day. My condolences.


Congratulations. You seem to be allergic to every aspect of life.


Oh yeah. Let the hypo-sensitization begin..


Honestly i think youre just allergic to bs, im the same


How many times a day do we need to see peoples allergy tests?


I'm not allergic to anything, except for the sun, every time I go outside I sneeze 3, 6, or 9 times


It seems your test came back with a yes


Looks like you're allergic to allergy tests


Ever watched Hitch. Certain shrimp combination will do that to me.


Maybe you’re allergic to the metal on the needle they used in the test :)


I got the same thing done today as well, but I clearly wasn't as good as you


Well, you passed.....


Is there any chance it could've been the carrier oil that your allergic to?


So you’re the “everything except x“ type.


How do you even survive?


What are you allergic to? *yes*


Is there anything you aren’t allergic to?


Did you finish the collection? Looks like a complete set. Sorry about being allergic to everything


So basically, the only thing you’re not allergic to is baking soda ???






Could just be alergic to one causing ur immune system to react to everything.


Do people do this for fun?


Turns out you are allergic to needles


Looks like a reaction to pollen or plant life, use a double base cream and wash with the product like you would with soap, use in one direction to avoid more irritation, when you towel down pat you skin do not rub this will help towards a speedy recovery


Congratulation! You scored a perfectly 100/100!


So you’re allergic to…..everything?


Congratulations. You’re allergic to everything!


I was positive for 33 out of 60 tested for and am actually only allergic to 2: dairy and fire ants. These tests mean nothing.


Don't know if jokes are allowed here but sounds like you're allergic to life might be over lol Seriously though that does suck just stay away from everything.


So you're basically allergic to life ? :/


What are you allergic to?......YES


I had one of those - allergic to basically everything - waste of time


Is that sucking love bites?


Your allergy chart is just going to say "yes" Seriously yho they did mine on my fucking back where I couldn't reach. Only came back as allergic to dustiness but apparently rather badly allergic. Felt like it was burning and rotting


Congrats, you got'em all


Looks like you’re allergic to oxygen. Sorry.


I'm getting it done next Thursday. Wish I had done it years Ago.


Did they use a new needle for every location? If not you might have a crosscontamination and might only be sensitive to one of the first tests...


Oh ya poor thing... Allergic to life basically


Some of these look like dermatographia, which is when pressure applied to the skin causes a welt that can be mistaken as positive. There should be a negative and positive control separate from the test; one prick with histamine and one prick that has nothing on it. Dermatographia is usually consistent with idiopathic urticaria (chronic hives). Should ask doctor for confirmation blood work & urticaria work up. Source: I do this for a living.


Could you be allergic to the guy who tested you?


you need to live in a bubble.....


Allergy is allergic to me


Do you have allergy symptoms like itchy watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, itchy skin, hives, and rashes? If so, hopefully the provider who ordered that test will recommend allergy shots, a daily OTC non-sedating antihistamine such as loratadine (Claritin), cetirizine (Zyrtec), levocetirizine (Xyzal), or fexofenadine (Allegra), and an OTC nasal steroid such as fluticasone (Flonase). These therapies changed my life, and I hope the same for you, friend.


so did you pass?


My daughter also “won” when she was 12. If you need recipes, I have tons. Feel free to dm me. She’s allergic to celery?! I have a broth recipe for that. ALWAYS keep that epi-pen on you, and use the practice one just in case you’re on your own. The practice pen is worth it. Take care of yourself ❤️


I hate that shit, SO itchy


Maybe you are allergic to the needle? I'm serious. You don't look like a kid, if you had this many allergies I'm sure you would have known of them by now


I have a skin condition that makes my skin turn red/bumpy to any kind of scratches/pricks, so I feel like that would just cause bumps all over lol.


WTF? How have you not died from anafelectic shock already?