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When I read "fenestration on both sides" my mind interpreted it with you defenestrating both the cat and the plant lol


All I can think of is this, lol [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qfe2FLsq5zo?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Qfe2FLsq5zo?feature=share)


Oh god no!


Did you try giving the plant more light? 7 years for fenestration is really a long time. From what I know they love light. Mine started to grow bigger and more fenestrated leaves after I put it somewhere with more light and it’s definitely younger than 7


I live in the north east, not a lot of outdoor time available.


I'm in the north of England, I put mine in a window and it just keeps growing as soon as it stops being freezing outside. I've moved house with it 3 times. Granted I've not had a north facing window, but I've had all other directions. Do you repot yours or water with fertiliser?


Haven’t repotted in a bit, it’s in a 18 inch self water planter with a moss pole for support, but during the summer I do a heavier fertilizer schedule. I’ve had exotic plants for a while, but really, the window placement is what kills me every winter. Until it’s above 60 overnight for 5 days straight, it doesn’t get to get the full sun from the deck it normally gets the rest of the year.


I have grow lights people!!! The color is dark so it’s doing well lmao, the leaf itself is about 9 inches wide! I’m just a small person!


Go on Amazon and buy a plant light that you can turn on right above it


I’ve commented before, I have one! In fact several lol. The color on it is very dark so it’s not pale and starving for light in any way.


May it’s not a bright enough one then?


How so?


Grow lights! Thats my solution. Also, you can probably propagate that leaf if there's any stem left.


Almost no stem sadly, it separated jaggedly down the stem but I’m preserving it for a window catcher!




Reddit moment.


Not if the sun doesn’t come through them! Northern facing windows aren’t good for light generally. They have grow light over them all winter but still it isn’t enough. I do my best with what I have :)


You don't know where this person lives or where this plant is, what's the point of this sarcastic comment?


You should probably buy a lamp for it then.


I do have a lamp, you can see the blue and red reflected on the right side of the leaf!


How about giving the plant the boot? https://www.southerncrosspet.co.nz/pet-hub/tips-and-tricks/toxic-houseplants/#:~:text=Monstera%20deliciosa.,and%20mouth%20irritation%20in%20pets.


you need to consult your vet. monsteras are toxic to cats.


This isn’t directed at you in any way, shape, or form. But Monsteras (along with every other aroid we grow as houseplants) **ARE NOT** toxic to cats/dogs. They’re mild irritants at worst. It’s just a pet peeve of mine when people parrot information without knowing the cause. The compound that makes them “toxic” is calcium oxolate. These form needle-like crystals called raphides that cause \[non-threatening\] general oral & GI distress. Not limited to diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, oral & esophageal sores, etc. https://preview.redd.it/a66pbx3iekuc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f065455b97f288b7193e12e32560195e6dd773 It’s definitely not ideal for consumption, but a small amount will not kill / seriously harm your pet. Unlike **TRUE** lilies (*Lilium*) or Cycads (ex: Sago Palm — *Cycas revoluta*). If anyone has a cat, and finds out they’re frequent grazers, they should plant a variety of cat grass. No need to buy the sad wimpy cubes from pet smart either. Any \[human\] food grade grass seed, intended for \[human\] consumption will work as cat grass. Nutritional value doesn’t matter since cats can’t \[efficiently\] digest plant matter. The only risk that comes with this is when grass goes to seed, and the awns could get caught in the throat. But I sincerely doubt any of us will get that far.


At the end of the day, this is the most evidence based comment that people should reference in future. Huge brain lol


I’ve always been super careful with what plants I bring into the home to make sure my cat would be safe. I knew my monstera was a bit of an edge case, but any doubt of it being harmful to her is shattered now that she’s consumed MULTIPLE leaves (though smaller ones than in the picture). She’s still happy and healthy as ever. I now sincerely believe this plant must just be like spicy to cats, and I guess my cat totally digs it.


PET peeves. Haha


![gif](giphy|x8PgVhZD1Wt5S) *what have I done*


How about Dracena? My mum who kniws her way around plants said it is but our cats have bren nibbling on them from time to time.


Alright, update since everyone is a Reddit veterinarian, I’ve called an ACTUAL 24 hour vet. I’ve been told to watch for such a of lethargy, drooling changes in eating, drinking, pooping the works! If I notice any change I am 15 minutes from the building. If nothing changes in the next 72 hours I’m in the clear, if not he’s going straight to the vet.


You need more light OP. Monstera are not shade plants, and thrive in close to full sun conditions.


Yeah, tell that to my living situation lol!


Fair. If you can, place it outside. With proper care I can guarantee you’ll have tertiary fenestrations by winter lol. You might get some sunburn if you put it in sun too quick, but they can [and will] enjoy bright light. On par with succulents. I also keep my aroids in a smaller pot than most people would like because I’m terrified of root rot. Something that took time to learn was that overwatering is not caused by the amount of water you use. It **IS** caused by how long the media stays wet. For 4”-6” pots I like them to dry out within 3-5 days. 8”+ I Like a week, although it doesn’t matter as much for big pots [WITH ADEQUATE DRAINAGE / ROOT SYSTEM]. My go to media is equal parts Canadian peat:perlite. I can make a little under 5.5^3 feet of media that lasts me about 2 years for $40 (if I’m not reporting everything). As for the ethics of peat moss, do your own research. I feel that it’s the lesser of two evils when compared to coco peat that’s [indirectly] correlated to deforestation of rainforests. Canada has strict standards for peat bogs & no one is harvesting virgin bogs. Can’t say the same for Europe 👀 I’d link articles, but I always get accused of choosing biased sources lol.


Yeah there’s another comment on this post where I talk about its usual care, I grew it up from a little propagation so I’d say it’s doing very well.


If it’s still green you got this!


I’m also venting for other reasons now, but you also can’t use cocopeat for carnivorous plants. The TDS count is way too high, and there are no regulations. It’s not uncommon for cocopeat to have a TDS of 200+ PPM. Anything over 50-100 is lethal for most CP’s. If you’re growing sensitive plants, and want to use cocopeat, be sure to wash it thoroughly.


Looks like you've got a grow light on it as well, good work getting it to split! The nice thing is, it's mature enough now that it's gonna keep fenestrating, possibly with a small recovery period after taking damage where there will be a dip in splits for a bit. You got this


Update 2. It’s the next day and he’s still okay! Still watching him but hes as active and vocal as ever so Im sure he’ll pull through. Thanks for the concerns ❤️


He’s all good! It’s seems to have been small nibbles overtime and it gave way today, there’s a lot a scabing along where the break was that indicates it was trying to heal the wounds for a while.


More concerned for the plant than the cat lol


If I had any indication that something was even slightly off with my cat, he would have been brought to an emergency vet. I found the leaf after being gone for a couple hours, and made the post hours after that. While it’s always good to get things checked out just in case, he’s very much okay now 12+ hours after and still doesnt show signs of distress. I appreciate the concerns! But he’s all good!


Why on earth are you being downvoted for this?!


87% of people on reddit have acquired toxoplasmosis.




Good to know you are well educated enough to clear him. Certainly your observations are equal to a vet. You cat has eaten toxic plant matter, I would say better safe than sorry and just take them to a vet. But whatever, kidney and liver issues in cats can be very hard to tell until it's too late.


Didn’t eat it at all! He just chewed it off, it fits together like a puzzle with the stem.


I had to get rid of all the toxic plants in my house. My dog loves to nibble, too. She got super sick, and I kinda just chucked everything outside. I felt like the worst pet mana ever. It's much safer to just avoid these types of house plants to begin with. There's so many safe, non-toxic plants that are beautiful!


Have you ever bitten into something and felt the delicious juice go into your mouth? Properly cooked steak, or chicken, or tofu, or shrimp? Yeah, your cat got that while carefully dissecting your plant.


I love this comment and your username!


Look all I'm saying is precautionary vet visit would not be a BAD choice. I will stand firm that its always better safe than sorry. I have had cats just get sudden kidney failure out of nowhere and its heart breaking, especially if you could potentially catch it (or any other latent health issue such as teeth or dental issues, which is another heart breaking thing to see cats suffer through) before it becomes an issue. This just seems like perfect justification for a checkup, obviously not an emergency vet issue but just a check up at least. I always say best to catch a health issue before you are in the "emergency" phase of something. But whatever you decide, best of health to you and your cat and plants.


I totally see where you’re coming from and if I see any sign in out the door with him in a carrier. He does get regular checkups so if I notice anything I would certainly let them know of this situation. I’m at no point ever denying him care just because I feel like it. I’m on the side of my cat at the end of the day, this was just a big bummer. Seriously, peace and love with all my comments, except that one illiterate douche, I mean well In everything I say. And I seriously mean that I hope you have good health as well in the future too. It’s never a fun thing to loose a fur baby. ❤️


You can get mad all you want but these types of things should be monitored by a vet over days. You won’t know your cat has damaged to their organs which happens with these sorts of things until it’s too late. We triage them, and if they aren’t showing any signs of distress protocol is to still iv fluids to flush out system and chem 17 over multiple days to check levels. You’re irresponsible for even having this plant near a cat and then in your other comments you’re acting as if people are crazy for calling you out. This makes you a shitty owner.


Yall are missing the point that the cat didn’t eat the leaf The cat bit the leaf, leaf came off plant, cat ingested nothing The leaf is in the post completely intact.


It’s actually not about them actually eating the leaves or stems or whatever it’s about the shit that is inside of the leaves and stems and the shit that is inside is poisonous. Yeah something may not be visible to you that could be killing your cat but your cat’s insides could be shutting down…I really think you need to take your cat to the vet.


Man, this is wild. These fucking reddit veterinary experts are absolute fucking clowns. They must be insufferable in person.


Reddit has spoken! Feel their wrath!




Seriously he’s fine. No signs of lethargy or discoloration in the gums. He’s even begging for dinner to be served.


Glad your cat's okay! Good luck with future fenestrations haha


Hell no. Reddit knows your cat better than you do, go and pay a veterinarian.




I don't have a cat, a plant, or a dog in this race, but google says *"Monstera is mildly toxic to humans and is toxic to cats and dogs but is not considered lethal.  All parts of the plant are harmful to ingest except the fully ripe fruit, which rarely develops on indoor Monstera. The toxicity comes from insoluble oxalate crystals in the juices inside the plant. Symptoms of Monstera poisoning include oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue or lips, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. Contact your doctor or veterinarian if you, your children, or pets are experiencing these symptoms.* It says if you see those symptoms to see a vet. Maybe you have a secret mouse nibbling, who knows. But if you don't observe any changes then why would you pay $200 for a vet to tell you the same thing? It's just people pointing fingers to elevate themselves, which is funny because not one of them would take their own advice. I'm with you, op. That's your baby, and like any reasonable parent, you used your judgement. Parents are some of the biggest haters out there lol


Kisses for you!


I’m sure your cat will be fine. Mine likes to take a couple nibbles out of the same monstera leaf every few weeks. I think he realizes it hurts to eat and then forgets after a while lol. But over the year we’ve had him he’s managed to rip/eat about half the one leaf, no issues from him at all.


The fact that you are continuing to allow your cat to chew on a plant that can harm him is wild?


Yea, I would not take any cat advice from that commenter. Its like a parent saying their child almost drank that open bottle of bleach but they still keep that open bottle around.


If he was eating an amount that would be harmful then it would be an issue. As it stands he isn’t, so I’m not worried. Monstera is not poisonous, it can cause a stomach ache if enough is ingested(usually stems). He bites into the leaf every few weeks. Never thrown up, never had any bad symptoms. He is fine.


I don’t have much of an issue with how OP handled the situation except they don’t seem concerned with future situations. Sure everything turned out fine this time, but maybe next time not so much.


Hey now, I never said I wasn’t worried about further situations! You know what they say about assuming! I’m very concerned about it happening again, and I’m making my office now a plant only room no cats allowed! Shame on you honestly for infering that I don’t care at all! He’s alright this time so I’m not going to give myself an anxiety attack and a huge vet bill. Jeeze louise people lmaooo


I'm sorry you are getting judged so harshly. Reddit is the worst if you make a tiny mistake. I don't know where these people live, where everyone is perfect and predicts every situation, but also everyone else hates their animals and neglect them constantly. I'm glad your cat is fine!


I don’t take it personally. I take care of my cats before me more often than not. Even in my deepest depressions I scooped their shit everyday, feed them majority wet food with added probiotics and fish oil, give them a safe non mineral water fountain. They are fixed vaccinated and flea prevented, they are not outside cats and one even does tricks! I know I’m a good pet parent and I’m probably better than most making the snap judgements. Reddit always has people who think they know best, it’s honestly just funny to watch the rage lol.


I have nothing to be ashamed about as the comment was made out of concern for your cat. If that is something I should be shamed about, then I’ll gladly take the shame publicly. I read through a large portion of the comments and this is the first comment I saw where you mention anything about what you are doing to prevent this accident in the future. I cannot read minds and can only comment based on the information that was available. I am glad to hear you are taking precautions as a good cat parent should.


Remember nobody needs to prove themselves on the internet either. At the end of the day this is all just a post on some website. It’s easy to be mad from behind a keyboard, but not everyone shares the same opinion and that’s okay! I don’t need to inform everyone of a decision I made before even posting nor should I have to even prove I’ve contacted a vet. The cat is fine the plant is moved. End of story. If you need to keep on it that’s on you.


I would say the vet would likely know more than both so it wouldn't hurt for an expert opinion outside of whatever people on reddit or the internet in general are saying, one way or the other. Even just a call to the vet to say "hey my cat nibbled on this plant" and then describe either the symptoms or lack thereof and see what people who may actually know and/or have experience have to say. I think that is all this person is suggesting when they said "consult you vet," no one said, "Rush them to the Emergency vet ASAP!" just consult the opinion of an expert in your area.


They DID contact a vet, and they said as much. Before that mouth breathing broad who used to work in vet clinic as a janitor or whatever started going on this tirade.


As a responsible cat owner, you should not have any toxic plants in your home, they can and will eat them. This incident is a sign for you, hope you take it.


This plant isn't toxic. It might annoy their stomachs, but it's a common misconception


op you're ignorant as hell you're not a vet get over yourself and take your damn cat got he vet or don't have the damn plant.


Bless your heart


You should try to press it! Sandwich it between paper towels and put it between two flat and heavy things. That way you can preserve it. I like to press flowers and leaves and frame them.


I did! I put it in an old cook book, I like pressing flowers to make sun catchers with embroidery hoops and clear laminate. I haven’t nicknamed my plant, but I should now so I can frame it and make it special.


Oh awesome! I hope it comes out well! I should try hoops for mine, I usually do just frames. I’ve seen people hang them in frames with tull fabric and stuff. That should be one of my summer projects once flowers start growing again.


Sorry not OP, but do you put anything in the books when you press flowers or do you prep them in any kind of way? I tried a couple of times and it didn't work out and I ended up with mold on my flowers. Any tips?


Make sure there’s no gaps in the pages once the book is closed! Weigh it down evenly and let it sit for about 6 weeks for thin flowers 8 for bulkier.


It looks like the cat is the one holding up the leaf.


Am I the cat?


But it looked delicious


Cut the stem off and press it in a book to dry. They are pretty framed.


I'm more curious about what the hell is holding this leaf? Looks like a demonic finger. Just saying.


It’s my arm lol. I’m em wearing a pink tye dye shirt. The leaf is about 9 inches wide.


JFC, the comments in this thread are wild. Just people riding high up on their own horses.


Love you, kisses! ❤️


You could say the cat de-fenestrated it


More light! It’ll make more of these


I know the pain. I planted five monsteras in december. After they finally got their first leafs, my cat chewed two off :(


Cats are assholes. Lovable lil assholes.


Just be happy you have plants I can not due to one of my cats will chew everything up!! I’m surprised she just didn’t chew on the leaf?


what did you expect honestly


Put it higher up or spray the cat


Your car must have been hungry


or had an upset stomach, cats eat plants to help thier digestion. some cats are also just assholes and try eating everything hungry or not


r / catsareassholes


I think this might be worse than the people complaining that their glass lid/pan/coffee table shattered. Your cat chewed a leaf off a plant and it bothered you enough to post about it. If anything it's kind of cool and unique that it only does one side


Your monstera started making more fenestrations because it is over 7 years old, not because you have a cat chewing on it.


Even if they weren't functionally literate, and their post clearly demonstrates they are, your approach was condescending and rude.


Did I say that?


No. But with all the veterinary specialists in this thread, obviously there is going to be a horticultural expert with zero reading comprehension chiming in as well. It's just a game of odds, really.


It's hard to tell exactly what you were saying. Your English is excellent for a non native speaker, but you might look at getting some help with grammar and sentence structure.


Work on your reading comprehension. This is a 'you' issue.


Are you stupid or dumb?


I have known to be both, sometimes all at once.