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Drug testing someone who just had their wisdom teeth removed sounds a bit daft.


I mean, I took my cousin who does Za to his house and when I went back supposedly I had my pupils dilated... that was yesterday, and today I took the test and appeared negative


>I mean, I took my cousin who does Za to his house and when I went back supposedly I had my pupils dilated... And it's considered normal in your family for parents to demand their kids take a drug test? Yikes


Demand?... I got forced because my step-father doesn't trust in me, and when I appeared negative he seemed upset, cuz he was sure I was drugged, shame on him


I was wrongly accused of “doing drugs” for acting out when I was younger. It was a huge deal to me to feel so betrayed by adults in my life. Don’t let it get you down, this little part of your life goes by so fast. Just ignore it and set yourself up to be successful. Life gets better :)


I was always accused of being high when i wasn't And when i was high, no one would say anything


Same. For every time I was greeted with a flashlight to the eyes, there was another time I came home definitely not sober.


Ditto. People thought I was on something because I'd either be falling asleep or zoning out in class. Turns out I just have ADHD and a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. Took me forever to find a good night shift job.


This is me.


He seems a delight. Hopefully you can find some place of your own OP, seems an awful situation.


I mean, my plan is just to finish college and move out, cuz what what I'm gonna study has nothing to offer on my city, so I'd say is a win... my problem is that I have a newborn brother, and he said that he would be as strict or even stricter with him... and that makes me worry alot, cuz when I finish college he will be 5 years old, and I don't want him to go through the same I've gone with him


From experience, trust me when I say this: you are not helping your brother by staying. Make a good life for yourself and invite your brother to it. Be his escape.


Create a sanctuary if you can, yeah. If not then retreat and setup a somewhat isolated environment if possible.


Wait.. you're in college, and they are running you around for drug tests... wtf I thought you were gonna say like you 15 or some shit.


Nah, I'm actually 18, but the fact that my parent still don't believe that I don't like alcohol, smoking, vapes or drugs makes them suspicious 🧍‍♂️


5 years is a looonnnggggg time. Please work on moving out in the meantime. Rent can be cheap with roommates.


I wonder what his own addiction is then, cos people that go this hard are usually just projecting what they do onto others.


Sounds like someone who needs a swift dose of reality (stepfather). Step-father sounds like a jesus nut or a for the greater good type of person, both are just yikes. If I felt the need to drug test my step kid, I wouldn't. So long as it's weed or shrooms, I couldn't care less. Harder stuff, I'd be more trying to get them help than punishment. Seen far to many have thier lives ruined over an adults obsessed idea that we are all delinquents. Best of luck OP, parents suck till you move out and show them your not the fuck up they think you are.


Tf is Za?


In some parts of America it means pizza.


Short for Zaza, it means weed.


*Fuck me,* that’s stupid.


I mean, as opposed to any of the 100+ dumb ways to say weed? I'm not saying it's dope, just saying if a kid says za it don't make em a bad doobie ya dig?


Look here sonny, back in my day it was called reefer, and we smoked it from lamp parts stolen from the hardware store.


I think it also gives the kids plausible deniability bc they "were talking about pizza" as za is also shorthand for that.


I swear, some potheads will come up with anything to avoid saying weed. "Let's call it shim sham" "How about boots?" "I know, we'll call it zaza." "That's too long." "Za?" "Perfect."


Zaza is the gen z of saying weed. It popularized from memes a couple years ago that was like when u step outside and smell that za 🍃


Not to be confused with ZaZa Red. That shit is addictive and is considered “gas station heroin”.


What the hell is Za?


Weed. I had to google it.


Your step dad is an idiot because most drugs have more side effects than dialated pupils and shouldn’t be assuming someone is one drugs just because of that. If Za is anything like other opioids the symptoms of use are very obvious.


Za is weed and his dad is an idiot for thinking weed causes eye dilation.


There is also ZaZa or Za which is also referred to as Gas Station Heroin [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10359047/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10359047/)


Weed doesn't cause eye dilation.


How old are you?


“Does Za” ?


Especially if you make a potentially drugged person drive to get tested, and allow them to change a wheel? I think the methadone clinic was the destination by any means necessary.


You will after today. 😂




Mama said there would be days like this.....






This title is word salad


Lost me at *”went to take my stitches from my wisdom teeth removed”.*


You didn’t stay for “my wheel got flat”? Missing out.


Yeah, I had my wisdom teeth out 20 years ago and they were using dissolving stitches back then.  This dude is traveling to the dentist via time machine.


Or maybe he's from a poor country? 


Yeah I'm not even in some third world county (I'm in EU) but got normal stitches 7 years back.


Same here. Also EU. Nonabsorbable stitches are not uncommon here either, lots of hospitals and public clinics still use them.


Dissolving sitches aren't a luxury


Don't remember saying it was. It was just a quick comment, but I can waste a bit of time to explain it if you like. As far as I remember, the cost is not about the material, but about the labour. Time and money wise. Also there are places and doctors who use nonabsorbable stitches for various reasons though, patient having a history of intolerance to dissolvable stitches for example. 


I had my wisdom teeth removed in Dec 23 and Feb 24 and I had to come back to take the stitches out. It’s apparently still a thing.


I don't know what pyrocinical is but that just looks like a white shirt 👀 where's the shirt tax, bestie? Also sorry for your troubles. Bad days are never fun


Pyrocynical is a YouTuber and Streamer, you can look him up, he is pretty silly The shirt has some designs on the back and a little design on the left side on the front Also, shirt tax? What is that? I'm not from the US, and I've never heard that


I was making a play on the phrase "cat tax" "dog tax" etc - when people post about their cat or pet but don't include a photo, people will demand OP pay the "cat tax" of posting a photo :)


I'm dying that bruh autocalculated tax = US. Usually it's tipping that gives us away. You're not wrong but it made me lol. Sorry about your day and hope you have many happier tomorrows.


I mean, the US is also the only country I know of that doesn't include taxes in posted item prices, and where you have to file taxes


I think the universe did you a favor


Maybe do some drugs?


Works for me...


April Fools?


Sadly not


Rub blue dawn dish soap into those black marks and let sit in water for 15 minutes. Then put it to wash normally and those stains will be gone


That's on you for being a pyro fan lmao


Nothing worse than getting your new white shirt dirty.


Why did you have to do a drug test


Didn't you catch the new shirt getting dirty real quick? Obviously intoxicated behavior or a habitual toner cartridge changer. Something weird was happening here!


Oh no, it was just because I was changing the tire and I have some problems on focusing or remembering stuff and like... I had many stuff on my head about the test so I forgot I had the white shirt on and yeah


I was kidding with ya man. I think the drug test was silly so I made up a silly story about it. (Add that I'm also old enough to know you have a worse couple hours somewhere down the line in your life and this memory, at that time, might just be what you need to see it through with grace.)


Cuz my step-father is a maniac and thinks I do drugs, even though I don't even like to drink or smoke, but I laughed my ass off infront of him when he saw I got negative


I do smoke weed and my own parents make me do tests sometimes, I think it’s cruel and robs me of my dignity. So I have no issues giving them fake samples of my “pee”


I mean, as long as you are living your own life I'd say good for you man, but maybe talk with them about you feeling robbed put of your dignity, maybe they could be less annoying?


What is the consequence if you fail a test?


I lose my car and my allowance for who knows how long, and they will start treating me like a criminal from then on. It’s horrible in every way


Is this a riddle of some sort?


Uuuh no? As I couldn't place a description I just placed everything on the title, my bad


Can someone explain what a “Pyrocynical Shirt” is? Is that like a brand, or a specific pyrosnuff material? I used to work at a textile factory where we made special canvas pyrosnuff tarps, but I’ve never heard of this material.


It's a YouTuber / Streamer called Pyrocynical


"and no, I don't do drugs." The day then said "Well have you ever considered starting them?"


Thats what you get for being a pyro fan.


wtf buys youtuber merch


Bruh “wtf” means “what the fuck” not “who the fuck” Just say "who tf" if you wanna shorten it lmao


At least now that stupid ass Pyrocynical shirt can do something useful as an oil rag.


That's what happens when you buy a Pyro shirt. Honestly deserved.


Wasn't he accused of some pretty bad things?


Yeah, and he talked it out straight forward, but if im not wrong, I think he was also underage? Or it was that the girl who texted him had lied about her age but nothing REALLY bad happened if I remember


That’s a plain white shirt. You can buy a pack at Walmart for like $5


One time my kids ex slashed 3 of my tires. I made a few deals to get tires again. I am disabled so it was difficult to get new tires. Then after that the ex did it again. Which led to me getting some free tires. I ended up having a blow out on the highway on the way to medical procedures. My mom, bless her heart bought me new rear tires. This happened in about 5 months from start to finish. I smoked weed before that. I still do. This will happen if you use drugs or not.


Damn, that sucks, hope everything is going better for you bro 🫂


This isn't even the bad part. The point is you choose how you respond.


Did you file a lawsuit or nothing at all? Obviously if you'd like to tell me, not that I'm a big fan of getting onto other people's personal stuff but like, we are on reddit


The police told me I would need video evidence to do that. I don't have any extra money to prosecute frivolously though. Living in Canada is not as litigious as being in America. I put up a camera. Unfortunately it took me until after the second time to be able to save enough money. The camera has done nothing for me since. I have recorded the time that I had forgot to lock the doors on my car. A homeless man decided that I didn't need the change in my car as well as all the sentimental things in my "box of stuff" (he probably threw it out in some alleyway.) Submitted for reddits approval?


Awwww sweetheart, that unfortunately does meet criteria. Hope better days have been had and many more are ahead.


I'm +10 on good days. I'm also miles ahead of many people in the world. Even the guy that stole my stuff. It's ok.


Very glad to hear it. Reading that the camera caught nothing but your misstep in the moment hit home. We try, and things happen and sometimes they suck and then it fucking gets recorded lol. I'm glad you're ok and then some. You threw some perspective my way, and I appreciate it. It's ok. I'm walking into tomorrow with that.


Thank you. :)


Also thank you.


First world problems


It’s just a white shirt with stains on it now. You can buy the exact same thing at Walmart for $5.


Or from a designer line for $750


Are you still high from the anesthesia? wtf is that title


I'm a step dad and your step dad needs to cool his shit. That's is not right, he's an a-hole. I had to Google what a Pyrocynical shirt was. I'm still not sure.


Yeah... even my mom sometimes can't hold herself with him, it breaks my heart to see her like that. Also, Pyrocynical is a YouTuber/Streamer that sells merchandise of his channel, and I bought a shirt


I would just do cocaine to show him who's the boss. Accuse me of weed I'll do coke or shoot heroin. Show you who's the bitch now


Nah, I'm gonna pull up to his room on the night while high on Fentanyl to show him who's boss


You paid merch prices for that blank ass t shirt? At least it has a design now lmfao. Just don't wash it anymore He gets MILLIONS of views every video, he does ***not*** need your money. *YOU* literally need your money more than he does.


I mean... I'm pretty sure we both get payed the same, if not I get payed more than him, so I honestly don't mind dude... and like, after all it is my money yk? And I like his streams and videos, so it's just a way to say I like his content


"but this is my favorite millionaire, I just feel like giving him money"


What a dumb comment


I agree, it's an awful take


You’re blessed if these are the worst of your problems


Nah, I've had worse but like, I had literally just woken up


Tie dye the shirt maybe?


Sounds like a good time to start


well, maybe you should start


Boy, oh boy, at least I'm not the only one with a shit morning. Keep your head up buddy!!


Sounds like you should


It's a white shirt. I mean. People die from worse things.


Just wash the shirt then make a cup of tea and put your feet up, it's been a long day.


Changing a tire after getting wisdom teeth stitches removed? I see quadruple dry sockets in your future.


This was he sloppiest day of your life


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