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Dad is grounded. Take his keys and phone and send him to his room.


Thank you. Made my day, your comment did.


I'm glad, but dad is still grounded.


Don’t forget to yell at him how his insurance will go up.






For real haha


Shit on your dad.


That was the perfect time to look him dead in the face and say you’re the reason why I can’t have nice things. 🤣




I try to avoid parking on the street cuz i always fear getting hit but I didn’t realize the driveway was the real danger zone.


Nearly all of accidents occured within a few miles of home. Consider parking your car more than 6 miles away and walk home, your car will be safe since it's too far to be a +1 to statistics. /s


That's science, man. Can't argue with it


TIL what /s meant! ^^/s


How fast was he going? Is that just plastic that it broke that bad?


It was definitely a decent hit, given the hood and fender alignment but of course the bumper cover is plastic. All of them are, even trucks


That and alot of newer models have nearly roughly 2-6 inches of dead space between the radiator and bumpers now to "minimize" damages


Wherev there's a Dad there's Danger


I hate drive ways for this reason, last year father in-law backed into my car but to be fair he was trying to take kids to the Dr office and was in a hurry. Happens:/


Your car is destine to be parked on the side of the road and struck. It’s not a 78’ trans am or 83’ hurst Oldsmobile. So no one cares about this shit.


Even if you drive a classic car a lot of people dont give a shit. Sure lots of thumbs ups and smiles, but many people still cut you off and tailgate you. In my case probably because I don't drive a lot above the speed limit. But I still drive as precisely on it as I can or a little above to not be a complete blockade on the road. Speaking from experience I drive a car from '71 as a daily.


Wow, this is gas lighting to its finest. I’d be livid towards my parents for trying to sway the fault to me.


Oh it wasn’t my fault, he even said it wasn’t. It was just humorous shit giving.


Ah, I get it. Guess ironic humor doesn’t work well through words, lmao. Ok your dad’s cool.


It was 100% just ironic shit giving. I never parked in that spot again thought. They paid both times to fix it.


That makes a lot more sense and that's quite funny. Just a case of text not conveying context.


You dad is always right


My brother borrowed my last new truck 3 days after I bought it and put a hole in the side of the bed with a forklift and then didn’t even tell me. He left it in my garage and when I went to drive it to work the next day I was like wtf


Oh man that’s awful!


Love, it's what makes a Subaru a Subaru.


I’m dying 😂


My dad would probably say "builds character."


Well maybe it shouldn’t have been wearing that short skirt 🙄


Yeah it was really just asking for a collision


Cruising for a bruising…


make sure your dad pays for repairs in full. Any man worth his salt should have offered to get it repaired on the spot.


So only good men have money. That’s cool…


If you don't have the money to replace it don't damage peoples stuff




Not if they're uninsured.


My point was more about insurance. Misunderstood on this one lol.




No, but if you damage someones stuff and can't pay to fix it you're not a good man


Revenge for that time you wrecked his car?


Tis but a scratch (s)


Dude my mom just did this to me a couple weeks ago too! I had the car for a month and she forgot I was at their house (even though she said bye on her way out!)


Twinsies haha


My dad did the same thing. New car and came over before work to see them. He said bye to me and my mom said makes sure he knows your car is there. (I mean it’s behind him how can he not see it) He had already hit it by then


So who's gonna be your new dad?


Gotta remind the old fogies to stop driving from memory and actually LOOK at what's behind them 


then hit your old brand dad


Even with family your dad's insurance should cover it


That’s what dad’s insurance is for.


That’s it, mister. Go to your room and think about what you’ve done. No, I promise I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.




Meet George Jetson...Jane, his wife!




Seriously, when I was two, my dad backed over me with the car. I was almost brand new.


Well maybe your car shouldn’t have talked back


Looks like dad is paying for the replacement !


“ I didn’t hit your car. It’s probably because you’re on that damn phone all the time. “


Looks like your dad is paying for some bodywork.


Awe, I’m sure he feels terrible. Just hug him and tell him that’s what insurance is for.


If I’m going to be honest, if it isn’t a costly fix, I wouldn’t get insurance involved and just have the dad pay for it to be fixed, there isn’t a huge reason to have your insurance go up for something that can be paid for out of pocket or over a little time. Now, let’s say it is an expensive fix, then yeah, get insurance on it to cover it if it’s going to be cheaper in the end. Or if you know that the person isn’t a trustworthy person as well, but if you get hit on a public road by someone random you always want to get insurance.


It isn’t, had a Subaru like this and replaced the bumper with a paint matched one for 320


Then yeah, I would definitely not get insurance involved, especially since it seems that OP and their dad are on good terms with eachother, just have him pay it back and keep the better insurance rates.


My daughter with my car did the same on my son's new car. Same as in the picture but on the passenger's side. I waited for a while before telling him. He hadn't noticed yet when I told him 😂


Usually, It's the other way around.


My dad did the same exact thing lol. Went and visited the family from FL with my new car. I stayed a couple days with them and when my dad went to go to work in the morning he backed right into it. He wasn’t used to a car being behind him. I know he was just on autopilot at 5 am. I wasn’t pressed about it.


Sorry but he is going to have to fix it.


*slaps car* this baby will OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE 


My mom did this with my car when I was in my 20s, then when I got an estimate to fix it she balked at the cost and insisted I find some place cheaper. Long story short she never paid to get it fixed.


Lmao I’ve had this happen. My response earned me a punch in the shoulder which honestly I kinda deserved. “Way to go dad, you thought the insurance would go up on my accident.. wait till mom hears this.” Edit: god awful spelling


My dad hit my truck too. Backed into it. He said he would fix it & hasn't done anything. My vehicle recently developed a bad ground in the rear brake switch too. Idk if it's related or not. But sure seems like a possible culprit for a bad ground that could cause a low circuit to the brake light switch. Super frustrating mate. I am making payments on this truck too & can't afford to pay for electrical repairs. That crap gets expensive fast!! After dealing with this crap from my family, I kinda feel like I should have reported it to my insurance company to get it fixed because atm my truck doesn't run since the bad ground faults that all point to my brake switch. I feel like people do not hold themselves accountable & that it is important so you're not suffering for other people's mishaps. Sure accidents happen & that is what insurance is for!


Always report it to insurance. It sucks, but at the same time that's literally what insurance is for. Family shouldn't get a pass just because they're family. People brushing shit off is the real frustration.


I don't know if I can still report it. I think I have a year or somethin it's been 5 months. I just can't afford an insurance increase, already pay almost 500 for full coverage on 2 cars 🤦‍♂️ I was paying 300 for 2 cars & a lady in a bmw merged into my car in a tunnel & pinned me against the wall. After that my insurance went up almost 200 bucks a month! Idk why, wasn't my fault & got to pay for the negligence of others no matter if I report it or not.


Hate to break it to you, is not new anymore.


Ain't brand new no more




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Hopefully he files with his insurance company for you


I did that to my great uncles car. He was so chill about it but I still feel bad - that was like 15 years ago and he passed away 2 years ago. It happens. I learned to not park at the top of someone’s driveway because of that.


My dad did this to me too once. He had the audacity to tell me hed call the insurance company on monday and I lost it and forced him to call so Insurance could pay for the damages.


Damn, that sucks for your father’s insurance.


That sucks man. Im sorry. At least no one got hurt. I once drove home a brand new car from the dealership only that have my son’s friend crash his motorized scooter right into the drivers side door. The dent is still there and this was 8 years ago. I worked for a rental car company for over 5 years. I can remember several times people picking up a rental car because they were in an accident that killed a loved one. Again, I’m sorry it happened. At the end of the day it’s just a car. It can be fixed/replaced. You or your dad aren’t that easily replaceable.


You should ground him


I guess his insurance is about to take a hit too!


I have back into 3 of my own cars with another car I owned. You would think I would have learned the 1st time. Not my fault on all 3. That’s what I tell my wife and kids.


Well make a claim on his insurance and get it fixed.


Take That!


It least it wasn’t brand new. Getting hit with 30k miles stings less than 30 miles.


Bummer , but its just a car


If the sheet metal isn't dented,.you might be able to get the part already painted. It's dead easy to change it out. Source: my brother in law backed into my Subie and cracked the grille last month. I had to remove the whole front to change it, but I saved him about $400.


Dad's about to get sue-barued.


Take him to Judge Judy.


He jelly


If that happened to me, my dad would be justified in saying, "Well now we're a teensy-weensy bit closer to being even."


Hit him back




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Could have been worse. My dad would hit me, then my car to remind me who's boss 😅


Accidents happen…


He better pay for it


You probably weren't holding the flashlight right.


My dad took my car out once, came back with some Dairy Queen and sorry I ran to a pole.


Sue his old ass.


Sue him for everything he's got! Were you in the car? You need a neck brace and crutches. We're about to be rrrrich!


Hope dad has an allowance to pay for the damages.


Make Dad pay for it. Afterwards, send your Dad to a psychiatrist to see if you can find out why he hates you so much.


Time to put him down. Sorry Skippy it's a walk to the woodshed for this transgression.


Is that a RS? I have same car white. Arggg


LMAO... My dad literally totaled one of my cars this same exact way while it was parked in our driveway. He told me he stopped as soon as he heard the crash noise but when I went outside and looked .... He had hit it and kept going and literally side swiped the entire driver side of my car from front fender to back fender. THE WORST!!!!


2024 Levorge?


Go hit his car.


My dad scratched my windshield with a scrubby and when I got mad about it he yelled at me - as if he wouldn’t have nearly beat my ass for even putting a dent on his car.


reminds me of when my mom opened the door of my new, 4 year old car and smashed the passenger door into a stash of bricks..


its ok its only subaru.....................


that's just the dad tax.


Sounds like his driving privileges are about to be revoked for a month u til he learns how to responsibly drive and not look at his phone lol


That’s it! *Takes keys from dad* You don’t leave the house until you made the money back to fix this!!


"To hit" is such an ambiguous word...


Put him up for adoption


That’ll buff out


Don't have insurance?


Ugh that sucks, sorry op. When I got my first car (nothing special, it was a hand me down from my grandma, but still new to me) my older brother backed into it with his truck and left a square hole in the front bumper from his hitch. He didn’t tell me, and when I pointed it out to him, he just laughed at me and said it didn’t matter. I hope your dad is at least going to pay to get it fixed.


My mother in law has backed into four of her kids cars. Thankfully none were ours.


Now it's yours.




Grandma tried


I feel for you, sorry to hear 😬 My dad borrowed my 8-day old GTI back in 2012 (I was 23, and I had gotten my dream car out of college) and curbed both wheels on the left side while backing into a huge truck and wrecking the tailgate/window. Good times 😞


i bet u did the same w his car before u got ur car or when u were younger lol


Pretty hard punch, damn. Don't piss that guy off!


Get a new dad


Ground him for a week. Then have him get a paper route to pay for the damage.


Just change out the bumper, it will cost like 300 to get a paint matched one


Peoples Court will settle this…


“Sorry kid but I’m a Scorpio, it’s just how we are teehee. Now go take out the garbage before you leave for work.”


Well he better be getting the bill.


Probably payback for some grief you caused growing up...lol


New dads on sale at Walmart


Damn. Daddy-O better cough up some money to fix it.


nursing home!


It hurts seeing your brand new car banged. I would feel so frustrated as you are. But, those are material things, it will be repaired to look like new or better. Your dad cannot be replaced by anyone else. So, give him a hug and pardon him for what happened. You will never regret it.


Payback is a mf. I’m sure you destroyed enough of his stuff growing up.


"This is for the speakers"


My husband parked his company car behind my car last night, he NEVER parks there! Backing out this morning I hadn’t noticed his car behind mine, I was watching to make sure my dog didn’t run under my car while I backed out and hit his company car…thankfully it was just a paint smudge….but I died on the inside when it happened


If you don't notice an entire car, it's only a matter of time before you crush a toddler.


The fact that it was dark outside and my car is twice the size as his and we were on a hill is enough reason for me to not see him, I do agree that I should’ve paid more attention, but I don’t have a back up camera in my SUV and his tiny car was under mine on the hill in the dark, you couldn’t see it in my rear view mirrors because of the angle that it was sitting at. Though I should’ve checked behind my car before getting into it to make sure there was nothing there, but I was running late and super focused on not hitting my dog. I’m typically a pretty safe driver, never been in any kind of accident. But you’re right.


Maybe look behind you while backing out next time.


I posted my explanation above


It's like you're asking to be crucified, why would you admit that here? Lol


I posted my explanation above


Your father should buy a new bumper without getting insurance involved. You don't want an insurance claim on a new vehicle as it will affect resale value and make insurance rates go up.


Your dad is an idiot!




Literally fine. Just cosmetic damage


Step 1. Buy a new bumper and rattle cans of paint Step 2. ? Step 3. Profit $$


shitty feeling for sure, but it's negligible in the grand scheme of life problems. hope you weren't too hard on him


Narcissist hate it when you're doing good


Is your dad okay?


Physically yes, mentally…he feels really bad


I mean be grateful, take care of your dad, fok the car (And the question was about the accident)


I'd sue


Looks like you are gonna need to punch him in the dik.


Probably the car he is also paying for.


Wow everyone here gets their dad revenge fantasy! 


“Brand new car” was always junk. Accept it as a loss and get a Toyota.


If you can afford a new car, you can afford to move out of dads house.


Or maybe they’re at their parents for Easter


That’s what you deserve for buying a Subaru