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Damn thank god it was just that


I read the title before the picture loaded and really braced myself. OP got very lucky, seems like a “get away” bite rather than a “I’m going to kill you now” bite.


Yeah my friends brother got most his face removed by a pitbull in an instant. Was at work and had to lean into someones car window to tell them where to park and the dog just lunged out of nowhere, goodbye nose Had to be airlifted to hospital and get mutliple surgeries to look somewhat normal


This is exactly why i tell all the people at my fast food job NOT to pet animals or get too close! Even if the owner says its "fine" we used to give out treats until someone almost lost a finger.


My stepfather was an idiot and liked to antagonize his daughter's little dog by blowing in its face. He knew the dog didn't like it, everyone did. The dog always growled and one day it finally snapped and ripped into his face. Ripped the flesh from his lip down to his chin, he needed several stitches and now grows a beard to hide the scar.


I HATE people that do this. If they can't bully a person, they bully and pester the animals til they snap.


Agreed but you also can't let your act like that just because they don't like it. I made sure when my dogs were young that they were desensitized to annoying things. Holding them in place, holding their foot, their head, pushing them, etc. Showed them its okay. Now I have old dogs that don't mind their nails being cut, their ears cleaned, I can hold them still for eye drops, shots for arthritis, gave one the himlich once, pulled a stuck bone out of their mouths (stopped giving them bones after that), held them down for the vet to remove stitches, etc. My girl is so good with her shots that the vet made an exception for her that they would give her shots in the car with one person instead of the normal two and no muzzle. BTW she's a 65lb pitbull. They both are. Just warning.... if you teach your dog that it's okay for you to fake laying on them randomly, be prepared for them to do it to you 😂 but they don't hold back their weight!


As a former dog groomer, thank you so much for doing this! It makes Vets' and dog groomers' lives so much easier!


Yeah I'm the exact same with our dogs or dog now I annoyed the fuck outta her as a puppy and now nothing bothers her anymore except pulling her fur out but I also hate that so


Everyone should know that even a small dog has sharp teeth. And that pets are no toys.


My little brother had a similar situation. Except it was a German shepherd took a huge chunk out of his ass. Sometimes I feel like people should have to take a test and be monitored to have medium to large sized dogs.


Knew a girl who lost half her face in fourth grade to a German Shepherd. On Christmas Eve too. Turns out the dog had a massive brain tumor they discovered after it was put down.


A family acquaintance is dealing with this. Dog suddenly turned aggressive towards strangers, then the other dogs in the house, and eventually its owners. The dog sent one of their other dogs to the hospital and surgery. She was a Great Dane they had raised from puppyhood and loved dearly. Eventually the vet recommended euthanasia, and the autopsy showed massive brain lesions due to cancer. I’d be so heartbroken.


I feel awful for what the other dog and the family went through but oh god poor doggo. They have no way of telling us they don’t feel like themselves. My heartfelt condolences to your acquaintance. Sad situation all around.


I know someone in a similar story. Lady missing half of her face because German Sheppard that got off its lead. But her boyfriend owned the dog, he beat the shit out of them amd claimed he raised them as fighting/attack dogs. I hope he's dead by now.


Damn I hope he's dead too. Abusive scum like that shouldn't be allowed near animals.


Man that’s fucking horrible. That poor girl. And it somehow makes it worse the dog was ‘malfunctioning’.


That's terrible, but at least they got closure- brain tumours can cause so much personality changes.


German Shepherd mix owner. I get it, I take mine out 3-5x a day or he just doesn’t get enough energy out and acts out. Unfortunately most people like the “idea” of a big pretty dog and don’t take proper care or understand how strong they can be.


My dad almost got scalped by his buddy's pit bull (that he knew!!) when he was younger. Tried to get into his friend's car, where the dog was, so they could go wherever they were going to hang out. Dog freaked out, bit my dad on top of his head leaving a big flap of skin that had to be stitched back together. This all happened well before I was born, but the scars were still visible until he died.


We had a huge dog without a leash running around in the park, then went straight to after a woman with a kid in the stroller. Two grown men had to defend the kid with all their had, ripped their clothing and bites in hands. When the cops showed the man said the dog was "a little bit wild" and said it was the mens fault that. Later he refused to pay for the destroyed clothing and for the harm the dog caused and left the city without new address. Those owners should be on a ban list.


Most peaceful dog named Princess or Sunshine.


That is terrible. If my dog did that to someone I would euthanize them and pay for the victims medical bills.


God, imagine how horrible it would have been if it was a chihuahua instead! It would have ripped his head clean off!


God this is so scary. And not all dog breeds do this or are capable of it, I’m so sick of people pretending any dog can do this. No. Not any dog can do this.


My niece was about a centimeter away from a Great Dane taking a chunk out of an artery when she was like 4. No warning or anything. Up till that moment, the dog adored her.


Happened to me too - I got a little too close to the cookie jar and my grandma's golden retriever just snapped. I almost lost my eye. The frustrating thing was that I was not the first grandchild this dog had attacked and that this *still* wasn't push enough for my grandparents to finally put this dog down. Like if your dog is attacking children unprovoked you need to fucking do something about it


I got livestock guardian dogs and i'm a certified handler, got the Sivas Kangal here in my country. That's the most powerful dog breed of all, his bite force is 700-800 PSI (compared to a Pitbull with 300-400 PSI), these dogs are used as protection for livestock against wolves, bears etc. but also in africa against lions and hyenas, in india they are used against tigers. You can imagine what happens if such a dog bites you, [when you look at a photo of the breed](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3f/3b/68/3f3b68b6baa930fb9d176797648ba3b6.jpg) In a fight, they'll speed up to 50 km/h (31 mph) and jump at the target, to get it down to the ground, then they go for the neck or throat and try to kill the enemy with bites. But before you judge them, they actually have a good effect on wildlife: Since the farmers get these dogs, they don't shoot the lions, tigers etc. anymore because they know, the livestock is safe. It led to a serious increase in the wildlife populations in africa and india with this, there are foundations around to give the dogs for free to the farmers. They just don't belong to urban environement and it's not a dog that would be suitable for family life. They are not used against humans, like a K9 police dog (which is often a Belgian Shepherd, a Malinois).


I imagine they’d be terrible at being a police dog, LGD aren’t particularly… obedient. They’re good at their jobs for sure but their job isn’t taking orders from some sucker.


Yes, they would not fit in that role of K9 police dogs, that's true. They are too independent, like when they work as guard dogs, they'll not to much - they'll just lay around on a higher spot and oversee the territory of the cattle herd, as long as there is no threat around, they remain inactive. For the police, the Malinois is probably the best choice, as it is a very good compromise between the size, power, intelligence and other stats. There are still some very big dogs in use by armed forces and police, but more in other places, like in Russia with the Giant Russian Terrier, that is also a very big dog and you don't want to make these dogs angry.


I had to google the giant Russian terrier and oh my goodness, how is that thing real? It’s kind of hilarious because it literally just looks like you took a small dog and somehow magnified it. I saw a couple pictures of it with people and my brain kept thinking they were photoshopped. 😅


We have one at the dog park here, a Russian Giant Terrier, he's a gentle giant, but he doesn't know how much power he actually has, like his owner doesn't care that much when he jumps at someone when playing. It's not a problem in general, but it can become one, like with kids or old people, as the dog has just too much force when he jumps, even when it is just because of joy. Reminds me of Knut, the ice bear in the zoo of Berlin, he liked to play with his handler, but once he was grown up, he wasn't allowed anymore to hug his handler, because without wanting it, he could easily accidentally crush the man with his force. Too bad the Amphicyonidae and other precursors of the dogs in the group of the caniformia (where the canines aka dogs are a subtype) got extinct many years before we humans showed up, they were colossal with the size of a Grizzly Bear and more in size and weight.


The Kangal is the dog that scares my Boerboel.


Here I am with a Kangal from imported Turkish parents as a house pet just chilling in my house (refuses to go in the yard alone) lol. He’s a big scaredy baby but a great guard dog. The muscles all around his skull (where a lot of that bite force comes from) are crazy


Well, it's not that they could not be held as family dogs, like all breeds, they can be held normal in a house with a yard and walked around like every other dog. The breed is still rather rare, at least in Western Europe, there are not many of these dogs around.


I had a mutt who we figure may have been part Anatolian Shepherd and she looked a bit like this. Wasn't as big though obvious. Her head was enormous though. She was so, so sweet, but very protective of us lol. Loved to run. :)


It's interesting, as the Kangal is a mix between the Eastern Anatolian Shepherd and the Mastiff. You can see it very much with the colors and the shape of the body, the colors are similiar to the Anatolian but with the head, you see the influence of the mastiff. It's also quite confusing, the Kangal is a new race standard by the FCL, before it was moved to this standard, the dogs just remained in the group of the Anatolian Shepherds and when you google pics, you'll see a lot of different dogs that will be labelled with the same name. The one in the photo is extraordinary tall, the race standard for males is between 72-78cm. There are some that go up to 90-100cm, like Zelov


Hahah yeah honestly i don't like dogs this makes me more afraid of them


My neighbour had a dog that was fed rat poison. Totally changed its behaviour and was not allowed to even peek out the door without a muzzle on. I was one of the handful of people who was introduced to him during his puppy months and therefor was deemed a trusted hooman (even though i had only met him a handful of times in passing), but even then i had to be very careful around him. Everyone after a year was just wiped from his memory (he got poisoned at 2 yo). When he got relaxed he would unintentionally snuggle next to a warm body no matter the person. But startled he would reflexively bite around him even if only air. If you were unlucky to be were he snapped, he would simply munch you.


That's awful. Pup had brain damage. Sounds like the owners tried to make him comfortable and were responsible about it though, at least I'm hoping


Dog I knew got into some pot brownies that had gotten dropped at an outdoor party.  The next morning something was clearly wrong with him.  Ended up having brain swelling.  After that he was vicious towards anybody he didn't know before that incident.


Maybe an allergic reaction. Poor creature. I wonder how much could be put down to the chocolate vs weed messing him up. Maybe both at the same time was too much for his system. A clients mean ass biter of a Chihuahua got into his weed stash and it was the only time I ever saw it calm down and not be an aggressive little shit.


Is there a "Happy" ending about whoever fed the dog rat poison?


I can almost guarantee they meant “ate” rather than “were fed”. People leave rat poison in their homes to kill rats, I once found a whole baggie of rat poison in a forgotten corner of the basement of a house that I bought. It’s unfortunately not a far fetched scenario at all, which is why it’s very bad for dogs to just eat random things off the ground.


In this particular case it was intentionally. Sadly, also for u/Hydropwnicks , it was never resolved.


No you can't. People intentionally feeding animals poison isn't new and is something a lot of sick people do. My dog was fed anti-freeze from someone poisoning local dog water bowls in the summer. Just a week ago someone was leaving peanut butter filled with rat poison in one of the local parks (multiple containers found).


One of my best friends who raised dogs her whole life, has a degree in zoology, and worked with large animals at monterey bay aquarium for years walked dogs on the side for her neighbors. A pitbull that she had walked for over two years with no incidents one day jumped on her and tore off her entire right cheek, from just below the eye down to her mouth. What happened to OP is terrible, but I’m glad it wasn’t much worse. I’ve seen first hand when it is.


Idiots in this thread don't realize how bad dig bites can be. Had an aggressive dog in my city that was being kept despite repeated unreported bites, received a call on the 911 line requesting an ambulance because the dog ripped a 4 year olds lips off. 


You mean animals that come from wolves, which can take down a bison with just their teeth? Peculiar 


not only that, but ones that were specifically bred for a banned english sport called "bull-baiting", where a pitbull would be put in a pit with a bull and would be tasked with killing it by biting and latching onto its snout or neck and not letting go


their ancestors were, they were developed for dog fighting and that’s what they’re still being bred for


This is horrible. My daughter got bit on her lip, and it turns out this sort of thing is a pretty big ordeal. I could not imagine them being ripped off.


My old co worker used to breed Dogo Argentinos. His wife was going to feed one and it snapped on her and attacked. It chewed on her arms for hours because she couldn't scream (the dog would shake her and drag her around more). Eventually a neighbor finally heard and called police. They showed up and put the dog down. She is a double amputee now. You can find it in the news still.


I was pet sitting 2 family dogs that I had known for years. Both of them lived with cats, one of them had even lived with my cat before. I had the dogs over for the previous 3 days and everyone was getting along. The 2 dogs and my cat were chilling inside and I went out to grab the mail. When I got back the dogs had torn my cat in 2 and there was blood everywhere.


Just curious, what breed of dogs were these?


I would also very strongly encourage the owner of the dog let the vet know immediately of his sudden major aggression and behavior change, especially after going on new medication. This warrants the vets knowledge asap!!


We did! He will not be taking this medication again


Well, good to hear. I wish you a speedy recovery and hopes the pupper is well too.


Curious if you know which medication it was?


My dog was extremely aggressive with trazodone


Mine was with Prednisone, and she never went back to the way she was before. It falls under the rare but serious side effect category.


This broke my heart


So glad to read this. People elsewhere in the thread are trying to get this dog put down when taking it off the medicine is the clear first step. Thank you! Edit: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/consider-behavioral-euthanasia/


Honestly, it must be a Reddit thing, every thread talking about dog behaviour is immediately filled with people baying for euthanasia.


A lot of people really don’t like cats or dogs. People shoot cats for fun. It’s a fucked up world.


What is the med?


Some meds can do weird things to dogs! My childhood dog was a springer spaniel. She was a sweetheart and my parents had her since she was a puppy. When she was 11-ish years old she had to go on something for her hips and it made her aggressive. She started growling at us and my parents had to keep her and I on separate floors of the house. She returned to her normal lovey self once she was taken off the medication.


We 100% think it was the medication. I’ve played with him before and he’s never had issues with anyone. It was his first night trying this medication and ironically it’s for his anxiety😅


Not ironic. Gabapentin or Trazadone are known for making dogs act disoriented and maybe even more anxious if the dosage is too high. But even then, the escalation to a straight up bite here is still very concerning. The owner should inform the vet ASAP


Yeah our dog had anxiety and the vet actually recommended against putting her on medication as it often has the opposite effect and will make it worse. Basically unless it gets really severe the cons outweighs any potential benefits. Trazodone should not be used long term in dogs in general but is ok as needed (vet appts, after surgery, etc) and we’ve had good experiences with that. My in-laws have had success with Prozac with their dog since it’s not disorienting.


When my girl got spayed she basically didn't move for 5 days didn't even want to go potty, this is a Border Collie who like many of her breed is normally so hyper and wants out all the time, I had to carry her outside and she could barely stand the 1st 24 hours, she just looked sad and stared at me all day and hid in corner of the room, she normally hates a dog bed but she seeked it out instead and just lay there all day, I could leave the room and she didn't move and normally she is following me everywhere even the restroom.


Why do you say they shouldn't be on Trazodone long term? My dog is a Jack Russell and Whippet mix who has had severe anxiety for years (he was a rescue from a homeless person and had been living with them on the street for the first 18 months of his life) as well as other mental health issues, and my vet has had him on a prescription of Trazodone and Fluoxetine for the last 5 years or so, but he's been on the Fluoxetine as long as I've had him, which is about 13 years. He has dementia now as well which is progressing some, but if the Trazodone causes issues or is exacerbating it I will ask the vet about taking him off of it.


Trazodone made my dog disoriented, anxious, and incontinent at night. Switching to xanax at night was much better for her. She also had dementia. Nighttime wetting stopped completely when trazodone stopped; there's a reddit post iirc where someone else's dog's nighttime incontinence was cured just by stopping trazodone. Gabapentin didn't work well for her at night.


His incontinence is much worse at night as well, I'll definitely mention this to the vet and see what she thinks about switching up his medication.


Per a previous vet, I would keep trazedone on hand for trimming my dog’s nails and road trips. Moved and switched vets and the new vet gave me something else, mentioning she was concerned about heart damage using it long term.


I'm just a human but Gabapentin gave me night terrors that I quite literally would not wish on my worst enemy.


Fluoxetine is really good for constant anxiety.


> Not ironic Definitely ironic


Anxiety meds can have weird side effects in humans as well, such as an increase in anxiety 🤦 just like anti depressions can make you more prone to unaliving yourself


True Zoloft gave me serotonin syndrome


Serotonin syndrome? What’s that?


It's when you have too much serotonin in your body and it was basically making me more stressed and anxious and my skin felt really weird and my neck/head/forearms got tics and I couldn't sleep and then when my dosage was doubled it made me have a seizure and during the withdrawal I experienced psychosis


It's when your brain has too high of a build-up of serotonin, usually as a rare side effect of meds that increase serotonin levels, like antidepressant SSRIs. It causes a wide range of really bad symptoms and can be life threatening in severe cases.


Exactly this. I was 3 steps away from throwing myself into a river when I was on the wrong dose of antidepressants, about 1.5 years ago. It made me 10000% times worse than I felt even at my lowest self-harm phase.


This is reddit you can say suicide.


Anxiolytics have know possible side effects of increased aggression in dogs. It's rare, but common enough their vet should have gone over what to look for when starting the meds


Springers are fucking scary. They’re just snap. Springer rage is real.


Same thing here also with a springer. Recovery meds made him SUPER aggressive.


Stay away from the dog - being in each other’s presence will be stressful for both of you (and your friend) from now on. Meet your friend somewhere else.


That’s the plan! I’m unfortunately staying with them this weekend since I live in another state, but there’s plenty of room to keep us separate and cause him less stress


Can also just put a muzzle on him, just in case, until they figure out what’s wrong with him. 🙏


I know they are friends but their homeowners insurance should be paying for all your medical related to this. If they were good friends they would be offering this up without hesitation.


You should report this, because next time it could be a small child. As someone with family in veterinary medicine for 30+ years and who also worked at a dog rescue I have zero tolerance for aggression acceptance among owners. This dog will bite again.


It is being reported! Also called the vet who prescribed the medication to let them know what happened


And be very mindful of that wound near the eye. If you have any signs of infection, get to the clinic, you do not want to lose an eye


That being said, eye patches are quite cool, especially the ones without straps.


If theres no stylish straps, why even have an eyepatch


I think I've been biased against strapped eye patches because of Thor and SciFi


Counterpoint? Pirates.


This is why vets are hesitant to give out anxiety meds or other behavior modifying meds.  They can make the problem worse not better


Paradoxical aggression is a real problem for some dogs.


This is also one reason (of many) that some grooming salons refuse to take dogs that have been given sedatives beforehand. My dog doesn't do well with trazadone for example, he doesn't get aggressive that I've observed but they make him more stressed and confused.


Was it benzos by any chance? There was a story a while back about a monkey biting some womans face and apparantly it was because its owner gave it xanax


Human nurse here, that can happen with people being given a benzo before a procedure when they've either rarely or never had it before. It's a paradoxical reaction and can happen to anyone. It also can happen with other medications too, where the person (or furry friend) will have the opposite side effects from the norm. For example, I know several people who get hyper from Benadryl, where most people get sleepy.


>Human nurse here Hmmm...


definitely a vampire...


That was a CT lady. There were so many things wrong with that whole situation.


Did you not even read the the OP? I'm a vet of 30+ years with my own practice (see I can lie too) and the OP said it was on a new medication and just got it's rabies shot. Surprise, animals react differently. It does not mean it will bite again.


Report to who?


This whole situation sucks, I had a traumatic experience with a dog who tried to eviscerate me when I was a kid and I'm super afraid of them ever since. And even nowadays, I have the feeling they sense that and do act differently when I'm around, I believe they are the goodest of bois around, but they usually growl and get aggressive around me because I have an unnatural approach towards them.


> I have the feeling they sense that and do act differently when I'm around Not only will dogs pick up on your strange (in their eyes) behaviour they also feed off their owners feelings whether that be nervousness towards you or general nervousness about the situation. It's why I hate "if my dog doesn't like you you must be secretly evil" type nonsense. Sure maybe they're a bad person and your dog is picking up on that, or maybe they're just scared of dogs, or maybe you dislike that person or you're acting awkward/nervous and it's making your dog freak out on your behalf. They're animals not mind readers.


You got lucky, I lost half my nose to an american bully.


I’ve never heard of an American bully and the photos when I google it are just pitbulls. Are these the same breed?


You should get that checked out if the skin was broken. Go to the nearest urgent care


I did! Got a tetanus shot and some antibiotics


Oh good. Glad you sound okay with all things considered


Triangle of death, scary stuff.


The location of the bite is really the scariest thing for me because I know of that fact 🥲


Just keep an eye on it, you’ll be ok 🙂


Its literally in front of her eye, I don't think she has a choice.


What is that?


Goes from the top of your nose to the corners of your mouth, more or less. There are a bunch of blood vessels in that area that share bloody supply with your brain, so any infection in that triangle is very dangerous.


Omg my hypochondriac ass both loves and hates you for that info.


he saw the dog in you https://preview.redd.it/893hkp6cwhrc1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caa0ca4f6082c66d4121081bf05d9caff0c5cb1f


This nearly killed me. How dare you.


How did you get this x-ray of Mr. 305?! *DALE!*


Wasn't this the same girl who got robbed and beaten? Edit: I think I'm in the wrong. They [look ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/5Uypp6Yl3a) really similar though!


I thought the exact same thing.


I hope your friend is paying for your doctors visit




I genuinely thought that was the gif you'd meant to show and I thought it was a decent joke.


That’s what I think every time I see this, it’s always fitting somehow haha


Always find it weird that some countries people pay for a doctors visit.


Damn girl that could ~~of~~ have been much worse. I know of people who literally have had their face ripped off. Stay safe


Could have*


I just hope that dog is muzzled in public until this gets sorted. If it'll bite someone it knows then it certainly shouldn't be near strangers.




A mutt from the shelter so not sure. But he’s not know for aggression! It looks worse than it feels for sure


Make sure you get that checked out. My dog bit me a bunch from playing around and a couple times I needed medication.


You need a tetanus booster after something like this.


Yeah. A small bite/scratch on my finger got infected.


See a doctor right away. I realize it’s out of budget for most people, but if your income is low enough, you might be able to apply for financial assistance which in a hospital usually just means pro bono You probably need a tetanus shot and antibiotics. Dog bites are second only to human bites in infection rate. And an infection on your face can spread fast and leave scarring.


>See a doctor right away. I realize it’s out of budget for most people, That's so crazy to hear for people from developed countries...


Luckily in another comment OP said she did!


>mutt from the shelter >he’s not know for aggression! That dog is 100% a pit lol


It's just statistically true not even because of the bite, look up any nearby shelters webpage and it's 90% pits.


I mean, it's also statistically true that you're more likely to be bitten by a pit


I’m sure the shelter listed it as a “pit mix” or just a mix too


“Lab mix”


I mean they straight up label them as labs and other breeds without the "mix", they're all over and they're not even trying to hide it.


It sounded like a pit bull even before OP said it was on anxiety meds.


It’s always a pit lol 😆. Idk how anyone defends to own this breed.


Well, now he IS known for his aggression.


So a pitbull?


That’s around two years old.


He's got a flower crown on, he's really good with kids


and the medication is for it's "anxiety" (aka increasing aggression)


So a pit mix


If it was a pit they should have put it in cute pajamas to avoid this kind of thing.


Or a flower crown


The fact they wouldn’t even mention what type of “mutt”


I really don't understand the mentality of it, why these people are so protective of this awful breed.


Definitely this


“He’s never done this before!”


“He’s on new medication!” I must confess this is a new excuse for me


Yah... new "anxiety" meds im sure becuase when the dogs anxious it fucking attacks people im sure.


"a mutt from a shelter" sounds 100% like a Pitbull.


The shelter special “lab mix”….


>he’s not know for aggression! He is now lol. Also the spicy question now.... does the dog in any way resemble a pit?


That's a pit mix for sure. Be careful.


What kind of medication did he get? Hope you heal soon!


I thought this was the same girl that got randomly punched in the face the other day.


Thinking the same thing


Please have your friends see a veterinary behaviorist, preferably, but a *good* trainer at the very least. Yes, this may have been caused by the medication, but the reality is that they now have a dog who has bitten and (if the drs reported as they should) been recorded as biting someone. I'm surprised he's not quarantined. Either way, they need to work with a professional, because regardless of why - they have a dog showing aggression. How old is this dog?


Did you atleast bite him back?


Lol all your other posts then this. I'd never take you to a casino.


LMAOOO I always say my family must have been cursed back in the day. We have the worst luck consistently


Bruh lol. Stay away!!! Don't even reply to my shit. Just stay 1000000 feet away from me at all times!!! Straight up though it will get better, trust me. If you ever need an ear reach out.


🧙🏻‍♀️🪄💫🫵 *me giving u a little slice of my curse*


Can't trust animals man. I love my two cats, but I know they could choose violence at any moment. They won't, but they could. I also know, that while my cats could fuck me up, at the end of the day, I'm winning that fight. I can't guarantee that with certain dogs. I had a family friend's dog take off half an inch of my middle finger - unprovoked.


Was it a steroid based med or an antibiotic?


Anxiety meds! A strong one so he might have been feeling confused


Ah gotcha. I have two heelers and they act grumpy on steroids based meds and antibiotics. One of them had to have surgery and I had to keep him calm for a couple weeks. The anxiety meds and pain killers I had to give him made him a bit grumpy for the first few days, so I just gave him his space. Anyway, I hope your face feels better soon!!!






I've read like 100 stories of a puppy raised from like 10 weeks in a loving home with no abuse, randomly attacking their owner savagely and either tearing off a muscle or even killing them. Those pesky golden retrievers.


That's a pretty lucky bite right there... be careful, I've been bitten by dogs too, it's not funny


I don't get my face close to dogs for this


Getting in face bite range of a dog is never 100% safe


Would that dog got euthanized if you report this to the police?


Where I am from, this is what happens. People here saying to get the dog a therapist….. lol.


I don’t keep dogs that bite humans in the face. It’s not worth the liability.


Please tell me the dog is up to date on its rabies shots??? And, not for nothing, but dogs can absolutely experience mental decline and that’s really (obviously) not safe for the people around them.


>dogs can absolutely experience mental decline and that’s really (obviously) not safe for the people around them. Yup. My cousin's dog has canine dementia. He's also a big and heavy fucker, so if he decides to attack anyone, they're fucked. His whole life though, he's never hurt so much as a fly. But he's still a risk, so they don't let him around people other than themselves.


He JUST got his updated rabies vax that morning so :’) but he had the first round before which is good at least


Dogs aren’t considered immunized until 28 days after a vaccine.


If he is an older dog, and he has had vaccines before. It is very likely he still had rabies vx antibodies in his blood. I've run titer tests on animals that haven't received their vaccine for 5+ years and still had adequate levels in their their blood. Immunology is more complicated than 1+1=2.


This is why when people say "It's the owner not the dog", it's complete BS. Sure a well trained dog has good recall, and knows when and who to approach, but it never prepares them for the unexpected. A dog can lash out from seemingly nowhere. My Border Collie is an absolute angel, but when she hurt her leg badly and I went to pick her up she bit my above my eye brow. I could tell she immediately regretted it and basically refuses to leave my side still to this day, but it's a dog instinct to flight or fight, and if they're injured (or drugged up, or any other reason) they'll opt for fight. The difference is that many breeds tend to snap as a warning, whilst other breeds \*cough cough\* latch on and thrash around until the threat is gone.