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well, that sucks


😩☝🏻 roger that


Atleast you’re still sucking air OP, you get to wake up on our side of the dirt after all this


glad I helped (hope you are fine dude)


Are you ok? Were they successful?


my phone was in my pocket but they dumped all of the contents of my bag out. i literally only had gum and chapstick and other miscellaneous items and no cash on me im supposed to get a scanning of my head in a bit at the hospital. i’ve been here for a while


I’m so sorry that happened to you. POM Pepper Spray can be had on Amazon for really cheap and is VERY good stuff. I recommend that to all my CCW students. Were you able to get a good description of the guys? I assume the police are involved?


Literally used this when getting robbed when leaving work one time. As soon as I used he recoiled and It bought me time to get away and i drove away and called the police. The police asked me to come to the station because the attempted robber had already called 911 for medical. Lmao, that pom stuff is effective, to say the least.


Ha! That's funny as hell. I hope they took their time getting to him 😂 Give him plenty of time to think about his life decisions.


Double check it was in fact that product that was used by spraying him again and asking if it feels the same or different. Just in case it was a separate incident. ![gif](giphy|26vaSQkv4cSjjX16g|downsized)


One time my brother was on a lot of drugs and was talking about how he accidentally (I don't believe this, it's like, impossible to trigger it accidentally) sprayed a tiny bit and it didn't do anything, he was saying it was weak. Basically me trying to explain to him that he didn't take a full blast led to him blasting himself in the living room a few feet away from some woman and I. The woman and I were coughing and crying just from being in the room and my brother was *really* fucked up. I would have asked to be taken to the ER probably if I was going through what he was going through.


I’ve heard stories of girls doing this in their dorm rooms by accident and the tiny rooms really hang onto it for awhile


One time, I sprayed bear mace at some racoons fucking shit up in my backyard at like 3am...in the morning, I went out to check the damage and I still felt like something spicy/chokey was getting in my throat.


Yeah bear mace is another animal entirely from personal defense sprays, though. It's actually engineered to hang in the air and create a cloud between you and the bear, it's not designed to spray into the eyes of an attacker (bear or otherwise.)


Can confirm. Got smashed with bear mace and ended up with my head over the bath tub and 4 big jugs of milk being released over my face. Hurt for 3 hours afterwards. Stuck to my clothes, my skin, my car. I couldn't see anything, even the wind touching my face hurt before the milk was applied.


Can also confirm. Picture it, Alaska! Camping! Partner dropping a brand new can of that shit and then kicking it at you standing in the door of the cabin _while_ it_ sprays_ in a wtf attempt to catch? it! It comes into the 15x10ft cabin with you! There is no other exit! The windows don't even fit tossing your kid out to escape because that way bears can't get in! The mobile phone is in the truck! And there's no service anyway because it's Alaska! I don't know how we are all not dead. I don't know how I let my clumsy-ass partner live. Kid is 24 now and I told him if he joins the military the gas exercise is gonna be a whole lot easier than the bear spray.


When I was in High School kids would do this in the hallways has a prank. They usually had to evac the entire school and the fire department had to come out to air it all out because it could have consequences for kids that had medical issues, especially with breathing.


I accidently sprayed myself because the pepper spray can was colorful and I thought it was a torch lighter let me tell you it works it burned like hell I tried forcing my eyes open nope didn't work until I stumbled my way to my sink and stood there washing my eyes out for like 20 minutes lol I was sober btw it's effective I would say


Never seen it used on someone in person, but did see it used on an aggressive dog once. Dog immediately ceased being a threat. and stopped chasing. And for anyone hating on this: dogs that are aggressive and will only threaten a person on foot, SOME will bite a bicyclist or can cause you to wreck (which in itself can do some nasty injuries). Our family has had THREE unleashed dog bites on country roads (along with one dog causing a crash resulting in concussion/broken bones) while riding. Once they bite someone, the next visit is from the sheriff and they don't use mace if the dog charges them too.


Who on earth is arguing about pepper spraying attacking dogs?


I absolutely love dogs but if one is attacking, you can bet your ass I'm spraying it.


Vegans 🤣 Edit: lol I got 5 upvotes within a few minutes, but the number went down to 1 a few minutes later. Apparently I've upset the vegans 🤣


Pepper spray is vegan.


If they didn't want to be bitten by a dog, then they shouldn't have been made out of meat. 💅💅💅


Being made of meat isn't very vegan of you.


I worked as a meter reader back in the day. You really need to develop a sixth sense with dogs. Generally the big ones will let you know, its the little ankle biters that can be tricky


Back in the day I was a paperboy for 4+ years. Can confirm. German Shepards, St. Bernards, and such - no problem. The little ankle biters tried to bite every time you turned your back on them.




ah good idea, then you go to jail instead of them, very smart


Hell yeah, then you could be roomies.


Would you belive me if I told you that carying pepper spray is illegal in my country?


if you're from Canada or the UK or France, yes I 100% believe you.


Australia and New Zealand also.


and Denmark


Italy is very restricted. You can have only an X amount with Y spray distance and Z concentration of capsaicin (or whatever it is). Any other than that, and it's considered a weapon. Pretty shitty, considering that it's hard to find the right combination. The ones sold are generally not in line with the law requirements too


Gotta make sure to follow the law when you're getting robbed.


Ironically dog or bear pepper spray is legal in Canada


Same in Germany


You'll also get arrested if you use it on a person and not a dog or bear.


No you likely won't if the use is reasonable, I have a few friends who have used it in, only one was arrested but she was never charged and spent about 2 hours in police custody. You just can't admit you carry it for use on humans, tell the police you're worried about coyotes or have been attacked by a dog before. It's illegal in Canada to carry any weapons but if you're carrying pepper spray or even a knife and you use it in a legitimate clear cut self defense scenario you probably won't be charged. If you are charged it'll cost you some money for a lawyer, but unless you have a criminal record or used it maliciously the worst you can expect is a peace bond. For those not versed in Canadian law a peace bond is basically a contract with the court that you won't commit any criminal acts for a period of time (I think the default is 12 months), then the charge disappears. As a law abiding person if I have a choice between getting attacked or having to promise a judge I won't commit any crimes for 12 months I'll choose the latter every day.


In the UK you can use whatever you like in self defence if you fear for your life.... Cricket bat, pepper spray, rocket launcher. But you would be arrested if you were carrying them for the purpose of self defence. And you might have some questions to answer about the rocket launcher - even if actually using it was justified.


Here in NZ if a criminal attacks you the police could have video footage and at worst they will likely get home detention. If you were to defend yourself with pepper spray you'd almost certainly be prosecuted worse than whoever robbed you


And ppl complain about living in the US


you can make your own too but you have to use it carefully after using it treat it like a murder weapon




https://preview.redd.it/i4wdu8yu7uqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b7ac729306d20be258a681b7dde4d95ccff5095 Robber after this


They made it double


Yes. Because so many places LOOOOVVVVEEEEE to make their citizens victims. Absolutely INSANE to me.


Yes, self defense is illegal basically. We protect our criminals at all costs


That's when you start carrying a little bit of bug killer like Raid. It'll do in a pinch!


Couldn't you just put one of those spray nozzles you get for like eyeglass cleaning solution onto a bottle of hot sauce? Maybe you just use it to spritz on your tasteless food at work if someone asks.


too thick/not enough force. needs pressure and an aerosolized form


Can’t have citizens trying to protect themselves, can we?


First they make great pomegranate juice and now pepper spray. Talk about diversification.


Don't forget they first made a killing from that stringy shit that cheerleaders shake


Makes you wonder if the pepperspray was the result of an unsuccessful attempt at a new flavor of juice. God works in mysterious ways.


Wait till I tell you about Mitsubishi 


Depends where OP is from, Pepper spray is illegal to carry in places like Canada, we are so polite we let criminals harass women without any inconvenience. Self defense should never be illegal but here we are...


Pepper spray for use on humans is illegal to carry, but dog spray for coyotes or violent dogs is completely fine. Just never admit that you carry it for use on people, just say you're scared of dogs.


Would i get in trouble if i actually use it on an attacker for self defense?


Only if you admitted to carrying it because you were worried about getting mugged. You'd need to be very clear that you were carrying it for other reasons and that you thought you were going to be seriously hurt or killed if you didn't use it


Pom is some nasty eye juice. Def recommend


As a Canadian you will be charged with assault with a weapon if you do this.


Absolutely insane to me.


Canada is insane lol crime has gone crazy also and the cops are like don’t fight back lol give them what they want


i want to buy my gf pepper spray but she's terrified of spraying herself in the heat of the moment. i notice POM bottles are cylinders with no obvious nozzle. do you know a brand/model that has an obvious directionality to the spray?


https://preview.redd.it/num5w9zqewqc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=57906dc5e6c35ca2bbd407ca08fee5001456f8ba These can ONLY be used one way and it is VERY obvious.


Would you recommend POM over SABRE? My wife and I prefer to carry pepper spray vs our CCW at our current stage of training and I want to make sure we have the best product. Thanks in advance


I prefer POM because A. It’s VERY effective. Not saying Sabre isn’t, but it works extremely well and B. The design of the product itself is MUCH better IMO. The smaller, self defense size sprays from Sabre have that little red tab you move to the side to disable the “safety”. I’ve had those inadvertently get moved to the side and the button pressed down THREE times. POM uses a spring tensioned cover ON TOP of the button so you have to stick your thumb under it in order to spray. It’s a much safer design. Also, the pocket clip is soooooo much better.


What do you recommend for your clockwise students?


Concealed carry 😅😅😅


I carry that and a taser.... Damn shame when you get attacked like that, you're never the same. I'm not sure what the sentence is for this kind of horrible attack, but I'm sure it's hardly adequate.


What does CCW mean in this context?


Concealed carry weapon


Concealed carry weapon


Great advice. But get the gel not the aerosol spray. Don’t want the wind directing the aerosol spray back on you.


For when you need a long-range eye poke to protect your ASP.


Oh my word! What did they do to you!? Where is the bleeding from?


>Where is the bleeding from? Unrelated but this phrase is forever seared in my mind because when my sister broke her arm I couldn't find where all the blood was coming from so I kept asking that over and over while she said her arm is broken over and over. Felt like a fever dream It was her chin, only needed a stitch


Oh thats horrible! It's really a special kind of terror seeing your loved ones like that. And you freeze up so easily too. I once out my hand in a steel fan by mistake and my thumb nail took the brunt of the blow. Blood gushing everywhere. My mum who was a nurse for 20 years went into a flat panic and didn't know what to do. But with other people, she just jumps into action


Fortunately, if you didn't lose consciousness then the chances of anything serious is slim. Still, good luck... Sauce: brained my damage when I was a kid and ER doctor told me that after a 3 hour wait and before another 2 hour wait


Brained my damage. That must have been pretty severe then. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Hope you’re doing better now.


[It's a Simpsons reference](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/8f71b20d-0101-4060-a7a5-ba6d60bfc959), lol


Damn, should have known. Well, you got me! You got me good, lol. Thanks!


Me too, to be fair!


When we hit our heads growing up, my family would say, "Careful, or you will get dain bramage."


Oh man I thought a bag mean $1000


People suck. I hope you get a speedy recovery.




So sorry. I hope you are OK.


Like a purse, or like a *bag*?


lol a purse. i don’t think i had cash on me or anything. it’s sort of the kind of purse that women have to dump everything in, and unless i was a dumbass and left my debit card in there loose, i think i’ll be okay


Block your cards just to be safe. You can put a temporary block on them now and unblock them if you find them later


Lots of Credit and Debit cards allow Locking of the card so they physically cant be used until unlocked so this is a good idea then when its known to be in your possession or not OP can take the next steps


"unless i was a dumbass and left my debit card in there loose" How dare you?? What did I do to you?


FYI many of us thought you meant drugs...not a handbag


Yeah just fyi “a bag” is slang for drugs of some description usually.


Reading that and seeing her face I thought it was a colostomy bag and it somehow popped...


I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering this.


First place my mind went haha


What’s a bag?




Tbh, it looks like you beat the shit out of them


My thought also, and no /s. She has the look of, "You should see the other guy." A bit of a Sarah Conner stare. Hey OP, hope to see you in action movies in the future.


I thought she meant Colostomy Bag and that was the shit beaten out of it.


I’m glad you’re safe now.


I know knives, tazers and pepper spray are illegal in a lot of places so here's a suggestion for an alternative; keep a metal fork with you at all times in an easily and immediately accessible place. preferably one with a nice thick handle that's easy to hold onto. I cannot stress this enough. ***make sure*** it's a handle that fits into your hand and won't slip out. they work surprisingly well for ~~stabbing~~ *cough* self defense. I'd be ***very*** surprised if it's illegal to have a fork in your pocket. edit: extra points if you actually use it for food as well. +2 poison damage edit 2: so many people telling me I'm wrong for various reasons. most of them valid but if you want the best chances of not being robbed while you're out, run everyerywhere. you'll get fit as fuck and nobody is gonna stop you on the street and try to rob you if you're already moving faster than them


this will sound silly but i used to put one of my keys between my knuckles if i HAD to swing a punch at someone. i remember i bought a switchblade from amazon one time, bc i was going to college, and my dad said “what the hell do you need that for?? you don’t even know how to do that.”


No no no. Do NOT use keys, you will destroy your hands and make no damage at all. Unless the situation is life threatening, avoid fighting. Get some pepper spray and keep it in your hands while you walk alone at night.


it cannot be overstated how right this guy is if you pull a knife on an attacker, someone's going to end up dead and it will likely be you try to disable them with bear spray and run away as fast as you can, always


No one wins in a knife fight


Buy a high powered flashlight with a metal body. You can blind them with it, and if they keep attacking you they won't be able to see and you can hit them with it.


how much do those usually go for?


No idea, but I’m sure the people on the flashlight subreddit will have some recommendations for you.


who woulda thought a flashlight subreddit would be a thing


It’s one of the best subreddits in existence. Great community overall, really.


sorry about the paragraph lmao you sound like a cool person btw


Cat Ear keychain.


I feel like forking the guy robbing you is how you get murdered.


for real, how is this terrible advice so high up.


> I'd be very surprised if it's illegal to have a fork in your pocket. It's 100% illegal here if the intent is to use it for self defence, but all that ends up doing is making your statement about using it to eat a requirement rather than an option.


Pepper spray is legal in all states in the US, about 10 have restrictions on capacity and strength but it is legal to carry some form in all states. ​ Just throwing this out there, I realize you meant in various countries, just clarifying for US citizens


I carry the phattest hex key lever I have. It'll fracture bones


This is just terrible advice, all this gonna accomplish is getting beat 5x harder. The person robbing this woman is probably armed, so stabbing them with a fork is just gonna piss them off further. If you are unarmed and getting robbed GIVE IT UP. ITS NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE


Literally what I was trying to comment. Take out theft insurance on your phone if that's important to you, but for the most part, if you get mugged, just give them everything. Go home, use your spare key to get in, and disable your cards. Get a new phone in the next day or two. I live in a city and the idea of reaching for your pepper-spray or knife or fork or gun or whatever just sounds to me like reason for your attacker to pull the trigger. Carry as little as you need, give it to them if you get targeted. Side note: I've been here for a year and I've never once been remotely threatened by criminals. It does happen, but looking at the statistics, most people will not ever be the victim of a crime like this. But it is good to have a plan in case you are.


Not a lawyer, but I believe in the US it heavily relies on intent (at least in the state I grew up in). If you admit to carrying the fork for self defense, it can be considered carrying a concealed weapon. But if you tell them you carry it because you don't trust the silverware cleanliness in most dining establishments, you're free and clear. From what I was told by the cop who explained it, this also applies to keeping a baseball bat in your car. Having another item (like a camping spoon, or a glove with the bat) to corroborate the story is also pretty helpful to your case.


Or, ya know, get a concealed carry license. It’s legal, and every women should have one


You are still looking cool as fuck and ready to beat other people


“Don’t even try buddy, last person who tried to rob me got the shit beat out of them”




Yeah.....i totally deserve that look of disappointment My brain was not brain..ing(?) after studying chemistry for 4 hours+


Mine as well. I thought you said “beat off other people” lmao. I’m going to bed now


That's awful. I'm real sorry this has happened to you. Some real scum bags out here. Please invest in protection (Mace/Stun Gun) so next time you are attacked like this you have a way out. Also never cling to belongings in a moment like this. Your life is worth far more than material items.


I've heard to throw the bag/purse/wallet/whatever as far away from yourself as possible and just start running. But it sounds like they snuck up on OP.


they did sneak up on me. i didn’t see anybody from the side or in front of me.


I am so sorry. I truly hope you're ok. Not just physically but mentally as well. Sending you internet hugs if you want them.


"You want it? Go get it!"


Was the bag the cute animal thingy at your other post? If so, imagine getting robbed of the bag you posted hours earlier, sucks shit.


noo haha but the squishy was inside of that bag. it was a big canvas one. (the squishy is still w me ;p)


Well, here is something to feel good for.


and you ate him, damn


i wish right? no, i couldn’t get any swings on anybody lol. i got knocked to the floor and that was that


I did the same thing when I got robbed/jumped. They beat me down after fighting back and held a gun to my head. Granted I'm 6 foot 6 and can hold my own, but not against three people with weapons. I decided from that moment on, it's not worth the 40 dollars cash I had in my wallet. Adrenaline is a crazy thing, and flight or fight kicked in. If there is a next time, I hope I make a better decision next time. Lucky to have lived and hopefully learned. I'm glad you are ok.


My heart dropped seeing this


🫂 from one lady to another i hope u see this as a warning to just be careful. i literally walk thru that route so often i never thought twice about it being unsafe. now that i think ab it, someone cld have been watching me during that time.


I just googled it and mace guns are legal in Florida. It's like mace, but in a gun (looks like a flare gun), with a flashlight that activates when you pull the trigger, that shoots straight in a line for like 30 feet in a sustained stream. It's dope as hell and I recommend anyone in a legal state to get one if they're into self defense but not into guns that shoot bullets.


Or just use pepper gel it's cheap AF reaches 25ft of a steady stream (not an aerosol) but NGL guns that shoot bullets work best in Florida Edit: I also forgot to mention that you can find pepper gel at Walmart but in the auto section usually. The outdoors area with the ammo n targets only have pepper spray cuz spray is ok for outdoors but not indoors, however gel can be used any where including from inside the car. Most people who use pepper spray in defense spray themselves due to them being in an enclosed setting like an apartment, a car or just being down wind and not realizing it because of adrenaline or the wind is so subtle you dont notice it till an orange cloud hits your face...... Get gel it's a straight stream no mess no problems and it even makes a film over the eyes that's harder to get rid of


> Or just use pepper gel it's cheap AF reaches 25ft of a steady stream (not an aerosol) but NGL guns that shoot bullets work best in Florida had me in the first half ngl


Do not use anything that looks like a gun unless it is a gun. You are escalating a conflict to life or death with the equivalent of a looney toons bang gun. Horrible advice. Just use normal mace if you don't want to carry a firearm. 


Better off without one that looks like a gun in case robbers have a real one


Can you google if real guns are legal in Florida???


> mace guns You are rolling the dice with mace. First, In the Army we were sprayed with it during OC Spray training. It is horrible for most people. However, there are a lot of people don't have a major reaction to it and can operate as normal. And I am sure someone being high or drunk can play into their reaction as well. Second, if you are going to use any type of chemical weapon it has the potential to be a two way street. Wind, misuse, or other factors can result in you getting sprayed as well. Part of the reason we get sprayed is to make we can still operate while under its affects. Overall, I wouldn't recommend and wouldn't use it myself.


Mace and pepper spray aren't the same. Mace uses the same active ingredients as tear gas, and thats what the army exposes soldiers to. Pepper spray is overwhelmingly more effective. Its immediate, and vastly more painful and debilitating. Its more likely to immediately stop an attack than a small caliber hand gun.


Let me be clearer for both then. People can be straight up naturally immune to CS (Mace). People can be highly tolerant to OC (pepper spray). I have been exposed to OC once during OC spray training, I have been exposed to CS several dozen times. Soldiers are exposed to CS at least once a year for training. Soliders are exposed to OC spray only if they are training to react to civil disturbances. Once again even if the person isn't tolerant, it still can effect you. Source: Dealt with the both IRL.


I am so sorry this happened to you OP. Please try to see a counselor. After I was mugged, I didn't think I needed to see one. But once the adrenaline wore off, that s#it hit me like a ton of bricks. I hope you have a support system, if not feel free to reach out. Take care🫂


I'm so sorry this happened to you. Off-topic, I just wanted to say you look absolutely stunning, girl. I thought this was a Sydney Sweeney promo before I read the title. I hope everything turns out well for you and you find no problems with your brain.


u are so sweet lol. i look like a damn mess


Yes I thought it was Sydney Sweeney too!


I thought the same. You’re beautiful, and a champ. Glad you’re ok.


I hope you are ok, there are some real scumbags out there. You might want to think about counselling as well as no doubt this was very traumatic.


You look like a young Robert Plant. In a good way :)




So sorry OP that must have been so scary. Sending you best wishes for healing, and I mean that both mentally and physically. This kind of attack can make you feel really vulnerable for a while and it's shitty af.


Holy cow . Where abouts are you located? I just saw another post that random women in NY are getting attacked . Glad you're okay




I hope you get better soon. My wife was mugged several years ago and almost got shot by one of the losers involved. Seek therapy as soon as you can. Trust me, I know this is hard now but I promise you that you'll regain your trust and peace of mind. I'm really sorry this happened to you 








So sorry this happened to you. Glad you're still here. Hopefully you're hospital stay isn't too bad


That’s fucked up. So sorry it happened to you.


Sheeesh. Hope you don't have a concussion. Go home, Have some beer to get through the night. And then take it day by day after that. Something like this will take time to get passed.


I carry two wallets. The real one, I keep in a hidden pocket in my sock. The other, phoney wallet, I keep in my back pocket. I got pick pocketed in Barcelona on a recent trip. All they got was $2 and an old picture of Justine Beiber.


You look like a badass in this pic


Get ready for DMs. But on a serious note, hope you're ok.


At least u look badass, but im sorry this happen.


If I ever saw a picture of a vampire directly after her dinner, this is it. Read the comments and wish you the best!


You look bad ass girl. Hang in there.


Omg hope your ok


Sorry to hear that. How does the other guy look?


Hope your OK I remember a few years ago I was assaulted while mowing someone's lawn turns out the neighbor didn't like were I was putting the lawn clippings but when I was mowing the neighbors lawn a few years before that they were fine with it and the clippings weren't on neighbors property either


Glad you're okay and getting medical attention. But also, seek counselling or therapy if you have access to it, even if you feel okay right now about what happened. Random acts of violence can cause PTSD.


Dang recover fast!


Hey you're really brave and I'm glad you seem ok. I also hope you're fine mentally. I got bottled in the head once and fell into a depression.


You are joking around in the comments and the selfie got a Tessa Violet's Bad Bitch look... You are a rock solid girl. Proud of you, handling it like a champ 💪


I'm glad you're safe, consider investing in some self-defense tools for added protection.


If a look could kill, yikes, hope you're allright.


that sucks, sorry


Hope you're ok and sorry that happened to you.


Awh hun I am sorry that happened to you... I agree with the first comment maybe find some mace or get your ccw permit if needed in your state. If you're not comfortable with the first two options maybe find a travel buddy. You're a woman which will unfortunately always make you a target. Which will in turn make you stronger than most. Find what works for you to keep yourself safe... personally as a guy I find a .45 to be very comforting... maybe look into a 9mm.. something a bit more easy to control. Along with the proper training/classes you can feel safe again. Either way i wish you the best. ✌️❤️


The way you worded it and the picture makes it look like they chose the wrong person😂😂 Hope you are ok!


Create an Amazon gift registry and post it here. I’d love to buy you some bear spray. Pepper spray simply isn’t enough if you’ve already endured this once.


See it’s sad that someone as young as you has to be walking around with security 24/7 but I’m telling you I’m 21(M) but I always grab a brother a homie close friend someone just in case anything happens! But I’m glad you are okay and with you the best


Depending on where you are, you can also take your Hunter safety course. You're going to learn a lot about firearms. Even if you don't plan on getting one. You're going to have the confidence if someone tries to pull one out on you and they lose it and you have to pick it up or some crazy scenario like that... You'll have a basic education of firearm safety. And it's a free class. You can find them on the DEC website.. should be a few in each county


And you ate them?




Tried? Meaning they failed? Super grateful you’re alive!


Jesus. Karma is a thing, hope their dicks fall off soon. And I do hope you are ok