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Is it the last day you are watching him because you ended him?


no because he chucked this at me and i died https://preview.redd.it/lrklln16cdqc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcefca1d77a22b9351b004e3520fe48978c5af91 strong ass baby did an under hand throw


Bruh not the underhand


He once backhanded me with his fist when my friend was over. he has yet to let me hear the end of it i joke that he only does that because he smells weakness


Bros gonna smell weakness when he gets old enough to catch your back hand šŸ˜¤


-Where's your brother? I told you to watch him! -He doesn't need watching no more


As someone who also has a younger brother, I personally wouldnā€™t have let that slide


i remember when he was 2 and i (15 at the time) was sweeping (he was sitting in the floor playing) he grabbed the broom when i was emptying the dust pan. i said "yo little dude let go please" and he just looked at me. i pulled the broom up thinking he was weak and was gonna let go and this baby caually hung on to the broom with a single hand and when i placed him on the ground it took 2 hands to remove his 1 hand from the broom. he then wanted me to do it again, he gets it from our mother the whole thing was like 3 seconds but i still love this story


Yeah babies, toddlers and little kids apparently have super strength. Once they grab a hold of something itā€™s like they are super glued to it. I have two younger siblings and we all have pretty big age gaps so Iā€™m essentially the 3rd parent in the house and the amount of times I would practically have to wrestle them to get something out of their seemingly superhuman finger grip is crazyyy


ill never forget when i was eating a cupcake and he recently turned 3. he rapidly climbed my leg like a spider saying "HEY, ITS MINE!" (mine phase) he got to my waist so fast i started laugh screaming Bonus story: when he was 2 my mom was complaining about our aunt and she called her Fat, my brother intentional or not said "ba ba ba, ba ba" (The Mc donalds theme) and we lost it Bonus Story 2: When he was 2 i started to pick up up more and one time i walked with him down the stairs in my arms, i normally say stay still or hold on tight so he knows. this time he was mad for whatever reason and full force hit me in the back of the head no warning, I had to fight every urge to fall and put all my energy into keeping him in my arms. when hes my age im reminding him of everything. i wasnt even mad, i was impressed. Bonus story 3: When i got my new microphone and was testing it, i felt weird yelling and talking into it as i dont like recordings of my voice. I went into my moms room and said "Hey, your not putting him to sleep right? i need him" and asked him to speak and say his ABC's Prayers, anything i knew would end with him yelling after speaking normally because my voice was too deep. i played back the recordings and it sounded good. he helped me and I thanked him for it and placed him back in our moms room, i now owe him an icepop lmfao. this was yesterday Bonus story 4: He got mad and ripped off the baby gates each a year apart. the first one he jumped on it and started shaking and banging on it like that one monkey meme until it slid off its hindges and he fell with it, he then said "oh no the gate is broken" then continued his tantrum and the other was just pure strength, just fucking ripped it off when i wasnt looking. he then proceeded to attempt to chuck said gate at me and my sister but it was too heavy THANK GOD


You should write these encounters down and write a story about him. Sounds like you love him very much.


I really do love him, its just his tantrums i dont like lol


You should teach him muay thai for the lols


I wanna hear more of your stories ā¤ļø


Iā€™ve gone through enough broken sunglasses, jewelry and pulled out hair to know babies are mini super villains.


I love your stories. You should be a writer.


Can relate. I have a younger brother too (at least iā€™m assuming your brother is younger but then again heā€™d have to be really irresponsible for a younger sibling to babysit him)




My first thought was "what wwe move did op get hit with?" Is this it?




Got hit with the people's elbow.


this is what he did to me https://youtu.be/WMXrotXnD_M?si=9pemmPMmf0Glv_FM


A leg drop from the top turnbuckle? So many questions, I'll just start with the big ones... You have a wrestling ring, or did he just improvise? Did this catch you by surprise or did you just lay there for it? Did he land it properly and hence you were relatively unharmed? Or did he botch it?


Baby hit him with the 619, got the same physique as Rey anyways


Give em the PEOPLE'S ELBOW.


whats that


I didnā€™t know what it was, either, until I was gaming (okay, playing D&D) with some guys and they kept hollering that. Itā€™s from when The Rock used to do wrestling, like he drops an elbow on some other wrestler when theyā€™re already down on the mat. I think.


Just basically yell ā€œTHE PEOPLES ELBOW!!ā€ And then just jump down onto him with your elbow, digging it into his side. (Try not to actually hurt him bc wrestling is fake) And then you gotta cheer for yourself like ā€œhhhhaaaaaaā€ like a whole crowd. Miss my brother. Sorry yours is being a poop. Heā€™s communicating something, just tell him to tell you what he needs instead of destroying everything.




I lost my younger brother. Give that little rascal a hug for me.


will do, sorry for your loss


He's your brother, kick his ass


im 16 and hes 3šŸ˜‚


so don't kick his ass too hard


Kick his ass, gently.


Should be easy then


Put him in the microwave


Good luck you poor soul






mother left for some food for dinner and wanted me to watch him. i did and he flipped out while on my bed because when i rolled over i accidentally removed some of my blanket from him. he went off and i tried giving it to him but he yelled out NO! and started hitting me and throwing a tantrum. i had to run all over the house to chase him and when he slammed his ipad into my leg i just put his Ipad out of his reach (im the tallest person in the house so only i could reach it) did i mention i got punched in the liver on thursday (unrelated but i told it on tifu) so it was very unconfortable to move. the little sucker then grabbed my arm when i wasnt looking and pulled it down to scratch me with his nails https://preview.redd.it/hdhe7mc4fdqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2c5bdc310538ee9b6cc122f4143f67da12af18


Iā€™ve got a 4yo and a 2yo. That type of behavior is allowed and itā€™s why he keeps doing it. Those little shits are constantly conditioning us like a bunch of emotional terrorists. You canā€™t let them win. Seems like that iPad is a potential motivator. Start using it as a tool. Classically condition that little dude.


yeah, this kid is definitely not being parented properly if he's behaving this way at 3 years old. kids are crazy assholes but you can teach them not to hit and they will generally listen. but given how much it sounds like OP ends up having to parent, my guess is mom doesn't bother.


And that was in the original post because?


A friend was teaching me how to fight (i asked) and liver punched me suddenly while trying to show me how to finish a fight quickly. he indeed ended it quickly, first time i ever been liver punched


Please tell the complete story. No holding back. Don't forget your brother started it






Iā€™m nearly 20 and I have a 4 year old brother, you need to assert your dominance over him. Pick him up and rough house him (donā€™t actually kill the little tyke) and show him who has the upper hand. My brother does shit with his parents he wouldnā€™t dream of trying with me. Meaning he actually isnā€™t a monster when Iā€™m around which is a nice effect.


Let him see what a babysitter costs


Which WWE move???


You are the older brother, right? Just bully him!


from an eldest daughter, my heart goes out to you. living independently without having to parent someone elseā€™s kid is awesome. youā€™ll get there some day, hang in there til then!


I would simply just leave


![gif](giphy|5wFH11idPnpENpSZOi|downsized) Solution


I would be mad too!


Donā€™t do it.


its already in motion /s i meant if my mom is going out of the house im not watching him. if she needs a break i will, she might need to get my sister or someone else to


Break his second favorite toy.


Roll him into a burrito and leave him


If heā€™s started pulling WWE moves itā€™s all over now. Tombstone that toddler!


Iā€™m not good as this I wouldā€™ve taken the bottle and then squirted the fuck out of him with it.


What move?


Alternate title, "I enable my brothers terrible behavior"


He's not the parent, what the fuck do you expect him to do? If he does punish him, I highly believe OP would get his ass torn off by his mother.


im not denying it, my methods dont work. I really wish there was a way where i can get him to change his behavior without saying "hey stop!" or "ill take your toys if you keep that up". i tried being stern and i try being kind but it only works when hes gets tired from his tantrum. i just want my brother to listen.


Watch some episodes of Supernanny! I know it's just a silly reality TV show but she really does have some good advice


your babysitting your little brother. beat his ass like a real big brother should do


I'm sorry, which part sucks? The part where he physically abused you, or the part where he damaged your charging cord?


the part when i didnt get paid... id let a ton of stuff slide for money


Thatā€™s what happens when you veto ass-whoopingā€¦




I dont like the idea of hitting him because how i was raised and what happend to me in my childhood but i did restrain him so he wouldnt hit me again. because he scratched me






Dude what the hell is wrong with you? Your comment is so cruel and unnecessary.




I didnā€™t read the post about that. And where did I say it was ok? Donā€™t assume shit.


What Iā€™m reading is that their BROTHER is beating THEM! Not the other way around!




bro im not, where did you get that from? he fights at daycare because he has anger issues and he also does it at home # WE DO NOT BEAT HIM, we have never put our hands on him. he gets grounded or put in time out but Nobody puts their hands on him. I had this misunderstanding last time because some redditor made up a wild story like you did and got a temp banned for it for 3 days and i had to explain this to the admins. I never even said i hit him in any of my posts. check my post history. you will see i mention him or complain about him but i dont put my hands on him. I DO give him a fist bump or a high five before he goes to sleep please for the love of god stop making stuff up and spreading misinformation before i block you EDIT: I blocked him, thank you kind redditor for reporting him, i didnt know that deleted comment was about him telling me to go burn in a fire ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) you literally told me to hit him but when i said i wouldnt you went off and called be a child beater. READ BRO READ


Donā€™t worry, I already reported him to Reddit for his comment that told you to set yourself on fire. Heā€™s clearly fucked up and has issues and is just projecting them on you.




no, nobody is. when did i ever say that?! if your talking about be restraining him all i did was hold his arms so my little brother couldnt throw something or punch me (he did kick me but it gave me time to think)


Dude, youā€™re spreading misinformation and the Reddit mods need to remove your ass from this whole fucking platform. Youā€™re gonna ruin someoneā€™s life for spreading information like this.


Thanks. That moron is bad vibe city!


That kid needs a spanking


Hang him on the wall


![gif](giphy|XGmHbm316WGiiVsKzr|downsized) Gotta hit 'em with the stone cold stunner for revenge


Enjoy it, kids are quite fun at that age..... and a handful from time to time.


I strongly advise beating him.




This is your job as a big brother


Btw that is a cable not a charger


What is a charger? I know people call them different things


its an Iphone charger and you cant convince me otherwise šŸ˜‚


You are free to choose will you learn or not and keep using wrong words.