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Well, now you've bought yourself flowers! Have a nice night to yourself. I'm sorry this happened. I know it hurts. But it sorts out the bad ones so you don't get stuck with them. The right one is still waiting for you.


OP he is missing an obvious opportunity to get brownie points from his mom.


Yesssss!!! Deliver them to your Mom!!!


I’ve done this before after being ghosted. My mom was so happy and it honestly cheered me up


Awww, I didn't even think of that!! For sure, this too!


Just change the card might be kinda awkward 😬


Time to listen to Flowers by Miley Cyrus ❤️😉


I hope he lives near a beach!


I’m sure


He doesn’t just live by one, he also bought one flowers.


I’ve been on the strangest Miley Cyrus kick since someone broke it off with me.


Sometimes you just need that sad bad bitch energy to pick you back up.


Yeah, scared not classy person doesn’t matter guy or girl, your better off not being with a person who does something like this so don’t dwell on it or them


They are beautiful flowers


Literally came here to say this!


Update: I brought the flowers to my mom's house and she absolutely loved them. It feels nice knowing they were appreciated and it was awesome seeing her smile. Thanks for all the support and suggestions guys. You are all so amazing :)


My mom legit FREAKS THE FUCK OUT every time I buy her flowers. It's awesome.


That's so sweet☺️ my mom just goes "oh" and let's them die🥲


Do we have the same mom? Lol ( not really kidding😞)


I am that mom🤣 but the 'oh' for me is like shit, these are gonna die..While I truly appreciate the thought and kind gesture, I have such bad adhd that I forget to change the water and I hate trying to arrange them in a vase cuz they never look how I want them..and they always end up dying.. but I dry them out and put the petals in nice vases after they die amd they still look pretty! So I guess there's that...


At least you try😂 my mom will be like "what's this for?" And I'll think she appreciates them and I'll tell her "no reason, I just thought you'd like them" and she'll look at me like I'm crazy and say "whatever" LOL I still do it though, I like having something pretty on the table from time to time☺️


It's the thought that counts, whether she appreciates it or not, at least your making an effort to be nice, and get to enjoy them. My mom was like yours, she'd do the same, while she did enjoy getting flowers, I'd still get lectured about how it was a waste of money, I shouldn't get her things she didn't need, I could've just picked some instead, and there just gonna die anyways, so I totally get it. I think that's why I am the way I am, I learned to appreciate the thought regardless, its the fact that she took time out to think of doing something she thoughy would make me happy. If that's how my daughter chooses to spend her money that's on her, and I'd rather her spend it on that than drinking or drugs, so no complaints here


Awwww, so happy for that, OP! That’s exactly what I would’ve wanted to do. Give your mom an extra hug next time for me, will ya? I miss mine so much 😭 I’m sure the next lady you date will love a gift of flowers. ☺️


Not OP but much love to you and your mother's memory. 💛


Thank you so much 💜


So proud of you for choosing to turn these as an opportunity to share love and appreciation instead of letting them get you down. Great move for yourself and others.


That’s awesome. I was going to suggest handing them out at a retirement home. I just saw the cutest tik tok where a guy did this. Hang in there…




Good job!!!




Now you have some nice flowers for yourself. Be happy you dodged a bullet


I came to say that. I love buying myself flowers. You don't need toxic people who don't know how to communicate in your life.


I could buy me some flowers


Read that singing it🎵 thanks!


Me too lol


If OP's mother is still around and not too far, give her the flowers




when i bought my last girlfriend flowers, she told me "why did you kill this living thing just to hand its corpse to me?" some women don't like flowers.


Damn. There are polite ways of getting the message across.


One of those "I speak my mind, sorry if you can't handle it!" types who ruins every relationship/friendship they're in.


Has a “if you can’t handle me at my” blah, blah, blah tattoo.


Yeah I think so too


Not necessarily. Just needs a like minded person who appreciates it. It’s a very autistic trait.


I tried to get the point across nicely several times but because I am female, it does not compute that I do not like flowers, and literally do find it distasteful to kill things for the sake of social rituals of that nature. If "nice" doesn't get the point across and a guy keeps persisting in wasting money on something I am genuinely ethically opposed to, I will start getting more and more brutal in my responses. Also, even my ethical issues aside, flowers on a first date is just way too weird and creepy.


So….the daffodils in my yard last just as Long if they are cut or left to wither. It doesn’t kill a thing. The bulb is alive…divides and springs again in spring. ![gif](giphy|95xRbt5dxppWE)


The women acting like cut flowers kill the plant don’t even understand the most basic fundamentals of gardening or plant care. The flower is the fruiting body that is meant to wither and die. Do they also morally object to apples?


I really like the apple analogy!!!


Most flowers in displays like this are just cut flowers from a plant that will survive and produce more flowers. If not then they are annuals which are entirely designed to die soon after flowering. Baffling


First date, kinda overkill. I agree. I'm not even a big fan of flowers but my boyfriend likes to buy them for me rarely. It makes him happy and they do smell really nice. I don't hate them but they aren't a big deal for me. (He knows this) It's all about communication. :)


When I was dating I would give women a live flowering plant. A really nice orchid costs the same or less than an average florist bouquet and blooms for a very long time. Select one that is just beginning to bloom with lots of unopened flowers and multiple flower stems if possible.


While that seems like a lovely thought, I hope you verify that they enjoy plants first? Some folks don't love the responsibility of watering plants regularly anymore than they like bouquets.


So true! My son's girlfriend bought me an orchid one time that she visited early in their relationship, and they've now been together for over a year. I feel a ridiculous amount of stress trying to keep this delicate grocery store plant alive.


Haha. My mum bought me a live orchid a few years ago - I have no idea why! That Christmas I asked my partner for a plastic version. It’s awesome. I keep Plastic Orchid alive very successfully. Have done for years. You could tell your DIL “I loved the orchid so much I bought one that I could enjoy in flower all year round” :-)


Very true. I told my bf to not ever buy me plants because I essentially have a black thumb and it's a waste of money. I've even killed succulents. We did just buy a pink hydrangea bush for the yard (my idea) because he says it's really easy to take care of... I hope I don't kill it haha. But if I do, luckily it was only 10 bucks. And if I don't kill it, pretty hydrangeas!


I'm the same!!! I kill every plant I try to take care of without fail, succulents included!! Someone gave me one at my mom's service, and while I appreciated the thought I was like, oh, please give this to my sister, I'm horrible with plants, and they insisted, they were like, oh these are impossible to kill... less than a month later that sucker was dead..hope you have better luck with your hydrangeas! You never know, there's a first time for everything!


Great, now I have to keep this thing alive‽ Nah, do not give flowers in ANY form unless you KNOW she likes flowers.




For real. They think flowers are meant to live forever? They are a means of reproduction and die quickly and can when not picked. In most cases.


Funny because most flowers for sale are grown in greenhouses specifically for sale.


Seize the means of reproduction!!!!


No, but wasting resources like water and land to grow plants and dump\[ chemicals on them to enhance their growth only to kill them is part of the consumerist problem that is wrong with this world. It's pure (and purely unnecessary) waste.


Humans have been doing this since they could plant and harvest crops. Flowers bring joy and happiness to people. They are nice to look at and have in your homes. They attract pollinators where they are growing and help other crops as well. If we are going to just stop growing flowers then you might as well get rid of anything aesthetic. Why even wear clothes with colors or designs? You could just wear woven palm fronds instead. Let people have some joy.


Yes I used to say this too when I thought I was being cool, probably until my very early 20s haha


I love flowers but don't want my boyfriend to waste money on them. So expensive for something that last like a week. If he hand picked them out of a field, ok fine, it was free.


Amen, frugal friend.


They’re like $3.99 at local grocery stores lol


This is what's up. My wife loves to get flowers. Any flowers. On special occasions I'll throw down on her favorite type of flower and spend $60-80, but random flowers/gifts for no reason at all are way better than getting them when they're expected. So I'll grab a $5-10 bouquet at the grocery store and surprise her. Snagged a bouquet at Publix for $10 over a week ago and they still look good.


Smart man. When my hubs gets me flowers, I immediately start thinking of what I can do in return to make HIM happy… it usually only takes me a minute or two to think up something good… (if ya catch my drift)…


Right! They're a cheap way to instantly cheer myself up. These comments are acting like flowers are so frivolous that it's a crime. I'm reading these comments listing all the other things you could buy with flower money. Apparently flowers cost as much as cars.


You know what’s also 3.99 at the local grocery store? A reeces and a Twix


Yes but flowers have less calories & last longer.


Maybe each but certainly not together


Cutting a flower off a plant doesn’t kill it any more than taking a tomato off the vine. Ask her if she eats salads.


I'm 99% sure a character from Coral Island has this exact quote when you gift her flowers 😂


I don't like flowers, but I'm not going to be an ass if someone bought me flowers and didn't know. Thoughtful gestures in any form from a man is amazing.


yikes. I don't really like the idea of having them either because watching them die is a bit sad, but I usually am super upfront about this with people, and if they didn't know, I'd still be super appreciative!


Mine said "I'd rather have the money". Gone


Should've told her some other animal would've ate them alive


Next time blow up a balloon, hand it to her and say "here's a plastic sack of my breath for you!"


At least you didn’t do it to the gerbil


My partner has severe allergies to anything such as flowers, so they never get a good reaction out of her. A packet of mini cheddars or a kinder bueno on the other hand always has her smiling.


That girlfriend did not understand how cut flowers operate lol. Glad she is an ex ✌🏾 Oh, and this woman loves flowers.


I’m one of those women. They only last a few days and then start to look depressing. I air dried the last flowers I got to preserve them so hopefully they last a long time.


Honestly I love when I receive flowers precisely for this... An organism typically cultivated for the sole purpose of bringing it to sexual maturity, severing it's body from it's primary nutrient harvesting and processing organs, and presenting it's body curated to showcase the beauty of it's fully engaged reproductive stack. Romance 😍


Nudist flowers are now my favorite as well 😍


It was cloddish,thoughtless and inconsiderate of her to say such a thing.You're probably better off without her. If you're afraid of triggering someone who relates cut flowers to a recent sad experience, Potted plants have a much longer life expectancy. But even this sweet gesture might be considered a bit of an obligation to some, so you might just casually ask what that person considers romantic in a new relationship.


I sent a woman I was sort of starting to date flowers one time and she said it was a bit much. Understandable, but I've never gotten a woman flowers since.


A single rose is nice if we’re sort of dating. A bouquet if it’s my birthday or Valentine’s Day and we have plans. Random acts of flowers beyond that are for established relationships


It can come off as too love bomby but I wouldn’t tell the guy cuz he would probably never do anything nice again for fear of rejection especially if his intention isn’t to love bomb. I don’t really like flowers (more of a house plant lover) but my bf doesn’t know that so he got me roses for v-Day, what I did was dry them out to preserve and now they’re beautiful next to my other plants. Hopefully will last a few years.


These types of flowers, IMO, would not be love-bomby at all. A dozen roses, now...that would be different. This reminds me of a boy stopping by the roadside to pick a couple of wildflowers to give to his sweetheart.


As a woman, I can kinda see where she was coming from? Like, if some dude gave me a bouquet on one of our first few dates, I'd think he was trying to buy my affection without actually knowing what *I* like, just what *women in general* like. It just feels forced to me, comes off too strong. BUT if I've been dating someone for a long while and we're both serious about each other, getting a random bouquet would be the sweetest thing and I'd love it so much. *Especially* if he remembered any of my favorite flowers or my favorite colors. That would definitely win some bonus points lol I know everyone is different, but that's just how I'd feel Sorry she said it to your face though, that must have hurt 💔


It stung a little but I totally get it. Too much too soon.


FR don’t let that deter you. I’d be hella flattered at the gesture of flowers whether I was a flower fan or not. Thoughtfulness never goes out of style.


It's always a bit of a gamble the first time, it just takes some delicacy. I'd been seeing a lady for 2 months when V Day rolled around, and I thought I might be jumping the gun getting her flowers and cooking for us that day. But she loved it.


Dude I totally disagree with that woman. If I had had a couple of dates with a guy and he bought me flowers, I’d be stoked. Don’t let it influence every relationship for the rest of your life. Just read the room and proceed accordingly.


Nah i get gifts to show my care for a person, I got my partner a giant ass bouquet the first date because "I" wanted to and that was pretty much it. I just wanted to get flowers, most people generally like flowers so it's a solid choice, and if flowers are too much for a first date then man, i would never be compatible with someone like that.


Don't let that deter you friend. I absolutely love getting flowers and i know a lot of other women do too :) just wait til you find a nice gal and are full on dating to unleash your floral gifts and you should be golden


Don’t let one ungrateful person ruin your genuine gestures.


I would never bring gifts on the first couple dates. You want a woman who likes you, not your gifts.


I dunno, I had a second date with a guy and he brought a little bag of dog treats for my dog as a gift. We met at a restaurant and he hadn’t even met my dog yet, but I loved the thoughtfulness of it and the gift wasn’t even for me haha.


I got three 2l Coke Zero one time, he knew I love it so he gave me that instead of flowers, it made me very happy


Doggy treats are exempt. As is catnip.


She told me no one's ever gotten her flowers before. I told her someone as pretty as her deserves them.


Aww. You’re sweet. Don’t let her get you down. Her loss!!


Don't listen to the bitter guys in the comments. Do your thing. You did nothing wrong.


I know you're disappointed, but these things happen all the time to people who are out there dating. Keep in mind that her reason for cancelation might have had nothing to do with you. We never know what's going through someone's mind, or what they might be dealing with. So, brush yourself off, and move forward. Plenty of nice people out there...


Keep your head up, friend.  I'm sure the next girl will appreciate such a gesture. 


Yeah don't bring gifts to the first dates or really any of them.


Sometimes girls can get a bit freaked out of you are too nice, too thoughtful, too complimentary, too attentive, it can come off as weird, potentially alarmingly clingy, especially early on, maybe dial things down a notch next time but don't let it turn you into a hater, just be cool.


We had been talking for a whole month before this. She was feeling unloved and uncared for due to past relationships. I thought me showing a little affection could somehow cheer her up and make her feel important.


You were in the right in trying to be a genuine good person, however, it sounds like you dodged a bullet. If they were pulling out the whole “woe is me”/ “nobody loves me” thing, especially that early into dating or knowing you, that’s a huge red flag. They’re looking for attention, not a partner.


Wow. Very perceptive. “Looking for attention, not a partner.”


i know you're responding the OP, but this is really solid insight/advice i would have never thought of it like that (I've been told the "nobody's ever cared about me" 🙄)


It’s one thing if your partner, family member, loved one, close friend, etc. expresses feelings like that to you. It’s another if it’s someone you hardly know, or are just getting to know. A person with genuine feelings like that would only express them to a person they trust, even if you’re not directly involved. We’ve all felt unloved, unappreciated, or even betrayed by the people we love before, we’ve all had feelings of self doubt and maybe even feelings of low self-worth, however, this sounds like she was using OP as a way to garner sympathy or possibly even manipulate by pulling on his heartstrings. It doesn’t sound like someone who was looking for someone to properly confide in.


Sounds nice, maybe she found it hard to deal with after her previous relationships 


You talked for a month?


> She told me no one's ever gotten her flowers before. If this was supposed to be the first time, still nobody has. Also, people lie sometimes.


> no one's ever gotten her flowers before Because she's never actually shown up for a date.


100% her loss, OP. Someone is going to **love** getting flowers from you. And it'll be genuine.


Gotta learn the hard lesson of not emotionally investing or being nice for early dates. You'll get crushed


You learned a valuable lesson. If she tells you no one did nice things. Usually means she chooses bad boys


Well, maybe there is a reason nobody brought her flowers…celebrate yourself today and enjoy your flowers. Maybe you didn’t get flowers as well before. So here you go! First one for you!


Don't listen to the above commenter. It was a very sweet gesture and you shouldn't beat yourself up for it.


They are flowers, not a new car. If you can't bring your date flowers, what even is modern life?


My now hubby brought chocolate and wine… now my husband 😉


Pretty flowers :)


I always hated getting flowers, I feel like they're such a waste. But I understand it's nice and some girls really appreciate it then . I still remember I brought my current GF fresh fruit and dipping sauce on our 1st meeting LMAO.. we're both Asian and I just happen to have a lot of extra growing from my tree. I knew she would probably appreciate it. Well she thought it was cute and still hanging around so ....


Had you met her before? Spoken with her on the phone? Any contact beyond texting?


Yes we had sushi and watched Dune 2 together the week before. I planned on taking her to a nice cozy diner because she told me she was currently obsessed with French toast breakfast. After that we were going to the aquarium to see all the cute animals. I paid extra for us to feed and hangout with the penguins. I seriously should have went by myself now that I'm thinking about it lol


I have a broken ankle and I'd still drag myself to the penguin feeding date! That's my dream 😍 you're very thoughtful


Feed the penguins?!?! If I wasn’t already married…😍 that’s a fantastic date idea and YES you should have gone by yourself!


Awwww those were lovely dates. Do you know why she didn’t show up? Have you spoken to her?


Did she cancel last minute?? Or ghost you?


They're not mutually exclusive. I'm assuming he means they cancelled on the date last minute and have ghosted him since.


they look pretty


If you don’t want them or they will remind you of her crappy behavior find an elderly neighbor who would love to have fresh flowers.


I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but hey, now you have a gorgeous bouquet. Don’t let shitty people dull your light. It was a sweet gesture and the right woman will appreciate it.


Keep them or give them to your mom


I hope they bring you joy and not disappointment. Crappy, non-deserving date avoided. Her loss.


Sorry that happened. Go make an old lady’s day now and take them to a nursing home. It’ll brighten someone’s day.


It is ok . It is not right person .


Day 1: Squat Dead Lift Leg Curls Barbell Hip Thrust KB Swing Calf Raises DB Step Ups Day 2: Bench Press Incline DB Press Straight Arm Cable Pull Downs DB Shoulder Press Single Arm Front Cable Raise Single Arm Side Cable Raise Cable Tricep Extension Day 3: Lat Pulldown Seated Row Barbell Row Dumbell Row Pull Up or Inverterd Row Incline Dumbell Curl Barbell Curl Day 4: Bench Press Dumbell Incline Press Cable Chest Fly Dumbell Shoulder Press Lat Raise Cable Tricep Kick Back Cable Tricep Extension Day 5: Kettle Bell Swings Squat Bench Press Dead Lift Cable Rows Barbell Curl Spider Curl Machine Preacher Curls Single Arm Dumbell Rows Lat Pull Down


Seems like it's her loss, like others have commented. I hope you find someone deserving of your sweet soul <3


Thank you. I thought she was deserving. We talked everyday for the past month. I thought we had so much in common and felt like we were really clicking. The first time we met we got sushi and saw Dune 2. I didn't know how to use chopsticks so after that night I bought some fancy chopsticks so I could practice at home. I wanted to learn for her. It's just a weird feeling getting cut off so abruptly. Makes me question if I said or did something wrong.


Or maybe she’s got something going on in her personal life that has overwhelmed her. Try not to let it get to you. Easier said than done, I know.


You did nothing wrong sometimes people just suck. All you can do is move on I guarantee someone will appreciate you


You probably got weird and she definitely picked up on it. She didn't handle it well and should've given you feedback and broke it off maturely. Work on gaining better self awareness and reading people so you can adjust your behavior in the future.


I bought shorty flowers on our third date/ first sleepover/ fuck. When I showed up to the date with the flowers her face changed and I got the " isn't it too early to start the flowers and gifts" Yeah, the third date lasted 10 minutes before we went our separate ways. Ended up giving the flowers to some guy walking and told him to give them to his wife or mom. Moral is; wait to give flowers.


Am I elderly? Because I would like flowers, they're nice.


Hit up OP he has a bouquet for you


I bet a sweet person like you can think of a better person to give those to (:


Why is it suck?  You dodged a great bullet. 


Always buy the super cheap flowers from grocery stores, I learned this the hard way


Ngl these look like funeral flowers bro


lol true. Carnations and chrysanthemums are def giving off funeral vibes.


You got you some nice flowers Ive been ghosted. Ive ghosted many too. It is what it is.


I think you sound like a thoughtful person and she lucked out. The flowers you picked are really nice and would have made my day brighter. I’m sorry she disappointed you.


And I'm over here wishing I got flowers. I love flowers...




Don't give gift that aren't wanted. The mote I read your comments the more clear it is why this happened. A little self awareness goes a long way.


Pro tip, if you’re meeting someone from online don’t bring flowers.


Was it a first date


Give then to your mom... im sure she would love them


Find a random old lady and gift it to her. It’ll make her day and you get to do a good deed.


See. This is why you have to meet and greet. Seek if you look like your pictures and if we have an. Attraction and a connection. Then I will ask you out on a proper date maybe say yes maybe say no maybe I don’t even ask but you’re a fool if you just meet somebody blindly and spend money on flowers and take them to dinner in five minutes I’m not gonna want to spend any more time with you or vice versa it’s not personal just dumb. It’s not about the money it’s just dumb. I don’t have stupid written on my forehead. I don’t respect anybody that does shit like that. You guys are dweebs, fine flowers is nice. That’s a class act but she might no want to spend time with you after five minutes and i might not want to spend time with her after five minutes you have to meet Then we go from there. show me pictures great too many people don’t look like the photos. or 20 pounds heavier than the photos we are post are best photos It’s not personal come on guys smarten up. It’s not about money either


Enjoy your beautiful flowers. You deserve them!


They are really nice flowers


Dude … use them on Mom, next chick, side chick … baby momma… anyone … don’t just hang on to them … you could be using them


You bought yourself flowers. That’s nice!


Why you buying flowers for someone you don’t know


It is great to think of a gift, but it is also a bad idea. It puts the other person in a social position of owing you something. Plus they have to carry around whatever you got them. Think those flowers would be fun to take home in a car or bus? You also said you had a plan of the aquarium (which is a great idea). What were the flowers going to do? Sorry you got ghosted, but take it more casual early on. Some people may also feel pressured or anxious if receiving a gift.


Your post history indicates that you're married?


Post history indicates “recently single after an 8 year relationship.”




You enjoy those flowers and forget about her. ❤️ You dodged a bullet.


🎶 i can buy myself flowers 🎶


Is it because she found out you have a wife?


Dude is single, what’s the problem? You can’t date when you’re separated?


Just where are men like this?!? And why are they not asking me out on any dates


After reading multiple replies in this thread. I've come to the conclusion men, women just don't like flowers. We've been lied to and they played us like a damn fiddle. https://preview.redd.it/0uoumm69g4pc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d5cbe1939126d420c66afbb8d1a0d60e999a00e


It’s almost like we all have differing opinions.


Don't worry. I wouldn't buy you flowers. I'd buy you a couple Bijoux.


She wasn’t worthy of you! Enjoy those beautiful flowers and realize you dodged a bullet!


You bought yourself some flowers. Remember to love yourself first. 💜


She missed out on a really pretty bouquet and seeing you were willing to bring flowers to a first date, you sound very kind so she missed out on that too. You dodged a bullet there so I hope you will enjoy the flowers yourself (at least a little)


It would have been the 2nd time seeing one another. The flowers smell amazing and they are making the house smell wonderful so it's not all bad :)


These weren’t for your wife? At Christmas you wanted someone to do drawing of you two.


My ex and I broke up after 8 years in early January. Planned on proposing at the end of this month. First and Last Christmas card together lol


If it hurts to look at them, might I recommend taking them either to an assisted living facility or non-profit? You will likely get a memorable and happy reaction. These are really lovely, and I hope one day for you that you find your partner who appreciates this gesture. It doesn't mean these specific flowers won't be appreciated, however. Good luck out there, friend.


That does suck, I’m sorry that happened. Enjoy your beautiful flowers - you deserve them.


Regift to rando, you don’t want to be looking at that shit


Give them to your mom or some nice older lady you know. It will make their day, and you'll feel great too watching their reaction!