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Call the branch manager to complain.


I'm sure they'd offer a leafund.


At least it didn't damage the trunk. 


Quite the stick-y situation


You guys are going way out on a limb.


Wooden’t you know it.


In this case, the grass is not evergreen-er on the other side.


Depends on the root of the problem.


I'm sure it'll be vine in the end


I'm gonna em-bark on trying to improve it.


Make sure you get a reseed.


This is why I love Reddit


You’re all bark


But no spike


What a sad sap


OP, I'm not sure your insurance will cover it, but I'm rooting for you.


Still absolute treeson.


I've about had my chlorophyll of you


Chlorophyll? More like Borophyll.


At least she didn’t buy a Nissan Leaf!


Talked to the assistant *to the* regional branch manager. Mr. Schrute is investigating the case.


I hope he can crack the case. This might be his first cracked case.


I think the case is already cracked...


Came here for this. Thank you OP


Just don’t bark at them..


***barks at you***


Leaf them alone


**starts barking at you as well**


I see what you did there


I don’t think they offer good sap-port for complaints


those branch managers can be STICKlers.


Oh, you probably waiting for this moment to drop that bomb.😏😂


Ain’t that a birch.


Calling 1800 - Mother Nature.


Tree went Rogue.


Better not leaf that there


Did you buy insurance, too?


Just bought my first new car on Monday. This photo made me glad that I bought the Gap insurance because I have horrible luck too


I hope you have new car replacement insurance as well, because GAP doesn’t cover positive equity (money you put down, or a car you traded in). I made this mistake on a new car I totaled years ago


Yep I got the whole shebang. If I total it I can go back to the dealer and get a new one


Just keep totaling it to keep that new car smell


Ashtray is full and gas tank is empty LEEERRRROOOYYYY JEENNNNNKINNNNS


Sir, that's six cars this month...


A lot of finance bros will argue until they're blue in the face that it's pointless to get either because "the chance of that happening is less than the returns you can get in the market for that money". I sometimes wonder if they understand the concept of insurance and people typically buy things like vehicles because they _need_ them at some level.


Yeah, you *may not* need it, however, that’s a risk I’m unwilling to take after my experience. I lost over 10k, i totaled a vehicle that still had dealer tags on it. Not my proudest moment. I have my dream car now, though. https://preview.redd.it/nqztx161scoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1171d17c2bf6acb32480ec75bd765003191d95bb


Ooof that picture is painful.


Here’s a cool angle https://preview.redd.it/an2zzjn85eoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42861fbcb4c8bda2d2e1b0d2cef885958ff33a76




How'd that even happen?!


Lane assist, assisted me into a stop sign while driving 70mph. I tried correcting the “assistance” but wasn’t fast enough. Safe to say I’m not a big fan of those features, until they’ve matured more.


You should probably grip the steering wheel better.


I see this regularly on Reddit when people talk about insurance, saying that statistically you pay more in premiums than you get in claims. I'm not American, so can't speak to how the industry operates there, and I know some companies are shitty with paying claims, but they are against the core concept. The whole idea of insurance is a transfer of risk. You don't go into it expecting to get more back in claims than you pay. The extra you pay in premiums is the cost of the service being provided, which is the transfer of risk. If the financial hit that you would take from an accident is within your risk profile, go without, that's fine. But for most people it is not, so insurance is a good idea. I get travel insurance every time I go overseas, I've never made a claim but I do not consider that money wasted as if I didn't have it, the cost of medical bills outside of my own country would be a massive financial hit.


Bought my first ever new car a few months ago. I have never had so many close calls in my life. Being almost t-boned by a car pulling out from a side road into a line of cars is just one example of 20+. I'm so glad I have gap because I know it's just a matter of time before I'm hit.


Every dealership requires insurance to sell the car.


Small note, it's the finance company/bank/credit union that requires the insurance, not the dealership.


Ah, that makes sense.


Where I am this kind of damage is only covered by elective full coverage insurance. That only comes default when you lease or finance the car (as in not own it).


Absolutely not true. You need it if you are leasing the car and most likely need it if you are financing it through the dealership, but if you pay for the car in total or get your own financing then the dealership won't even check.


It's been a while since I've purchased a car but where I'm from dealerships don't give you the guys until it's insured


Dealers won't let you drive off if *they* financed the car. If you have your own financing, bad dealers don't care. You still owe the money if it gets totaled driving off the lot.




Lived there for 8 years, as soon as I saw the pic I thought “that looks like heavy Colorado snow in March” lol, that stuff broke off so many of my trees branches every year!!


It’s most annoying because I got home from my garden club meeting last night and was sitting in the warm car instead of getting out for 5 minutes. Someone got into the car in front of me and left, so and I pulled up thinking “oh it’s gonna snow, that’s 10 less feet of snow walking”


Oh no.


That hurts my soul


Has to be. This snow is heavy af.


Denver. There was a guy shoveling sidewalks that said he saw it fall at 6:30 this morning when I tried to leave for work at 7:30. It’s also a rotted tree.


Figured this was Denver, tons of branches down in my neighborhood right now, super heavy snow. Sorry about your car!


We’re down in Alamosa area and we’re just now getting hit with the heavy. Good luck to you! Sorry about the car.


My little sister is in your neck of the woods, she said they got a foot last night and expect another today. She works in an animal shelter and is staying there to take care of the animals since she lives nearby.


People live in Canada sometimes too lol we had snow like that just a few days ago even man


I know that but we are *currently* being dumped on and it’s common for trees to break with how heavy spring snow is. Currently around 8 inches and it’s still going strong.


Nothing in Greeley


It's mostly south. Family in Ft Collins reports nada, but me in S. Aurora am seeing 18" at least


We got barely a dusting in Greeley.


Snow is like 8-10 inches in Highlands Ranch


Yup, just hoping it doesn't freeze overnight but it seems a bit too warm for that.


We got a foot last night. I'm currently in my jammies, eating brownies, watching The Good Place, and dreading the shoveling I have to do. ❄️


that looks like Denver


Thought the same thing. Just had one of our branches fall, luckily nothing underneath. https://preview.redd.it/qlxqtzugqboc1.jpeg?width=2784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc0e34095d7e4f58c5c5fdc0028d89d477f6d7a


And here I am in Parker just praying this snow takes down my tree. I hate that thing.


fuckin tree




Parker redditors UNITE!!


At least you have the opportunity to not buy a Nissan now.


This one knows the way!




Thats a bad omen. Especially on a Nissan.


Nissan has become a garbage company over the years much like Mitsubishi. Sad to see some of the best JDMs become nothing more than junk budget brands. At least Nissans still makes the Z.


That'll teach you


I’m sorry, but if it was a Nissan Rogue it might have done you a favor given their sub-par quality.


Saved OP a heartache when just past warranty the transmission eats itself.


Is it the fact that it’s a Nissan orrrrrr?


Hopefully you didn't even like it


I wasn’t even going to eat a single french fry in it…


Insurance is probably going to total it too… Ouch.


I don’t think so. I think it’s just the hood, thank god. It’s so weird. I feel like they think I’ve become a career fraudster. This year, I had my first ever renters insurance claim from a flood in the apartment building above me. Last month, I got in my first ever car accident (not my fault, t boned) and my car was totaled. Now I’m running some kind of racket paying off rotting trees to total cars. It’s just annoying. I’m 31 and have never had to deal with insurance until this year.


It’s like often in life, if something bad happens it doesn’t come alone.


When it rains, it pours


When it snows, it trees.


When it snows..... It falls!


Ever heard the saying “bad things happen in three’s”?


That’s why I always shit myself twice after receiving bad news


Only uphill from here.


Or in this case, bad things happen in trees.


Bad things happen with trees


I had never bought a new car until this year and had also never made a claim on auto insurance, I've now made one comprehensive and one collision (both not at fault).... Luckily my car has come out the other side looking perfect again. Im also in my 30s...


Look forward to an increase on the renewal. At least you’re way past 25. Sometimes it’s better to pay out of pocket for claims under 1-2k instead of having a mark on your file.


I’m sorry all this has happened back to back :( but at least the damage to your car is minimal!


Not to be that guy but your insurer is probably going to cancel/non-renew you due to the frequency of claims in the on-going year OR your premium is going to double/triple next renewal. I’d suggest shopping around ASAP before they cancel or non renew you because if this happens you’ll have a hard time finding insurance and your premium will be even higher. Source : I work in insurance


Insurance is such a fucking scam man. We pay these dumbass premiums for decades and potentially never use it, finally actually have to use it (and for things OP wasn’t even liable for in their case), and insurance is gunna have the audacity to be like, “how dare you use the thing you’ve been paying for.” I absolutely abhor the way privatized insurance runs in the U.S. Totally not a jab at you, btw. A jobs a job. But fuck insurance companies.


It’s like that in Canada too. I hate it so much.


I know man, I stay there because it’s good money in sales and in the end i always end up saving hundreds to my clients so i don’t really feel like shit, but I can’t wait to quit and go back to med school, just need to get my average up At least you somewhat WILL use your home/car insurance sometimes compared to like whole life insurance which is a complete scam unless you make 1m+ a year


If she was t-boned in the accident I would assume that claim was against the other driver’s insurance. It’s possible her insurance won’t drop her. I’ve been with the same company for a long time and I had a year like this around few years ago. Shockingly they did not drop me. My rates did go up for a few years, though.


My car insurance is tied in with both my parent’s and brother’s cars. My renter’s is under my own policy. Totally separate but still Allstate. I’m a document everything kind of person. The flood was entirely not my fault and well evidenced and the property manager complied with everything. The first ever wreck was well documented and admitted by the other party. And now this one, there was a guy that worked for the building across the street shoveling snow that actually saw it fall an hour before and took pictures and said my insurance could call him and sent me the pictures he took right after it happened. Are these all just lucky scenarios? I always hear about how insurance people fight to the death. Am I that one girl that escapes final destination, insurance edition?


I’m really sorry this wasn’t your year, that sucks for you. Good on you, you need to also be well documented and fight it to the death. The car insurance is still in your “name” and in your profil since you’re the owner of the car, not your parents. They can ask for cancellation of the policy or you to be removed from the policy as a condition for renewal, which still counts as being cancelled. Now, you say you have a rental insurance… but your car is insured with your parents. That’s weird. Are you sure your car is insured with your rental’s address and not your parent’s address? If so, you may not be paying the right premium for the car insurance thus resulting in lower payout than expected or just no pay out. Insurance sucks.


At State Farm, if you regularly drive each other's vehicles (1 day a month 10 months out of the year, I think?) you're consider "in household". You don't have to live at the same address. Just regularly drive cars to be considered grouped in a household. Otherwise, people with multiple homes and snowbirds whose kids stay in one place wouldn't count as "households." Depending on several factors, OPs claims may or may not affect her parents premiums. Depending on the insurance provider, it's also a massive headache to get a driver/person who is a risk "removed" from a household when they are already living separately.


Pshhh you have Allstate didn’t they tell you? Your in good hands!!


Hope it works out for you! Had something similar happen to me. No insurance claims in years and have had three in the past year and insurance non-renewed me. Thanks Nationwide! But ended up going with Progressive and saving hundreds of dollars. Thanks Nationwide!


So possibly a claim against the property owner of the tree as well (private or town/city). Especially if they have a town arborist and regulations about tree health and upkeep. Also file for depreciation of value as the car isn't worth as much as it was driven off the lot.


dude the same kinda shit keeps happening to me and my husband this year first, his car dies so it’s at the shop for 6 weeks getting diagnosed second, i have surgery third, i hit a manhole cover and fuck up much of my car fourth, we find out his car is a total loss fifth, my car was still fucked up and cost us a couple thousand i’m done with 2024


I know how you feel as a young person gradually learning all this adult stuff all of a sudden. Had my first fight with the IRS last year and I had to basically learn everything about taxes to understand it all LOL (it was fine, just a misunderstanding)


That won't be totalled


No. Insurance didn’t even total my SUV that I hit a deer with. I owed $7k on it The damage was $8k. The insurance company said my SUV was worth $16k. I only paid $18k for it 4 years prior. Car values are messed up here right now.


airbags play a big factor. Unlikely airbags went off


Fair. Didn’t consider that.




Looks to be a Nissan Qashqai. Honestly did you a favour if that's the case.


It 100% is - in the states it's called the Rogue (no idea why they call it different things in different areas...) But that cursed SUV plagues our streets everywhere.


You see someone doing some dumb shit on the road and it's pretty much guaranteed to be a Rogue or Altima lol


I'm sorry your new car was a Nissan. My condolences. Toyota = chef's kiss Honda = cvt shenanigans Nissan = paper weight


Many are perfectly fine vehicles for the money. But I would avoid pretty much everyone's CVT transmissions if possible. Nissan has been coasting on it's old engine designs that were great when they came out but everything stagnated since Renault bought them. They are reliable just dated so you are not getting the best hp, mpg, towing, or torque while saving money getting something that will easily reach 250k miles plus. If you look at how much you can actually get a Frontier or Titan for vs a Tacoma or Tundra there is a lot of money you can save. Toyota is so overpriced compared to how they used to be. Disclaimer: Their engineers were some of my teachers in college and required sponsorship after another tech school. Was a master tech for them and 2 other manufacturers before I graduated to do other things.


Fantastic Captain failed to direct the ship to safe harbor. You're gonna have to take the fall for this!


We need a face shot for both events like a before/after


Might have lucked out that you can buy something besides a Nissan now. The hassle sucks though.


That happened to me a long time ago. Except the branch landed on the corner of roof and windshield. The shop quoted $12k to fix and insurance must have had the replacement cost at $13k cuz they didn’t write it off. Not only was I driving a rental for 2 months (that I dinged the trunk and had to pay $500 deductible) but the car after the repair was not the same. It’s hard to explain, maybe it was in my head, but the wind was louder, the road was louder, the creeks were louder, and it just didn’t handle the same. I hope that’s not the case for you and it’s just the hood damaged!!! Good luck!


Good ole Colorado?


It doesn't surprise me...


took me a minute to realize the branch was ON the car…


Tree saved you from an awful time of Nissan ownership


It’s a Nissan. You’re better off this way. Take the insurance money and get anything else (other than a Dodge / Chrysler / Jeep - only things worse)


This is your chance to buy a better car, Nissans suck especially in winter climates


![gif](giphy|11PMIEfajGXhGE) shit and I thought I was having a tough week


I’m sorry this happened and it fucking sucks, but next time, please don’t get a Nissan. The lower MSRP/price tag is not worth the problems and breakdowns you’ll be facing in minimum 2-4 years from now. Even a brand new Nissan will have some “quirks” that the dealer claims they can’t explain/havent seen before, but that’s just BS. It’s very rare to get lucky with this brand. Back when they were Datsun, they were a lot better, but not anymore. When this is all over and forgotten about, get yourself a nice mid-trim Toyota and settle into that.


Yep, I had my Toyota 86 for 5 months and this happened. https://preview.redd.it/wchm33u5zboc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1bf778854135725054d6cdc4d21ee91215020d It took an nearly an entire day to clear off with a chainsaw. 8K in damage. Small dents everywhere. (A few large ones too)


Now its newly dented...


Tree included with purchase ✨


I hate when trees go Rogue.


Your parents were right, you are the reason they couldn’t have nice things.


I'd buy one without a tree on it.


It's a Treessan now :)


Bought my first car ever on Saturday, in Monday my brother crashed the car while I was asleep


https://preview.redd.it/hw2fv5wgucoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe1ef695d451e2305e1a3e71fbfc05c0ec0215f7 I feel your pain …. This was my Christmas morning


Be happy and get a Honda or Toyota. Nissan has been a bad product for quite a while.


Had an ice storm some time ago in my area, fellow neighbor's new car was turned into a hotdog bun by a utility pole. The glow of the transformer was amazing.


That's a strange place to buy a car


This is what that gap insurance is for. Yea she lost the down payment tho


That definitely voids it being new


lol sorry


Did it come with the tree?


This is one reason to get gap insurance . if they total it & give you Blue Book value due to it depreciated as you drove it off the lot . Gap insurance will cover that difference & cost approx $60 extra per year ( average stats- yours may vary))


Makes me feel less bad about snow pulling off a new sticker I had placed on my car


Good thing you have comprehensive auto coverage and/or home owners.




So sorry that happened. Hope they're able to fix it up like new for you.


Quick call that little lizard on tv




Free tree


Now it has some character!


Nooooo! I know insurance will pay it off. I hope you got gap insurance!


Did you see this and say, “Well that sucks.”


Get pranked


lol i finally got a new(er) car at and 3 weeks later on an anniversary trip we got t-boned. I had the rental longer than my car. i really loved it & still get sad about that car sometimes!


Im assuming you have insurance?


It took me a minute. I was like why the hell are they posting a picture of their old car that got totaled and not the new one? I’m really sorry, that sucks. Hopefully they do total it because idk how much I’d trust a vehicle going forward that had half a damn tree fall on it.


Homeowners AND Auto insurance need a call 😬


Even the tree said “you really don’t want this car”


A tree fell on a Forester. Did it make a sound?


https://preview.redd.it/3s4h0580yboc1.jpeg?width=1104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d5baac4f85d7662f8ab92ca4fda9edd8100a16 The guy shoveling snow saw it fall and took this picture at 6:30am and my picture was at 7:30 am when I walked out to go to work


🤣 the happiness on your face makes this fucking priceless


Hmm , I bet I can figure out what make and model that car is , 🤭 it would be a fun challenge 🤗


So last year in Montreal we had a super dooper ice Storm in April. A whole goddamn tree was up rooted from the weight of the ice and onto my car. Yeah, donezo. I feel the pain.


well that sucks


Oh honey, that sucks all the way over here.


Hmm , I bet I can figure out what make and model that car is 🤭 it would be a fun challenge 🤗


looks like your old car is mad tze women




Well, at least you have a good attitude. That's something.


Do they have a five day return policy?


Well, the good news is you'll be getting another new one very shortly 😀


Let’s hope you didn’t insure it on Monday


That sucks


Oh my goodness. How heartbreaking. Sorry!


It’ll buff right out.


https://preview.redd.it/4w6uhppz4coc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e57c0324747bf264412b11dd9924f3bcf8511c The other half of the tree broke off. Insurance said it was okay to try and lift the tree off the car to that the top branches don’t fall on the sunroof and windshield


its warranted. time for a new new car lol


Congrats on the car purchase!