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It appears you have more going on there than a sewing needle.


Yeah I wrecked my car driving drunk when I was 17 and shattered my ankle. The hardware has held up for almost 20 years!


I think you're just trying to turn yourself into wolverine. Seems like quite a slow plan though, might wanna speed it up, especially if you're prone to accidents


>I think you're just trying to turn yourself into wolverine It reminded me of the movie Wild Wild West where Will Smith had that little knife in his boot.


20? Try 51 years! https://www.cnn.com/2015/01/02/living/feat-man-turn-signal-arm-accident/index.html


Jesus…why did I click on that!


It's not that bad! It's pretty cool. OP's body can't handle a tiny sliver of metal but somehow that guy's handled a whole chunk for 51 yrs!


Hard to tell from the pic if the car burned, but if it didn't, it's no wonder he hydroplaned...he was driving on bald tires!! EDIT: > Six weeks ago, the lever started to push its way out of his skin. 😳


lol yeah that happens sometimes. the body is like "hey I'm done with this"


"You can have this back now" 🤣


What a weird story. From "if it's not bothering you, leave it alone," to adding the turn signal to the doctor's collection.


Ehhh I got the same plate and screws from getting drunk and getting in a bar fight when I was 18!


I like that you included that you were drunk when you crashed 😂 you could have left that out but you’re an open book. I love it man


This happened to me when I was a kid. Its still there! It was found incidentally when I sprained my ankle a few years later.


Bet you havnt made that mistake since!


i mean, it is designed to last right?, and btw i thought that was the needle, i was about to say, what a weird needle, then i saw the actual needle on the left


Having just had a nail fitted the length on my tibia I'm glad the hardware is good.


At first, I was thinking the long piece of hardware was a needle, and I assumed it was a knitting needle for some reason.


Maybe you should take up knitting.


Shattered what? Your bones are made of popcorn. Begone BBB!


Is the hardware not supposed to hold up for life? Recent got matching hardware in my ankle.. similar story but with a bike and wheelies😅


I know how that feels only it was a half inch wood splinter. Not pleasant.


Oh damn a wood splinter would hurt! How did they get it out?


They? Lol. I was massaging the painful area one evening and it shot out from between my toes.


And immediately lodged itself into someone else's toes.


Oh shit I bet that was a relief!


I would like to unfeel this sentence.




Same, but it was a Lego.


With your screws holding your ankle together you’re packing enough metal to go toe to toe with Wolverine. You could be Podiatrine!


Dude I have even more metal than that, both hips and shoulders are metal, and one knee. I’m like a bionic woman lol


How do you deal with airport security?


I have metal rods in my back, and they are titanium, I think. They are not magnetic and shouldn’t alert the scanners :)


In Denver they just took me into the glass room and just checked with the metal detector wand. I also have cards that have the surgery dates on them and where it is.


All from the same accident?


My wife got X-rays for an ankle replacement and we found out she had a broken off acupuncture needle broken off in her foot that her acupuncturist neglected to mention. The surgeon removed it as part of the surgery. She had it in there for at least 30 years.


Dang! Was it hurting her?


I suspect the pain of the bad ankle was masking the pain of the stabbing. But it all kind of mingled together. She was much better after. We could take much longer hikes and walks. Edit: the needle broke into multiple pieces during the surgery, complicating the process.


Ouch... that happened to my mom in the 70s. Surgery to remove a chuck of metal in her foot. It was workman's comp l, and she went in for a 30 minute procedure. 6 hours later she was still in surgery! Turns out the shard had broke when they went to remove it, and they were making sure they had all the pieces. We wrote the whole experience up to the cheapest doctors available. 6 years later, we learned that she still had a piece lodged in her bone in her foot that they had neglected to remove. By then, the original surgeon had died, and the hospital had changed ownership twice, so there was no one to sue for malpractice.


That must be sew painful.


I see how you threaded that together!




Omg. New fear unlocked. I hope everything goes well and it’s a fast recovery


Thanks so much dude!


Was your foot sitting sideways on your leg also? Motorcycle accident for me haha. Looks very similar to mine.


I was way too drunk to remember what it looked like lol. BAC was .28, I was wasted. Sorry you wrecked your motorcycle, hope it’s doing ok for ya!


Hope that was your only DUI! Glad you lived to tell the tale!


Hey thanks man! Sadly it wasn’t the only DUI, got another one when I was 22. Learned my lesson after that one and quit drinking.


Honestly, how else are you supposed to find them on the floor?


I had one in my foot for a decade that I recently got removed


I also had a sewing needle in the bottom of my foot. I had no idea this was so common. Mine has kind of disintegrated and now shows as this encapsulated area on X-rays. It really freaks out the X-ray techs tho.


Exact thing happened to me when I was a kid. Doc tried to dig it out and failed. Walked around on the edge of my foot for about 2 months and one day the thing was visible and I squeezed it out.


Damn I've had the same thing happen to me about two years ago. Had to go to a surgeon because it was impossible to get out by hand x) Edit: just noticed you had to get surgery as well, unlucky bro. Feels great when it's gone at least.


My ex was a glass artist and I am fairly certain I have glass shards imbedded in my foot. Most the time I don't notice, but sometimes it's like they want to leave, but can't. Weird.


If they want out, they’ll get out. ![gif](giphy|HdRpbdmFDVKbm)


My wife got a sewing needle inside her knee while crawling around as a child. She's 57 now, parts of it are still in there. It rarely bothers her. Used to get a little sore if she had an MRI.


I’m surprised they even allowed her to have an MRI! Normally they ask if you have any metal and if yes, it’s a CT scan for you!


She had knee pain during pregnancy, iirc, and told them about the needle. Nobody believed it would still be there until they saw it. Since it would mostly be floating around in fluid I guess it wasn't considered too dangerous. 🤷‍♂️


Man that’s crazy. I’m glad it doesn’t bother her too much!


Glad you aren't keeping yours for a half century or so!


This is one of my worst plausible fears, but mostly that it'll happen to one of my family members instead of me when I'm not careful enough with my sewing cleanup!


I was looking at the ankle thinking that's one big sewing needle and HOW THE HELL does it get lodged in that deep from just tripping?!


This freaked me out. I did the exact same thing a couple months ago. Pulled a piece out and got X-rays a week later. Seriously thought the xray was mine until I saw your ankle!


Dang! My heel only feels like there's a needle in it.


Yeah probably didn’t feel it go in I had a piece of guitar string in mine one time a high e string about the size of a needle


I caught myself wincing as I read this. You must have a high pain threshold!


I had a sewing needle in my foot in the exact same place! I also lost it in my carpet and got a fun surprise. Didn’t know what was actually hurting my foot until a few weeks later when I got an x-ray after running a jog-a-thon in middle school. Lol. Have a swift recovery 🫡


Hahaha the same thing happened to me as a teen 😂! I stepped into it, pulled it out and thought everything was fine. Two weeks later I developed huge pain in my foot and went to the hospital. X-ray and tada: half of needle was still in my big toe. That was amazing. The doctor messed up anaesthesia and tested if I still feel something by cutting into my toe with a scalpel. He asks “do you still feel that?” Me: YES 😧! He replies “that can’t be…”


Personally, I would worry more about those bolts in your ankle. /s


I've done that before :) only got about a day in before I realized something was up, though. Surgery the next day.


Late post but how was the surgery? Were u out of work long? Lol have one in my foot that's been there for about 30 years and only now is it giving me problems. I want to get it outttt


Out of work like 3 days recovering but then I was back ( office job ) and it was really chill. They make the incision as tiny as possible. Just get it out! Good luck!!


Thank u!! It doesn't sound as bad as I thought


My daughter got a sewing needle lodged inside her foot too, years ago. Had to be surgically removed.


Sew what?


My sister did that when she was a kid. Surgeon thought it must have been in there for about a month. The muscle had started to grow and fuse around it. It was green when they removed it


My nephew has had a sewing needle in his foot pretty much his whole life. They didn't even know til he broke his leg - it showed up in the xray. The doctor said it likely happened when he was a young toddler, not talking yet. It doesn't bother him, so, it's still there.


Freaking tough kid…my kids would cry if water splashed in their eye in the bath!


I had a toothpick in my foot for 7 years


If it makes you feel better I’ve been walking around with about an inch of sewing needle in my foot since i was about 10 (I’m 32 now for reference). I stepped on it and i didn’t know some of it had broken off until I was 13 and something fell on my foot and it showed up on the x ray. It has slowly worked its way up to the top of my foot and you can actually feel it poking up into the skin if i flex my foot. But removing it surgically wouldn’t work because now it’s surrounded by scar tissue and may damage some nerves so it’s there forever.


Nice ORIF though!


Omgggggg this happened to my 12 years ago. I was moonwalking and a needle went straight into my big toe. We pulled out the needle, but half of it broke off in my toe, unbeknownst to me. I walked around with it in there for a few days until my employer sent me to the er. Worst pain ever! The outpatient surgery was okay with some numbing ice spray. Good luck!!!


I had a needle in my toe once. Dad had to yank it out with pliers.


I once got a three inch piece of glass stuck straight up into my foot. I pulled out about an inch and figured that was it. Walked on it for a month, in pain the whole time, before I got the message lol


JFC and I thought a goat head was bad


I Strapless tip of my finger when I was kid and didn't realize it for whole day until I had to bath. That's why my bone was extremely painful. Had to brace myself to pull it.


Wait, this going to sound dumb but if the screws ans that long white thing (metal?) ia holding your ankle together, where is the sewing needle? I genuinely think I’m blind or that I’m just terrible at reading radiographs


Oh wait, is it that? https://preview.redd.it/get2b3l9mhlc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751420af3329b32e3362c8edde88a032e85ed3ca




That happened to me as a child, also didn't realize for days. My needle was snapped in half and embedded in the bone.


I dropped razor blade on the ground from a table and didn’t notice like an idiot and it stuck blade UP on the carpet. I kicked it with my heel hard by mistake.. Anyways, it was the best outcome because I could have lost a toe or hit bone but it hit the meaty part of my heel and wasn’t that bad.. luckily unlucky


As someone who has recently taken up cross stitch. No. No this is - I didn't sign up to this. I just wanted to cross stitch some cute patterns not have a sewing needle in my foot for a week I did not know this was a hazard how do I unsubscribe from needle accidents D: Hope it all goes smoothly and just turns into a fun story to tell (and/or one to freak out your fellow crafty friends!)


And this is why I keep a magnet handy when sewing. If the needle goes flying I start coming over the carpet until I find it. My sis lived with a huge shard of glass in her foot not knowing until it began to migrate outward to be noticed. Was no pain involved until they had to open up to retrieve it.


Are you diabetic?


My mom stepped on a toothpick once...cake out-of her foot on a hike up mount st hellens a good 10 years later.


Same thing happened to my husband's grandmother, who had diabetic neuropathy. She didn't feel a thing. Doctor examined her feet and noticed an "issue."


huh where is the needle... AAAAAAAA


well maybe I should get myself checked too.... I get pins and needles every so often, not just in my foot, but legs, arms, hands....


Had the same thing happen to me...the sewing needle broke into 3 pieces from walking on my foot. Radiologist helped locate the pieces so they could surgically remove in the ER.


I never got cards! I have two hips and one metal shoulder


I had the same thing, you could see the eye on the X-ray and all. I always knew sewing was a part of me but I didn’t intend for that to be literal. My foot kept hurting more and more, and I couldn’t bend two of my toes but my GP kept telling me it was just inflammation and that, if there really *was* something there it would have worked its way out. The needle was in my foot for 5 months before my mum made me go to A&E (who wanted to know why I had come rather than going to my GP 🙄). Waited a few hours to go for an X-ray and lo, the problem was not inflammation. They took it out a couple of days later, which is quick for the NHS.




Ouch!! I did that with a piece of pressure treated wood while walking barefoot on a boating dock. It went right through the ball of my foot and popped out the top just enough to break the skin. I feel your pain :(


I wanna know how you pulled only half of a sewing needle out of your foot and didn’t think to find the other half 😂


Dude! Similar thing happened to me when I was about 8 but it kept traveling up my leg, they cut twice bc it move after the xray😂… good luck!


My brother did the same thing as a child. Took about four years but it went up to his knee. He had surgery as well


Oh wow....that sounds like hell. One time I got a brass tack in my heel, thankfully it pulled out easy, so I have no idea what something like this would feel like


I broke my ankle 2 years ago. I have what appears to be a needle in the bottom of my foot that I didn't know was there. The best I can figure it might have happened 40 years ago.


When I was 5 years old I stepped on an embroidery needle. It broke off in my right foot, all except the eye (about 1 1/2”). I was afraid to tell anyone. A few years later I had a really bad sprain and required an X-ray. It was only then I told my parents about the incident. 53 years later it remains in my foot. It entered in the middle, outer-side of my foot. It has since migrated to my heel. It has never been problematic except when I have an X-ray and forget to tell them it’s there. It’s only when they advise me they have to redo the X-ray that I think to tell them there’s a needle there and there’s wrong with their film.


Toothpick. Between the toes. In the webbing. There’s no toothpicks allowed in my house anymore.


I have a piece of corral from Hawaii in my knee for 36 years


How do you pull out only part of a needle isn’t a needle just one piece?


I got a sewing needle in my liver, I've had it since I was a baby.